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Madrasah-E Tayabia Islamia Sunnia Fazil (Degree)

Annual Examination, 2022

Class: IX
Subject: English 2nd Paper

Time: 3 hours Full Marks:100

Part A – Grammar (Marks-60)

1. Complete the following passage with suitable words from the box. You may need to change the forms
of some of the words. You may use one word more than once: 5
about regret by imbalance a
our from a the by
It is (a)—responsibility of human beings to prevent the environment (b)—being spoilt. To make life
healthy and comfortable, we should keep (c)—environment clean and danger-free. But often people
spoil the environment (d)—doing unwise things and as (e)—result endanger their own lives. It is the
ecological (f)—that causes disasters (g)—the world’s climate and brings (h)—different kinds of natural
disasters. It is really (i)—matter of great (j)--.
2. Complete the following passage using suitable words. Use only one word for each gap: 5
Good manners form (a)—important part of our education. Our education (b)—incomplete if we do not
learn good manners. In our behaviour (c)—others, we must (d)—proper respect for them. We should
show respect to our (g)--. It is necessary for (h)—disciplined society. Good manners cost us (i)--. So,
good manners should be a part (j)—our nature.
3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below: 5

Every independent country of need to have patriotic feelings.

the world
We has dearer than any other thing.
Hence, to every nation its flag is its own flag.
The national flag the symbol of independence and sovereignty of a nation.
For that we to safeguard its prestige.

4. Complete the following text with right form of the verbs given in the box: 5
rise enjoy walk be came
pollute overcome suffer is have
There (a)—different kinds of exercises. Walking (b)—one of them. We (c)—early in the morning for (d)
—morning walk. While (e)—in the morning, we can (f)—fresh air. But in towns and cities, air is being
(g)—in many ways. As a result, people (h)—from different problems. To (i)—this problem, people and
government should (j)—forward.
5. Change the narrative style of the following text: 5
The old man said, “Can you give me some food? I’ve been starving for two days.” The maid said, “Why
do you beg? Can’t you work?” “No, I am unable to work,” said the old man.
6. Change the sentences according to directions: 10
a. The old man was alone alive. (Negative)
b. You must write the lesson. (Negative)
c. Do you read it? (Passive)
d. He is taller than I. (Positive Degree)
e. Football is a very exciting game. (Exclamatory)
f. Industry is the most important thing for success. (Comparative)
g. What a mistake it is! (Assertive)
h. Achievement in anything will not come to one’s life automatically. (Interrogative)
i. It is called the mother of good luck. (Active Voice)
j. I was very glad. (Exclamatory)
7. Complete the following sentences: 5
a. If you try hard, ............
b. Would you mind .........?
c. ............, he went out.
d. Finishing his work............
e. Students go to schools not only to gain knowledge but also ..................

8. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both : 5

Newspaper plays a very important role in modern (a)—(civilize). It publishes news and views of home
and (b)—(broad). Only (c)—(book) knowledge is not enough in this (d)—(compete) world. A newspaper
helps him (e)—(rich) his general knowledge. But newspaper has (f)—(merits) too. They have (g)—
(partil) and often (h)—(guide) their (i)—(read). This creates (j)—(rest) in the society.

9. Make tag questions of these statements: 5

a. Nobody likes me, .....?
b. Birds can’t swim, .......?
c. Let’s make the best use of time, .........?
d. Unfortunately, many of us waste our time, ........?
e. How charming the scenery is, ...............?

10. Complete the following passage using suitable connectors: 5

It is often considered that our large population is a major problem (a)—is not true. (b)—large
population can be turned into a unique manpower in a country. (c)—China can be cited. (d)—her
population is more than 1500 million, she is progressing day by day. (e)—we are lagging behind.

11. Use capitals and punctuation marks in the following text: 5

the teacher said to raihan why are you talking in the class you should not disturb the class sorry sir i
was asking jahed to lend me a pen my pen has run out of ink said raihan

Part B: Composition (Marks 40)

12. Suppose you are Tawaf/Rufaida. You want to apply for a post of an English Teacher. Now, write a
CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page. 8
13. Suppose you are Fahim/Fahima. You are a student of Madrasah-E Tayabia Islamia Sunnia Fazil
(Degree). Your madrasah has no computer club. Now, write an application to the Principal to set up a
computer club. 10

14. Write a paragraph on ‘Deforestation’. 10

15. Write a composition on any one of the following: 12

a. Flood in Bangladesh
b. The season you like most
c. Importance of reading dailies

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