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Dick size difference

Penis size roll table:

Roll a 1d6 to get a character cock size (I’m not a huge fan of the vanilla cock size rules)

Tiny Dick: 1

Small Dick: 2

Regular Dick: 3

Huge Dick: 4

Enormous Dick: 5

Impossible Dick: 6

Give a bonus or Malus to the dice depending on the size, the max is still 6 and the minimum is 1

Small: -1

Normal: 0

Huge: +1

Enormous: +2

Gigantic +3

Huge dicks fetish change:

lose 1d4 lust when looking at small and tiny cocks, also lose 1 pleasure dice when having sex with
someone with a small or tiny cock, if you have 2 Huge dicks fetish lose the ability to feel pleasure
from those cocks, and lose 1 pleasure dice when having sex with someone with a regular dick, and
with 3 huge dick fetishes you can’t feel pleasure from regular dicks.

Potion of cock:

If the person that drinks this has doesn’t have a cock, they grow one rolling the penis size roll table,
and if they do have one, increase the size by 1 category (small -> regular), the max size is impossible.
if the person drinking also rolls a resistance roll (easy for tiny penises, and it becomes one step
harder each size category above that, until it becomes impossible to resist.) if they fail the roll, they
gain 10 lust and will attempt to have sex with the nearest woman, regardless of how she may feel
about it.

Alchemy: Advanced, Cum + 2 Feldkap-Mushroom, 50 Gold for other materials (water, vial etc.).

Whenever someone hypnotizes someone out of combat, add 1 hypnosis point and the target enters
a trance.

When a target is in a trance, you can: n = current hypnosis points (before costs)

- Have the target give you nd10 gold (cost 1 hypnosis point)
- Give the target a trigger word (it can be any word), with this, anyone who knows the
trigger word can make the target enter into a trance as long as they have hypnosis points,
if they don’t have a trigger word you’ll have to hypnotize the target again to make them
enter a trance even if they have leftover hypnosis points (costs 1 hypnosis points)
- Fuck the target, but if they have less than 2 hypnosis points they make a mental strength
roll to break from the trance (costs 1 hypnosis points)
- Give the target simple instructions for the next day, ex: wait for me at the tavern at 3
pm (costs 1 hypnosis points)
- Have the target think you’re someone close to them for a day (costs 1 hypnosis points)
- The target will wear a piece of equipment you give them all the time as if it was a
precious possession (costs 2 hypnosis points)
- Turn a target into a companion for the day (costs 3 hypnosis points)
- Give the target n affection points (costs n hypnosis points)
- Give the target nd4 lust (costs n hypnosis points)
- Remove nd4 sanity from the target (costs n hypnosis points)
- Have the target think they are someone else (costs 3 hypnosis points)
- Mouth pussy: The target receives pleasure from giving blowjobs (costs 3 hypnosis
- Foot pussy: The target receives pleasure from giving footjobs (costs 3 hypnosis points)
- Ass pussy: The target receives pleasure from giving buttjobs (costs 3 hypnosis points)
- Tit pussy: The target receives pleasure from giving titjobs (costs 3 hypnosis points)
- Thigh pussy: The target receives pleasure from giving thighjobs (costs 3 hypnosis points)
- Hand pussy: The target receives pleasure from giving handjobs (costs 3 hypnosis points)
- Have the target prostitute themselves for a day, then give you the profits at the end of
the day. (costs 3 hypnosis points)
- Turn the target into a permanent companion (costs 5 hypnosis points)
- Have the target will permanently forget any person from their life (costs 5 hypnosis
- Give the target a fetish (costs 5 hypnosis points)
- Make the target lose 1 point in a mental stat (costs 5 hypnosis points)
- Something that isn’t in this list (5 hypnosis points) (It can’t increase stats or skills) (I can’t
think of everything :P, so have this if you’re more creative than I am, or you just want to
abuse this)

Hypnosis points max out at 5.

When in a trance, the target’s eyes are empty, except when they have 5 hypnosis points, at that
point their pupils turn into hearts.

A hypnotized target will try to follow the orders they were given to the best of their ability, if they
can’t complete their orders, they take 1d4 sanity damage

A target isn’t aware of their hypnosis unless they were made aware of it, either by the hypnotist or
a priest at a temple.

Priests and other holy people can notice when someone is hypnotized by looking them directly in
the eye.

If a player was hypnotized you can make a mental strength roll, its difficulty depends on the amount
of hypnosis points you have 1 – easy, 2 – standard, 3 – hard, 4 - very hard, and you can’t break out
of 5, you can also pray to remove the hypnosis, you will need 2 successes + one more for every
hypnosis point you have, but only if your PC is aware of their hypnosis.

You can also pay at a temple to remove your hypnosis, 100G for each hypnosis point.

You can only try to break out of hypnosis once a day.

A character can’t be hypnotized by someone else if they’re already under hypnosis, if they are, roll
the skill you’re using to hypnotize the target again, and if the new roll succeeds a (very hard) check,
the new hypnosis overwrites the old one.

If hypnotized in combat, the victim takes 1 dice less for all rolls during that fight, take the hypnosis
points / 2 (rounded down) as sanity damage, then remove the hypnosis points.

Greater Spells:

Spiral pattern: 25 mp

Gold cost: 300

Learning Successes: 6

In combat, stun 1 target.

Out of combat, Hypnotize and add 1 hypnosis point.

Dark magic:

Hypnosis: 12 mp

Gold cost: 300

Learning Successes: 6

Add 1 hypnosis point to a target.

(Can be found as a scroll instead of a charm scroll, roll a 1d4, if it's 3 or 4 it's this item instead of the
original one.)

Any enemies that know charm also know this, all demons know this by default too.

You can gain this spell from the major corruption table, if you roll a something that asks you to reroll,
you can take this instead

Cleanse hypnosis: 20 mp

Remove 1 hypnosis point.

All priests know this spell

You can gain this miracle from the major blessings table if you roll a miracle you already know, you
can choose to take this miracle instead of the other options.


Snake dance:

Stamina cost: 5

Skill: dancing

The user has to be wearing exposed clothes to use this skill, make a dancing roll (Hard), and if
successful all npcs watching you get 1 hypnosis point.

It only works once a day on the same target.

Siren song:

Stamina cost: 5

Skill: singing

Make a singing roll (Hard), and if successful all npcs that heard you get 1 hypnosis point.

It only works once a day on the same target.

Hamelin melody:

Stamina cost: 5

Skill: playing music roll

Make a playing music roll (Hard), and if successful all npcs that heard you get 1 hypnosis point.

It only works once a day on the same target.

These skills can be used in combat too.

Sense hypnosis:

You can know when someone is hypnotized if you look at them in the eyes, pictures and mirrors
don’t work

Starting ability of priests and paladins


1 Hypnos necklace:

Looks like a normal necklace, a person wearing this will gain 1 hypnosis point overnight, but lose
1d4 sanity each time they do so.

2 Hypnos bracelet:

Looks like a normal bracelet, a person wearing this will gain 1 hypnosis point overnight, but lose 1
dice on the first 3 rolls the next day

3 Hypnos earrings:

Looks like normal earrings, a person wearing this will gain 1 hypnosis point overnight, but they'll
have 1 less willpower while they wear it

4 Hypnos hairband:

Looks like a normal hairband, a person wearing this will gain 1 hypnosis point overnight, but they'll
have 1 less intelligence while they wear it

5 Hypnos gloves:

Looks like normal gloves, a person wearing this will gain 1 hypnosis point overnight, but they'll have
1 less strength while they wear it

6 Hypnos buttplug:

A person wearing this will gain 1 hypnosis point and 1 lust overnight.
All of these have a base value of 200 gold.

Magic items:

1.- Coin tied to a string:

Can be used to hypnotize a target, roll bluffing(standard) or persuasion(standard) and if successful

add 2 hypnosis point. This takes 1 hour, and the target has to consent in some way in some way to

It only works once a day on the same target.

The user can hypnotize themselves with this.

2.- Flute of the piper:

Make a playing music (very hard) roll if successful, add 1 hypnosis point to everyone listening.

- If you have a target species in mind (like rat or orc) the roll is (hard) but only add a hypnosis
point to those targets
- if you further specify your targets (like human women or younger amazon) the roll is
(standard) only add a hypnosis point to those targets,
- If you further specify your targets (like virgin elf women, busty older women or hung short
men) the roll is (easy) only add a hypnosis point to those targets.

It only works once a day on the same target.

Can be used at the same time as Hamelin melody, and if you do, reduce the difficulty of both this
roll and the ability’s roll by one step (minimum easy).

It works like a normal flute if you decide to not use the effect of the item.

3.- Mysterious metronome:

All hypnosis inducing rolls have 2 extra dice if this item is activated, while mental strength rolls have
2 less dice.

4.- Flower mirror blade

Strength Requirement: 3 Hitting: Agi + Str

Damage: 1 + Str + Agi

Special: Whenever you unsheathe this blade, choose 1 target, roll your sword skill (standard) like a
regular skill and if successful give them 1 hypnosis point, and if you’re in combat and kill someone
with this sword, add 1 hypnosis point to all of your oponents.

It only works once a day on the same target.


Hypnosis potion:

Puts the one drinking this in a trance and gives them 1 hypnosis point.

Can only be bought at the black market. 80 gold.

Alchemy: Advanced, 1 breastmilk (or cum) + 2 heartstring herb

(Can be found instead of an aphrodisiac, roll a 1d4, if it's 3 or 4 it's this item instead of the original

If you get raped by anything that can hypnotize you, you will get hypnotized at the end of the rape,
roll a 1d6 for an effect:

(H1)1-3: You will be willingly captured your rapist if possible, and you will do whatever they say and
refuse (or even resist) any attempts at escape until you break free of your hypnosis, if you are
captured like this, you get 1d4 -1 hypnosis points at the end of each day, and you also lose one
hypnosis point every time you sleep.

(H2)4-5: You’ll suffer a penalty every time you fight enemies of that type, having 1 less dice to any
actions against that enemy type, but you still get captured as normal (if possible).

(H3)6: The next day you will try to convince at least 1 or 2 women to follow you into the same place
you got raped, then you will help the group that hypnotized you capture them, then roll this table
again. Take 1d4 sanity damage if you can’t convince anyone, and try to kidnap someone instead,
take 2d4 sanity damage if you can’t get to the same location again.
If you kill a group of monsters that can hypnotize you can roll a 1d10, if it’s 10, then roll a 1d4 and if
it's a 1 or 2, roll a 1d6 and you get a hypnos equipment of the same number, and if the roll is a 3 or
4, roll a 1d4, and obtain a hypnosis magic item of the same number.

If you have consensual sex with someone who can hypnotize you (A bard, a mage, someone you lost
a bet to, some rich asshole, go crazy with this) and they don’t have a capture table follow the next

1.- roll a 1d20 and compare it with their sanity, continue if its above it (or if you want anyway)

2.- roll your mental strength and the relevant hypnosis skill (Singing, spellcasting, etc, you can use
their persuasion as the default for this though) and if the hypnotist has more successes than you,
continue (You can choose to fail this)

3.- roll a 1d4, if the result is 3 or 4 the hypnotist is *Possessive*

4.- roll a 1d4-1 for the amount of hypnosis points you get, if it’s above 1, roll for an effect:

(H4)1: You give 1d10 * 25 gold to the person you had sex with.

(H5)2: Your hypnotist will give you a Hypnos piece of equipment that you won’t be able to remove
while under hypnosis. (roll a 1d6 to see what piece it is, if it’s one you already have, roll again.) (You
can remove them without any issue if you break off the hypnosis).

(H6)3-4: You’ll want to prostitute yourself all day next day, not doing so will give you 1d4 sanity
damage, however, if your hypnotist is possessive, have sex (consensual) with him all day or until you

(H7)5: Work as a maid in your hypnotist home, your work will count as a seduction roll (easy) to the
hypnotist, and if successful, have sex with them.

(H8)6: You’ll go into heat and gain 10 lust the next day, same as a beast girl, if you have a heat that
day the hypnosis will add 1d4 extra lust instead, if your hypnotist is possessive you won’t gain any
pleasure if you have sex with anyone other than him for that day.

(H9)7-10: Nothing happens

(H10)11-12: A female npc your character is close to (if you don’t have any, just make it either a
companion, a shopkeeper your character knows, or just the barmaid of the tavern you are staying
at) will approach your character with their pupils having turned into hearts, meaning she has been
fully hypnotized and can’t turn back to normal (unless the hypnotist dies or for some reason decides
to stop), then, the two of you work as prostitutes for the rest of the day, or if your hypnotist is
possessive, the two of you pleasure him. OPTIONAL: this npc will now be present at the events of
this table if you roll it again with the same hypnotist.
(H11)13-15: Roll a 1d4 and work either 1: labor, 2: service, 3: entertainer (dancing, singing, or playing
music) or 4: prostitution (If your hypnotist is possessive choose one of the other 3 instead), and then
give your money to your hypnotist (you can keep enough money for 1 meal and staying at a tavern).

(H12)16-19: Do a mission of appropriate rank, then give your money to your hypnotist (you can keep
enough money for 1 meal and staying at a tavern).

(H13)20: A priest notices you have been hypnotized, if you have 2 or less hypnosis points you can
choose to remove the hypnosis and any hypnosis related equipment you might have, if you choose
not to or have 3 or more, do a running roll to escape the cleric, if you have more successes than
them you manage to run away, but gain 1 vigilance, but if they catch you, you can choose to fight
him or not, if you lose or don’t fight him, they remove your hypnosis, if you win the fight and kill
them, run a killing scenario from the crime table.

Roll this table once at the start of the day if you have any hypnosis points.

Every night if you still have hypnosis points, your hypnotist will look for you, and further try to
hypnotize you, giving you 1d4 -1 hypnosis points, if you broke off from the hypnosis, you can
intimidate (easy) him to scare him away from the location, disappearing for the near future, ask to
be hypnotized again, or fight them, if you win the fight and kill them, run a killing scenario from the
crime table, if you lose, you are raped and then hypnotized again.

If you kill this npc, you can roll a 1d4 and if it's a 1 or 2, roll a 1d6 and you get a hypnos equipment
of the same number, and if the roll is a 3 or 4, roll a 1d4, and obtain a hypnosis magic item of the
same number.

It doesn’t have to be a night you’ve already been hypnotized in, if you know the npc is capable of
hypnosis, you can roll for a magic item. Monsters have their own rules as described above.

After a week of your initial hypnosis, and every week afterwards, if you are still under the same
hypnotist, they will give you a Hypnos piece of equipment that you won’t be able to remove while
under hypnosis. (roll a 1d6 to see what piece it is, if it’s one you already have, roll again.) (You can
remove them without any issue if you break off the hypnosis).

And once you have 5 Hypnos pieces of equipment, your hypnosis is far too advanced for you to have
any hope to ever break free on your own, and you become a sex slave (explained below), you live
with your hypnotist (now master), and see the table below for daily events, you have to roll a 1d4
and do that many events.

(H14)1: Work as a prostitute, if your master is possessive, have sex with him instead.
(H15)2: Work as a maid in your master’s home, your work will count as a seduction roll (easy) to the
master, and if successful, have sex with them.

(H16)3: Roll a 1d4 and work either 1: labor, 2: service, 3: entertainer (dancing, singing, or playing
music) or 4: prostitution (If your hypnotist is possessive choose one of the other 3 instead), and then
give your money to your master

(H17)4: Do a mission of appropriate rank, then give your money to your hypnotist.

(H18)5: Your master brings a new girl, if you care roll as if she was a new companion, assume she’s
working as a maid or having sex in the background.

(H19)6: Another girl in your master harem tries to seduce you, you can accept her advances or not,
if your master is possessive, he’ll join in. If there isn’t another girl in the harem, have sex with your
master instead.

(H20)7: If your master harem has more girls than just you, your master has sex with another girl,
leaving you free for the time being, you can try to seduce them, or you can masturbate at the sight,
or do anything else you may have permission to do.

(H21)8: Your master has tasked you with finding another girl for him to hypnotize, they’ll give you a
coin in a string and 200G, you must give 1 female npc 1 hypnosis point by the end of the day and
tell your master about it, if you give her 3 hypnosis points you hypnotist is satisfied with you and
you gain 1d4 sanity and 1d4 pleasure on top of your bonus for completing the event, and if you give
the npc 5 hypnosis points, you gain 5d4 sanity and 5d4 pleasure, if your master is possessive you
gain a 1 fetish (roll 1d4 to see if it’s 1: Love making, 2: captivity, 3: exhibitionism or 4: bi-sexual), if
he is not possessive you gain a prostitution fetish. This female npc will be the one brought home the
next time the even H20 is rolled.

(H22)9: You are mind broken, roll the appropriate table depending on your master.

(H23)10: Adventurers come into your master’s home, fight them with the rest of the harem! If there
are any female npcs in the adventurer party and you manage to capture them, they will be held up
on the basement and will become part of the harem after 1d10 days, your hypnotist will give you
the same reward as the max reward in H21 too, if you lose the fight, the adventurers rescue the
women of the harem and their hypnosis is broken, while the hypnotist is killed.

Being a sex slave has various features:

- You have to follow everything your master says to the best of your ability, not doing so will
result in 1d4 sanity damage
- Each time you finish an event successfully, you gain 1d4 sanity and 1d4 pleasure
- If you have a possessive master, you can’t feel any pleasure from anyone other than your
master and other harem members.
- You can’t have any possessions, you have to ask your master for any equipment (persuasion
easy, becomes 1 step harder for every piece of equipment you ask for in the same day), and
return it at the end of the day.
- Not being able to complete an event will result in 2d4 sanity damage
- You cannot leave your master’s house without his permission, and you cannot do it for more
than one day without explicit permission (roll persuasion(hard) and (very hard) respectively),
being away from his house for more than you’re allowed will cause you to suffer 2d4 sanity
damage, and you have to add one extra dice every day you’re away.
- You’re either dressed as a maid, a maid themed bikini (exposed), or naked, your choice.
- If there are more than 3 people in the harem, you can assume that some sort of sex is always
going on
- Lactating slaves are milked appropriately, either by themselves, the master or other harem
members, and the milk is then sold to profit your master.
- You are aware that you are captive, but simply do not care (maybe you think it’s simply
natural, or common sense, or can’t do anything about it, the flavor is up to you), but you do
receive bonuses from the captivity fetish.
- All sex with harem members, with your master, or customers is considered consensual.
- Harem members can be used as companions
- Any npc’s that participated H10 are part of the harem by the time you enter it.
- You can convince your master to move to another location with a persuasion (very hard)
roll, it becomes 1 step easier for every 4 vigilance you have, and for each time H23 has

(I don’t like all the other mechanics tied to this in the LABO doc, so here’s my take)

Lactating characters breasts are very sensitive, and she feels pleasure with any action involving her
breasts, and gains a bonus dice to giving titjobs.

A lactating character must milk themselves 1d4 times each day, and can’t be milked more than that
in a single day, if not done, the next day you have 1 less dice on all your rolls, and milk will squirt out
of your breasts randomly, someone with a lactation fetish gains 1 lust when seeing this. Being milked
by someone else counts as two milkings, milking counts as masturbation, and you use this skill when
milking yourself or others.

If she has been milked every day for 2 weeks her boobs increase in size, gains a +1-breast bonus,
and the lactation becomes permanent.
If a character isn’t milked for 2 weeks they stop lactating and lose everything related to lactation, a
complete return to the status quo

A character can begin lactating in multiple ways.

- If a character is pregnant roll a 1d20 at the start of every day, if they roll a 20 they start
- If a character drinks breastmilk roll a resistance roll (easy), if failed, the character begins
- If a character drinks or is creampied with minotaur cum resistance roll (easy), if failed, the
character begins lactating
- If a character rolls a fertility minor blessing, they begin may begin lactating if they wish to
do so.
- They can choose to lactate if they advance with their titjob, sex(both), or masturbation skills
instead of taking another skill advance bonus
- If a character drinks a potion of milk, they begin lactating


Every time a character is milked they yield a number of breastmilk units (about enough for half a
glass of milk), this amount is based on their yield stat, it’s equal to 1 + tit-bonus + any other bonuses
it might receive.

So if a character has a yield stat of 6, they will give 6 units of milk every time they are milked.


A barmaid in a tavern may be lactating, roll a 1d6 every time you enter a new tavern, if it’s a 6, their
barmaid is lactating, and any meals you eat there will count as drinking breastmilk.

Succubi and Female minotaurs are always lactating, and if you’re raped by one you will be forced to
drink some of their breastmilk


Breast milk:

Gain 1d4 lust when seeing a lactating character, or 1 lust at the start of the day if you are lactating.

Gain 1d4 lust and 1 extra masturbation dice when you milk someone (including yourself).

Milking counts as sex.

Human Cattle:

If your character is lactating, you may roll this table instead of the usual one when captured. (This is
the same chart as the LABO one, just edited to focus more on milking than force feeding)

(L1)1 - 4: You are milked as much as possible. You become exhausted

(L2)5 - 9: You are milked as L1 above, but in addition one of your jailers takes a fancy and uses you
for sex.

(L3)10 - 13: You are dragged to the bosses room for sex. If you can pass a hard seduction attempt
you can have him make you his personal concubine if you aren’t already. And if you do count any
results other than L7 as this result instead.

(L4)14 - 15: One of the bosses takes you as his prized girl. Ignore all other rolls on this table other
than L3 and L7. Every week roll 1d10, on a 1 the Boss gets bored with you and decides to dump you
back with the others. Resume rolling on this table as normal if so.

(L5)16: Excitement is palpable on the den, a big celebration is near. Get gangraped by 3d6 captors.

(L6)17 - 18: Production is to be increased! Today you are fed a special concoction and dairy cattle
gain +1 Breast bonus and +1 production, but lose 1 intelligence. In addition, 4+ 1d6 of the farmers
rape you.

(L7)19 - 20: A group of adventurers rescue you and take you to a nearby village.

Your character is milked on all events, it’s just a very rough milking on L1 and L2.


Potion of milk:

If a woman drinks this, they begin lactating.

If the woman is already lactating, they gain 1 tit-bonus (only if the tit-bonus is less than 3, if it’s more,
receive a +1 bonus to yield) but roll a 1d4 and lose 1 point mental stat (1: perception, 2: willpower,
3: intelligence, 4: magic)

Alchemy: Advanced, 2 minotaur cum + 2 breastmilk + 50 Gold for other materials (water, vial etc.).

Potion of Helen:

If a woman drinks this, they begin lactating.

If the woman is already lactating, roll a 1d6 and they gain 1 point to a -bonus (1: nothing, 2: ass, 3:
tits, 4: foot, 5: hand, 6: thigh) but roll a 2d4 and lose a mental stat (1: perception, 2: willpower, 3:
intelligence, 4: Magic) and a physical one (1: strength, 2: agility, 3: endurance, 4: dexterity)

Alchemy: Advanced, 5 Dragon cum + 5 breastmilk + 150 Gold for other materials (water, vial etc.).

Potion of Aphrodite:

If a woman drinks this, they begin lactating.

If the woman is already lactating, they gain 1 point to one sex -bonus they choose

Alchemy: Master, 1 Minotaur lord blood, 1 dragon heart + 10 breastmilk + 500 Gold for other
materials (water, vial etc.).

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