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Department of Education

Region III – Central Luzon

Schools Division of Pampanga
Sapang Palay, Telacsan, Macabebe, Pampanga
1ST Quarterly Examination in
H.O.P.E 1
S.Y. 2022 - 2023

DIRECTIONS: Read the questions/statements carefully. Write the BEST ANSWER on a separate sheet of

1. BMI is a measure of body mass based on height and weight that aid in determining weight categories. BMI
stands for.
A. Body Mass Identity
B. Body Master Identity
C. Body Massive Index
D. None of the Mention

2. What is TRUE about PAR-Q?

A. Identifies history for chronic medical conditions
B. Evaluates one’s history for medical conditions such as heart diseases, hypertension, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease and diabetes mellitus
C. When all questions are answered YES; putting an individual at high risk.
D. D. All of the mention

3. Its purpose is to test for Cardiovascular Endurance level based on how quickly your heart rate will come
back down after a physical activity.
A. Curl- up
B. 3-minute step test
C. Zipper test
D. Sit and reach

4. This physical fitness test measures the strength and endurance of the upper arm muscles.
A. 90 degree push up
B. Curl- up
C. Zipper test
D. None of the mention

5. Fitness level assessment determines the current health status of an individual and so, HRF stands for.
A. Health Relationship Fit
B. Health Related Fitness
C. Healthy Relationship for Life
D. None of the mention
Read and understand the Fitness Story of Eboy Diaz, 36 years old and an entrepreneur. After reading, answer
the following questions below.

Eboy has always been scared of his family’s history of diabetes. Everything was
normal until, one day in 2016, he decided that he wants to change his life fully.
This change also urged him when he was rejected by the person he loves! Since
2009, Eboy tried many sports to lose weight– badminton, swimming, cycling,
boxing, muay thai, and etc. What he found most effective was running, so he
stuck with that. He started running in 2016 and joined his first race in Milo. He
trained hard for his runs: 10k (1:01), 21k (1:59:26). He also noted that, despite
his massive fat loss, he did not do any carb diet because he needed the energy
in running long distances.

Read More:


6.What made Eboy decide to change his lifestyle?

A. Family History
B. Family History of Diabetes
C. Rejection by the persons he loves
D. B and C

7.The following sports below helps him to be physically fit, EXCEPT.

A. Cycling
B. Muay- Thai
C. Swimming
D. Basketball

8.How many hours did it take him to complete a 10k run?

A. 1 hour and 10 minutes

B. 1 hour and 59 minutes
C. 1 hour
D. 1 hour and 1 minute

9.When was his first race?

B. 2016
D. None of the mention
10. He did not do any carb diet despite his massive fat loss. What is the function of carbohydrates in our body?
A. A steady source of energy for bodily functions
B. A quick and instant source of energy when exercising
C. A reserve of energy that the body stores in the muscles or liver and releases when necessary
D. All of the mention

11. The following barriers are examples of personal barriers EXCEPT ONE, which one?
a. Fear of injury
b. Gadgets providing leisure
c. Health considerations
d. Lack of motivation
12. Gino has no time in doing any physical activity ever since he has an internet connection at home. He
plays mobile legend most of the time. What barrier is stated?

a. Technological Barrier
b. Personal Barrier
c. Environmental Barrier
d. All of the Mention

13. Rona is afraid of going out because of her body composition. She spends her time inside the house
watching movies and eating chocolates. What barrier is stated?
a. Personal Barrier
b. Health Barrier
c. Environmental Barrier
d. None of the Mention

14. Many smokers know that smoking is a risk factor for lung cancer and other diseases. In what stage is
a. Preparation Stage
b. Action Stage
c. Maintenance Stage
d. Contemplation Stage

15. In what stage is this when a person does not recognize the presence of unhealthy habit and the
importance of changing behavior?
a. Contemplation Stage
b. Pre-Contemplation Stage
c. Action Stage
d. Maintenance Stage
16. It is in this stage where the tendency to backslide to the old habits is minimal.
a. Maintenance Stage
b. Action Stage
c. Contemplation Stage
d. None of the Mention

17. The common barriers to change usually occur when a person is between at what stages?
a. Pre-contemplation and Contemplation Stage
b. Preparation and Action Stage
c. Action and Maintenance Stage
d. Preparation and Action Stage
18. These are the stages that an individual can be motivated to adopt a new behavior by showing the
benefits and providing encouragement that change is possible.
a. Pre-contemplation and Contemplation Stage
b. Preparation and Action Stage
c. Action and Maintenance Stage
d. Preparation and Action Stage

19. John Lewis admires how Johnel gets physically fit for one year by going to the gym. He is convinced to
go with him and set a schedule to start. What stage in the Transtheoretical Model does John Lewis
a. Action Stage
b. Maintenance Stage
c. Preparation Stage
d. Contemplation Stage

20. Gerson acquires his new behavior after he was invited by John Mike to go for jogging and biking in the
mountainous area in his place. For almost two years in doing the routine, Gerson is living an active
lifestyle. What stage in the Transtheoretical Model does Gerson belong?
a. Action Stage
b. Maintenance Stage
c. Preparation Stage
d. Contemplation Stage

21. A muscle forced to operate beyond its customary intensity by increasing the load refers to_____.
a. Frequency
b. Specificity
c. Progression
d. Overload

22. Exercising a particular muscle for a certain task refers to ______.

a. Training C. Overload
b. Specificity D. Progression
23. Sports training should be adjusted according to each athlete’s characteristics and needs, such as age,
gender, rate of progress, and previous experience.
a. Overload Principle C. Reversibility Principle
b. Individualization Principle D. Recovery Principle
24. What is the most accurate way to figure out an athlete’s aerobic capacity?
a. Expensive laboratory tests
b. Ask them – They know their body better than anyone else
c. If they are only capable of talking in short sentences
d. How hard they are breathing
25. Rodrigo wants to build his muscles. What should he do?
a. Strength Training C. Do Aerobic exercise
b. Eat More Dairy D. Sleep more

Wala dito si Chito, si Chito Miranda

Wala dito si Kiko, si Francis Magalona
Wala dito si Gloc-9, wala s'yang apelyido
Magbabagsakan dito in five, four, three, two

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