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 The social worker fulfills a social mission that is based on the fundamental values and

principles of the profession: social justice, the dignity and uniqueness of the person, the
integrity of the person, self-determination, confidentiality, the importance of interpersonal
relationships, the provision of services with competence and for the benefit of clients.
 The main purpose of the social worker's activity is to assist people in difficulty by getting
involved in the identification, understanding, correct evaluation and solution of social
 Social workers cannot abuse their positions of power and relationships of trust with people
with whom they engage in a professional support relationship. Social workers recognize the
boundaries between personal and professional life and do not abuse their positions for
personal gain.
 The intensity and the activities it entails
evaluation and intervention in the respective case;
- the level of risk involved, for example the lack
support services, lack of information;
Vulnerability of the client-beneficiary,
the likelihood of significant damage
- the complexity of the case - including factorssuch as multiple problems, the child
protection issues, involvement in moreagencies, care placement
- the physical distances to be covered: from example brothers from different locations, court
location,of services

Recognition of human dignity
Social workers recognize and respect the dignity and worth of people through attitude, word
and deed.
Promotion of human rights
Social workers adopt and promote the fundamental and inalienable rights of people.
Promoting social justice.
Social workers have a responsibility to engage people in the achievement of social justice, in
relation to society in general and in relation to the people they work with in social services.
Respect for confidentiality
Social workers respect and work in accordance with the human right to privacy, unless there
is a risk that the person will harm themselves or those around them, as well as breach certain
legal provisions.

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