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Burma Jtledical Research Souncil

$pecial fieport Series l{0, 0



Khin Thet Htar,

Department of Medical Research 7
Ministry of Health

Department of Medical Besearcli

Ministry of Healtli
Io. 5, Zafar Shah Road

i"oreword tll

Introduction v

Abbreviations vlt

Part Oae: Iastitutioas

Ministry of Hedth 5

Medical Research Organisations I

General Hospitals r3

Specialist Hospitals r3

Divisional Hospitals t4
Other Instihrtes and Laboratories r9

Institutes of Learning 23

Scientifi c Associations 29


Ptst Two I Spccialictc

Index of Specialists 37

Age-Structure t... @. 4l
Growth of specialist manpower 43

Obituary 46

Biographees 47


Tni, i, a book on the health resources of the coqnlry-r".d sefves- as a guide to the institutiorts'
,"i".rilri, .o""ii""A *ittt tii" fr""iit tfru countrv- It is thus
"ot a Who's who,
administrators *a ii
medicine in the country all
a medical directory and a report on the surYey "?..i*ift"'mrtp"w"r
and thg growth of
The section on the analysis of the specialist resources, their agrstructure useful tc those
soecialist rnanpower irr-*.-iidirr" in Burma ft"* rg3S t9 tg72 shouil be specially
i"""i"ri"a *i t-th" pil;G of the health pervices 6f the Country"
It is hoped that this book will provide a useful referencp tqol fo: health plarners, universities
as well as inilividual scientists.

Mve Tu,
De\/rtnent o! ilIedical Researck,
MinistrY oJ Eeahh.

n.ngo0n, 1973

\ t



"'Who's who in Medicine in Burma " is the outcome of a survey of scientific manpower in
medicine in Burma which was conducted between t97t ar,d rg7z. It was primarily iniended as
a biographical dictionary of specialists in the medical field in Burma only, but to make it more complete,
biographies of other health related scientists (e.g. biochemists, dental surgeons, pharmacists'etc.),
a directory ofhealth institutions, laboratories, medical associations and a list of scientific periodicals
published in Burma are also included.
The book comprises of two parts. Part one includes the health organisations, institutions and
- -laboratories, the institutes of learning and the medical associations and periodicals. Part two gives
$ index of specialists, their age-structure, the growth of specialists and their biographies.
I "t
N Persons included fall into 4 categories (r) medical personnel with postgraduate degrees or
diplomas (z) those with special training (3) administrative personnel (4) non-medical specialists.
The list and addresses of bioEraphees were obtained from the Department of Health and the
staff lists of the Institutes of Medicine. For those employed by the Directorate of l\{edical Services,
Ministry of Defence, the Office of the Director of Medical Services undertook the task of sending
the questionnaire to the persons concerned.
To ensure maximum accuracy, the method of collecting the biographies was through a question-
naire which was filled in by the biographees themselves. These questionnaires were sent between
rgTr and ry72. Hence the latest designation (post) of the bioeraphees in the entry will be that
which he held at the time the questionnaire was filled. Information collected from the returned
questionnaires has been edited as far as possible for completeness and uniformity in all cases.
In cases where the questionnaire was not returned, the name, qualifications, speciality and
present designation has been given and no attempt has been made to give a biographical sketch.
Entries are made under full names. For biographees with English Christian names, entries
have been made under their surnames followed by Christian names. Biographies are alphabetically
arranged and the entries are consecutively numbered to facilitate identification and analysis.
In the compilation of this book, we have endeavoured to include all scientists who fall into
the 4 categories mentioned but in a work of this nature omissions are bound to occur. We rvish to
offer our deepest apologies to readers and specialists for any omissions which rnight have occurred.


l.A. : Bachelor of Arts

3" Ch. : Bachelor of SurgerY

B.D.S. : Bachelor of Dental SurgerY

B.L. : Bachelor of Laws

Rom. : Bombay

B.Sc. : Bachelor of Science

B.V.Sc. - Bachelor of VeterinarY Science

Cal. Calcutta
: Anaesthetics, Conjoint Examining Board of the Royal
D.A. (Eng.) --bi1f.g"tinof Physicians and Surgeons, England

D.A.P. & E. (Lond.) : Diploma in Applied Parasitology and Entomology' University of


D.C.H. (Eng.) : .-'6;1iA;;f

Surgeons, England
Physicians and

D.C.H. (Glasg.) : Diploma in Child Health, Royal Faculty of Physicians

and Surgeons'

D.C.H. (R.C"P. & s.I.) : Diploma in Child Health, Irish Conjoint Board

D.C.M.T. : Diploma in Clinical Medicine in the Tropics

D.C.P. (Lond.) : Diploma in Clinical Pathology, University of London

D.D.P.H. (R.C.S') Diploma in Dental Public Health (Royal College of Surgeons)

D.D.S. : Doctor of Dental SurgerY

D.E.C.D. Diploma in Epidemiology and Communicable
of Dublin
D.G.O' (Dublin) Diploma in Gynaecology and Obstetrics' University
: in Industrial Health, Royal Faculty of Physicians and
D.I.H. (Glasg.) Dioloma
Sr'rrg.on., Glasgow
Diploma in Inclustrial Health, Conjoint ExaTining .Board of the
D.LH. (Eng') "'il"r"f ilitteees of Physicians and Surgeons' England
D.I.H" (Lond.) : Oiplo*u in Industrial Health, Society of Apothecaries'
in Laryngology antl Otology' Conjoint Examhing Board
D.L.o' (Eng.) f)iploma
'-;ilh; iioyrr 6oit.gei"of Phrsicians and Surgeons' England

D.\{.c.w. Diploma in Maternity and Child Welfare

D.]I.R'D. (Eng.) Dioloma in Meclical Radio-Diagnostics' Conjoint.Examining Board

";f;'h;iou.g.. of Physicians ind Surgeons' England

D.M.R.D. (LiverPool) : DiplomainMedicalRadio-Diagnostics,UniversityofLiverpool

Ire"&& . ':--- .- _*. -__. :\

D.M.R.T. (Eng.) : Diploma in Medical Radiotherapy, Conjoint Examining Bmrd of

the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, England
D.N. Diploma in Nutrition
D.o. (Eng.) : Diploma in Ophthalmology, Conjoint Examining Board of the Ro1'al
Colleges of Physicians ancl Surgeons, England
D.O.l\4.S. (R.C.P. and S.I.) f)ii'lom:r in Oplrthalmii: lledici-ne airel Surgery, Irish eorijoint Buqd_
D. Obst. R.C.O.G. : Diploma in Obstetrics of the Royal College of Obstetrics andr
D.P. Dipl,-rma in Pathology
D,P.H. Diplorna in Public Health, Conjoint Examining Board of the Royal
iJolleges of Physicians and Suigeons, England' I
D.P.H. (Glasg.) Diploma in Public Health, University of Glasgow '--..-,-j'
D.P.H. (Lond.) f)iploma in Public Health, University of London (London School of i
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
D.P.M. (Duhlin) Diploma in Psychological Medicine, University of Dublin
D.P.M. (Eng.) Diploma in Psychological Vledicine, Conjoint Examining Board of the
Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, England
D,P.M. (Lont{.) Diploma in Psychological Medicine, University of London
D.P. & T.\I. Diploma in Preventive and Tropical Medicine
D. Path. (Eng.) Diploma in Pathology, Conjoint Examining Board of the Royal
Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, England
D. Phys. Med. (Eng.) Diploma in Physical \zledicine, Conjoint Examining Board of the
Itoyal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, England
D.S. Diploma in Statistics
D.T.C.D. (\A'ales) : Diploma in Tubercukrsis and Chest Diseases, University of Wales
D.T.D. Diploma in Tuberculosis Diseases
D.T.rr. & H. (Ed.) Diploma in Tropical Medicine ancl Hygiene, University of Edinburgh
D.T.\I. & H. (Eng.) Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Conjoint Examining
Board of the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, England
D.T.M. & H. (Liverpool): Diploma in Tropical N{edicine and Hygiene, University of Liverpool
& H. (Lond.) Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, University of London

D.T.P.H. (Lond.) Diploma in Tropical Public Health, University of London

D.V.D. Diploma in Venereology and f)ermatology

Dip. Bact. (Lorrd.) l)iplorna in Bacteriology, Ilniversity of l,ondon (London School of \

Flvgierie and'Iropical Medicine)
Dip. Bact. (Marrch.) Diploma in Bacteriolcgy, University of \lfanchester
Dip. Nutr. (Lond.) Diploma in Nutrition, University of London
Ed. Edinburgh
F.A.C.D. Fellow of the American College of Dentisty

!'.A.c.P. : Fellow of the American College of Physicians
F.A.C.S. Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
F.A.C.P. Fellow of the College of American Pathologists
F.C.C.P. Fellow of the College of Chest Physicians
F.F.A.R.C.S. (E"g.) Fellow of the Faculty of Anaesthetists of the Royal College of Surgeons
of England
F.F.R. : Fellow of the Faculty of Radiologists
F.I.C.D. : Fellow of the Intern ational College of Dentistry
F.I.C.S. : Fellow of the International College of Surgeons
F.L.S. : Fellow of the Linnean Society
F.R.C.O.G. :
Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
F.R.C.P. (Ed.) : Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
F.R.C.S. (Ed.) : Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
F.R.C.S. (Glas.) : Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Glasgow
F.R.C.S. (Lond.) : Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, London
F.R.F.P.S./Glas. Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow
Glasg./Glas. : Glasgow
Hons. : Honours
L.M.P. : Licentiate Medical Practitioner
Lond" : London
L.R.C.P. - Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians
L"S,M.B. : Licentiate of the State Medical Board
Luck. : tucknow
M.A. : Master of Arts

M.Ch. Orth. (Liverpool) : Magister Chirurgiae (l\4aster of Surgery) in Orthopaedics, University

of Liverpool
M.B. - Bachelor of Medicine

M.8., B.S. : Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery

N{dy : Mandalay
M.D. : Doctor of Medicine
M.M.S.A. (Lond.) Master of Midwifery of the Society of Apothecaries, London

J M. Pharm.
NI. Phil.
Master of Pharmacy
l\4aster of Philosophy
Master of Public Health
M.R.C.P. (Ed.) : Member of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh
xI.R.c.P. (I) : Member of the Royal College of Physicians, Ireland
IVI.R.C,P" (l ond.) Menrber of the Royal College of Physicians, London

(Lond.) =
M.ft..C. Path. Merrrber of the Royai COltege of pathologists, London
M'R'C'O.G. : Member of the Royal College of Obbtetrics zind Gynaecology
NI.R.C. Psy. - : Member of the Royal College of psyi:hiatrists
M.R.C.S. : Member of the Royal College of Surgeons -
M.S. : Ntaster of Science; Master of Surgery
M.Sc. : Master of Science
Manch. : Manchester
Nottm. : Nottingham
Oxon. = Oxforcl

Penn. Pennsylvania
Ph. D. : Doctor of Philosophy
Rgr. : Rangoon :
T'D.D.(wales) Tuberculosis Diseases Diproma, University of wales
U.K. : United Kingdom


Part One






Minister: U Hla Han

Deputy Nlinister: U Thein Aung
Director-General, Department of Health: U Aung Thein
Director-General, Department of \{edical Rcsearch: U Mya Tu
Director-General, Department ff Sports and Physical Eclucation: U Gwan Shein
Indigenous A{edical Officer-in-charge; U Soe Maung

Drpln'rumNr or Huertn (36, Theinbyu Road, Rangoon)

Director-General: U Aung Thein

Director (lledical Care): Daw Hnin Yi
Deputv Director (Medical Care) : Daw Sao Mya 1\{ay
Deputy Director (l\{edical Stores): U Saw Lrvin
Deputy Director (Dental Health): U Than Khin Maung
Director (Public Health): U Kyaw Sein
Deputy Director (Community Health): R. B. Singh
Deputy Director (R.H.C., M.C.H. and School Health): U Ba Tun
Deputy Director (Occupational Health): U Nyan Soe
Director (Disease Control): Vqcant
Deputy Director (Epidemiology): U Thaung
Deputy Director (Leprosy Control): U Kyaw Lwin
Deputy Director (Tuberculosis Control): U Thein Nyunt
Deputy Direetor (N{alaria Control): U Nyunt Hlaing
Director (Laboratories Services): U Sarv Ba Heng
Deputy Director (Laboratory Services, Public Health Division): Daw Khin Nrve
Deputy Director (Laboratory Services, Clinical Division): R. Balakrishna
Deputy Director (Laboratory Services, Chemistry Division) : U Cho
Director (Administration atd Training): U l{an "Iun
Deputy Director (Planning, Finance and Administrntion): U I(yaw Sein

Deputy Director (T'raining) : U Hla Pe

Drpenrl,mNt oF MEDICAL Rssnancg (5, Zafar Shah Road, Rangoon)

Director-General: U N{ya T'u

Head of Biochemistry Research Division: U I{la Pe
Senior Research Officer and Acting Head of Iipiclemiology Research Division: U Thein tr'{aung
Head of Experimental Medicine Division: U Khin l'{aung Tin
Head of Haematology and Clinical Research Division: U
Aung Than Batu

Head of Immunology Research Division: U Aung Khin

Head of Instrumentation Division: U Toe Myint
Senior Research Oflfrcer and Acting Head of Library: Daw
Khin Thet Htar
Research Division: Mr' A'
Senior Research Officer and Acting Head of Medical Entomology
statistics Division: u Khin
senior Research officer and Acting Head of Medical Research
Maung Lwin
Head of Nutrition Research Division: U K1'we Thein

Research Division: u Myo Thein
senior Research ofrcer and Acting Head'of Physiology
Head of Virology Research Division: Daw Mi Mi Khin

DspenrrvmNr o.SpoRts eNp Pnysrcer. EoucertoN

(Aung San Stadium, Rangoonj

Director-General: U Gwan Shein

Director: Vacant
Deputy Director (Administration and Planning): U Than Win
Deputy Director (Mass Sports and Stadiums): U
Thein Tirl




ilunlre Mrorc* RssrencH CouNcrr. (5, Zafar Shah Road, Rangoon)

r. U Hla Han, Minister for Health and Education (Chairman)
z. U Thein Aung, Deputy Minister for Health (Alternate Chairman)
3. U Tun Min, Rector, Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon
4. U E, Rector, Institute of Medicine z, Rangoon
. 5. U Khin N{aung Nyein, Rector, Institute of Medicine, Mandalay
6. U Aung Thein, Director-General, Departrnent of Health
Z. 9gl. Yuy.g Maung Than, Commanding Officer, Defence Services General Hospital,
8. u N{ahn Thet san, chairman, Uni6n of Burma Appried Research Institute
9. Lt.-col. Kyaw sein Tun, Director of Medical services, Ministry of Defence
ro; U Khin Maurrg Win, Director, Post-graduate Medical Studies
r r. u
Hla Myint, Professor of Medicine, Institute of Meclicine r, Rangoon
ra. U Aung Than Batu, Clinical Professor of Meclicine, Institute of Medicine e, Rangoon
13. U N'Iya Tu, Director-General, Department of Nledical Research (Secretarv)

Mpprcm ScluNces Rrst'ancH DnrsroN

Research and Development co-ordination committee prime Minister,s office

r. Director.General, Department of Health (Chairman) : U r\ung Thein

a. Director-General, Department of Medical Research (secretary) ; u Mya Tu
3. Rector, Institute of l\{edicine r, Rangoon : U Tun Min
4. Rector, Institute of Medicine z, Rangoon : U E
5. Rector, Institute of Medicine, N{andalay : U Khin Maung Nyein
6. Commanding Officer, Defence Services General Hospital : Col. Maung Maung Than
7. Director (I,ublic Health), Department of Health : U Kyaw Sein
8. Director (National Health Laboratory), Department of Health : u Saw Ba Heng
9. Medical Director, Burma Pharmaceuticals Industry : U Myint Than
ro. Deputy Director (Industrial Health), Department of Health : u Nyan soe
rr' Head, Nutrition Research Division, Dopartment of Medical Research : U Kywe
12. Director-General, Department of Sports and Physical Education : U Gwan Shein
r3. Senior Research Officer, Pharmaceutical Research Department, Union of Burma Applied
Research Institute : U Maung Maung Gale
14. Administrative Officer (Indigenous Medicine), Ministry of Health : U Han Turr


Generat HosPitale

DpppNcr Srnvlces GsNunaL Hosptrat, (Mingaladon)

Commanding Officer: Lt.-Col. Maung Maung Aung

h{.rNpu-lv GrNnnel HosPrral

I\{edical Superintendent: U Ko Ko

NonTn Orxelare GBNrnu Hosrrter,

Maydawi Road, North Okkalapa, Rangoon
Medical Superintendent: U Sein Myint

PBorr,u's Hosprret, (Eesr ReNcooN)

a6a, Merchant Street, Rangoon
l\{edical Superintendent; U Myint Thein

RaNcoos GBxunaL Hosrlral

Bogyoke Aung San Street, Rangoon
Medical Superintendent; U Maung Maung Aye

WoRrrn's Hospttar,
Kyaikkasan Road, Rangoon
Medical Superintendent: U Hla Tin

UNlvensrrug FlosPrrel
University Avenue, Rangoon
ehief N{edical Officer: U KYaw

S,rNcna HosrlreL
Kaba Aye, Rangoon
Specialist HosPitalc

CENrRAL Wonsx HosPrrel

Mission Road, Rangoon
Medical Superintendent: Daw Tin Soe

CHtLunuN's HosPrrel
z, Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road, Rangoon
Medical Superintendent: U Tin U

Eve, Een, Nost eNP Tnnoet HosPrT er,

67, Signal Pagoda Road, Rangoon
Medical Superintendent: U Ko GYi

Eyu, Een, NosB ANn Tnnoet HosrtrAr-, MeNpelev

Medical Superintendent: U Than Pe
Hosprter- FoR THE DrsesrrD
Kyaikwaing Pagoda Road, Thamaing, Rangootl
Senior Medical Officer: U Hla Pe l

INrnctrous Drsrasus Hosprrer, . , l

58, Upper Phayre Street, Rangoon

Medical Superintendcntr U Tin U

LrpRosv Hosprrar
A Road, Mandalay
Medical Superintendent: U Khin lVlaung Gyi

ReNcooN Cnnonrc Drspasas Hosptrer,

r3z, Hanthawaddy Road, Kemmendine, Rangotltr
Medical Superintendent: U Pe Khin


Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Tadagale, Rangoon
Medical Superintendent: U Ne Win , : l

Townn LelqB WoMrN Hosptlu

3zf34,Tou'er Lane
TueuRcurosrs llosptral
Aung San Myo
\{edical Superintendent: U Hla Maung

UNroN TuerRcur-osrs INSTITUTE

R.G.H. Extension, Bogyoke Aung San Street, Rangoon
Medical Superintendent: U Ko Gyi


fUlittu Road, Btock-ro, South Okkalapa, Ranqoon
Medical Superintendent: Daw Aye Kyi

Divisional Hospitals
Aryen Hosprral
Medical Superintendent: U Oo Maung

BesstrN Drt rsroNer HospIter,

Medical Superintendent: U Khin Maung Gyi

Lesuro Hosprter,
Medical Superintendent: U Kanbawza Khin Hlaing

Lorrew Hosprrer,
Medical Superintendent; U Than Aung
: :'

Meewt fl ivrsroNrir. fiodpftff
Medical Superintendent: K. M. ihaterjee

Mour,vrrrN Dwrstoner, Hosplrer,

Medical Superintendent: Daw Hla Hla Thein

MvrrxvrNe Drvmronx, Hosptrer,

Nledical Superintendent: U Nu

Pe-eN Hospltel
Medical Superintendent: U Aung Kyaw Tin


AuNc SaN DelroNsrnerroN Hrelrn UNrr aNo TnerNrsc CnNrnr

Aung San I\{yo, Rangoon
Tearn Leader: U Khin Hlaing

Frlenrl CoNrrol UNrr

5, Zafar Shah Road, Rangoon
Medical Officer: U Myo Paing

Fooo TncnNolocy Rrsruncn Drpen,tnmN'r

Union of Burila Applied Research Institute
Kaba Aye Pagoda Road, Rangoon

Senior Research Officer: U Than Nyun

Hnemn EirucerroN Bunreu

5r, Thiri Mingala Street, Myenigone, Rangoon
Chief I-Iealth Education Officer: U Min Swe

Merenre INsrrtula or Buntre

Assistant Director (Malaria): U Nyunt Hlaing
Nerroxer Htelmr Llnoner;ony
35, Stewart Road, Rangoon
Direct<lr: U Saw Ba Heng

Ni.,-rnrr:oN Prolucl'
5, Shah Road, Rangoon
Nutrition Officer: Daw Sein May Chit
PneRuecrurrcer, RrsrencH DEp.aRTMENT
Union of Burma Applied Research Institute
Kaba A'ye Pagoda Road, Rangoon

$enisr Resq4rqh Officcr: U Maung Maung Gale


Boeno or Posr-cnepuere Mrplcel Stunrrs -

Director : U Khin Maung Win

INsrrrutr or MEDICINB r, RaNcoon

z45,Lanmadaw, Rangoon
Professor of AnatomY : tI Tin Maung :
I '^
ProfessorofPhysiology:UMyaTu: ''
Professor of Micrqbiology : Daw Hpay
: ' ''
" ''
Lecturer and Head o[ Departmeni of Pharmacology , br* Khin I$i kyi

Lecturer an6 Head of Department of Preventive and'social Mediciae :''U Ki';w Tin;
Lecturer and Head of Department of Forensic Medicine : U Maung Maung Taik
Professor of Surgery : U KYee Paw
Clinical Professor of Surgery ' U Kyaw Maung ^

Clinical Professor of N{edicine : U R. Ba Pe

Professor of Obstetric and Gynaecology : Daw Khin Si
Professor of Child Health : U Tin Oo
Professor of Anaesthesiology : U Win Ma31S

Rector:UE .

Professor of Anatomy : U Maung Maung : . ' ,.' , ',: .

ProfessorofPhysiology:DawMayMayYi t. ".,,.i'. r,
Lecturer and Head of Department of Microbiology : U Tin Aung " ,';'l r ' i
Lecturer and Flead of Department of Pharmacology : Daw Khin Ma Gyi
Professor of PathologY : U,Hla Thein
Professor of Preventive and Social Medicine : U Khin Hlaing :

Assistant Lecturer and Head of Department of Forensic Medicine 'u Pa,b cho91 ,

Professor of Surgery : U Sein MYint

Clinical Professor nf Surgery : Vacant
Professor of Medicine : Lt.-CoI. Tin Ohn
Clinical Professor of Medicine : U Aung Than Batu
Professor of Obstetric and Gynaecology : U Shwe Tin
Clinical Professor of Obstetric and Gynaecology : Daw Khin Nu
Lecturer and Head of Department of Child Health : Maj. Daw Sein Yi

Ixstrrurr oF MEDIcINE, MANoeLAv

Rector : U Khin Maung Nyein
Lecturer and Head of Department of Anatomy : U Khin Maung Sein
Professor of Physiology : U Pe Thein
Lecturer and Head of Department of Microbiology : Daw Nyun Nyun
Lecturer and Head of Department of Pharmacology : U Khin Maung Tin
Professor of Pathology : U Hla Myint
Lecturer and Head of Department of Preventive and Social Medicine : U Ba Myint
Lecturet and Flead of Department of Forensic Medicine : U Thaung Myint
Professor of Surgery : U Aung Nyunt
Clinical Professor of Surgery : U Bo Ni
Professor of N{edicine : Daw Myint Myint Khin
Clinical Professor of Medicine : U Tin Aung Swe
Professor of Obstetric and Gynaecology : U Soe Myint
Clinical Professor of Obstetric and Gynaecology : Daw Kyu Kyu Swe

Collrcr oF DENTAL MrorcrNe

Professor of Oral Surgery : U Aung Than
Lecturer and Head of Department of Oral Medicine : U Khin Maung Lay
Head of Department of Dental Public Health : U Than Khin Maung
Assistant Lecturer and Head of Department of Conservative Dentistry : U Nan Shein
Department of Periodontology :
Department of Orthodontics :

Department of Exodontia :
Department of Prosthetics :

Pmemporc* Ixstrtutn
Rangoon General Hospital
Principal : U Maung l\[aung Aye
Chairman, School of Medical Technology : Mehm Soe Myint

Chairman, School of Physiotherapy : Daw Mya Sein
Chairman, School of Pharmacy : Daw Khin Kyi Kyi
Chairman, School of Radiology : U Kyaw Aung

HrelrH AsssteNr Tnemrue Scnool

Aung San Myo, Rangoon
Scsoor, oF INDrcENous MEDrcrNE, MenDelev

Principal: U Han Tun



Bunue Mrprcer- AssocretroN

249, Theinbyu Road, Rangoon.

President: U Kyaw Maung Section : Chairman.' U Saw Mra Aung
Surgical Section : Cha:innan.' U Kyee Paw
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Seetion : Chairman; U Shwe Tin
Anaesthesiology Section : Chairman; U Win Maung
Eye, Ear, Nose anil Tlttoat Diseases Section : Choirman: U Ko Gyi
Mental Heahh Section : Chairman.' U Tin Nyunt Pu
Paediatrics Section : Cha'irman; U Tin U
Preoenthte and Social Meiticine Section : Chairman: U Kyaw Sein
Tuberculosis Diseases Section : Chairman.' U Thein Nyunt
Radiology Section : Chairman; Maj. Hla Shwe
Occupational Health Sectian : Chai.rtnan.' U Nyan Soe

Bunnt* Rrp Cnoss SoclntY

Red Cross Building, 42, Strand Road, Rangoon.

Presiilent; U San Maung



Bunvre Mrprcer, Jounxer,

Burma Medical Association, 249, Theinbyu Road, Rangoon. Quarterly.

Editor : U Ko Gyi, Union Tuberculosis Institute, Bogyoke Street, Rangoon.

JounNm oF THE BunMe Rrsnencn Socrnrv

Burma Research Society, Universities Central Library, University P.O., Rangoon. Twice ayeat.
Editor : U Hla Aung, Department of Law, Arts and Sciences University, Rangoon.

UNroN oF BURMA JounNal or Lrrr ScrrNcss

Research and Development Co-ordination Committee, Prime Minister's Office. Three times
a year.
Editorial Committee Chairman.' U Mya Tu, 5 Zafar Shah Road, Rangoon.

Ulqrox or BunMl Jounxer, oF ScIENCE AND TECHNoLocY

Research and Development Co-ordination Committee, Prime Minister's Office. Three times
a year.
Ed.i.torial Committee Chairman; U Ba HIi


Research and Development Co-ordination Committee, Prime Minister's Office. Three times
a year.
Editorial Committee Chainnan: U Thet Tun, Central Statistical and Economics Department,

Part Two




i*. t*;fr:ili'iltft:jffi"ll'Jf}lberorthespecialistsin the Biography. women speciarists

-{dministrator: r9, fo1{8.,

.rt, g?,82,9o, 97, rog, t9-S,2rS, zS2, z1s,3og, 3r5, 33o, 333, 345, 36o,
3b7,393, lzo,443j +46, 4il., Soi,'Slo'i,5o9, 5ro.
.fnae-s1fet]s_t1 8, zr,23,!21 55,64,66,62,gS,9J, roo, roz, ro9, rrS,
;32',;;l:i;i:r'l{j,;*,'ii:ii--ii?,&::;*!i,l;.!:;;i;;#1,,';?,,"-fl it;:i#: il'',
-{narornist: r5.t, r87,z6r, 369, 47g.
-{r-iation N{edicine Specialist : zrg,
Bacteriologist: r38, 169, r79, r97, a4sr
254,305, 3341 362,
37r, 3g4, 43o, 43r, +7o, 4gg, so6,
Biochemist: r,28, g9, ro3, ro5,
56, 52, zzo, zg2,3rz, 459,
462) 4g7.
Biophysicist: 349.
Cardiologist see physician, Cardiologist.
chest Diseases specialist see physician, chest
Diseases speciarist.
Dental Surgeon: r48, r78,
3o6, 463.
Dental Surgeon, Public Health: 216,424.

Entomologist: t45,
323, 3gz.
Epidemiologist: 43, 99, l.67,
34ot 442, 453.
Forensic Nledicine Specialist .: 46,263, 452.
Gastroenterologist see physician, Gastroenterologist
Haematologist: r7,r85, r98.
Health Educationist: 277.

I Hepatologist see Physician, Hepatologist.

llndustrial Health Specialist. i g, zot, 234, 327, 475, 4g9.
i Leprologist: 99, zo6, 257, 4:^6,
llalariologist: 38, 335, 39r, 469,
+75, Srg.
\Iicrobiologist : rro, r34t 249,
\ephrologist see Physician, Nephrologist.
\eurologist see Physician, Neurologist.
\-eurosurgeon see Surgeon, Neurology.
\uclear Medicine Specialist: 4o4.
\utritionist: 5g, r35r 136, r5o, t7$ 233,
3251 352t43g, 4g{.

obstetricianiGynaecqlogist: 3Il 65, 76, rl4, rz6, tz7, rz8, r3r, rir, r7l, 176, r8o, r8z, 22.6, z3a,
239, z1o, z5r, z69, 283, t36, 329, 156, 397,
4oz, 496, Sz5r S35, 536.-
Ophthalmologist:^16, 29,3I,, 53,6r,t64,rgt,zoo,zr+,zzz,z4rrz65rz7orz8o,3oo,
3t3, 3r8r 337,
343t {t4,4t8,427,46r, +74, 5d7;1ri, S3g.

Orthopaedic Surgeon sce Surgeon; Orthopaedic-

Oto-rhino-laryngologist: 66,9r, r55, 26o,355, +og, 441,45o,.4g6; 495,
S2g, 53rt.
Psdiat ic Surgeoo saa $urgeon, Paediatric.
Paediatrician see Physician, Paediatrician.
P*fasitdogist: 72, B4; 323, 5o6:
Pathologist:- 4,2.4n25:fir.83,87,96rrtr,tzzi{B9r r^4ri 16r, 163,. r@, :r77rr8r, rg9, rglt 24lt
324,363t 3751 3781 396, 4o3, 4tS, 42* 477, 48o, 483, 485, 5ti.

Pharmacist: 2ro, 3S3, 4oo.


Pharmacologist: r33, r31- rS9, 186, r88, 237, 3ro, 383,

Physician, Chest Diseases Specialist z'17, 77, 336,

Physician, Gastroenterologist: 447.

58,62,7t,81 ro1 ro6r-162, :165, ryB-r:atrz,234,_276,

Physician, General: rr, r,/t +o,.42,
*8, 3oz,3o3r 3o4, 326, y6; 348,35t, i74,38r, 387, 4jO, 4Oo; {jz, 4gg, 5oi, ii'O:
' -'zVg,
' - zg5,

Physician, Hepatologist : r58.

Physician, Infectious Diseases Specialist: 5o3. I

Physician, Nephrologist :7g, 285. I]*,oo,.Jo,5o,,32,l5I,t66,t7z,t83,2,..^.n.
-;;E; rg,hilil 368,374, 38s,3sz, 4o7', +7s, +rs,+iii+oi,A#'r#i;,ll,t:r;l?;"!;;r:u"
Physician, Tropical Diseases Specialist: 32,47, 62, 84,ror, 288,
3o3t 3rZ, 4tr,472, 5oO, ,rU, ,r"-l
Physical Medicine Specialist:34,88, r3orz87r
3or,4r9. I
Physiologist: ro4, ro5, 22812671293,349,35o,366.
Phytochemist: 347.
Plastic Surgeon see Surgeon, Plastic. I

PublicH"rtn Speciaiist: \2o,33, J?, 38, 43,44, 45, 48,6o,63,73,.73arg6; g2193, 98, n ,,.r*rrro,l
tzt, r23, r2S, tzg, 146, r5r, ,.67, r74, tg+, 2or,-2o3, zo6, io9,24, zig, 2Zri I
";ii "iriZitl,
4'l2' 4'i; iz{' ni;,1
Radiologist: t2,z7r75,94,tt3rt7orr96, r99, zoz,z3o,z46r,4ot;466r5rg, I
Radiotherapist: 292,328,364,4291 47r. I
Engineer: ze8.

Statisticiarr, Medical : 537.
Stomatologist: r14.
Surgeon, Cardiac: r57, S3z.
Surgeon, Chest: 7o, zz4, 48r.
Surgeon, Gastroenterology: zo8.
Surgeon, General: .3, 6, r3,r 54,54,68, 78, 8o,rr9, t43, r47, 156, zo8, zz4,253, 2Sg, 262, 264
266, z96,2gg,3zrt 33i,386, +ro, 4zz,458, 5o8, 5r3, 5r4, S3r.
Surgeon, Orthopaedic: 15, r& 39, 4r, r53, t6o,2o4, 23r,235, z7i, SSg, 32", 433, 4+o; +SS.

Surgeon, Plastic: 14, 264, *8, 344, 457, 463, 54o.

Surgeon, Neurology: 5, 377.
Surgeon, Urology: zo1, 2o7, zz5,253, z8g.
$urgeon, Yascular'. z6z.
Tropical Diseases Specialist see Physician, Tropical Diseases Specialist.
Tuberculosis Speeialist i 2, 22, 77,82, l.t2e r\Zt rg2r ztt,24o,27rr 273, 3zo, 37o, 394, 4o5, 496.
Urologist: See Surgeon, Urology.
ist: 234, 416, 4zr, +26, +51.
i 254,2721 47o.



Meon Medion Modol

24 oge oge oge
Moles 4t7 4At 30.o
Femoles 4t4 438 424
Eofh sexes 41.3 4t .l 42.O

f rn


36 40 44 48 52 56 60
x ."

?. Cliruca/ ro


? I

1935 tg40 t945 t950 t955 1960 r965 t970 tr.72

'' 'Ygor


The following scientists passed away during the preparation of this book.





r' Ah Law, U, B.Sc. (Hons.), Ph. D. (Wales). Biochemist ; born April27, t94r inPantanaw.
Educatiotr.-Matriculated : state High school No. r, Bassein, r95g B.scr (Hons.), university
college of wales, Aberystwyth, ,96"9 ; ph.D. University of wiir, Grdifi,' rg7r."
Varasitology _T_echnician, Anti-malaria Organization, Aung San lllyo,
Biochemist, National Heilth Laboratory, rg72-. ry62-64 i
Pablications'-r. Ah Law (tS6S). Thiosalphate metaboliyn in Thiobacillus no.oellus. B.Sc.
(Hons') dissertation. univlrsiiy
tlbiyiygye.s in Fungi.. Ph.-D. tlresis, .coll_egg'of wales. z. Ah Law (rgzr). n;osyiineoi o7
Unlversity of wales. 3. ThrelfL('o. n., e6 Law and
G. R. Whistance (r97o). Cinnamic acid and piconmaric acij precursors of U'biquinones in
[s[.t _p-I,?lt.,green algae and fungi. Biochem.-J. rr8, 55 p.+. Ah Law, D. R. Thielfeil a.d
G. R. whis:ance (i97o). Isoprenoid quinon6 precririors' of ubiquinone-ro (X-Hr) in
flaoers. Bioclteyr,J.-u7,79i 5. Threlfall, D. R., Ah Law and w. A. white (iszr).
Isolation of z-demethylphytylpla*"q*ffig from fiagtena graealis. Biochun. j. ,z+rii p.
6..Ah Law, D' R' Threlfeli ind G. R. Whistance (rgio). "tlbiquinone of HniaOt^;tiiotit,
Plrytochem. g, 246r. 7. Lh Law and D. R. Threifaif (rqzz\. intracellular distribution of
lsoprenoid phenol and.quinone p_recursors of ubiquinores arrd ubiquinones (Hr) in fungi.
Phytochern..rr,.48r.8. A[ Law, lt.R. Threlfall and G.R. whistairce (r97r). "irnp.".roTd
phenol and quinone^precursors of ubiquinone and dihydroubiqui"one
iU6iquinonis Hz]
rn fungi. Bioch.em. 1..
. 1zg, r3,3. g. Ah Law and D. R. 'ihrelfall (1972). 'Th. o".uro.n." oi
r-o - methyl-z-demethyl ph).tyl plastoquinol in Euglena graeulis. 'piyiochem.
rr, gz9.
Jddress.-6o, Bogyoke Aung San Road, Rangoon.

Auag Hmyo, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.T.C.D. (Wales). Tuberculosis Specialist; born

December 3r, 1934 in Rangoon.
Mrcation.-Matriculated_: Methodist High school, Rangoon, r95r ; NI.B.,B.s., university
of Rangoon, 1958; D.T.C.D., University-of Wales,'tg64i
lainiry.-\ardley- Green chest^Hospital and Birmingham chest clinic, rg6j-6q; sully
chest Hospital, ry64; Brompton chest-Hospital, London]
ry6y65; St. John-'s it ist ilo.pitai,
Employ-ment.-civil Assistant surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, TB wards,
Cjvil Astltan1 lugeoq, Natmauk-Civil Hoipital, 196o; Civil Assistant Surgeon, ry5g-6o

General Hospital, TB_wards, on siudy leive, 19$-66; civil Assistant surg'eon,

lJnion Tubeiculosis Institute, \g6r-6s;
Rrrrgooi,'1966-69 ; Civil
Civi Assistant Surgeon, Aung San TB
Hospital, ry69-.
Nanbership oJ Societies,-Burma Medical Association ; British Medical Association.

lmg Khin, U, M.B.,P.!. .(Rqr.), F.R.C.S. (Ed.)t General Surgeon ; paediatric Surgeon I
born June 2t, rg3r in MoulmJin
'Mvi:ation.-Matriculated : Government High School, Moulmein, 1948 ; N{.B.,B.S.; Univer-
uitf- of Rangoon, 1955 ; F.R.C.S., Edinburgi, 1963.
'raiaing.--Professional Surgicnl Unit, Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen in general surgical
ud wound infection research, ry5g-6o i orthopaedic Unit, Royal Infirmar|, Aberdeei
Orthopaedicand traumatic surgeiy, 196r ; Hospital fbr Sick Children, Toronto in paediatric
rgery, ry66-67.
Wploymwrt.-_Civil Ass_istant Surgeon, Thaton Civil Hospital, 1955-57; Civil Assistant
fiurgeon, Civil Hospital, Thazi, ,SSZ-S8;Civil Assistant"Surgeonl"AtlaU Ciuit Hospital,
!gi8-59 ; on study leave, 1959-63 ; eivil Assistant Surgeon, General Hospital,
r*6+-6S I Surgeon, Sao San Htun Hospital, Taunggyi, 196l-,
Nanber ship oJ S ociet i cs.-Burma Medical Association.

Aung Khin, U, \,I.8., B.S. (i{gn.), fh. D. (Liverpool). Pathologist;born February 18, 1934 itl
Educatic*.-Nlatriculatcd: State High School, l4lancialay, r95o; M.I].,11.S. University
Rangoon, 1957; Ph.D., University of Liverpool tt)65'
Training.-TJ.K. and U.S.A. in renal pathology, rt)7r-7"'
Entbl.oynrcntrecord.-CiviLt\ssistant Surgeon, Nlaymyo Civil lJospital, r958-6r;
D;;;;;;;r;ii,urt ology, Institute_o_f Nte.llcine, hiandrlav, r9(rr-6,b;Lectttrcr,-Departmcnt,
of FuA*tog,", Institute 3i irt.ii.i"., X{anda1a,v, ry66'-7r ; }iead of DePartmeot
of l{aematology,
Rurnra Medical Research Institute, Rangoon, 1{)7L-'
il,I e r lt er shi'p of S o cietie s.-Rurnla li edical Association'

Cur r en t r es ear ch aorA.-Immunology.

Publication.s.-Aung Khin (.g6S), l:lsperimental, lrytlrctnephrosis' Ph' D' Thesis, University
of Liverpool'
Adclress.-5, Pyiclaw Ayc l{oad, }Jauktarv'

Aung Kyawru, (l).gri.), Ph.D. ('I'<-rh1,o). Ncurosurgeon; Neurosurgeon) R-angtlon

5. 1,1.13.,I1.s.
Gencral FlosPital.

Aung Kyaw Tin, u, \,I.8.,ts.s.(Rgn.), Ir.R.C.S. (Ed.), General Surgeon; born septefiiber r5,
\g2g at TaunggYi.
Educatirn.-Matriculation: St, Anne's Iinglish High School, Taunggyi, r948; N{.ts.,8.S.,
University of Rangoon, r955; F'R'C.-Q', Edirrburgh, r963'
1'raining.-Broadgreen General _Hospital, T.iverpool, Post-graduate Institute of -;urgery,
il".ip"",.,t and RJyal Infirmary, Liveiirool, in general surgery' ry62-53'
It)rrfiktvtrctfi.-Registrar, Neath (ieneral I{ospital, South Wales, !]'l!', ry63-64; S.enio.l House
U.I{. 196a,-!5; Civil lissistant
5#;;6;: R"*ionaT Carcliotl-roracic Hospital, Sully, South \Vales, cwn
Iffi;;;; ni"goo" General Hospital, r965-ic,69; Surgeon Medical Superintendent,
Div"isionai Hospital. Mague ry67--
II e ntb er ship oJ S o ciet i e s.-Burma \'{cdical Association'

7. Auns"itMvar, u, \,I.8.,8.S. (Rgn.), D.P.H.(Ca1.). Public Flealth Specialist;born Decenrber 25,

r93z i)itganlaung villagc. Si riam'l'orlnship'
Etl.uttttiou.-Nlatriculated: Prilate School, r95o: 1\IJ.,B.S.'- Universit,v of Rangoon, 1957,
;:p.H., att trraiu Institute oJ Hygiene and Fublic 1{ealth, ('alcutta, 1967.
Tt,ainirw.. All Inclia Institute of Tuberculosis, Bangalore and Kolar Plague Research Ocntre,;
xr*;r8 State in tuberculosis control and plague cliic{emiology, 1967'
li.tnttlovirnnl.-Iicclical Ofiicer, Eiectricitl' Supplr, Board, Rangoon, rg57-59; Civil l,;sistant
;,;;;;;,,: R^rsoon C;eneral Ilospital, r96o-6r ; Civii Assistant Surgeon, T.B. Clinic, R:rngoon,
;;;?-;;f i.ri-,-t-,-".t.r (t.pper bu.*oiB.t:.G. Consolidation Team (3), N{andalay, r9(tz-65;
iY"".",.*i;,r- Hcalth 0fficer, North \\r-est Division, Xtandalay, ry65-67;
ni"i-i".r'f if .alth Officer, A.D.I{.S. Office, \lorth-\\rest Division, \'Iandalat', x167-72; T'raining
i)ffi".r, Dcpartn.rct.rt of llellth, Mirristry of Ilcatrth, 1972-'
Studlt Tow's.-!YHO Inter-Regional Seminar on smallpox, WHO, SEARO Office
Nern'Delhi, Ig7o.

' Membership oj Soeieties,-ilurma Meclicai Association.
Current rcsearchwork.-Epidemiology of snake bite in North-West D]visjgn; integration ot'
mass disease control campaigns into [Lneral h.ealth services in Mandalay Division; scrub typhus
in N{ayrnyb area.
Publicatians.-r. Ko Ko, U THeuNc, Tux MrN, Mvo Mvtxr AND AUNG L{vet (1967). Plague
epiclemic Mandalay, ry66-67. Burmit nted. J. 15, r85.-r9:. z. AuNc. $vy eloJIN Hrur
(i968). Field assessmint of smallpox vaccination rvork in K_hampat and Tarhan R'H.C. areas,
i{awlaik district. Barma med. i. {t, zz5. 3. AuNc Mr-er eNo TsauNc_Mvrxr _(1969)'
Mortalities'from accidents, violence and poisoning
- in Mandalay. Burma med. J. r7r_85-89-.
4. Kvaw WrN eNo Auxc My;tr (rg6r)). Furtherstudies on scrub typhus. Butrna Research
bongrrts :1969, Abstracts, rf pip*lrp.:r8. .5_. AuNc Myar.eNu MeuNcMeuNc NerNc
{tgio). I'he pievalence of Xmopsytti cheopis-in rodents in relation to the rteather. Union
of Burma J. Life Sci.3, fig-ry2.

8. Aung Myat, U, N4I.B.,B.S.(Rgr.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist.

g. Aung Myinr (z),[J, \,{.B.,ts.S. (Rgn.), D.P.II. (Poona). Industrial }Iealth Specialist; born
December, t8, tg3z, Rangoon'

#' Eilucation.-Matriculated: Teachers' Training College School, 1949;M.8.,8.S., University

of Rangoon, 196o; D.P.H., Armed Forces lVledical College, Poona.
Trainins.-Public Health Administrationand Planning advanced training attached to Assistant
Directoi of Health (H.Q. Southern Command) Poor:a; t966-57.
Einplrynent recrd.-Railway:Assistant Surgeon, Burma Railways il{edical f)epartment,
ry6o-7r; Senior Assistant Surgeon, Burma Railways Department, 197t-.
M emb er sltip oJ S o cietie s.-Burm a MeCical Association.

l,Iembership of Comruittees.-Occrrpational Health Sub-Committee, Rurma Medical Association.

. Couferencef Study Tours.-.Attended WHO Seminar on training and services on occupational

health for developing countries, r97r.
Publications,-AuNc l\llyrx'r (r966). Epideniology of industrial accidents. D.P.H. <lissertation:
Armed Forces X,tedical College, Poona.
" Address,-Railway Dispensary Compound, Upper Phayre Street, Rangoon.

Aung Myint, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.C'H. (Glas). Paediatrician; born July 3, 1933 in
Edacation.--Matricr-rlated: Pyapon r95o; M.B.,8,S., University of Rangoon, r958; D'C.H.,
Glasgow, 1956.
Trainhry.--Royal Hospital.for Sick Children, Glasgorv and \zVest lVliddlesex Hospil:al, London
in child health, ry65-66.
Employment,-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Loilem Civil Hospital,- 1958-6r; Civil Assistant
Surgeon, Sao San Tun Hospital and Civil Hospit_al, Taunggli, rgfi-!+;.Civil Assistant
Surgeon, Children's Hospital, Rangoon, ry6q Civil Assistant Surg991i, Children's Hospital,
Ranqoon,rgTr ; Child Specialist, K-vaukme Civil Hospital, ry67-*7r; Child Specialist, Divisional
Hospital, Lashio, r 97 r-.
M e n tb e r s hilt of ,S a ci eti e s.-B urma Medical Association.
Addrc ss.*Divisional Hospital, Lashio, Northern Shan State.

rr. Aung Mvint, u, ili-8,8.s..(iign.),
- D.1..lvI. & !i. (Lond.), N,i.R.c.p. (I). physician; born
December 3t, 1936 in Chauk.
Education.-Matriculated{St:_j*l': Boy,s High School, Rangoon, rg53; M.B.,B.S.,
Universityof Rangoon,_L96oiD_.T.NI, !1o_cesgn
&H., Schooiof Hftiene n"drroll""inrlt'iJi*, Gir"r-
sity of London, 1968; [,I.R.C.p., Ireland, r97r.

fy?loyntent record.-Township Medical officer, Thanatpin, rg6z-6+: T'ownship Medical

officer, Natcgf , 1965; Township Medical officer,
\yauns do, :,965-66; ciriiar.i.irit S,rrg"o,
(Assistant,to. Professo^r. of. Medtine), Rangoon-GLnera"l uosfitit, 1966-67; Ciuii-a.rirtu"t
surgeon, Assistant to Physician, General lloipital, North okkalipu, nrtigooo,'r97r_.
Mentber slipof Societies.-Burma Medical Association.
current researclt work.-Ehiich's urine test for diagnosis of enteric fever.
Addr ess.- 3o, Thukha Street, Myenigone, Rangoon.

rz. Aung.Ny_ein, u, B.A. (Rgn.), 1\,I.B.,8.s. (Rg*.), D.NLI{.D. (Eng.). Ra<liologist; born August
t94 in Rangoon. 5,

Education.-Matricula-ted.: Diocesan Boy's 'High

_rg+9; 8.A., university College,
UniversityofRangbon, r9!3; lchool,
D.nI.R.Di'Conjoint Board, noyrf CoffJge
ot I'h1src4{hs and Surgeons, England, 196o.

lrai(n$t _juy's Yospital, L_ondon in radiolog-v, 1957---6o Royal Melbourne Hospital

' and
Royal children's Hospital, Melbournc in card-io-thdracic radioiogy, 1963-64, '
Employruent;-Civil Assi*ant Surgeon,- Mlqdalay General H_ospital, Maymyo Civil Hospital,
ey"glfl_Yyo, Fort_IJealt_h, Rangoon, Civilhssistant S.rig"or,
r\ssistant District }lealth Officer,
Rangoon General Hospital, r953-6o f Civil Surgeon (Radiologist)i Rangoon General Uorfiituf
)11[ emb er ship of S o cieties.-Burma Medical Association.
ConferenceilStudy. Tours.-Yisited Siriraj Hospital, Chulalorrkorn Hospital; T'uberculosis
I{ospital, Bangkok, r964; Attended Conference of Radiologists of Austraiia, 1964.
Address.-332, U Wisara Road, Rangoon. 1

13. AungNyunt, u, n{.8.,8-s.--(Rgl.), F.R.c.s. (Glas.), F.R.c.s. (Ed.). General surgeon; i
born December zo, rgzz in I\{anclalay. I

Education.-r{atriculated.: a.v. school, Maubin, 193-9; M.8.,8.s., university of Rangoon,

rg5z; F.R.C.S., Glasgow, rgSV j F.R.C.S. Edinbuig6, ry57.
Traitting.-Kingston General Hospital, Yorkshire, Hull, England in general surgery, 1957.
Einl>loyment.-.civil Assistant^Surgeon, Pyinmana, 1945-46; Hsemwi, N.s.s.,
ry+6-+7;Hukong I
Valley, Kachin State, tg47-48; Monyrva, rg+8-4g. Si",ray iea-re to atiend con.lJ.rred nl.n..S.Sl I
course' p+! .51;.Civil Assistant Surgegnt Rangoon General Hospital, rgsz-'S+; On deputatio"
to the united Kingdom as a_ states schorar, rys+-s7; civif Adisia;t s"urgeon, f,*e*; I
parrtifre I
Qeneral Hospital, ry^57.. 69 surgeon-and iecturer in surgery, uaidalay Gd;i I
llospital, _r96o. 9+; Police Su{geon and Part-time Lecturer in Medical }"urisprudence,'Mu"arhv I
General Hospital, ry6o-66; Professor of Surgery, Institute of Meclicine, Mandalay, 1964-.'
Conferencesf Study Tours.-WHO sponsor-ed study tour to the United Kingdom andlndia to
study advances in medical education, 1969. " I
lfen&ership of
Sociel.ies.-Burma Medical Association (Past Academic Secretary, Mandalay
Ilranch); Chairman, Academic Cornmittee, zoth Burma iMedical Conference, \[aiial"y, r91i.

Puhlicatiotts.-r. Auxc .\Iyry"(rqSg). Annual review of surgical cases admitted and treated I
in Professor U Ba Than's Unit in the Rangoon General Hospit'al. Burma med. B, ze7-)76
J. |
z' Auuc NvuNr ('g6+). Road acciclents and their medicoJegal
application. Burrua med.
;i;;ils;# 'iii""..
wiii'#hiiH"Hl:,iyi;:isf, ,:6),,3il:r",i,,ff l{ jJ.r#Tilllr,X
Address.-3,7rst and zgth Street Corner,
14. Aung Than, U. tl_:rr;I:-X,_I.8.,8.S.
Plastic Surgeon; born June (Rqn_.),.D.D.S. (penn.), F.A.C.D., F.I.C.D.
itn'iMoulmein. Orat and
Education'-Matriculated: St. paul's Institu
te,. rg4o;-L.s.I\{.,., Medi:alc^orege,
1945; M"B',B.s. (condens.a co"*.),-ii.,iu.*i,y?h;;;;;:;9J9;_D_.D.S., Rangoon,

Eid["fll:;fl:i; ili*"lflrffiiT .;ir;;; ; iHf#;' iiniversitl. of

,g:6:,i's1v o], io't'#i,;onor
Training'-school of Dentistry, University
of Pennsylvania in dentai nnd plastic
1953-57; university of Pennsylvaniu-rto.pitut, . surgery,
surgery, tg52_53. Filira.[rri.'in plurti" and- resonsllugllys

Employrnent'-civil Assistantfls5geon, Rrgr+ General

Hospitar, rg5o-5r; Assistant N{edical
superintendent II- c"i.i"i iilrpitur rysr-s7;oiat
ana iiarii.,s;G;;;
Generat Flospital.' ,gii to aut.l-irioi.*".,i.
or s,""*rr;1;gy 1,.,',i o..n, colege ofnr,goo,
"fil,t.jti""';] ri"rdil, ry66_.
Medi.lhe, Instituie Dental
Membership of societies.-Burma N{eclicar Association, Burma Red
cross society.
Membetshio of comnitte-es'-President, Burma Dental Association; president,
Federatiori; Nrember, e""a.*i" i?ii*.;;;;;;'ffi;;'ilr",tile Burma Gymnastic
i\rrember, Academic podv, Ajminir;;;ffi;".d of.Medicin" ,,-rirnfuo,,;
and Admi,istrative Boaid, Cc,uege oi ri;r;J il u;j+;;iit[,rur, chairma., Aca;emic
M;;;;;'i,*rt;ii,"-.lf Medicine r, Rangoon.
conferenceslstudv Tours'-attended centenary
New york, session of American.I)entist,s Association,
re5[; Attend",r c;;;;;ril;'q","jl,9;;,_;;',,
International Medicar conference ,rJ rrla. chicago, rs6r; Attended
Auckland' New Zealand ot' , ttrdy ,o*
nri*'q*ir.;i,"r"962; visited we,inston
course I r961. Attended r"t.r*i'io"ut
#b.nal rlenmr's..nirri rra Dental Auxiliar-y Scloo,
o"rlr c""r.i.r;;,-s"#;;r;, r966;visited tvr.i,,g-ron,
chicago, t\{iami andxio a. i*.i*;';;"+y;;;iiri, i.l"ii}+.r"a
and reimptan-tation of teeth; survey of periodontal
r,;{;;; sir *""iilil ;l':'l'."J.-,,'#:ffi,'J,,r,r_*:,l,rilU:l;*t"*lnml*j*l#i[:a::
patients Department, Dental O"pnrtri..ri,'iiuigoo,,
C"i.r"L H"rpt"f.
AuNe THem (1959). Reconstru*ive surgery
of the face. Burma med.
i:W:^^'*r' J.
Addtess.-6o. Lower Windermere Road, Rangoon.

;rs Aung Tha*, u, M'B''*.s.(Rs".).


orthopaedic surgc'n; born september ro,

1934 i'ye-U.
Education.-Matriculated: state Fligh schoor, ye-tl,gr953;
196o, o -----"-' , M.B.,IJ.s.,
rrl'u'tDr'D' Lrniversity of Rangoon,
I Training.-Ransoon General,Flospitar in orthopacdic
I suru_e5y, 19_66-69:Nuffierd orthopaedic
crntre, oxfordln orthopaedic s;;g;rJ,, lii."-rr;
eirecrr rlar-v Hospitar, Hongkong in iubb.r_

Employment.-civir Assistant. Surgeon, Meiktira


officer, I\{ahraing civil Hospit civil Ilospit ar, ,,96z; Township nledical
Tsiil-eji cl;ji,;r;,;r,,i'rl'.*}rltMeiktjra Civil rrospitar,


al Hospitat' r97 t*'
if;tt."1"bffi;;;, tii,rr"p"ii"'G;i' oiuition
1\[ e mb er ship of s'-Burma \{edical Assor:iation
S o cietie
of bone and joints'
Current rcsearch work'-Ttberculosis
Divisional Hospital' Moulmein'
Address.-Otthopaedic Department'
born october r5' r93o
(Rgt')' D'o' (Eng')' ophthalmologist;
r6. Aung Than, Maior, M.B.,B's'
in Mergui. D'o"
';;r;;r;;;.-Matriculated: Rangoon' 1956;
Rangoon-re4e; M'B''B's" univqsitvof
England' re58'
conjoint Board, R"vrft;lu;s "r'pr'i'Ii"t;; ;;'J S;seons'
F'R'C'P' (Ed')" Haematologist/Physician-General
Aung Than Batu, IJ, M'B,B'S' (Rg-n')' i n Prome'
Jun 2 r,'t g3t
Meclici n e / phy.i"iur-br,Lrr" ;"uJtn "
Eilucatiott.-Matriculated:MyomaHighschool,Rangoorr,..rg4T;,M'B''B'S''universityof 95 5 ; n'r.nilr' ;'iiJiibdh: 96o
1 ; r'n' c'p-'' Edinburgh' r e7o'
and haematolo.
Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel in clinical
Training.-Hebrew University, Hadassah
gical reiearch, 196z-63'
;;;;;;,*, -;,trse surgeon, Rangoon ""1,:i,?:,ItY,'illi',frl;at1;".t]dl'ii'ilIT'rillfi;:31
,,,,',,#i$x;f *Bii*fii'-'i-*'
Haematology, Burma
#f; :ii#:",",l';ifitffMJ;;i R;tearch Inttit'i"' ''qoz--'.00;

nl"a;';n', lnstitute of Medicine z'

Hospitat, Rangoon, ffi'l;'ari?i'?li;i.;fi*;idilLf
. Rangoon, t97o-'
Medical Association'
M emb er shi.p of S ocietie s'.:Burma Committee ort
Membership of Committees.-Burma
n'IediJ Re'earch ^Council; Technical
Malaria Eradication in
frrr.t.;;;;'Clmmittee for Folmulary
rr.r*i,tru.'ini'..tion.ln'bur*u, #i*tJ;il";*u; committee'
Burma; committee on chloroquine of Y:9tSA
the Council for International Organizations
and responsibrrtttes'
ConferenceslstuilyTours,-Attended Prioritiis
sci ences Round T;;b i;i;;;;;.
;" M:H;i"il;-r*h. to,' to tt'" United Kingdom'
1969; -IVIemb., o,f. Wii"O'.p"*."19a
Geneva, SwitzerlanJ, t"lttion to health
czechoslovakia and India to di..r.. *,.,.i"#h';;ii"uro'*uifuo"-i"
liuiiitio"'. uyaerabad'
neecls and their implementation, 1969, u,r"ra.i'i'ir; Li; io"g"i'lT
malabsorption; Peripheral
current research work.-yondeficiency anaemia, iron absorption;
;;rn;;,' bronchit is and emphysema'
airrvay obstruction-ti"*hi;l "rrr""i"
$'''}:'i:1.':i? lii
?,ii-ru,,;-i,,Hlfr;k"ii;r,i lT d;ilJ'|]lt.,*"frt*H',Xl
.r. Aurqc-TneN-g^ru ana itia-pr. (r,)6S).ttffi"'!i"",fl"t"tf
'u"ut*iu in Burma' Abstract'

'i;,,,- a*,,* .M'd' R;;;;"i co'v'i'i'4

a: i;i;-i;;ii-B^; i;$a!\ rhe crinicar
rriar' Burnta med'
A new.colorimetric metlrod for tI
r u'*o
A1q5iq'dill#1i",*t*t^!:;!:f;'f,,5';#i '"l.tii;;er'1"',''
3, i4i)_l52. 9. Iir.e-Pri und AuNc-firen-iierr, (rS98). Methods of detectingfolalgdefi-
iien{f. Onion'of Burma J. Life Sci.rrz34-24o. ro. Aur:tc-TueN-Baru, KnrN-KvI-Nvuxt
and Hre-Pr: (rq68). The thalassaemiasln Burma . Union oJ Burnm J. Life Sci. r, z4t-247._
rr. AuNc-Tn,rs-6aru, THasr-Toe, Hle-Pp antl TuetN-Tuex (1968). Some aspects_ of
anaemia of pregnancy in Burma. Linion of Burma J. Life Sci. rr 33t-335. . tz. KstN-KYr-
NyuNr, TnrrN-TseN, Hre-Pr and AuNc-Tsax'Beru (rS6S). Anaemia in two Burmese
Villages. [Inionof BurmaJ. Life Sci. z,zo9-216. r3. Hre-Pr andAuNc-TnAN-Baru (tS.6S):
A fluirometric irethod for *irru.y folic a-cid determination in folic acid absorption an! l9a$
test. Clinica Chimica Acta. z+ (Zi, 38r-387. 14. HLe-Pe and AuNc-TneN-B11q $g69\:
Metabolic effect of para-aminoiaii6yfii acid on human erythrocytes. _]. Pharm and Pharmacol.
2r, 33o. 15. Aulrc-breN-BAru, Hie-Ps and Mynr-Oo(r969). Eff-ect of para-aminosalicylic
acid"6n hriman recl cell glutathione metabolism and its ielation to drug induced haemolysis.
(Tnion of Burrra
J. Life"Sci. z, 197-4or. 16. TsBrx-TseN, H1e.-Pr and AuNc-THAN-BAru
(rg6S). ' The assEssmint of iron"6t'ot"d. Union of Burma J. Lt'fe.S9i. z-,-t43-r46. 17' TreNr-
AuN( fnrrq-Nwr-AuNc, Hr.e-Pu and AuNc-TneN-Beiu (rS6q). Urinary- coproporphyrin
o.-^.oti^- in battery
excretion .',^-Lo*o Union
Lo*or.r workers. nf Burma
f L.inn of 7 L,f,
Rurmn 1. Sci. z,243-246.
l.ifp ,$ri z- ztl-zd6- r8.-
18. AuNc-TruN-
Beru and I{r-e-Pr (r969). Glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogen_ase-deficiency_ in Burma.. .Ution
of Burma J. Lrf. S'cil z','59-62. ,9. TrurN-fHeN, i{lui-Kvr-NvuNr, Hu-Pr--and- A-trryc-
fueN-nefu (rgOS). IntiJtinal abs6rption in the iJrrr-"... Union of Buntta I..Lrf, S1i. z,
365-3Tr. zo'. Au'(c-TlrAN-BArU, Hr-.i-Pe, Tnrn{-TrAN, Derv i\{ve-Kvemc, and Cepr. THerq
Trier.r"Soa(rq6q). Ironbalance'in youngBurmeseWomen. Abstratt. 4thBurma !.u. C9ng.
zr. AuNc,ri''ie(/-Boru, Hu-Pr ut.l Tr"urN-'IueN (r97o). 'troi. Primaquine induced haemoly-sis
in"G-6-PD deficient B.rrm.s". Trans. Royal. Soc. Med. and Hyg, 64, 7851p6-,
zz. AuNc-TnaN-Baru, Ht,e Pr and BeNr Hre-Wrx (rSZi). ' Effect of temperature and 1r.igh
velocity air-flow ot reversible airway obstruction. Absiract 6th Bunna_ Research Cong.
23. AuNc-1'naN-BAru, lfu,e-Pn and Capr. Ayti-Ayti (rgZr). Lactose intoleranE among the
B-urmese. Abstract. 6th Burma Reg. Cong. 24. AuNc-TiAN-BATU, Hr.a-Pr and Tnrrrs-T}IeN
Gglr). The validity of d (+) xyl"ose ab."sorption test as an index of_intestinal absorption.
Ciln;ia Chimica Acta. 32, ia5-r{0. 25. AuNc-TuaN-Beru and Hre-Pn (rIfr). Studies ol
folic acid. Fir$ A;ia; C"ongiess oi, Nutoitiro. Abstract. 26. A.uwc-TneN-Betu and
Hr,e-Pr (rgZr). Haemoglobinopathies in Burma. I. The incidence of HaernoglobinB..Trop,
Georg. Iilid. 23, 15-19. 27.' AuNc-THAN-BAru, Hre-Pr and KtuN-Kvr-NvuNt, (1SZr).
Haefroglobinopithie-s in-Burma. II. Haernoglobin H. Disease. Tro2. Georg.-!t[ed..z3t
,g-41 28. AuNc-TnAN-BAru, HL,c.-Pa and Kirrv-Kvr-NvuN'r (rgZr). Haemoglobinopathies
in Burma. III. Thc incidence of Alpha-Thalassaemia Trait. Trop.-Georg. -Med. 23,
23 25. zg. Aunc-Tna,N-Beru, Hie-Pr:, KrrrN-Kvr-NvuNr lnd Try:U (rgZr).
Iiaem6globinopathies in Burma. IV. Thalassaemia Haemoglobin -E. Disease and
; Thalassaenria Major. Trop. Georg. Med. 23, 2;-zg. 3o. AuNc-THAN-BATU' Hr,a-Pa and
KnrN-Kvr-Nvr,rvi (rg7z).- Iron deficiency-in Burmese-Population Groups. A*. J. Clin.
)iutr. 25, zro-2t8.

Address.-uz-A, Civil Station Road, Insein, Rangoon.



[tn Arrng Than Htun, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn). Orthopaedic Surgeon; born February t8, 1937 in
h Taungup.
t Hucation.-Matriculated: State High School,'Taungup, 1953; M.B.,B.S., University of
n' Rangoon, r96r.
I Training.-Rangoon General Hospilal in traumatic and orthopaedic surgery, 1968-7o.
F-nploynrcnt reeord.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, ry62-64; Civit
Assistant Surgeon, Kunlong Bridge Construction Camp, 1964-66 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
ffi I[andalay General [Iospital, 1966-68 I Township Medical OIficer II, Budalin, 1968 ; Civil
Itri -1968*7o
!I1.. -{ssistant Surgeon, Rangoou General Flospital, ; Assistant Orthopaedic Surgeon,
lrortlr Okkalapa General Hospital, rgTr..-.
n Ilanbership af Societies.-Burma N{edical Association.
Cwrent research work.-'A. study of factors affecting fusion of triple arthodesis in fact.
-{ddress.-253, Creek Street, Rangoon.


ic. fhein, u, [4.8.,8.s. (Rg.,.), (FIonsJ. Administratof ; born Argust g,
Paungde. ryzz in

Edttcatio,.-l,Iatriculated:--state High school, pegu, r93g ;' M.B.,B.s.,

Rangoon, 1917, B.Sc. (Hons.), Edlnburgh, iiS+7 ' -7r" ' Medical college,

Traitting.-Hospital Aclministration training in England, r964.

{mployment.-Mcdical .Officer, Burma Defence Army, ry43-45; CivilAssistant Surgeon,

Rangoon General Hospital,,r947-48 ; civilAssistant.suig"or,,'in.Jirr'1"it, ,9ag
surgeon, Rangoon General Hospitar, r948-5o ; civil"surg.o.r, srgoirg,'rqciliT-, ciuit
surgeon, lesu, 1ri1-{r ; civil surgebn, -Mciktira,
ry6't-62' ; lZ"JiEl 3'r'p"#tir,a.nt,
Rangoon General Hospital, 196z-7r; Director, Departrient of'Health, i9721.-*""

Membership of Societies.-Burma Medical Association, Burma Recl Cross Society.

{eryQrsht2 9f Comrnittees.-President, Burma Medical Association ; Sub-president,

Crolq Societv; Member, Central Worker's Council ; Member, Central Cor."itt.", B-rrrrrr."
Way to Socialist Programme Party.
Decorations and azoards.-Holderof Revorutionary star (second Grade).
conferenceslstudy Tours.-study tour of Blood rransfusion service,
Japan, $63 ;Hungary,
Ad dr e s s.-Rangoon General r{ospit al Compound.

ao. Aung Jhgin, u, M.B.,B.s. (Rg.,.), D.p.H. (Lond.). pubtic Flealth Specialist ; born
r9z8 in Rangoon. JuIy

Etlucatiort.-Matriculated : Bassein State

ttig_rt school, ry41 ; M.8.,8.s., flniversity of
R-atgoon, r95+_ ' D.P.H., London School oT Hygiene ani T'ropical M",lici.., Lrnir"irity
of London, 1963.

Training.-Attended,WIlg.Tr,1,ning course incholera control in Calcutta, 1965; in-service

training course in industrial heaith, Rangoon, r97o ; WHO training .o,rrc" it t i"
Rangoon, r97r. "itt'n irfr""i"g
Employment.--Demonstrafor,. Departm"tt_ of
_Alatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Rangoon,. r955-52_i Medical R-egistrar, Health
?gpr.ri-111, Rangoon Municipality, rosg_65;
P-epu_tY- Assistant Director of llealth, Rangoon Hialth l)ivisiori
Mandalay Division, tgTz-. ry65-72; Hdrftf'Om"p"r,,

lllembership of Societies.-Burma Medieal Association.

Publications.*Aui'tc l'HsrN (rS6:). Filaiasis in Burma, D.P.H. Dissertation, University of
Address.-54, Manawhari Road, Dagon P.O., Rangoon.

21. Aung-Tun, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist; born November 17, rg2g at
Education.--Matriculated : State Posj,P_rirnary School, Shwebo, 1916 M.8.,8.S., University
of Rangoon, 196o ; D.A., Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon, 1967. ''

'lraining.-K{len H.ospjtal, Kiyose-shr:_To\yq, Japan in thoracic anaesthesia,_January_May

r97r ; Tokyo ll[edical college Hospital, Tokyo, in cardiac anaesthesia,'J"un.-sJri.*-
ber r97r ; National cancer Institute, Ginza, Tokyo in pulmonary functions, o.-ril*-
December r97r.

Employment.-BCG Team Leader, Pegu Division, 196r-63 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
Mandalay General Hospital, 1963-65 ;-Township Medical Officer Il..1\{adaya, 1966^; Civil
Assistani Surgeon (Anaisthetist), Divisional Hospltal, Magwg, 1967 ; Civil Assistant. Surgeon
(Anaesthetist;] Uaiaatay General Hosptial, ry67--7o; Civil Assistant Surgeon (Anaesthe-
tist), Rangoon General Hospital, rg72-.
Menbership of Socirties.*Burma Nledical Association.

22. Lu11g Zan, Lt.-Col., M.B.,B.S. (Rg^.), T.D.D. (Wales). Tuberculosis specialist I born
December 18, rgrg in Akyab.
Education.-Matriculated : Government High School, Akyab, 1935, L.M.P. (Rg"'), r9+7 i
M.8.,8.S., University of Rangoon, 1955 ; T.D.D', Wales, r96o.
Employment.*R.M.O., Burma lrrmy, t947-48 ; G.D'M.O., -B'N'{.H', N{aymyo,^tpap-aQ ;
Odcei Commandins. iVo. q, C.R.S. Aiivr6'i',d No. r Field Ambulance tg4g-52; G.D.M.O.,
B.M.H., Maymyo, igSS-S5-; G.D.M.O:, B.NI,.H.,Mingalandon, ,95-9..; officer 9oT13t9i+9,
N;. t, b.n.S. foir"[66, "ry56-1g; Officer Commandlng, No. r, Military Hospital, Meiktila,
Menber ship of S ocieties,-Burma Medical Association.

23. Aye Aye Myint, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.). D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist ; born March 17, tg4t
" iri vtoirtmein.
Education.-Matriculated: Moulmein 1956 ; M.B.,B.S., University of Rangoon, 1963 ; D.A.,
Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon, 1969.
Employment.-Civil Assistant lurgeo-n, Minbu Civil.-Hospital, 1964-67; Civil Assistant
S"ie"6", Taungdwingyi Civil Hosp"ital,-1967-68 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
Rangoon General
Hospital, Cardio-Thoracic Unit, 1968-
Merubuship of Societies.'Burma ilIedical Association.
Address.-rg/3, Supaung, Thuwana.

a4. Aye Aye Myint, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.P. (Rgn.). Pathologist ; born December 13,
rg3r in Pegu.
Eilucation.-Matriculated: St. Joseph's Convent, Moulmein, 1948 ; M.B.;B.S., University
of Rangoon, 1956 ; D.P., Institute- of Medicine r, Rangoon, 1969'
Emplnyment,-Civil Assistant Surgeon, 195T-69; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Divisional
Hospital, Magwe, 1969-
Membership of Societies.-Burma Medical Association.
Address.-Dlisional Hospital, Magwe.
Aye Thint, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.P. (Rgn.). Pathologist ; born December 8,
- Aye
rg35 in Pyinmana.
Education".-Matriculated : Methodist English High School, 1955 ; M.B',B.S., University of
Rangoon, r96e ; D.P., Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon, r97r'

Emyloyment.-House Surgeon, Rangoon General llgspital,. ry62-63; Civil Assistant Surgeon,

S;;S;; Htun Hospital, Taunggyii1964 -69; Civil- Assistant Surgeon, Peo;r?t't Hospital,
East Rangoott, t9'7t*.
Menbership of Societies,*Burma Medical Association'
.4ddrels,-No, rz, znd Thompson Avenue, Rangoon,
4v"^4yg Tt" *iry Daw, \['B.,-8.S. (Rgn.), D.c.H. (Rs".). Paediatrician I nemonstrator
in Child Health, Institute of Medicinb i, ilarrgoorr.
27. ay"}vg Yi,Daw, NI.B., B.s. (Rgn.),D.\{ _Badiologist ;Assisrant Lecturer, Departmcnt
of Otorhinolarynoglogv, Institute of Medicine, I\Iandala]r.
?8" Aye Kyaw, u, (Ilorrs.) (Rgn.),l\ (GLrelph), Riocrremist; horn i\Trrch rq, r94a
in Rangoon.
Education.-Matriculated : sacred Heart High s$1o1, -Rangoon, 1959 ;, (Hons.),
Universitv of Rangoon, 1963 ; M.Sc., Univeriity of Guelph, i97r.
Training.-University of Toronto, Ontario in Biochemistry, rg7r.
Employment-Assistant chemist, Rice Bran oil Project, Trade corporation r, ryfu-66 ;
R9s9ar9h Officer, Biochemistry Research I)ivision, Department of Medical Reseaich,'I{inistry
of Health, ry66-.
(hurent rcsearch raark.*-' IJioclrcniic:rl .rspccts of grolvth cfi'ccts in iron clcficicncr,.
Publimliorts.-Avn-[iv,rtr' :incl J'rx=Oo (rg(r9). ]ttritr:ogcn lrrr:tition in trr.ine oI Buunese
subjects. Union oJ' I]ilrt,r,r .:1. :-i.1,' |iti. z, zr7 - 27t,. A r ri-Iivaw, \\'. J. \tarr ancl A. Nft,r-roRs
(r-szt).^ Effect of__corticosteroid_s_on lysosornal'enzymes,. Proc" can. Fred. Biol. soc. r4
No. 3e8., 3. Ava-Kvew and A. Mr:r r,ons Oglz). -fhe efl,ect of cortisone acetate on lysosoma
enzyme levels in rat liver- Canadian J.^Bi!:c_hem. S_!t.{zo. 4. Avo-Kvau'(rglr). "Effea of
glucocorticoid on rut liaer lysosotnes. NLSc. Thesis, university-of Guelph, cani.ia.
lddress.-No. zr, Shu'e La \\'in Street, Sanchaung, Rangoon.

29, AylKyaw, U, NLB., B,S. (Rgn.), D.O. (Eng.). Ophthalmologist; born September 4, r93g
in Bassein.

Education.-Nlatriculated : st. Paul's Institute, Rangoon, 1955 ; n{.8.,8.S., university of

Ra4goon, tg6z ; D.o., conjoint Board, Royal college of Phyiicians and surgeons, England,

Trainins.-Institute of Ophthalmology, London, x166-67.

Employment.-Team Leader, Anti Leprosy Campaign, Mandalav, rgfu-65; Civil Assistant
Surgeon,-\1[ald4ry General Hospital, 1965 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Eyi, Ear, Nose and
Throat Hospital, Rangoon, i965-.
M einbersltip of Societies.-Burma \'Iedical Association.
Addt.rts.- -6q,, Goltlcn \rtlle1,, Rengoon.

3o. Aye Kyi, Daw, M.8.., B.S. -(Rgn.), D.C.H. (Eng.). Hospitai Administrator/paediatrician ;
born May 29, rgzz in Ye-U.
Education.-Nlatriculatecl : A"B.M. Girl's l{igh School, Mandalay, rg39 ; L.M.p., Burma
\{] school,-r9q7 ! M.8., B.s., University of Rangoon, r954 i o.c.u., conjoint Board,
Royal College of Physicians ancl Surgeons, England, r96q.
'fraining.-M_iddlesex Hospital, I-orrdon and Hospital for Sich Children, Bristol in public
aspect of chil'.l health, 196z ; Great Ormond Street, Hospital for Sick Children, London in
paediatrics, r961.
EmploymenL-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General Hclspital, ry+7-48; Civil Assistant
p]rq"la. Rangoon, Dufi'ei{n Ffosp!t1!, r948---5o ; \{edical officer, Municipal corporation
llealth D{*fo., rgso-sr ; \,Iedical Officer, PolyClinic, Pazundaung, rg;+-si; CivilAssistant
Q918eo,r, -Offi9g .gf the Civil Surgeon, Central,-Rangoon, ry57*-6o; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
officeof.the civil surgeon, East, Rangoon, rg6o-J6z; Meaical ofHcer, Secondary Hiaith'
Centre, 1\'Iinmanaing, ltangoon, 1963 ; n{edical officer, childrenrs Hospital, Rangoon,".rg6+-6s;

Team Leader, Thaketa Primary Health Centre, 1964-65; Paediatrician, Rangoon Health
Division, 1965 ; Vledical Superintendent, Women and Children's_Hospital, South'Okkalapa,
Membership of Societies.-Burma Medical Association.
M embenhip of C ommitt ee s.-Blood Bank Committee,
A d dr ess,-t z/292, Shwedagon Pegoda Road, Rangoon.

3r. AyeKyi,Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D. Obst. R.C.O.G. Obstetrician; born June zo, t9z6
in Nloulmein.
Education.-Matriculatedi $t. ]oseph's Convent, Toungoo, 1946; M.8., 8.S., University of
Rangoon, 1953 ; D. Obst. R.C.O.G., London, ,965.
Employment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Central Women's Hospital, Moulmein Civil Hospital,
Ntleiktila Civil Hospital, Rangoon General Hospital, rg14-tg7o; Obstetrician and
Gynaecologist, Divisional Hospital, Myithyina, tgTa*,
ll[embership of ,Societies.-BurmaMcdiaalAssociation.
32. Aye Kyin, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.T.M. & H. (Ed.). I'hysician-Tropical Diseases I born
November 9, r93o in Kanyinzaing Village, Bassein District.
Education.-Matriculated : State High School No. r, Bassein, r95r ; M.8., 8.S., University
of Rangoon, 1958 ; D.T.M. & H., Postgraduate Medical School, Edinburgh, 1964.
Employment.-Assistant Surgeon, Civil Hospital, Myaungmya, 1959-6r; Assistant Surgeon,
I Rangoon General Hospital, ry6t-63 ; ry64-6g; Assistant Lecturer in Clinical Medicine,
Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon, ry69-.
Memb er ship of Societies.*Burma lVledical Association.

I 33. Aye K5ru, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.P. & T.M. (Rgn.). Public Health Specialist; born December
tg37 in Kyauktan.
Education.-Matriculated: StateHigh School, Rangoon, 1955; M.8.,8.S., University of
Rangoon, 1963; D.P.& T.M., Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon, 1967.
Training.-semashko Institute of Public Health Administration, Moscow in public health
administratior, 1969-7o.
Eruploymertt.*Torvnship Health Officer, Divisional Health Officg-r, South-West Divisiont
Bassein, tg65-66; Township Healtir Officer, Divisional Elealth Office, South-East Division,
IVloulmcin, 1967 -.
Pubkcation.-Ayr, [i.r-u (tr)6il. Clrcla'a in lrraztadd:y Detta. D.P. & T.M. dissertatiqn.
Institute of Medicine r, ILangoon.
Aditreis.-446, Lower Main Road, \(oulmein.

l+ Aye Thee, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rg,r.), D. Phys. Med. Physical N{edicine Specialist; Rangoon
General Hospital.

t& Aye Tun, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rg^.), D.O. (Eng.), F.R.C.S. (ling.). Ophthalmologist; bornJune
r8, r936.
Etlucation.*N{atriculated: Akyab State High School, rg5e; ltI.B.,B.S., University of RangoQ4r
1959, D.O., Conjoint Board, CoilJge of Ph.viiiiairs and SurgeonS, England, r96ff1
F.R.C.S., England, rg7r.
Training.-Tnstitute of Ophthalmology, University of Lonclon and Nlqorrfield Eye Hospitxl
in ophthalmologv, t968-7r,

, ,".** "'- "Surseon,
Em1>toyment.-Assislpt,pi:::':fI:*:f ,?fl::: t*;,T1':'J#,1,*Sl,;"tlfB"ir*fi;'-'i"t#']
J :::,til;;i Buthidaung Town-
Assistant surgesn, Afi;b C;;tt llo;Pital,
ro6z'6e' civil Aqsistant i
- ei*i*ti""Kiii"t'" Civil frospital' 1965-66; Civil
"hin Hosoital.
Hosoital-. -i.r.'fi;"Ci"ii
ro6a-6(; Civil Asststant Surgeon'-rrK
fi Rangoon,
of Societies.-Burma Medical Association'
iWemtersn ? Docterrcs

Add.ress.*4g, Sandwith RoadoRangnon'

M;?;!!y:ll,P;"*Jl}*')' M'c'Path' (Lond')' Pathologist'
36. AyeYi,Daw,M.B.,B.s Joq.{), of Medicine r, Rangoon'
diJr.rJ"t Iirslit*ite



fi. B^a
{aurig, u, \djB..:P.s. (Rgn.), M.r.H. (loi,r, Hopi<ins). public tre.alth specialist; born
October 18, r9r8 in Yawnghwe,'Shan States.
Educatton.-Matriculated:_A.B.M. High school, Taunggyi, 1935; M.B.,B.s., university of
Rangoon, r95r, M.P.H. Schaol of Public Health and -flygiene","johns f{opkins Univer'sity,
Baltimore, i!53 majoring i,l venereal diseases.
Emphyment.-Health Officer, Shan States, Taunggvi.
M etnb e r s hip of S o cieti e s.-Burma Medical Association.
Publi.cations.-Be NIeuNc (rSSf).
Control of Venereal diseases in Bunna. M.P.H. dissertation.,
Johns tlopkins University.
Addr es s.-r77, Thirimingalar Road, Yeayekwin, Taunggyi.

Ba Myint, U, N'!.n.,n.S. (Rg.r.), D.P.H. (Cal.). 1\{alariologist/Public Health Specialist; born

l\Iay z, r93r in Gyobingauk.
Education.-Matriculated: samuel's Private college,
I95o.; M.8.,8.S., university of Rangoon,
1958; D.P.H., All India Institute of Hygiene and pirLtic Health, carcutta, 1965.

lmpl3ymgryt.- lssistant Malariologisq {"luriq rnstitute, Rangoon, ry5g-6o; Regional ream

Leader, Malaria Eradication Campaign, Mandalay, 196o-6r; lssisianl-Maluiioloiist, Malaria
Institute,.Ranglon, rqf r ;.civilAsiistant su-rgeo"iWur" rownship Hospital, rgoraoi;-r";;-
ship Health_Officer, Health Officlr, North-West Dii,ision, Mandalay, igOa-66t
Lecturer and Head of-Divisional
Department of Preventive and Social Medicide, Institut. iri"irr.,
illandalay, 1966-.
llembership of societies.-Burma Medical Association; Burma Red cross Society.
ConferenceslStudy Tours.-.To United Kingdom, Yugoslavia and India on modern teaching
methods in medical education.
Piblications.-Be MvrNr (rC6S). Congenital abnormalities in newborn. D.P.H. dissertation.
All India Institute of Hygie;e";nd Pub"lic Health, Calcutta.
Address.-lnstitute of l\{edicine, Mandalay.

Ba Nyu{r u, M.B.,B.S. (Rgnl)1 F.R.c.s. (Ed.). orthopaedic surgeonl born November ro,
1938 in Kawkareik.
Etlucation.-Matriculated: Nloulmein State High School No. r, 1955; 1\{.8.,B.S., University
of Rangoon, 196z; F.R.C.S., Edinburgh, tg7o.

lratniry.TBirmingham Accident Hospital in traumatic and orthopaedic surgery, tq1o-1tl

i"a xrm.ifi 6irtii,rfiJ
Royal Infirmary, Derby, in hand surg"iy, r97r; Radclifle Infirmary
Employntent.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Rangoon General
Hospital, rgTr-
llentbership of Societics,-Burma Nledical Association.

P", R.,,1vl.8.,8.s. physician; clinical professor of Medicine,

!I'rstitute JRg".), M.R.c.p. (Ed.).
of X{edicine I, Rangoon.

h h, u, IvI.B.,B.s. (Rs.r.). orthopaedic surgebn; borrr November z6,i9r3 in yednshe.

Elu:ation,-Nratriculated: st. I.uke High School, Toungoo, r93o; M.B.,B.s., university of
Rengoon, 1939.

Training.*Ilarvard Postgraduate Medicai Schooi, iloston, U.S.A. and Mercer i{ospital,
Trenton, N.J., U.S.A. in Orthopaedic Surgery, r953-55.

Employment.-Orthopaedic Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital.

Mem.bership of Societies.-Fellow of the British Orthopaedic Association, London; Ilurnra
Medical Association.
Publications.-Be Pu (196r). Acute osteomyelitis. Burma med. J. g, tzo-rzz.
Addr ess.*-99/o/2, Windermere Road, Rangoon.

4a"BaThan,U,N{.B.,ts.S.(Rgr.), D.T.M.H. (Liverpool). Physician; Private Practitioner.

41. Ba Tin, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgr.), D.P. & T.NI. (Rgn.). Public Health Specialist/Epidemiologist;
born June 7, t938 in Buthidaung Township, Akyab District.
(Pre-medical class), Central State High School, Rangoon, 1954;
M.8.,8.S., University of Rangoon, 196r;D.P. &T.NL, Institute of \{edicine r, Rangoon,

Training.-T.M.O. II, training at Rangoon Tower Lane Centre, 1965.


Employment.-Civil As_sistant Surgeon, Myithyina Civil Hospital, 196z; Tor,vnship Ntledical l

:062-!Si Civi! Assistant Surgeon, Akyab Civil Hospital,

OfFccr,_ Mogaung.Civil _Hosplta\
:y6S-97; Tg*.":hiplutedical Oflfrcer II.,. Rathedau-ng Township, _Ak.rab District, 1967-6A;
I'ownship Health-Officcr, Lewe Township, 1968-69; Towriship l\{edical Officer Ii,'Pale
Township, 1969; Tolvnship Health Officer, Directorate of Health Services (on deputation for
D.P. & T.M. coutse), r968-69; Assistant Epiderniologist, Central Epidemioiogy Unit,
Directorate of l-Iealth Services, 1969-.
Xlember ship of S ocieties.-Burma Medical Association.

Cwrent worh.-Children cohort study in South Okkalapa.


Publication.-Ba TtN GS6S). Nytlilioyal status oJ rurul and urban population of Bwma. D.p.
& T.M. Dissertation, Institute of l\{edicine r, Rangoon.
Address,-No. 27, g6th Street, Rangoon.

44. 83Tun, U, M,!:8.S.. ($g.".), D.Pr!,(Lond.). Public Health Specialist; Assistant Direcror,
Department of I{ealth, N{inistry of Health.

45. Ba Wir,J,. M.B",B.S" (Rgo.), D.P. & T.M. (Rgn.). Public I-Iealth Specialist; born NIay r5,
r935 in Kalaw"
Education.-Matriculated: St- John's Convent, Kalaw, 1953; NI"B.,B.S., Institute of Medicine r,
Rangoon, 1963; D.P. & T.M., Institute of Medicine, Rangoon, 1968.
Entployntent,-Head Quarters Assistant, Trachoma Control Project, Directorate of Health
Services, Rangoon, 1964-66;Assistant Manager, Central Nfedical Stores Department,
4s:istant*Regional officer, Trachoma Control-Project, Chauk, ry67--6giTow.,ship'11eutitr
pfficgr, Rangoon Health_ Division, ry69-7r; Second Assistant, Assistani Director of Health
, Services (Occupational Health), rgTt-.
XrI entb c r slip o{ S o c ie t ie s.*.lJ umra \,I cdical Asso ei a t ir.xr.

Publication,-BA wrN Trachoma control Programme in Buyma. D.p. & T.M. dis-
sertation, lnstitute of -(t999),
Medicine r, Rangoon.
Addrest.-Burma Railway Dispensary, Upper Phayre Street, Rangoon.

Bah Choon, U, NILB.,B.S. (Rg"'). Forensic N{edicine Specialist; born }anuary r, 1933 ln
liducotion.-N1[atriculated: Statc lligh School, ]{aym1'o' r919; N'I'B''B'S" University of
Rangoon, r956.
Training.-st. James' I{ospital, Balham,-T,.ondon,
postgraduate training in pathology as part
Yard"and London Hospital'
of a Folice S,rgeon's ,vorh; University of Cd;;;i-,'N.i,i Scotlat'"l
Medical College in forensic medicine, r96e'
Employxten.t.-House Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital,
r.956-<l; Medical officer, social
Sccurity Board, I957- 59: Civil Assistani-i'ig"'n' ittyuu.'g;u" Ciril Hospital' r9'59-6r;
Civil Assistarrt Surseon, Rangoon G.n..rl H;ipit;i (attachel io Police Suigeon)' ry62-63;
police Surger"/A..i;;i M:1it",,1 SrL,9]f;;;"It' i,'rrtunaalay^General Hospital, ryfu-6q
l-Iospital' p6.+-61;
Civil Assistant Surgeon, Office of f'.fi."'i".tg"or'r,'Rung-ootl-.General of N{edicine z'
Assisrant Lecturcr'i;;"i{;;';i ii"pr.i,*"r-'o?-ior.".i.'\Iedicine, lnstitute
Rangoon' ry(t7-.
Medical Association'
Mexltersltip qf societies.-Burma \{eclical Association; British
Pt$licatious.-.r. IJas cnooN (rqzo). common motives
for rnurder' students Annual

& H'.(Lond')' Physician-Tropical
47. Balakrishnan, Lt.'Col. R., 1\'1.8.,8'5' (Rgn'), D'T'l\'t' rict'
r,. i,' 9' ti iZ Zigon' Th rrrarvaddy
f)iscases/ Psy.r, irtrirl'i-t-.,ur,','1
college,. Rangoon'
Etlucation.-B.E.T. Boys, High School, Rangooir; lt.B.,B.S.,-N{edical
University of London, r95r.
r94z; D.T.\I. & H.,"d;h""i;-T;;;i;^i\;-i". and tlygiene,
Bangalore, India' r95r;
Training..-Irr selection ps,vchiatry at 54_services selection po3rd, Mill bank' London'
attended Senior Stafi Officer course at R"'tl';;y
\{edical College'
Etnploynrcrtt.-General Duty \,Iedical Officer (Lt. ancl C.?.lt')., A.B.R'O', (Meclical), Defence
Team' Siirn Lines' Rangoon'
Services, r94z*"q8;Selection Psychiatrist ii';p;;;cid:i*ttt*
r95o-52; Physician and
r94g-5o; A.D.\,I.S., Sout6ern Co**n,ii-ffior),-M;rgut4"g,n,
officer C"oninianding (Lt'-Col')'
psyclriatrist, Base \4ititary l{ospital, nt*g}Jil"i";;5;-6';;
officer's Testing Team' Slinr Lines
Base Military Hospital, Maymvo,
Public Health
48. Banerjee, P. C., l\t.B.,B.S' (Rgn.),
D.P.H' (Cal')' Hospital Adrninistrator and
Specialist; horn Dcccrnber 9. r9z8 in Bassein'
of Rangoon' rg54; D.P.H',
IJlucatiofi.-Matriculated: Bassein, 1946; \'I.B.,R.S-. University.
eii f"a;" Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Calcutta'
Assam' in rural health 1959-6o'
Traininq.-.Chabua l(ural Health ancl Training Centre'
Employntent record.-Demonstrator, Department of
Anatomy'.N{andalav \lledical College'
Health officer' r955-6o;
rg54.; House surgeon, ilfi;;i; H;sPital,-tqss''etti-igt''n--it{if'
p"t, Officer, Rangoon' rg6t-
District Heatrtr Ofticcr, fi;di;y, ;;f"- ?;i;t'.i-,rti re6s Health
;;;'iliil A';;i,;;'Dl;.;;;'"or
i{carth' sagai,rg, -'
J\{embership of Societies.-Royal Society of Health;
London: Red Cross Society; Burma Medical
Study ?oerrs.-\\:f,IO sporrsored filaria study tour
to India and Ceylon' 1958'
work.-Morbiclity and mortality of snake bite cases in sagaing Division.
current reseayclt

ill'f i*ff ffi f ir:i'fi ;,.:;(i?,14;r,f,!';:l{il:d.;!;P*':"'{l^{ffi ;:,'cill;oti"'i1l#;

of u in Sa'gainq. Burnm ned' J' t6, ztrl -zzt"

49. Biswas, D. N., M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.A. (Eng.). Anaesthetist; born July 27, rg23 in Bassein.
Dducatiott.-\1latriculatecl: A.\'. Governmcnt I'ligh School, Myaungn-rya, i94r; NI.B.,B.S.,
Universityof,Rangoon, 1949;D.A., Conjoint Board, lloyal Clolleges of Physicians and Sur-
geons, England, 1958.

T'raining.-\Yhittington Hc;pital, London; Great Ormond Street, Children Flospital, London;

St. George's Hospital, l,.ii:don; Bethnal Green Hospital, London; Westminister Hospital
l,ondon; Metropolitan Hospital, London; Surbiton Hospital, London; Clare Hall Hospital for
Thoracic Surgery, London; Kitston-upon,-Thames [lospital, London; Brompton Chest
Flospital, London; National Hospital for Neurology, London; Royal Infinnary, Cardifl in
Anaesthesia, rgST-Sg.

Employment.-Chief Anaesthetist, Mandalay General tr{ospital, r959- ; Head and Lectr-irer

in Anaesthesia, Institr"rte of Medicine, Manclalay, rc.1(to-.
Mentbership oJ Societies.-Burma Medical Association; British Medical Association; Society of
Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland.

5o. Bo Htut, U, N{.B.,B.S. (Rg,r.), D.C.H. (E"g.). Paecliatrician; born December 24, 1936 in
Education.-\{atriculated: Rangoon, r953; XII.B.,B.S., University of Rangoon, r96r; D'C.H.
Conjoint Board, Royal Colleges of Physicians and Sr-trgeons, lingland'
Traini4q.-IJniversity of Bristol, in Child Health.
Employment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Civil l{ospitai, Katha, ry62-63; ^'Iownship^-Medical
Oflicei II, Civil Hospital, Waw, Pegu district, 1963-(:6; Civii Assistant Surgeon, Children's
Hospital, llangoon, ry66-6g; Part-tirne Assistant Lecturer in Paediatrics; Institute of
N{edicine, \{antalay, {gio -' ; Civil Assistant Surg6on, Mandalay General l-Iospital, tgTc-.

Il[ extb er ship of S o ci et i e s.-Burma NI ed ic al Associat ion.

Address.-r72, 83rd Street, Mandalay.

-(r. Bo Lu, Lt.-Col., N,I.B.,B.S. Administrator;

\{inistrv of Defencc.
Deirut.v Dircctor, Directorate of N{edical Services,

52. BoNi,U,M.B.,B.S.(Rg,-,.),F.R.C.S.(Ed.). GeneralSurgeon;bornApril rT,rgzlinThonze.

Education.-Matriculated: Myoma High School, Thonze, 1944; X4.B.,8.S., University of
Rangoon, r953; F.R'C.S., Edinburgh, 196z'

Training.-rJniversitv of Liverpool; Post-graduate Vledical School, Hammersmith, London,

Etnbloynrcnt.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General Flospital, 1953-54; Civil Assistant
Srrge-o., Maternity and School I-Ialth Serviies. 1954-56: Civil Assistant Surgeon,^lllyingyan
Civll Hospitat, r9i6-58; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon Generai Hospital, ryS.8.-59; Civil
Assistar-rt N{yitkyina Civil Hospital,ig6z-64; Civil Surgeon, ltlarug, Civii Hospital,
r q6+ ; Civil Srirgeon, Myiikyina Civil Holpital, t96q-67 ; Surgeon, 1\4andalay General l"Iospital,
tS6l-.Lectur"er in Surgeiy (Part-time)i Instiirte'of N{edicine, Mandalay, 1967-7r; Clinical
Piofessor in Surgery (Pirt-time), Institute of \{edicine, Mandalav, r97L-.
lll ember ship of Societies.-Rurma \'Iedical Association.
Conferentesf Stwdy Tours.-Attended Sen'rinar on Communitv medicine for medical teachers,
Surabaja, Indonesia, r97r.
work.-Merits ol double vagotomy, drainage procedure in treatment of chronic
Current researclt
fluodenal ulcers rvith stenosis; stlrgery of tvphoid llerforations.

g3. Chan Taik, T., B.A. (Rgn.), M.B. (CaI.), D.'f.M. & H. (Lond.), D.O.M.S. (Lond.), D.O.
(Oxon), F.I.C.S. Ophthalmologist; born December 4, t893 in Nludon.
Education.-Matriculated:, Government High School, Moulmein, r9r3; B.A., Rangoon College,
r9r7; M.B., Calcutta, r9{3;D.T.M.& H., London, r9z3;D.O.M.S., London, rgz4;D.O.,
Oxford, r9z5; F.I.C.S., 1955.
Employment.-Ophthalmic and Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon, Princess of Wales, Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat Hospital, N{andalay, r9z7-ry38; Ophthalmic Surgeon, Rangoon General
Hospital and Lecturer in Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, University
of Rangoon, rg38-52 ; Head of Department of Ophthalmology, University of Rangoon,
ry38-52; Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Muslim Free Eye Elospital, Rangoon, rgsz-.
Conferenceslstudy Tours.-Chief delegate XVI International Congress of Ophthalmology,
London, r95o; Chief delegate, Congress of N{edical Associations of Asia and Oceania, Tokyo,
Mentbershipof Societies.-Fellow of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,
England; President of the Ophthalmological Society, Burma, 1958-69; President, Burma
Medical Association, rg59 and 196z.
Decorations and awards.-Thiri Pyanchi, t952.
Publications.-r. CneN TaIr (rg59). Report on the First Congress of an Confederation of
Medical Associations in Asia and Oceania (In affiliation with the Fifteenth General Assembly
of the Japan N{edical Congress). Burma med. J. 7 $); z4\-25o. 2. CHAN Terr, T. (r96t).
Burnra Medical Association Headquarter Building Fund. An appeal. Burma rned. J. g,
t+z-r+S. 3. CueN Terr, T. $96z). Doctors for the National Health Services. Bu,rma
med. J. rc, 35-37.
Address,-r33, Windermere Road, Rangoon.

54. Chatterjee, K. N., M.B.,B.S. (Rgr.), F.R.C.S. Surgeon; Civil Hospital,rLoikaw.

SS. Chit Chit, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rg.t.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist;born July tr, rg32 in Minbu.
Education.-Matriculated: State High School, Minbu, r97r ; 1\{.B.,B.S., UniversitY of Rangoon,
196o; D.A., Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon, 1967.
Employment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Pwinbyu Civil }IospiBl, 196z-63; Civil Assistant
Surgebn, Insein Civil Hospital, 1963-65; Township Me.dical Officer II, Okpo, 1965:$$; giuil
Assistant Surgeon (Anaesthetist), Mandalay General Hospital, ry68-7o; Anaesthetist, North
Okkalapa Hospital, Rangoon, \g7o-.
Mentbership of Societies.-Burma Medical Association.

56. Chit Maung, U, B.Sc. (Rg.t.), M.Sc. (Guelph). Biochemist; born June r, rgz8.
Eiltcation.-Matriculated : U Kyaw Sein's Private Tuition, Kunchan, Kamayut, 1953 ;
B.Sc., University for Adult Education, and University Extension Classes, University of
Rangoon, 1964 ; N{.Sc., University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, 1968.
Employment.-Laboratory assistant, Institute of Medicine r , rp!7 5p Technician,
Nutriiion Project, ry56-64; Technician (Grade I), Burrna Medical- Research Institute, 1964,
Research Offiier, Burma Medical Research Institute, ry6q*7r ; Senior Research Officer,
Department of Medical Research, rgTr-,
publication.-r. i\l[ve-Tu, M., Cnrt Me,uNc & SrIN Gwex (1965). The effect of X[illingtonia
hortensis root bark on alcohol intoxication. Abstract. Papers read at the rst Burma Medical
Research Congress z. Cstr MeuNc (1966). Analysis of some naturally occurring foodstuffs

l"rom Aroomdum village. 1'[o. r. ln: The Tarons hr Eurtna lry M.Mve-Tu, U ro iio,
U Ar;Nc-Tnarv-Baru, U Kvwr 'IHi,rN, C. J. R. Pn.qNcrs ancl U TsaN f'uN AuNc
Hrerxc, pp. 8z-87. 3. sarN Gwell & curT \,IeuNc (1968). chemical composition of
djenliol beans. union o! Burnta J. sci. & Technol. r,zzt-228.' 4.'cnw l'IauNc
ii9o6). Iodine
content and hardness of rvater samples. In_; Tlte Tarons in Burna Bv 1VI. i|yd'Tu et al.
P: 133. 5. CtrIt \{auNc (rgZt). Some aspeb; of polymorphonuclear liukocyte metabolism.
lnion_ of Burma J. LiJe ,Sci. 4,3o7-3ri. 6. Knrr''KviKvr, Mva-BwrN, Curr-\,IauNc,
SrrN-GwaN, Avr-TnaN,.1\,i. I{ya;T_u and 1. 'fue(rgZr). Hypotensive property of plantago
major Linn. Union of l)untta J. Life Sci. 4, fi7-ryr. l

57. Chit Maung, U, B.Sc. (Md"v.), NI.A. (Texas), Ph. D. (Dublin). Biochemist ; born

February 18, r9z9 in Sagaing.

Edtication.-Matrict:1ated: B.ll'.N. High School, Nlandalay, r948-49 ; B. Sc., Mandalal,
Lfnryer,sity Coilege, ry+g-53 i M.A., University of Texas, Austin,'r96i; Ph.D., University
of Dublin, r97o.
Employnunt.--Demonstrator, \l[andalay University, r953-5S ; Demonstrator, Branch \{edical
Faculty, Mandalay, r_g55--58 ; Assistant Lecturer, Medical Faculty, Universiry uf l,tandalay,
tg58-62 ; Lecturer, Institute of Medicine, Mandalay, ry62-.
Puhlication.-r. Csrr MeuNc (196r). Some homologus of aaline and pherytlalamine, \,I.A.
Thesis, University of Texas. z. Curt \{euNc (r96r). Bi'oiogicat activities oi.orr" homologs
of isolensine and valine. Te;,;as Report on Biology and Xledicini. 19, 8or-Bro" 3. Cnrr Meuu"c
1t963). -of phenylala-ryrne. Archi'oes oJ Biockemistry Bioplrysics.
4. Curr Maurc (.gZo). Nlultiple activities of Penicillin acyltransferarase. Eiochemical Joirnal.
. 5.-_Cr1r1 X{euNc (rCZo). Penicillin acylase oJ P. Chrysogenun. Ph.D. Thesis. Universit}',
of Dublin.

58. chit_sein, u, M.B., B.s. (Rgn.), D.T.M. & H. (Lond.), t{.R.c.p. (Gias.). physician-General
Medicine ; born April 25, tgzs in Rangoon.
Education.-N{atriculated : Methodist Boy's High School, Rangoon, r94r ; NI.B., 8.S.,
University of Rangoon, r95I ;-D-.T.yr& !I., school of Tropical Medicine and I{1,giene,
University of London, 1956 ; \{.R.C.P., Glasgow, 1958.

!1aining. *\hittington- Hospitai, I.ondon in general medicine, rySS-'67; Hospital for

!o.ndo1, in neurologrl 1957-;_Instituteof Cardiolofyln cardiology, 1957 ;
Nervous I)iseases,
Royal 1rr6t-arv, Edinburgh and Eastern General Hospital, Edinburgh in general mediiine, r957.
Dmployment.-Uedical Officer, Poiyclinics, East Rangoon , rg5z-q6 ; Civil Surgeon and District
Health Oflicer, Yamethin, 19.62-63 ; Clvi] Surgeon, OItrce of the Civil Surgeon (\,Vcst) Rangoon,
1964.; Director, Health.Assistant Training. Schoo_I, R-ang9o_1, rg6q-7r i-Physician (Ilonoiary),
Insein General I{ospital, ry65_-7r; Physician, W<lrkers' Hospital, Rangoon, ry7i-.
,S oci et ies.-Bunna \{edical Association.
XI enther s hi p of
Address.-67, Park Lane (Natmauk Lane), off Po Sein Road, Tamlve.

59. cho_Nwe_oo, Daw, M.8., B.s. (Rgr.), Dip. Nutr. (Lond.). Nutritionist ;bornJarruary 27,
1936 in Letpandan.
Education.-Matriculated : Teacher's Training College School, Rangoon, rySq ;
flniversity of-llangoon, 196r ; Dip. Nutr., London School of Hygine and T'iopical
University of London, 1969.
Ilmployntnt.-llouse Surgeon, Rangoon Grcneral lIospital and ]]ase Military Hospital, :r16r-(tz ;
Civil Assista_nt-Sur,geon, Civil Surgeon (JVgst). office, ry63-6q; Medical ofiicer-in-charge,
Secondary Hcalth Centre, Rangoon Flealth Division, ry6y65 ; Civil ,Assistant Surgeol, Out-
patient Department,_|an_g^oon^pe_neral Flospital, ry65-66; School Medical officef, Rairgoon
Health Divisiot, ry66-68 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Nutrition Froject, Directorate of HEalth
Services, 1969-.

f,,trrrirrrrhip of Societies.-*Burma \4edi."i Ak"irtion ; Londo., University Association, Londoh.
Current research'zoor.t.-- Nutritional status of rural cc,mmunities. -:l

Publication.-Cuo Nwo Oo, Sor MyrNr and TuuN AuNc (r97r). Comparative study of
nrtritional problems in three islands. Unicn of lSunna J. f.ife Sci. 4, 429-5+r.
Addrcss.-g5A, Link Road, Sth Mile, Rangoon.

6o. Cope Ya Pome, U, M.8., B.S., (Rgn.), D.T.P.FL (I-ond.). Public Health Specialist ; born
January 18, rg33 in 'Ihuhlai, N. Chin Hills.
Education.*Matriculated : St. John's Diocesan High School , 1952 i M.8., 8.S., University
of Rangoon, r959 ; D.T.P.H., London School of l-Iygiene and Tropical Medicine, University
of London, 1967.

7'raining.-Central Leprosy Teaching and Research lnstitute, Chingleput, Nlladras. State,

Central ,Leprosy T'reatment Centre, Polarnbaskam, Madras State, Government Leprosy
Treatmgnt Centre, Tirulioilur, Madras State and the Danish Centre, Povigiri, Andhra
Pradesh State in leprosy control, 1967.
Dmployment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Mindat Civil Hospital, ry6o-6q;AssistantDistrict
Health Officer, Mirrdat f)istrict, ry64-66; Township Health Officer, Deputy Assistant
Directg; of Health's Office, Falam and Haka, 1967,; Assistant Leprosy Officer, Mandalay and
Kyaukse Districts, Mandalay, ry67-68 ; Regional Leprosy Officer, Eastern Division, Taunggyi,
ry68-7r; Regional Leprosy Oficer, N{agwe Division, nfagwe, tg7r-.
Memberslilp of Societies.-Burrna Medical Association.
Publication.-Cope Ye Poun (1967). (Jse af medical records and rcgisters in rural health units
in Burrua.. D.T.P.H. dissertation, University of London.


6i. Dwe, Saw Max, I\,I.8., B.S. (Rgr.), D.O. (Eng.). Ophthalmologist; born August 3, r93r in

England, r964.
, l"r*"o::,
irai niti,rg.-Institute of Ophthalmology, London in opthalmology, 1964.

Employment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Pa-an Civil Flospital, 1959-6o ; Civil Assistant Su

Kankareik Civil Hospital, 196o-6r; Civil Assistant Surgeon, ILangoon General Hor
i96r-62; OphthalmoligistlCivil Assistant Surgeon, Pa-an"Civil Hosp-ital, ry64-.6g ; O
'mologist, Moulmein Divisional Hospital,
ffem.hership oJ Soci.eties.-Btrrma Medical Association.

,r,., , ,;i - . ;. ;



,.l: ,


. .

. 1.


62, E, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. (Lond.), D.T.N{. & H. (Ed.), F.R.C.P. (Ed.).
Physician (General medicine and tropical diseases) ; born March 6, rgro in Sagaing.

N,{.8.,8.S., IJniversity of
University of Edinburgh,

1'raining.-Birmingham Ilospitals, England, 1936; Department of Physiology, Berkeley,

University of California in Physiology, r95ri Cardiology I)epartment, San Francisco Medical
Centre, in CardiologY, r95r.

Employm.ent.-Assistant to Professor of N{edicine, Medical College, Unir,'ersity of Rangoon

rgig-+z; Professorof Physiology, Medical College, Rangoon, tg44-45; Medical Specialist,
C.A.S.B. Hospital, Mandalay, ry+5-56; Civil Surgeon, N{andalay, tg+6'+7 ; Professor of
Physiology (Full time), Faculty of Medicine, University of Rangoon, rg47-Sz; Professor of
Physiology (Part time), Faculty of Medicine, University of Rangon, rg1z-59 ; Physician,
RangoorrGeneral Hospital, ry52-67; Professor of Clinical Medicine (Part-tirne), Faculty
of Medicine, Universit_y of Rangoon, 1955-63 ; Professor of Medicine (Part-time), Institute
of Medicine r, Rangoon, rgfu-67 ; Rector, Institute of N"Iedicine 2, Rangoon, 1967-.

ConferencesfStudy Tours.-Tour of Hospitals in U.K. and Medical Colleges in Lo-ndon and

Cambridge to study internal medicine, r95z ; visit to Ilongkong University Medical College to
study medical education, rg14; tour of 1\{edical College and hospitals in Rumania, Bu-lgaria,
Czechoslovakia, Poland, Russia, China to study internal medicine, 1957; visit to Bangkok Univer-
sity N{edical Colleges and hospitals to study internal medicine and medical educatiol, r96z ;
WHO Workshop on Medical education, New Delhi, 1967 ; tour of medical colleges and
hospitals in Chandigahr, Bombay, Poona, New Delhi, and C'alcutta in India and Dacca in
Pakistan ; tour of ntedicals colleges and hospitals in U.K., Yugoslavia and India to study
advances in medical education, 1969.

Mentbership of Societies.-Burrna \{edicai Association ; Royal Society of Tropical Medicine.

lVlembershilt of Cownittee Council.-Btrma \{edical Research Council.

I)ecorations and autar ds.*Thiripy ancki.

Current research zaork.-Hepatic coma ; cardiac insufficiency.

Publications.-r. E, MAUNG (rSSS). Chloramphenicol therapy in typhoid. Burma med. J, 3,

(No. z,) rS-r7. 2.ErU, (.SSS). Symposium or acute renal failure (Abstract). Burrua med.
]. 7, (No. r), r7t. 3. E. iVIeuNc (rSS6). The role of quinidine in the treatment of cardiac
arrhythmias. Burmarned.J.4, (No. r), rz-r5. 4. E, MeuNc (196o). Clinical aspects of
and management of acute renalfailure. Burma nted. J.8, 89-y3. 5. E, U, KntN-1\{euNc-
Tru, Hra-Mon and Kyew-Tuar (r968). Incidence of liver diseases on 5oo autopsies done in
the Rangoon General Hospital. Union of Burma J. Life Sci. r, zz3-226. 6. E, U, KHIN-
M.lursc-TrN, Hre-MoN and Kyew-THEr (1968). The clinical study of hepatic cirrhosis in the
Rangoon General Hospital. Union of Burma J. kfe Sci. r, 325-32o. 7. E, U, Knrm-MauNc-
TlN, Kvew-Tunt and TsaNr-Zrn (rS6S). The clinical and epidemiological observations on
viral hepatitis in ihe Rangoon General Hospital. 'Llnion of Burma J. Life Sci. z' 53-58. 8.
E, U, KurN-MatNc-'Ilx, Hle-X4[vrNr and 'InaNr-ZIu (rS6q). Leptospiral hepatitis in
Rarrgoon General Hospital. (,Inion oJ Barma J. Life Sci. z. +o3-+o7. 9. E, U, KnrN-
MauNc-TrN, Kyeur-Tnrt and TneNr-Zw (rg7o). Post-transfusion hepatitis in surgical
patients of the Rangoon General Hospital. Union of Burnm J. Life Sci. 3, 155-162, ro.
E, U (r97o). Clinical research in Burma. Union of Burnra J. Life Sci. 3,233-46.

tu. E3e {{.oe, U, l,{.8.,8.S. (I{gir.), D.P.H. P.blic Health Specialist ; Leprosy Ca.mpaign,

64. Ganesan, A. L., M.3.,8.s. (Rgn.), D.A. (Eng.) Anaesthetist; born April ryzqin Bas,,ein.
Educaticn.-Matriculated^: Rettrdiar l{igh School, Rangoon, r91r ; M.8.,B.S., Univer,rity of
Rangoon, rg5r;f).A., Conjoint Board of the Royal-Collegei'of Physicians'and Surgeons,
Iingland, r956.
rtcord.--l.ivil As.sistant Surgeon, Rangoon General llospital, r95a-6o;Civil
Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon Duft'erin Hospital, ry6o-62; Anaesthetist, Cential Women's
Hospital, Rangoon, rq6z--.
Membership of Societies. Burrna Medical Association.
ConferenceslStudy Tou,rt.-Attended 3rd Asian and Australian Conference of Anaesthetistsn
Canberra, tg7o.
65. Ghosh, Sibani, NI.B.,B.s. (Rgr.), D.G.o. (Bom.). obstetrician/Gynaecologist;born Novem-
ber z, r9z7 in Insein.
Education.- {atriculated: _Government Fligh Schooi, Insein, r946 ;M.B.,B.S., University of
Rangoon, r954 ; D.G.0., Grant \{edical Coliege, Bombay, r958i5q.

!mployment.-C_ivil Alsistant Surgeon, Rangoon Gerreral Hospital, Rangonn l)ufferin Flospital,

\Iaternity and Child I1ealth, ryS
-66 ; Assistant Lecturei, l)epartment of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, Institute of Vledicine r, Rangoon r963-.
Men$ership of Societies.-Burma \{edical Association.
Address.-No. z, llalpin Road, Be Flat, Rangoon.

Gy.u*,. Christopher _P.,

\LB.,B.S. (Rg,-r.), D.A. (Eng.), D.L.O. (EnS.). Anaesthetist/Oto-
rhino-laryngologist ; born August zo, rg2g in Toungoo.
Education.-N{atriculated: B\ltA School, -Ioungoo, r945; h{.B.,B.S., University of Rangoon,
195_3 i
D.A., Conjoint Board, Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons,England, i957;
Conjoint Board of the Royal Colleges of Phvsicians and Surgeons, England, r959.
-House Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, r953-54; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
Rangoon G".neral_Hospital, r954-63 ; Anaesthetist, Sao San Htun Hospital, Taunggyi,
x163-7r; E.N.T. Specialist ; Sao San Htun l-Iospital, Taunggyi , tt)7r-.
X[embershilt of Soctleties.-Burma Medical Association.
67. Gyi, Naw Sylvia, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.A. Anaesthetist; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Pa-an
Civil Hospital.

68. Han Saw, U, M.B.,B.S. (Mdy.), F.R.C.S. (Ed.). General Surgeon;born April r9, rgqr in
Education.--Nlatriculated : State l{igh Scl,ool No. r N,Iandalay, r958; M.8.,8.S., University of
Mandalay, r964 ; F.R.C.S., Edinburgh, u17o.
'l-rainin,g.-Central Micldlesex Hospital, London in gastroenterology, r97o.
En\tlo),ntent.-House Surgeon, Mandalay General Hospital, l<t6+-66; Demonstrator in Patho-
logy, Institute of Medicine, Mandalay, ry65-66.; Demonstrator in Surgery, Institute of
Medicine, \{.andalay, 1966 ; Assistant Lecturer in Surgery, Inslitute of \{edicine,.Mandalay,
1966 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Surgical W*d," Mand,alay Generai Hospital, ry66--7r ;
Assistant Lecturer in Surgery, Institute of Medicine, Mandalay, ry7r-. .
Alenfiership of Societies.-Burma Medical Association.
Address.-No. rr+o, z6th B Road, Mandalay.

69. Han Tun, U, N{.8.,8.S. (Rg".). Administrator ; born December to, 1926 in,Indaw, Katha
Educut ion.--N{atriculated : Private student, Akyab, r946; M.8.,B.S., University of Rangoon,
Enploymcnt.-1\{edical Officer, Burma Navy, Monkey Point, Rangoon, 1953-58;Medical
Officer, Base Military Hospital, Maymyo, 1958-59 ; Medical Officer, Mobile Surgical and
X'ray Unit, 1959-6r ; Medical Officer, Defence Services General Hospital, r96v6z ; Officer
on Specipl Odty. nn;nistry of Health, Rangoon, ry62-72; Deputy Directbr (Planning, Personnel
and Training), Departrnent of Health, Ministry of Health, Rangeon, \)?z-.

Xtlembership of Societies.-Burma \{edical Asscciation.

ll/I erth ey s hiq of C omn itt e s.-Drug Advisory Comrnittee.

ConferencrslStudy 7'ours.-Attended World Health Assembly, Geneva and visited'German

Democratic $epublic to study health services in the GDR, 1963 ; Attended Colombo Plarr
Meeting, London, 1964 ; \/isited U.K. and Federal Republic' of Gerlnany to study health
services in these countries, 1968 ; Attended natibn health planning meeting in Nerv Delhi,

Hla, Norman, I\II.B.,B.S (Rg..), F.R.C.S. (Ed.)., F.R.C.S. (Lond.). Surgeon (Chest).

Hl1Bu, Capt., M.B.,E.!.(Rry.), D.T.N,{. & H. (Eng.). Physician; born September ro, r9z8
in Tayet-taw village, Minbu District.
Education.-Matriculated: Myoma High School, Rangoon, 1947; M.8.,8.S., University of
langoon, r954; D,T.M. & H., Conjoint Board of the Royal Colleges of.Physicians and Surgeons,
Training.-Royal A.rm.y Medical Coliege, Millbank in tropical medicine and attended Rr\MC
Senior Post-graduatd Course, ry63-6q; Millbank Hospital, Whittington Hospital, I-ondon in
general rnedicine, 1964; Deaconess Hospital, City Hospital, Longmore Hospital, and Leith
Hospital, Edinburgh in general medicine, 1965-67.
EmBloyxtent.-l,Iedical Officer, No. 2, \,Iilitary Ilospital, Rangoon.

Hla Gyaw, Salome, B.Sc. (Rgn.), M.B.,P.$. (RE ,), D.A.P. & E. (Lond.). Parasitologigt;
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Microbiology, Institute of Nledicine r, Rangoon

J3.}Ila llan, U, \t.8., B.S. (RSn.), D.P.FI. (Liverpool). .tublic Fleaith Speciaiist; born
Scptember 26, rgr9 in Pyapon.
Education.-Matriculated : Governmcnt I{igh School, Pyapon, lgr8 ; L"NI.P., Burma Govern-
ment Medical School _r94r ; h4.8., 8.S., X{edical Col1tge, University of Rangcon, 1949 ;
D.P.H., University of Livcrpool , 19Sz.

Training.-Attended Senior Medical Officer's Course, Royal Army \{edical Corps, London,
Employment.-Medical Oflicer, Burma trnclependent Arnry, Burma Defence Armv, Burmcse
Army, Patriotic Burmese-Eo_..9_., rglz-!945 ; Medicai Offic9r, Burma Army NIe dical Corps,
rg+g-ryS1; Director of Medical Services, X{inistry cf Defence, tgs;-rg7z; N{ir-risteiof
Health and Minister of Education, Government of the Union of Burma, 196z-.
Membership of Societies.-Burma Medical Associaticn ; Burma Sociaiist Progran:me Party.
Decorations and awards.-Order of the Star of Independence (First Class); Sithu in the Order
of Sithuthingaha.
Confereuces and Study To_urs.-\isited Nlerlical Institutions of the Uritecl Statrs Almy, 196o ;
Attended Colombo Conference, 1\'Ielbourne, 196z, and London, r964 ; Attende d Confcitrce
of the N{inisters responsible for Social Welfare, i\'Ianila, r97o. i
Address.-No. r8, I(anbar",,za Avenue, ISahan, Rangoon.

73a. Hla Hla, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rg".), D.P.H. (E"g.). Public Health Specialist; bornMay zz,
r93r in Bassein.

Edu;atiott.--Matriculated: Terchers' Training Collcge School, Rangoon, r9a8; M.8.,8.S.,

Llniversity of Rangoon, r957; D.P.FI., Conjoint lloard of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and
Surgcons, England, r9(r3.
Training.-Central Middleser. _I-Iospital, Londcn in physical inedicine, ry6o-62 Royal
Institute of Public Health and Hygiene, 196z-63; Attcnded WHO Cholera Course, Rangoon
in cholera treatment and control, r96q.
Employntent.-Demonstrator, F-aculty of Ntedicine, University of N{andalay, rg57-q8; Civil
Assistant Sy{gg,ul, l4andalay-General Hospital r958-6o; Civii Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon,
i963-68; Civii Surgeon, Infectious Diseases Flospital, r968--.
Meinbership of Societirc.-Bunna Medical Association.
M emh er slti h o.f C onunitt e es.-Arnoebiasis stu dy C rouir.
C ;trrertt resear ch zaor&.-Arnoebiasis.

Address.-'5D, Pvidaungsu Yeihtha, Rangoot,.

74.HlaHpayrU,-N{.8.1-q.S.. (Rgr,.), D.P.N'I. (Lonl{.). Psycfuiu1ri*r, born August zt, t()38 in

Ramree, I(yaukPYu l)istrict.
Education.-Matriculated: Pre-n-redical Course, State High School, I(yaukpyu, 1954;N{.8.,8.S.
University of llangoon, r96z; D.P.NI., University of London, r967.
'l'raining.-Institute of Psychiatry and l{aundsley Hospital, London in psychological rned-icine,
Ern!>lojtinent.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, State NLel)tal Flospital, r963-68; Neuropsychiatrist,
Neurological Department, Rangoon General Hospital, r9(r8-.
Il,! emh er shiO of S ocie t ie s.-Burrna Nledical Association.

!-onferencesl.Study Tourr.-Study tour of the Neurosursical and Psychiatric l)epartrnent of the
Western General Hospital and Infirmar.y of lklinb,rrgh, U.I{., tg69-7c.-
Add r es t.- 55, \Ianarvhai'i Roaci, Ran go.,rn.

?S. Hla Htu, Capt., \,I.8.,8.S. (Rgn.), D.\I.R.D, (Canada). Radiclogist; born X,Iay 5, r937 in

f)du:atiott.-ivlatriculated: Rangoon, r954; \'I.8.,8.S., Unir-ersity ol Rangoon, ryfu;

D.\{.I1.D., Quecn's Univcrsit},, Canada, rq6T.
Emltloytnent.-Civil Assistant Surqeon, l\'{inistr-r, of I{ealtli, rt16z-68. Iladioirrqist, l)ef'ence
Services Gcneral Fkrsr,iial, i\'lingal;idorr, rrl(r8-,

76. Hla Kyi, Daw, N,{.8.,8.S. (Rgn.), Nt.\I.S.A. (Loncl.), D. Obst. R.C.O.G., Ir.R.C.O.G.
Obstetrician/Gynaecologist; born Nc;retrher rS, tt)2? in Daik-Ll.
Edrcation.-Matrierulaterl. : A.IJ.hI. Nlorton Lane Gir ls' {li,lh School, ll[,ulrneiu, r y38;
!,{.B.tB.S.t University of Rangoon, ^r95o; 1\{.1\1.S.A., Soci-et1,of .Apothecaries, Londoir, r959;
D. Obst. R.C.O.G., r959: X,l.t{.(j.O.G., r96o;, r969.
Training.-\risitecl various liospitals in Englaud, Scotland and India to study rcsearch
rnethndology and teaching in obstetrics and gt,i.raccology, rg7o.
Entploynrcirt.-Ilouse Surgeor.r, Rangoon General Hospital, l95o; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
I)ullerin Hospital, Rangoon, r95o 5.1; Assistant \,'Iedical Superintendent, Dufterin Hospital,
Rangoon, r954-56, (lir,il Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General L{ospital, ry56-S?;on depurition
on a States Scholarship, r95'7 5o; I{eader in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Institute of Nledicine
r, 196r-61; Consultant Irhvsician and Gynaecologist, Cetitral Women's 1-.^<pitai, r96r to date ;
Professor oI Clinical Obsietrics and Gynaecologv, Institute of \{edicine r, Rangoon, tg64-.
Xlenhe rship rf Societies._Burma N'Iedical Association; British Nledical Association; Roval
Society of i\{edicine.
lllentberthil-, o.f Committers.
-T'r'easurer, Rurma
I{edical Associatiorr; (Jhairman, Academic
Committee, rTth and r8th llurma Nlcclical Conference, tg69, rgTo; Fresiclent, Yicc-Prcsiclent,
\,fernber of the Obstetrics, and Gyrraecological Society of Burma.
Curyent research "r.artt'h, An anal-ysis of the diagnostic fe.atures of hyclatilorm rnole, r,vith a vie.w
to l)revcnt choriort carcirronrl.
Publicutions.-r. Yru \llav, I)arv, I(r.rrN Sr, Dlrv, I{r.e l(rr, Daw, R. S. Josr.u ancl 'ftx Sl:rN,
Derv, (196r). Diffrcult labour, ])urn,t necl. j.9, ro(r--r16; ,. qEi, edl (cgGo)r 3.3.c:
sa;o,1:,r5u Ed6oorSo$fo:{3i oddignlri usrr er 30?
Adlress.--39, \{ission Road, Rdngoor}.

77.Itrla lVlaung, U, \{.8.,8.S. (Ilgn.), D.T.l{. & H. (Liverpool), D.T.C.D. (\\rales). Physician-
Chest l)iseases/1'uberculosis Specialist; born November r!, r9u5 in Ye-U.
Education.-lVlatriculated: N{yoma Fligh School , r9+6; M.8.,8.S., l)niversit5, of Rangoon,
r95q; D.T.\4. & IL, Univcrsity o[ Livcrpool , rySg; D.T.C.D., Welsh National Schoo] o{
l'Iedicine, r96o.
Training.--tsiompton Clirest Ilospital, London in chest diseirses, 1959; Llanfglv_vfat 6,n.r,
I{ospital, Wales in treatmert o1'chest diseases, rgqg; Pastcur Institute, Paris ancl International
Childrcn's Centre, ClnrcliH in tuLerculosis, r9-5y; lfr-rhercukrsis Research Institute, Berlin
Buch, Gerurrn I)ernocratic Rc'public in the treatment of tubercr,rlosis ald chest diseases,

ltyployy1eryt. _House Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, r954-55; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
T"R. Clinic, Nlandalay, r955-56; Civil Assistant Surgcon, T.B. L'linic, Rarrgoon, rg-50-Oo;
Civil Assistant Surgeorr, f'.8" \\rard, Rangoon Gcneial Hospital, ryfi-66; Healttrbfficer,

Corporation of Rangoon ry66-6g; l{edical Superintendent, T.B. Hospital, Aur.rg San Nl[yo,
l[emhership of Societies.--Bu'irna l'Iedical Association.
Address.-9, Golden Yalley Avenue, Rangoon.

78. Maung, Major, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), f.R.C.S. (Ed.). General Surgeon; born N'Iarch 25,
t936 in Rangoon.
Education.*Matricirlaterl: 'feachers' Training College School, Rangoon, 19-53; I'I.8.,B.S.,
University of Rangoon r96o; F.ll.C.S., Ildinburgh (General Suruery'), i97o.
E,nbloynent. -General Duty Medical Officer, Burrna Army \,fcdical Corps, ttl6o--7o; Sitrqical
Specialist, Defence Serr.ices General I-lospital, N'Iingalaclori, r()7c-.

79. HlaMon, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), M.R.C.P, (Ild.). Phvsician-Iienal \'Iedicine; born April rr,
1,93+ in Mogok.
Dducation.-h{atriculated: State High School, Mogok, r95 r ; N[.B.,B.S., tlniversitv of Rangoon,
r959; N{.R.C.P., Edinburgh, r97t.
T'rairing.-Nledical Renal Unit, Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh in renal meciicinc, 1968--7r;
Employutent.---House Surgeon, Rangoon General l{ospital, r9-59-6o; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
Akyab Civil Flosuital, 196o-62; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rathectaung C'ivil Hospital, u16z-64;
Civil Assistant Surgeon, Greater Rangoon Health Services, rq64-65; Senior Research Oflicer,
IJurma Medical Research lnstitute, r965-67; Assistant Physician, Rangoon General Hospital,
ry67-68; on cleputation, rt168-7r; Assistant Phvsician, Rangoon General }lospital, ry1r-.
14enfiersltip of Societies.-Burma Medical Association.

Puhlications.'-r. E, fJ, Kunv-1\[auNG-TrN, I{la-\,Iox and Kynrv-'IHrr (r968). Incidence of

Iiver diseases on 5oo autopsies done in the Rangoon General Hospital. Union of Rurina J. l,ife
Scz. r, zz3-226. z. Il, LI, KsrN-MnuNG-TrN, Hr,e-\tIoN and Kvew-'-fuar (1968). The

. :I'#i;lJn[il] IIil:: ::: :.:-','::,'.::.',,,1

;ry::;t." *atriculated: st. Alherr's F)nglish Itigh school, \[a1nryo, rg5-1 ; M.ts.,B.s., I
Institute of N'{edicine, \{andalay, r956-58; Ins:itute of l.,Iedicine r, Ral.rgoon, r958-62 ; I
Primary F.R.C.S., at Singapore, r965 ; F.R.C.S., Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, 1967.
Empbyment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, n,Iandalay General Hospital, ryQ-64; Civil Assistant I
Suigeon, Rangoon General Hospital, r965-68 ; Assistant Lecturer in Surgery (Part-time), I
Institute of Medicine, Mandalay, r968 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, 1\.4andalay General L!osUital,
'I)r,u;rr,,,, I
o.f Sorieties.--Burma Association.
Address.-No. 76, Biock r, Nlaym1,o.
8r. Hla Myint, U, M.B., B.S. (Rgn.), D.T.\{. & H. (Ed. ) .;;.iL.C.P. (Ed.). Physician; born ;r,r,,o.y I
rr, r9z8 in Thonze,
Education.-N4latricr-rlated : ]\Ivoma lligh School, I'honze, 1945 ; N{.8.,8.S., Unir,ersit.v of I
Universitv or Edinburgh r()57 i \I'R'c'P'' Edinburgh'
'Blil3'fi,\n;#J ' '

lra.i1ing. -lttended clinical course in cholera at the Infectious I)isease IJospital, IJyderaba6,
India, r966.
EmS;loltment.-Ciril Asslstant. Srrrgeon,
Forrvard Area llerli"at-I,:ul, (at?_ched to (rth- I{TSgutG-e'eral Hospital, ry52-.6r; Leacler,
L['ht Infaniry IJrigad'e), ,g5q';'Vurt-tirrr" t:linical
'I'utor,-_ Iiac.rltl,_of I'Iedicine, tjniversity of Ringoon, ,9!a tn,r.riiu""t
; irt.,1.i"iari, Sao San
iitul Hospi:al, -l'aunggyi, 1v6-r--p:.; consultant ?hr"9icraJ,'(urrgoo, Generai tto.pitul, ,96j
to date;Part-tirnc.Lecturer in l'Iediiine, Institute o^f n{edicine r, Iia,rgoon, .903 Od; i;rofessor
of clinical }ledicine (Pari-time), ry66*7r ; professor of Nfedicine'1t,ort-lid";, ;;;;_.
llcnhersltip cJ' ,Srrieties.---]lurma l\,Iedi.:al Association
; I]ritisli l,,Iedical Associalion.
!ll_en1!er$|p_ of Advisory Committee; Central N{edical Store Board;
l.Y:{i:rl Advisory Committec, Burma .Pharmaceutical Industry ; Drug Ad','i.";i -C;mmittee
(IDC) ; Drug Import Comrnirtee (T'ratle Corporation ro).
ConJerences and Sndy Toiti's.-Attended World Health Assembly in Geneva, and
German Democratic-R"p*rl:g,. r963 ;.Attended Education Seminar-on the role of prinofugyi;
\{edical Education, Nerv Delhi, and visited All India Institute of Nledical S.i"n..,'X.," u.rni
314 Llh-andaigar, :969.; study tour of various hospitals and health d"p;;i;";i; in
United States of America, r97r,
Publicr-ttiotts.-r. Flr,.q \Ivrxr (rSSg).
.Observations_ on hlpertensive paticlts i1 the Rangoon
General I{osi.rir,r1.
Lyr,lu tnctl._J. Z, G) :255-266. z.'Ato \,IvrNriMvr"; },i;;*", .\yu arrd
S.aivs Zrx (r96r). Clinical trials rvith tretariin(TE\{)in inoperable lung ,unrri.

Blu,nr rn*t.
7!-15.. 3. I{La l\{vrur, I}ri f'naN Nlvrxr, Avr Ayr Yr, t'ur.rx Flru.rl'and e"n \,Ia,ro
Incidence of jaundice in-hepatic amoebiasis an<l the stucly of --e.
]"ut.r." r.'' Burrno
"f;ri.rfin ille iake Area.
r6,-zo5-zto...4..-IJra MvtNr (1968). Incidence of hl,pertension
Uniort ol Burrt,t J. t,ilr Srr. l, 95-ro3.
C'urrent res?ar!:h. zuork.---r. Clinical sturly of Let-hroke-k),i hvdrochloricle in intestinal
amoehiasis. z. Flclminthic infestations in hotel and restaurant employees. j. f ..ia."..
malaria in pyrerial cases and study of pi'rexia patterns. "f
Adtlyess.-zoz, LoweL Kcmmendine Road, Ahlone p.O., Rangoon.
82. FIla Myint, U, l\'I.B', B.S. (Rgn.), D.T.D. (Delhi). Tuberculrsis Specialist, Administrator
born 0ctobet 21., r()25 in Rangoon. ;

[lducatian.-Matricu]atecl : Teachers' Training college_School, Ilangoon, r9.42 \{.8.,

Univcrsity of Rangocn, r95o ; D.T.O., University oi Delhi, r955 ; 8.s.,

Trainia.g--Pai.-el Clhest _lnslitute, Uuiversity of Drlhi in tuberculosis, 1955 Nerv

; Delhi TB
Clinic, l-lni.rn i\'f ission T'uberculosis Sanatoriurn in 'I'B prevalence survc,y t;ilrq;",
ilmpl!y' 11g17s."-Demonstraior, f)r;partmentof llacteriology and Path_ology, [iaculty
university.of Rangoon, r950-52 ; civil Assistant sur[ion, 'rB ctiniS, 'Iir;;;";. ';;;
of l,lcdicine ,

civil Asiistant S.,rg"o,1i r'f, crlinic, 6r;"'li;ii'tr*.:::"

I{ospitai, rg6t-64;Torvnship x{edical officer r, l,Ieiktiia civil Hosoitri ;:;;_;."ii"rrif,i
.Mandarali ..i956
Assistant Director, centrai.Di'visioii, ,ly6i:61'-D;ir;iyi"r:li.',.;l '3:1"-:r'";, "oiilll
!997 . 69l- Dlvisional I'Icalth Officcr, I{angoon Divi.sion,- r969)7o; As.istar-,i D;...*,'Certral
Division Rangoon, rgTo--.
llenber.ship of Societies. Ilurrna i\{eclical Association.
C-'onferenctf 'Stui'v Toru's. Attent-led z3rd Regional \VHO Conference at Neg, Delhi, rg7o.
83. Hla Myint, U, L,[.tr].,R.S. (REr.), D.C.P. (Lond.), \{.R.C. path. (Lond.), F.C.A.p. pathologist;
born \{arch zr, rr28 in Rengoon.
Etlucation.--\llatric.ulated : Pa-rrngcle High school: ;_M.p., 8.s., u,ir.ersitl.of Rangoon,
r954; D"C.P., tiniversity of l-onclon, r959 ; N,LR.C. ]_91(
path., London,' ,r)e\.-'"",

Training'-Celtrat lliicldlesex Hospital and Royal Posr-graduate School, n{idcllesex Hospital
in qasti'o-intestinal par hglog.v, r9(,7i Urriversirv of Glasgoi, porrrorrsy
D;rr;;;il; ;L-;:;;;-
tholis., ol skin, ,,,t 2 , Hu!ri nirlra.,,-r i"rf ;,rf , t";j;;
l; i;;;;?
I:ree.[lospitai. Lo.rdo, in-iiucr q..r],"i"g, l,ia erforiative cytorogy, rTffi;';;';r&Tti:rr},
r967 and r96g ; st. peter
and St' Parrl Hosprtal, Instittrte or u.offi ancl Renal
rerral pathobs;y, rq68; Institute or c[ita Health, liops;
uiopsies and their related
U,iversity of Glasfo*, cytogenic Departme;t in chrornosom"* *nd
cytogenetics, r967.
Employmertt'-Hor'lse Ilangoon General I{os,oital, r95.t-55
I)epartinert, Insti|ute ,f iil".1l"irc,.-\fzrnciala1,, I Dernonstrator, pathology
]955_:-60 ; dJ.iriirri Lecturer, I)epartment of
Patlrol.gv, Insrirtirc ,poJlor; il;r;;, b"1,r.t.",,r of pathology,
Institute or'Mt'tlicrrtc,", \tr-andahv,
rgttz - 7i; Profcssor.ancl H.rj-"f O.parrmcnr o[ pathology,
Institrrteof l\ ledi-'inr, Mandairy,- tglr'-'.
Metnbersltilt of societitts.-Burma Medical Association
(Iingland) British x{,:clical ; Association of clinical Pathologists
; Association ; Royar colrege'JF;h;r"gi.ts; college of Arnerican

84' Hla Myint, U, M'8., IJ.S. (Rgn.), D.I.\'t. &.H. (Liverpool). Parasitologist/physician-Tropical
Nledicine ; born Octol:er'r8', ,'g3q in l\tlaubin.

Education.--Matricularecl : central state High,school, Rangoo.,.r?5-r

i NI.B.,B.s., University
of Ransoon, 1959 ; D.'f"r\I. & H., Liverpoil schoor fr i.'"pi"'"r'lir"di"ilii ""'
iy {rr,.'
lvlitln|- \orvnslLiP '\Iedical oFficcr (z) training, Rangoon, in public Health a,d Medical
Adrninistlation, 1963.

Empluy-nenf.-House I'iurgeon, Rangoon Gene_ral.Hospital, r959-6o Demonstrator,

tnent of Eacteriology,. Fa-9u-l-tr of \4edicine, University oi
; Depart_
dingoor, 196o; Civil Assistant
surgcor, I lr-rulmein (':vil Hospitar, ry6t-62; 'ro"nri;1r off]cer. y.. to6z
ciiiiAssisrant surqcor, Nattarin Townirip Hrsp;tar, igoii u;'ltj|#rff;t;"
(lir'il Assis ant Strrgeo r,_National llealth -Laboiatory, 'r9'or, L:'":t?;:; ;
parasit.iog.,r, Ilurrna l,,{edical ]lesearch_. ; ir.r"r,rch ofiicer, l)epartinent
Insrituie, ' ,,;rk rrl")''s'.;#il;.t;,
Iirperimen'.al Meciicine Division, Burma l\,Iedical-
Resea'rch r',-t.titrt"
\'ledical Itesearch, NI:nistry of X{ealth) ry67_. 6;;-ij;p*tment of
x'Ieinbuskip of Societir:;.-Burrna l'{edical Association; Royal
Society of Tropical Medicine
and l{1,eierre.

I'Ie-tnhersJtil-' of (utrttitlt,'s.- secretary,

Technical Committee on Intestinal Helminthic
Inf':ctkrns, Rurma tIe lica Research f'ouncil, r95S
; Joint S..."tu.y-C",r".ut,nu.*u Me,tical
Ass:ciriion, r969 ; Se)retarv, l,iblary Sub-conimiti.L, nurt"u trtedical Association, rg.t
tr'lle'r-rbe r, l-cai]eini': Srrh-committ"*, h{edicai Auoo.*tio,., r97r ; .l\,Iember, Executive;
(loinmiltce, Bnrnra Illeclical Association, r_g7r AIembcr,
; SportJ'srirr-"""i*;ii*,'"nrr*u
Meilical Associatio:.r, I 17r ; i\{ember, Iixecutive (jornmitt,,..l,'n,ii-u Table
T,ennis Fe-j.iatiorr,
797 1.

Curent restctlLh .Antigen in blood clonors; Affatoxian in Burmesefoods;

sttt,lv on imoi-.t,ia'ris.
Pu!.'!ica'ion..- l. Iir-l n4lrN'r, r{,qnt;anrr'ru ancr B.r-Avl: (rs6r)). Intestinai
inft,cticns i:: Brrsserir'f,t,*'r shirr. LInion of fl,ttrtno..y. ,\'ci. z, ),;i;J'j64 . ,. R,-Ll,'krr*_
l,,Trrrxc-'ft'r, FXra-,\,h-ril rnd'T'i+isr-Zrr,,1 1r909):' i,Jpr;-iri,ii t,,,put;tio in
ltaniloon General
tr{c,rpirril. unioiL ,tf itrriitu .r. 1.;1n sci. 4c.r __-4oi. 3. tt,.,t-(tv,^,. a;;;;il- l,,t-"uti,rut
parrsitisms in rrrirnary schooi children in Greaiei ttur[no,i- i,,ir,r oy i,r;;,i; ijr'-sri.
r 4r
i. 3,
-r 1.5.
,4dircss.-2q7, Creel< Street, Botataung, Rangoon,

tf5' HiaMyint,eapt',[{.IJ',]1.S.(Mdy.),D.A.(Rgn.). Anacsthetist;bornjune
Ilduct:ttiott.--Matricuiatud: State }{igh Schooi No. r, l,Ieii<tiia, r958; \L8.,13.$., Inst_itutc
Medicine, Mandalay, 1965; D.A., Llstitute of lfedicire ,.'dnrrgni,,r, ,90,;.
Employmant--Gqrrjt?l Duty_N{edical Officer, Defence Services Senerai HospitrLl, llingaladon,
.67;_Field Medical Olliccr, 13r, l,{edical Battalion, ry67-68; Anrrestlrltist, m.'i, t;"td
Hospital, Lashio, 1969 -.

$l-a.{ai1e,-u, hI.B.,B.s. $g,1.), ?.p, F T.}I. (Rgn.). public I{t,attl specir,rist. -r-i
Medical Oflicer, Ilangoon FIJatth l)ivision.
gZ. Oo, U, n'I.l]., B.S. (RSl), O.!,_(RSg.);
Cliiiical Pathology,
Pathologisr; Assistant Surl;r_.o,n, l)c,>art.nent of
Ran ;oon Gt.ncrirl Hbsp;ral.

88. Hla Pe, U, ['{.8',8.S. (Rg".). Physical }.,{edicine Sirecialisr; bor:r NI,rrcli {t, tgzT in ]\,[oulmei1.
Educatian.-iVlatriculated: State }Iigh Scirool, klouin-rein, ry+6; NI.B.,B.S., I-inive:.sitl, of
Rangoon, rg53.
7'raining. -i\erv Yorli Universit,y,, IJellvLre- lledicai Centre, I{esid:lc-r. tr:1ini:rg, iir
medicine and relLabilitation, r956-58; Uriitcrl Nations, intcrnationr:1 lirstitu'te, iungstcd,
' i)enmark in I'r"rsihetic. Co,rr.., ,97..
Ilmplo.ymsilL-Civil Assistant Surgeon, I\{andalay Gerreral Flos;.lita, r953-ri4i ._tivil Assistalt
9yrg"ol, Poly_clinics, sanchaung, Rangoon, ,ss+-s(r; Ir.esidlnc; ri"ili"b at Ner.v york
University, Be_llvue Med.ical_Ccl1re, 1916 5S_;_Civit Aisiitant Srrrgern, poli,cliln:cs, _.ianchaung,
Rangoon, 1958-59; senior N{edicar dificerl IJospitai for the DiJ.t,tert, ,g;ql .-' --'--
n[ emb er sltip ofs.-B urma [{ed ical Associat i on.
S o cietie

Puhlications.-r. \{osro'wrrz, 1i.,H. F. FL.a-Pe ancl K,. Sursr-r,eNr (r958). .posthe-

miplagic refler synrpathctic.dystroph_y. J. Atrier:. ,UIed. -4ssoc. x67,*6 B3g. z.' ii-r-fu (r9jS).
A demonstration artificial limbs_for upper and lorver exrrernities (tUs:icty. t:iarr,ri ira.i.
7 Gl,.7o._3. Ill-Pt (rSrlo). I\,Ie,licatlehabilitrtion. IJunnu r,.ri y. g,.ir_a5. a. f,f.o_Fu
$962). Rehabilitation of herniplagia. Burnm ned. j. rc, 47_5...
Address.-3 1, Poya'za Street, I(yauhkone, Rangoon.

t9. Hta Pe, U, N{.Sc. (Bombay). I}iochemist; born Juli, r9, 193.5 in Uyiiungmy;r.
Etlucation.--hllatriculated: State IIigh School, Bassein, i95e; ]].Sc., University of li.angoon,
r956; \{.Sc., Bombay University, r958.
T'raining.-Hebrer,v Univcrsity, Haclassah. Nleclical Schooi, Jerusalem in raclioisotope assay
in bioiogy and_medicine and rnicrobiological assay-techn:que of vitamins, i96z-6i;
Nihon University, School of l{cdicine, Toliyo in iiistochemistry ard cvtochenistr:i,,Cl"-lZ.

lyptoy,nezl.-Assistant Riochemist, Nutrition Project, rg54-.6+i Serrior itesearch gfficer,

| !-Iaematology Department, Burma l'ledical R-esearch"Ins tttu'ti,' ry6 j --7o ; Heacl uf ni*t.-irtry
I Research Division, I)eparlment of [,Ieclical Research, ,g7o--.

I Stuntrrrship of Cottttttitlea.-sciencc ancl Rcsearch Co-orclination . orirrnilrcc"

research work,-Growth and nitrogen metabolism in iron rlepl:tion; niochemistry of
| ?:::f-t
antoimmune disoldcrs.
I Publication.-r. C-tltlRu, R. G., Tts-TrN-Oo and l{la-Pr'(rqS8). Nr,tritive value of some
tsurmese diets.
I l._llyrma science 3r-4o. ).-iuirr_u,I).. G., A. N{. \,Ionsev,
[ .l5*]o;TseiN T*lj. Hr.r_Pn.( Str-rdies on basal metabolism of llr-rnncse people.
Post-graduote..l{ctlidne (i}ornbay). S,1zg -t7?.3. Crtn'nri, l{.G.,'i'rx-'I'rx-Oc anrl t.Il-1a-pe
tr (tSS,r)' 'l'hiamine melabolism in uursing mothers, and its probarle relatioristiip rvith the
iroblem of beriberi. Prorcetlings of l{inih pacifc sciertce Crigrrrr, rs, .lo--37. r. },[oesnv,
A, M., Kvwr-TtlrtN and fllir,t-P.e (t-S59). A report on tire itcidence of anacmia of pregnancy
among Burmeservomen. IJurma meti. ./. ?, z3i-235. pE, rJ, A. \I. llossri.,., k"*u-
5. _t{r_l
TtrnrN and TiN-Trn-Oo, (r96r). Species ditrerencJin ca"rotenoicls conienl.s of ba1a1as. Btryma
yrd. J..9, r63-r65. 6. Hla-Pu, IJ, TIN-TIN-Oo, Kvwa-Tiirrr and 1\,Ionsuv, A. II. (r962).
Paper electrophoresis study <lf serum proteins-of healthy Burmese arlults. Buima nted.'f. rc,
93-99.. 7. IIle-Pr, U, TrN-TtN-Oo, I(vr,vr-T'nurN u.ri A.NL lriossnv (r962). Caroten"e and
ascorbic acid contents in various- types of mango. proc. Burmo nrcd.'Ris.'sor.
4, i l-'sr.
8. Hla-Po, U,F. StIar.rr rrud N. Orioss,ru,rcz (r965). tlptake of reduced folic acid tlv it',;.t
liver-en:ryme. Proc. soc. lhf . !)i,tl. a rlei. ir.s.a. rzo, 86o-s63. 9. ArrNc-Tri.qr-Barti ",
an<l LI X{r.,r-Pu (196S). prevalence_of anaemias irr Bui'rna. ,si Birora }lletl. Res. Conf.
Abstracts. ro. AuNr;- Inax-Ile'r'u ancl U Hre-pr (r96s). The haemoglobinopathies
in Bttrnra. rst Bunna ll4ed. Res. Conf . Abstracls. rr. Tnrrx'-?neN, Aurvc-f'n"eN-Baiu ancl
U fJy-P1 (r-g69).- _'Ihe assessment of iron stores. Linion of Bttrma J. Llu Sci. z, r43--rq6.
rz. Hia-Pc, U and AuNc-Tn,rs-Baru (trlr"il. A nerv colorimetric method for the cleiel.riinatio,,
of formiininoglutamic acid in urite. -llnal-lttical Biochenistry. zo, q3z-438. r3. Hra pr:,
TultN-TueN and Auxc-THex-Balu (r968). A microtechnique for the"prepirarioriof hamoly-
:?t_1 fo! electrophoresis. Burma mcd. J. t6, rq9-t52. r4. Auxc-Tne,r-Beru, Trremr--fol,
l-l Hra-I']a and T'rrurN-TuaN (1968). Some aspecis of anemia of pregnancy in Burma. (Jnion
of Burnta J. Life sci. rr 33r-335. 15. AuNc-TuAN-BAru, KnrN-Kvr-Nvum and U [ft--r-pr
(t968). Some-aspects of anaemia of pregnancy in Burma. Llnion o.f Burnta J. Life Srz. r,
?tr -217._ r6. [fu,e-Pr,[.IandAuxc-'In.qx-Bart](r968). \,Iethodsof detectinsfolatedeficiency.
union of.BurtnqJ. I,iJe sci. r,z3+-zq.c. 17, AuNc- rriex-Eerri and Flr,a-pu [.g6s). Glucose-
6-phosphate_, dehydrogeriase deficierrcy'in Burma. Union of Burtta j.Lir-Sii. zr sg-fu.
r8. Kurx-I(vr-Nvurlr, Tsuw-TueN, U rlra-Pri and AuNc-Tnex-Baiu (rbes). Anaiinia in
two Burm_ese villages. []nion of Bttnna J. I.ife sci. z, <,9--6r. r9. Tn,rrrr'-AuNc, KurN-Nwr-
AuNc, U l-{r-e-Pe and ArrNt;-l'n,rs-Il.lru (rri6g). Urinary coproporphyrin excreiion in battery
workers. f,tnion oj'Rur.nm j.r,4b sci. z,zq3-246. eo. Ifre-Pu and AtNc-THax-Belu (rg6q.
A fluor:ometric method for urinary folic acid determination in folic acicl absorptiut, urri ioua
tests. Cltiniru L-hinti.ta,/lc.ta.24., j8r-378. zr. I{re-Pc, tI and AuNc-THaN-Beru (r969).
Mttabolic_effect of para-aminosalicylic acid on hurnan red ceil glutathione metabolism. J. Piatm.
Pharmacol. ztr 33o. 22. AuNG TnaN Belu, u HlaPr, Knix-Kvr-Nyl'N'r and THirN-TsaN
(rS69J. IntesJinal absorp_tion in the llurmese. Linion of Burnm J.Ll', Sci.2,365-57r.
z3-.FII-.t-Pr, U, J\IvlNr-oo and Ausc-'rsaN-Balu (r969). Efiect of para-aininoJalicylic
acid on^human glutathione rnetabolism and its relation to dr:ug induccd haemolysis. tlnioi of
Bur.rna../. Lide ,59i.
?: 397-lot. 24. I'LLI'-PE, U, \{vrNr-Oo and AuNc-Tnes-Bl.rir (rgZo).
Oxidation of red cell glutathione and haemoglobin by stored enteric coated soriium' pi.i-
aminosalic),lic acid. (lnion of Btuma J. Lifc Sci.3,3og--32r. 25. AuNc-TueN-Balir, U
Hre-Ptr, 'rirnrx.TnaN, \{v1 KverNG, and rsaN-TaeN-Sor (rqzr).- Iron balance in young
Iltrrmese women. union of Burma J. l,iJe Sci. (irr press). 26. U and Tuers-Tnali
GS6g). Filter paper method of detecting elevated foetal haernoglobin from finger-tip lrlood.
Burma med. ./. z, rz8-r3o. 27. HLI'-PE, U (r97o). EtTect of iation on folic-acid bindino
!r-;tt.. _Uii2ryof BuruiJ. LiTi Sc;.1inpi...).' 18.'Hr..q-pr, I.t anct AuNc-f"i* noiuliffi
Serutrr rvhole trlood and red ceil foliate levels (1. casci) h some Burmese popuiation groips.
(-lrtion of Burnta_J. Life Sci" (in grels). 29. Auini-Tue,r-ba'ru, t'ft-e-Pri and TririN-TrreNlr97ol.
Primacluine induced haerrrriysis in G-(i-PlJ dcficient Burmese. Trans. lloy. Soc. Trop. n{ert.
Ily.g. 64,785. 3o. AuNc-TneN-Baru, Hr,.r-Pn, and TrtrN-T'uas (,g7r). Valirlity of the d ( + )
xr4ose absorption test as an index of intestinal absorption in the tropics. Clii. Chim. A'ila.
32, r4-t1{c. 3r. AuNc-Tnes-Baru and U Ifl-;r-Pr (r97r). Haemoglobinopathies in Burma.
L T'he incidence of haemoglobin E. T'rop. geogr. Xlled. z3t rS-49. 32.,
I"Ill-Pri and Kiit\r-I(yr-lrIyuxr'(rg7r). Ilaemoglc,binopathies in lJurma. II. Haemoglobin
H. discase. 7'ro?.gcogr. Xled.zj,iil z3. tr. -{uNr;-TuAN-BA'r'u, U FL-e-Pn ancl KurrslI(yr-
Nvurrr' (rSZr). Ilaemoqlobinopathies in Burma. III. 'Ihe incidence of alpha-thalassaemia
trait. 'l|rop. gcogr. lIed. 23, 23-25. 34. Aus<;-THax-BeL'u, Ille-Pr, Krrrx-Krir-NyuNr
and TtN 1I (rt17r). Hacmoglobinopathies in Burrlra. IV. Thalassaemia-haemoglobin [.
disease ar.rcl thalassaemia major. T'rop. geogr. l[t:i.23, zq zg, 15. AuNt;-',Li, Ih-e-
Pr, TnuIrv- Iuerv and KiliN-Kvt-NvuNr' (r97r). Iron deficiency in sorne Burrlese population
groups. Am. J. Clin. Nurri. 25, zro-2r8.

pe, U, i{.3.,B.S. (Rgr.). Administrator, Assislant l)irector (Pianning), Department oi
- Hla
Health, lVlinistry of Flealth.
Oto-rhino-larynologist; born in
9r. Hla Saw Khaing, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgrt.), D.L.O. (i:,ng).
Rangoon December, 12, r9?2.
Dducati;tn.-Matriculated : Government High School, Rangoon, r94o ; \'I.8.,8.S., University
of Rangool, i949 ; D.L.O., Conjoint Board"of the Royal L'ollegcs of I'ht'sicians ancl Surgeons,
England, r956.
7'raining.-Itstitute of Laryngology and Otology, British Post-graduate Nlcclical,Federation,
Londott, r955-56.
Em1:loyment.--Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangotitt Genera,l Hcspital, l^9.1g-So ; 9i"i] Assistant
S.-,ig"or, Civil Hospital, Yenangyalurg,. _rg5o:-53; Civil Assistant_Sur:geon, Civil Hospital,
'rav?y ; Assistanr'i\,i.:dical Stiperintin_derli _r," Rungoorr Geneial llo.spital, .1954-5.5 ; On
J"puiuiiun as a States Schoiario the Unitecl King!o1-,- 1955^--57 i Civil-Assistant Surgeon,
itJ"g""" General l{ospitai, r!5f ; l,Iedicil 0ltrcer, P"i{."iilri.,., \:i*i:i: 195_7-58 ;
-iriisorg;"or.r, Sagaingtiv;i Xoliritul,_senior
r-958-6r ; Civil surgeo[, Cir''il I{osp1a-l,-!k;'*, '961-
oj ;'."f SupJrir-,iend.nt, Sao San Fft-un Flospital,Taung'gyi,.1l6:.-p4 ; E'L']' Specialist,
'I-hroirt Hospi-
\ilandalay Geneial I{ospira1,'tg61 7t ; Ii.N.T'.
- bpecialist, Eye }lar, Nose and
tal, h'f anclalaJ, 19,.7-.
trIet;il:ership oJ Societits.-Burrra Medical Council ; Burma Nledical Association.
lrlr/rcss.-No. i4, 68th Strect, Vlandalay.

gz. lflla Shein, Clematis, M.B.,B.S. (Rgt'), D.P.H. (Canada). Public ilealth Specialist; born
X{arch 16, rgz9 in .Bassein.
.Education.-- Iatricr-rlated: Sgaw Karen High School, Bassein, r9.16; i\'I.B.,I).S., University of
Rangoon, r954; D.P.FI., University of Toronto, r96z'
Emplayment.--Civil Assistairt Surg99g, Dufl'erin Flospital, ry5+--56: Civil Assistant Surgeon,
ItJt*i"ity Cirild ilealth and Sciroil Health Centie, Fog5,u, r955-58; Civil Assistalt,Surgeon,
presideni's Flouse Compoul;d Dispensarv, r958-6r; 'fearu. Lr:adcr, Primary Health Centre,
tl*k";;, ,gi'1.-Oa;- St"io. Lectirer, rl"uti[ Assistant T'raining School, Aung San Myo,

M ember ship''of Societrles.-Burma \{edical Association

lvlemberslrip of'Coxunittee.r.-Burma N{edical Association, Public Health Section.
I Atltlress.--32-13, Prome Road, 6th Lllile, Rangoon.

Public I-Iealth Specialist; born Mav 18,

93. Hla shwe, ui N.t.B.,B.s. (Rgn.), D.P.H. (E,rg.).
r936 in Bassein"
Education.*N{atricularecl: St. John's l)iocesan Boy's Eligh School, Rangoon, r95e;h'{'8.,8.S.,
Uriu.6ity of Rangoon, r96r ; b.P,H., Conjoint Board of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and
Surgeons, l',ngland, 1965.
I'raining.-Royal Institute nf Public Health and Hygiene in Prrblic Health and Hygiene, 1964-65i
AttendJcl WH"O Cfuolera Colrse, llangoon in thiiontroi and treatment of cholera, 1969.
Ernltloyntent.-Assistant District Health Officer, Sag.aing, r-g-62-63;-{ssistant l)isti'ict Flealth
5fi".i, Nlingalaclon Airport, ryfu-64;, Assistant District Health O{ficer,, r2p+-65;
i.*"sirlp H?dth Officei, Sagain[, i965-68; Civil Assistant Surgcon, Infectious Diseases
Ilospita.l, r q68-.
)l e t$u sli'1: aJ Stscic ries.*lJu-rma &leclical i\ssoci;iliott'
llembersltip of'Comntittees.--Business Secretary, Burma lVleclical Association, tg|o- ; Member,
Amoebiasis Study Group.
Current yeseaych woyl<,.-Lrnoebiasis epidemiology and drug trials; cholera and acute diarrhoeal
Publications'-Hl'l^snwr-(,q.6S). Ilural lrealth
ser,,ices in
" Eurmd. D.p.FI. dissertatioir.
Royal Institute of public ti.ittf,'and Hygiene,
t""l;;:--" "
Addres,s.-53, Bogyoke Street, Rangoon.

T13,,:IX|; M3.,kJ,;l,ir,,?;JI-".), D.M.R.D. Radiorogist; Lecturer in Radiodiagnosis,

95. HIa Shwe, U, Nt.B.,B.S. (Rgr.), D.A. ( Anaesthetist.

"' TlS,IL"itl*H;.1;3i [}f;J;,?
97' Tin, u, M'B',B'S' (Rs".). Hospital aclministrator; born necember 19,
ry23 inRa,goon.
ti{*:;::::,iN{atriculated: I)iocesan Bovs' }Iigh school, i94r;
h'r.8.,B.s., University of
Traitirw'-social insurance rnedical care in the German Democratic
Republic, 196r.
Empl'tyn1pnl'-civil Assistant srtrgcorr,. Dispensary,
M.o. in charqe, ywama Disp.rsary-a'rt \trlonc Kcmmencline Dispcnsar_v,
officer (fiIedicar.Sup^erintcncr.nti sn"iui i""*r,:i'ii"#'r1'urrrif;i, H"',,i;:'b:"*t|,*,,.r,
Rangoon, rs 5e-64 : -Deputv senior MeJicai om.&, 1r,or.;i, li1:l'i;rra.n,
s".;i i""rriiy's#;;,'p"il] "rlur _ou,
ofliciating \ledicaIsuperinieudent, \\'' ij;rrr;;ri R",,i*n,
tendent, Workers, Hospital, Rangoon, tg67- . o- - ,9oo-67; Medicar superin_

LI ernb er s h ip of S o c i e t ie s._B urma Medical Associat ion.

Address.-ro8, Maung Khine Street, Rangoon.

*' Tj]IT ifl;-ti;? f;i,;!iB. n'), o'p' & r'tr/i. (Rsn.). Pubric Ilearth Speciarist; bcrn Nrarch 3o,
Education.-Nlatriculated: state post Frimary- schoor, \\,akema,
of Rangoon, rg59; D.p. & T.iu., r95r; nI.B.,B.s., rlniversity
Institute df nr"Ji.l,r" i,'iirigour, ,909.
Training'-Royal Institute of Public Heaith and Hygiene, Lond<-rn in public health,
carnpaign, office or the Regionar Leprosy
3:!::!{f**;i;:T:}"Tffi',o?:1.n""sv officer,
IrI embersltip of
-Burma lf edical Association.
S ociet ies.

Thircl WFro Regional Seminar on Leprosy Control

iZf!:,rfr:;:f!:P".rours.-Attended in
Publications'-Hr'.q TtN ('s6s). Leprosy Crntrol Programrne in Burma, speciat reference to
Taunggyi urea, D.p. & T.M. dissertation, Institute of i\{edicine r,
Add r e s s.- 368, Thirimingalar Road, .I.aunggyi.

99. Hla Toe, U, N'{.8.,8.S. (Rg.,.), D.p.H. (Errg.), D.T.t\{. & H. (Liverpool), D.E.C.D.
Deihi). Leprorogist/pubric Hearth spi";riiri7r1,id.,;l"rrgi.;;t;o.,,j;;; (prague/
;; ,;;;il'rnsern.
Education.-Matricurated: Nationar Hish schoor, pegu, r95o;
Rangoon, r957; D'P.ll., ('orirrirrt Boart of the ntyri"mrr.!3..'.r^rtLB.,B.s., University of
prryJi.;ir, ,ii'"s',1ig.o,,r,
Engtand, 1963; D.T.NI. & rr., universitv."f aiu;rlr;;r,.!jo[.b.r.c.6.,-lr";i"i.
miology, Prague and National Institute'of Communi.uur'" Iitpia"_
iji*uses, New Delhi, r97r.
Training.-rsr Irrrer-R.egiorra'rraining plirippines on i"r,.ory
_Leprorogy in,the
control, r96r; Royal Iristitute of I'ub1ic Healtlr, r"Ja*"r?,1
ii..,U;. Healih, 1964; n*
Institute of r\,Ieclical sciences, New Delhi n tr*'i**rr.n&'.i-i;i,r.%"r'ir'rr-*' All l^dia

Eruployrnent.-House Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, 19-57; Demonstrator, Department
of Bacteriology and Pathology, Faculty of N{edicine, University of Rangoon, rg57- 6o; Assistant
Leprosy Oflicer, Leprosy Control, Magwc Pilot Area, ry6o-63; Assistant Leprosy Officer,
N'Iagwe, tg65-67; Regional Leprosy Oflicer, Leprosy Control Project, Directorate of Health
Services, Rangoon, tg67-"
tlh e nfie r s hip of S o, c i a i e s. e Mcd ic a I Association
-Burn'r "

Current research work.-Stratified, multiphase, random sampling study of the prevalence of

leprosy in Hlegu and Hmawbi Townships; Controlled study on epidemiology of leprosy in
Hlegu and Hmawbi Townships.
Address.-368 (5), Quarters, Thu-ma-na znd Street, Thaketa, Rangoon.

roo. Hla Tun, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgr.), D.A. (Eng.). Anaesthetist; born April r5, r93r in Rangoon.
Dducation"-Matriculated: Burmese Methodist High School , rg+7i N{.8.,8.S., Universityof
Rangoon, 1955; D.A., Conjoint Board of the RoyalColleges of Physicians and Surgeons,
England, r959.
Training.-Post-graduate Medical School, London and Hammersmith Hospital in anaesthetics,
Employment.- Anaesthetist, East Rangoon Hospital, and Children's Hospital, Rangoon,
Membership of Societies.*Burma Nledical Association, Anaesthetic Section, Burma Medical
Association; Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and lreland.
Puhlications.-Hre TUN (r9tr7), 'lhe Current Practice of Paediatric Anaesthesia. Burnw
nred. J. r5r r95.
Address.-Room No. 27, No. 19, York Road, Rangoon.

ror. Hla Tun, LL, \'{.8.,8.S. (Rgr.), D.T.l\{. & H. (Eng.), M.R.C.P. (t^d.), Diploma in
Cardiology (Copenhagen). Genernl Physician Tropical diseases Specialist/Cardiologist ; born
October ro, r93r in Bassein.
Education.-l\{atriculated : Government High School, r949 ; M.B.rB.S., University of
Rangoon, 1956 ; D.T.M. & H., University of London, 196r ; M.R.C.P., Edinburgh, 196z ;
Diploma in Cardiologv, Copenhagen, 1967.
Employment record.-Assistant Leprosy Oflftcer, Anti-Leprosy Campaign, r957-58, Assistant to
Physician, Rangoon General Hospital, r958-65 ; \{edical Specialist, Base Military Hospital,
\llaymyo, tg65-66; Physician, Moulmein Divisional Hospital, 1966-.
M e mb er s hip of S o cie ti e s.-Burma Medical Association.
ConferencefStudy Tours.-\risited various hospitals in Denmark, Norway and Sweden to study
cardiology, r967.

roz. Hla Wai, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rg,r.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist.

ro3. I{la Win, U, M.Sc,, Biochemist ; Senior Research OfEcer, Biochemistry Research Division,
Department of Nleclical Rescarch.

Io4. Hla Win, Bani, M.B.,B.S. (Rgr.), M.Sc. (Ed.). Physiologist, born July 22, rg3z in Insein.
Education..-Matriculated : State High School, Insein, r949 ; M.8.,B.S., llniveisity of Rangoon,
1956 ; M.Sc., Edrnburgh Unir..ersit-v, 1967.

llanhtg.-llallstrorn Institute nf C_ardiology, Sydney and Degartment of Nledicine, Sydney


IJqiversity in clinical physiology, r96t-62,

Employment.-Demonstrator, Department of Phvsiology, Faculty of Nlediciire, University of
Rangoon, ry57-6o ; Assistant Lecturer, l)epartment of .Physiology, !'aculty of Vledicine,
University of Rangoon, ry6o-63 ; Assistant Lecturer, Department of Ph,vsiology, Institute of
\{edicine 2, Rangoon, 1963-.
X[embership of Societies.-Burina &Iedical Association.
Cttt.i;nl tcspnr(ltflnil: -lrrilrr,iir.lrr frrfiftiorr strrrlir : ; t'eglrlrtir,rt nf lirnncl,i:rl c.rlilrti',
Publ.icntians.-r. Glrosll, B.rn.-r, frI'vrNr l\Tvrrsr: Iirt lnd \L lIv,r-Tu. (rSSy). '1'lic clTects of
the various fractions of Apium ,qruzteolens, Linn. ('fayok-nan-nan, Burmese), on the cardiovas-
cular system. Prac. Btu'. ilfed. lles. Soc. r, zr.-zz. z. Guosn, BeNt,DuNtse RnyNornsand
med. J. e, r84-r85. 3. Hre \\rrx, BaNr and LrlreN Po. (r965). Normal Pulrnonary capacity of
Burmese. Abstract. rst Ilurma l\{edical Ii.esearch Conf'erence. p. 8. 4. Jut<ns, \,I. G. r\1[., 1

N{alonv NI. I{. JuxEs and IJaNt Hr-a Wrry. (,1967). 'I-he accumulation of carbon dioxide by l
ducks breathing carbon dioxitle-:Lir mixturr:s. J. tr'ltysiol. td14, r8B. 5. Hr.e tr\rrN. B.lirr,
(r967), Comparatioe phltsioloelt of respirator")t nt.ecll(tniiills. l\t.Sc. Thesis, University of

lidinbtrrgh. 6. X,Lrr.vusz, 1l[. ancl iJ.qNI Hre \r'"tN (rt168). T'he run orrt of r-anrin\r-hippurxtc I

l'ronr liidncy sliccs ol rihitc rirts in thc prescncrr of pap:rvarinc. Union rif J)urt;ttr .f . l,ifr Sti.
rr z67---27r. 7. Juruis, l\{. (i. l\'I. 1\1[an.1onv, 1\1. R. ],rrcn ancl lJaxr l{r.e 1\rrr+. (r968). 'I'hr.

respirator;, response of the dr-rcl< to intraled carbon dio.r.idc. Proceetlirrys of lhe lizternational I
Union of Physiqlogical Sciettccs, 3.
ro5. Hnin Hline, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), i\tl.Sc. (Ed.). Biochemist/Physiologist ; tr.orn Junc r, I
r93o in Rangoon.
Education"-\{.8.,8.S., lJniversity of Rangoon, 1955 ; \{.Sc., University of Eclinbureh, 196z. I

Entployntefir.-Demonstrator, f)epartmer.rt oi' PI:ysiology, Iiaculty of Mcdieine, University of I

Rangoon, 1955-63 ; Assistant l-ecturer, Departrnent of Phvsiologv, Institute of Nlcdicine r, I
ryfu-64; Lecturer, Department of I'hysiology, Inslitute of Medicine r, Rangoon,
re6+-. I

llfemberskilt of Societt)es.*-Burma N{edical -Associ:rtion.
Publi.mtian.*-HNrN {{LrNt (rg5z). Llrinary excret;on of a utabolite of catecltolamine. \\.5c. I
thesis, University of Edinburgh. I
ro6. Hnin Yee, Daw, \LB.,B.S. (Rgr,.), nl.R.C.P. (Ed.). Phlsician; Consultant Phlsician, I
Rangoon General }Iospital. I
ro7. Hnin Yee, Daw, n"i.B.,B.S. (Rg,,.), D.P. & T.h{. (R.grl.). Ptrblic Heaith Specialist; Ii.angoon I
ilealtlr Divisiorr. I
ro8. Hnin Yi, Daw, LI.B.,B.S. (Rg.r.), D. Obst. R.C.O.G. Aclministrator; Deputy Director I
(Hospitals arrd Dispensaries), I)epartment of Health, lVlinistry of l{ealth.
.rr.,|ffi,*Y,ln, U, }{.B,I}.S. (Rgn.), D.A. (Itgn.). Anaesthetist; born N{arch z4, tg3q itt
Iitlucniitttt. -h{atriculatccl : Laforr \'Iemoriai FIigh School, \{ancliilay, r95 r ; }1[.8.,8.S.,
University of llangooir, rr,1-59; I).A.., Irrstitute of \'{cdicine r, R:rngoon, t1167-68.
Ein,plrty'nietrt. f,livil Assistarrt Surgeon, 1(yaukse Civil lIosiiital, r959---6r; Civil Assistant I
Surgeon, '1'o.,,.lrship Lnospital, i\iatogyi, r95r--(;3; Civil Assista-nt Surgr:on. lliindalay Gerreral t
Hospitni, 1163-5q; Cliril Assistant Snrgcon, Towriship Hcspital, Singu, r9(r4--(16; Cir.i1 Assistant I
Surgcon, East Rang;oon Flospital, 1957; r\ssistant Anaesthetist, li.angoon General Flospital, I
1968-69; Assistant Anaesthetist, Divisional l{ospital, Rassein, 1969-. I
Metnhership o.f Sotieties"*Burma Meclical Associatir.rr"

rro.rrpay, Daw,.lT.B',8.s. (Rgn-),.DTU._&-.H, (E-ng.), Dip. Bact. (Lond.), II.P.H. (Harv.)
M.R.c. Path (Lond.). Microbiologist (Medical)i bol,-. flarch 26, igrg i,i'BLo-o. \--
Eductttion.-l'Iatriculated: A.B.M. Girls'High school,^Nlandalay, r936; \. .8.,8.s., University
of Rangoon, r.O+8; D.T.NI..&TI., C_onjoint Board,of the Royai e"oti.g.r oi,r, u,r,l
Surgeons, England, r.95r_; D;q. pryt.._London Schoot of Hygiele antl Trolpical L,Iedicine, r95z;
tTPH., Hartard -MR.c.
schnrrl of Pirblic Heaith. Boston, iq57f path., t-on.lon, iq6h,
Tr1;t7i_115;-C.roup-Lahor,rloty, Arcliivrl' [Io.s1irril, Lor-idon iri cliriicnl
ir.rrhologl', r95r; \'irus
and l{ickettsia Laboratory, Uommunicable l)isease Centre, l\{ontgomeiy, etaBainal"National
Institutes of I{ealth, Bethesda, il{d, Rockefeiler Foundation, Yiius La6oratorv, New york
Central Health Laboratory, London in Virology, 1957; Kyoto University, Kyoto'in Virologl.,

Employxtent record.-znd Lieutenant, C.A.S. (B),_rS4S; Sub-Assistant Surgeon, Ministry of

H3{th, rg42-+7; Demonstrator, Department'oi Pithi,logy._Faculty of N{ef,icine, University
erf Rarrgoon, Assistrrit L,ecturcr, l)epartnrent of Pathol;gy, Facultl,of lt.a;.ini
t()+g- SZ ;,, Dcprrrmcrrt of lrathologv, Facrrli:i, of \.Icdicinc, Llnivcrsrly
ol Rrngoon, r 9,52---58; l,ecturcr and flea,l of l)(.irartrtc,ltt oi }irrcteriology, Irncrrltl,"iii;,
U^n;-v-crlity of lhngoon, rg58- -64; Lectu-rer ltncl ]ieacl of l)eprrtrncnt oi'1,{icrobioiogy, "l Institutc
of Nledicine r, Rangoon, ry6+-jl; Supervisor, Departmert of Nlicrobiology, i'.r.iltrrt" of
N{edicine Rangoon,
-2, 196S-Zr;*Consultairt, Departm6nt of \rirology, Burma n[ij;.ri-n"..u..t
Institute,.Rangoo_n, 1967- ; Professor and HLad of Departmeni"of l,licrobiology, i".tit.,te
of Medicine r, Rangoon, 1967-.

Membership of Societies,--British N{edical Association, Rurma \{edical Association Burma

Research--So"i.iy ;. Burma Science Association ; Pathological Society of Great nr;iui1 ;
Ireland;oRoyal Society of I'ropical \{edicine and Hygiene j-'society foi C.".ioi nfi.."ir1"f"gy.
Membu ship of Committees.-Burma il{edical Research Council, ry6g-72; Burma Research
Co.uncil;.]gng^ue Haemorrhagic Fever C_on_rmittee of Burma; pitoriaslr iorir-lti."1f s;r*u;
Poliornyelitis Committee of Burma; Thakatho Pyinnybacleiha Sa Saung, E;i;;ri"l Toard,

Current research zaork.-Lc:ngitudinal study of incidence of cliarrhoea and its bacterial

parasitic aetiology during infancy in an uiban community in Burma.
Publications.-r. HeAv, p4vr, KH,N Kvr Kvr ancl \,fenr; Tu (rg59). prcliminary studies
on fiiariasis in B,rma. proc. Burma mer!. Res. soc. r, 23--3o. ,.']driif, D;;:irr;;jl "intes_
tinal parasites- a protlem in Burm:.r. \tledical cottige'stirlentt c:"ioi, urii,r;),-riii'. ,,
3. Fli,rv,Tr"r.," (r'q5g). . \rl.:-,XOlliti.s:-Ltiotogy *,.,'J
rzo' . .1' I{eev, I).r'i' (196r) Guide to the liierature"piJ*,rio;g;'.'"'
tt, .""* p..triir;og iJ n-1j1** in
medicine and allicd seiences. (Ercteriorogy_). BurtlLq. ,,l,ii.'nrr.'EoF.-i,""ii os.
s;.*elf"gci), u.,Sd 3:))r.'6uo, ^prctc.
le-5rrg&4-1S, -r;;h";:aosf,oc.. ot F1-tar) 6. eile,rr
.dl"6EdFp (1), fl,"qSi'i,,., S,,f dli, ,"T.S,',*, a;;[r) a,aJ#".tq,;,:";
-il' .1B"ioruB"o6sa)ro2ca,af ""TdkJ-,d,,
, 'c., ,opr
. r ;r o,', 7. cd'l'cor l), p,".S$df",,, F,.r.',.
irli$.e3i""y:;::'.1 5'*'
t'i "'\
1o .1o ""T"Sl.,r-irllEC(
"?,;i;:;i "il;::"ff;
Insrituteo.f llledicine(t) Annial lVi,y,,,:istt:,r:29-,3t._2..,[3,: ("p")rr
.].rt,, .18{.6uelruc;er)o?6@"S (q) ir G",t
{3:q3i*,! se_eoc,r5o:
t ro. Ik,tv, n,rw, 'iHa,.r SE'IN'rrra RoNiri'SuN
Dwl Ilrrorcsccnt -G'La,,
.(r97o). antibo.ll'tec'hniqire in the diagnosis of rabies in Rangoon. r. pre-
lraraiion of anti-ral ies,flucresce in iiotiriocyanatc c..rijrrgarc. Lnion of 'il,,n,,,o /. Lile
.(FI'ir ) .,,,
t)eu, t[. M6Nrrirt Er_-Zrl ,r]. S^* B;ii;;;Oo*"ii*'r'fr,,
r(oNALD surN"i9;...1,..H.Av,
Dwr' 'lrteN Srttt ancl
Lrrv ToNc (r97o). Some epidemiologi"ut -t*i.,... uf
I.ruman rabies and anirnal bites in yt1rnry f rty,ti,* ja. Si; 4,, j7)rOO. ir. if"o",
f).+w, NI, \,foNnnr Er.-Zervauny, Daiv Ogrv Kvr, L.iv x,{i;^.;;, tft
{o*^rp SurN Dwr, ,fueN_Srru,

Lu,v ToNc, I(nrx NIan Man, N1[are Meu*c, Mve Mve Lrx and Kvaw wrx (rszo). Epide-
miological features,of intestinal prrasitoses'i., ,.po.*tatwe popular;o" J*"lririi,
villae.',_Brrrm;:,. ot_Rurnui J. rjfc;sti 3," zg9-3o|. r3. tteiv, uor, il,i,i""ir.r Tu,
I{rrrN-Kr-r-Kvr, saro-r,ru Hra-Gi-rw, d. sun-brl-ojt-."Pn-o,,oiu, Kvr-x,l,iN o"J lj. x. xo."
Qgl').. Laboratory 4.oo faecal_specimeris,from suspectecl ,'t,, of tt"
Cr,ntarioriq Di..i.rqe.l T{o.pii rl. Rrngnon B)trno tttetl .,f. tg.

rrr. .Hta Kyu,I)aw, l\'1.8,P.s. (rt6rr.), D.e .p. (Loncl.), ph. Ir. (t,ond.)" pathologist; born septem-
ber r3, r93o in Mergr-ir.
Education.-Nlatriculated: state Posr prirnary schoo.r, M"B,B.s., university
of Rangoon, r957; D"Ll.P., univ"rsity of [,,,nhon, 196i;\!9rg_ui,
ih."D., -rg5o;
IJ'rii-r"r.ily'oi i"nao.r, ,qzo.
!'!tytt11t.^ tlroup^Laborutory, St..,\{ary.Abbot's_}lospital, London in ciinical pr,thology;
N'{'R.C. Research.Group in Appl,:rr. Ne,irobiology,. Insiiirite of Neurolugy, London'as
I{eseerch liellotv itt rese,trch on neriroloqical rceitions iri expcrinrcntal li,,er .ti."a.., ,g7r.
Emf:la:'fient-t'ccarLl. TLcrise Sul'g(rolt, It:rrgii,rrr Citrrt.rul Ilrt.1,it:ri, r9-57; Dernr:nstr.xtor, l-)epart-
tnent of Prrthciltig.v,. Iirlcultl,,of I\ir.licint-, L riivcrsitl
Iir,rrgr,,,u," ,i{i- OS; As"istant L..,ur"r,
Department of_Pathologr", In_stittrte of \,{edicine r, R.*rrgc,oi,
ryfu'*1i6. fccturer, Dcpartmelt
of Pathology, Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon 19661.
ltlembership- of Societies.-Burma Medical Association; Pathological Society of Great Britain
and Ireland.
Current researclt zlorA.-Neurological reirctions to c'xpcrimerrtal liver cliseases.
Publicatiotts.-r. I{r,q,^Kvu (1968). Pathology of thyrotoxicosis.. Bur.rna med. J. 13, 8o-83. l

?. IlrA KvU- The experimental neuropathy in rats causecl by p-bromopt e"nvl-icetvlurea.

I{eu.rol. Neurosurg.. Ps.ychiat.3r,47r---.178. 3. Hrr Kvu (1969). ,{ colchicine-likJeffect
on occurring after portocaval shult in rats. I.ancei.-zr- 6zo. 4. Hra Kvu (r97o).
Some effects of portocaval anastomcasis in thc mlle rat. Brit. f .'erp. pat'rt. qr. ztl. i. uie
Kvu (r97o)._._[leactiotts of tteurologicai rclls to e.t'l'tn,itnentol'liur' disease." Ph. b. "thesis.
Urriversity_ of London.^ 6. Ilre Kvu (r97r). On tiic mechanism of type r Alzleimer abnor-
malitl,irr_thc nuclt'ir:of_astro_cytes._Ancssay in cluant.itativchistology."-J. I,{eurol. Sci. tzrz4.
Z" 11t,1 l-<-vu (197,t1 1'ype II Alzhcimer chatrge erperimentally prtxlujecl in astrocytes in the
rat. J" Nearol. Sci. tz, (t3.
Addrrss.-5|A, Universitv Avenue, Rangonn.

r:z. Htay.Kyi, Daw, [,{.8,8.s. (Rgo.), D"T.c.D. (wales). 'ruberculosis Specialist; bon
July z,
rg3z in Rangoon.
Etlucatiott..-Yatriculated: \,Irs. Hla Aung Buddhist schoul,
- - ' r95r;
-/r' \'I.R.,B.S., universitv of
Rangoon, r95B; D.T"C.D., University of iVales, r9{t5.
Training.-East Birmingh-a-m llospital in tubcrculosis and chest diseascs, 1965-66; Sully
Hospitai, LTniversity of \\I;rlcs in the study of tubercrrkrsis ancl chcst discases, igee . '
-Civil Assistant S-urgeotr, Pazr-rndaung arcl I(ernineniline Folyclinics, r959-66;
Civil Assistant Surgeon,_'fB \\, Ratsoon Gencrrrl I{ospitai, 1964-(15l on.lep.,iilion a.
a statc sclrolrrr to thc, ry6r,-(:6; Civil A.ssisturt Surgeon,'fB \\rardi, Rarrgoon Gcneral
I{ospital, 1966 -..
M e ntbe r slulp of S o t:i e t it,s.--Burrna l\'Icdical Association.
Conferences l'\tudy T'out's.--Attc r'l.-rd Serior Registrers Conference on Chest Diseases at
I;rumpton ()1rest l{ospital, Lontlor"
Publicatiorts.--I{'r'ar I(vr, Detv (rC'rZ). Severe hypersen-sitivity re-action to streptomycin and
para-aminosalyc)'lic ecirl. L-'asc re1'lort. Bur'm6 arcd" J. rS, r+7 -r+g.
Address.*gg-G, Wit,Jermere Road, Rangoon.

tr3. Iitay Myi"! Daw,,\I.8.,8.S. (Rsn.), O.ttt.H.U.
25, r93o in Tharrarvaddy.
(Liverpooi). I{adioiogist; Lorn l{ovembef

reso;r't.8.,8.s., universityorRangoon, re56;D.r,r.R.D.,

Ernployntent.-Lecturer in Radiorogy, Institute of Medici,e, xla,daray,
Jlremberslip of societies.
-Burma Meclicar Association.

tt*',xi?l^?:r1i*;:,M'B',ts.S. (Rs,r.), Ph. D. (Vloscorv). stomatotogist; born

september re34
Educatiort.-,*atric'rrate.r: St. Joseph's convent. High
school, r95ri M.8.,8.s., university
Rangoon, r959; I,i,. D., Ccntial ii..;;h Insriturc: of
si"_lti;gv, \loscorv, "f r97r.
Trahring.-Attendecl TIVIO course, rg6q.
Etnployment--Demonstrator, Dcpartment of physiology,
I,Iancraray_Nlcdicat colege, r95g;
civil Assistant surgeo., Base i\{i'rita-ry iil.pitrt,.\1rf.,ij.l,'.;;il",
I{ospitatai,J ,{arrco-on G",,"rrrii.-jrilr, ,qot, (.irir;;"i'..],,;'d;;*,,.House surgr:onf nufTerin
Taunggvi, t,162-dj: cirir Assistarri s;;r;";; rurr.'.i,;riili,ir!';!r, s:ro rra, Iirurr'Hospirar,
Surgeon, sito sirn Htrrn }lospital, Tarrns-pvi,-:2gl-.66; ry6j-6q; (.ivir Assisrant
on *iuiy'i.oue to Moscorr,,, Sao San Utun ltospiiui,"tu.,rrggyr, rgTr- ry66-_7r;

M entb e r s ltip of S o c ie ti e s.-B urma Medical Association.

current research zoork,-Anthropometry on jaw

casts, to cletermine the pattern of
teeth posirirns in reration to tfic pitt..n ,r'rrr" rrriJ palatc. anterior
Publications'-r' l"Irrno.axov, G. G' a,d rjr11 sagNc
operations on the lowcr jaw. 'Euyma niri.-y. ,r,
.,2. ^s_omeproble,rs of osteoplastic
principles of completc "elctttu,e protti,:riii." pr,. r4g__r5{. T*tv paS*c (rSiri".'B*rrtrCi,
stomatologv, r\rc,scow. 3. rrriv s;;;it^G;"i. iirr*.r;r]' c.nt.ul Rcsearch jnstitute of
application of data in com[lete a""t"t"
sligiH'gr"jr* and their crinicar
Stomatological "o"rtruction. *-'-"'r"
Congress, ll)Ioscow,
scie,tific "po1,r^
(t"nrrriurlj. of the zurt all Russia

"t'rI"T*?#:1' u' M'B',B's' (Rgn'), D.A. (Rgn'). Anaesthetist; born December

3r, ry42 in
Education,-Matriculated: st. John's Diocesan B_oys,
I{igh school,
Insriture of Iredicine ,, Rr,,g,"ron, igoj; o.e.,
ri.ut,,iE tiur"iic,c}tangoo*, r95g; r\{.,.,B.s.,
r, Rangoorr, r97o.
Etnployment'*House sy'-g.91, Rangoon G.:::rJ Hospital, r.965-66; rownship nledicar
saw civil Frosoital,-1960:os; cirit-err;rirnt ofiicer,
surge'on, ril;iui, civir.Hospit-al, 196g_69;
-,"q7"lii','.,r*r"ossistant civil
3H::itlf;i:::l#g-r;;'C;;;;i"ii"'pi,,i, surgeon, ri,ngoon
IrI e nrb er s hip of s o ci et i e s.-B urma l,Iedicar Association.

Address.*t55, U Chit Maung Street, Gooclliffe,


"o D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesrrretist; bo,r May

#1,1i.}ilfl.lll;,]t4r3;f;fl;r(Rs.'"), 3,-, te37in winmana
Education.*,cl :_State Hrgh School,
illonyr,va, rg55; i\4.8.,8.S.,
f Iedicine r, Rarrgoon, i96q ; D..\, "iilitr;; ;fJ{-u: ,_,.
ili;i.i";,i"fi,uiroo,,. Institute of
Address.-3or, U Wisara Road, Rangoon.

i17. iltut Saing, U, M.B.,B.S. (I{gn.), F.R.C.S. (Ea.). Paediatric Surgeon; born April rr, r93S
in Bassein.

Education.-Matriculated : (Senior Cambridge), St. Joseph's Convent, Darjeeling, India, r95z;

M.8.,8.S., Unir-ersity of Rangoon, r96o; F.R.C.S., Edinburgh, r968.
"Eastern Edr,vard }{en-rorial I-Iospital, in Gci.reral Surgery
Trainittg.-King and O:thopaedic S,urgely.
1967 ; General Hospital, Edinburgh, in general surgery, _1968, Westcrn--General
Hospital, Ddinburgh in general surgery and urologyf 1968 ; Princess_Margaret Rose Flospital,
Edinburgh in orthopaedic surgery, 1968 ; Victoria Hospital, I{irkcaldy -in paediatric srllgeryr
1968 ; ehildren'. Hospital, She{field in paediatric surgery, tg6g ; N{ontreal Children's
I{ospital, Canada in paediatric surgery' rg72-73.
Employment.-Assistant Surgeon, Rangoorr General Hospital,^ 196z ; {.s1p]ant S_urgeon,
Maihamba'tr, East Putao, Frontier Divisibn, ry62-65; Assistant Surgeon, Children's l{ospital'
Rangoon, ry65-66; Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospita.l,.Rangogt, 1966. ;Registrar,
Chiidren's Sheffietrd, i969 ; Assistant Surgeon, Children's Hospital, Rangoon,
fuIeritbershi? of Societies.-Burua }Ieelical Ass<iciation ; i\letiical Proteelir:tt Socicty"
ll[enitersltip of Committees.-Sccretary, Paediatric Sectiou, Burma l\tledical Association.

Current reseaych zoork.*Q) Role of surgery in thalassemia. (z) Choledochal cyst, (3) Urinary l

lithiasisin children.
Address.-44n Natmauk Street, Tamwe P,O"' Rangoon.

r18. I{aing, Joyce, L.X{.P. (Rg".). Psychiatrist; born February zl, tg2z in L,Ioulmein.
Education.-N{atriculated: Government High Schooi, Henzada, r94o; L.M.P., Burma Medical
School, r949"
Training.-All India Institute of Nllenta! llealth, Bangalore in Psychiatry, 1957-58.
Iimployttent. Sub-Assistant Surgeon, Psychiatric Hospital, Rangoon, rgqg-62; Civil Assistant
Surgeon, Psvchiatric Hospital, Rangoon, ry62-.
Iiembership of Societies.-Burma Medical Association, L,fedico-Psychological Association.
Study Tours.-r\ttended Psychiatric Conferences
C'onferencesf in Foona, r957; tr{adras, r958.
Visited various rnental hospitals in India and Thailarrd.

r19. Kanbawza Khin Hlaing, U, lI.B.,B.S, (Rg,r.), F.R.C.S. (Ecl.). Surgeon, General; born
November z, K)3r in Kyaukmc.
Education.-\Iatriculated : Taingchit High School, l{andalay, rg48 ; N{.8.,8.S., University of
Rangoon, r955 ; F.R.C.S., Iidinburgh, u;6(t.
Training.- Post-graduate School of l,Iedicine, University of Pennsylvania in general surgery,
including erperimental surgery on clogs, r959-6o.
Employntent.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Lashio Civil Hospital, r956-6t; District \{edical
Oltrcer, I-{sipar,v Civil Hospital, 196r-62; Civil Surgeon and District Health Officer, Kyaukme
Civil Hospital, 196z-65; on study leave r965-66i ; First Assistant to Clinical Professor of
Surgery, Rangoon General Flospital, ry66-67 ; \lleclical Superintendent and Surgeon, Lashio
Divisional Hospital, r t167-.
1l[ e ntb er s hip of S o c iet i e s.--B urrna \lledical Associat ion.

rzo. Kaung Tin, U, M.B.,B.S. (Mdy.), D.P. & T.X{. (Rgn.). Public i-Iealth Specialist ; born
August 13, rg38 in Kani.
Education.-Matriculated: State High School No. r, \,Iandalay, 1956;1\{.B.,8.S., Faculty of
Medicine, Mandala-y, 1963 ; D.P. & T.\I., Institute of },{edicine r, Rangoon, 1968.
Employnrcnt.-Team l,eader, \{obile Flealth Team, Lauhharvng, I(achin State, 1964-66 ;
Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, 1966-68 ; Township }Iealth Officer,
Myitkyina, 1968-7r ; Township Health OfHccr, Taunggyi, rgTr-.
Membership of Societies.-Burma [,Iedical Association.
Publications.-KauNc TIN (1968). Control of z,enereal diseases in. Burma. D.P. & T.M.
dissertation, Institute of Meclicine r, Rangoon.

rzr. Khai Ming, C., \1t.8.,B.S. (Rgr.), D.P. & T.N{. (Rgn.). Public I{ealth Specialist ; born
January r, r938 in Falam.
Ectucation.-Matriculated : Central State Lligh School, Rarrgoon, rg55 ; M.B.,B.S., University of
Rangoon, 196z ; D.P. & T.nI., Institute of \,Iedicine r, Rangoon, 1967.

Traintng.-School of T'ropical L,{edicine, Bangkok, Thailand in Parasitic diseases sl-rrveys.

Iimployntent record.-'fo,wnship \{edical Oflrcer z, Civil Hospital, Kanpetlet, rc163-66 ;

Assistant Iipiclemiologist, Central Epidemiology Unit, Dir ectorate of l-lealth Services, 1967-'
)I e atb er s kip of S o cietie s,-Br-r r ma NI edical Association,


Current research zoork.-Detgue haemorrhagic fever ; health and disease surve)- in different
geographical regions in Burma ; diarrhoeal diseases in children.
Publications.-I(ual Nlrrvc, C. (1967). Goitre in the Cltin flitts. D.P. & T.I,I. dissertation,
Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon. z. I{nrN-NIay-Kyr and C. Knu \'{rnc(r97o). An epiclemio- study of ischaemic heart disease in the Rangoon General Hospitai. -'l-,nion cf iluruutJ.
LiJ'e Sci. 3t 337-34r.
Addr es s. ** fi 4, r 4gth Street, Rangoon.
Aye Kyi, Daw, M.B.,B.s. (Rgn.), D.P. (Rgn.). Pathologist ; born December r!, ry37 itt
Education. Matriculated : St \4ary's Diocesan Girl's High School, Rangoon, 1954 ; M.8.,8.S.,
Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon, r963 ; D.P., lnstitute of \4edicine r, Rangoon, r97r.
Employment.-Demonstrator', Department of Pathology, Institute of \'Iedicine, Mandalay,
M e mb er ship of S o ci et ie s.-B urma \{edical Associ;rt ion.
Address.-r53, 36th Street, Myet Far Yat, Mandalay.

r23. Khin Hlaing, D., NLB.,B.s. (Rgrr.), D.P.H. (E"g.). Public Flealth Specialist; born March 14,
rg3z in Pyinrnana.
Education.-N{atric rlated_: Phelps Karen High School, Flen.:rada, 1948 ; M.ts.,8.S., Ur.riversity
of Rangoon,-1956 ; D.F.H., Conjoint Board of the Royal Collegr:s of Physicians and Surgeons,
England, r965.
Training.-Royal*Institute of Public Health and Hygiene in Public Health, 1965; WHO
Inter-country (SEA) trainilg on.llague epidemiolofiy and its control in Nlandatiy, :,969 l

IVHO training^lollse on the ep_idemio gsv and controi of cholera, Rangoon, r9O9 ; wftO
Inter-country (SEA) seminar on School Health Services, Rangoon, r97r.
Employntentrggoy!.-lil.edical Officer, Anti V.D. Team, Rangoon, r957 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
Kyaukse Civil Hospital,.ry57-5g; Civil Assistant Surgion, nty,othitCivilHospital,M"agrve
District, ,959-6_2_; Civil Assistant Surgeon (First Assistant to Suigeon) ancl Assisiant'N{ed"ical
Superintendent II, Rangoon General Hospital, ru162-63 ; Assistant District Health Officer,
Aung San Demonstration Health unit and rraining centre, Aung san \{yo, 1963-64;Team
I eader, Aung San Demr.rnstration Health Unit and Training Centrg Aung San 1Viy5, rfO5-
Lecturer (Part-time), Depattment of Preventive and Sociaf Nledicine, Inititute ui h,i"di6i.r" z,
Rangoon, ,^931 Professor (Part-time), Department of Preventir.e and Social Medicine,
Institute of \{edicine 2, Rangoon, ry6g-.
M ember ship of Societies.-Burma Medical Association.
Cztrent researclt u,sork.-A sociological study on the marital status of the rural popuiation in
Publications.-r. KnrN HrerNc (rq6C). The elTect of CSNI on growth of preschool children.
Burma r!!d. 1.t7, g-tl. z. KurN LlN, Fur., Gwau, Tuarv LwrN,
MyrNr Tn.rN, Mvl TnaN, Zarv Wrrt Gvaw, Kyr SauNrc and Srrx T'uN (r97o). A preliminary
report o_n-the status of birth and death registration in rural areas. Burma'uiid.'J. r8l ror-rot.
3^. Tu, MaRcanrr, M. \{oxult El-Z,r,wanny, Dau,. OHN Kvr, KstN Hrarl"c, Saronrr Hra
Gvew, I(vew MvrNi, KatHrorx S-q"NN-l\llyrur, Kvr Kvr Kgiw. AuNc-Tnas and Lrr Ler
\VlN (r9;o). Epi{emiological featules of intestinal parasitoses in the inhabitants of Okpo
i illage, Bunna._ union of Rurma Life Sci. 3, zq7-267. 4. KurN Hrernc anrl lVrN NerNc
(rg;l). of correlationJ. beiu,een slinloid thickiress and diastolie- blood pressure
among male sedentarv u,orkers. Unian of .Burma j. Life Sci. 4,335-339.
Address,.-g5-A, Tharnaing Link Road, Bth Mile, Rangoon.

tz4. khin Khin i{tway, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rg".), D. Obst. R.C.O.G. (Lond.). Obstetrician/
Gynaecologist; born June zr, r9z8 in Mudon.
Education.-Matriculated: Morton Lane Girls' School, Moulmein, 1948; M.B.,B.S., University
of Rangoon, r955; D. Obst. R.C.O.G., London, tg6o.
Training.-Western General Llospital, Edinburgh in child health, r96o.
Employment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital and Dufierin Hospital,
Rangoon, ry56-66; Lecturer, Health Assistant Training School, Aung San Myo, r966-.
Obsietrician-and Gynaecologist (Part-time), Hmawbi Township Hospital, r968-.
M ember ship of S ocieties.-Burma Medical Association.
Address.-nz-A, Civil Station Road, Ywama, Insein.
rz5. Khin Khin Lay, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.T.P.H. (Lond.). Public Health Specialist;
Rangoon Health Division.

rz5. Khin Khin Ne, Daw, M.B,B.S. (Rgn.), D. Obst. R.C.O.G. Obstetrician; born July 26,
r9z7 in Rangoon.
Education.-Matriculated: N{ethodist High School, Rangoon; NI.B.,B.S., University of
Rangoon, rg53; D. Obst. R.C.O.G., London, 196+.
Employment.-House Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, 1953-54; Civil Assistant Surgeon
and Aisistant Medical Suptrintendent II, Rangoon Du{ferirr Hospital, tg;+-57; Civil Assistant
Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, r957-j8; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon Duflerin
Hospital , r958159; ry64-65; Civil Assistant Surgeon, People's Hospital, East Rangoon ,
Medical Officei in charge of Obstetrics and Gynaecologl,-, People's Hospital, East -1965-66;
Address.-tt, Lifley Road, Monkey Point, Rangoon.

rz7. Khin Khin Nu, Major Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D. Obst. R.C.O.G. (Lond.). Obstetrician/
Gynaecologist, born January 5, r9z4 in Sagaing.
Education.-N{atriculated: Rangoon, 1945; 1VI.B.,B.S., University of Rangoot, 1952; D. Obst.
R.C.O.G., London, 196r.
Eruployment.-General Duty Medical Officer, 1952-6r; Obstetrician and Gynaecologist'
Defences Services General Hospital, Mingaladon, 196r-67; Obstetriciarr and Gynaecologist,
No. z Military Hospital, Rangoon, r968-.
Membership of Societies.-Burma Medical Association.

rz8. Khin Khin Phyu, Daw, M.I).,B.S. (Rgn.), D. Obst. R.C.O.G., M.R.C.O.G. Obstetrician/
Gynaecologistl born October 25, r9z8 in Rangoon.
Education.-M.8.,8.S., University of Rangoon, r955; D. Obst. R.C'O.G., London, 1963;
M.R.C.O.G., f,ondon, r967.
Employment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, \'Iaternity and Child Health, Rangoon, rq-56-58 ;
Civil Assistant Surgeon, Dufierin Hospital, 1958-6o; Civil Assistant Surgeon,. Wakema
Hospital, 196o-62;-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Dufferin Hospital, 19'62; on d^eputation_-to the
Uniied Kingdom on a States Scholarship, rgfi-67;Civil Assistant Surgeon, Central Women's
Hospital, Rangoon, 1967-69; Lecturer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Institute
of Medicine, Mandalay, ry69-.
Membership o! Societies.-Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, London; Burma
Medical Association.

rz9. Khin Khin Soe, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.P.H. (Budapest). Public Health Specialist; born
April zt, r93o in Chaungzone.

Ed uca i i o n.-\Latriculated :,
lll,,: .H
Rangoon, r955; D.p.H., Institure
*School, Ch au ngzor
947 ; e,
Ur,iversiry of
r r ilLB,,8.S.,
Jf Nrt.itio,, and public Health, Budapest r965.
lrainiug.-Laboratory techniques in public health at All India Institute of public
re5e; Nrinistr): Flealth,
rns])ectlon, r96?. "ilr.,iir,ilj"*,0*" *a University of Kuala Lumpur in foocl'
Employawnt'-I)emon-strator, Anatomy
Rangoon, r9.55 -57; Medicar om."i, -Department, Faculty.. of Meclicine, University of
corporation, rq57-59:
-iirngo* -corporation Rr;g";;'iiunicipal
Corporation, _Anar1,st,
,;;;_6;;p;bii;;;;l l-uborutory, Rarrg-oon Municipar
xutionrr.u.riii, r,ru"rrtory, Rangoon, 1966__.
M e mb er ship of s oc i et i e s.-B urma Medicar
Address.-35, l)ooplee Street, Myenigone,
r30' Khin Kyi' Major Daw, M.B.,B.s. (Rgn.), D. phvs. Med.
Specialist; born April ,4, (Eng.). physical \{e<ticine
Enoloynent'-Physical Nledicine specialist, Defence
services General H.spital, Nlingaladon,
Address.- r53/8, yankin, Rangoon.

G., M. R. c. o. G. obstetrician/ Gynaeco-

"'',[lfi 1'.h"fix":H;?;i f l]fi ] ?;flir. R. c. o.

Education.*\'Latricurated: st. Marv's Di:cesan

Girrs' Fligh schoor, Rangoon, r91g;
of Rangoon,-'rqss'
f*;';l;;Xrniversitv Loncron, reo5; [r.n.c.o.c.,
L)mployment'- civil Assisrant surgcon, office.of (:ivir Surglon, Rangoon,
civil -the
Assistant surgeon, \randafav b"r.."r"ir"-ir"i,'lq#8_; rys6-s7;
Yamethirr Civil HoJpital', civir A;.i;;;,su.g"on,
ry5g-'$r"; Civil Assistarri Srrg"o-rr, Mya.ngmya, tg6r--61:
Assistant Surgeorr, Clivil
^Durfirin"Hospital, nr"g;";,1+ol:iii^ij; srudv teave, rrj65_66; (.ivil
Assistant Surfeon, centrar tt'o**'s irospirar, r96d-i7, i c;i;l q.r;rtrri iir/"orn, i"rrrggyi
obstetrician ;;;'e;;,7;"r";;,'\i;;i",',
,,J Cnia".*il uuup;t,r,
$:";1,#;f;?l; Y"-r';
Training.-Lewisham Generar llospital,
_l,ondon as House oflicer, ry65_66; west Middresex
Hospital, Isles*,orth, U.K., as seiri"r'il;;;'bffi.;.,
rr#ir. l
M e mber ship of S oc ieties._Burma Medical Association.
itlenhership of Conunittees.-Academic secretary,
Advisory Comrnittee, Taunggyi. -----*'r ' BMA
v2'ir' r Taunggyi;
r aurrH Deputy secretarv, Drug

Kvr, Ma (re7r). Rupture of the gravid uterus.

'ii!;:';';r':-r|;tuN []nion of Burna J. L{e

r3z' Khin Kyi (I)' Daw, \{'}3',B.s. (Rgn.), D.c.H. Paediatricia,;

nivisional Hospital, Bassein.

'33'rf*i.rril,$]j;3"*, M'B',8.S. (Rg,',.), Ph. D. (Alberta). pharmacotogist;

born August r5,
Elucatiotr.-rrlatriculated: st. philomena's
Rangoon, 1946; M.8.,8.s., u,iversity
of Rangoon, 1953; ph. D., University -c_onvent,
aifr..,r,'Cr"rii, T9OZ.
T-rainiw'-rJniversity of Alberta, canada in.the rnethodology
study of adrenergic receptors in the canine i1."",";;il:;;l of
"' catecholamine assal,s and the

Employnlsq\.--i{ouse Surgeorr, Dufferin lJt-,spital, Rangr.ron,

ment of pharmacology, rnititutt of Medicine
r953_55; I)emonstrator, Depart_
i, ni"g""i, I qi si:l XiibU.ffi;;; ilp#t*..,t
of Pharrnacology, Institute of Nledicine z, Rangoorr, i96li -7r; I-ecturcr un,,l llcatl of Depari-
nrent of Pharmacolog-v, Instiiute of Medicine r, Itanglror.r, tr167- .
C,nferercesf Study Tours.-At'endcdthe rgthAnoual\{eeting of the \4/estern Regional Medical
R:s_:arc I Group, Bo,-rff, A_lbei.a, Canada, i95-5 ; gth Annual I'Ieeting of tlLe Can;ciLn Federation
o{ Ilio-l,ciences, British Coluinbia, Canada, i965; Muscle Sympoiium, Univcrsity of Alberta,
r,66; q;h Internat.ional conpJress of Pharmacology, Basel, Sn.iizeriand, r969; symposium
- on
Pilysiology and Pharmacoiogy of \Iascular neuioeflectcr svsteirs, Irrtc.ia(cn, Switzerland,
lf e nth er slt ip o.f S o c ic t i e s " --Bu rma il,Ieclical Associat ion.
Citrrent researclt zurtrlt.-Effeci of Pharmacological agents r-l1) clectrical lnrl nrcchanico.i activity
of smali intestines; telemetric mcnitoring of gastro-intestiual activiiy in the dog as *eur,r of
stud3,ing changes in diarrhoeas and the pharmacologl, of indigenous drugs.
Pithlications.- r. LEurIS, R. .A., KurN l{vr Kvr anci R. Enrv,rnos (ISSZ). Clortisone in tlie treat-
n:ent of reactional conditions in tuberculoid ieprosy. Int. J. Lepr-osy. zS, zr3. z. I{nrN Kyr
Kvt ancl E. E. DaNritl (rqZo). The elTects of ischen'ria on intestinal i.iei'l-es and electrical slow
\4raves. i1*. 1: Digestit-e l)isease. r5, 959 98r. 3. KHIN l(vr Kyr (1116l). Mechanisms
aldgyll;nS tlrc electrical and mecltanicul acti.r;ily of tlte samll. intestine. Irir. D. Thesis, University
of Alberta, Canada. 4. Knrx Kvr 1(vr, l,{ve-I}wrN, Srrx-Gwax, Llillrrl,i,ruNe, Avr Tuar,
1\{. Mvr-1'u and Setv JonNsoN l'ua (r97r). I{ypotensivc proPerty of Platiago major Linn.
Union o.f Buram J. I;ife Sci. 4, r67-ryt.
Address.-5-A, U Po Sein Roacl, Rangoon.

r34..I{hin Kyi Kyi (a), Daw, Nt.ilj,B.s. (Rgr.), Dip. I}act. (Lcnd.), Ph. D. (Loncl.). \,Iicrobiologist;
born Septeml:er 27, ttlz9 irt Rangoon.
Ed.ttcation.-Matriculatecl: S:. Philomena's Convent, I{angoon, r9r7;tI.B.,B.S., Universityof
Rangool, 1955; Dip. Baci., Liniversity of London, r963; Ph. D., university of London, r97o.
Truining.-Public_Heaith Llboratory Sen,ice, Lonclon County Hall in Ilacieriology d.r,
\rirology,_195r; Central Puiilicllealth Laboratory, Colindale in bacteriology and iirology,
1951-62; University College l{ospital, I-ondon in bacteriology, tg6z; Lonelon Si-hool of Hygie;e
aed 'Iropical_l{ ml,cology, ry62; College of Palhologist, Lor-k;li in acute respiratory
r968; Central.Sterilizing (Jlul-r, Srvansea in sterilization, r968; Central Sterilizing
Club, Sheffield in sterilization, r969; St. \{ary's Hospit;r}, I\ltedical School, London, in tissu!
typing, r97o.
Dmltloymetfi.-Demonstr:ator in Ilacteriology, Iraculty of 1,1[er-licine, Lfrivcrsity of Rangoon,
_1g5tl-59;'fempo, Bacterioiogy, Iraculty of },Iedicine, Universlty of
Rangcou, 1959-6o; Assistant Lecturer in llacteriology, liaculty of l,ledicine, University of
Rangoon, tg16r
Ltemba'ship of Societies.-Burma Nledical Association; Pathological Society of Great Britain
and Ireland.
Memberskil> of Cottinittees.-Subcommittee for Translation of X{icrobiology, Board of Studies
for Diploma in Bacteriology; Editorial Board, Burma \,Iedical Asscciation.
Conferencesf Study Taurs.-Attended trYorld Congress of Anaestheskrlogists, on Sterilization
and cross iufection.
Current vesearch work.--Longitudinal study of incidencc of ciiarrhoea and its bacterial and
parasitic aetiology during infancy in an urban communiiy in Ilurma.
Publictttions.-r. HPAv, Dav,r, KntN-Kvr-Kvr and Nl.qncener'Iu (r959). Prelirninary studies
on filariasis in Burma. Proc. Burma med. Res. soc. rr z3-3o. z. ecTcor .rT.3l6jlE{(l),
fl,e95,€8$.",r €*cri,r'$r e :jTo3,.€ecords,_ .fl"3o::r_ (3€GC r
_{,rt_*rq.:r,r,,.t-i,, ?*:4.;t,X,
oesD:o:eo:du J! po?-?ugrr 3. litsttnn, \'f. F. and I(vr I{r-t, }i" (r969). Contamination and
disir*'ection of lung ventiiators. Br. Ilosp. J. Soc. Sero. Ret. Zg, r+o+-r4o5. +. orTao

"^1;:FfFg-(.1) fl,.f5tg;::'[,-tfsdi,.d1'o5,.,'o,r3,, c"'l'.3-:e,:r f,.o,5,,2.Ji (rg[ig)rr c'l:3o.,5
oi:{:cu:aoecr:crrsrr cr oo,5ds{;or:: drrog.roS$fc omel.,Sopru"""r, ,r"r.rt; . 'rg?_.r"n
5. esTs6@{Ed (J), odTadc,:err e"Trf,$S("g2o)r Actinomyccs qc. Nocardia
comal.Sogrua rccro""r:3 r 3
r cag-cGGrr

r35' Khin Kyi Nyunt, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (I1gn.), Dip. Nutr. (Loncl.).
rg3r in Rangoon. Nutritio'ist; born January rz,
Educati'ort.--Matriculatecl: St. Pirilornena's.Convcnt,_1948; NI.u.,Il.S.,
University of Rangoon,
r955; Dip. Nutr., school of Hygicne ancl'rropiczri l,i;.ii";rr.; ui;;r;Lij;;;"ia.r,'iqe.
Training.-Lonclon school of Flygiene and 'r'ropicar Nieciicine in
Nutrition, 1969.

*:!ry:*t:^_P"To^:1"ru19r,,T)epartment of_Anaromv, Faculty of \Iedicine, University of

RungJo,,, ,e5s s'l"ii.i;.ir n;i.':'ilol
Departmetit -o#;.;.1;.,i'nlilil*'
Departmerit of Haematolorrv- Birrm, }]-",..,.^i- Instituie,
r^^+i+.-..- -..e-
\,Terlinol Reseailh 1-
i965_69; S.,.,ior-n"r.u..f,
of xirtiiuon, B ;r;;- Nf.; t., i- il;;..h' i;:,
offi cer, Department
llembersltip of societies.-Burma N{edical Association; London
University Association.
Current research zoork.-Study of hurnan growth and development;
study on protein-calorie
Publications'-r' Atxc-Tu.tN-Batu,. KnrN-Kvr-Nvuxr antl Il llra-pe
senrias in Burma. IJnion of Burnr:t f. Li/e Sci .
(r96g). The thaias-
r, rji1ii," ,.
Kvr-NvuNr and" Auuc-T'ilau-Beril Ql5). tirt".ri,',rl-it soiption in the
:fro,*-'l',rAn, HLe-pE, KurN-
Burmese. [Jnion
ul Burma J. ,Sci. 2,365- j7i.' 3. ku,..-ri,ii""ir:, ,"i;;;,.:i',;:ii,-rj"ij.i_r,o
AuNc-TneN-Beru (1969). -A,lr""iliu *ra
zog--2.t6. 4. Kvr,vE-1'uurn, KnrN-N'IarrNr;-NarNc una "iiLtJ"J _unittn oJ Burtm J. Lfe sci. z,
goitre in Burma.
-' irqil). -E"a"d"
J. Life s1i;4, rr7--lr.
__Ltnirn of Burutu "Haemogroaiii"p"irri* . e.r,Nc-irre*'_d;;, riHra_ps
and KurN-Kvr-NruNr i., ''grr*o. ii. ur"*Jgrorn H.
-(r97.).19-2J. "6. ,auNc-T"o*,
Disease.- Tr9p. glogr. lt'tyd.
NvuNrLrgTr). Haemogli. biiopaihier"i,, U I{ra-pE and Knrx-Kyr-
Br.,rro. rril Tlr" i".iul",r." ailrrr"-trr"rrssaemia
trait. 2,3, 23 "i
and ^Tiop.-geogr.
TrN .u. (]g7r).,11ei. .2s. 7. euxc-tuax-n^rr,-u ure-pn,liHi*-rrllxru*,
Haemoglobin"opathies in Burma. ili. rrr-rr^.r"-i"-ril.*"gtotri.
disease a.d thalassaerjS majgl." Trop'. ge',gr. u:r!.23, e
Pn, THLIru-TuaN and Kttrx-Kvr-NvriNi'
z!- 2t1- s. Aurvc-Tro*-s*rl u FIro-
Anrcr. J. clin. nutr. 25, zto-zt}.
1i972;. r.6" .Ln";'.".v ;o.o-. B;;";';;'pulation.
Addr es s.-47, Windermere Road, Rangoon"

136' Khin Lay Gyi, Daw, uI.B.,ii.s. (Rqn.). Nutritiotist; bom Novernber
5, r933 in sagaing.
Education.-Matriculated: state High schoor, ycnansyaung, r95r;
of Rangoon, r958.
N{.8.,B.s., University
T'raining.-Nutrition Research Laboratories, Hyderabad, in Nutrition, 1964-65.
_Rangoon I)uJferin Flospital, 1959-.62; Medical Officer,
Towerlane women_Flospit?1,^r96i-g-; s"tolt M+i";Joffi;".i-p.;--y Heatth centre, I{yaik-
kasan, r963-66; N{edical offrcer, -'i'orverra,_e ,, i-r*pitut, lioo_ail c:iuii-i*irturrt
surgeon, Nutrition Project, Directorate of F{ealth )y".,s"r,.;..*,iirl1goon,
ry6g- .
lll e ntb er s ltip of S o c i e t ie s..-Burma N{edicai Associat ion.
ldlr'ess.-No. rz, Okkalapa Building, I'echnical Fligh School Cr.rrnpoun,J, rz3, Natmauk

r37' Khin Ma Gyi, Daw, h'I.B'.B"S. (I{gn.), Pir. D. (Loncl.). Pl'rarmacologisr; irorl
December 3o,
r93r in Mon"ylva.
Eductztion'-Matriculated: state Hirh sehool, 1\{.8.,8.s., Llni'ersity of
Rangoon, 1955; Ph. D., Guy's Hosiiitar Nleciical.1)!ony,va,-_r9+g;.
s.irJ"r,"'u"ltl*r;,y il""a",r;;;;;.
Employm.ent.-House Silrgeon, Rangoon Dulferin Hospital and Rangoon General Hospital,
r955-16; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Pa-kokku Civii Hospital, r956-59; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
TB-Clinic, Nlandalay, rg59--5r; I)ernonstrator, Dcirarttnent of Pharmacoiogl', Institute of
\'[edicine, \[andalay, 196r-64 ; Assisiant I-ecturer, L)epartment of Pharmacology, Institute
of \{edicine, NIandala,r,, rg6t-7r; Lecturer and I'Iead of Department of Pharmacology,
Institute of l,{edicine z, llangoon, rgTr-.
M emb er s lip s.-Burma l\'Iedical Association.
of S o cietie

Conferencesf Study Tours.-Attended Dritish Pharmacological Society N{e-e!r_ng,.University_of

I-ivLrponl, r956j British I'harmacological Society n{ccting, IJniversity of_Nottingham, 196-7;
Britisir and German Pharmacological Societl, NTceting, Cambridge, r967; British Pharmacolo-
gical Society N{eeting, University Coilege, London, r968; Society for L{icroscopy N1eeting,
Midcileser Hospital, London, r969.
Publications.-r. KsrN i\{a Gvr (tg6r). Studies on the phrumacology of Yolintbine, includtng
effects on the endouine systenl. I'6. D. Thesis, University of_London. 2. KulN N{e GvI
(igZr). Studies on the pharmacology of Yohimbine. Union of Burnta J. Life Sci. 5, (in press).
r38. Khin Ma Gyi, Daw, NI.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D. Bact. (Rg".), tsacteriologist; Demonstrator, Depart-
ment of Microbiologv, Institute of \{edicine z, Rangobn.

r39. Khin Ma Ma, Daw, \l[.8.,8^S. (Rgn.), D.C"P. (I-onctr.), I)' Path (E"g.). Pathologist;
born April 12, tg3+ in Mandalav.
Education.-Vlatriculaterl: St. Joseph's Convent, N{anclalay, r95o ; 1\{.B.,B.S., University of
Rangoon, 1957; D.C.P., Liniversitybf London; D. Fath., Conjoint Board of the Royal Colleges
of Physicians and Surgeons, England, 1965.
Training. -Liverpool Royal Infirmary in Pathology, 1964-65.
Employment.-Civil Assistant Surgeoir, Nlaymyo Civil Hospital, 1958-6r ; Demonstrator,
Depaitment of Nlicrobiology, Institute of \lledicine, I{andalay, ry6;-6-z;. Demonstrator,
Department r:f Pathology, Institute of N{edicine, \llandalay,_ ry62-66; Assistant T ecturer,
Delartment of Pathologi,, Institute of \{edicine, Mandalay, ry6_6-7r ; Research Officer, I)epart-
-"r,t of Ilxperimental llledicine, Burma Medical Research Institute, \g7r-.
14 e ntberslip of Societies.-Burirra }liedical Association.
Cuyrent research work.-Immttnofluorescent staining af E. histolyt'rca in tissues.
Address.-5, Pyidaw Aye Road, Ilauktaw.

r4o. Khin Ma Tin, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist; born January 29, rg37
in Yegyi.
Educatiort.-N1latriculaiecl: St. \'Iary's I)iocesan Girls' ]Iigh School, r953; M.B.,B'S., University
of Rangoon, 196o; D.,{., Institute of \{edicine r, Rangoon, 1965.
Employnrcnt.-Civil Assistant Surgcon, Centrai \\'onren's Hospital, ry62-63; Civil Assistant
Surgeon. Pyapon Civil Hospital, 1963-64; Civil Assistant Surgeon (Anaesthetist), Mandalay
General }{os1:ital, :,tl65--67; Civil Assistant Surgeon (.Anaesthetist), Divisional Hospital,
N,'Iagrve, tg67-.
JltI ernh er s hi p of S o cie t ie s.--Burin a Medical A ssociation.

r4r. Khin Mar Mar, Daw, \{.8.,R.S. (Rgn.), D.Path. (E"S.). Pathologist; born February r8,
rgzg ir Faleik, Kyauksc District.
Educatictt.. l,'{atriculated: I(yar,rkse State High School, ry46 NI.B.,B.S., University of
Rangoon, 1954; D. Path., Conjoint Iloard of the Royal Colleges of PhysiciansandSurgeons,
England, r967.

lyak1ng.-Tlniversitv of I.onclon in pathology, 196?, Cytoiogy Training Centre, Royal Free
flolpitat, I-onrlon, in r:r'tologr', r967;-I'ortsmouth-Llcntril Lairlratory, \iest Loncion iJospital
in Patholog,v, 1962.
Em'ployment.--House-Surgeon, Rangoon General Ilospital, r954-55; Civii Assistant Surgeon,
Maternal and Chilcl Fleaith Centre, Yankinmyo, rg55156; C;r-it [is;stant Surgeon, Manialay
General Hospital, 1256-5(); Civil Assistant Surgeon, I'{ay,ryo Civil Hospita[ r959-6o; Civil
Assistant_Surgeo,n, Pakokku General I{ospital, ry6o-63;-Civil Assistant Su.g.or1-Muirdolay
Ge_neral Hospital, ryfu-64; C;ivil Assistant Surgeon, Pegu Civil Hospital, on study leave,
y6a-67; Civii Assistant Srtrgeoll, Departmeni of Clinical Patholofy, Rangoon 'General
Hospital, ry67--"
XIembersltip of Sacietics."-,Burma Medical Association.
llllembership of Cotninittees.-Iiospital Infection Investigation Committee; .,A,ntibiotic Control
Committee ; Post-graduate Board of l\{edicine for D.P.
r4z. _Khin lVlaung, u, M.B.,B.s. (Rgn.), D.T.c.D. (wales). Tuberculosis specialist; born
September 14, r93o in [4aubin.
Education.-Matric_ulated: NIetl{ldist High School, r95oi },{.8.,8.S., University of Rangoon,
1957; D.T.C.D., University of Wales.

Employment.--Civil Assistant Sttrgeon, Insein lail, r958-6r; Civil Assistant Surgeon,

Yenangy'aung, 196r--63; _Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General lIospital, ryfu166.
Civil Assistant Sur13eon, Union iluberculosis Institute, -1966-69; Divisional futrer"culosis
Officer, Southwest I)ivision, Bassein, ry6g--.
n/Iembersltil> of Societies.--British N{edical Association; British Thoracic and Tuberculosis
Association; Burma I{edical Association.
Conferencesf Study Tours. Attended Seminar on Tutrerculosis in Bcrlin, Gerrnan l)emocratic
Republic, r968.
Publications.--KIrrN Mauxt; (tt167). Number of r,vorking dar/s lost due to pulmonary tubercu-
losis for in-patients in aclditional T'.B. u.ard (N{ale T.B. \\Iard), It.C.H. in the vear r966. Burma
med.J. r-i, r43- r.p6.
Address.-No. 9, Ays 'lhayar, Pyithaya P.O., Rangoon.

r43. Khin Maung Gyi, un l,{.B.,8.s. (Rgn.), F.R.C.s. (Ed.). Gencral surgeon; born llecember
3a, rgzs in Gyobingauli.
Education.-Matriculated:^Na1o11l High School,, r9.4r; \[.r}.,B.S., Unir-ersity
of Rangoon, r95z; F.R.C.S., Ildinburgh, rg5o.
E*mPlqtment.--Ho_u1e_ Surgeon, Rango<;n General l-Iospital, rg5z; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
Rangoon 1952--56q o1 cieputation, 19.56-6o; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
Rang-oon-General Fiospital, 1969_.62;Civil*Surgeon, Civil Itrospit:rl, Pegu, r96z-.-6q; Surgeon
an<l \{cdical Superintendent, I)ivisional }:Iospital, Rasseir.r, rtl64-.
fuI emb er sltip of S o cie t i e s.-B urma Vledical Association.
Conferencesf Study l!-si6,5.-Stud-y tour of Peoi;le's Republic of China under the Cultural
Iixchange Programme, r966.

Curuent research zi'orft.--Incidcnce of inguin.ll hernia in sr;hool children in the Iira.r'add1,

Publications.---r. Knrx \{arruc Gvr (1955). \llanagernent of trarrmatic haemothorar. Burnm
med. J. 3 (71, 18- zz. z. Knrr.,l Matrivt; Gvl (r966). Clinical fcatures of carcinoma of breast,
Burnru rued. J. 14, tz7-t28.

t44. khin Maung Htu, U, [1.8.,8.S. (Rgrr.), D.A. (Rg.n.). Anaesthetist.

r45' Khin Mlung Kyi, U, l{.Sc. (Liverpool). Entomologist; Senior Entomologist, Malaria
Institute, Raugoon.

146. Kirin Maung Kywe,. U, f{.Il.,ll.S. (I{gn.), D.Ir.1'.t{. (Rg".). Public Ifealth speciaiist;
Assistant Lecturer in Epidemiologi', Scirtiol of Preventive airdlTiopical Nledicile, Inititute of
N{edicine r, Rangoon.

r,tr7. I{hin Ivlaung r,at, u, l{.8.,E.s. (Lahorei, F.R.c.s. (i1d.). General surgeon; born June r,
r9r9 iri Bassein.
{itlucaticit. }latrrciilalcd: Govcrlmcnt High School, Moulmein; \,LR.,B.S., Lahore; F.R.C.S.,
Iixtploy_ment.- Civil Assistant Surgeon, R.angr;on General Hospital, n1q7; Civil Assistant Sur-
geon, Ilrome, r.g+7-48; ciyil,Assistant surfeon and R.NI.O., -l{ouinicin, r94g-5o; Assistant
i\{edicai 'Superinteirdcnt II,-Rangoon Geneial Hospital, r95o-Sr; Assistant'\,iedicai Superin-
tendent.I, l{ang_oon General FIo.spital, Asiiitairt.surgeon, Milbu, r95+; oo
dep*iation.for furtl.rcr stu,.lics in It.K., rss+ sE; civil surgeon," \lirrbu, r.rqg-i;;'clivil
s,urgecr-, .Akyab, 19-59; civrl Surgeon, l,'iiridatay, ry59-6o;" surgeon, Ro.,guon-d..r".ul
Flospital, r95o-.
l,lembership oJ' Societies. Medical Association.
Llurrent researcJt zarrrli.--Appendix, tetanus, haernatococle, adenorna thyroid, proctocglitis.
Publicatirtns.-r. KHrx N'IauNc Lar
_(196,1). Darly diagnosis ancl rnanagerrent of tetanus.
Burnut ned. J. r?, !!r. 2. KHIN MauNc L,tr (i965)." Surgical aspects of thyrotoxicosis.
Buyma med. J. rj,96-gt1.
.Iddr ess.- (:-A, Py idaungsu Yeilitha, l,.lanau hari licad, Rangoon.

r48..Khin Yq-*"g Lay. u,]-t B.rB_.9'(l{an.), M.D.s. (\{anch.). Dental surgcon, r,ecturer and
I{cad of l)errartment of C)ral l,'Iedicine, Ccillege oi' Denta[ \,Ietlicine.

r49..Khin Maung h{yint, u, }I.i1.,1}.s.(Rg..), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesihetist; born JLly 23, rg3s
in Basscin.
r,dttcation.-.-Nratriculaicd: st. John's Diocesan Iloys' High school, r953; N{.8,,8.s., university
of R.angoon, r96a; D..A.., llstitute of l{edicine ,, Rurrg:onrr, 1968. -""
ll-rainhry.-Defartment of Anaesthesioiogy, Rangoon General Hospital, in clinical training
in anaesthesiology, r965.
Ijm\loyment.-Llouse..Surg-e_on, Rangoon General-F{ospital, 196z-63^; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
State Special Skin Clinic, Kemrnendine, 1963-66; Ciiil Assiitantburgeon, nargoon Ci.,rorric
Disease_s Hospital, ,999-62; on- study leave,:96.7-68; Senior AssistaniAnu".theii.t,-Rui
General l{ospital, r968--7r; Ar-raestherist, Divisionar Hospital, 1\,Iyithyina, -' go<r,
llll entb e r s h i p of S o c ie tie s..-B urma Nledical Association.
Address.-Cfo \,Iadam Lim Sum Toe, No. 66, Lanmadaw Sfteet, Rangoon.

r5o. Khin V]"*g Flai*g, u, (Hons.), (llgn.), L{.sc. (l,ond.). Nutritionist; born July 6,
rg43 in l,{ergui.
liducaliort.-* l\{atriculaicd,: Centi'al State lJigh" School,
University of Rangoon, r963; h'l.Sc., Quecn Llizabeth Coliege,1.959; -Il.Sc. (Hons.) in Chenristry,
University io"a"r, i97r.
fraining.-Queen Elizabeth college, university of f,ondou in Nutrition.


llmltloynent. Rescarcli Oflicer, Nutrit ion lJel.arrmcr)r, I )c|211n1661
Alinistr.v of llealrh, r96.5 -. ol. \leclical Research,
Cttrrent researth work.-Goitre. Protein caiorie malnutrition;
Infantile ber.iberi.
Publication's'-r' Kvwr-'IHlrN, KnrN-KrrrN-'IwAy, Trx-Trx-oo
(t968)' Studies on thiamine level of breast milli of some Biumese_m_others. ancl Iiurx-xfauNc-NarNc
LInion of 7lurnm J.
KnrN-[{a"*"-},t^,r", friv-fiN_Oo ind Kvwr_Tnr:rn (r969). Anri_
thlamrne ""!.2.
adivitv in Burmese frsh. (inion of tsuima r rf, sii.1, q-oo.
TIN-Tm-oo, KutN-\{eur'{"-xui^" I 3. i<rrrx'-(ir'r.'_r*o",
Kvr,r,r- rnpr,r (rs6s). cornpararive study of thiamine
levels in marerrlal and cord brood. iiion""J oy aur!r." i-ir'sri. -.-' z, ,37-r42. 4. Kvwr-THurN
and Kurx-L{etrNc-NatNc (rr)-9q-. Irffect of iodiset J.
,ii ,rry.oid size a,cl urinary iocline
excretion. union oJ Burnru J.'Lif, sci. -,,:a:.
TrN-Trx-oo and KnrN-M.iu'..rc-'NarNc 3qa. S.-i(;ii;:T";ili r<iii*_{i",1_T*r\y,
thiami,e content of human milk. Lrniu, of"(lrurl
ng..i oi tt iamir-,e supprenrentation on
du.ri'," f . i.y, si;. a, zo5-zag. 6. Kvg,E-TuerN,
Trx-Trrv-oo and KurN-MAirNG-\;1-6 (l9zo). 'irr*riri". ,"irituie of Burmese. tnion of
" Burna J' sc.i.3, 5i 7. Krwr)t'r.,i,0, i<irii-i;,ior*l-xor*" and KHrN-Kyr-NyuNr
GgTr). -Lifg
.r . 154.
Endemicgoitieirr ]jJrnra. !]ttion nyi,i -
-\.let Nc-\rrNt' (i?ii). T'ha eflcct .of 1 iij, &.. +, ,rj __l"r S. Xn,*_
of diertrr.v fat on ttte actitiry o! cn:yme tipoltrotcin
lipase in the adiposc tissut of iits. t!.h:.,t-f!!,y
lr.sJ. 'rn.iril, i'";rl.i.;iy of Lrndon.
Atldress.-t25, gznd Street, Rangoon.

15r' Khin Maung Nyei1, u, AI.B.,B.s. (Rg,r.), D-c.H. (Eng.),

Public Health Specialist; born Augusi
- (Lond.). paediatrician/
Zi ,gaZ i,, R;"i;;;l'
. Educatiort.-NIatric.lated:
Teachers' Training coilege Rangoon, r939; \{.B.,B.s.,
Univcrsity of Rangoon,, rc1gz; D.c).H., clonjoiiit nour.itr^school,
trr. n"y"r c&r"g., oi'drryri.irns and
Surgeons, England, rgOai O.f.U., Univers'it1a
Traitri'ig'-Roya.l Children's I{ospital, Bristoi and Institute of Child
Strcet, London in Paediatrics, 196j_6q.
Health, Great Ormond

Emplo_ymenl .-Private to \Varrant Officer, Burma Detence Arml, nnd patriotic Burmese
r943-rs; B.c.G. Forces,
Tearn Leader, Rarsoon and renasseri- ni,ri.iorr, ;9;;-;3;cili.issistant
surgeon, Rangoon.cenerai. Hospitar," r953-5+i civii .\ssista,,t "r9'5+-_-s6;
TorvnshiP lledicai offic.r, \\ akenra, ,95r.'1r,i; r ,*".r,;j, ni.i;.rr
sri-g.l,i, iy;;,
('irit.surseon, Ranloo, and rnsrin, iir,z-r,;: onl".i, p, rJ;ii,", 1'ror_0.
rrc;ic;ir cr;;;;;;;;,i'M;il;;;'b.,.,"."1
Ilr;spiral, t967-7t; Recr.r, Insrirurc oi lt.a;'.in., nirr,r.irJ,'r9;;-. "''
Decaration and awards.-Independence Star, z medals; pyidawtha
I[etLbersltip of Societies.-Burma Ntreclical Association (Secretary,
l,Iandalay Branch).
Mentbersltip of
cotnttitte-es.--secretary, Asian youth League, rglz-+3; vlember,
comnrittee, Medical Collc-g-e Studcnts"un *n, ,g+8::+u;-ltt.;:rr-J., Editorial
Committee, Meclical
College Students Union hiTagazine, rgqg-5o; ri"rrr-,o x,Iedical
Research Council, K)72-.
r5z. Khin Maung Ohn, U, ft{.B.,8.S. (Rg,-,.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist.
r53' I(hin Maung san, u, r,I.B.,B.s. (rIcly.). ortrropaedic li*rgeon;
born \{arch 5, r94o in
' Edttcation'-Nlatricuiated : Stirte Hish r,
-{chool No. }dandalay, 1956
;\'LB.,B.S., Institute
of Jledicinc, Mandalal , t9(rq.
I'rairi,g.-Rangoon Generar rlospital, orthopaedic si;eciar course, r96g-7o.
Iimpolymufi'-Assistaut Lecturer in Ortlropaeclic Surgery, Institute
tgTt-. of \{edicine, Mandalay,
Manberslip of Societies.- Burma i\It,rJicri Assgciaiiol, ()rtfiopaeclic Association
6f Burma.
Address.-No, ro, Block 8r5, bctl;r:it 6zii,; a,,;,63rd Street, \{andalay.

r54..Khin Maung sein, u, 1\,{.8., B.s. (Rgn). Ph. D. (Liverpool). Anatomist ; professor of
Auatomy, Institute of n{edicine, i\,{andirla-1 .

rS5. Khin h{aung Swe, U, \,I.8.,8.S. (RSn.), D.L.O. (Rgr.), Otorhinolarvngologist.

156. Khin Maung Than, U, M.B..B.S. Srrrgeon ; bonr August 27, rrsz(t in Salin.
Dducation.--\,{atriculated : Government F{igh School, \,Iinbu, r94r ; \{.8.,B.S., University
of Rangocn, r95i.
Trqryng---I-l.o_yal lrrfirmary, Truro, ,r\cton Hospital, London ; \\iillesden Flospital, London
and Bethnal Green Flospital, London in generaland orthopaedic surgery, ry57-.6t.
Ettployment.--Civil Assistant Sr',rgeon, B.c.G. Team, Rangoon, rg1t-52 ; civil Assistant
Surgeorr, Akyab, ry52-53 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon Gencral Hospital, r9.54-55 ; on
stucly leave --6o ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Katha, ry6>62 ; civii ,surgeon, wiiiktitr,
ry62-6q ; Civil Surgeon, PegJu Civil Hosi.iital, r964-66 ; Assistant Director of Heaith, Centrai
Division, Rangoon, t965-7o; Torvnship l\,Iedical C)fficer r, Pyapon, rgTo-.
Membership of Societies.-Burma NIedical Association ; British l,Iedical Association.
Study Tourt.-r\ttentled Semirra,r on training of health personnel, Federal Republic
of Germany, r966, and WIIO Regional Conference of National Health Planning in Nerv belhi,

r57. 5h$ Maung T!1*, U, M.B.,B.S. (RS,..), F.R.C,S. (Ld.). Cardiovascular Surgeon ; born
April ro, rgzg in N{andalay.
Education.-M.8.,R.S., Universiry r-rf l{arrgoon, 1953; F.t{.C.S., Edinburgh, 196z.
Training.-Totyo_ Women's Nledical College Hospital, Tokyo, Japan in Cardiac Surgery,
1964-65 Royal Melbourne Hospital and Royal Children's I-Iospital, Allelbourne, Ausiialia
in Cardiac Surgcry, 1965, 1958.
Employment.-Cardiac Surgeon, Rangoon General l-Iospital, ry66-.
lW e ntber s hip of S o cietie s.-Burrna l\,Iedical Association.
Conferencesf Study Toau.s--Study tour of cardiac units in U"S.A., r97r.
Publications.-r. KnIx Vl.tuuc TtIew, P. R. l,Ionax, SulvE TrN, KnrN \llauxc, AuNc I(r-arv
Tux, Nl[,tuxc Krat'1, and Tru \{ausc (rc)51). lll'rc first case of A.S.D. repaired under heart
fungbypa_ss. Acasereport. Burmamed.J. r5u3 -8. z. KnrNNlarrxcTrral,TrN\'{auNc,
lVIeuNc I(vew, Yn MvrNr, Be Yr and Ayr Ayr \llyrrv,r. (rgZo). Lefc atrial myxoma
masquerading mitral stenosis. IJurntc med. J. rB, r49-r5r.
Address.-zo-8, I-Ialpin Road, Rangoon.

r58. Khin M.au1S Tin, U, \'[.R.,8.S. (Rgn.), D.T'.M. & H. (Lond.). Hepatologist; born April
3, rgzg in Sagaing.

Education.--Matriculatccl : State FIigh School, N,lar-rda1a1,, tg+6 ; ryI.B.,8.S., University of

RgSgoon, t953_; D.T.\'I.& H., I-oncion School of Flygieire and Troirical \Iedicine, University
of London r96o.
I\r'aining. \rarious hospitrrls and Institutes in the United States of America and the tlnited rescarch rriethodology in the study of lii,er diseases, ry66-67 ; L,IIT-THAI Project,
Bangkok in technique in the detection of aflatoxins in food, r969.

Employtnent.-civil_Assistant surgeon, school Health services, Rangoon, r953--56 ; civil

Assistant-Surgeon, State Hospital, -\1[yaungmya, r956--58 ; Civil Assiitant Suig-eon, Raggoon
General Hospital, 1958-59 ; on deputation is a itites icholar to the U.K., r9l9 63 ; eivil

Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon GeneraLl Hospital, tS93--6S ; ['{edical Superintt'ndent, Unir'e:sities
il*piirr, .;;5-i, a"t" i i"na of l)epartlue"i of \lletlicine (Pr.rt-time), Burma
Nlledical i{esearch lnstitute, r965-.
ltlembership of Societies.-Burma \{edical Association; Intcl'national Association
for the study
of liver.
Current researclt zoor1.-Australia antigen ir iiver cliseases; trepatic amoebilsis,.pathogenesis
;;d ,h"."p";;;",.;uln ipri"tr.-'g .*r.irrufi,^n liver, epiderniologl' ancf therai)y ; Portal hypertension'
managem'ent ; Aflato:'ins in Br.rrrlese food'
lnridence o{liYer
Puhlicatious.-]. E, LI, I(nlN-\{atrNG TIN, HLe-N{oN ancl Kve\^'-Tnr't (1963)'
in the Ra_ligoon General Flospital. l-ni'tn o.f Burnta l.' t-ife. Sd'
diseases on u,-,top.i.. clone
a, 2?3--226. ?. E, U, Kurr-N{auN"-.'.r.l fi"o-lf-o* andi{va*'-Tn.r (i968)' Life.Sci' t'
Tlt" ilitti"'l
.r"aj,'"f f."patic ciirhosis ir"r the Rangoo-n General I'Iospital. Lrnittn of Bttrmn i'
,r;;". 3'. E, U, iiiir*ltor.c-Ttx", Kvau'-Tutr nn'f TnaN't'-Zl'q (ts9s): 'lhe clinical and
eDidemiolosi"l of,,..ii-uti.rr'r or'r ,i.ul irepatitis in the Rangoou,-Generil-tlospital'- Ufon-ot
7;;,;;;'i.'ii; s.;. ;;-s;-ss.l. n,'G.Tral u, KurN-vleuNc-Trx, IIu-Nvt'Nr a.d ru,tNr-Ztn (,q6q)'
L.pi".fit.rf nepatiliJ i'i gi"gJg_" Hospital. _Litiori o.[,Rurma J. fif: Sci'2, 4o3-1o7'
-5. E, u, KurN_ltauNc-Ti^-l
Xnonu-TTlT, Ti.rNr-_zrN (r^v:.;. Post-.transfusion hepatitis in
J;;i"rl patients "f ih; i{-;;"r C"t l{tispital. Llnion if'But.tna J' I'it'e Scz' 3, i55 t6z'
Address.-gg-G, Windermere Road, Rangoon'

r<q. Khin Maung Tin, U, \'t.B',8.S. ((Rgn'), P[ D

(Liverpool)' Pharmacologist; Lecturer'
"' pc'2t'tm('r,t ,lt Pllairnact,logv, Institutc of \lctlicinc, 1\lrtrdalrtr '


16r. Khin Maung Win, U, NI'B.,8.S. (Bom.), F.R.C'P. (I1c1.), F.C. Path' Pathologist; Director
of Post-graduate \4edical Studies.
16z. Khin Maung Win, U, M.B.,B.S', (Rgt'), i\I'R'C'P' (Glas')'
D'C'II' (Glas')' D'T'\{' & H'
(Liverpool). Physician; born January t7, r9z9'
Education.-\,[atriculatecl: Pre-University School, Rangoori, I:17;
NLB.,B-s',.University 9f
[""g;"", ,957; o.rl1u-. & H., Llniversitl of Liveip991,"'959; D'C'H'' Royal C'ollege of Physi-
ar,d S,iigeo.ts of Glasgow, 196o; [{'R'C'F', Glasgor'v, r9(;5'
Employntent.-civil Assistant surgeon (Assistant to Phy-sician),- Rangoon Generai IIospital,
gospital tr{irngoon, 196r-67;
irio:;r, civii A;.il;.,1 Su.g._o!,Maiernity and chitdrcns
r964-65;,Civil Assisiant-Surgeon (rst
Civil Assista", S;;;;;;;-lt."irf Hospital, du,-,goo,-t,
Assistant to ,yri.i?ri,'Rnngou, Genernl
ry6'5-.66; ']yf;litrten-
il"lpir^f.-tqAe''el; LLtutcr.'ai.l.IIcad of Dclrarlntcnt of 'TroPical
i"nt, l,log,,. O;ri.i",,lf of Nledicine r, Rangoon,,.,-S.hool of lrrevcntive ancl-Tropical Mcclicine, Jnstitutc
confcretrcef study Tottrs.. Toursto linglancl. Wcst GermanY,
Beluiunr, lndir, 1'ltc Ncther-
larrtls, singaporc, \[al.rvsir t,: stucly,t," r.r.t..1ing,uct\ irr Trt,f ic,rl \lc'dicirrc, i968; AtLcrrdetl
on proble** ;"il;.lt;;i''"ducation a.? hcalth carc in thc tropics in Colombo, r97o'
ll[Lnfir:rs1tip af S6cieties.-American \Ie<lical Association; British Nfedical Association;
Meclical Association.
-.1drlrcss.--No. z, Pyiclaungsu Yeiktha Road, Building
No. B/2, Dagon P.O., Iiangoon.
tr134 itr
163. Khia Maung Yin, u, i\{.B.,8.S. (Rg.,.), D.P. (Rgn.) Pathologist; born NIay 28,
University of
Edut:tttion.-x{atricuiated: state High school, Yenangyaultg, -tg52; M.B"B.S"
nurlgoo", 196o; D.P., Institute of N'Iedicine r, Rangoon, 1967'

Employnrcnt.-Assistant Malariologist, Magu,e Division, 196z-63, Assistant Distt'ict Health
Oflicer, lhubin, tgfi-64; Civil Assistant Surgeon. Sao San T'un Hospital, T'aungg-'r,i, r96,9-65;
-Assistant Pathologist, Divisional Elospital, Bassein, lc165-.
XIetnberslip of Societies.-Burma 1\{erlical Asscciation.
utork.-Enteric survey (P.U,O. cases in hospital); Hookn'orm survey ; chronic
C.'ttrrent rescarclt
diarrhoea and unexplained anaemia cascs collected from trvo M.C.H. and hospital patients,

164. I(hin Maung Zavt, U, \,{.8.,8.S., (Rgn), D.O. Ophthahnolt"rgist; Eye Ear Nose Throat
I lr-,s1,ilrl, Rar,goon.

165. Khin May, Daw, N{.8.,B.S., (Rgo.), N{.Ii..C.P. Physician; Divisional Hospital, Lashio.
166. I(hin May l{twe, Darv, \{.}},B.S. (Rgn.), D.C.H. (Rg".). Paediatriciair; born July 3r, tg37
in Yarnethin.
liducation. -Matriculated: St. I{ichael's Diocesan School, }"ilayml'o, r954; M.8.,ts.S., Institute
of Medicinr, r, Ratgoon, 1963; D.C.H., Institute of N{edicine r, Rangoon, 19'72.
Einplcynent.-I{t.ruse Sulgcon, Rangoon General Hospital, ryfu-64; Civil Assistant Surgeonr
Toungoo Civil Hospital, ttS64 67;'leam Leader, School tr{eaith and N{aternal }Iealth Services,
Pegu, r967-7o; Civil Assistant Surgcon, Clhildrcn's l-Iospital, rgTa-.
Puhlicutions.-.-KurN \'{av H'rwn (rglz). Protein Calorie L'Ittlruirition. D.C.FI. clissertetion,
Institutc of \'tedicine r, Ranguon.

- Khin ivlay
r67. i(yi, Daw, \'I.8.,8.S. (Rgn.),!D.P.H. (T<-rr:onto), D.E.C.D. (Prague/De1hi). Public
Hralrh Spcci.ilist.'[iiritlrnriol'rgist; horn July {, I93o in Rangoori.
liducatiort.--\{atriculated: St. Nlary's Diocesan Girls'Ftrigh School, Rangoon, 1948;M.B.,B.S.,
[iniversit-v of l{angoon, 1957; D.P.H., Unir.ersity c'f Toronto, r96a; D.E.C.D". Post-graduate
X.{eclical Ins[itrLte, Frague, Institute of IJpidemiol,:gv and N{icrobiology, Prague and National
trnsiitute of Communicable Diseases, New- I)elhi, r97r'
Trainirt,g.--Fever Ho:rpital, Hyderabad in control and prevention of cholcra, 1956; Institute
of lVledicinc, 1\'landalay in plaguc epidcmiology and control.
Entplol'ss117.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, \,{audala-v General 1-Iospitnl, r959 (rr; Assistant
Dislrict FIe*lth Ofrcer, Sagring, r96r; Sr:nior Assistant Epidemiologist, Central Iiiridemiology
Unit, Directorate of Health Services, Rangoon, t96z-65; Epidemiologist, Central lipidemiology
Unit, l)irectoratc of Hi:alth Scrvices, Iiangoon, 1965--.
l[ emh t: r s lt i It of S c c ie tie s.--B urma N{edical Association'
n[entbership of (.'oxtttrittt:ts.-Joint Secretary, Hacmorr:hagic F'ever Committee.
Publiutions.-_.r. I(o I(o and I(nrH hlnv l(vr (1964). $ repgrt on the trial u,ith econorny
nrethc'cl of vzrccinatior.. Burma med. J. t?, r()--22. 2. KsiN \'lav I(vr (1966). Epider"nio-
logy of polioml'elitis in Rangoorr. Burnra. n$. J. r'4, t7-22. 3. KiuN \{av Kvr (.1966). A
repr.,rt on Schick test survcy ilr Raneoon. Bttrnm. med. J. r4t95-97. 4. Ko I(o ar-.d I(nrN
NGv l{vr (rgZo). }ipiclemiology of 'l'etar-,us neollatorurn in l{angoon. (rnion of Burnru .f.
t,i.fe Sci.3,51 51. 5. I{rrrs \Lrv Kvt and^C. I(uar }llIx.c (rqZ*o). An epidcmiokrgical stuciy
of ischaernir: heart tlisease in tlie Ranp:oon Generll I'Iospitai. (lnion oJ lJurnru./. l,fe Sci. j,
337 31\.
Adtlress.--ri4, Latha Stl'cet, Iiarrgor;rr.

r68. Khin May Thein, Daw, N[.i3.,8.S. (]tgn.), D.I'. (I{gtr.). Pathologist; Children's l{ospital,

169. Khin h,{ya Than, [']arv, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), Dip. Bact" (Lond.). Bacteriologist; born October
27, rg38 in Rangoon,

Ilducation.-Matriculatcd : St. NI-ary's l)iocesan Girls' High school, rg54; lt.B.,B.S., University
of Rangoon, 196r; Dip. Bact., University of Lond.on, 19'69-

Training-.-tsacteriology Laboratory, St. Bartholomeiv's I{ospital, London in general diagnostic

bacteriology,-r969; Dysentery Reference l,aboratory, c.,ri.ui Public Labo?ato.v, Colindale
and Public Flealth Labcrator-v, Hall, Lonclon in enterobact*i"*r., iq6i'; lrty.otogy
Laboratory, London St'hool of -9url,y
Hygiene ancl Tropit:al J\ledicine, lrr -1-.Lio!y,';;dg:'
Employtnent.-Flouse Surgeon, Rangoon Dufi'e1in._H_o_spital,,and Rangoorr General Hospital,
99t-62; Civil Assista,)!.!.r1S_"on, Toungoo Civil Hospital, ry62-Zq; fu*.,r.nip-Medicai
Qliicer II, ThanatpS civil .Hospital, ry64-66; civil ,q*.;.tu,rt surglon, no"j"i" Health
Civil Assistant Surgeon, National Health Laboratory, ry7o_.
.\tI e u tb er s lip of S o c i etie s. --Burma N{edical Association.
Current researclt ztsorh.-Artibiotic sensitivity of sahnorrella anrl shigella.

.Address.-q6, Simpson Road, Rangoon.

r7o. I(hin Yyi*!, Daw, l{.B.,B.s. (Rgn.), D.\,{.R.D. (vellore). Racliotogist; born May
r93o in Yandoon.

Educntion.-"N'Iatriculated: state.High-school,Tancloon, flniversity of

Rangoon, 1955; D.N{.F1..D., Christian \{edical College and.\2+7;. ry.p,p.s.,
}'iospital, Vellorq ,96i.--'
{m?loynrcn. - Flouq-e- S,trgeon, Rarigoon General Hospital, r955-5q; Civil Assistalt Surgeon,
Bflgo-o". Duflerin Hosrital, r956-'.59,,pivil Assistant Srrrg"6ir,"Pusteur Institute, iqSS-Sq;
Civil Assistant Surgeon, Toungoo Civil Hrcspital, r959--6r; dioil -\sri.tur.,t_Srrgeorr,'Nili"r;ii;
and Child l{ealth, Bas:iein, 196r-6_3;
_Civil Assistant. Surgeon, Central ltat&"ity Hospitai
*u199o", 265-6+; on ceputation -to India as a states ,9t "]gi 19Q+-65; Civil A.rirtuit Srrg"orr,
Radiology Department,-Rangoon Grneral Hospital, ry6546.; Civit'l#stant Surgeori, RaaiS[gy
Department, Central rVornen's Hospital, ,gtt9-26;-Radiobgist, North Okiatnfn b"r."ru1
FIospital, tgTo-_ ; Atterrding Radiologist,- cential wome,'i Fiospital, rt17o-.'- -
M e r tb er shilt of S ocie ti e s. urma N{ed ical Association.
Current resetrch zoot'h,.- -Ilurmese female pelvis.

Pubiicatiotti.--r. KurN \tvlNr (r968). An approach to better visurlization of the ossificatio.

centi'es. Il,rnm med. ja. r6, 169--17r. z. KurN \{vlNr (rS69,). \rolumetric assessment of
cephalo-pehic dispropcrtion. Burrna med. J. 17, t5-zo.
Address.---t-ir, Hanthav addy Road, Kemmendine, Rangoon.

r7r..Khin-Myint Myint, Daw, M.B.,B.s. (Rgn.), x,LR.c.o.G. obstetrician/Gynaecologist;

bonr Nover,rber 29, 1933 in 'Ihonze.
Edtu:atic'n.--Matriculated: l\{rs. Hla Aung's_High school , rgso; NI.B.,B.s., university of
; M. :?..C. O.(1., Lonclr>t, t96 5-66.,;oon, rr,58

9,mploynrcnl.-Lecturer. Instilute of N{edicine z, Rangocln.

1'[_et$er..itip af ,9acieties.-Royal Coltege of f)bstetricians ancl G-ynaecologists, Lonclon; I]ritish
,\,{ec ical Asrocia,tior; Burma Medical Association.

Curent reserck uorh.--Placental insulhciencv by heat stable alkaiine phosphatase.

.1 J d,t.;s.
-'/ A, In5 a Rcad, Rangoon.

iihin nnvo win, Daw, h'I.B., B S. (Rgn.), D.c.H. (Eng.). ia,:diatrician; horir August zd,
rg3z in Rangoon.

Education.-Matriculated: St. Mary's Diocesaii Girls' High School, Rargoon, rg4g; },,LB.,B.S.,
University of,Rangoon, r957; D.C.H., Conjoint Boari of the [loyzrl Colieges of Pi,ysicians ani
Surgi.ons, r962.

Tr ttining.--Itstitute of Child Health, London, r 96o-.62.

{mplo-1,t17stt7.-Civil Assisutnt Surgeon, Pazundaung Health Cerrtre, r958; Cir i1 .lssir,itant

Surgeon,_Rangoon Gi:neral Flospital, r95g; Civit AssiitantSurgeon Childi-,in's \Va,.d, ,.lan3oon
General .Hosyitai, ry62-63; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon Children's Hospital, il:63" 59;
Membersltip of Societies.-Burma N{edical Association; Paediatrician Society (8.M..\.).
ConferenceslStudy'l"ours.--WHO sponsored study fcur of child health in Su.eden, fr.K., C'anada
and Thailand, rq66" Attenclecl WHO Neonatology Conference, Rangoon, r9,,,o.

Pubbca.tiotts.-r. KHIN n'Ivo \\/rx and S.,tu, \'lry l{,',rxc fg6). Ccingenital svphilis: Case
report from Children's l-Iospital, Rarrgoon. Burum med. J. 15, r55 --r q8. z. f<,rir,\ \iyo Wlx
Gq68). G1 ,cose-6-phosphate dehy,liogenase Ceficicncy-from tlh.laren's I{o:yitril, [:lang1re1.
Burnta metl. J. 16, ry3 --r75.
Addr es s.
- r 4o-r 4+, Arrar.vrah t a Street, Rangoon.
r73.Jftin Nu,Daw, M_.8., B.S. (Rgt.),.M.R.C.O.G. Obstetrician and Gynaecologist ; Clinicat
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Institute of Medicine z, Rangoo.r
"rr..ii Obut"triciarr
and Gynaecologist, North Okkalapa IIospital, Rangoon.

r74. Khin Nwe,I)aw, N{-8., B.S. (Rgn.), D.P.H. (Cal.). Public }Ieal .h Specialist; bcrn Iielrruary
tz, tgzz in Tar-rnggyi.
Education.-Matriculated : Huldah Mix Girls High school, r9r7 ; M.B., 8.s., Uliversitv
of Rang,ron, i956 ; D.P.H., All India Institute of Hygicne and Pirblic llealth, Calcutta
Training.--King George A,{edical College, Luclinow in enterobaet.:riaceae.
Employnent.-Nfeclical Officer in cl.rarge of vaccine lymph preparation, Ilarcourt Butler Institute
of Public Health, r95! 65; Health Officer,
^. ]f11go.o,l Suburbin Area, Rangoon Flealth Division,
!965_-96_; Epidemic Officer, Rangoon tlealth Division, t966-67 ; Assistant Director, Nationai
Health Laboratory, ry67
Conferencesf St(l-7ou11.
.Attended the r5Ih_SFARO.Re_gional Ccnference, Nerv Delhi, r96z;
study tour of Public llealth Institutions at Kiev and Moscorv, 1965 ; attended WUO fntei
Ilegional Seminar on " Orientation and management of Laboratory-service." in London, r967,
X/Iembership of Societies.--Burma Vledical Association.

Publications.-KITIN Nr,vn, (1968). Cholera antibody titre study. Union of Burma J. Life
Sri. r, z&-266.
r75. Khin Nwe Aung, Daw, \{.8", B.S. (Rgn.). Nutritionist; born r9z5 in Bassein.
Educat ion.-\,'I.B,, IJ. S., lJniversity of Rangoon, r 952.
Training.-Great Ormond Str_eet [Iospital, London in Child Heaith, 1958-6o; attende6 cer-
tificate course itr nutrition at }lyderabad, Nutrition Research L;rboraiories, Inclia, ry63-64.
Employnteil.- CivilAssi_sJant.Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospitai, rgsz-53; Civil Assistant
Surgeon, *94"$ Clivil Hospital, r9_53-54 ; Clivil Assistant Surgeon, T.B. Flospital, Rangool,
r954-55 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Bassein Civil Hospital, r95j-58 ; Civil Assistrnt Suryeon,
Maternity ancl School Hellth Sert ice, Rangtrtrn, rgbo 6z; '-['eatrr Lcader, (jreater Rangooir
Health Scheme, ry62-63; T'eam Leader, Lanrnadarv Health Centre, I{angoon, rg6.i-65 ;
Nutrition Officer, Nutrition Project, IJirectorate of Health Scrvices, 1965-.
M entber ship of S ocieties.-Burrna Nledical Association.
Currerrt researclt zwrlt.-Collection of base line data for extension of public health nutrition
I'u:blications.-.r. I(HIN Nu,r AtNc (1g7o). T'he nutritional status of the worhing people of
Burnra. Papers of tlte lriutritioit Project presented at the llesearch Congress, 1968-59-7o, pp. r-6.
z. 'I'uaNr-AuNG, KHrN-NwE-AuNG, l{r.e-Pu and Ar;xe-THAN-BAt'u {rr)6r)). tJrinary coliro-
plrorphyrin excretion in battery ivt.irkers. [Jnion of Buruta J. I'ift Sci. 2, 243--246.
3. I{nrx-Nr,vB Auxc (rgZo). Dietary pattern of fishermeri of Pegu, Thanatpin area.
Papers of tite Nutrition Project prescntcd at the Research Cangress, 1968-69-7o, pp. r5-26.
4. TnaN-Aure, \{vr.l-'fHus, YrN-YrN and KurN-NwE AuNG (rg7n). Serum \ritamit A level
oltprirnari, school children in Rarrgoon. Papers o.f the !{utritiort. Project preserited ct tite lltsearclt
Congress, r968-69-7o, pp. z7-3+. 5. KIrIN-NwE-AUNG (rgZo). Xllaternal nutrit;onal status
and its effect on the newborn. Papers of tlte Nutrition Project presented at the Research Cor:gress,
ry68-6g-7o, pp. 37-,tr. 6. TlraltE-AuNc, Ytr.t-YtN and Ksrx Nws Arixc; (rC:o). Serum
proteirr levels of schr-rol childrcn in Rangoon. Pupers of tlte Nutrition Project presented at lhe
Researclt L'otwrcss, r968-61t-7o, pp. .13-50.
Address.- ro3-A, Windermere Road, Rangoon.

176. Khin Nyunt, Daw, NI.B.,B.S. (Rgtt.), D. Obst. I{.C.O.G., NI.R.C.O.G. Obstetrician/
Gynaecologist; born January 23, rg3o in \4agwe.
Education.-Matriculated : Ilmergency University Classes, 1948 ; M.B.,B.S., University of
Rangoon, r955 ; D. Obst. R.C.O.G., r963 ; M.R.C.O.G., r965.
Employ;nent.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Maternity anc{ Child Healt.h Centre, Ra.ngoon, ry56-57;
Civil Assistarrt Surgeon, School Flealth, Theinbyu, Rangoon, r957-58 ; Clivil Assistant Surgeon,
Dtr$erin llospital, ry58-62 ; Part-time I)emonstrator, Department of Olrstetrics and
Gynaeciogy, \{edicai College, Rat:rgoon, 196o-62 ; on deputation to the U.I{. on
a state schoiarship, ry$-66 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Centrai Women's I{ospital, tS66-(s7,
Part-time Demonstrator, Deparlment of Obstetrics and Gynaecoiogv, Institute of X"Iedicine r,
Rangoon, ry66-67 ; Assistant Lccturer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Institutc
of Medicine, Nllandalay, ry67-68; Lecturer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecclogy,
Institute of X4edicine, Nlandalay, tg68-69 ; Lecturer, f)eparttnent of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, Institute of \{ediciile r, 1969-'
n/[entberslip o;f Societies.-Buma \,{edical Association, Ohstetrics and Gynaecology Section,
B.N[.A., Asian Federatiou of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Address.-32-C, Prome Road, 6th Mile, Rangoon.

r77. Khin San Yee, Daw, M.8., B.S. (Rgn), D.C.P. (Lond.) Pathologist ; Part-time Lecturer
in Pathology, lnstitute o{' N{edicitre, t, Rangoott.
r78. Khin Sanda, Daw, B.D.S. (Cal). Dental Surgeon ; born August 3t, tg+3 in Assarn.
Education.-Matriculated: (G.C.E.), \{ethodist English High School , t96r;11.D.S., Dr. R"
Ahmed Dental College and Flospital , Calcutta, 11167.
Training.-Eastlnan Dental Hospital, Institute of Dental Surgery, London in periodontology
and oral medicine, r969.
E ntploytnent.---Demonstrator, Collcge of Dental Meclicine, i968 -.
Address.-r33, Plome Road, Sth Mile, Rangoon.

r79. Khin Saw Khine, Daw, VI.B.,B.S. ( Bacteriologist ; born September 16, r93o in
Edacation.-N{atriculated : Last Loreto Convent, Darjeeling, 1946 ; NI.B.,B.S., University of
Rangoon, r954.
Training.-Manchester University, I{anc}rester in Bacteriology, r959-6o ; I.Jniversity of London
in enterobacteriaceae, 1965 ; llyderabad in c]rolera control, 1966; Hebrew University, Israel in
laboratory techniques in trachoma and virology.
Emltloyment.-Demonstrator, I)epartment of Bacteriology and Pathology, Faculty of Medicine,
Univer.sity of Rangoon, ryS+-si
-Rangoon,; Assistant LectrLrer, Department of Bacteriology, Faculty of
\{edicine, University, of rgST-$ ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General
Ilospital, rc.16r-62; Civil Assistant Surgeon, National Health L,abotatoty, t962.
lllembership of Societies.-Burma \'Iedical Association.
C ur r e n t r e s e ar ch za or k.-Choler a car rier stud ies.
Publications.-KurN Sew KHrNs $tS6z). The dried disc rnethod of antibiotic sensitivity test
on routine specimens. Burnm mcd. J. Io, r.4I I+1. 2.KuIN Saw KsrNr (rS6S). Salmonella
serotypes isolated at the National I-Iealth Laboratory. Burma-m9d. J. 13, tz3--t32. _ 3. KuIN
Sew-KnrNn (trllr). f)istributiorr of Salnonr:lla agglutinins of thc enteric group in the sera of
healthy adults in Rangoon. Ltnion of Burrna J. Life Sci. 4, 36t-167.
Addtess.-16-8, Inya Road, Rangoon.

r8o. Khin Si, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D. Obst. R.C.O.G., F.R.C.O.G. Obstetrician/Gynaecologist;
born N{arch 13, rgt6 in lJegu.
Education.-*Matriculated : Government High School, Insein, I93z ; i\tI.B.,B.S., [tledical
College, Rangoon r94o; D. Obst. R.C.O.G., London, 1956 i M'R'C.O.G., London, 1958;
F.R.C.O.G., London, r969.
Tratning.-Different centres in the USA in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, r95o ; varions institutes
in the UK in medical education, r969.
Entployntent.-.Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon l)ufferin Hospital, L{andalay G-eteral Hospital,
Ma-),niyo Civil l{ospital ancl Bharno Civil tiospital, 194o-56.; Ob_stetrician and Gynaecologist,
Centrai Women's Hospital, Rangoon, u,156- ; Part-time Professor of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, Institute of Medicine t, Raugocn, rg59 -.
Memberskip of Societies.-Burma Medical Association, Asian Federation of Obstetricians and
l\[etnbership of Committees.--Obstetrics arrd Gynaecology Committee, Burma Medical Associa-
Conferenceslstu.tly Tours.-Obstetrics and Gynaecologist Conference, Calcutta, tg6z.
Current yesearch work.-Barly diagnosis of cancer of thc cervix hy Papaniculou smears ; pre-
Publications.-r. Knrr- Sr (19.59). Leucorrhoca (Abstlrct). -Byrma.!rd: 1.- 7, (r), ry2.
z. YrN Mav, KurN Sr, Ilr.r tcvl, ll. S. ]osur and I'rx SlrN (196r). Difficult labour. Burtna
nted. J.9, ro6--rr6.
Ad dress.-1 5, \{ission Road, Rar.rg;oon.

r8r. Khin Swe Aye, Capt., X{.8.,B.S., (Rgn.). D.P. (Rgn.). Pathologist;born July z8,r94oin
Education.-l{atriculated : St. John's Convent, Rangoon, r956 ; N{.8.,8.S., Institute of Medi-
cine r, Rangoon, 1965 ; l).P., Institute of N{edicine r, Rangoon, 1969.

Employment.-General D-u-ty I\'{edical OfEcer, Defence Services Gen.:ral Flosirital, .\4ingalaclon,
1965 -67 ; Pathologist, No. r, Military l{ospital, ry69-.
ll/I ember s ltip oJ Asso ciatio ns.-Burma Meclical Association.

r8z' Khin Tha-n Kyrve,.D1y,.y..B.,B.q. (Rgr.),

Part-tirne Lccturer in obstetrics \'{.R.c:o.G. f)bsretrician and Gynaecologist ;
ily"nu6tolo_gy, Institur"- ;i- lr}i;il'-r,"i;*"*n
"na Oi<kalapa ffospital, R*goor. and
Obstetrician and G-ynaecologist, South

r83..Khin_Than Nu, Daw,.M.B.,B.S.. (Rgn.), D. Obst. R.C.O.G., D.C.ti. (ll,_,g.). Faediatrician

boln February 5, 19z6 in Nyaungletini. ;

Eduattiott.- Matric{ated ,:g11j 1\{.8.,8.s.,^university of Rangoon, r95r D. obst.

; R..c.o.G.,
Londou. 1955 ; D'C.H., Conjoint Board o? the Royal Colleg'es oi pliyriciurs u"a ,Sr.g.or,.,
Dngland, r955.

lrah/ng.-\est Middlesex Hospital, Paediatric Unit, London and Instirute of C--hild Herlth,
London in Paediatrics, r955-56.-
.Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon Dufferin Hospital, ry\r-52; Civil Assistant
Yu{Tyg Civil Hospit/,_105:;Si; on deputatigl *.studj'in ti. Ur<, ,SiS_So
Assistant Paediatrician,-paediatric unrt, yngoon-general ;
;9;6- iz; Prjl'ri.i.iun,
Children's Hospital, i953 ; Paediatrician, Cen*tral \Vomen,s !!ospi,ta!,
Hcsirita! ,;i;_:
lllembcrsltip of Societies.-International Plannecl Parenthoocl Association
; Burrna \,leciical

Meufiershil> of Committees.-Executive Member, Paecliatric Section, Bi\{A ; perinatai liriLiuiry

C-'ommittee Nlember.

,4ddrcss.-2, B/2, No. z, Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road, Rangoon.

r84. Khin Thi, Daw, M B:,ir;s..(\gn.), D_.A. (Eng). Anaesthetist ; Turor, nepartment of Anaes-
thesiolog,v, Institute of N{edicine'r, Rangoon-and Anaesthetist, Central \i,;"r;t
r85. Khin Tint (3), Daw, J\l[.R.,8.s. (Rgn.). Haematologist ; born october 2, tg3z in Rangoon.
Ddtrcatiort.-Matriculated : st. John's convent, Rangoon, 1949 ; \I.B.,8.S., l,rniversity
Rangoon, r956.
Tra.irtinp.-Itstitute of Flaematology and Blood Transfusion Service, Buclapest in blood tra,s-
fu^sion service, ry67-68; plasrna fractionation and frec".-e drying at the sam! ir.titrt. ir, ,972
l,is,ter Institute, Eistree in plasma fractionation and freezt diyirrg, ,97r;faiirUi"g-t fiovrf;
Infirmary Blood Transfusion Centre in different tasks of the biorril'tr.i,i.frnlu" u;;;i;;,^;;;;'.

lmpbyment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Toungoo^Civil Hospital, ryS7-1g; Civil Assistant

Surgeon, Ralgggn General Hospital, i959-6i; civil Assistu'"t s".g"o,1 t'n'cri"i", nirgoo,r,
y6:-!S_,_ Civil_Assiqtant^Sur_geo.n and_ Medical Oflicer in Charge"of Blood ]lank, frr.rgoo.,
Du_flerin Hospital, r963-68, Medical officer, National Bloocl Bank] Rangoon G"""rui ii".1ii,rr,
t968-72; Civil Assistant Surgeon, l3lood Grouping Serology Departircnt, Na',iorral itealth
Laboratory, Rangoon rgTz-.
ll I c i u b e r s lti p of S o cie ti e s.-Burma \4ed ical Association.
Conferencesf Sludy Tours. ' \ris]t_e{.Glasgow Blood Transfusion Centre to stud,y different
of blood transfrr-qion service, Nlobile team and donor session ; Edgware gtm.l T'ra1rsfusion
(lentrr:, I-orrdon and Bristcl Blood Transfusion Centre to study blold prodrrcts
ancl tasks of
blood trarisfusion service; I-,ister Institute, Chelsea to study biood grouping u".u p..pu*tio',*,
r 972.
Addrast.-63, rorst Street, Kandarvgalay, Rangoon.

t86. Khin U, Daw, B. {. (Rgn.), [I.8.,8.S. (Rg".), Diploma Research Assistant (Utah). Pharmacc-
logist ; born Jan.rary 7, t9r7 in Pr.rme.
Edutation.-Matriculated : AB\{ Girls' High School, Prorne, rg34 ; B.A., Urriversity of
Rangoon. 1938 ; \{.8.,B.S.,_ University of Rangoon, r95r ; Diploma (Research Assistant),
College of A4edicinc, Salt Lake City, Utah, r959.
T'raining.-College of N{edicine, Unir,ersity of LTtah, in Pharmacology, lg57-59 ; County
Flospital and \reterans' flospital, Salt Lake City, Utah in clinical medicine, ryS7--Sg ;
Columbia University, Nerv York ,in pharmacology arrd pharmacy, r958 ; College of I'6armacy,
Chicago in pharmacclogy and pharmacv, r959-6o ; Post-graduate School of l{edicine,
Chicago, in irrternal medicine, dermatology and allerg'i,, 1959-6o.
Empicyrtent.-ElighSchor.rl T'eacher, \{ethodist Burmese Girls' Fligh School, Dast Rangoon,
rg38--4r ; House Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, rgst-52; Demonstrator, Pharmacology
Department, Faculty of \'Iedicine, {Jniversity of Rang<ron, ry54-66 ; Assistant Lecturer,
Pharmacoiogy Department, Institute of \{edicine r, Ilangoon, r966.
Con.ferences f Study Tours.-Attended confereirce on Cardiology, Salt Lake City, {Jtah, Conference
on Pharmacology at Chicago, 196o ; Conference on Allergy, N{iami Beach, 196o ; Christian
Medical Conferences, Wheaton, I1l. on medical subjects designed for undeveloped areas
uncler mission work, t96o.
l'I e n$er shi p tf S o c i et ie s.-Rurma \{eciical Association.
Current rese*rclt rpork.-Dirretic properties of hydrocortyl wightiana ; histologic studies of some
(t,:ric) dltrgs.
Address. -rqq, I.,atha Street, Rangoon.

r87. Khin IJ May, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), Ph. D. (Lond.). Anatomist; born March rr, r93o in
Education.-\4[atriculated: 'Ieachers Training Coll_eg,e School 1947; M3,B.S., University
of Rangocn, 1954; Ph. D., Guy's I'Iospital Nledical School, University of London, r97o.
T'raining.--Guy's }lospital Medical Scliool, London, in anatomy.
Iim!>loyment.-Demonstrator, Department of Bacteriology and Pathologv, Faculty of N{edicine,
University of Rangocn, r 954-58 ; Demonstrator, Departrnent of Pathology, 1958-64;
Denronstrator, Departmerrt of Anatomy, Institute of Medicine 2, Rangoon, 1963-65; Assistant
Lecturer, l)epartment of Anatomy, Institute of Medicine 2, Rangoon, r965-.
NI e mb e r ship of S o c ieties.-B urma Nledical Association.
ConferenceslStudy 7'out,s.=Attended Anatomical Society N{eeting, London, Belfast and Leeds,
Cu.rrent research work.-Effect of Vitamin C on bone growth.
Publicatiotts.---Ksts U N{av (tg7o). Pirysico-chentical factors influencing bone grozoth in the
chick. Ph. D. Thesis, University of I-ondoIr.
Address.-32, Protne Road, 6th Mile, Rangoon.

r88. Kin Shein, U, B.A. (Baylor), X{.D. (Howard), M.S. (Howard). Pharmacologist; born
December rz, 1938 in Rangoon.
Education.- il'Iatriculated: ^St. Patrick's High School, Mouimein, r954;B_.A., Baylor University,
Waco, Teras, rg59; NI.D., Hou.ard University, Washington D.C., 1964; N{.S. Florvard Univei-
sity, \\rashington D.C., r965.
Employntent.-- .A.ssistant Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology, Institute of N{edicine z,
Rangoorr, r965-.
Xlembership of Societies.--Burma Nledical Associationl American Medical Association (Special

(gnlyences!,s.tudy Touvs.-ASPET fi{eeting, tJniversity of llochester, New york; ry6:; AsEB
city., New Jersey, r96J; ASPET Meeting, Uiriversity of penisylvania,
Hhtladelphia, ry65; American Heart Association N{eetingl Flowarcl -[Jniversity," 1965;
Intcrnational Phvsiological Congress, Tokyo, r965.
current r esear ch work.-Pharmacological investigations of snake'enoms.
Publications.--r. BuecAr,8,, c. JacrsoN, H. y. c.woxe,K.surrNandG.Bovrlr(1965). False
heuro-chemical transmitters and-response to tyramine in reserpine pretreaterJ piefarations.
un,ion of B.urnru J. i/e. sci. r, tz}r-l287. a. Bnecat, B. and K'. sunix (rs6s). inh'ibition of
noradrenaline_synthesis. and.th_e p^ressor.response to tyramine.
J- Phirml'Pharmacol. l.7,
a48-249. 3. BHece'r, R. and K. SnnrN (r96i. Modification of ihe eflect of caroticl arteiy
occlusicns _b_y larpus agents.__ Arch. int. Pltarmacodyn, t65, z5z-263.
4. N{ve-Tu, M.,
NIev-\Iav-Yr, T. T. Ht.eINc, K. SnuIx (1968). ComparativJ stuiy of ihe ventricul..
phenornenon.. fTnion of Bur_na
l. Life S.i. ,, ztz-ir5. 5. surriv, K. (1968). studies
uptake and release of sympathomimetic amines. union of Birnru
J. Life sii. l'r'3zr-324.
Address,-4, Yarde Road, Tth Mile, Rangoon.

r89. Ko, u,-\!.q.,B.s, (Rsn.),_D.c.P.(Lond.), D. path. (Erg.). pathologist; born December r,

l93o in Wetlet, Shrvebo District.
Education.-Matriculated:-st. Peter's-H_igh school, NIandalay, rg4g; M.8.,8.s., University of
l9f ; D;c.n., university of London, 196r; n. naih.,-conloint'Board of the R6yal
Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, England, :,96r,
Trainhg.-I)e-partment of Clinical Pathology,_Kingsto-n-upon-Tharnes Hospital, Surrey and
I)epartrnent of-Clinical Pathology, Roval Free Hospital, Lonlon in clinical pat-hology, ,g5{-Or;
Department of Neuropathology, Roy-al In6rmarv, in neuropatLology,";96gJ7o.
Elryploym9yt. _House Surgeon,-Rangoor.r General Fiospital, ry56-57; Assistant District Health,
Ollicer, Health Department, Mandalali rgST-Sg; eivit qiiistint Surgeon, Department oi
clinical ,Pathology, Rangoon General Hospital,- rye-67; civil Surg&n, Natiinal Health
Laboratory, tg67--.
Merfiership oJ Societies --Burma Medical Association.
,4ddress.-35, Stervart Road, Rangoon.

r9o. Ko Chan, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rg..), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetisr.

r9r.J(o 9yi,9' M.B.,B^s., D.o-M.S., F.I.C.S. ophthalmologist; Medical Superintendent,

Eye, Iiar, Nose and Throat Hospital, Rangoon.

r9z. I(o Gqi, U* B.Sc..(RgnJ, B.V.Sc..(Niadras), M.B.,B.S. (Rg.r.), T.D.D. (Wales), D.E.C.T.
(Prague). Tuberculosis Specialist; born December r5, ,916 in pyawbwe.'
Educatiort,-'Matriculated: National Hig^h-S_chool, Pyawbwe-, r93z; B.Sc., University College,
Rangoon, 19-36;_8.\r.S.c., Unir,-ersity of Madlas, fgqo; M.B;B.S., University of 'Rangoon,
r95z; T.D.D. University of Wales, 1957; D.E.C.T., Post-graduate N{edical Sihool, Prague, j

Tyqining--\uberculosis Research Office of the \VHO, Copenhagen, Denmark in research in
T.R. control , !g57; Carlo-Forlanini Insiitute,.Rome, in clinical rvorlc in tuberculosis, 1957;
Attended 6th International cou.lse in Tuberculosis [pidemiology at the Danish TubeicufJsis
II4"*, Copenhagen and the National Tubercrrlosis Irrs'titute, Baigalore i" *.ai"Ai.gisiration,
T.B. epidemiology and organizal-ion of T.B. control, 1968.

Employtncnt.. -Irlying_ Sqr-rad \/eterinery inspector, lnsein, Office ,,f the l)epr111, l)iirctor oi
!1;9in, tt)+o +(); Civil Assistant Surgeon, T.E. \\Iar,-ls, Rr,irgcon {len,:rai
\ eterinary Scicnccs,
1953-6:;_ I.P.Specialisi, Sao San Fltun Fl;spital, T'aur-ggvi, tr;63--6Z,
Union Tuberculosis Institute, llaligoon, r966; Physicianli\,Ier1ica1 S"iEil"t."a""rt, Tubeicul.rsis
Hospital, Aung san }{yo, r966-69; Mehical superintendent, Unin Tul,ercuios-s Irrstir,:re,
Rangoon, ry69-;
ll'IembershiD of Societies.-American Clollege of Chest Physicians; Burma i\{eclii-rai -,\ssociation.
Metnbcrsltip. ol Committeas.--Editor, Burma \,Iedical Journal, rgTo--7!; rgTr-72; secretar-y,
I uber culosis Section, q.VI.l\.; \ilember, Standing Conrmittee, Pi:nel of llxpeits jn '1',rbcrculosii,
I)irectorate of I{ealth Serviccs, Burma.
Current research work.-Study of cavitated puimonary lesions without initiall',' demolstrabie
acid fast bacilli in the sputurn; Cohort analyiis of spufum positiue pulmonarytuber,:ulosiscrrses
discov-ered during_the
!"olod (Z-z-7o through z-i-Zo) of an epidcmiological stuc,y ,;f ,,ew
attendants at the U.T.I., Rangoon.
Puhlications.--_r. Ko Gvr (r9t18). Supervised intermittent streptorn-r,cin 1'tlu.t Isotiazici ,:herapy
in tl]c domicilliarytreatrnentof pulmonary tuberculosis. Ilurma"r,ted.'J. t6, r7-zS. z. l{o Gvr
(ly0S), - Clinic_al trial of thiacetazone is'oniazid. Bunna ned. J. l.6, :l85- ryzl .1. Ko Gvr,
Mvo I\'Ivtx'r, Lllev Ytx, AuNc Huvo and New^l{ay (_r_92*- Rcsult "of treatment c,f .fuug
resistarrt tuberculosis. Burnm n.ed. J. 18, 45---48. a. Kii Gvr,'l'uex TiN, -\,trar. yrN and
Sew. At Ne (rC:r). An epidemiological study of neiv attenclants at the ljnion Tuberculosis
lnstitute, Rangoon. Union of llurma J. Lift Sci. 41 563*-568.
Address.-t6-8, Yarde Road, 7th Nllile, Rangoon.
r93. Ko Gyi, u, M.B.,B.s. (Rg..), D.P. (Rgn.). Pathologist; born \'Iarch ro, r935 in Mandalay.
Education.--Matriculated:_l'aing clhit Iligh schoof \1[andalay,. r95r; \{.8.,B.S., tlnjyslslly
of Rangoon, 196o; f).P., Institute of \{edicine r, Rangoon, 1967.
Employment.-As,sistant District Ftrealth Oficer, Bassein, yg67-6.3; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
Sa<r San Htun Hospital, 'Iaung6ryi, 1963-66 Assistant Pathologiit, Sao San Htun Uqslitat,
Taunggyi, x167-.
Membership of Societies.-Burma Medical Association.

r94..K9.Ko, u, NI.B.,Bs. (Bs".)_._D_.!.E,, D.T.\I. & H. Public ltealth specialist; ---'

Advisor, Cornmunity Health, SEARO, World Health Organizatitrn, Ner,r-Deihi. ' Regional
r9s. Ko Ko, u, \'I 8., B.s. (Rg".). Hospital Administrator; born February zg, rgzz in pyinmana.
Education.*-Matriculated: K.E.N{. High school, Pyinmana, r938; M.8., 8.s., unilrrsity
ofRangoon, r954.
Entployment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Mandalav General Hospiral, rgs4-
-Civil 57 ; Assistant
Malariologist, Anti-Malaril Assistant Surg.o;,'hrffior--6"..,"ru1
.Bqr-eay., 1957__ 5g;
Hospital, r959 Townshipanedical officer II, wuntho civil Hospiiat, ry6t-6+: iownship
-_6r ;
I\tledical Oflficer II, Salin Civil Hospital,1g6y6.5;^Assistant Medical Superi,jtenderri t, nu1goo.,
Qeneral. Ilo-spjlalt l9j5 ; Tow'ship N'Iedicaf officer r, Thayet'ryo civil unsuitrl. i9?5 ;
Tgy":lrip llledical _Offic_er I, _P-yapo1 C_ivil l{ospital, t967; Township A{edical Oni'..,r1, inr"i,
civil Hospita!, .1s9z^-69.; \'Ie.dical_superintindent, sao san.I*un Ilospital,- i'ar,-rggyi,
t<S6g-7r ; Nledical Suirerintendent, L{andalay General I{ospital,
l[entberskip o.f Societies.-Burma Nltedical Association.

i tS6._T:5:,,9,-,1{.B.,
19z6 rn Katha.
B.S. (Rgn.), D.1\{.R.D. (Erg.), F.F.R. (E"g.). Radiologist ; bo,r June rr,
Edttcaliott.-I{atriculated: (lovcrnruent A.Y. School, Iiatha, r-g.rr;.\'t.B., 8.S., gliversity
of Rangoon, r9j3 ; D.\,1.R-\. conjoint
_Board^of the Royai' colleges'oi i;rriri.l*r^r"a
Surgecns, England, 196o; F.F.R., England, 1968.

i;raining.-St. Barthoionierv's Hospitai, London in Diagnostic Racliologl', r958-6o ; Nationai
tlospital lbr Nervous Diseascs, London iu Neuro-Radiologl , r95o ; tlnitecl Ilristol IJcspital,
Bristol in Diagnostic Radiologv, 1967; Hospital Lbr Sicli Chiltlren in Paeiliatric l{adiology,
1967 ; Frcnchy' Hospital, Bristol in Neuro-Racliolcgv, 1967 ; General Hospital, Bristol, in
Cardiac Radiology, r967 ; St. Bartholomerv's Hospital, Lond<-rn, in Ger.reral i{adiolog-v, ig58 ;
Brompton Chesi Hospital, London in Chest Radiology, 1968- ; National Hcart Hospitaln
London in Cardiac Radiology, 1968.
[inrployment.-Radiologist, l,landalay (]eneral Flospital, ry62_67; I-ecturer in li.atliology,
Faculiy of \{edicine, L.fliversity of llandalay, r9(tz-67; Itadiologist, Rangoou. General
Hospiial, r968- ; Ilonorary Lecturer in Radiology, Board of Post-graduatc Nleclical Stuclies,
r 968-.
llll emb er ship of S o cietie s.-Burma Nledi cal Associati on.

Ilentbership of Coatmittear.-_Member, Radiological Protection Committee, \[inistry of Health,

r964-65 ; ilimber, Organizing Clommittee for training course in Radiology, Direcioratc of
Health, r97o-7r.
Con;fet,ences.-Attendecl British \Iedical Association Annuai Conference, r967.
Current researclt work.-C'.hrtluria and its radiological appearances.
I'ublications.- r. Ko I(tt (rC6:). Symposium on cerebrovascular accidents. r. Radiology
in cerebrovascular accidents. Burma med. J. tr, zr-z; ; z. Ko I(o, (1963). I{adiological
asilects of gastrointestinal haemorrhage. Bunita med. J. rt, 155-16o..3. Ko I(o, (195^6),
Statistical survey of peptic ulccr. Bumm nrcd. J. 14,89--9r. +. d4,'J.6o:: (cgGl)r, nrr59f
u6d$5r"\"ag g,-,5e; :: -crr3c,5c,cr:u.
rr s o :o ?eo ?c' rr r I ?c?*i c0 ri

r97. Ko Ko Gyi, U, Ph. D. (Utah). Bacteriologist; Burma Pharmaceutical Industry, Gyogon.

r98. Ko Ko Hla, U, NI.B., B.S. (Rgn.), l\I.R.C.P. (UK). Physician/Flaematolcgist ; Assistant
Surgeon, North Olikalapa General Hospital, Rangoon.

rgg. Ko Lay, Major, N'I.B., B.S. (Rgt.), D.M.R.D. (E"g.). Racliologist ; bom N{ay zo, i93o in
Education.-Matriculated : Governmerrt I{igh School, Shu'ebo, r946 ; 1\'I.8., B.S., University
of Rangoon,r954 ; D.NI.R.D., Conjoint Board of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons,
Ilngland, r96,1.

T'raining.-King's College Hospital, London in radiologv.

Employment.-NIedical Olficer (Lt.), No. 7, Field Ambulance Meiktila, 195+-55 ; Ntedical
Officer (Capt.), Base Military Hosirital, Mingaladon, 1956 ; Medical Officer, O.C. No. 7,
Combined I'Iobile Surgical and X'ray LInit, \{ingaiadory t957-58 ; \{edical Officer, O.C. NIass
Nliniature X'rav Unit, Mingaladon, 1958--6r ; Radiologist (Major), No. z, Base l{ilitary
Hospital, Maymyo, i964-68 ; Radiologist, No. 2, Military Hospital, Rangoon, 1969-.
n/I e ntb er ship of S o cie ties.-B urma Medical Association.
Nlembership o.f Contmittees.--Jt. Secretary, Burma Radiological Association.

2oo. Ko Lay, U, M.B., B.S. (Rgt.), D.O. (Eng.). Ophthalmologist ; born liebruary 27, rg31 in
Eflucation.-\Iatriculatecl : State High School, Nl[onyr,va, r95o; 1\'I.8.,8.S., tJniversity of
Rangoon, 1957 ; D.O., Conjoint Board of the Ro1'al Collegcs of Pl'rysicians and Surgeous,
Dngland, rr,16o-6r.
Training.--lnstitutc of 0phthalrnology-, London, 196o-6r ; T'rachoma Control Pilot Project
in Inclia and Thailand in the control of trachoma, t963.

Empktynient.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Anti-\rD Campaign, Rangoon, r958-59 ; Civil Assistant
Surgeon, Eye Department, Rangoon General Hospital, ig5g4o I on'cte-p"utaiion to the UK o1
a st:rtes scholarship, t9_69-6t;Civil Assistant Surgeon, llve Departrnint, I{angoon General
Llospital, ry6t-a6z ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Pakokku Civil Hospitai,
ry62-6q; C"ivil Assistant
Surgeon, Eye Department, Rangoon General Hospital, ry6y65 ; Regional Trachoma Oflicer,
Ttaclroma ( ontrol l)rcrject, Region II, Meiktila, igO5 -.
llll e nb er s ltip of S o ciet i e s..
-Burma Nledical Association.
C'urren.t researdt zaor,t.-Causes of blindness in Burma.
Publications.- r. Ko-Gvr and Ko Lav (r968). The eye in lon-institutionirl cases of lcprcsy
[]nia of Burtna J. l.ife Sci., r, 37r--375. z. I(o Lty (r963). Causes of blindness in Bunni
Llnion of Burnru J. Lifu Sci. r,8S-82.

zor.-Kyaw, u,_ NI.B.,B..q, (RBn.), P.i..H.- (Eng.)r P._PH. (Lond-). Industrial Health specialist/
Fublic Health Specialist ; born April 6, ry34 in Mutha, Shwebo District.
Education.-\llatricuiated : shwebo state High school, rg5o ; M.8.,8.s., University of
Ilangoon, rg58 ; D.LFI. ancl D.P.H., Royal Institute of PubliC lJealih, l,ondon, r967.

Trqinis. British Raihvavs Board and Research Organization in British Raih,vays ; Cunard
Shipping l,incs, London 'I'ratrsport Bozrrd \Iedical Services, B.O.A.C. htedical-Se6.-ices in
industrial health, r969.
Enplttymen-t.-Railway Assistant_Surgcon, Burma Railways, Rangoon, r958 ; Railway Assistant
Surgeon, Burma Railu,ays, Mouhnein, r958-59-; Railway Assistant Surgeon, Burmi Railu,ays,
f{angoon, L95S-6+ ; Senior Railway- Assistant Surgeon, Burma Railwqvs, Ntvitgne, ry64-6"5 ;
S_cirior Raihv_ay Assistant Syrgeon, Burma Raihvays, Rangoon, ry65*7r ; Deputy Assista"rit
Director of llealth, Central I)ivision, ltangoon, r97r; Hotorary Lecturer in Oicupational
I{ealth, Instituteof [{edicinez,Rangoon, tgTrtodate;LecturerinPublicHealth(Part-tirne),
Institute of Nledicine r, Rangoon, ry72-.
Xlember shi'p of Societ ies.-- Burrna \{edical Association.
llllemberslip af Conunittees.-Secretary, Occupational Ifealth Sub-Committee, Burma Medical
Association ; \[ember, Socia.l and Preventive N{cdicine Sub-Committee, Burma Nledical
Publications.-I{vaiv, MauNc (rS6q). Control of l.eprosy in Burma. D.P.Il. disserration.
Urriversity of London.
Address.-q8, Ava Street, Kyaukmyaung, Rangoon.

202. Kyarv.{rlng, U, 1VI.B.,B.S. (Rgr,.), D.N{.R.D. (E"C.). Radiologist; born June z(t, rgzg.
Education. st
-I'fatriculated: John's l)iocesan Bovs'school , 1916 l,{.8.,8.S., Lrniversitv of
Rango,;ni r953, D.M.R.D., Conjoint Board of the Royal Collegesof PhysiciansandSurgeons,
Englancl, rg-57.
Training.-In Neurological radiology in England, ry62-63.
Employment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, r95+-58 ; Radiologist, Rangoon Gencrai Hospital,
XI emb er s ki.1t oJ' S o ciet ie s.-B urrna Medical Association.
Puhlicalions.-Lust<, ,I. W. ancl I(y,trv Aurc (r96o). Four cases of hiatus l.rernia rvith a note of
the rnethods of dentonstrating a iriatus hernia. Bunna med. J.8, ror-rro. z. IiyewAuxc
(rS6S). Radiological aspects of rheumatic heart disease. Burma tned. J. t3, zq 27.
Address. '-23,+, U \\Iisara Road,Rangoon.

Khaing, !, l!.B_,PrS- (Rg"). D.P.H. Public Health Specialist : Divisional Health
Ofiisql, Rangoon Health Division.

2o4. Kya$ Khin, Major. M.B.,B.S. (Rgn). Orthopaedic Surgeon ; born February r8, ryzg irr
Educatlon. -Matriculared: Pre-university School, Rangoon, r946 ; N{.8.,8.S., Llniversity of
Rangoon, ;.954.
Tra.initry.--Rangoon General Flospital in Orth<-rpaedic and traumatic surgery, ry67-68; Ortho-
paedics anrl Traumatology in Oxford and Hongkong, tgTo-7t.
Employntent.-General Duty Medical Ofiflcer, Base Military Hospital, Mayr-r.ryo and Ba Htu l{yo,
ryS+-6g ; Orthopaed;c Surgeon, No. z Military Hospital, Rangoon, tg6g-.
Adtiress.-5o. z Militr.ry Hospital, Godrvin Road, Rangoon.

2o5. Kfraw Kyaw, U, M.E.,B.S. (Ilgn.), F.R"C.S. (Ed.) Surgeon (Urology).

zo6. Kyaw Lwin, U, N{.ts.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.P.H. (Canada). Leprologist and Public Health
Specialist; born February r, rg3z in Rangoon.
Etlucation.-l\'Iatriculated : Teachers' Training College School, Rangoon, r949 ; N{.B.,8.S.,
Unir.ersity of Rangoon, 1957 ; D.P.H., Urriversity of 'Ioronto, r96r.
'l'raining.-Attended \1'HO Regional training course in ieprosy control in Bangkok, Thailand,
Empl.oyment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, State Special Skin Disease Sanatorium, Htaukkvant,
rg58-52 ; Regional Leprosy Office, Directorate of Health Services, t96z-66 ; Assistant
Director of Health Services (Leprosy Control), Rangoon, lt166-.
Membersldp oJ Societies.-Burma Medical Association ; International Leprosl, Association.
Il[emberslrip of Committees.-WHO Erpert Advisory Panel on Leprosy.
Conferencesf Study Tours.--Study Tour of British Medical Research Council and Leprosy
Control Centres in Nigeria ; Leprosv Reconstructive Surgery Centres in India, r96r ; Attended
gth lnternational Ccngress in Leprosy, London and visited Institute of Leprosy, Trillo, Spain,
Address.-r5/B, Pyidaungsu Yeiktha, Dagon P.O., Rangoon.

zo7. I{,yaw Lynn, U, N{.I1.,8.S.(Rgt.), F.R.C.S. (Ecl.), F.R.C.S. (Glas.). Uroiogist; Lecturer in
IJrology, I)epartment of Surgery, Institute of Vledicine r, Rangoon and Urologist, Rangoon
General Hospital.

zo8, Klraw Maung, U, iVI.B.,B.S. (Rg,-r.), F.R.C.S. (Ed.). Generai Surgeorr/Gastro-eriterological

Su':geon ; borr I)r:cen,ber 46, ry26 rn Kyaukpvu.
Editcrttiott.- Matriculated : Rangoon, r943 ;\tI.B.,B.S., flniversityof Rangoon,rg5o ;F.R.C.S.,
Eclrnbr,rgh. r9;5.

lln,ploj,nu:nt.--Civil Assistant Surgeon, \{aymyo Civil }Iosirital, rg5o-52; on study leave

t9:;3- 55 ; Cir,il Assistant Surgcon, I{angoon General Hospital, r955-56 ; Surgeon, Rangoon
Gcnerai Ilospital, r95(,; Surgeon, \llandalav General Llospittrl, r957-58;Lecturer in Surgery,
r958-59 ; iiurgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, r9-59 ; Profcssor of Clinical Surgery, Institute
of r, r959--.
l[t;nhershi.p of Societici.-Burma Ntedical Association ; Burma Red Cross Society.
Cotferance,;f Study Tours.-\VliO fellowship to India, and LIK to study medicaleducation, r969.
Cttirent *e:eartlr wcrk. -C,hronic peptic ulcer ; cirrhosis of the liver ; carcinoma of the liver.
Puliicctions..-r. F.varv 14euNc $96z). Gastro-intestinal haemorrlrage : surgical managetnent.

B*y? med. J. ro, qz-q6'. z. Kvew \{euNc (rSE). Acute intestinal obsfructio* Burnrd
m.ed. J. tS, rg-22. 3. Kvm Pew, Kvew l\tlaun:c, Lr.-Cor. MyrNr AuNc and AuNc NyuN'r
(rS6S). Survey of gastro-duodenal haemorrhage. Lrnion of Burma J. I.ife. Sci. z, rr5--rzo.
zo'9. fyaw Min, U, N{.8.,8.S. (Rgn.). D.P. & T.M. (Rg".). Public Health Specialist; born
II{.ay z4 rg3z in Moulmein.
Education.-Matriculated : Teachers' Training College School, r95o ; M.B.,B.S., IJniversity
of Rangoon, 196r ; D.P. & T.M., Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon, r97o.
T'raining.-Attended course in Occupational Health sponsored by the Burma Medical
Association, r97r.
Employment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Sadon Civil Hospital, ry62-63 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
Kyaukpyu Civil Hospital, ry63-65; Lecturer, Heaith Assistant Training School ry65-.
fi[ ember ship of S ocietie s.-Burn: a Medical Association.
Current resemch ztork.--Community health care ancl clemography of Aung San lVlyo Area.
Publications.-Kvew MIN (rSZo). Schoal llealth : Helmintltic infestations in Aung San Myo.
D.P.&'I.M. dissertation. Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon.
aro. Kyaw Min, U, NI. Pharm. (Leningrad). Pharmacist ; born Novernber 24, 1944 in Wakema,
\llvaungmya District.
Education.-M. Pharm., Leningrad, Chernico Pharmaceutical Institute, 1965-7o.
Entployment.-Pharmacology Research Division, Burma Medical Research Institute, rgTo--.
C ur r e nt r e s e ar ch zts or k.- Chemical invest iga tion. of p lant ag o maj or.
Publications.-Kverv MIr-.I (rSZo). Synthesis and ?roperties of the derioatioes of butadion (r.z
diphenyl 4 N butyl 3.5 diketopyra zolidin). M. Pharm. thesis. Chemico Pharmaceutical Institute,
Address.- 28, Thura Street, South Okkalapa.

arr. Kyaw Myint, U, M.B.,B.S- (Rgr,.), D.T.M. & H. (Liverpool), D.T.C.D. (Wales). Tuber-
culosis specialist ; born January 9, r93o in Rangoon.
Edacation.-Matriculated : State High School, ry46; M.B.,B.S., Llniversity of Rangoon,
:9s3 ; D.T.M. & H., Liverpool School of Tropical N{edicine and Hygiene, 196o ; D.T.e.D.,
' University of Wales, 196r.
Training.-Tuberculosis Research Institute, Berlin, GDR, in tuberculosis control and adminis-
tration, r964.
!ryp_loytent.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, 1953-54 ; Team Leader,
BCG Team, Akyab, Paletwa and Myaungmya, 1954-57 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Bassein
Civil Hospital, ry57-6t ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Office of the Civil Surgeon (West), Rangoon,
rgfu-62; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Moulmein Divisional Hospital, ry62 ; Civil Assistant
Surgeon, Union Tuberculosis Institute, 196z-65 ; f)eputy Divisional AssistanJ Director cf
Health, Rangoon Division, ry65-67 ; Divisional Tuberculosis Officer, Tuberculosis Institute,
Northwestern Division, N'Iandalay, ry67-.
LI ember shipof Societies.-Burma N{edical Association.
ConferenceslStudy Tours.--Attended the WHO Seminar on Tuberculosis Control,Colombo and
visited the Chernotherapy Centre, Madras and National Tuberculosis Institute, Bangalore, r97o.
Publications.-Kver,v M:rNr $g7o). Report on a study of the case finding and operalional
aspect of the National Tuberculosis Control P_rogramme carried out on a village popirlation of
cultivators in Madaya Torvnship. Burma ntcd. J. 18, 63-69.
Address.-to , Suburban Road, Ahlone,

2r2. I(yaw Myint, U, \,{.8.,8.S. (Rgr.), \{"R.C.P. (UK). Physician; ,\ssist,rr-rt Lecturer, I)epart-
ment of \lledicine, Institute of Ntedicine, \Iandaiay.

zr3. Kyaw Myint, U, \,{.8.,8.S. (Rgr.), D.P. & T.N'L (Rgn.). Public Eleaith Specialist; born
June zz, 1936.
.F)ducu{iott.-Matricuiated: E. A. Toc{d's Uiriversal llclucation Institute, r9-5,1; }I.8.,8.S.,
Institute of Nledicine r, Ii.angoon, r964; D.P. & T.I{., Institute of Meclicinc r, I?-angoon, r97r.
Employnrcnt."-House Surgeon, Defence Serviccs Gcneral Flospital, r954-65; Dem<xstrator,
Nlicrobiology Department, Institute of N{edicine r, Rangoon, rr1(t5-7r; Assislant
Surgeon, Central iipidemiology Unit, r97r; Totvnship N{edical O1}icer, N'Iagil,e, tgt't-7z;
Demonstrator, Nticrobiology l)epartment, Institute of Medicinc r, T{angoon, r97z
Llembersltip of Societies.-Burma N{edical Association, Btrrrna Research -9ociet}, Public Flealth
Section of B.M.A.
Publications.-r. I(v.lrv l{vlNr (rgZr). Epiduniology of cholera in Bunnu.. D.P. & T.M.
dissertation. Institute of N{edicine r, Rangoon. z. Tu, n'tAR(rr\nlir', Sar-c-rMti Hr,,t-(ivav,,
I-IBNIIy ClrrN, I(v,r."v \{vrNr and Iiernlurx SaNN lllyrx'r (r969). 'l'hc hactclioiogv of the
rvatcr supirlies of Rangoon. r. Nlonsoon and post-monsoon s(rasofis. {..inian o.f lJtirrtra J. l.ife
Sci.2,233 z+r. 3. T'u, Nlencannt, 1\{. N{oNrrnn Er-Zawrnnv, l),rw Olrs I(vr, Iitux Ffu,atxe,
SeroMri IJla-Gvew, Kver,v l{vrxt, I{ernr-rrN SINN \4[yrlrr, Kr-i-Iivr-K]rrN, ALIN.I-THANN
and l,nr Lnt \VtN (rgZo). Epidemiclogical features of intestinal parasitoses in the inhabitants
of Okpo village. Union of Btsnm J. Lr.f, Sci. 3, 247-267. 4. 'fu, L[,rnceRrr', Sar-ontr Hla
Gv,lw, FtrrNny Onnx, Kvelv-[,IvrNr, Ketrr-Enn SaNN-],Iyrrr, /\-uirt; 'fu,rxx ald l{vr I(vI
I{rirN (r97o). Bacteriological findings in the chlorinatecl rrater supirlies of 1968 in Rangoon.
(Jnion of Burtna J. Life Sci. z, Sg-7o. 5. Hra Gva\tr,, SAr-or,rn, Katirt-rrti S.txN N1vtxr,
AuNc-THaNN, Iivarv 1\llvrN'r, H. CirpN and ManceHEr Tu (rq7r). Bacteriological findings
in lake, river and well water supplies of Rangoon. Llnion of Biu'tittt J. Life Sci. 4, t15 ro3.

zr4. Kyaw Oo, U, \,{.8.,8.S. (Rgn.), D.O. (Eng.). Ophthalmologist; Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat
Hospital, Rangoon.

2rS. Kyaw Sein, U, B.A. (Rgn.), \{.8.,8.S. (Rg,r.), D.T.D. (Delhi). Prrblic I'Iealth Administrator;
bcrn Octobet 3, tgz3 in Rangoon.
Education.-\{atriculated: Teachers'Training College School, r94o; 8.A., University of
Rangoon, 1946; \{.B.,B.S., University of Rangoot:,, tg4g; D.T.D., \rallaibhaj Patci Chest
Institute, Delhi, r954.
Employmettt.--Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General llospital, t()4,g-So; Civil Assistant
Srrrge,:n, Mandalay General Hospital, tgso-Sz; Civil Assistant Surgeon, T.B. Demonstration
and 'fraining Centre, rgsz-sq; 'l-cam Leader, T.B. I)cnronstration and Training Centre,
Nlandalay, r954-55; B.(1.G. Oltrcer, Directorate of Health Scrvices, Raneoon, r955-58;
Assistant Director (South), Directorate of Health Serviccs, ry\8-62; Deputy l)irector (Hospital
and Dispensaries), Directorate of Health Services, r9(re; ileputy Director (Public Health),
Directoratc of Health Scrvices, 196z-.
Jl[ cntber sltip af S ocitties.-' Burma Medical Association.
!'Iewttership of Contntiltees.-Chairman, Public Flcalth Scction, Burrna \'Icdical Associntion.
Ct;nfcrencesf Stttdv Tours.---Visited U.S.S.R., Cleylon, Rcpublic of China to stud-v PLrblic Ilealth
administration and Ncn, Dclhi for control of hlaria"
Current research zaork.-Lltilization of health services in downtou,n and suburban areas.
Adtlress.--\tteclical S'.rperintenderrt's Quarter, Central Women's IJcslritll, Rrngcon,

ar6. Kyaw Sein, U, ts.A. (Rgn.), B.D.S. (Pb.), D.D.P.II., R,C.S. (It"S.). Dental Public Health
Specialist; born Febmar], 7, 1939 in Rangoon.

St. Paui's Institute; r956; il.A., tJniversity of Rangoon, r96zi
il.D.S., Funjab Golcrnment Dt:ntal College, l'unjab University, Amritsar, 1967; D.D.P.H.,
I'Loyal Coliege of Surgeons, England, r97a.
Training.-I-Iniversity Collcge Hospital Dental School, London, Dental School Cardiff, Leeds
]Jental Schcol, N'Ianchester l)cnial Schocl and Edinburgh Dental School in teaching method
in preventive and public health dentistly atrd practical preventive methods of dental caries and
periodontal diseasc, r97o; I3irrningham Dental College and Hospital in the principles of the
conrputor, r97o,
EnQloyntent.- I{ouse Surgeon, C-'ollege of Dental Mcdicine, Rangoon, ry67-68; Demonstrator,
C)ollege of Dental N''Iedicine, Rangoon, 1968-.
Xilenfiership tf Societies.-l\'Iember of International Dental Association.
Curretit Researchll:ork.- r. A dental survey of leprosy patients at the Htaukhyaunt L,eprosy
Sanatorium. z. An analysis of cause of dental extractions among dental patients at the College
of Dental medicine betreen ry7t-2". 3. An epidemiological study on a representative sample
of Rangoon Schooi Children.
Puhlictttians.-An epidemiological study of dental and periodontal disease in a rural community
in Burma. r. Age-t-lnion
and sex pattern of dental causes, periodontal disease, oral hygiene and
attrition indices. of Burn;a J. Life,Sci. 3, z69-287.

zt7. Kyaw Sein, U, NI.B.,B.S. (Rg..), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist; born August r5, rg35 in
Educatiott.-\latricul;,ted: State High School, Pyinmana, r953; M.8.,8.S., University of
Rangoon, i963; D.A,, Institute of Nledicine r, Rangoon, 1968.
Employnertt.-Horlse Surgeon, I{angoon Gencral Hospital, ryQ-64; Civil Assistant, Surgeon,
Kalaw Civil Hospital, r96q-66; fownship Nledical Oflflcer II, Lauksauk, ry66-67; Civil
Assistant Surgcon, Divisional Hcspital, Lashio, tg6g-,
X[enhersltip of Societies.-Burma h{edical Association.

zr8. Kyaw Soe, Ma.ior, L"I.B.,Il.S. (Rg".). Aviation Medicine Specialist; Department of Aviation
\4edicine, Burma Air F-orce.

zrg. Ky'aw Tint, U, l{.11.,8.S. (Rg,r.), D.P.H. (Toronto), D.T.P.H. (Lond.). Public IIealth
Specillisi; born August 25, r()3a in Rangoon.
Education..-Niatriculated: I(yaukmyaung State High School, Rangoon, 1949; Nf.B.,B.S.,
University of Rangoon 1956; D.P.H., tinivcrsity of Toronto, 196o-6r; Certificate of Public
Health Administration, 1968-69, University of Toronto; D.T.P.H., University of London,
1'raittitig.--U.S.S.11. Acadenry of Science, Leningrad, Moscow and Tibilisi, U.S.S.R. in natural
foci of infeciion; Netherlands in food sanitation and hygiene and public health administration,
r97o; Stamper School 66|J1:giene, Zagreb and Rejeka City Health Department Croatia, Yugo-
slavia in organizzrfional structure and public health activities, r97o; Bulgaria, orgatizatiotal
structure, pubiic health aetivities, basic health structure and commune system, r97o,
Eniployment.-NIedical Of{icer, h{aternal anrl Child Health ancl School Health, X{andalay,
rgST-Sg; \,Icdical Oflftcer, Nllaternai and Chitrd Health and School llealth, Rangoon, ry59-fu;
Assistant Divisional Health Officer, Inseirr, ryfu-67; Divisiorral Flealth Oflicer, Bassein,
ry61 6q; Deputy.A.ssistant Director, North West Division (l{agrve), 1965 67; Deputy
Assisfant I)irector, Rangoon Hcalth Divisi<ln, Rangoon, ry67-7r; Lecturer in Prer.entive and
Social \{edicine, lnstitute of i\'Icdicine r, Rangoon, tgTt--.
l/Ientbership of Societies.-Burma Nledicai Association and the Royal Society of Hygiene,

eonferenrcsf Sttudy,.Tours.-WF,lO Conference of the birectors of Public Heaith ScLoois, Neiry
Dellri, India, r97r.
Publications.-Kvaw-T-tNr (rS6S). Study of soil infested with hookrvorm larvae in Kyaunggon
Village. Burnia med. J. rtr zrg*223.

azo. Kyaw Tun Sein, U, Ph. D. (Belgrade). Biochemist; Demonstrator, Department of

z, Rangoon.
Physiology, Institute of Medicine
a2r. KyawWin, U, N{.B.,8.S. (Rgn.), D.P. & T.n4. (Rgn.). Public Heaith Specialist; born May r5,
r935 in Taunggyi.
Educatiott..-Matriculated: Government High School, Taunggyi, 1953; M.B.,B.S., University
of Rangoon, 196z; D.P. & T.M., Institute of A{edicine r, Rangoon, 1969.

Employment.-Assistant District Health Officer, Aung San Demonstration llealth Unit and l

Training Centre, Aung San Myo, 1963-65; Township Health OfEcer, Aung San Demonstration
Health l-lnit and Training Centre, Hlegu, 1965-.
ll[ emb e r s hip of S o cietie s,-Burm a Medical Association.
Publications.--r. Kvew WIN (t969). Rural saniiation in Burma. D.P. & T.M. Dissertation.
Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon. z. KHrN HrerNG, Kvew WrN, PrrN GweN, THen LwrN,
MyrNr TueN, \l[ve TueN, Zaw WrN Gyaw, Kyr Sauxc and SurN TUN (r97o). A preliminary
report on the status of birth and death registration in rural areas. Burma med. J. 18, ror-ro4.

zz2. Kyaw Zan, lJr I\I.8.,8.S. 1ngrr.;, D.O. (Eng.). Ophthalmologist; born December r, r93r
in Yawnghwe.
Education.-Matriculated: State High School, Taunggyi, r95r; NI.B.,B.S., tlniversity of
Rangoon, r958; D.O., Conjoint Board of the Itoyai Colleges of Surgeons and Physicians,England,
Dmploynrcnt--Ophthalmologist, Divisional Hospital, Lashio.

223. Kyee Myint (a), U, NI.B.,B.S. (RSr,.), D.P. & T.M. (Rgn.). Public Health Specialist;
born July 23, tg4r in Myohla.
Educ,ztion.-Matriculated: State High School No. 2, Toungoo, ry56-57; M.8.,8.S., Institute
of Nledicine r;'Rangoon, 1966; D.P. & T.M., Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon, r97o.
Enplo-vmcnt.--Civil Assistant Surgeon, Anti-\'.D. Campaign, :,967--69 Civil Assistant Surgeon,
Anti-V.D. Campaign, f)epartment of Health, lVlinistry of Health, ry69-.
Metnbership oJ Societies.-Bunna Medical Association.
Publication.-Kvar MvrNr (rgZo). The problem of oenerea! diseases in Burma. D,P. & T.M.
dissertation. Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon.
Addreqs.-C/o U Khin Maung Nyunt, 353, Godwin Road, Dagon P.O., Rangoon.

zz4. Kyee Paw, IJ, M.B.,B.S. (Rgrr.), F.R.C.S. (Glas.), F.R.C.S. (Edin.), F.A.C.S., F.I.C.S.,
F.C.C.P., F.I.A.P. (Hon.). General and Chest Surgeon; born January ro, r9r9 in Htonbo
village, Myaungmya district.
Ilducafion.-\{atriculated: Government A.V. High School, Myaungniya, rg31; M.8.,8.S.,
Rangoon Medical College, r94z; F.R.C.S., Glasgow, 1947i F.R.C.S. Edinburgh (General
Surgery with Gynaecology), r948.
T'roining.-*Glasgow Royal Infirmary ryq6-47 in General Surgery; Edinburgh Royal Infirmary
and Simpson Memorial Hospital, ry46-+7 in General Surgery and gynaecology; Christian
Nledical College and Hospital, Vellore and L{adnapoli TB Sanatorium, r95o-5r in thoracic
surgery and surgery of pulmonary tuberculosis; Gronigen (Netherland), 1953 in thoracic

6nd cardiac surgery; iVashington b.C., Baitimore, Ciicugo, lVlinneapoiis, and [{ayo Ciinic,
1956 in thoracic and general surgery; Philadelphia, U.S.A., 1956 in cardiac surgery.
Dmptoyment.-Medical Officer, A.B.R.O., Base Military Hospital, Maymyo, r94z; Assistant
Surgeon, State Hospital Rangoon and Maternity Hospital, Rangoon, rg+z-+5; Assistant
Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, ry48-52; Consultant Surgeon, Rangoon General Flospital,
1918-52; Consultant Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, rgsz-; l,ecturer in Surgery,
Medical College, Rangoon, rg;2-Sg; Professor and Head of Depariment of Surgery, Institute
ofN{edicine r, Rangoon, 1959-.
ConferenceslStudy Tours.-All India Surgeons' Conference, Vellore, i95z; \4,'HO sponsored
tour to Moscow, Leningrad, Tibilisi, Kiev to study undergraduate medical education, r96z;
Sth Surgical Congress, Peking, 1963; WHO workshop on medical education, New Delhi,
Chandigahr, Calcutta, Dacca, 1968;WHO sponsored tour to London, Cambridge, Liverpool,
Manchester, Glasgow, Belgrade, New Delhi, Chandigahr, Calcutta to study post-graduate
medical education in r969.
llilembership of Societies.-Burma N{edical Association3 British Medical Association; American
College of Surgeons; International College of Surgeons; College of Chest Physicians; Interna-
tional Acadeniy of Proctology.
X[embership of Committees.-Burma Medical Association, Executive Committee; Burma Medical
Council; Burma Medical Registration Board; l{edical Sciences Division, Research and Develop-
ment Committee, Ministry of National Planning.
Current resea,rch zoork.-Peripherial vascular disease and tobacco; carcinoura of oesophagus.
Publications.-r. Kvrn Pew (1955). Surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.
med. J. 3 (4), rt-r7. z. OHN Kvl, f)ew, J. R..Banua and KyBa Paw (r955). Cyst adenoma
of the pancreas in an infant. Burma med. J. Z (4), zS-27. 3. Kvrn Perv, Kvarv N,IeuNc,
Lr.-Cor.. MvINr Auxc and AuNr; Nrtix'r (r96fl. Survey of gastroduodenal haemorrhage.
Union of Burma J. Life Sci. z, rr5-r2o.

zz5. Kyiru, \,{.B.,8.S, (Rg^.), Ph. D. (Glas.). Urologist; born August 23, rg2zirr Nattalin.
Education.-M.8.,B.S., tTniversity of Rangoon, 1954; Ph.D., Universitv of Glasgow, 1967.
Trahting.-Royal Infirmary, Giasgow in surgical urology.
Entployxtent record.-Assistant District Health Offlcer, Aung San Demonstration Heal1h Centre.
.\956-57;CivilAssistantSurgeon,RangoonGeneralHospital, ry57-6o;CivilAssistantSurgeon,
p-epartment of Urology, Rangoon General Hospital, ry68-7o; Head of Urology Department,
l![agwe Divisional I{ospital, tgTo- .
M emb er s ltip of S o cict ie s.-Burma Medical Association.
Current research work.-Problems in the surgical management of nephrolithiasis; an alternative
method of prostatectomv.
Publicatians.-Kvr, U (rS6l). A biological method of inoestigation into the possible pre-cancerous
potentiality of proliferatizte mucosal lesions of the bladder. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Glasgow.
Kyi Chit, Daw, 1\1.8.,8.S. (Rgn.), D. Obst. R.C.O.G. Obstetrician/Gynaecologistl born
zz6. K;yi
December 3, tgz6 in Rangoon.

Education.-Nlatriculateil: St. Georges' English High School , r946i M.B.,B.S., U;riversity of

Rangoon, 1953; D. Obst. R.C.O.G-, London, tg1i.

Erilployment-.-,\ssistant Surgeon, r9-s3-65; Assistant Lecturer in Ol:stetrics antl Gynaecology,

Institute of N{edicine r, Rangoon, ry65-.
Address.-B:urma Navy 4, Officers' Quarters, Monkey Point Rr,rad, Rangocn.

227. iKyi.Kyi iian,.Daw, i\4.8.,IJ.s. (Rgn.), D.c.t,.1lond.), D.I,ath. (]rng.). I,atiroiogist ; borri
April 27, r94r in Rangoon.
Education.-Matriculated: st. John's Convent High School , r9s7i \'I.B.,ts.s., Institu;,e of
\'fedicine.1, Rang_oor1, 1964; D.C.P., LJniversity oiLondon; D.-Fath., Coirjcint iloard of the
Itoval Colleges of Pl-rysicians and Surgeons, England, 1968.

T'raining. Lervisham l{ospital, London in clinical pathology, ry66-67; Harnr,:crsrnith l-Icspital,

l,ondon in morbid anatomy and histopathology, r958-69.
llmploymentrecord.-Llorse Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital and Central\Vonrcn'stlospital,
r-961-65; Demonstrat-or, Deitartment of Pathology, Institute-of N{edicine l, Rangoon, tg(t5-7o;
Assistant Lecturer, Dellartment of Path<llogy, Institute of Medicine r, Rango:on, ,gir-.

Ifetnbu'shi1> oJ Societies.-Association of Clinical Pathologists, London; Burma \Iedical

:lddress.- 43, Latha Street, Rangoon.

zz8. .Kyi Kyi May, D3y, \'I,R.,8.s. (Rgn.), N{.sc. (westernontaric). physiologist ; born Decern-
ber 9, r93r in N{anclalay.
Eductttion.-\'Iatric-ulated : Methodist High School, Rangoon, r949 ; NLB.,B.S., university of
Rangoon, r956 ;, university of western ontario, Londrn, canada, r965.

Qnployment.--D_emonstrator, Branch Medical Faculty, Mandalay, rgST-q; Assistant Lecturer,

D_epartment of _Physiology-, Institute of Medicine, Xllandalay, ryq:$6;iecturer, Department
of Physioiogy, Institute of Meclicine r, Rangoon, ry66- .'
Membersltip of Met{ical Association.

current researdt uork.-Role of hypothalamus in adaptation of botly funr:tion.

Publications.-r. Kvr Kvr Mev (_1961). Xletabolism in hyperphagia. Thesis, University
of Western Ontario. z. Kvr Kvt Mav and J. R. Biarorv 11966). t{etaboiic efT"cts of
plrrttmcol. *a, cir-.oso.
_rat. lrn.. j..enyi;it
hyp-erphagia-in the hypothalamic hyperphagic
3' K1{vr-}{avandJ. R. BrLrror.r (196ll). I{yperphagii in insuiin rreated rats"." p)rc. Soc.
exp. Biol. Med. tz7, tzot-rzo4.
Address.-314, Thaton Road, Universitv p.()., Rangoon.

zzg..Kyi.Lay Ngwe, Daw, ItI.B.,B.s. (Rgn.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist; born July 26,
in Akyab. ryg
Education.-Matriculated : st. Ann's High school, Akyab, r95g ; \I.8.,8.s., Institrite of
NIedici,e r, Ra.goon, ry57 ;D.A.,Institrite of Vledicine i, Rurrguorr, ,97r.
E^rnployntent.-Civil Assistant Surgeon (T,"iT l,eader),- AntiV.D. T-earn, -\hyab, r96g_69
CivilAssislant Surgeon, Saldorvay General Flospital, ,g,Og-7o; Civil AssisturrrdurJ.#, North;
Okkalapa General Hospital, rgTr- .
l,Iemberslip of Societies.-Burma \{edical Association.
Address.-64 (F), I(yapadonmar street, Block 3 (B), south okkalapa, Rangoon.

z3o. Kyi .Lirr, u, M.B.,B.s. (Rgr.), D.\{.R.D. (NIcGill). Ratliologist ; born october 2r,
r93z in Taunggyi.
Education.-\'Iatricuiated : \{voma National Iligh school , rg+g; N,I.B.,B.s. Universit, o{
Rang,rr-,r. rr149; M.l.i.,B.s., Lr,ivt,r'sity oI Rargl,on, r956; o.ii n.u., ,ii.C;ri'li,ir.r'rr,i,
Montreai, r97o.

Training.-Montreal General Hospital, Montreal, in Racliologv, ry66-7o.
Emplqtment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, ry57-66 ; on deputatior,, r)66-Jo ; Civil Assistant
Surgeon, I{angoon General Hospital, r97o ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Divisional Hospital,
Magrve, rgTo-
l[ ember sltip of S ocietie s.-Burma Medical Association.
e3r. Kyi Pe Law, U, M"I}.,B.S. (Rg"). Orthopaedic Surgeon ;born Decernber 16, 1936 in
Dducation.-Matricr.rlated : Nllethodist High School, Rangoon, r954 ; NI.B.,B.S., University
of Ra'rg;ron, r9irr.
Traittirtg.-Orthopaedic trairring at the R.angoon General Hospital, t956-6t1.
[Jmployment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, State Hospital, Loikaw, ry62-65; Acting Deputy Divi-
sional Assistant f)irector, Loiliarv, r965-66 ; Assistant Orthopaedic Srtrgeon, Bassein
Divisional l{ospital, 1969-.
illat*ersh)p of Societies. --Rurma Nledical Association.
Current resettrc,tt zlrrlr.-"luberculrsis of bcnes and joints in Burma.
StudyTours. --Study tour to Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford,
Conferencesf England,
rgTo-7t; \risited Queen Nlary Hospital, Hong I(ong, r97r.
z3z. }{ytt l(yu Swe, Daw, \,{"B.,8.S. (Rgn.), D. Obst. R.C.O.G. (Lond"), ['{.R.C.O.G. (Lond.).
C)bstetrician/Gynaecologirit ; born i\{arch 29, rgzg in Rangoon.
Elucatiou.-Vlarriculated : Private, 1946 ; \1I..8.,B.S., University of Rangoon ; 1953 ; D. Obst.
R.C.O.G., London, 196o; }{.R.C.O.G., London, 196r.
Training, group course training in recent advances in obstetrics and gynaecology
in Australia, under Colombo Plan, 1967.
Ilmployment."-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, June r954-July 1954 ;
Civil Assistant Surgeon, Ilangoon Dufi'erin Hospital, June r954-Ju11, r96r ;Part-time Tutor
in Obstetrics and Gynaecokrgv, l\{eilical College, Rangoon, June r954-July 196r ; Civil
Assisant Surgeon, Nlandalay General Hospital, Juiy rg6r-September 196z ; Part-time
Lecturer in Ohstctrics and Gynaecology, Institute of Nler-licine, Mandaiay, July 196r
Septernber r96z ; Full-timc Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, hstitute of \{edicine,
Mandalay, October rg6z-Jantary r968 ; Part-time Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Mandalay
General Hospital, November 1967 ; Full-time Professor, Departrnent of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, Institute of Medicine, Nlandalay, Irebruary 1968
Canfertncesf Stucly lsrtt.--Fifth International Congress in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sydney,
Melboume and Australia, r<)67 ; Stud_v tour to LIK (London, Edinburgh, Birmingham and
Glas3'orv), September to Novernber, r97o.
Xllembership of Societies.-Bunna X{edical Association.
l[ emher ship of C ou ncils I C omntittees.-Rurma N1[edical Council.
Publications-Kvu I(vu Swe, Dall, (rglr). Laparoscopy in Gynaecology. Burma rned. J.
t9) | r-17.

233. Kywe Thein, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgrr.), D.N. (Cal.). Nutritionist; born May 3r, rgz8 in Pegu.
Education.-Matriculated : State Post Primary School, Lanmadar.v, i946 ; M.8.,R.S., University
of Rangoon, r953 ; D.N., Calcutta, r957.
Training.-Attended WHO/FAO High Level Nutrition Trainirig Course in Thailand, 1964.
Employment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, 1953-54 ; Civil Assistant

Surgeon, Anti-VD Carnpaign, Rangoon, 1954-55 ; Assistant Nutrition Officer, Nutrition Project,
of Health Services, 196z--65; Head of l)epartment of Nutrition, Burri:ra Medical
Research Institute, ry55- .
ll[ emb er shi,c of S o ci et i e s. urma Medical Association.
Conferenceslstudy Tottrs.-Seminar on Endemic Goitre Control and observation tour to India
andThailand , ,967 iA tended the Golden Jubilee Celebration of the National Nutrition Institute,
Hyderabad as WHO iemporary adviser, 1969; Member of_WI{O sponsored study tour_to
thl United Kingdorn, Czeihoslovakia and India to discuss medical research organizatior., 1969.
Current resiarch ri,orft.-Research on growth and development of the Burmese ; Research on
protein-calorie malnutrition ; Goitre research.
Publications.-r. Cutrne, R. G., A. M. Monsnv, Kvwr-TnnrN and U Hm Pn (1959). Studies
on basal metabolism of Burmese people. 1. postgrad. med. 5. z. Moasnv, A. M., Kvws-TntrN
and Ara-Pu (ISSS). A report on incidence of anaemia of p-regnancy among Burmesg :v_omql.
Burrua med. j. i-$), 3' KvuT -TnEIN, A. NI. Monscv, TIN TIN Oo and Hre Pa
"ll-"25. Proc.
(ro6r). Ana'ernla in'p.eer,an"y. Burma nrcd. Res. Sor.3, zt--26.4. Hra-Pr, U, A. M.
iVlruJu", Kvwe-Tnrw uia tri.r TrN Oo (196r). Species cliflerence in carotenoids contents of
banana. Burma med. -f . g, 163--168. 5- Hr.e-Pr, TIN TrN Oo, Kvwn-Tsrm and A. M.
Moessy Qg6z). Papei electrophorytic study of^seru_m protein in hea-lthy_ Burmese .adu-lt1.
Burita r"ia.7. rot93-99. 6. Hm Pe, T'rN TrN Oo, Kvws-TH,rrN l"d 4. NI..N{oessv $96z).
Carotene ,nf, ascoibic acid content in various types of mango (hlangifera Indica). Proc. Burma
med. Res. soc. 4r+7-5r. 7. cHrrRE, R. G., A. L{. Monsnv, Kywr-TurrN and Hre Pn (196z).
Nutri:ional studies in-Burma. Blood estimation on healthy adult males. Burma med. J. r0.,
r-5. 8. Kvwri-TnrrN and- TrN-Tri.r-Oo (rq6S): Urinary thiamine excretion in casual
urirft samples in Burmese subjects. Abstract. tst Burma med. Res. Corrf.p.3. 9. TIN Tli'r Oo
content of various strains of rice. Abstruct. rst Burnta
and Kvwa Tnr:rN (196S).
. p. i<j.
-lo. Thiamine
Kywr-TsuN, TueNn-Tor, TrN tqr Oo and Kurx-Knrx-Twev
med. Res. Conf
(rq68). e stuav of infantile beriberi in Rangoon. Union of Burma J. LiJe Sci. r, 0z-95.
irl (vwB-tHrtN, KurN-KHIN-TwAY, Tm-TrN-Oo and KHIN-MAUNG-NAING (r968). Studies
on the thiamine level of breast milk of some Burrnese mothers. {-rnion of Bunna J. LiJe Sci.
r, ro4-2o8. rz. Kyws TuElN, TIN TIN-Oo and KuIN-KHIN-Tw Y (1968). Urinary thia-
rriine'excretion in pregnant mothers. Union of Burtna l. trfe Sci.. t, 337--340.. 13. KUIN-
N{.quNo-NetNc, Tin-TIN-Oo, Kvwr-TserN (rq6S). Anti-thiamine activity in Burmese
fish. (Jniol of Bwma J. Lite sci. z, $ -66. t+. Krrrx-I(ulx-Tu,.tv, 'IlN-Tn-Oo,
KnrN-N4agNc-i\arNc and-Kv*r-TurirN (1969)l Comparative study of thiamine levels in
the nraternal and cord blood. (hion of Burma J. Life Sci. z, t37-t+t, r5. Kvwa-THcrN-
Knll-KullrTwev, of thiamine
TrN-TrN-C)o and KnrN-MeuNc-Nerxc (rS6S). Effect
suuolementation on thiamine content of human milk. Union o.f Burma J. I-ife Sci. z, zo5-2o8.
16l ' Kvil,E-Trr'rN and KurN-N{euNc-NaINc (rS6q. Efl'ect of iodised oil on thyroid size
and urinary iodine excretion. Union of Burma 1.*L;1u Sci. z,:.8:--SS0._ 17. I(Y!VE-1'HEIN,
TrN-TrN-Oo and KHiN-1\{AIING-NAING (rgZo). Thiamine nutriture of Burmese. Union ol
Buyma 7. I.ife Sci. 3, r-5r-r54. 18. Kyrva-Tur,.lN, I(uIs-flauNc-Natxc cnii KttIN-Kvr-
NyuN'r (,SZD. EndcrniCgoitre in Burma. Ltnion of Burnta J. I ife Sci. 4, rt7-tzr.
Addr es s.- -z 4, ro4th : Street; Rangoon.

234. Thomas E., I\{.A. (Cantab.), M.B, B.Ch. (Can1ap,), }{-.R:C.S (Frg-.), L:R.C.P.
* Larnech,'Physician-General
(Lond.). N{edicine/Venereologist/Industrial Health Specialist; born October
tz, tgoz in Rangoon.
Education.-Matriculated : Ley's School, Cambridge i B.A., Cambridge University, r9z4 I
M.B.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (L-ond.), ry27 ; M..A, Cambridge University, B.Ch. Cambridge
Ljniversity, r9z8 ; N{.8., Cambridge University, 1937.
1'rahing.--Cambridge University and St. Thomas' Hospital, London in general medicine and
Venereal tiiseases, rgz4-28.
Dntployment.-Honorary Medical Officer, Venereal Diseases Departrnent, Rangoon__General
Floipiial, ryzg-36 ; \{idical Officer, Venereal Diseases Department, Rangoon General Hospital,
(Resigned iro- ment Service, India, in 1944), ]936-1? I Lecturer in Venereology,
ilu.,g6o.t Medical College, ry38-42; Chief Medical OfEcer, Rangoon Etectric Tramrvay
Supfly, Rangoon Electrii Supply Board and Electric'supoly Board, ry46-6r.
M e mt' er hip of S o cie t i e s.-Burma' \{edical Associat ion.

Address.--45, 45th Street, Rangoon.

235. Lao, R., Lt.-Col., M.B.,B.S. (Luck.). Orthopeadic Sut'geon ; born December 12, rg2r in
Education,-NI.B.,B.S., Lucknorv, r 947. of Liverpool in Orthopaedics, r 95 r-53.
EmplojrylsTls.--Orthopaedic Surgeon, Defence Services General Hospital, Nlingaladon.
Address.--3, Ady Roacl, Kaba Aye P.O., Rangoon.

236, Latt, U, ]I.8.,B.S. (Rgrr.), D.P.H. (Cal.). Public Health Specialist; born November 3o,
rgo5 in Kyauktan, Hanthawaddy district.
Education.-Matriculated: rgzz; \[,8.,B.S., University of Rangoon, r93o ; D.P.H., Calcutta
University, r936.
Training.-All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Calcutta, India.
Etnployment.-Assistant District HealthOfficer, r9i1-36; Health gffice1, [4aymyo,'1936-
33iDistrict Health Officer, 1938-48; Assistant Director of Health. Services, tg48-5zi
Deputy Director of Health Services, tg5a-57 ; Director of Health Services, 1957*59.
Decorations and Awar ds.-Tkirt) Pyancki.
Conferenceslstudy Tours.-\xiHO Regional Conference, Bandung, Indonesia,. r95^z ; WHO
Regional Conference, Barrgkok, Thailand, r953 ; WHO Assembly_ and Committee
meeting, Geneva, Slvitzerland, 1955 ; WHO Assembly, Geneva, Switzerland, 1956.
Address.-rt, Shan Road, Sanchaung, Rangoon.
237Latt,Noeline, M.B.,B.S. (Rgt.), M. Phil. (Lond.). Pharmacologist; born December 25,
rg4o in l,{andalay.
Education.-Matriculated : St. Joseph's Qonvent, Mandalay, 1956 ; 1Vl.B.,B.S-,_University _of
Rangoon, 1963 ; \{. I,hil., St. Thomas Hospital Medical School, University of London, 1969.
Training.-St. Thornas Hospital N,Iedical School, University of London in Pharmacology,
Ilmployment.-House Surgeon, N{andalay General Hospital, ryQ-64 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
Civil ilospital, Thayetmy6 , ry6y65 ; Dimonstrator, Department of Pharmacology,_Institute of
Medicine, Marrdaliy, ig65-66; Demonstrator, Department of Pharrnacology, Institute of
Medicine t, Rangoon, tg6g- .
Illentbership of Societies.-Burma N4edical Association ; Royal Society of Medicine, L,ondon ;
Society for Drug Research, London.

Puhlications.-i. Lerr, l{., J.J. Itippry and Il. S. Srricr,y (r968). Mo.roarnrr" oxidase activitjl
of platelets. Brit. J. Pltarmacol. 3zt 427 p. z. L,+rl, N. (1969). The nwtabolistn of tryptamine
by mamwalittn platelets and its rttotliJications hy 'r,ariotts drugs. 1\,I. Phil. Thesis, University of
Address,-t6-F, R.LT. Estate, Gyogorr, Insein.

238. Lay Maung, U, M.B.,B.S.(Rgrr.), D.P. & 'f.N,I. (Rgo.), D.P.H. (Glas.), \{.Sc. (Lond.).
Public Health Specialist ; born August 28, t935 in lVlonywa.
Education.-N{atriculated: St. Pqter's I{igh School, N1landalay, r95z; M.B.,B.S., IJniversity of
ftangoon, r96r ; D.P. & T.M., Institute of Nledicine r, Rangoon, i967 ; D.P.H., University of
Qlasgow, r97o ; NI.Sc. (Public IJealth), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
I,Jniversity of London, r97r.
Training.-Plague Serninar and Training course, Vlandalay, sponsored by WHO, January,
r969 ; Cholera Seminar and Training Course, I{angoon, sponsored by WI{O; General Registrar's
Oflice, L,ondon, July-September, rgTo in vital statistics and population census ; \\IFIO Training
Course on Flealth and l\{anpower Planning, Anduja Stamllar Sctrool of Public Health, Zagreb,
Yugoslavia, September, r97r.
Employment record.-Assistant District Ftrealth Oflicer, I1[andalay, July, r963-January, r965;
Assistant Divisional Health Officer, North-\Vest l)ivision, Manda1ay, February rg65-October
r9rc7 ; Assistant Lecturer in Public Health Administration, School of Preventive and Tropical
\'Iedicine, Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon, October r967-Septcrnber r969; Head of Depart-
ment of Public Health Administration, School of Preventive and Tropical }tledicine, Institute of
l\{edicine r, Rangoon, rgTt-- .
Study l'ours.-Epidemiology of carcliovascular diseases, Fec'leral Institute of Public
Health, Belgrade, Yugoslavia; teaching of public health to post-graduate students, Al1 India
Ilstitute of Public Health, Calcutta, India, September r97r ; organization and teaching to
D.T.I.'I. & H. students, Bangkok School of il'ropical \,Iedicine, Bangkoh, Septernber r97r ;
Post-graduate teaching in Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Bangkok, October r97r ;
organization of D.A.P. & E. course, Institute for Nledical Research, I{uala Lumpur, Malaysia,

October rgTt; trainirlE of para-medical personnel, Institute of Public Health, Kuala Lumpur,
lIalalsia, October r97r.
Membership of Societies.-Burma Nledical Associatiorr ; Royal Society of Tropical Medicine
and tlygiene.
I[enrbership of CouncilslContmittees.-T)istrict Leprosy Relief Association, \{andalay (Assistant
Secretary, t96,1-65) ; \l[aternal and Child Welfare Society, Vlandalay (Additional Secretary,
ry65-66) ; District Health Supervisory Committee, l\{airdalay district (Assistant Secretary,

Cu'rent reseat'ch. worh.-Utilization pattern of the Township Hospital, Kvaukse Township ;

health conditions of the people living in rural areas of Syriam to determine the best planning
model for the provision of health care facilitics r.l'ithin the framework of existing resources.

Publicutions.--r. LAy N'IauNc (rS6Z). Rural tlealtlt Centre work in Burma. D.P, & T.M.
dissertation, Institute of Medicinc r, tr{angoon. z. Tuar Pt, Z. SrsTai<, Ley \1[auuc and
KruN NIauNc f,wtN (1969). Study of smoking habits of school children in Rangoon. Union
o.f Burma J. Life Sci. z, 353-357. 3. Heev, Daw, \{. NloNorrr Er-Zeweuny, Lev nIeuNc,
Daw OirN Kvr, R. Sr:tN Dwr, THaN SrIx, Lrlv Tonc, KurN Men lllen, N1[ele N1[auNc, lVlve
h{ve LrN and Kvew Wrx (r97o). Epidemiological investigations of parasitoses in Dayebo
village, I'Ilegu Torvnshil'r. Llnion o;f Btumtt J. Life Sci. 3, z9tl-3o7.4. Lev M-q,uxc (rgZo).
An e1:itleiniological surztey of intastinul. parasitic inlection i.n a rural comnrunity near Rangoon.
D.P.H. dissertation, Univcrsity of Glasgorv. 5. Lav \,IauNc (rSZr). Methods of obtaini,ng
tital statistics frorn rural areas witlt particuldr reference to Burma. M.Sc. Thesis, University of
London. 6. Tlrnl Pa, Z. Srstnr, Lav \'I.q,urrc and liurN \{eriNc LwrN (r97r). Flospital

utilization survey 6f ths l{legu llospital. Union of Burma.J. I'ife Sci..4r 1z7 136' 7',LlY
MauNc (tglt).
"Nlortality fr6m carc'inoma of the .,t"t.t.. An international cohort studv.
Brit. J. ?rea. slc. I[ed.25, r86 -r9r.
Address.-16, 87th Street, Rangoon.

z3g.Le Le Win, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D. Obst. R.c.o.G. (Lond.). Obstetriciat; born
February z, rgzS in Rangoon.
Eilucation.-Matriculated: Burmese X{ethodist Etrigh School , $46i M'B.,B.S., University of
Rangoon, r9S4; D. Obst. R.C.O.G., London, rgsg.
Training.-Attended WHO sponsored course on Development and Flealth Planning, Rangoon,
Employment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Mate_rnity.and Child Health Centre, Yankin, '95J-58;
CiJil Assistant Surgeon, Mandala! General Hospital, ry56-57 Civil Assistant Surgeon-,-Tower
Lane \llaternity Sfl"tt"i, 1958-6o; Assistant Medicai-Superintendent r, Central Women's
Hospital, Rangoon, ry62*.
Membership of Socicties.-Burma Medical Association; Red Cross Society.
-Section, of Commiilees.-Member, Executive Committee, Obstetric and-Gyna^ecology
drrrriru Medical Association; l\{ernber, Executive Committee, Red Cross Society,
Addr ess.-Central Women's Hospital Compound, Rangoon'

Lewis, G. R., NI.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.T.C.D. (Wales), D.T.NI. & H. (Liverpool). Tuberculosis
- Specialist;
born December e6, r93i in Rangoon.
Education.--Matriculated: St. Par-rl's High School, r95oi M.q.,B.S., University of .Rangoon,
i957j O.T..C.D., University of Wales, r'96z; D.T.M. Or H., University of Liverpool, 1963.
Training.-Brornpton Hospital, London in Chest diseases, r96r.;Abergele Hospital, Abergele,
North 'Wales in Tubercrrlosis and chest diseases, t96";'Aintree Hospital, Liverpool in
tuberculosis and chest diseases, 1953.
Employment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, B.C.G. Team, Toungoo, r958; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
B.i.i. Team, Falarn, r958-59; eivil'Assistant Surgeon, B^'.Cr9.. Team, Sagaing, 1959; Civil
Assistant Surgeon, nu"goo""G"neral Hospital, 196o-6r; Cilil Assistant Surgeon, Torvnship
Elospital, Wet"let, r96r;"Civil Assistant Surgcon,-Rangoon-9"1:t4 Hospital, ry63-64; Civil
Assiitani Surgeon, ilrrio.r Tuberculosis Irrsiitute, ry6q-661_Civit Assistant, Surgeon, T.B.
Hospital, Aurig San NIyo, r966-67; Civtt Assistant Suigeon, T.B. Clinic, Mandalay, 1967-69;
T.B. specialist, Sao San Htun Hospital, Taunggyi, tg6g-'
X[embership of Societies.-British 'Ilberculosis Association; Royal Society of Public l{ealth;
Burma Medical Association.
ConJerences ,stutly Tours.-Attendetl Conference on the fight against tuberculosis in developin^g
.or"nt.i., ai the institute of Chest Diseases, Berlin-Bugh, German Democratic Republic, r968.
Current resea.rch zar.trk.-A. survey of the incidence of sputum_ positive tubcrculosis cases in a
Shan viliage; the reliability of sputum microscopy_ in de-tecting pulmorrary tuberculosis; the
incirlence of'pulmonary tutcrc,losis in the Shan States for the yeats, rgTo-71.

Publications.-r. Lrwrs, G. R. (r967). Standardization of second line-dr]gs in-the treatment

of pulmonary tuberculosis . Ilirki inrd. 1. ,5, 13\ -.r31' 2' LD$'Is, G' R' (t966)' Rehabili-
tation of T.B. patients in industry. Burrna med. J. r4, r3-r5'
Lirrr, Matthew, N,I.B.,B.S. (Rg,-t.), D.O. Qing.). Ophthalmologist; Assistant f'ecturer in
- Ophthalmology,
Institute of Medicine, Mandalay.

.12. Lrurn Wai, U, M.B.B.S. (Rgn.), D.P.H. Public Health Specialist; Assistanl Director of
Health, Rangoon Health Division, Department of Health.
z,43. Lwin, Betty, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.M.C.W. (Cal.), D.P.[I. (Lond.). Public Health Specialisr;
born June 3c., tgzT in Toungoo.
Education.-Nlatriculated: British Nlilitary Administration School, 1946; M.B.,8.S., University
of Rangoon, 1954. D.M.C.W., All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Calcutta
1958; D.P.H., tondon School of Hygiene and Tropical N{edicine, University of London, 196r'
Employment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Maternity and Child Health and School Health Services,
Rangoon and Rangoon Division Health Services, tg55-67, Divisional Health O{ficer,
Office of the Divisional Assistant Director, Central Division, Rangoon, 1967-.'
M emher s hip of S o c i et i e s.-Burma Medical Association.
Publications.-I-wnv, Bulrv (196r). Il{aternity and child health sseroices in Rangoon D.P.H.
clissertation, University of London.
A,ldress,- 6z-A, Golden Valley Road, Rangoon.


,-., --. M
244t. M^ Ma Tin, Daw, NLB.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.C.H. (Lond,), D. Obst. R.C.O.G. (Lond.). Paedia-
trician, born February 7, rgzz in Sandoway.
High School, Sandor.vay, 1938;
of Child Health, London, r955;

Training.--Institute of Cirild Health, London, in paediatrics r953-55; Institute of Obstetrics

and Gvnaecology, Lr;ndon, r955-56; Newcastle-upbn-'Iyne, Sristoli ind Lon<lon on advanccd
training in the teaehing of liaediatrics, April-November, 1965.
lmploymsl1.-House Physician, Rangoon Gcneral Hospital, April-July, r95o; Civil Assistant
Surgeon, Central Wonren's Flospital, Rangoon, August, r95o to Octotrer rglz; Civil Assistant
!_urggon, Rangoon General IJospital, Octcber-November, r95z; House Physician, Children's
Hospital, !rydford, Yorkshire, England, November r953-May 1954; House physician, St.
Clement's_-Hospital, I ondon, August r954-February, r955; Civil As.sistant Surgeon, Rangoon
(ieneral llospital, August-september 1956; Civit Aisistant Surgeon, Cen-tral Wonien's
Hospital, Rangoon, Septeml,.er r956-September r958; Part-time Lecturer in Obstetrics and
Gynaecoiogy, Institute of X{eclicine r, Rangoon, September r957 -October r959; Consultant
Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Central Women's Ilospital, Rangoon, Octobei r958-October
]959; Fart-time Lecturer and Head of Department of Chiid Health, Institute of Medicine,
NIandalay, October 1959 to date; Consultant Paediatrician, General Hospital, N,Iandalay,
October r959-.
Conferences_f Study Tours.-WHO sponsored tour to Calcutta, Banaras, Chandigarh, New Delhi,
Lonclon, Southanrpton, Birmingham, Oxford, Newcastle-upon-1'yne and Edinburgh to
study niodern teaching methods in medicine, April r969-June r959.
.Societies.'-Burma Medical Association (Executive Nlember, r958), Medical
Protection Society (r953-1956); Royal Society of Vledicine, London (r953-r!18).
Address,- No. 27, z6th B-Road, Pyi-Gyi-Myet-i\Ihan Qr., N{andalay.

z4!.-Mala..Maung, P.*, j\!.9.!.s. (Rgn.). f). Bact. (Rgn.). Bacterit>logist; Department of

Microbiology, Institute of L{edicine I, Ilangoon.

246, Mala Maw, Daw,M.B.,B.s. (Rgrr.), D.M.R.D. Radiologist; Radiologist, workers'Hospital,


247. Mavtlg.Gale_,.U,_B.A. (Hons.), NI.B. (Cal.), D.P.H. (Cal.). Public l{ealth Specialist; born
August 6, t8tt6 in Prorr,e.
Education.-\{atriculated: Governrnent High School, Rangoon, rgrz; 8.A., Rangoon College
(Calcuttaflniversity), r9r6;N{.8., Calcutta N'Iedical College, rgzz;D.P.H., Institute of TropiJal
lVledicine and Hygiene, Calcutta, r928.
Tlaining.-Research Institute, Simla in malariology, 19z6; Nutrition Institute, Coonoor in
Nutrition, r937.
{lnp_loyntent.- Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, rg2z-24i Assistant I)istrict
Healtir Oficer, Bassein, 1915-27; Assistant District Health Ofiicer, tlcungoo, tgzS-zg; Health
oflicer, Ivlayry1o, tgzg; District Health oflicer, lllyaungmya, ry29-3{; Nuiririon officer,
Directorate of Public F,Iealth, 1938-4r; Assistant Director of Public- Health, Government
of Bunna, tg4r-4?; Director of Public Ilealth, rg+3-4.5; Deputy Director of Health Services,
Go'ernment of Union of Burma, rg45-5o; Director of Healih Services, r95o-53; Oflicer on
S-pecial I)uty- (Translation), University of Rangoon, r953-59; Head, Fiiulty-6f N{eclicine,
Universitv of Rangoon, rgsg-6+; Rector, Institute of Medicine, Mandalay, 1964-65.
l-[anbership of Societies.-Burma N{edical Associarion; Burma Research Society, Burma Science


Decorations and awards.-Sithu ; Thiripvanchi.

Publications.-,r. M,r.uNc Gar-ri (r9e6). l[alaria surxqt of Papzz, Rangoon, Government Press.
z. Nlaurc Gtrt' $t12,-)" Rcpoit-on ntalario at Jlawla.ih'l'oun. Rangltotl, Governrnent Press.
j. YIauNc Gere (1948). Report -MeuNc on thi dietary and nutrition suraeys. Iiangoon: Government
iirinting ancl Stationerl'. 4. Garr (r!56). What is sociai medicine? Burma med. J.
(r), :i-:+. 5. Maurc Garr (r956). Pre-u.entive aspects of jaundice. Burma mecl. J. 4 .Q),
+ '
;-6." O, lieriic (1957). An introduction to mental hygiene. Burma med. J. 5 $),
Address.-3 , U Tun \Iyat Road, Tamrve P.O., Rangoon.

e48" Maung Ku, tT, 1\{.8., B.S. (Rg,",.), D.A' (Eng')' Anaesthesit.,logist ; Eye, Ear, Nose,'Ihroat
lJospital, Rangoon.
z4g.MawngMaung,I\{ajcr, 8.S., \'{.S. (Montaua),.M.L(A.S.C.P.), .Microbiologist; Head of
'- Departtent, Central-Laboratory, Defence Services Genelal I-lospital'

e5o. Maung Maung, U, M,8., B.S. (Rgn.), M.R.C.O.G. Obstetrician and Gynaecologist;
Div;sonal [lospital, ][ag';Yq.
z<r" Maung 1\,Iaung, Florence, Nt.B., B.S. (Rg..), D.Obst. R.C.O.G., \{.R.C.O.G. Obstet-
" rician/Gynaccolo[ist; born November 27. r91o, in N{andalay'
nduttttirln.- Nllalriculatccl : St. Philomena's Convent, Rangoon, 1947 ; M.8., B.S', University
of Ir:-z1ilgcon r955 ; D.()bst. R.C.O.G., England, r96r ; tr/t.R.C.O.G., England, r963'
Tra.;tti.n[:.---\tten<1e,1 F:rmily Planning Course in London, 1963 ; training in Cytrllogy at the
Flanulersm:th F{ospital, London, r963.
Employrtent.-I{ouse S,-rrgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, r.955-56 ;^Civil Assistant.Surgeon,
puk"ii"' I{ospital, Rr"r,goor, i9,56-r96-1
- ; Civil Assiiiant Surgeon/Obstetri;ian and
Cynn".,rfog;*t, Basse'n biui"io.ruf Hospitaf, ry65-66; Consultant Obstetrician and
C'y""..,rfo!i.t, Basseil Divisional Hospital,' ,g66-tg7z ; Consultant Obstetrician and
Gynaect,logist, Magwe Divisional Ilospital, t972--.
ll[etnherthip of Societie:.-Rurrna N{etlical Association ; Burma \4ectrical Council.

Publicatiort.-N{auxc ]\, F. (r968). Amniocentesis. Burm.a med. J. 16, ztt-2r7.

,4ddress.-39, Lowis Road, Golden Valley, Rangoon'

z5z. Maung Maung Aye, U, N,{.8., R.S. (Rg..), Admiriistr:rtor ; born l)ecember 23, tgz6 it
llducalion.-\l.atliculatr:tl: Nleiktila National High Sctrool , :1946', ]\'I.8., l].S., University of
Rangoon, r951.
'l.raitti.try--,r\ttenclerl a coltse for hospital administrator:s frotn ovcrseas in [,ondon, r969.

Iln4>loyittcrtt.-Ilouse Surgeon, Rangoon General I{o-spital, r953 ; 9ivil AssistantSurgeon,

n"i-lg;o', General Flosirital, rSS:-Si; Civil Assistnt .Surgeon, Anti-YD campaign, Rangoon,
,SSi SC ; Civil Assistant S"r-gio",'Anti yD car,npaign, Henzada,r95-5-50 .' C_f1,i|. Assistant
S'.,i!"'o1,'Pakokku Civrl IJospital, ry56; Civii A91!1ian1 S.urgcon, Henzada Civil lIo-spital,
iqS6-r,jSq; Oivil As,ristant'Sr.gcd,',", 'ihaziCivil Hospital, rg5g7t.g6z;Assistant )f:di:il
Sffir;"t.r"r,i"nt I, Eangloon General H<xpit{, u15z-ry6i;DlPutv Assistant Director of Flealth
ilffi;, c;;;;;i'D;i;i.;;;eq;';'M;;;"Ii
C,,ntralbivisirn. ro6c : Medical s"p6'i",""d.ii, -r"opie's
Itlospital, Iiast llangoon,
Superintendent, People's I'rospital,
Generai Hospital, r()7r*'
rc;165-t'97r ; \{edical 3upeiiritendent, Rangoon
llI entber shiq of S acidies.-Burma N{edical Association.

l,Iembership af Co'mnittec.s.-I{ospital Advisory Committee, Rangoon General I'Iospital ; B

Nurses ur'rd Mirlwirres Council ; Drug Advisory Committee,
C$3. Maune,Y.y"qAy:,U,\-1.8.,B.S.(RSn.),F.R.C'.-+(Eng.),tr.R.C.S.(Ect.),F.R.t:.S.1Cias.!;
Surgeon/Urologist ; born November'ri, x13z in Monyrva.
Educatiott.-Matriculated : \{9nyr1a, rgsg ; \I.8., B.S, University of lLangoon, 1957 ;
F.R.C.S., London, 1963 ; I-.R.C.S., Ddinburgh, ry63; F'.R.C.S., Glasgou., 1963.
lrai(ng. -\ammersmith H_ospital,,London,. in urologv and general surgery, ry6q-rg66
Southmead Flospital, Bristol in urology, ry66-67.
Iimployryey!.-I-Iotse Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, r957-58; Assistant Surgcon, Raugoon,
General F{ospital, rg58-r9(cr ; Registrar, Hammersmith Hospital, London,- ry6q-ry66;
Registrar, Southmead I{ospital, Bristol, ry66-67 ; Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon Hospital,
a997-68; Consultant Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, ry68-6g; Township Medical
Ofiicer r, Hmarvbi Torvnship Hospital, Insein, ry6g--.
)\lembership of Societies.-Burma Nledical Association, British Niedical Association.
Membersltip of Comndttees.-Joint Treasurer, Burma Medical Association ; Secretary, Surgical
Section, Burma Medical Association.
Current reseorclt zoork.--Post operative wouncl sepsis; Renal stones ; linalie-bite and slakes of
Burma ; Deep vein thrombosis (Radiological survey).

Puhkcations.- r. Avn-, ]tr. N{, (rS6S). Peritoneal dialysis in surpJery. I'roceedb4qs o.f the
Ilurapean l)ialysis and T.ransplant Associatioil. 2, 4g-_Sz. z. Cr:nrsnor.r,i, G. D. arid lI. NI.
Avri, (1967). Dvaluation of rg7-chlormerodrin kidney ican. Erit. J. r-'rol. j<1, 38.
3. clnnrsuolnr, G.D. and M. \'I. AvE (r966). I{idney scan using 91m'rc. Pro:. Rq'. Soi. lfia.
4. NIauNc l\'IauNc Avr, (1968). Clinical evaluation of kidney scan. Buyma tned. j'. ;6,
89-roo. 5. $au1c lVlauxc Ava, T'he artifrcial kiclnel',
-(r965). MeuNc Avr, (rq69).principles ancl appliiation.
I)urma m.ed. J. r6, tgg-zo4 6. N{euNc l\{anigement of
renal failure b1, regular haemodialysis. Buyma rued. J. t7, t4r--tq8

e54. Maung_ Maung Aye, .U,,II.!., ts.Q._ (I{g".), D. Bact. (I\Ianch.). Bacteriologist/Virologist ;
born liebruary 9, 1937 in Kau,.hrnu, Hantharryaddy f)istrict.
liducation.-NIatric_ulated.: St. High School, r954 ; M. 8., IJ.S., Uoiversitl of Rangool,
ry62; D. Bact., University of Manchester, 1969.
Training.-l{asauli Resealch Centrc'in Phage typing of Salmonerlas, rgTi; Cal;utta Cholela
Research Centre in cholera phage typiqg.
Dmployment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, National Health Laborator..., R;urgoon, r961-r97r*..
Nlenber ship of S ociet ies.-Burma Medical Association.
Address.- 34, East Bazaar Road, Rangoon.

255. Maung Maung Gyi, U, M.8., B.S., L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. Adrninistrator I Rector, Institrtre
of Medicine N{andalay. (Retired).
256. Maung Maung Gyi, U, \,{.B.,ts.S. (Rg.r.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist. born May t5, rg27
in Sandoway.
Education.*Matriculated:.Sandor,vay, 1945; \lt.B.,B.S., University of Rangoon, 1954; D.A.,
Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon, r965.
lraining.-St. \rincent's Hospital, l\Ielbourne in Anaesthesiology, 196r-62; i{eart Institute of
Japan, Tokyo iu Anaesthesia for cardiac surgery, 1964-65.
Employment.-Derno-nstrator., Pathology l)-9partment,. Faculty of Medicine, University of
r9.5,t-55; C_iv-ii Assistant Surgeon, \renereal Diseases.I)epartrrlent, Rangoon,
\angoo_n, rySS-57;
Team Leader, Anti-VI) campaign, Yenangyaung, ryS7i Civil Assistant Surgeon. p.ui"" Ci"ii
Hospital, ry57-5(); Township Medical Officer, Thazon, r95g--fu; CivilAssistant Surgeorr,

i)epartment ofAnaestiresioi,rgy, i{urlgoon Llospitai,
r965-69; -\naesthetist, I)ivisional Hospital'
Nfoulmein, ry69-.
ll[embership ttf Societies.-Burma NIedical Association'
}'Iay rr'
z(7. Maung Maung Gyi, IJ, NI.B',8'S' (Rgrt'), D'P &T'\{' (Rgn')' l'eprologist; born
"' ,936 at?Yinmana.
Education.-\{atriculated: Taungdivingyl r953; rghd'
\'I'B-'B'S" University of Rangoon' r963;

O.i tT.N{., Institute of Medicine t, Rangoon'

T t' aining.-'Department of Leprosy, Rangoon' r 964'

\lyinsvan, r96-1-65; \Ianda6y, ,9,"5- t-;"nri"J.['n.pit'T.Ni course, ry6i'68;
Lepto'i1z Trial, \tandala5, 1968 -'
on problems in leprosy (operational and
conferenceslstuily Tours.-I-eprosy serninar
As(a. Orissa State, lndil'
M anb er hip of S o c ie t i e s. -B urma NIed ical Associat

M en$ et's ltip af C ouncik I C ommittees'-Burma Medical Coun cil'

Curr ent r e sear ch wor k'-B'C'G' /Leprosy trial'

Jissertation. Institute of Vledicine r' Rangor-rn'
Leprosy Office' Mandalav'
Address.--B.C'G./l'eprosy trial team' Regional
a<8. Maung Maung Lat, lJ, M'B',8'S'
(Rg*')' D'C'H' (Glas')' Paediatrician; born June
r93o in NIinbtL'
Rangoon,^1917; M.R.,B.S., University of
Education.-\[atriculatecl: Pre-University Sclrool, surgeons, Glasgow, i96+'
Rangoon,,957; iilclii., R;tricollege',.rs"and
U'S'S'R'' 1969-7o'
Training.*In maternity and child health in the
Em,ploywentreccrtl.-Ci-tilAssistantSurgeon'\rle-11a.lHospital'Tirtlagalc'r95S-6o;Civil I ltrspital'
Assistant Surgeo*, Sagairrg Civil Hospitaf ,
?g6;:0, t Civ;t L*stant'surseoi' CSil'lre n's
il;,,J;i;r cc.eral H-ospital, rr.165-'
Ra.goon, 1964-65; r-'ivif Assistant sr{;;;
LI enfier ship of societ ies'-Burma \Iedical
S' T'cctttrcr
(Lontl)' Sttrst'on; Prrrt-tinrc Ilangoon'
e59. Maung Ma3nq Lav, U, ll'B',B'S'(Rgn')' Pco1,le's"llospital, East
in surgerv, rnsrrt;;r;f-ilr.i;.i". l, ffi;;;;;;Ji;.;;r,
NI'B''B'S' (Rg"')' D'L'O' (Ilng')' Otorhinolaryngoiogist;
a6o. Maung Maung Myint, Major,
born O*ctober 25' rg"5 in Rangoon'
Rangoo,.' rg52; D'L'O"
Ed.ucation.*1\,latriculatecl: Rangoon, rg4o; M.B.,B.s., llniversity of
Services General Hospita'1' Vlingaladon'
Entployment.-.otorhinolarylgologist, Defence
.4drlress.--No. 9, 4gth Street, Rangoon'

(Itgn.), I'}h.D' (Lond')' Neuroanatomist; born

e6r. Maung Maung NYo, lVlajor, M.B.,B.S.
Itrll-zr, r933 in l\lurrYrva'
State Hielt School \o' r' )land-alay'
Education.-Matriculated : Pre-rnedical course' ii.? uospital f IcdicalSchool, L'rrivcrsity
rvi.ii.,n.s., Llniversity of Rangaon, r96r ; Ph' D', il"y^r
of Londort, 1959.

?'?if?.-larious meclical schools in Lonclon, Ediuburgh, Bristol, Sheffield, Cambridge,
Oxford in Anatomical techniques, t96(t--6t1; Attended in meclical statistics for students
of radiation biology at.the*Rt,vat,Itee l{oipital, Sc}rool of \lledicine, i,";;;;;-;;e!; electron
microscopy heid by the Ro1,:al 1\llicroscopical'socitty in Bristol, igfrS l.igllr"..""""
microscopy, r969. ""J'
lmplgyment.-Lieutenant, B:A.M.C., Directorate of i\'Iedical Services, rg6r-(tz; Captain,
P.A'M.C., Directorate of \{edical Services, ry62-69; NIajor, B.A.\{.C., DircJtorate of tftea;cat
S:t-ui.".t, r969 to_date; Part-timc Dcnonstri'ring Lecturer, beirartmeni of Anatorny, Institute
of lVledicine e, Rangoon, 1954 69; Assistant iecturer, Dep'artrnent of Anatomy,'Institute
of Medicine z, Rangoon, ry6g-7o; Lecturer ancl Head of bepartment of Anatomy, institute of
N{edicine z, Rangoon, rgTo--

lpryler$i.O of Societies.-Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Northen Ireland; Burma

Medical Association.
Mentbership of
.Comntittees.-secretary, \[.Sc. (Anatomy) Board, Directorate of Post-graduate
studies; lllember, Board of Academic studi,:s,'Institu# of ],Iedicine e, Rangoon.
Confe.rencesf S_tudy.T'ours.--Attended various corrferences of the Anat<lmical Society of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland, ry66-67.
Current researclt zoork.--hnervation of the external urethral sphincter; innervation of the
uretcr; innervation of the cardio-oesophageal sphinctcr.
Publications.-r. N{au,rc N{aurrc Nvo (1969). Innervation of the urinary bladder. Ph. D.
thesis' University of London. z. l,Iauni'Maun-c Nvo (1969). Nllusculature of human
urinary blactder anrt its sohincrers. J. Anat. ro5, r9r. i.'Miu*. l.tor*" x"o i.s6s).
Innervation of the urinary bladder. J. Anat. ro5, z6o. 4. e,r:S"r:3E) (cgGG)u qsrogl,$
irg,:l+i c"5cf'{5g sa;$d.:aBi:a33,
"""r5"or6e? (-1d,--^r30ts'q5),,
",iS:. J, g"g-p.1o,i 5. &gGe),, Cjl,{;-i s-,."0:r"urr 9p,,1;,,
o)6llme? JSoI
Address.-National Hall, Institute of Nledicine z, Rangoon.

a6z. lVlaung Maung Sein, U, II.B.,B.S. (Rgt.,.), F.R.C.S. (Ed.), F.R.,C.S. (Eng.). Surgeon,
General and vascular ; born Deceml .t", )7 , r 93 r in Maymyb.
Yv._rll co-educational High schor,l, r949; \4.B.,B.s., University
of, Rangoon, r956; F.R.C.S., Edinburgh, r963; F.RJ.S., England,-1963.
Training,-McGill University, N{ontreal in surgery, 1966-67.
Qrnploynunt _recortl.-Hottse Surgenn, Rangoon General Hospital, ry56-57; Civil Assistant
S-urgqon-, B.C.G. T'eam, Pyapon and Prome, r957-58; Clivil AssiJtant Sui[eon, Rangoon General
Hospital, pSS--6-l; Civil Assistant Surgeon, L-ast Rangoon Hospital, ry65-66; Consr"rltant
9yrg9q", East Rangoorr Hospital, ry66-67; Lecturer, Department of Surgery, Institute of
Medicine 2, Rangoon, 1967 -.
M entber ship of S o c i etie s.-Burma Meclical Associat ion.
StuCy Tours.-.Attendeil Seminar on the role of pathology in modern eclucation
in NIeu'Delhi, r9(19; Attenclcd Coiifcrcnce on u,orld problems in surgiial manporver, Geneva,
Current research utorlt. -Tlie effcct of cervico lymphovenous shunts on (a) ascites (6) portal
Publications.-\ll,ruNc ],!yNc SE:N (r965). Physiology of the thyroid gland. Burma mert.
4r 7.6-79. z. MeuNc MeuNc Srrx and Myo Tnu,a (rS6S). \'Ianagement of portal hyper-
tension. Bunnamed.J.4,r33-r37. 3. \{auxcMauNcsr.rN(r97r).

in disciplines ancillaryto medicine anti their contriblition to siirgeri, in Brrrnrr. J. R. eotl.
Suig. Editt. 16 ia;, rB7.

463. l\I,aung Maung_Taik, u,^1I.8.,8.S. (Luck.) B.t,. (Rgn.). Forensic \,erlici1e suecialist;
Pohce Surge.iir, Rang-.ion Genrral tlospital; 'f ,ecturcr,-I);pilrtmcnt of Forcnsic 1\{cclicine,
Institute of Ilrriicine l, Rlngoun.

264. Maung M1"I-g Than, Col., -\'J"B.,qlS. (Rg".), \,1.S. (lIinncsr-rta). Gci, !iur.gcori/f{econ-
structive and Plastic surgr:on; born Novernb.r ,5, ,9i{, in -\{nnd,rlr,i.
Dducotion.--Nlatricrrlation: Si. Far-rl's Institute, I{angoon, r9:q; i\i.t}.,8.S., Iiniver.sity of
Rangoon, r94r ; NI.S. (Surgery), University of Minnes,lta t;r"iii,,i" Slchool of i,{cclicinc, i962.
lrgi1i1f- R.oyal .Army Medical College, I\,{ii1bank,44th Senicr Clllccr's course in \{eclical
Administration, 194.8; Aviation l\ledicine' at rhc School of Aviation 1\{edicine,
Farnborough, Ii_ngi11d,, r948;Army Medical Servicr School, Forr- Sam Flouston, San Antonio,
'I'exas in Artny 1f^cdic_al
-Ad.ministration, r955-55;Posi--graduate trailing in Surgery, Unir-ersity
of Pennsylr,ania Graduate School of 1Medicini., 1956-57.
Ernployment'-G.D.\t.O., No. 7, Burirra Gencral l-Iospital, r{)+t-+z; ,Assistant Surgcon, Burma
State F{osirital, rg4z-45;_G.D.,\"i.o., l\o. 78, Fieid Ambula,cc ('r}urrna), r9q
5-q(rj G.D.M.O.,
Nu, ?7 Field Ambulance (Burma); G.D.Ni.o., No. r, Fielctr ArnbLr'rnncc
1i;'ur^u),'rga7; R.\I.o.,
end llattalion, Ilunna Rifl_es, r947; G.D.NI.O., Ilase l{i1itar1'Ilo:;i:ita), Mirrga1aio,,,' rtl4i-48;
g.P.l\'I.O., Base 1\{ilitary Flo.spital, attachccl to B.A.F., tlf.I.d., Coinn-ranriing'0fficei, {;i;"iri
Bridge Group, Irieid__AmbL,, rg_+8--5r ; Comrnancliriig [illcer, ]]rsr li,tlilitary I{ospitai,
\tay11 o,^r15, 5_j; Clornrnandiug Oitrcer,-Base Military Fiospirll, liavnryo, r95r153; Corrr-
manding Officer, No. 7, Iiir'ld Arnbulancc, \{eiktila, t9i:
Services General Hospital, Mingalailon, r963-. -S5; Clnmir.nciing Liiiiccrl1iefence
Confcrences.' Attend.ed 47th Annlral Ciinical Congrcss r9(rr of tlre Arner.ican Ctollcgc of
S'.rrgeons, Chicago;Att.endetl 48th.Annual Clinical l,, r9{a tit thc American Collegc
of Surgeons, Atlarrtic City.
l\[ cmb er s lt i1t o.f S o ci ct i s.-Brirma N{edica]
t: A ssociat ion.
I[entbersltip o.f Comrnittees.-Burrna l{edical Council; l]urma \Icclical l{cscarch Council; Drug
Advisory Corninittec.
l)ecoration and azaa.rrl.;.-Japane_se Resistanc,e Star; Inclep.^nrlurcc Star; Intcrr-ral Security
\{edal; r%g -+S Star; Burma Star; War lVlerlal.
Puhlications.--r. 'l.naN,^Id. \{. (r962). Studies on honologttu"t skin transplantttliatt in dogs.
Nlaster of Scicnce, in S-urgery Thesis, Graciuate F:rculry'irf the tlnivcr.citv of \,Iinnesota.
z' Tueu, R{. \'{., G. R. s,utesoN, c. lfenrrNaz & K. B. Ansor.os (196r). Efl-'ect of e"cl-,arrge
transfusion and intravcnous lynrph injection in ncu,bcrn dogs ori tiorraologuus split-thickne"ss
g_raft takes. swrgiml Fnrurn. n,
+z+l+ls. 3. Triax, \,r. l\[., ]r. R" c. Rnin, cr.'l\4enrrryz&
I(. B. Ansor-o1'r (ro6z). 'Ihe age fa;io;;ra toierance oifrll thi.Lncss shin houosrafrs jn normal
or thymectorize,l canine littcrmates. r3r si
Research in Surgcry. I ttiott of l)uritta y. t;1t
55. 4. 'I'u.t:r,l'lL M. (r97o).
^S,r. 3, iil"' .ii

265. Maung Maw, IJ, M.B.,B.s. (Rg".), D.o. (Eng.). c)phthirirnolor;ist ; Lrorn sclrtein6er 29,
rgzT in Rangoon.
Eductttion.-Nlatrictrlatecl : rc)tz_; N1.8.,8.S., IJniver.sity of l{angoon, r952, I).0., (-'rinjtipt
Bcard of the R<,yal (l.ile1;cs ,f
Physicia.s and surgeons,"ringl:r,cl, r957.
.oplrthrlrn.,l,;gJisr, \Tarrrlalay (]eneral Flosl:iral, r957-5g ; cilil surgeon,
Yamethin Civil Ilospital, r958-{1r ; ()pliihalmologist anci 1t,,,1i,'.it,rncrinrrrrrrle:nr, .-n,o" Sar,
iltun- Hospitai, Taung.3-r-i, rt16r o: ; ophthaiinologist, EiiN'r- il.rri,i:.1, ry06
Ophthalrnologist,,-Sao San tltun Ilosi,i1nl,- rgTo_'- i l,teaical Superirrtrr.l,:;.1r,'Seo io;
Htun I'Icspital,'IlaiLngg1.i, rgTt-.
Metnbcrskip of Socicties.--Burma N4edical Assoiciati<ln, X,Iembcr, Bur,na Ophthalrnol<-rgical

!\.'Ietubership oJ ()onlttittets. -i)resident, Advisory eommittee, T'aunggyi.
,4ddress. 29, \\ringaba Roacl, trlangoon.

266. Maung Nu, U, 11.f1.,8.i:i. (I{gn.), F.R.C.S. (Irelanrt). Surgeon ; horn I)cccnrber 27,
tgzT in \'I,aungclar,..,.

.Educatio;t.-i\'tr.ts.,t].S. University of Rangoon, r95_( ; F.R.C.S., Ireland, r965.

!)rnpbynrent.-Clivil Assistant Surgeon, \{andalay General Hospital, i956-58 ; Civil Assistant
Surgcon, l(yar-rkpyr-r Civil Hosi;ital, r958 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Nloulrrrein General Hospital,
r958-(rr ; Civil -Assistant SLrrgeon, \\/arv Civil Hospital, 196r ; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
I{arrgoon Gcnerirl Fiospital, 1961 66 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, N'Iandalay General Hospital,
u166.67 ; Surgeorr/h{eciical Supelintendent, },I-vitkvina l)ivisional IJospital, ry67-.
lfextberslip of Societies.-Burrira \Iedical .Association ; I{achin State Red Cross Society.
!",[etnbership of Contmittees. --Kachin State l-Iealth Advisory Cornrnittec.

267. s,{ay May Yi, Daw, X,I.B.,B.S. (Itgn.), B.Sc. (Special) (Lond.), \'{.Sc. (Mdy.). Physiologist ;
born Decernber 5, r93r in Fyapon.
Education.-- -\Iatriculated: C'ushing High School, Rangoon, 1948;hLB.,B.S., University of
Rangoon, r955 ; li.Sc. (Special), University College, University of London, r96r ; II.Sc.,
Institute of i\Ieiiicine, llanclalay, r97o.
Emplo.y,tircnt.-Ilouse Surgcon, Rangoon General Hospital, r955; Demonstrator in
Physiologv, Iiaculty of Niedicine, University of Rangoon, rg55-6r ; Assistant Lecturer,
tr)epariment of Physiolrg_v, Institute of .\{edicine r, Rangoon, ryfi-6q; !-ecturer and l-Iead
of Departir-rert of Physioiogy, Institute ol Nledicine 2, Rangoon, lt164'-.
M entber ship of S oc ic tlcs.-B urma X{edical Association.
Xlembership Cotnulitters.-Post-gracluate Medical Education Board.
Current research uork.--Placentai functions.
Fublicorions.- r. I,'Ir:r-'Iu, and l,{av Mlv Yr (tq58). 'Ihe electrocardiograi>hic analysis of
the escape br:ats rluring pr',rlon,jetl vagal itihibitiol,. Proc, Buntn llfed. Res. Soc. t, 7-8.
z. Bno<,rr.,r, K. I)., R. i\'lrnr- l\{rrv Yr, J. i\,lonr.rvand M. SclrRcr.irun(196r). Kinin releasing
en7-yrne in the ;rccessrr,v scx glands of guinea pigs. J. Physiol. Lond. rS9, 3,t P. 3.
NIav iM.o.v Yi ancl I'stN 'I'nrN Flrarxc (196S). I]loocl groups in Burma. Abstract. rs/
Bur. f/Ied. Iles. L'onf. p. 4. 4. l\fva-'Iu, 1,I., 1\{.rv-},'Iav-Yl, TurN-'Iurrv-Ht.aINc and l(tN-
Sr.rriN (1966). Ccn:rparative study of ventricuiar escape. Lrnian of Burnta J. Life Sci. r,
' zrz--zrS. 5. h{av-}{,Lv-Yt and U SaIx-GrveN (r958). Urinary r7-oxosteroid excretion in
normal adult Burmese males. [Jnion of Burnru. J. Life Sci. rr 343'-3+6.6. Mva-Tu, NI., N{ar-
"\{an-Yl and THrN.THrx-IlrarNc (i968). Blood groups of Intha and Tavoyans in Bulma.
(rnion of Burnta J. I-iJe Sci. r, 33-38. 7. \{ev Mev Yt (r97o). Tlte properties of cardiac
. tissues in thiunine cleJiciency. M.Sc. Thesis. Institute of }{edicine, Mandalay. 8. Mve-Tu,
N{., \itav-\{lv-1 r and 'IsrN-Turx-Hr-eInc (r97r). BlooC groups in the Bunnese
population. Ftrututr llerdity. zr, +2o-13o.
17ddr s.
cs r o r, Ilosr:banh lLoad, Ahktne, I{angoon.

268. May San, Daw, }LB.,B.S. (Itgn.), \'I.D. Plastic and R.econstructive Surgeon ; borl
Ilecenbcr t(:, xltz in I{angoon.
Ildi;cation.. -\{atricuhlicn.--\.-Y. Public School, Rarrgoon, rg4g; [,I.B.,B.S., flniversity
' of
Rans()on, r9';(J ; i,1.i). iiilF\{G, r9(rz ; 1\'I.D. (Plastic and Reconstructive Surger'v). St.
F-rlncis llospilal arril I{ites-\Irtet'atrs Administration Ilospital attachctl to Utiversity <lf Illinois,
Llniversity of North \Yestern, University of Loyola, r968.

??aining..-tlouse Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, r96o-6r Rotatirig
; internship, Waltham
Hospital, \\Ialtham, \,IassachuGts, USA, ,goi-fu fi.esid"rt",
i General surgerv, euincy
l\lassachusetts (BostoJ Uui-versity o"J-r'"ri u"i*r.iiyi r9fu-66
S1{,1-"Lt,:1, Q.uincy,
Sutgery, St. Iraneis'Hospital, ;
If,Y*".Oand University of Northwestcrn,) -rg66-_67 !,r, Illinois 1" i.'t"ii.i*ity ,i
-tlhnois ;.Chief Resident in plastic *rg"ry,
Hines Veterar" Flospital, ilin6s, tttL";r, iiie (attachecl to the University of
Illinois, university of Northrvcstern an.l urir"r.i,y lT'r,.y"i..), 1967-6g.
Entp.loltment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General l{ospital, attached to the
Institute of
N{edicine r, Rangoon, 1968-. "
of Societies.-.Burma l\feclical Association An.rerican Surgical Society,
group. Puestow's Surgical Society, Illinois, U.S.A. ; candidate

Address.- tz, rorst Street, Kanclarvgale p.O., Rangoon.

z69.May lhryin, -Daw,. M.B.,B.s. (Rgn.), D. obst. R.c.o.G., M.R.c.o.G. obstetricianl

Gynaecologist ; boi.n August ,9, ,9rf in'Vlandalay
Education.-MatrrcuLrted:Yyl,,lu High sch-ool Rangoon, 1946; M.8.,8.S., University of
Rangoon, r955; D. Obst. R.C,:0.G. ,C6"+ l,,t,io.raii, r9Og.
Itnploynrcnt.--Civil Assistant-Surgcon, Nlinistry of llealth, ry56-7r; Assistant Lecturer in
Obstetrics and Gvnaecology, InstilLrte of },fedic'in" ,, R;;;;";; ryyr_.
llentbership of Societies.-Burma N{edical Association.
Address.-,2o, East Ba.zaar Roacl, I)agon p,O., Ii.angoon.

win, Daw, A'{.8.,.8.s. (Rg'.), D.o. (Eng.). ophtharmorogist
r - ---- -"" ; born June g, 1939 in
Pyinrnana. .

Education.-*Matriculation: st.^['Iary's Diocesan Irigh school, Rangoon, 1955; nrI.B.,B.S.,

Y:.:::,], of Rangoon, yr16z ; D.O.," Conjoint Board?f tf* fr"yrf Coif.g.. oi'fny.t.irrr,
Surgeons, Itngland, 1969. "r,a
Training.-Instititue of Ophthalmology, London, r968_69.
E'mploynrcfi.-House Surgeon, Itangoon Gene,:al Ho_spital,
sao san Htun Hospital, Taunggli, ry62-63; Civil r\ssistant Surgeon,
ry63-67; ciu;t ArJi;t ;i sr.g"or, EENT Horpitut,
Rangoon, ry67-.
Address.-qg, Sandwith lLoad, Rangoon.

z7r' trlay Yin, Daw, M.B.,B.s. (Rgrr.), D.T'.c.D. (wales). Tuberculosis speciarist
. August 7, t93o in Rangoon.
; born l

Eductttion.-Matriculated g,,.ti."q High School, Rangoon, r94g

of Rangoon, ;. -) ; \,{.8.,1}.S., University
1955 ; D.T.C'.D., t_tnlverJity of Waies, ,gei.'
plnplqtruent.-Hou,se Surgeou, I{angoon General_tr-Iospital, r955-56 Demonstrator, .{natomy
Departrnent, Faculty of^[Icclicine,tniversity of Rr.rg'oon,'r9!'o' ;
sg; House surgeon, Rangoon
Hospital, ;. Civil Assistant Surgeon, Vlinbu Clil'Uospii.i, r-9J9J6f 6;"t,
P:,S"1,: -r_SS8
Pazun.laung..Poly. Clinic, r{6o-62; Civil Assistani S"rg.;,;,, Rangoon
ueneral l-losprtai, r964-65 ; civil Assistant surgeon, TB l{ospital, Aung san Myo,.r956-i6g
civil Assistant surger:n, LInion Tubercurosis ristit,ite, Iir";il;,'196gr-. /r- ;

Member sltip of S ocieties.-Burma N{edical Association.

Publicalions'-r. Nlav YrN-(r968).- A.retrospective study of puimonary tuberculosis patients
admitted to Tuberculosis
.Fiospiial, A,ing Sa., N{1.o tluring ihe year 1965. Bunna med. J.
r, r3-r6. z. \{av yrx (r97o). A. tw,r_j,.1p f,,1loin,tr1,
1i:rtients of lvith'clJiescent pulmonary
tuberculosis follorving treatmeirt wilh * Burnm mert.' J. ra, ig._tr. 3.
Ko Gvr, NIvo A'IrrNr, Mav yrN, AuNc Hnrvo u"a.regirnens.'
ioiv nror 1.97o). Resjts of irJitment of
drug resistant tuberculosis. Burma rtrcd.;1. rll, 45 58. +. Ko Glr,'l'Heu'l'rs, lVtev Vls
and Sew Aule (r97r). An e1;idemioluqical studv of rcu atlendalt s at the Uniol'fuberculosiE
Irrstitute. Llnion of Burnm J. Life Sci. q, 563 -568.
Adilress. -6+5, Fl4,5j- nriles, Prorre Roacl, Karnayut P.0., Il.anl;oor..

272. Mi Mi Khin, Daw, 1\tI.I).,B.S. (Rgn.), Dip. 13act. (\ttanch)" Vir,rlogist;born A-rril t.+, tg3z
in Akyah.
Education.--Matricr.rlated : St. John's Oorrverit, Ilangoon, rg19 ; \{.8.,11.S. Uriversit-r. of
Rangoon, 1956 ; Diir. Ilact., University of Nlatrchester, r963.

Trqining.-St. Nllary's Abbots l,aboratorv, I)epartment of Bacter:iol<,gv, Londor,, in bactericlogy

196z ; St. Stephens Group Laboratory, Llheisea, Department of IJ:rcteriolopy, London, in
bacteriology ancl immrinology; rg(tz; Itlonsall Public I-1ealth Laboraiory, Mancliestcr in virt;logy
and public health bacterioloq-v, r96z ; London Schocl of Hygient, ar.rd 'Iropical l\{eciicir,e rn
mycology, 196z ; \rirology Diagnosis Cerrtre, \rirus Research l:.rsiitute, K..oto Linitersiry,
Kyotyo, basic training in virological techniques, 1967-68 ; SIi \TO L,aboratory, \{edical
Research I-aborittory, Iiaculty of Public l{ealth, Bangkok in the preraration of dengue ancl
chikungunya- ar:boviral antigen, r969 ; Virus Research Centle, Dc1 artnenl of iierc1og1., Tissue
Culture Iintornologv, Poona. India in tissue ctrlturc techniqu.:s, gic.
Ilmployment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Duflerin l-{ospital, r958-.qr, ; Civil ,As;isient Surg;eon,
Rangoon General Hospital, 1959-6o ; Civil Assistant Surgc,>n, Pasreur Insiiture, Itangoon,
196o-6r ;on depulation to the U.It. on a State Scholarship, 196r- i3 ; Clivil Assisant Surge<-rn,
Rangoon_General Hospital Latroratory, ry63-67 ; Rescarch O,ficei, Departmr:nt of Yirology,
Burma Medicai Research Institute, ry57-68 ; Senior Itesearch f)lEc.:r, I)epartment of Yirology,
Burma N{eclical Research lnstitute, r968-59 ; I{ead of Department :f Virology, Bulrna Nlesli&l
Research Institute, ry6g--.
X[embership of Societies. -l]urmir ]'{edical Association.
Memberslip of Committees. Nlenrbcr, Flaemorrhagic (lom.nitrcc.

Curcent reseatch zlork.-'Studies on dengue and chikungunya vrrusrs ; -[rnnrunr,gloilulin forma-

tion in dengue and chikungunya infections.
Publications,-r. X{l Mr Krlrv (1963). Protluctiott of penicillh:ase (quttntiratittt) o' l)scherichitt.
coli strttins resistattt to Aru'picullin. Dip.Ract. dissertation. Uniyers ty cf Nlanciiesi:r. z. Mr Ml
KUIN (r965). Secondary monilial infections of the lung followiag t reuseofantibiotics. Bunn7
'med. J. r3, r33-r36. 3. N'Ir N{i l(nts (r965). Synrposiu"n cr rireumati; h:art dis.:ase.
Etio^logy, pathogeno_sis and_epidemiclogy of rheumatic endocar,lities. Burna ntetl. J. 13,
6- .8+-. 4. To{uDA, Meseo, Joro Ir,Ier ancl }ft Mr Knriv (rg6r). Studies on the antigenici(
of influenza Type A virus plevalent in 1968. r. tsy the inhibitio-n rests.
Annual R9po1t. htstitute for l,/irus Research. Kyoto Unixersity. r'z, io7---r;r. 5. Torute, NI.,
J. IlteI, H. I(ontone and Mr N]_1. Kirry (rSr,9). Studies on thc virrses prevale,nt in Burma (z),
Annual Report. Institute fot l/irus Research. Kyoto Uniaersity. rz, i55-r58. 6. Toxuoa,
\{. and \4t NtI KnrN (r969).,_.Seroepi<leniological stutlies on somo .,i,'usei in Burma (z).
Annwtl Refgr!. Institute for Virus Research. Kyoto [ rz, r58-r5g. 7. Toruue,
Mesao and Mt NIt Kntx (rgZo). Studies on the antigelicity of i,rflur:nza vii:us i.qolated in the
epidemic of Rangoon, 1968. Union of Burma ]. Life S'ri. 3, 91 9j. 8. Toruoe, Nlaseo
and Ml Mr l{urr'l (rgZo). Seroepidemiological sttrdies on sb'ne.,iruries in Burma. Llnion of
BurinaJ.LifgSci..3,g5-roo.9. ToKrrDA,n{.,J.ilrer,FlanrrxoKow,roeand\tLMrKrrrs(r97o).
Studies on the viruses plevalent in Burma. r. lsolation of viruse i frrnn fae*,s collected fionr
healthy persons N'Ianclalay. Amnml Report. Instihtte.for r,'irus R:seo,clt. Ii,vota flnizter-
slty. 13, 3-t -i8.-inro. Tontro,,l, l,/[. arrd illtr \,ft linrx (rg7o). SirLdie,r ot vir rsei prevaiert in
E"tT_?. z. Seroe' studics on sonie viruscs in Brrnla. .lntrual trleptit. Insiitute
for ltirus Researclt Kyoto Uni,i;esity. 13, 38-42.
273. _Milter, ffddie, Major, X4.ts.,8. (l{gn.), D.'f.C.D. (Waies). 'l'ulrerculosis Specialist ;
born l).{ay 23, tg3r in lVla'ymyo.
Educatirttt.--Matricrriated : Rangor-rn, r9g8 ; \{.8.,8.S., University of llaneoo;r , 1957; D.T.C.D.,
University of Wales, CardilT, r965.
Employnrcnt.- General Dutv Nledical OfHccr, Ilurnra hlcdical Corps, r957
and Chest diseases Specialist, No. r, I\,Iilitary lJospital, I\{eihtila, i965_-.'
-65 ;'l'rrberculosis
X'Ientbershi2 of Socities.--Burma }{edical Association ; British \{edical Association.

Current resewch zuor'lt.--Role r:f secon,-l line drug therapy in military personnel suft'ering frorn
pulmoirary tuberculosis.
,42lr/ress.--No. r, N{ilitary llospital, \Ieiiitila.
2,11. Aung, U, \,I.8.,8.S. (I{gn.), F.R.C.S. (iid.), \I.Ch. (Orthopaedics). Orthopaedic
surgeon; born August 25, 1938 in Ilangoon.
.Education.--lMatriculated: 'feachers' l'raining College School, r95a-; \{.B.,8.S., Llniversity
of Rangoon, 196r; I-.R.C.S., Iridinburgh, 1967; i\,I. Ch. (Ortho.), Liverpool, 1968-69.
1'ra.inin4. -\\'alton General Hospitai, Liverpool and f)r"thopaedic ar.rcl Acciclent Hospilal,
Nc*,castle-upon-'l-.vne in orthopaedics, i 967-6tl.
Etrtplt'ytnent.-Civil Assistant Surgeon (Orthopaedic Surgeon), Rangoon General Hospital,
u16g-7o; Civil Assistant Surgeon (Orthopaedic Surgeorr), North Okkalapa Ilospital, rgTo-.
l/I enther ship of S ocieties.
-Bunla l{edical Association.
Cuyrent researclt zoorft. of post spinal fusion on T.B. spine; Etiology of synovial lesions
of the l<nee and response to synovectomy,

-N,hN Ai;Nc (rrl5g). lllanagelrcut of fracturc of tlte clatsicles. l,{.Ch. (Orth.)

Thesis. University of Livcrpool.
Atltlress.-34, \\rinderniere Road, Rangoon.

275. Min Lrvin, U, X{.8.,8.S. (Rgt.), D.C.H. (Iing.). Paecliatrician; Senior Toivrrship Nledical
Officer, Xlayrnyo.

276. Min Sein, Colcnel, ltl.I3. (Calcutta), F.R.C.P. (Lonclon), I.\{"S. (Retd.). Physiciani
Dennatologist; born Decernber 26, r898 in Pvapon.
Iiducution. -\{atlicLriated: Rangoon Iligh School , r9r5; l,I.ts., Calcutta University, r9z5 i
L.R.C.P. & \,'I.R.C.S., England, r9z7; lVI.R.C.P., I-onclon, r9z9; F.R..C.P., London, r9.59.
I'raining.-Clinical Assistant to Sir John Conybeare and Sir Charles Syrnonds, Guy's fl6si1i121,
Lonclon, rtlz8-'3o; Post-graduate studies in London, Edinburgh and Vienna.
Entplov;nent.-Assistant Lecturer, Government \{edical School, Ranqoon, 19z6-27; Indian
Medical Service, r93r;'I'rarrsferred to Burma Cii,ii Nledical Department, rc)J.{-4?; Seccnd
Ph,ysician and l-ectul'er irr i\'Iedicine, \{edical College, Rangoon, rr.;'18; Ollicer on special
Duty to stud-y incligenous nredicine and drugs, r938-39; Colonel, I{edicai Division, ry4o-q.6;
N,Iedical Superintendent, liarrsoon General Flospital, rg4o; I)ean and Professor of \{edicirre,
Faculty ol Medicirre, University of Ralsoon and Senior I'irysician, Ilangoon Gencral Llospital,
ryq6-t959; retirecl April r959.
Decorations and Auards.-().8.11., r947; Thiri Pyanchi, r94.1.

.L[ettibershiD of Societies.-Burnra Niedical Associaiion, Past-]'rcsicient; Bur'rua llIedical Serviccs

Associatiorr, Past-Prcsident, Burma \'Ieclical Research Society, Past-Ilresirlent, British Nledical
Association; Itoyal Socicty of Medicine, Royal Society ol'l'roirical \'Iedicinc irntl ll.vgicne.
l,[ctuicrsltip uf Co;ncilsfL'ontnitlcts. ]]urrrra Nlulical Courrcil [i:,iecutivc i\Ienrber; National
Health Council, i\{eilber; Nationai liitness Council, member; Burma Medical Research Council,

member, ry63.64; Editorial Committee, Chairman, Burma Medical Jorrrnal r955-(z;
'I'echriicai ancl Scit:ntific,C1oi111ii616., \\i.H.O., rneilber; Corrynittee on -\r-rsilierry \,ledica1
Educaiion, \\'.FI.O., member.
Conftrentes. --[iirst ]nternational Poliornyelitis Corrlererrce, Nerv York, U.S..,\., r948; delegate,
International lted Cross Conference, Stochholrn, r948, delegate; International Conference on
Indtrstrial \'lediline- arid Hygicnc, l,ondon, i9:t8, delegate ; Iniernational Confeler.rce on Phvsical
llducaticn and I{chabilitatior.r, London, r948, delegate; F'irst World Niedical llduclatiun
Conterencc, tr.,ondon, r95.i; delegatc; Illrrrnese medical iuissior.r, U.S.,\., i95:.:; niember;
\'Ietlical dtlegation, -faqhkent, Lr.S.S.I(., r951, Leadcr Nledical Ijducaiiiin ('onttrencc, Nerv
Llelhi, i955, clelcgate; Govcrnrnent \{edical 1\'lission, Jaiiarr, r952, mcmbcr.
Puhli;ati,ns. -r. lltn Srrr (r936). (-ase of thrombo-zrrrgitis obliterans treated by femoral
periarterial sympathectonr.y. Indian uud. Gaz. TrrBz. z. 1'reatnent of tetanus b.y intravenous
inlecr"ion of nrassive doses of anti-toxin. JJttrnm rued. J. 3. Nl[iN Sr,lx (rC:f). I-vmphatic
cyst of the ear. Lan.^ot. r, t28t-iz8z. 4. \'Irx Sr.rrr (1937). Nute on cheap srrhstitrrie for
shadot,less larrrp for operation thcatrc. Irdian med. Urtz.7z,545- 5$. 5. \,Lx SrrN (r937).
Treatmcnt of obsiinate oede-rna b"y multiple irunctrrres. Iiurru nd. j. z, B5e-853. 6. \,lrrv
Srrx (r93fi). (.jrairular eell ovarian tunrorlr as a cause of sexual precocit.y. l{ep<-rrt o[ a case.
Gu.y's ila,lital lic/..8.9,, zg9-_3o7. ?. \.IrN Sr,rN (r939). ('iir,ical notes on treairner.rt of acute
carcliac beribcri, Intlian iittd. Oaz. 7q, 3++ -3+7. t(. l,,1rN Sr (ry:y). l'lrrornbo angitis
obliteran.s: rel,ort ()f tase tlcateLl bv lunrhai ilatlllii,r:ct.ii,y. IuditiL rtird. G,r::. J4, 4oq-,tc6.
g. i\'h1t Si:rx (r956). Inilisc,'irninale use of antibiotics. 3i. .to. \,Irx StrN (rq57j. 'Intligen-
ous lMcdicirre. Burnu ned. J.5,45 17. rr. \{ru Sr,rx (1956). Clommoirsense in the
treatment of tlisolders r.rf the alimcntary canal. Burnta med. J.4 (No. r), r. rz. \,{rN SlrN
GSSO). Pres^iclential ad.dress (Irraugural Session of the Fourth Burma \,Ieciical Confcrence).
Burnm med. .1.4 (Nc,. z), r-2. r3. MrN Srrx (i957). B.M.A. President's Speech. Burma
J. 5 (No. +), :8-:9. r4. \[rx -srrN (1958). Hcpatitis Syndrome. Rurma med. J. 6
(Nq. :-), 8g _91. rq. Mi,'r SUN (r95ti). Reilections on meclical cducation (Editorial). Rirma
nted. J. 6 (No. 4), n1-r37. 16. N{rN SrrN (r95o). Symposium on the pres.r,f starus of
r_cscarr:h orr indigenous medicinal 1-,lants in Burma-Ilistorical and backgiourid (Pre-tvar).
Proc. Burma ned. llcs. Soc.2, rt -r?. 17. MrN SnrN (196o). Some horrseholcl remeclies,
B.urma n1ed. J._8, r35-r38. r8. [{rN Sr.rx (r963). Report on thc visit of the B.M.A. Delega-
tion to the 3rd Congress of the C.\tI.A.A.O. at 'l'okyo and Osaha. Burma med. J. l,r, r6c)-r7+.
Addrt:;s. Pviclaungsu Road, Rangoon.
277. I&/Iin Srve, U, B.A. (Rg;n.), M.I'.tr{. (Yale). [Iealth Ediicationist, Chiel' ]Ieelrh Education
Olficer, Brrreau of Hcalth li,.lucatiori, Department of Health.

278. h{ohan, P. I{.., \'I.R.,I}.S., (Rgn.), ir.R..Ll.P. Pliysician, cardiologv and intcrnal meclicine; born
hlerch g, rgr6 it liangoon.
Edu.roti;n. i\{ltlicLrlation: Ir.ccldiar FIigh Schor.l, Rangoon, r93z; M.R.,8.S., University of
Rangoon, r939; D.'f.l,I. & H., Lir..crpool, r948; \{.R.C.P., rglo;
I.raining. Atomic (radiation) rncdicine, various atornic encrgv rnedical institutes in U.S.A.,
r955-.56; Cardiologt,, Irrstil'utr: of Cardiologv, Lonclon, ry56-57.

Etnploylllsllt. A.ssislant Lecturcr in \lledicine, Facr,rltl, of Mcdicine, fJnil.ersitv ol Rangocn"

(ieneral l{ospital, ,gS5-57; Lccturer in l\Ieclicinc, Facul"ty of
lg-5o 55i_Pir1;si3i1i,,, Rangoon
I'[eLlicine,flniversi'r.of \{artialll'.,r957-.59;Physician,\{andalayGeneralIlospital, ry57-59;
Physician, I{ang;oon Gener'rrl l{ospital-:rnd l,ecturer in l\{eciicine, Facult)'of i\'tediiine, Un;versiiy
9i tl.tgoq", _IUSO 63;(jcncra Pro{'cssol of \Iedicile, Irrstitute of L'Iedicine, \{andaial', r963-65';
Ciarrliologist, trlirngoon I I{osirital, r 96,5
14 mb er h ip of C o nunitt e es.-Llrriversitics Co uncil, r
e s
Publicalions.-r. i\{ouax,P.R,!r955)._Diagn_osisof congcnitalheartdisease. .Bunnanecl.J.
g (No. z), z6--z9. z. KurN l\{euxc Tuaw, P. R. N{ouaN, Suwri Tln, KulN \,IauNc, Auic

Kvaw Tux, \.l[.qrrNc Kvarv atd Ttn \'{euNc (r56il. The first casc of A.S.D. repaired under
heat-hrng b1'pass (rt Ci,sc i:Leport). Burnn ,:rtit.'j. 15, 3.,,-8.
Address.-6.C, P,\,i,;l2lr1lgsu Yeihtha, Dagon P.O., Rangoon.
z7g. Yo Mu Klain, Daw, I'{.B.,B.s. (Rgn.), D.c.If . (Rg".). paediatrician; born July zo, rgqo in
Ihrrdal r.v.
Education.-\Iatricrriatr:d: \Iethodist English l-Iigh school, r955; M.8.,8.s., Institute of
\{edicinc i, Rango.,rr, r95(;; D.C"FI., Institute c,l }ledicine r,-Rangoon, 1972.
Employtnent., Assist;rnt iipiclcmiologist, Ccntral Iliritlenriological Unit, Direitorate of Health
Senices, 1966 -68: Ci',i1_.\ssistant Strrgeon, Children's Flospital, Rangoon, 1968-7r; Civil
.\ssistant Surgeon, Baty ITnit, Central Women's I-Iospital, iglr-.
Puhlication.-IrIrt \4u i{nrN (r972). _ _SryAy of congcruital syphilis in Cltildren's [lospital, llangoon.
D.C.l{. dissertation, Ir stit."rte of l{edicine r, Rangoon.
Address.-215, Botahtar np; Pagoda Road, Rangoor:.

z8tr. Mya I{an, U, }{.8.,B.:i" (Rgn.), D.O.(Eng.). Ophthalnologist ; born lwe z, r9z9 in Mergui.
Erlru:tttion.-\{a:ricuiatcd : lltat^e llig_h Schootr, Syriam, ry46; \,I.B.,I1.S., University of Rangoon,
195: ; I).O., Oonjoint Ilcard of the tlcryal Colleges of l' and Surgeons, tingland, i96r,
raiuiug.-In stiiute of ( )pht halrnologv, Ilritish Post-graduate i\,Iedical Federation, London, r 96 r .

-Rangrol Gen-eral Flos,citaf-r953-54 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Il.C.G. Team,

tr)rone, i)ivil Flrspitll \'Iot,lnrein, civii H^ospital, \{udon, r954-{i4 ; Qrhthalmologist, sao
fian Htun Hosl,itel, Tar n;g,vi, rt16y -7o ; Ophthalmologist, li.E.N.'1'. Ilospital, ry7o:.
illleinberskiq, yf Sccidies. --Brrrma il,Iedical Associarion.
,lltlress,.'_tct U Ky r.e JIo S']treet, Kc;nrnendine, Rangoon.

z8r. Mya _Kyi, I)aw, )'{.8. R-.p: (Sg.".), D,_C.H. (Lond). Paediatrician, Lecturer, I)epartnrent of
Child H--alth, Institute rf Nledicine r, I{angoon.

e8z. lVIya l!{auirg, u, -! !: (}tldy.),-\{.A._('roronto).- tsiochemist;.born November zz, r93s.

lldittotion.-B.Sc., Uni. crsity of \{anrlalay, rgST ; \I.A., University of '_foronto.
1'raiuitr,L.-Universitl, o'Toronto in biochemistly and All Inilia Institute of Nledical Sciences/
lrJciv I)e lhi in teaching rnetiiocls irr hiochenristr_y, t969.
iim!;!,tytt,t:ttt. --f)cmonst;ator, \{irndalay University, r957-5ti ; I)ernonstrator, Branch Meclical
IiacLiity, l'Ianclaia1,, i953-62; .\ssistarrt I.,ectrrrer, Institutc of l\{edicine, l\1[anclala1,, r962.
Current rest!7rcJ! za.rrft. --trlJlect of foctal haernoglobin concentlation on the synthesis of
Publi.calt,tns.--r. M-Le L{;, D. S. Bexi,t and R. I{. Nlutnly (rC6+). Studies on rabbits
:ind-rat lraptrglobin. I'rac. C'onad.ian lrederation ol tlittlctgical S,tr:ie'tiis.'7, :-8. z.ltlr-o-Mi.,*.,
]). (]. R-ixr:r' ancl R. I{. \'Iu; Effect of Purcm,ycin on the plasma haptoglobin levels
of rats cLurins irilarnrnrtiorr. Union of llurma_"f. l,il'e ,9ci.3r r3,[r)- 1354. 3. nllva N,IauNt;,
l). (i. ttar<i-n and [{. l(. \ iiilH.av (rc,;(r5). EiTect of protcin sl,nthcsis on thc 1iasma. Seromucoicls
errd irap ,birr lcv-'ls r,i r::ts drrrir.rg inflamrna:ion. Ilesearch in l?keurnalic Dis:tases
3. p. 43.
2.. h{ve htr-;r.ic (1968).. -I'he uature of the iucrease of plasnra haptoglol-.ins in rati cluriiig

i,rfla rrrrrrtic-,r1. Uniou o.,' BLirt?t,tt J. l,i.fe Sci. r, zoo-2o3.

,lddrcss. -8;, 83rd Sitrer't, Paleng*,cyaung Qr., \'Ianclalay.

283. {ya. Mya, D:r1, \,I.trj.,8.S. (nel.L D. Obst. R.C"O.G,, \,f.R.C.O.G. Obstetrician/Gynae-
colo;ist ; bo:n ltebr.rar) r4: r933 irr Bassein.

Educatiort.-Nlatriculated : 'reachers' 'rraining college school, r94g
NLB.,B.S., Universi6,
of Rangoon, 1956 ; D. Obsr, R.L_-.O.G., Londoi, ,qOo-;-llR.i.b.ii, ;
t957-6o ; on study leave, r96o ?lrg:o", -R11goon General Hospitat and Duflerin Hospitat,
6z, civlii1.1i"t
li:s..,, central
196z-65 ; Civil Assistant S.rgeon, \\ronren and Childrerrt-ffiiirr, \\iomen{ Hospitul,
S"rir, otirrirfL a,
consultant obstetrician ancl dynaecorogist, '' -i9o5-66
i ;
centrar \\/ornen's Hospital, r966.
l[ e mb er s ltip of S o ci e t ie s.-Burma l,Icrjical A ssociation.
Currentresearthwttrh.--Toxoplasrncsis in rec,rrrent abortions Blood
; volume stuclies in the iast
trimester of irregnancy in Buimese \\romen.
y:o r{va (1968). cervical
,. |L"o l{va (1969). The r,-acuurn exrractor.- incornpetence. Bunrm nted. J. 16, 3r-3{.
Bunni ntrd-.7 17, ror_ro6. 3. l,{va Mve
and TuaN TiraN Nu(rg7o).
- Re-trospective stud-y of effects of tirbaliigati on. t-lniii oy-Burnru y.
3,3+3-346...-1. Mvn.\lva,rrrdSor'][\rs,:frqzlf.
!:!fu,5'! i,lr".ntouocalizarionhrraclioac-
trverodlnatedscrurnalbrrnrirr(RISA). Burut,tnt.r!.J.rg,'tr,1 22.
5. \lvarrt,,:aunJSi, r"r
G,.ll'). Analysis of Claesarcan secti.n at the Ctentraiuli-"i,'- Hospital in1969. Rurnta ntert. J.
19,3*ro' 6. N{ve \{va and T'rr+ 'I'tN Auivc (i97r). A case reptrt -- and iis'crssion oi ad".ro-
carcinoma of the fallopian tube. Burnut n,e,t. j.'rlgr'y_3a.--
.4"ddress.-2, Halpin Road, Block B, Iilat .1, Ilangoon.

**'#r;l,yya lvin, Daw, M.B. (car.), r).p.\,{. (Rangarore). psychiatrist born Muy
; 7, tgz5 in

Educution.-Matriculated : AB\I High school, 1'harrar.vaddy, 1939;

Cr-rllege, r955 ; D.P.\1.. Instirrric ol Ilcnral Hculrli. nrr*.i"i",
M.8., calcutta Medical
F)nplovmertt. Assistant ^Sulgcon, Dufftrin,.IJospital, j9s7
-Civil ; _Civil Assistant Surgeon,
-I"Iental ,y:rrri,1r,
,g)21j2 i s_uperintenrre ii'"ia c;"*l,rr;'p.y}iiot.i.t,
T'adagalay Mental.I-Iosf ital, r96l-6"6 ; Lcciurer{?art-time), i)epartrrlent
of \,Iental'Diseases,
Institute of Medicine, Nlandalay, ry66- ; io;.,riao;;'iky.'r,i"trr.t, M;r;;l;;
Hospital, ry66- ?".,.ru1
ll[ ei nh er shi7 of S o ci e t ie s. urma \,Ieclical Associat ion.
ConJ'erencesf Study ')-ours.- Attendecl WI'IO sironsored seminar on the teaching
of psychiatry,

Address.-Mandalay General Flospital.

285. Mya oo, Major, r{.8.,8.s. (Rgn.), \{ (r1-d.). Phvsiciail/Nephrologist }rorn
25, tglo in Paungde. ; January

Dducatiort.-Matricuiated : Cerrtral State I{igh Schr,ol, r955 \{.B.,8.S.,

; University of Ilangoon,
196r ; UI.R.C.P., Edinburgh,
Truining'-Royal Infirmary, Glasgoiv and Ifammersmith
rcnal mcdicine, r967-63 "Hospiral, flospital, London in general and
; I,'trlham London in ,.rrl _"ii.,n..
Eutplo.yttteut.-General.Dutyl,{erlical Officer, r96r--(rli \Iedical specialist
manding, Artificial Iiidney'tJnit, \{ingaladori, r'g(,r1.
; and Ofiicer Com-

l[ emb e r s hip of ,S oci e ti e s.-B urma \lleclica I Asscciat ion.

r/I e m b er sh i1t oJ' c omnti t t e es. --Acad cr' ic com rni ttee of physicians.
Current llesearch ruork.-IJrinary tra.t inf.ections in pr.egnancy.
Puhlications'-l\tlva oo (tg6$. Current therapv. Prevention of acute renal failure. Burnru
l[ed. J. 17, 35-39.

\'I'il'Cl'0'G' Obstetriciair/G\irxccologist; born
M'B''B'S' (Rgn')'
286. Mya Sann Aye, Darv'
Irelrruary zz, tg+i in Sagaing'

j65 ; lf 'R'C'O'G' Londoil' r97o'
\{edicine ', fq'ngo'ln''r
cynaecol*.)ei lnst itute of Jledicine '
f)epartruerrt of obstctrics'a:rd
t-'ivilAssistant s";;;'-H;'il'h l,"p"tinUi,rt;li:t"tJt:l;tJ:XL,llll;
,. R.nq,,un, '9oo-'oa; U'[i' on a slrtte icn'
[{enuoon, r9('8-69 il'n-ati*t"iorr ,to-.lhe jn.titute o[ Jlcdicinu t' I{anqoott' tt)7 I -
L.:t,, t_lt'st.j,lic-s andhy,.'a.c,,lrgu,
S o cieti e s''--Bur ma
\'I edical Association'
X I ntb er slti p of

C it r r t' nt r es t tt clt to'lrt'-\'esicr'rl ar moies'
Addrcss. -21, lnya l{oad'

' f Iu.licinc sp..trri'-''l t'"o;; i;i*t:t'dtr 17' t925 irr llalrn5o'

It/+.1 ; }I."t]"']J.S.,, University
: 1\{aubin Gol,ernrnent High .Sc}ro.ol,
sl) tncdicilr'e' t''157-6r
,l,rtininE.-t ,,ir.rrl,u ('uli.gc llosi;it:rl, Lon.toi i,t physical .irnLl 'rtsr957-53 ; L'lntdr'l
unil.u.',,in. ileit,odiaqnosis.
Guv,.; llos1,ii.r, r-"^j,*-i"'.i....o,ii., ;;5I';'R;y;l Nati''nal ottt"-,t'"J'iit Ilospital' Lontlorr'
Rch rbilita:io" t'"'i"t-i" ltrttLliittti""'
:sr lr";u xi i[ I ;.l;r * :iiii;it'*''lii ]:i:
l: i irs.'+$:.,
]i i:'A;;i'lre'i I
( e,.rc in
,,',],o..r**:lf*:tit n::ll;n;*:!',r;l;ilJ;'""llT;:,.',t*ll;;i,;sl',,;;
*;;;;;;' ;'!r't1id'lt'-''i Hutt';ir1' Great ormond
irrctustrial ;'1tt'i"t""'-'i''r-I"it-pi'*it'r i; '952
piiiirtri., and cfipiilcci children' r96o-6r'
in physicar mecicine
sirc:;, l.ond,cn ".';;;;i;;
( ir il \s:ristrrrr' srr'g'''rrr' l",ierscncy
()rihuuactiic t,";:il;;;;; C1.."g1rfry".p[rt, ,es* -i.n ,
n,o'ptt.,j:';;;;fii' i::":-'1ll il'liili;;ll, t;U;gl; l;:Xllli
,)c;,,r,:.,,r-n ' 'rJ.*'"''t''n"'"t li'".''i'uo-pi"i'
tilru.T*r,|, Associtriio'r (Britain)'
Associaticn ; l]ritish \'{erlical
of sotieties.--rlurma Nledical
A';;;ii'"' ;1Iob1-61 : Ixucrrtivc
tq6r'62; \1"'";J;"'Bull^' o-r ''*pit' '9r"-u3 \l".,il'c':' scc"nd Sli'\P Gemes
Rrnglin' c.".r.r ri,,.pirur,'nir"*.;n",-'t'/'+ r'5":. (( hair:nrn' I'lr1'siothcrapl'
Nicmber, ri""ri.r' P;;;:;;it't ilo"tiuFs'rtrlics
MeCical Cr*r,':,;r'Oi', 'rt"i"i"J"eo"'1-']itt""<rf thc ilutt't't* \icdieal I{csearch
lt"-t ur,
Teaching u^i,i.';;b;.i.
,n"'rJ,/JiJ{ii'ri;:i"I11:1;;'":'iS[li::i l{f';}|T,Tr:;J;T[,illtl':l't';
\tcdicar Associ:rtio"' 'ert-72
lJ;i:l;:'t*tl;:f ,1;,1?;-li:it"1ii'#ire;i';ii'"' l"iT' (lt:rrtroon !lr:rrrch)' t97t-72 |

t'i itt' g"''''l''"iltai-'tt \ss'riirti-1n io'r zollr'( \*ian olrrrrf ic) t'17i i 7'one
-. ,,., r .., ,li'l-'"t:tj ''
,l. O"'iirf irr* ('ontcsi
Ch ri,'nrrr.*is'rl-''-'n"n;'i"" ('ontcst ior zorh '\sirrtt oltilrlic"' lg7'r'
(,r:n.niLrcc t". o'"ri'i'ry'ii'g
mr rrl,er,,lrg,r"i)ir3
l-orv back pain'
Cttrrent restarch uorle' - d-uring tire second south llast Asian
puhli.cttions.-M;^ sL,rN (1962). sirort. injuries seen lIad' ro' rrr-rI7'
Bin'tna l'
Penins*iar G"'"t'i;'i{;'''g'oon"ot""i"r"i '90''
Pagoda Road' Rangoon'
Address'-5c/54' Shl'edagon

288. Mya Soe sint, Daw, i\,1.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.P. T.]\ii. (Rgtt.), l',hysician. "I'ropical

eg9. Mya'fhaung, u, \,I3.,q.q. (Rg?.),\,I.T.C.R.C.S. (Urology), F.I.T.S. Urologist;Lecturer in

- Urology, Institute of \{edicine, \'Iartdalav.

-'- Mva,r,
zqo. Thein (s), U, \'t'B.,B.S. (Rg.t.), D'P' & J'M'.(Rgn')' Public Health Specialist; born
Jtrty rr1j7'7ri Ciraung-gauk viilage, llhayet District'
ll,tlucation.-Matricuiatecl : Centi'al State fligh School, Rangoon, Premedical course'
'1'.M., lnstitute of Nledicine r, Rangoon,
UI.B.,B.S., Llniversity of Rangoon, r963; D.P' &
C o nfer ences i Stud-v Tour s. -Attencleci WHO 3rd Regionai Seminar on Leprosy (S11A) in Aska,
Orissa, r97o.
Publicatiotts.-NIy.q, THetN (r968). Epidemiological status of I'eprosy in Burnta' D'P' ct 1''i\{'
dissertation. Institute of I'Iedicine r, Rargoon'
zgr. Mrya Thein, U, I'I'8.,8.S. (Rg".)' D.A' (Rgn')' Anaesthetist'
*gz. :Mya Tleilr, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.vt.R.T. (Lond.). Radiotherailist; born January 24,
tgzg irt Rangoon.
fu)ducution.--Vlarriculatecl: il{rs. Hla Oung X,Iemorial School, 1947; M.B',B.S.,
Liniversity of
Itorrgoorr, r955; D.NI.R.T., IJniversity of London, 196o'
Etnployntant.-Civii Assistant Surg^con, Team Leader, B.C..G. I"1*, \{yingy1n, 1lS6-S8;
Civil Assistant Surgecn, Ranqoon"General t{ospital, 1958*62; Radiotherapist, Sao San lItun
I{ospital, Taunggyi, tt16z--
nl ember ship of S ocieties.-Burtna Medical Association'
293. Mya Tu, LI, N{.8.,8'S. (Rgn.), Ph.D' (Eclin')' Physiologist; born July
2o' 7927 in Rangoon'
Educatign.-Nlatriculaterl: Er-nergency Unircrsity !11s99s, Rangoon,
rq45; n'{.8',8.S.,
University uf nr-tg,,o., ,95r; Fl,.D., flnivcrsiiy of Edinburgh' 1956'

I.rainirt;;. - Departrnelt of l{isto1ogir,. Karoiinska Institute, Stockholm in adrerrergic.imrervation

of the heart r.i,-rg fluo.",rcent staining technitluc, r964; Departrnent of l'heoretical Alcohol
Researoh, Karolinika Institutc, Stocliholm, r964'

Dntployruerfi.-Civil Assi-qtant Surgeon,-Rangoon General Hospital, I95I-5:;

A.ssistant Lecturer
in irhlsiology, tlu"utij'of h{erliciie, Univeisity of Rangoon, tg52-57; On deputatiorr to the
ai;t".:t Kin-[dom u. 'u Strt" Schoiar, 1953- 56j l)emonstrator (Part--tirne), Department of
ffryri"f"gy, hu"utty of Nle6icine, tJnilersit"y of Iidinb,trgh. rq54-55;^L_ecturer
i-nl"tty'ot'nn"ai.;ir., University of Rangoon, rct57-)9i lroJessor of Physioiogy, -I"aculty of
l\,Iedicine, Institute of N{ec1ici"l r, Rang"oon,_riSS-6+: f.nfessor o-f
Physiology (I'}att-time),
Institute of Mcclicine z, trtangoon, i963-6a' Dircbtor, (Part-time), Burma Nlcdical Research
institute, ryQ-61; S..i"tutyl S"r*o fuledical Research Council,- r963'-to date; Director,
' Burma N{".liui R.,."ur"1, Insiitute, ry61to date; Professor
of Physiology (Honorary)' Institute
of L{e<licinc r;c169 -
Conferenccsf Stutly Tours.-Attended the zoth Internatiorral
Physiological Congtess, Brussels,
n.f[ir*, i95O; irI.Lb., of Y,IIIO tcam of i)hysiologists of Solth-]last Asia to stud'y the teaching
oiFfr,.;lf,ig_v i,, frai", i95S; \lcrnber_uf ..i.l"Baiion forthg.P,ulchase of equipment.for the
States of,Amcrica and
to the United Kingdom. LfD:t-*
Institute of N{eclicitr. z, Rir111o"r.
i!03; fririt"a l,t.Ji.ufi,irLitiitions in Stockh^ohn, Uppsala and- U.mea, Srveden to stucly-rnedical
InternutionaT.Atganizations of l'Iedical
-S.i.r""*,orgorrirutirrrr , t96l; Attencled tl-re Council-fbr
Priorities -and- resPon-sibilities,
flo.,*.1 'fable' io',fcrence on Medical Research:
Geneva,'sruitrcrlan,l, ,f69; lic",ber of \\'llO slronsored,.study tour to the United lcngdom,
Czechosl.vali;" on.i-i,r.t'irio riiscuss ineriical rescarch policy formulation
in relation to health
needs arrcl tlrtir iinplerrrcntation, r9(r9.
l,Ien$ersltip oJ ,socicties.--Ilurma L'Iedicai Association, Burma Research

X,Iembership oI Cr.nurtittees.-\,{ember, Iixecutive Committee, Medical.College-Students.Llnion,
,ga7-aS; (]",r"rul Secretary, Nledicai Co]lege Students' U."P1: r9+I--49.; Nlenrber, Executive
io'-.rriri.", Medica1 Colle[e Students' Uni6n and Generai Editor:, Me.lical C^ollege Students'
Union l\4a[a.zine, rgqg-5oi,\Iember, Executive Committee, Medicai College Str-idents' I-]nion
anci Chairfrarr, So.iri'S".."-ices Conrmittee, r95o-5r; Founder llember and Se-cretary,.Burma
l4edical Research Society, rgST-'63; N[e*lier,"Editorial_Board, Journal-of Experimental
lVledical sciences, ,g57 16o;iaitori Proceedings of the Burrna Medical Research society,
;;;g-3; naitoriat Sicretary, Burma M^edical Journal,^r959-62; Secretary, \tledical .Sc.ienccs"] Research arr6 Development Co-ordination Committee, r965 to-date; Chairman,
'Burma Comrnittee, Olympic lMedical Archives, International Federation of Sports lVlechcrne,
,gOO|, date; Chairmuil, tJito.;ot Committee, Union of Burma Journal of Life Sciences, r968
ti date; Coiresponclent, H.r-un Adaptabiliry Section, International Biologigal {rogrypme'
igOS t"'date; Niember, International Comrriitee for thc Standardization of
Physical Fitness
T'ests, r97r-
Cwrrent research ztsork.-Work physiology ancl physical fitness'

Publications.--r. Diuern, M. H. and \iL Mve-Tu (rSSS). Comparative studies of the' restin-g
u"a" potentials in mammaliau tissues. |'^Pl'yiA' \o3, 2g-3o p' z' Dneern' cardiac NI' H'
nr. Mvi.-'fu 1r9!Oj. ComParativcaspectsif the action potenti3l configuratir.'ns,in
*r"e" from diffe.6it'species.' XX ltionational Physiological Congress, Pro.ceedings, PP:
iS+:rSS. 3. Uva-fu,]4. qrO5!) An inaestigarion o7 tt i p'operties of-cardiac \{.
muscle and
oiinin;ii;rrirs. Ph.D.'fn"J., U"iversity of I]Jinburgi. 4. N{1e-Tu, (r957)' . Aready-
i;i;;;i;;-;;1;,iari ror the determination bf the fertilJ and non-fertile--periods in the human
,rr".r.trrol .y"1.. A;rir*mea..7.5(+),r-6.. 5. h{ve-Tu,ni'(.r9SZ)' 'Ihespreadof ex-citation
inthemammuriunn"uii. i.i-;r:'itrrt.sri.i,g9-rr4. o.during lrve-1,u,M. andN{ev.N{evYr
i;r;b) analysis of the e:cape beats irrt-rlonged vagal inhibition'
proc. Burma n,ta. iis. r,
Src.' 7-8. \,Iva-Tuf NtI. (19f-59). ExPerirnental " Prepara-
iiorr.,; in stuclies o,, cordiouu."otr. p},y.iotngy. Ann. Iril.--PkysiV. U Etpt. .LIe*.Sci'-India'
z. r<_go. s..c"osH, BeNr., l,Iynui NIrroor:"Kn, antl NL N{ve-Tu (rssS-sy.). Th,e effect
on_ the cardiovascular
ilr'i3", rrr",;"; ;i-Ai;;,iiiioutottnt Linn. (Tayoke-nan-nan, Br.rrmese)
.rr,",,, proc. Bwrmo'rued.hes. Soc. r, zr-22.9. DHeru,r, \'I- FI. and l,t. Mv,r--'Iu ('^SSq)' A
r?r[" velocity in car<liaciissues of various ma.mmais. ..Quar.t. J. exper'
"i-prl;."" "r"a"ction
phvsi\l.oo. ur__roo.---io. Bo*.,o, f . it., TrN LI aild NI. N{y,r-Tu (r96r). Fl_c_reditary haemolytic
a,,Ie,,,l;H;"g tt'itat"" in Burma-' XII Alt India Paediatttic .co.nJ'erence' -lbstracts' r r ' l'{ve-
tilNi:(r9eri. Guitle to the literature on rcs':arches pertaiuing to Burma in medicine and
,fiil,a ."iltiteJ (Haernatology). Proc' Burnm nrcd' Res' S9t' 3,^35-38' iz' ,!no1u, Be11
DBNrsr RsyNolns and M. N,tie-Tu (r96r). The male [oad test for pregnancy
diagnosts ustng
Urr.-"r" toua.. nirir" nrcd. J. g, ,ba r3. \{va-TrL }4.. (i96r). Spotrtaneous
-iS5. "Ittdian Pkysigt.'6 Pharntacol-. 6, z3-26' rhyth-
*i.ii, i" isolatecl *r-*.Li-,i .iiaa. tissrics. J.
;;: ft;i;", M.; K; Ko, Auuc-THaN-Baru, I(v,r'n THsrr'r, a. J.It. FnaNcIs and Tuex Tux
A1*;H;*;i;;64: Nature. rg5'r3r-r3z' 15'Mve-Tu,
M.-r;.1 Ko Kd (r|i"). I{eigfrt, w"eight and_bloojl pl.-.u.,,t_" of lniversity entrants in Rangoon.
prloi. auo*o,nri. ilii.'Sor.4l r-ro." r6. Mve-Tu, Ir{., CHtr NIeuxc and'SBIN Gwen (i965)'
fn"-"g"", of Milliltgtonia iortcnsis root bark on alcohol intoxication. Abstracts, rst Burma
ii;dirri Research Cinfr:rr:nrr. 17. YIva-Tu, N{. (r 65). -The work of the 18.
Burma Medical
I)aur-srnoM, A.,
il".."..f, Council. Abstracts, rrt Burma Xtedical'R.estarch_Cortference.
on adrenergic innerva-
ii."F;;;, M. VIve-'Iu and B.E.NI. Zurrsnsrnort_(rS6S). Observations
;i"ir;irlog heart' Anrcr. J. Physiol' 2og,!89-(t9L '2' Ml:-Tti, M'' K9 Ko"Au-1c THIN
(r966)' The Tatons in
iii"u, f"io," TnrrN, C.J."R. F-neNcrs and TiraN-Tux-Auxc-ILerx-c_
E;;;;.. Bu.rma l,teaicai Research Cor.rncil 1\{^., Special Re-p_ort S-eries No. r. Rangoon: Burma
lf"Ji.-f Ilesearch Institute. zo. VIya-Tu, N'Iev-Mav-YI,TuIN-TurN-LL'erNc aNo Krr
S"ii* G96g). A "o*purutive study of the ventricular escape phenomenon from-vagal stimula-
ii."'." Yit;ii,ti-aiiui,-o j. Life Sci. x, ztz-2r. zr' Tnru-T'Htig-Hr,arNc usilg
and I\{' N[ve-Tu
de-soxyribonuc-leic acitl
(i97,sy Glycrigen of th" ur.ious .thc dog l'rcart
as a rclercnce srandarcl. Llnitm of Rurnru-J. L,iie,trt. r, l17-_319' zz.
"u,-,tJ,,t \[Y.t-Tu' M., Mev-
Nlev-yr and TurN-TurN-FL.arxc (r968). Biood groups of lnthas and l avovans ot ll.urma.
iiir-ry-Aurneu J. Li"fe Sci. r, l!2--i57. 23. \iv,r-Tt', \I. (1969). The organizatiot of

rnedical research in llurma. ])urna. tircd. J. 17r 3-7. 24. MyA-'-fu. M. (r969). A physiol.r-
gical profile of the llurman. Buynta lted. j. rZr 2t-zg. 25. 1'rN-NtAy-'1'uaN and NI. Mve-
[969). 'The basal rnetabo]ic ra:e r;f tlre Eumrese. Llnion of Burnm J. Life Sci. z, 377-3g2,
26. Kurr'r ItIeuNc LwtN and 1,1. Nlv,r--fu (rg6g). Handbook of liological data on Buima.
l3urma Medical Researcl.r Special Report Series No.3. Rangoon: Brirma N'Iedical Research
Institute. 27. Mva-'fri, \'I. and N{e TueN Saw (r97o). A note on the ABH secretion
among the llurmese. [,Jnion of Bitrma J. Life Sr:i. 3, ror. 28. \Ivo Tntrx, Hlrx Kyaw,
AuNc N{vrNr and NI. N{ve-Tu (rgZo). Prrysiological assessment of tt'o marathon runners.
Unian of Burma J. Life Sci.3,313-327. 29. lVIve-Tu, M., Mav-rr{er--Yr and Tirrrq-TnrN-
FIrerNc (rc17r). Blood groups of the I3urmese popula;ion. Iluma.t ileredity. 2\., 4zo-43o.
?o. KHIN I(vi Kvr, Nlvr-llwri.r, SurN-Gwax, CIHrL-M,+rrNc, Avr:-Tuax, 1\I. N{ve-
Tu and Sarv JonNsrrx Tua (r97r). I{yi:rotensive property of Plantcgo major Linn. Union of
Burnra J. I.i-ft Sci. 4, fi7-t7r.

General Articles

r. NIv.t-'It,, NI. (r959). Stories behind some physiological discr,veries. Nltdical College
Studcnts' l{agazinc', r5-r6. z. \'Iva-Tu, M. (196o). The beginni,rg of eicctrocarrliography.
Medical College Students' N1lagazine. 8r-83. 3. i\Iva-T't,, M. ir96r). Contribr-rtions to
physiology by medical students. l{edical College Students' Magezine, 13-16.

Publications in Burmese

, pi.,:.36i--5, G.DscrccDf,)+ccD:c'o?1i"pj,,; r srffi.!.$.o5 Ef.,ri6i.jii,':3)ocrj3).s

:; i,E:.(:tCJ)
er::rco pcD)ro:rrc:csolrsrr o:o,;ci,so .2-og,t .1f"of rr $f":-,i3i ceo:crccDoi-,qt: l .1,, f,p"e ("gGn)
3c.ouer"g.r"si il,so'sr-6r solo,r,p5r9r,,5 [f...(6i
:f;dr".o."!T.,J.,rrqt'r {rTj ,.sa-3c13::o:rr
csoac:c.rcls ecorioiicor5oorcoi:rr o:er,1ci+)
J?-?or .1fqf rr $Sr':r36i er,::ueo:o1g:5
?rr i?'E?, ("gf.),r [f,or38io3s e .o,r]co:rs-5"frr1.rr! .c.t5.]-"[*.qrr or1.{..Srpr-,Jci r-it )Gr )31

3r 3go-G"G,,
Address.-No. 5, Zafar Shah Road, Rangoon.

294, i&dya Win, U, \{.B., B.S. (I{gn.), D.P.H. (Beltast). Public Healtli Specialist;boru lVIay jr,
r93o irr Thrton.
Educatiott,.-N'Iatriculated : Govelnrnent High School, 'Xhaton, l95o ; i\I.B., B.S., University
of Itangooir, r957 ; D.P.H., Queen's University, Beifast, 196r.

T'raining.-Malaria Eradication Training Centre, I{ingston, lamaica ry63.

Employment.-Teanr Leader, Anti-\/I) Team, Niyingyari, r958--6o ; Assistant l)istrict l{ealth
Officer, OflFice of District Heaith Office, Myingyan, ry6o-62 ; N{alariologist ; Nlalaria
Ilradication Prograrnme, Xilagrve and \{arrdalay, \962.
l,I e nb er s h ip of S o c ietie s.-Burma Meclical Association.
Conf*ettusfStud"\t tours.-Attended Brrrina-India-Pakistan \'Ialaria Bordcr Co-ordination
()onfer ence, r965 ; \risited Iran, Inclia, Afganistan on a study rour of malaria eradication
Address.- 29, Aungthabye Street, I(emmeildine, Rangocn.

zg5. Myat I(yi Than, I)aw, 1\,I.8., 8.S., (Agn.),'.P. (I1cl.) Ncurologist ; lrortr Augr-rst
tt, tgz() in h{agu.e.
Iiducation.-l!I.8., 8.S., University of Rangoou, r9-i3 ; N{'It'Cl'P', I')t-linburgh' r96-1'
.l'rainittg.-IJniversity of Eclinlturgh, Departnent of Neurology in post-graduate training in
clinicai ncuroir,rgY, r969.
IimfiLoy1rcril.-.Civil Assistant Surgeon, 1953-6o ; As.sistant, Lecturer'-Clinical
Faculty -r;i;-6i
1\{cclicirie.-Ur-riu..rity it lto"gd,;", r96o-63 ; Physicia,, N'Ior-rlmein
ir"*r*r, ipart-timc",I-ectureiin Clliiricrl Neurologv, Institute of \'Iedicine r,
itur,gooo, r97. ; N'Ieclicai Neurr,logist, lVlinistry of IJealth, 1966- '
-tlddres'.- j, Bodhi;'eihtha, Bodhigone, \\'indermere, Rangoon'

Mvat Thein I{an, Major, }'I.B., B.S. (Rgn.)' F'I{'L"S'.(I1'i'),

Ge[eral Surgcon;irorn
' Norel,bcr 6, r91 r in Gangalai"\-illage, N.raunglcbin totrnslitp'
of \'Iedicine
liclucation.-N{atriculated : Central State IIigh School, rr;58 ; N{.B., 13's., IDstitute
r, l{angoon, r964; Ii'R'C.S., Iidinburgh, r967'
ll,t,aininq..-\\edical collcge, singapore,_r965; Bangour. Getrual Llt;spital, \\restlothian,
in cirrdio-thoracic surgery, t967'
general surgery, 1966-67 ifirti"[ Hospiial, Leecls,

I,),UtloyinLnt. General Duty. L{eilical Officer, Defence Services Gcnerai

Ilospital, \'Iingaladon,
,J6a-68 ; Srrei"ul jp1"dti*t, Defence Seivices General Flospital, \'Iingaladon, r968-69 ;
Sirrgical Sl,eciist, N-o. r, Field tlospitd, Lashiri, ry69-'
zqT. lvlvat Thi,
-"-n.prr:uncnt Darv, M'B., ts.S., (Rgrr.), D.C'H' (G'3t)' Paeciiatrician' i)etnonstrator'
of (-'hild Healtfi, InstitutJ of M.dici"e r, I{angoon'
zg8. Myint, u,, (Erg.), M.Sc., Sarritary Engineer ; Saniiar;v llrrgirreer, f)e|artmetrt of Heaith,
Nlirristrv of Ht'alth.

zqg. Myint Aung, Lt.-Col., M.8., B'S' (Rgt.), F'R'C'S' (Ed')' General Surgeon ; born Nobember
t6, r9z: in \llanlung.
I,)ducatiott. ,\,'IatriculatetlState I-Iigh School, Pvayon, r938-; Instittrte of \'{':dicine, -Iapan,
,n*-*t; \{.8., 8.S., U"lu.tsity of"Rangoon, r9i9 ; F'It'C'S', Eclinburgh' r956'
C'orqferenceslstur{y tours.-Surgical Conference, Peking, r963 ; Study
tour to Unitecl I(ingrlorn
to ob..r.,.'teaching methods in medicine, 1969'
()orp-s, It)!-t):52 ; surgical
{intpktylti:rtt.-General Dutv Nleciicai-ollicer, Burnra Army lledical
dp.J"iulot ; 8,,r. Iiiiitu.y rio.p;tut, Nlayn'ryo, r959;59 ; Suryica.i Spccia-list',r)efe1ce,-Services
i;'"""r"f I-Iospital, nfi.g;har,\ ,9!9; i.oi..toi of Srig.t5', Institute of \'{edicinc z, I{angoon,
Publicatittn.-r. NlytNl AuNc (1958). Intrameclullary -nailing procedure for,fracture of
the fe,nural ,huft.-Buiuro rned.'Jl'6,62-71. z. K,a1 I'arv. f{vew ['IauNc, Nllvtn'r
and AuNc Nyusr (,96;) .SuJu.y of gurti'od,,oclenal haemorrhage.
Linion oJ Burnta J. L,Jn
Sci. zrrr5-r2o.
3o0. Myint Aung, U., M.R., B.S.
(Rgt.)' D.O. (Ilng.), Ophthahnologist ; born l'Iay z-5' r9z3 irr
[iducatiotr..--\,Iatriculated : AB\i l{rgh School, Iryirrrnana, rg4z ;
l{.li', 8.S., Ljniversity of
Rangoon, 1954 ; D.O., Conjoint Iloard of tire I6va1 Colleges of I'hysicians and Surgeons,
Iirrgland, r96o.
'l'raining..-_lnsiitute of Ophthalniolo$v, London'
EntDlt,yttu,tLt.- eivil ,\ssistalitSurgcon,P.ansoolrGcrreraltlospitai,, r95+--5!; f.i"11 Assistant
'S;;;'";;;iiyrtlrit I';.liin"spital, i958-59; oin deputation to thi U.K., i959'-5o I Ci'i1 Assistant

SLrrgeon, i\tciktila
llospital, tg6o-rlz ; Civil . Assistant ('1arrk,
Sur;eon, \{andalay Gerreral '11..,!i."^r Prc,lecl, t9(t1-6L i
(,ivil hlospitai, rgr.,-:-r,]; i'lm."r, t'rr.ho,na cor:trc.,l
t966*7o; Refional O{Ecer"l'rachotna'
Oplrthalnric Surgeot, frf,Xif fi"tpital, Ra'gc.n'
Corrtrol llrojcct, t97o - .
n'Ie mlter ship of S o cieties.-Burma
Medical Association'

Tor. Mvini Itran, LI, li.B., B'S' (Rgn'), D. Phys. \{ed., R.C.P. (Lond'), R'C'S', (E'g')' Physical
J- rz, 'IaunggYi.
; boln October
Me"dicine Spccialist ri133
pf',rr. (i,t.,'R;);ia;;ii"gcs #t'nysicia,,s (Lon.lun) and l{o5'"ii Collcge of
Rangoon, rg58; t).
Surgeons (llng.), t 967'
,I'ruinin1.-westminister Hospital ancl, ()^ueen \[ary's Hosplta-I, T'ondon' irr physical medicine'
.r..irui illorbrll ('itrb' London in sports nredicinc,
rc61-67 r Mid.ll;;;' ilu.pitot "'"'a r.ri"ay-r"riit"t" of Rheumatologv in rheurnatologv,
ry66-67; west L";:i;; ii;;i;i
Hospital,.r958--ro ; civil Assistant Surgeon'
Iltnpioyiucitt.- Ilorrsc surgeon. Rangoon General \lyiigy"ai' Civil Hospiral'196o-62 ;
Nlauhin Civil t{ospitrl, r959-5o : ciu;t A..i*iu"niS,,tg"'on,
civil Assista't surgeo(- bao san Htr, rr""ggfi, $62-6+; on study leave'
rq6_[-67 l(,iril A:'-i;;;irre"Jr,prryri."tM..ii.;n.Depxrrmerrt,
l{ospital' r968'
Nlandalay General
,ioi-od'; Phlsical"i'{"1t;;;. SP""lnnti,
Menfiership oJ Societi'es--Burma Medical Association'
-tr9, 75th Street' Mandalay'

' Nor.,,,ber 20, 1935 in MantlalaY
Educution. \,{atriculated : st. Feter's }Iigh school,
\llandalay, r95z ; \'I'B''B'S'' UniYersitY

o{ Rangoon, r959 ; \{'R'C'P', Edinburgir'

r959-6o ; civil Assistant surgeon
,nthlovtttcttt.* surgeon, \{anclalay General Holp_gtl, ltedicat college, \{andalay,
i"'ii'ilrr"" c;*".rir-r, rili"i,'sr" sr" nt"" iospital,'Tr,,ng[yl,
'I{ospital, i;a;; Divisional Hospital,
i;i;;i;,rri ; i't'ysici"nn, Lashio
ltangoon, Lashio
I9JL "

; Burlna \{eclical Association ; Burma

llenthership ol"\t'tiriies'--British N{eilical Association
Ited Cross SocietY.
& I I' (iing')' Physician-
ro3. Myint Myint Aye, Daw, M P ,.8:'S (I{gn')' M'R'C'P' (Ecl')' D"fin'M'
- Generrl I\t.,1icin,.'a,,i"!:rup;.rl Disias"es: born IIay iy, ,g3.i Motrlrrrt'in'
Rangoon, r9.5o ; M.B.,B.S., Urriversity of
.Er].ttcatiolt._-.},{atriculatecl : St. Jolrn,s Convent,
,if Hyficne'anfu"Tropical \{edicine, Univcrsity
Rangoon, ,qSZ ; U.:fll,t. t if ., i-o,rao., S.-f-t""f
; \'I'R'C'1'', Iiditburgh' i963'
and nephrology, r963'
I.rttiili.uq.-'l\uyal Free Ftrospital, London in haematology
'XI.;,'1,,", 's,,ri.on,^]lrt,tnii, .ra t'hiid Ht' and School I Icrrlth Serviccs'
iir'lrj-'",i","r-trrli ; asistant
Rangoon, r955 ; ("'ii;ii Assisiant srrg"on,-ir;;;gl 9.1,"'"lHospital,'ql)-96\1[arr.1ala1 , 1966-_59 ; Lecturer,
Lecturer, Il"purt,-.,.rri' ui-M".1ici,r", iris:iiute of \'Iedicile,
ii';t.)a.r*"", li"i"", Institute of vledicine, l\'lanclalay,

I\[e:mhcrshilt Societies'-Burma N1edical Association'

-Bi'maancl sswn (r96r). -( linicalMvlxr
puhlicatiorrs.-,. l\1[yrxr Mvrivr Avn, Iir.rr \llvnqr -trials Avr
tretamin (TEYI) in i'operablc lt't'g t""tet'-
ined' J' g'74-i6' z' Nlvrnr

(.S5S). IJrinary tract inlectiors. Btunta rued. J. r3, r43-r4.8. 3. \{vr^'r MvrNr Avt (I967).
Renal diseases in general practice. Burnta med. J. r5r 9-r5.
-4l,lress.- r r3, 7.i th Street, \{andalay.

1o-1. Myint iVlyint Khin, Daw, B.A. (Rgn.), Nll'$.,8.S. (Rgn.), F.R'.C.P. (Ed.) Physician ;
- Professor ,-rf l'.{edicin:, Irrstitute of Medicine, \{arrdalay.

3o5. IVlyirat Myint lVin, Darv, t{.8.,B.S. (Rg..), D.C.H. Bacteriologist. National Health
Labora,tory, ll.anglon.

3otr. ]V{yitt Nainil, U, M.D.fl" l)entztl Surgeon ; Lecturer, College

of Dental Medicine'

3o?. Myint Soe, d), f{.8",I1..!. (Rgn.), D.P.H. (Cal,) Public Flealth Specialist ; born April zo,
r9.28, in l'{oLrlmein.
Etiui.,t;iort.--IIatricul:lted : State I-Iigh School, Moulmein, r946 ; \{.ts.,R,S., [.rniversitv of
R:ingoon, r95 1 ; I).P.H., All-Intlia Institute <.rf Puhlic Ileelth, Oirlcutta, r_956 ; Diplortta front
In.rtilite <,f'- Iipidcrnit,lcgt' and i\l)crobiolog-1', Praha, L'zechoslovaliia, 1961.
'l'rdning. -Usher Ins!-itute, Iiclinhurgh in tcaching methoCs. in post-g-raduate rnedicai collrses
leaCingio D.N'I.S.A., D.-1'.\'I. & H., D.P.H. & Hospital Administrirtion, r964.
Etnplo."tnte4t.--.Flouse Surgecxr, Rarrgoon General I{ospital, l9J4-55 ;^Assistant District Health
Ol,licei, lnseirr District, i955, Assistant District Health Oflicer, Port Healt-h Department,
\Iingaladc,n, i955-56 ; \ssiiiant District Heaith Of{icer, Port ]-Iealth I)eltartrreut, -Rangoon,
r956"- 58 ; L..tirr.i and ifead of Department, D-epartrlent of Prc'ventive and Social \'tedicine,
n'r,'r"lty oft lVlcrlicine, University of Rangoon, r958_-65 ; Depqt_Y Assistant Director of Health,
R,rngotn ))ivision, ryl5-.67 ; Deputy Assistant Direclor of Hrallh and N{alariologist, N'llag"ve
F{,r*iil-, Di,risicn, zrnd }(alaria Eraclication Irrr-r.ject, \Iagrve an':l Chin Divisior-r, r967-68 ; Deptuy l)ireitor (Asriistant lJireci-or ofliciating), Clentral }-Iealth I)ii,isiol, tt(t8-7 t ; f)irector,
l{,:aitl-' As.iistant '['rai':in11 Schr,,ol, Aung San ]'Iyo, r97i-'
lll':ntb*slttb oi' Societies.-Burma \{edical Association.
l!,:nficrship o.f' Clntr,ttec.r.-Public Ilealt,r Scciion (Rurine \'I_edicai .,\ssgciation) ; Plannin$
progran rnin,l an4 Imolernentation Coinrni'.tee fbr Introduclion of D.P. & T'.\{. course,
rqti- 6s ; Prepa,'ato,'y (lonrrnittce on Puhlic llealih Lcgislaiion, rgTr-72;. T'raining _of
l,.llth worl:ers, t)urricrrla and Syllabi pleparaiion, r97z ; Integration of Health
Servic,es, t 96';-72.
Confuren;tsf Stud1, ?'i,lrrs..--IIealth l)epartrlents and teaching Institutes in Yugoslavia in
t"r.iri'-,g nrethotl".q and developments in,ihe field of health, 196,1 ; \\rHO Seminar, Colombo on
ir,.rti.riu1a"r-gra,lua e tpining ; \\rHO Seurinar, Rangoon^ott_ |ra ional Health Planning, lgTo;
\\rtiO lleltionrri- (to.frrcnce, I{anqoon on Statistics in the ficld of health, r97'.:.
,4tklre:;s.-LA" Pf i.larrrrgstr Yeiktha, Prorne Road, Rarlgoon'

3oB. Myinr'So:, U, N1[.]3.,''].S. (Rgn.), Administrator Chief I\'lcdical O1trcer, Inland \Vater Transport

3og. Myint Sr've, U, \'I.8.,8.S. (Rgn'),

S'D' Arrzresthetist'

*3ro. Iqyint Than, I-1,. \.1.8.,I1.s. (ltgn.), Ph. D. (I-.iverpool). I',harmacologist ; f)irector, 13urtna
Pharr',aceutical indlstr].

3rr. Myint Tlraung, rJ, lI.B.,B.S. (Rgr.), D.P.H. (E"g.). Public llcalth
Specialist; born Julv r7,
rg.iz in Fangoon"
Ettucation.-Ntatn'cuk'tecl: Teachers'Training College, Rangoon, I95o; \'I'B.,B.S', University
of Rur,goon, 196o; D.P.FI., Royal Institute of Pr,rblic Health and Hygiene, Londoo 1965.

Ihnplolnnent.-House Surgeon, kangoon General Hospitai and Rangoon Dufl'erin Flospital,
rg6o'6t; Civil Assistant Sttrgeou, Anti-\rf) Carnpaign, ILangoon, lg6t-62; Clivil Assistani
Surgeon, Anti-\/D.(iarnpaigu, r96z; AssistaniDistrict Fleaii( Oflicer, Tharrauaddy,
i96z; Asjistant f)istrict Ilealth Oflicer,' Inscir.r, ry62-63; Assistant Di-qrrict Flealth Offic,ei,
Central Epidemiology tljrl, Ilireetoiate of llealtir Seivices, Rangoon,
ryQ-64; Smal\rox
Eradication Prograntme Officer, Directorate of Health Services, ryd5-5g; bivisional Heatth
OfEcer, 'faunggyi, 1967 7o; I)i,isional Deputy Health Olficer, Baiseini rgTo- ,
)l,I ntb er shi p of S o ci et ie s.-Burma \'f edical Association.

Pubiications.---I{vrN'r'I'salxc(r9(r5). I{calth Education -[4/orhs in Burnm. D.P.H. disserta-

tion. ILoyal Instittite of Prrblic Heaith and Hy'giene, Lonclon.
3rz. Myint Thein, U, ['{.tr}.,B.S. (Rg..), Ph. D. (Leerls). Biochemist; b<,rn Decemb er zg, rg3z.
Eduration.- llatri,;r"rltated : \{inhla statc High school, ry+7 ; },[.8,,8.s., University of
Rangoon, 1954; Ph. D. University of Leeds, i959.
Training.--Hadassah lfedical School, Hebrerv L]nivcrsity, Israel in the teaching of physiology,
Ernplo-vtntnt.--trlouse Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, r954; Demonstrator, Department
of Physiology,. Faculty- of l''Iedicine, Urriversity of Ringr.ron,-ig5q-.6o Assistant L".tr...,
DePartment cf Phvsiology,-laculty of Medicini, Llniversity of Rungoon,
ry62*6q; Lecturer
and Head.of De_parttn<rnt of Physiology, Institute of h{edicine r, Ranlgoon, ,gOa-.Ab; Lecturer
in Physiology, Institute of X{edicine r, Rangoon, 1968- .
l[unbership of Sogigtiyl.
.-Biochemistry Society (U.K.), Scandinavian Sociery of Plant Physiology
_ (Lund.), Burma NIeCical Associarion.
ConferencesfSludy Tours.-International Coneress of Clinical Chemistry, Stockholm Slveden,
1957, Internatioiral Biochemical Congress, \{enna; Member, WHO TLam of Biochemists of
SE Asia in teaching of lJiochemistry in 'Ihailand and India, 196o.
Pttblicatioris.- r. l'Ivrxl TsrrN (rSSq). l/Ietaholism of acetal-metk-yl-carbinol in manmnlian
tissue. Ph. D.'lhcsis, University'of Leeds. z. Mvrxl TnrrN (196o). 'J'he significance of
acertaldel-r),cle irr mamrnalian tissues. Proc. Burma nted. Res. Sa'c.'zr'45. j. \{irxr. THSN
(.S9t). The cleveioirmetrt of clinical biochemistry. Burnm med. J. g,'b. 4. Nlvrsr THrirN
(,rg9r). Biochemistrl,. Encyclol.,aedia Bu.nanica- (In Burmese). "8,-r25. 5. \llvrnr TulrN
lrr)P). Significance of high garnma-globulin content in Burmese ..r.,rrl] 'Nattre, rg4, g8z.
6. Y^ty, J'It:r{ (1.U6:). Acetaldeiryde levels in manic deprcssives . Israel --l nnak of lr$ihiany
and Related Dis-ciplines. r, rz. 7. \{vINr TnrrN (tq6:). dysfrrnc iun. Butima nrcd.
J' 1o, t37._ 8. NJvry1 TrrrrN.(rg6:): Medical- e<iucation in Isriel. Guartlian. ro, 13."of
9. M-vrnr l'nrIu (rS6+). Blt2od acetaldehyde _lel,els in afiective disorders. Israel Anrials
Psych-i\t1l and f?elated Disi.pline. e, 288. io. Asnar.r, N[. AND \1[r*rxr TurrN (r96-S). Blood
acetaldehyde levels in affective disordr-'rs.
Qigest_ o/' Neurology and Psyclt'iairi. SS, i+.
r r' XllvrNr Tunrx aNp G. G. Vtlt-rla (1957). ]Liboflavir,e in the blood, skin"anrl"ienom
' of snahes of Bunna.. liiperienlia. 772'. 12. MyrNr' 'furrN (1968). Illectro-culture food
for ail. IL/arkbry Petry,le's Dui!1'. "3,
Sun,Jay Suppl. February 18.
Address.-Zi-Wa-Ka l{ail, {iniversity p.O., Rangoon.

3r3. Myint Thein, u, l{.8.,B.s. (Rgr.), D.o. (Eng.). ophthal,rologist; born Jr.rnc z, 1933 in
Education. Matriculated: \llrs. Nelson's English Private Scl.rool, r9-5o; \{.8.,8.S., University
of ftatgoon,_i9-s7; I).O., Conjoint Iloard ofthe Roval Colleges of i'hysicians and Surgcgns,
England, r96r.
Training.-Institute of ophthaimology, Linivelsily of London in ophthalmologl,, i967.
Entployntent record._-Civil Assistairt Surgeon, Pasteur lnstitute, Rangoon, r958-5g; Civil
Assistant srrrgeon, Rangoon General f'Ioipital, ry59-65; civil'.r\ssisiant Sur;io;,'bnNr

Rangoon, r965-66; Ophtlralmic Surgeon, Nobile Surgical Tram, Tr.rchonro (.ontrol
rroJect, Region r, Chauk, ry66.-7r; Op6thatrrnic Surgeori; EEN.I ilospitol, Ila,goon,
Xl[ enher skip of Societie s.-Burma \ztredical Association.

Tours.-\risited people,s Republic of China,

L'onferenceslStudy 1966.
Address.-No. 35, Myaungmya Stleet, Sanchaung, Rangoon.

3r4.1\ryint.Thein, u, M.B.,B.S. (Rs".), (prague), D.p. & T.[I. (Rsn.). public Health
specialist; born Septcmbe' 2, r93i i, Bwegla'riilile, Thnri' '''
Education.-Matriculated: 'Ihazi State High Schocl, rg53; 1\{.8.,8.S., Llniversity of Rangoon,
196z; D.E.G.D., post-graduate N,Ieclicar Iistitute, 'ir;;;"', 196g; D.p. t r.Mi i"rtii"t.
Medicine r, Rangoon, r968.
Trahtilry.--National Institute of Communlcable Diseases, Nerv Deihi in epiclerniology
control of communicable diseases, i968; WHo Aedes Research Unit, Bangk"ii" A;.1.-
control, r968.
Employment.--Township Ifeatih Officer, O1trce_-of the 'fownship N{edical Officer I, I,Ieiktila
Civil Hospital ry6q.--66;'forvnship Health officer, office of tire Deputy Ar;irt
"j Di.""to,
of Health services,'.cqntra] Division, Aliyab_,^r966-'07; tueaicaf om.J.,.{"a..-t",riJ u"i,,
Directorate of Health Services, Rarrgoon,'i9dg-1.
fuI e mb er s hip of S o cie tie s. \{edical Associarion.
3r5. Myint fhein, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.). Administrator, Board \,Iedical Ofncer, Union of Burma
Airrvays Board.

316..Myo Aye-, Daw, nLB.,B.s. (Rgr.), D.c.H. (Rsr.). paediarrician; born November
24, rg3g
in Pauk I(haung Myo.
Education.-central state_IJigh schoo-I1
\ungou.r, 1956; L,I.B.,I).s., Instirute of 1\Iedicine r,
Rangoon, r963; D.C.H., Institure of l,ieclicine ,, X:oirgoo", ,jjr.
Employxtent.-House surgeon, Rangoon G_eneral Hospitai, tg!s-6+; Assistant surgeon,
Divisional Hosoital,_B.assein, T'oiv,ship. Heaith o''v*,""ui",-"riot_2";
Assistant surgeon, Raill,ay 'Ho'spitoi,
i97o--7r; Auri"tarrf su.g"o.r, children,s Hospital,
Rangoon, tg72-.
Publications.-Mvo Avr-(rg7z). 'l'ke tltalassernia syn.dronLe in Rurma. D.C.H. dissertation.
Institute of Nledicine r, Rangoon.
Address.-Assistant Surgeons Quarters. Children's lJospital Compound, No.
Yeiktha Road, Rangoon.
z, pyida,ngsu

3r7. Myo Aung Kyaw Lwin, u, lt.B.,R.s. (Itgn.), D.[,. TJ4. (Rgn.). public Heaith Specialist/
Physician, Tropical Discases; brrn ,\piil-r5, ,9,3oryin p1,in),ina.
Educatian.-Nlatriculared: st. John's Diocesan Boys' High_school, Rangoon, r94g;
Universitv of Rangoon, r959; D.p. & T.r,t., Institute ofl,".,, Rirgoorr,'i;;;- -

Employment'--'House Surgeon, Rangoon General lJo.spital, r959-6o; Railway Assistant

tqrry-R*l'".r1s,r96o-e1; Assista"nt
.gr_1*.o*, Divis'ionai i{JJrrii"i B;.;"il, i;;;:O{torn,r_
ship lledical officer, yinmabin civil H"ospiiar, r9(rg-7o;,rt
Hospital, r97o; Township Health ofiicer, Rorrgooi uuut'tt'oiui.iorr, r97ra.
s;L;;;l l" cr"1
l'uhlicalions. - NIvo AurucJ{v-an. Lu rr (r,fZJ). D1,irleytiolo.q.v of l)enguc ltaentorrhagic
Rtllgootl-tt17o.DP.&T'[I.disscltation.,Institutcot]l;ilici,nCi'ji;',;;;;. ferer,

Address..-Lssistant Surgeons Quarters, Children's llospital Cor.ppound,

Yeiktha Road, Rangoon.
No. z, Iryidaungsu

3r8. Myo Khine, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rg..), D.O. (Ilng.). Ophthalmologist ; born Septernber B, r938
in Rairgoon.
Etlucation.-\{atriculated: Teachers'l-raititg Coliege School, r956;NI.8.,ts.S., University of
Rangoon, r963 ; D.O. Conjoirit Boarcl of the Itoyal Colleges of Physician and Surgeons, England,

Training.-Institute of Ophthalmologl,', {,ondon, 1966-67 ; National Institute for Communi-

cable diseases, Nerv Delhi, in Communicable diseases, r967.
-frachorna Officer, Nl-v-ingvan,
Entployment.-District lO64-66 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
EEN'f Hospital, r968-7r ; District Trachorna OItrcer, Pakokku, tgTr-.
illl e ntb er ship of S oc ie ti e s.'-B urrta Xl[ed ir:al A ssociation.

Publications.-Ko Gvr eNu \llyo I(ntNr; (rgZo). Causes of defective vision in middle aged
Brrrmese. Union of llurnm J. Life Sci.3, 17- 50.

3r9. Myo Min, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rg".), D.C.!. (Lond.), N{.R.C.P. (F)d). Paediatrician ; Lecturer in
- Child Health, Institute of l\{edicine z, Rangoon.

3zo. Myo Myint, U, \,I.8.,8.S. (Rgn.). D.1'.C.D. (lVales). Tuberculosis

Specialist ; born \{ay rr,
1933 in Rangoon.
Education.-Matriculated : r95r ; \'I.B.,8.S., University of Rangoon, 1958 ; D.T.C.D.,
University of Wales.
T'raining.-Yarclley Green Chcst Diseases Hospital, Birmingiram, Sully Chest Diseases. Hospital,
South fuales, Chest Diseases Hospital, Llangiu,an in diseases of the chest and tubcrculosis
ry6y65; Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Biriningham, Dudley Road General H-ospital, Birmingham,
fVhittligion General Hospitaii London, Himmersmith General Hospital, London in general
medicinE, r966.
Employmcnt.-.Civil Assistant Surgecin, Anti-V.D., Campaign, V.D. Clinic,_R-angoon, 1959-60 ;
Civ'il Lssistant Surgeon, Anti\r.D. Campaign, \'Iyingyan, ry6o-6t ; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
Anti-V.D. Campaig:n, \r.D. Clir-ric, Rangoon, t96t-62 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Sao San Htun
Hospital, Taunggyl, tg6z-6q;on study leave,.1964. 66; Civil Assistant Surgeon,A_ung San
TB Hosl,ital, Aiirg San Myo, ry66-6r1 ; Civii Assistant S-u-rgeon, TB Institute, \Iandalay,
ry6g-7i ; TB Specialist, "fB Control Project, SIi l)ivision, \lloulmein, r97r'
JVlentbershipof Societies.-Bunna Vledical Association ; British A'ledical Association, British
Thoracic a-nd"Tuberculosis Associatirn, Bi'itisir 'fhoracic and 'Iuberculosis Association.
Co6ferencesf Study Tours.-AtterLded First r\ational l-uberculosis Control Pro3ramtne Cnn-
ference, Rangoon, r97r.
Current research utork.-Ttberculosis control in SE Division, N1loulmein.

\'Ivo MyrNr (rC6Z). An ecrncti-ical way of an-swering the- problem of TB

in Burma. Burma nted. J.15, r35-142. z. Ko Gvr, Mvo \IvrNr, lVlav YtN,
becl shortage
AuNc I,hrio and New \Iav (r97o). I{esults of treatrnent of drug resistant tuberculosis.
Burntametl.J.18,45-58. 3. NIvo\llyrNr(r9Zo).. Reportonanalysisof rooopu_lrn^onaryTB
patients treaied at ]uberculosis Institute, \llandalay in the year r 968. Burma me d. i. 18' 7r
Ad d r es s. Tuberculosis Offi cer, S L. D ivis ion, N{oulmein'

3zr. Myo Myint, U, \,{.B.,8.S. (Rgr.), 1,'.R.C.S. Surgeon, Clinical Tutor, Departrrent of Surgery
lrrstitute of Nle.licine r, Rangoon.

Myint, Major, \{.8.,8.S. (Rg".). D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist; born December 28, r9t3
Karna, ThaYet District.

Edutaiion.'--\[atriculated_: rgsr ; lf.B.,B.S., University oil Rangoon, tg(tc; I).A., Institute of
\{edicine r, Rangoon, r967.
Iimployryent. General_Duty \{edical O1trcer, Bulma Arrny N'leilical Corps, 196o-67; Anaes-
thetisr, No. I \{ilitary Hospital, Meiktila.
Xtlentbership o;f S,Lcieties.--Burma Medical Association ; Anaesthetists Section, Busna \{edical
Current i'rtsearclt work.-Comparative study on t'lvo spinal analgcsics ; xylocaine anrl nupercaine
and their side elTects.

323._ryyo Paing, U, \'I.8.,8.S. (Rgn.), D.A.P. & E. (Lonrl.). Entornologist/Parasitologist ; born

Muy,l , r938 in Rangoon.
Edutation.-Matriculatetl-: St.
-l'aul's High Schooi, Rangoon, r954 : \{.8.,8.S., University of
Rangoort,r96r;D.A.P. & E.,SchoolofHygieneancl'fropicai\iedlcine,UniversityofLondon,

lqlning._I;ilariasis Training Centrc, National Institute of (lommrrnicable f)isease Ccntre,

Calicut, I(erala in_theorctical and practical aspects of filariasis controi, r963 ; Cornmunicable
Discases Centre, Na:ional Institute of IJealth, Atlarrta, Georgia, in toxicoiog-y and research of
insecticidcs, r9_68 ; Department of Parasitology, School of \,Iediciire, Yokohatri City University,
Yckc,ha:na and lnstitute for Infectious l)iseases, University of T'ok1.o, in the production and
research on filaria antigen iIrjr,'ction, 1968 ; National Insiitute of (luilmuniiable Diseases,
Nei.r' Deliri in c'itetnosterlliz.a*'ion of mosquitoes, 1969 ; WI{0 (lystoplasrnic Incompatibility
Testing Unil, Neu' Delhi in cyioplasnric incompa-tibility of rnostyuitries, r969.
Itmployment.-IJousc Surgeon, Nllandalay General Hospital, ry6r.-62 ; Assistant District Health
Ofticer, Mawlaik, .rt16z-63; X'[edical Ollicer, \VHtl Itilariasis Research Lirrit, ry63-7o;
Project Lcacler, Filaria Cc.rntroi Project, Rangoon rgTo-
Ct'nfcranceslSlurl-y 'l'ours.-\{osquito Control Division, Department of Public Heaith, State
of ualifornia, ISerkelcy; study tour of different t.ypes of \{osquito control districts or mostluiit.r
ab;iierlent ciis:rir:ts.
Cu'rrtttl resetrch wtrk.'-Evahtatica of new orgnnoi:irosphorous compound " primicid "
iri the ficl<l ccnclitions in Itangoon ; Eflect of subletiai doscs of " Pentiiiorr " on
Ctil. r pipierz fatigan.
P;i!,lin.tiotts.-r. n"Ivtl P'+tNr; (r968). 'Ihe effect o[ suhlethal doses of inseciicides on Culex"
luttgatt.ll.A.P__ii_ E. disscria.ion, university of f,ondon. 2. s\,rrrrr, D.If.,'f. \\'rr-s,rN, Jp. A
I}r:nuz xcr,:v, \r. Lvrov, l{vo PerNe, \{.U. clratr AND A. D,rvrs (r97r). Evalrration oi the
1)'ro.filariu i.m;ritis filarial skin test antigen in the diagnosis ol lilalitsis. liull.. l14tl. IIltlt. arg.
4',r 771'-702'
Address.--t15, Nga-dat-kyi Fagoda Road, llangoon.
:4. Myo Thant, u, ['{.D. (Kyoto), Ph.D. (Kyoto). Pathologisr ; born April r1, r936 in N1loulmein
Educatiott.-\'[atriculated : St. Patrir:li's, iy'louLncin, r95o ; ]\{"i1. and Pll.D. (pathology)
Kvoto L.tniversity, r957-,7o.
Ltiipl'tyt:rcnt. -Assislant Research_er, _ l)epariment of Pathologv, I(,voto L.tniversity, Ja_pan,
rq6; -7o ; Ascistant Lcc'urer in I)athc,lJqy, Insr iirrtc ol \leclirlinc ,.'Rango,rn, tgJL
{-lonferewes.--Attendr:d J,AP, Kyoto, r966 ; 4th-Internatiorial Conference of Oongenital Abnor-
rraiiiies, Iiyot<-,, r969 ; 'l'ropical dermatology, Kyoto, r97o.
lfentbership of 'socieiies.-Burma \{etlical Association, Japar-r patr-ioloeisi Asscciation ; IAp ;
Current researdt work.--(;) __Ikperimental hvpertension ; (z) Regeneration ; (1) Cosmetic
Chemistry (1) Oyster sfat collection.

Publi,:ations.-1. Tuaxt, l{., Y. YeirtoRr AND I(. Ot<.q:uolo (rg6v). Baroccptor i:unction levealed
by acure sinoaoriic denervation in spontaneously hi,pertensive rats. japan Circultttion. J.
33, 5or--5o7. z. 'I'H.q.r'r', \'1. (r9:o). Arleriosclerosis in spontaneously hypertensive rats on
high fat diet. Japan Circala.tion J. 34,83-ro7. 3. .ll-nzymes and coenzymes. -B{"5 ogr
;ase>:o'reo15 *ad^pr saot8: 9r .gGgrr

325. ryyo Thein, U, ivl.B.,B.S. (Ren.). D.N. (Toronto), M.Sc. (Toronto). Nutritionist; born
October zS, rg33 in Prome.
Education.-Matriculated: United Clhristian I{igh School, ,g53; l\{.8.,8.S., University of
Rangoon, 196r; D.N., School of Hygiene, University of 'Ioronto, 1966; \{. Sc., School oi
Hygiene, University of Toronto, r958.
T'raining.--Burrna \1ledica1 Association in Occupational Health, r97r.
EmPloyment.-Clivil Assistant Surgeon, Tavo-y General Hospital, ry62-64: Civil Assistant
-(urgeon, Social Welfare Department; Rangoon, 1964-65; Pre-requisite training at B.NI.R.I.,
1965; on deputation to Canada on a states scholarship, ry65-68; Torvnship Health Ofi[cer,
Nutril-ion Projcct, Dircctolate of Ilealth Services, r968-69; Research Officer, Department of
Phr,siology, Rurma N'Iedical Research Institute, lc169-7o; Senior Research Officer, Department
of Physiologv, Burma N{edical Research Institute, tgTo-.
C tr r ent r ar c h w or k.-b- actors cflecting physical fi tness.

Publications.-r. \{vo 'Iuetn (1968). Studies on iron meta.bolisru: significance of inenstrual

iran loss in zoomen. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Toronto, 2. Myo TaErN, G, I{. BneroN,
H. NIrrNn and 1\'{. J._\'nl:tr (rq_6S). ,Some observations on the e{Tect of oral contraceptive drugs
orr menstrual loss and hematological indices. Can. IIed. Assoc. J. ror, 678 629. 3. BnaroN,
G. H., NIvo TnerN, .H. l\hn4a eNo N{. J. \rlitiN (rSZ9). Iron requirements oi menstruating
women. Am. j. Clin. Nutr. zo,275-283. 4. lVlvo-TrretN, HuN-I{varv, AuNc-\llyrNr ,.ri
!t. VIvl_'{tr Jr9-7!). Physiological assessment of two Burmese marathon rdnners. LInion oJ
Burma J. f,ife Sci. 3,3r3-328.

3e6. Myo Thwe, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgr,.), D.T.N{. & tI. (Eng.), M.R.C.P. (Ed.). Physician, born
December 27, t93S in Rangocn.
Edttcation.-N{atriculated: central State i-Iigh School, Rangoon, r953; hLB.,B.S., University
of Rangoon, 116o-; Conjoint Boarcl of Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons,
-D.T,1,1. LIJ..,
England, t95z; I{.R.C.P., Edinburgh, 1964.
ll'raining. of London, School
of Hygiene and 'Iropical
\4edicine in tropical medicine,
r96z;Leeds -lJniversitv
General Infirmary and Pinderfield Generai Hospital, Clayton Ilospital, Wakefielcl
in neurology, general medicine, chest cliseases and gastroenter:logy, 196z-63; \\Gstern General,
Edinburgh. in gastroenteTglgCy, ry63-66,Royal Northern Infirmary and Raigmore Hospital,
Inverness in general medicine and cardiology, ry6+.

lmployment.-D-emonstrator, Patholo_gy Department, Iiacr-llty of Medicine, University of

f irst_Assistant t,o Physician, Rangoon General Hospital, ry6q65; Assiitant
Lecturer in \'Icdicine, Institute of
Medicine 2, Rangoon, ry65-7o; Consultani physician,
I)efencc Scrvices General Hospital, iVlingaladon, r965 to date; Consultant Phl,sician,- Insein
Civii Hospital, y)7t to date; Lecturer in N{edicine, Institute of Medicine 2, Rangoon,
1970-. b
Mem.hership of Societies. Royal Society of Tropical N{edicine; Burrna \lledical Associati6n.
Membersltip of. Committees.'--Academic Secretary, Burma Medical Association; Nlember,
Editorial Board, Burma N1edical Journal.
Conferencesf Study Tours.-Attended \VHO Seminar on community medicine for greclical
teachers in Surabaya, Intlonesia, r97r.
Publications.-r. N{vo THrvr (1958). clubbingof fingers, LIed. col. J. 5. z. Myo Tnwr.
(r96o). Amyotonia congenita. lled. col. J. 7. 3. Mvo Tuwr (r966). Acute Myeloblastic

Leukenia rresenting ivith erythema nodosum. Post. ll[ed. J. 42, +4. a. ofl,qr5 (rgGC) u
c:eoro.,cs>.,3[iocl,er o%.n.1r3t.rr,r:eo:3rr 5. \{vo Tnwr: (1968). Report or Arthropathies
in lltti:ma. Linion o.l Burmo J. Life Sci. r, zr6-,zrt1. 6. l\tvo 'Illwu (1968).
Hepatclenticular degeneration. ]]urrua med. J. 4, t93-r97. 7. Maurqc MairNc SerN
AND \{yo Tuwe (r9(,9). X,'Ianagement of portal hypertension. Burma med. J. rZ, r33-
r37. fi. LIvo Tsrvn and TtN OrrN (rrllo). Enteric l'ever rvith l{epatitis and Thyroiditis.
Burnta med. J. r.7r 3t-32. g. IIvtr Tuwr (1969). }\{anagement of peptic ulcer. Bunna
l[ed. J. 4, 95-98. ro. Nllyo Tnwt, TrN Oo, and TrN OuN (r97o). Drug lirial in
Intesi"iniil Amoebiasis. Abst. of 5th Burnm Resettrch C'ongress.
Address.--No. 7, Grorip r, Tharnaing College Quarters, Rangoor-i.

327" J&,,{yo Tint, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rg".), D.I.H. (E"g.). Industrial Heatrth Specialist; born
March 6, tgzT in Sagaing.
Education.--\{atriculated: Governnrent High School, Sagaing, 1946; 1\1I.8.,8.S., flniversity
of Rangoon, 1965;D.I.H., Conjoint Board of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeon,
Engtrand, r958.
7'raining. -Manchcster University in industrrlal health.
Employment.--l'Ieclical Olficer, Electricity Supply Board, Rangoon, r955-6o; Deputy Chief
Nlcdical Oflicer, Electricity Supply Board, I{angoon, ry6o-6q Chief N'Iedical Officer, Electricity
Supply Board, Rangoon, ry6q-.
XI ember ship of Soci eties.-Burma N{edical Association.

Publicaf ions.-NIvo TtN't' (rS6+). Common occupational diseases. Burma nted. J. tz,69-72.

328. Myo Tint, U, M.B.,ll.S. (Rgn.), D.\,I.R.T. (Il"g.). Radiotherapist; bern October z+, tg"g
in Letpadan.
Education.-Matriculated: Cushing Fligh School, Rangoon, 19.17; \zI.B.,B.S., llniversity of
Rangoon, r955;D.\{.3..'f,, Conjoint Board of tire Rr,ryal Colleges of Physicians and surgeons
England, r959.
T'raining.-St. Bartholomcw's Hospital, London in radiotherapy, rgST--59.
Emplqtnrcnt.- Assistant Nlalariologist, Moulmein, r956; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon
General llospital, ry56-57; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Radiotherapy Departn-rent, Rangoon
General Hospital, rt16,o--6q; Medical Officer, Radiotherapy Del)artment, Mandalay Gencral
Hr-ispital, r964--66; Radictherapist, \4anclalay General Hc'sfrital, r966-.
lltlembershij, of Societits.-Burma \,Iedical Asscciation; British Ractriological Associition; Pan-
Pacifi c Srrrgical As:ioci:rtiorr.
Currertt research tuorh. -Carcinoma of cervix.

Confertncct,l,Stu.dy Tou,s.- Attended Cancer Congress, London, r958; Cancer Congress, Tokyo
in r96o; A Pan-Pacifit'Surgical Confcrence, IIonolulu, r96o;\/isited cancer clinics in Canada
to stu(iy radiotl-rerapy, treatment of malicnant diseases.
,lddres;.-168, Soth fitreet (West Moat Road), \,Ianclalay.

329. llan.oo, 91w, N{.8.,8.s. (Rgr.), D. obst. R.c.o.G.; M.R.c.o.G. obstetriciani Gynaecolo-
gist; born July zr, r93r in Rangoon.
R.C.O.G., London, r96r; 15v:L ll48; NI.B.,B.s., flniversitl. of Rangor}n, i95r; ; D. obst.
i\tl.R.C.O.G., London, r96r.
Tlaining.-Hammersmith Hospital, Chelsca Hospital, Queen Charlotte Hospir.als, London in
obstetric and gynaecology, 196o; Post-graduate School Lf"i.r", Manchisrer in ol.t"t.i"s
196r; Post-gladuate School of l4eclicine, Royul
clinical obstetrics and gynaecology,
Irfir-rout ti".;p;"i

\mployment.-House Surgeon, Rango^on General Hospital, 1955-56;^Civil Assistant Surgeon,

Central Women's Hospital, r956-66; Obstetrician and Gynaec6io"gi"st,'South Of.iaiufu Wt"r"r,,.
and Children's Hospital, $06-7o; Obstetrician ancl'Gynaec"ologist, Moul*.ilbirri.lurrul
Hospital, ry7o -.
1l[ ernb er s hi1> of S o ci e t i e s.-B urma \zledical Association.

Current research zoork.--'lhe influence of age, parity and social class in cases of abortion.
l?ublirutions.-NeN Oo (1116l). Early discharge of obstetric patients at the South Okkalapa
Hospital. Burma wtl. J. r5., 79-84.

33o. Ne lvin, u, M.B.,B.s. (Rg.r.), D.p.Nr.. (Lond.), N{.R.c. psy. Hospitar Aclninistrator/
Psychiatrist; born September
8, tgzq in pyinrnana.
Education.-Matric.rlared: Government High S.chool, v'a
Bur_g91n,_r9_4o; Ntr.ts.,B.S., University
of Rangoon, r95z; D.P.l\{., University of London, r95S; fr1.n.'C.'ery:., ,97r'.-'v''
Training.-Institute of Psychiatry, Manclalay Hospital, in E.E.G.,
Employm.ent.-Demonstrator, D^epartment of Pathology and Bacterflogy, fuc,rtty of Medicine,
University of Rangoon, r91z;civil Assistant surgeoi, Nlandahy c..i.'rrt H;;itrl: ;;;,
Civil Assistant Sirgeon,'$rir"lryls foty"iirri", r954-55, .n irJ#"r'#;iYj!?.1id:?i*i
A_ssistant-Surgeon,-State Mental Hospital, Rangooni rriig^6o; Medical Srplri,ii.'"a"'rit,
Mental Hospital, Rangoon, r96o-. S,u,"
Itl^ery!.eryhip3f Societies.-Burma Medical Association; British 1\,Ieclical Association;
of Cllinical Psychiatrists (U.K.); Founder member of ltoyal College p.y"hi;;;il;..
I[embershil> of committees.-Member, Sterilization Board. "f
Conferencesf Study Tours.-Attended World.Health Assembly_Geneva on technical
on public health planning in mental health, r.96a; \risited Israel rtudy-ir-"-a'lti'".?ui...,
196z; Attended WIlo Travelling Seminar on N1[ental Health Services;rr tS-Sn-p.]ltir,.i"
services in urban and rural areas in \lloscorv, Leningrad and Armenra
Current research worh.-r...Epidemiological survey on mental iilness in Rangoon. z. Clinical
research on a new tranquilizer (RO 5335o) produced by Roche.
Publication.-r. Nu \vrn (rgsg). Psvchiatry: past and present. Burn4 nrctl. y. 7 (z\ zn,_
z. Nr \VrN (190r;._-p.r.tiiu'tii. treatmeni-ii-;.;1d p;;g;;.":-;;;;,';-;,ir;.'Y.'';:ZlA:
3. RouteND,,H..A.K., Nr \\rrx and TrN.NvuNr'.Pu- (i9!9). The effects "cli,iiarlc ard
envirortmental 1'actor on the incidence of diarrhoeic aidoideis in Eunna. -+."fO"rr'f."t
."ql* rrvr rr,"
State Vlental llospiial, Rangoon. tlnion o.f Burnm J. Life. Sci. zr g5__go. r'

33r" I'[gy9 soe, IJ, MR.rqp (3g".),nA.(Rgn.). .A-naesthetist;Tutor, Departrnenr

-d.""r.rf of Anaes-
thesiology, Institute of Medicine I, RangoCn and Anaesthetist, Rangoo"
332. It[ikhwai, Robert, M.B.,B.s. (Luck.), F.R.c.s. (Ecl.). General surgeo' ; bor, Jtrne rg, rgrq
in Lurnte Village, Falarn 'l'ou,nship.
Elucation.-Matriculated ;^st. ]ohn's High school. Rangoon, r937
University, 1949 ; F.R.C.S., Edinburgh,- ISSS.
; r{.8.,8.s., Luciinow

Employment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital,r94 ; Civil Surq::o.:'
2 .5' iv;Z-69; (.ivil
Rangoon Ge.eraMospirul, r1).56 ; Civil itfr", t'iiit- i't"spitrt,"
su.g?un, NIandalal Gl'neral fi,,'spital, tgTo-i7'; Torvnship \ledical OlIccr [' ]'atnethin'
197 r-.
!,1 e nfi er ship' of--Burma l\ledical Association'

Decorations and azourds.-\lunna Kyaw Htin, 1959-6o'

; Assistailt I)irec[or, (Indr.rstriai ]{ealth)

33j. Nyan Soe, IJ, M.B.,B.S. (Rgrr.), Administrator
I)elrartment ot Health.

::a. Nvun Nvun. f)aw, uI.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), Ph. D. (N[anch.). Bacteriologist ; Lecturer, Depart-
""' .,rint of iticruhiology, Institutc of lledicine, Mandalal'
Illaing, \{.8.,B.S. (Rgr.), q.P.H. (Lond.). Nlalariulogist/Public }Iealth Specialist ;
""" Nyunt
335. trI,
hnin Septeml-rer 13, r93r in \IotrLncin'
ErJucatinri..--Matriculated : SayaSolomon's Private School, rg+7.+8; NI.B.,B.S.,
flniversity of
Rangoorr, 1955, D.P.H., University of London, 196o'
Training.-.T:/Iaiaria Institute of India, Delhi in Nlalariology, r958 ; Nlalaria Eradication
C"rrtr",'Kingston, Jarnaica in rnalaria eradication, r963'
Surgeon, V.D. Clinic, Raugoon, ry56-57 .;Assistant Nlalariolngist,
"R6i;;iA;,ifiuri, Assistant
Organizatio_i-r, NIagrve, 1957-IS- ; Aisista.nt Malariolo-gist-, Regional iv{alaria
Bi.iJi.or;o" Orgalizatioi, I,landaiay, ; ltaleriolo-gist, .Regiorial nIi-igr.a Fradication
i1rgr"irr,f", \:Iandalay,' 196z-66"; Assistarrt Directrr of Healttr Services (l'{alaria),
Iniitute of Burma, Rangoon, ry66-'
![entbe r sl tip af Societies.--Burnra N{edical Association'

-[i"frii, Tours..-Study
Conferenceslstudy tour of India and Thailancl on Malaria control, 1957;Sir
C".'l"i.i.r erarlicatiorr coordination Confeience, B,1ng\o\, 1957-;- Rangoon..r958 ;
N{e.xic,o and panama on Malaria eradiction, r963 ; Burma, India, Pakistan, Nlalasia Eraclicatiorr
Co<,rrdination Conference, N{ayrnyo, Br'rlma r968'
publication.-Nyunt I{laing (r95o). Probleinsof rtaluria eradicution in Burma and iis rctnetiies.
D.P.H. dissertition, IJniversity of l'ondon'
Address.-!I\.tomNo. 3, Buikling No. zo, lt{.H.8. Buildings, Gyogon, R.arrgoon'

z16. Nvunt Tin, u, M.B.,B.S. (Rg'r.), \{.R.C.P. (Ed.), NI.R.C'F. (Glas.). Physician-General
JJ Midicine/Chr'st Diseases ; born May r8, r937'
Edgcatiol.--l1[atriculated st. Paul',s lligh school ,_ryS?; NI-.p.,8.1S,. Univcrs_ity of Rangoon
,qi;";1i{.n.C.p., Englanr], r9b6;1\{.R.C.P., Endinburgh, r966;\{.R.C.P., Glassow, r966.
Training.-8,:olrrpton Ilospital, London in respiratory and t^ubercult]:rs ; .City. Flospital
Hospitals irr general
ial"t.i?gfr, i., th" di*.6"s of the chest ; Stoakton and Sedgfield Gene-ral
of the chest and chronic
*"iiUr"";'frook Chest arrd Rheun-ralol9Sy Hospital in the diseases
iheumatic'diseases ; Royal \iictoria Infiimary, Newcastle in respiratory physiology, respiratory
function tcsls'
Employntent"-.House Surgeon, Rangoon General llospital_r959-6o ;
f]ivii Assistant Srtrgeon,
Uriit II, R., General-Hospital, r96_o-52 ; 'Iownship Nledical-Officer, -Iigvaing
Departrnent of X/Iedicine, Institute
i"r"".f.,ip, I(atha l)isi-Lici, 1962-6+; Assistant Lecturer,Assistant, Prcfessional Nledicai Unit,
of Meclicine r, i96-1-65 ; on deputa.ittr:.,-tg65-67 ;Tirst
RrG;;; G"oerJl i{oipital, yi67-Ax.; Corrsultant Phvsician, N{yitkyina Divisional I{ospital,
t96ti-72; Rangoon Getreral Hc'spital' rg7"-'
tl,[ e nfier ship of Societies
\'{edical Association'
Itembership ofpo1ytm1tt.ees.-'iW"rnb.*, Drug Advisor-v Committee, Myitkyina.. Academic Secre.
tary, Burr,a Medical Association, rc167-68-; (centrai and Rangoon lirurr.rr;.
Current r esearclt zoorh.-Cerebrul mala:-ia,
Address.-3, Windermere Court, Rangoon.

337. Nyunt win, u, I\'I.8.,8.s. (Rgn.), D.o. (Eng.), ophthalmologist ; born in klyaungrnya.
Education.-Matriculated : Teacher's Training school, 1947 ; M;8.,8.s., univiversity of
Rangoon, rgS5; D.O.,'Conjoint Board of the-Royal Colleges'of Physicians ,rrJ S.rig"urrr,
England, tg6z,
Trainin'g.-Moorfield Eye I{ospital arrd University of London, in ophthalmology, in t96o-62.
Ernployruent.-Demonstrator, Department of Pathology, Faculty of 1\4le,Jicine, Universi'ty of
\angopl 1955-58 ; Assistant Leiturer, Department of"Pathologyl Faculty"Faculty
of i\{.di"irr., Univer-
of Rangoon, r958-5g ; Dem<mstratorf-Department of tliihology, off,(rledicine,
University of Rangoon, 196o-65 ; Assistant Lec[.urer, Ophthalmologi:Ll.purt*.nt, Tnstitute of
Medicine r, Rangoon, ry65*.
Ll[embershipof Societies.--Burma Medical Association ; Ophthalmological Society (BMA).
Cutrent researeh zoorh.-(r) Dacryocystorhinostomy on Lacrimal sac surgery (z) Conreal,tran-
plantation (3) Retinal detachment iurvey (4) Survey-of squint cases in schoil in Rangoon.
Atldres s,-t 4o*r44, Anawratha Street, Rangoon.


iiyu*, Major, \I.8.,8.S. (Rgr.), D.P.M. (Lond.). Psychiatrist ; iro.., J,rt 26,' i938 in
338. Ohn "
of Medicine
Edacation.-Matriculated : State High School, l\1[agrve, 1955 ; M.B.,B.S', Institute
i, Rur,goo.r, 196z ; D.P.H., Instituti of Psychiatry,Lor'don, tg67'

Trai.ninga.-rJniversity Clinic, Vienna, Austria in Neuro-psychiatry, 1964-66; Institute of

Psychialry, London, ry66-67.
Employment.-Psychiatrist, Defence services General Hospital, l,{ingaladon, ry67-.
Confere.nces.-Attended Secontl Seminar on Teaching of?sytiatry (South-East
Aiia; in Medical
l*iit"i.r rt All Ildia Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, r97o.

lllembership of socretr'es.-\{edicr-r-Psychological Association.

mcd' J' 18, z3-25'
., : Publicati.ons.-Ohn Kyaw (r97o). Two cases of torticollis. Burma

$l r?li,ftt'h3:*' M'B''B'S' (Rg'')' D'c'H' (Bomtrav)' Paediatrician I born Match z7'

' Education.-N,Iatriculated: Methodist Girl's High School, ry+9;

M'B',B'S', University of
' Rangoon, 1954 i D.C.H., Gratt Medical College, Bornbay' 196o'
Institute of n{edicine r,
Training.-Attended \\rHo sponsored training course in Neonatology at
Rangoon, r97o.
Entblovment.-House Surgeon, Rangoon General Hogpit,a.l' .1254 ; Civil Assistant..S.urgegl'
"R;'#;#'A;"";;l il;";i,ri,-isjise'; School Health Medical o-fficer, Botataung Child Health
and School H"ulth-CJrrtri, iiiO:5g; Medical O{Ecer, Prirnary Centre, B-g*l-T-t -Maternity
and Child He"lth C;"t;;,-; gOoaAr;team Leader, Rangoon
Norih Division,Turf Club Hospital,
iii-rry U.rftfr C."^tr., ;;6;-6i i Assistant to Depu"ty Assistant Director, Rangoon, South
People's Flospital, East Rangoon,
Division. ,oo+-Od-;-pliii"t i"ii"iCivil Assistant Surgeon,
;;ii;-;;;'Paediatrician, Moulmein Divisional Huspital' rgTo-'
Il[ er nber ship of Societies.*Burma Meclical Association'
Bombay, 1969'
corfaenceslstudy Tours.-Attended All India Paediatric conference,
meningitis, krvashiorkor a-n{-dengu-e
Cwrent research work.-Crilection of cases on nephrit-is,
haemorrhagic f"rr", i., tn" fl*ds of ih-e Moulmeii Divisi<''nal Branch Hospital'
cyst-adenoma of the pancreas in
Publicatiora.-onN Kvl, J. K. Banua and KytiB Pew (1955).
an infant. Bunna uted. J' 3 {4, z5-zl'
Adtlress,-5r, Dalhousie Road, I\lloulmein'


r ' ohn Myint,

34r. -
Major, M.B.,B.S. (Rgtr.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist, ; born July 3r, ry32 in
Rangoou, 1949 ; M'B',B'S', univer-
Education.-Matriculated : tlnion christian HigI Schgol,
sity of Rangoon, 1956 ; D'A', Institite of Medicine l'

Current research work,-Corfiinuous extradural analgesia
for abdominal operations.


taz. Panqhi, Charles, NI'B.,B.S. (Rgt.), D.P. & T.M. (Rgn.). Public Health Specialist ;
Chrrinic-Diseases Hospital, Rangoon.

-- par Mauk, u, N,{.8.,8.S. (Rgr.), D.O. (Eng). Ophthalmologist ; born November t' tg32 1n
-343.Kani, Monywa district.
Education.-Nlatriculated : N{onywa State High School,-. r95o ;- X.{.8:,P.S., University of
-R;;i;;; ,95r ; DO.; Co".;oi"i Boarcl of th6 Royal Collegei of Physicians and Surgeons,
England, r969'
Training.-lnstitute of Ophthahnology 1969' Khin, u, M.B.;3.S. (Rgr.), F.A.C.S. Eland Surgeon; born November zo, r93oin
University of
Educatio'n.-Matriculated : I{yoma National High School, 1949; M.8.,8.S.,
Rangoon, r938 ; F.A.C.S., r965.
Training..-Hand Research unit, christian \llediial college ,ld,,l1::q*,r],Jello_re inrrecon-
;*ff *:;:;:i;t"mryaiet:*T;#"3"1t9.'4ffi ;f ;"l"r,:'#i"'^l;l,t'#;3"";
hand surgery, 1969-7o.
Employment.-House Surgeon, Rangggl.Qeneral Flospital' r95E-5.9 ; Civil-Assistant
fril"i"" Cirif U".lit"f, r!59-Oi ;-Clrit Assistant Suigeon, {1 .9i" Civil H.ospital, rytu-63 ;
Elospital, Medical Superintendent/Surgeon,
Cirrii i...i.tu.rt S"tg"*,,,'fiiloorrC.rr.tul ry61-66 ;
il;;;;--Chtu.ri"'i]r.u.J. iiorpituf, i966--. Ait;ding I{and Surgeon, Rangoonr General
Hospital, ry7r-.
l\[en$ership of societies..-Burma Medical Association ; British
orthopaedic Association ;
British Soiiety for Surgery of the Hand'
. Contarenceslstudv Tours.-.Btitish Orthopaeclic Association Conference'
r969 ; British Society
for',Surgery of the Hand Conference, 1969'
Cjurrent research woyh.-.lirand reconstructive surgery I tissue transplantation sqrgery in hand
Puhlications.-r. Pr KnrN (1966). Temporalis nrusculo fas:ial-transPlant in. orbicularis
,""iiprrrv t"pro.y-prt1"-"t*' iilriyo me1.'J._r4,4-29._ z. Pa Knrrr (19661. -A maligoant
" Buitna"ned-..1.-r4, r+9:r50. ' 3. Tr--5ln* (lS9S)'
transformatio" i" piuiri.i-"i"eii" Ieprosy.
il;;;;rtr" "r'rfr" ""*-i., t"pto.y.'Burma med' l.'-.16, t5-3. 'sz:-4'PE-I<I1Y q-99s)'
Til;;^;rr*pf*trii"" i" intrisii *i.trrt frrta deforniities.' On;oo-'i1 plma 1'.Lift S'i: ?,
irr:lrl.- 5.'f" rri," i;S691 Re-storation of sensibility in anaesthetic finger by neurovas-
,tul" iiu"a tiu"*f. i. ' fiir;o" of Burma J. Li.fe Sci. z, tz9-r36. ,
"uiu. . tl
Address.- r3t, r32, Hantharvaddy Road, Kemmendine' Rangoon'

34S. Pe I(yin, U, l\{'B.,8.S.

(Rg,'). AcLninistrator; born February 2c,' rgrz in Toungoo'
Ed.ucatioa.-Matriculated : Toungoo, rg32; \{.B.,B.S., University
of Rangoon, r94o'
Civil Hospital, Rangoon-General Hospital'
Ilmbloyment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Toungoo
';;;1'.;;',;'. c;;i"b;,s";;, civil Hoipitar, Yenangyaung civil^IIospital, Toungoo
__r;o,1r.g of^ Health Services' 196z-7r i
c(iir H.i-pitrl, P.;;L:iJ' uotpitot, t94g_-62; *t::to,t r972'
Rector, Institute of M"dicite l, Rangoon, tgTt-77: Ret'rccl
conferencesf study Tours.-wHO General Assernblv,
Geneva, ry63 ; 1964.' ry65 ; ry67 ;
. lfierfiership of Qom.qlitreer.-]YrlQ Executive Qoard,
1967' ry68' 1969' -"

346' Pe Nyunt U, M.B.,B.s. (Rg.r'), F.R.C.S. (Ed-). Paediatric Surgeon Lecturer paecliatric
; in
surgery, Department of suigeiv,
"' Insritute'of 'M"di;i";-;;'nrigoo, -p;Ji";i;-Srrrg.or,
Children's Hospital, Rangoonl

347. Pe Than, u, (Rg.r.), M. pharm. (Nottm.). phytochemist

; born october 6, tg3z in
Educati'on'*Matriculated: Dr. yg Mg pye's Khittav-a-Instittrre, Rangoon, r95o;,
university of Rangoon, 19.54 ; JM. pf;arml, tini""r.iiy-r'il.{?rngnam, 196r.
Training.-lJniversity of Nottingham in phytochemistry.
EnQloyment'-Lecturing Tutor in Ph-vsics^and Chemistry, Lrtermediate
College, Kyaukpyu,
University of Itangoo! i954-5-5 ; Research om..r, u"il" ;i d;;,A,pplied.
Research i,stitute,
r-955;-6s-; Research pharmaceuii.uf
Qfficer, Grade I, il..-.*"r, oqriri*""t, fi;;; Burma
Applied Research Institute, 1965-.
M eruber ship of Societies.-Burma Science Association.
Membership of committees.-secretary, Pharmacy committee, Irrstitute
of para-Nfedical studies.
ConfermceslStudy Touts--Ninth Indian Pharmaceutical Congress,
- ----"'
tional Symposium on Medicinal plants, Kandy, iS6A.
Calcutta, 1957.;,I,terna-

Current rescurth zoork.-t' Phytochemical studies in, Datura suaoeolens,.and Holwrhena antidy-
senterica. z. Extraction and iommercialdeveropm;;;i;fi;i"e frosn, t6a rvast€.
Publications'-r' Pu TneN. (g6r;. Phytoehemieal studios in the genus.
thesis. university -i-'veNs; Datura. M.
-Ti'; pharm.
Nottingriani. z. rv,. c.-r"a*.i. p-J ri^*i.gfii. uikrroid,
of the Genus Datura,secrioi-Brugman.;u. iurl-t. D._;,i;;_; uoou) i.vio,nl'pi**orot.
11 't!7. 3. EveNs, W.C., \rarnnir A. I\{ayon and n{. Fi Tne.,r
the Genus Datura. section Brusnransia. Part III. i.-ti"giinro. (1965"). R. and
1'he' aikaioias of
p. planta medica.
r3r 353. 4. Pn TneN,, TlN T'm"Nu, ir*n* o*, po"p8'r"a yrr ynp
The alkaloid s of Hbl a r r rt en a a n t i d v e n tL ri c a. u n i o,. of' Cui,i"-y.- i fiffi; (r96s).
5. Pn TH^N ,"J p; p;:"-;";;{rhr';'';iestimation
cr.r;"i^{'ii\'fr"';:i;il:;! ,?A'1;^1lf;
hydroclrloride capstes by their layer chromatography. tlnion. of Bima
(in .press)' . 6' i.'-sri.'-irh r*n.
-Pe T!a\ Hr-l JV[,rw, Po Po.' brii*utio"- or conessine in Hola*,herru
antidvsenterica bv thin laver chromatogrrpt{. n,1;;; ;l_I;**?. y.
press)' 7' SrNcH, s',M' Pn TneN anrl"M. curr suN. 'proceedin!. sit. iia-ii"in. (in
Symposium on medicinal plant_s, Ceylon, r5-rg, Dec. 1964, "iit""i"i#ational
e ao s
$dc, : q.^{r " ?d-^r; r.,S" oo r
"S,-,? ES;,, n
-S;";, "- n f,]r St i Si JI eer3el
e,_]*if1'fl,l :}:_r",i, 6+€q (csG;I, E$#Ii;
FFs'1op;,irus",ssed#;&!;'T,'rff I#;Jr;"]:,?-Hf Effi T'tg;:t:.g
lgisr s>eic crrcidgs (caffeine) c',leo:e.jl^"oo5$6,,r $.S.Lrdo.
"11,Mur$fo:{6i irl'*5 ;.ugrr.1rg.1$i
Je?-Jg?rr ' ",

348. Pe Than Myinr, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.T;M.. & FI. (Eng.). M.R.C..p. (Ed.). physician/
General \{edicineirropicar Diseas.."; 6orn Nlarch l",lqji ii taunggyr.
Elucation'-Matriculated: Kings,i'ood Sch<ror, I-(3lr*,
r958 ; D.T.M. & II., Univerfity uf London, M.R.C.p.; r95Lilq.B.,ry.s., University of Rangoon,
Edinburgh, r964.
linTloyntent record.-Hotse s_urgeon, Rangoon General
Surgeon, R.angoon.General_Hos[itrt, ,95ie, ; .Hospital, r9.5.g-59 ; Civil Assistant
""-.i"ay t.Ir].,,srig.o.,,
9:rggor,., Taunggi'i .civil Hospirot,' $6i-05;_'c;vit:asJrriu,rt
,9or-64 ; Civil Assistant
Hospital, ry6 a,-67 ; phvsician, Suo Su"'giu"' Uorpit f ,-i"""ffi1,, gg7_,.
M e mb er s hip of
S oc i et fus.-Bu rma Mecljcal Associat ion
Current research worh.*Cercbral 'rlalada; TB abdomen.
Publications'-t'P:-T15 Nrlyr of chronic rheumatic diseases.
Bunna med. J. rs, z3-zr. z. Hr.* rr/rNf,
p, TiliiM;;";'Ayu Avn yr, TurrN H,irur

lly::.1.P,1,, (1968). Inciclence of jaundice in the hepatic amoebiasis ancl the study of
ctrnrcal teatures. Burtnamed.
J. 16, zo5_zro.
Address.-Sao San Htun Hospital, Taunggyi.

3$. Pe:.heln, u, M.B.,B.s. (Rgn.), ph.D. (Dunelm). physiologist/Biophysicist born August

; 3,
r9a8 in Rangoon.
Education.-Matriculated P{ir3i", 1946 ; M.8.,8.s., IJniversity of Rarrgoon, 1953
Kings College Medical School,
- ; ph.D.,
Univeisity'of D.,r:ham, r95;.
Employruent.-Dem,onstrator. in,Ph.ysiology, Faculty of N{edicine, University
r953-5.+ ;Assistant Lecturer in Physiblogy, branch Faculty of
of Rangoon,
of Rangoon, 1954-56 ; I ecturer in p"rrysiorogli _Medicine, lf*aJfry, U"iuE.rity
-- '''
196o-61 1 Professor of Physiology, Instiiute oT"M".1ici.rL, \IanrJalay,'ry6;:.- '

fory{eylcesl-study Tours.-Ij:s.s.R., czechoslovakia, G.D.R., medical education, 1963 ; New

Delhi, Bombay, Patra, Chandigarh, ialcutta, Dacca, methocls oievaluation in me.iical'ed"ucation,
1l[ e mb er s hip of S o c i e tie s. urma ]\ Iect ical Associat ion.
ll'Iernbers.hip^of CouncilsfContntittees.--Admiinistrative Board, Institute of L{edicine, I\{andalay
A-cademic Board, In^stitute of Medicine, \,Iandalay, Sports Committee, Institut.-of ;
Mandalay, Board of Studies for M.Sc. in Fhysiology j noard of Post-gracluate StuAi;sl; 1,r.jr"i"";
currcnt resoarch zoork.-Developraental physiorogy ; gastric physiology physiology
; of the

Publications.-r. Pn Tutw (r96:).* The control of gastric secretion in relation to peptic ulcer.
Burma T ud, 1..9, 54-56: z. pn TuBrN (rs6:). slmposium on peptic urcer. frryri"r"gi""i
asp911 of_geptic ulcer. Barma med. J. iri io5-24."
3. KruN ll'o lto u"j u.F.-t"ur*.
(ts$). Measurement of.gastric acid"excretio_ri. Ltirion"af Rurnru y. tl* Sil. |,'|oi-,o7.
4.- Kry,,.r Avr MoN .and.Pi_Tur,IN (rqli. Growth pattlrn of Buimese ..horftfilt[run in
N{andalay and Patheingyi. Union of fiurnia
J. Life Sci. 4,
Adtlres s.-Institute of Medicine, Mandalay.

35o. Pe Toe, N., N'{.8.,8.s. (Rg^.), ph. D. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne). physiorogist; born February
13, tgzg in Rangoon.
Edu'cation'-N{.8.,8.S.. Llniversity of Rangoon, r955; Ph.D. Universitv of Newcastle-upon-
Employment'-Demonstt'ator, D.epartmelt of Physiology, Jns,titute of Mandalay,
I955-S8;-Assistant I-ecturei .in Phy_sioiogy, Ins-titut6' of Medicine, -Medicine,
I\llandalay, rois-OO;
Lecturer, Department of Physiology,-Instiiute of Medicine, \,Iandalay, ,gti-."' ->r"
Publications.-r. Pr 'Iol (1166). Cutaneous affergnt patluL:a1,s. Ph. D. Thesis, Unir.rersity of
Nervcastle-upon-Tyne. z. cairoN, w. T'. and N. pi Toa (196+). A
the cutaneous tactile receptor- J. lrltysiol. r7z, ?t-22, r. '3,-cirrox, "i;.;i;r;;;;;if";
w. T. pn ror
(.sQS)'- I\'Iechanoreceptoi adaplar:i,rn; experimental tests oi the validity oil""J-N.
nrodel theory. J. I,hysiol.qg, +S $ p.
Address.-No. 34, 3znd Street, f-ar-irn-',rl;ne errarter, \,Ianclalay.

35r. Pe \[in, u, \{.8.,8.s. (Rgtr.), M.R.c.p. I'h-rsrician; Divisional I{ospital, Bassein.

354. Po, Thyra, 1\,I.8.,B.S. (Rgr.). Nutritiorrist; l;*rn A,.rgusr 3r, tg34 in Bassein.
Education.-Matriculated : Teacher's Traininq Colle,ge School, Rangoon, r95ri 1\{.8.,8.S.,
University of Rangoon, 1958.
Tr,-Nutrition Researclr Laboratory, Hyderabad, India in Nutrition, ry64-65.

:_ Employntent.--Civil Assistant surgeon, ce_ntral lIaternity Hospital -rq5.9;6jicivil
il.d;,tS"r,oot H;;kfliA-"riai". 1"J qu"c$."ng,.r9pr-64; Nledilal -Qfficgr., Secondary
Health Centre,; Kama-vut, ry6q--6g; Civil".{ssistant'Surgeon, Nutrition Project,
XI e ttther s hip oJ S oc ieti es.-B urma Medical Association'
Address,-zzo, Lanthit, Insein.
t<e. Po Kva. U, B.Sc. (Ren.), Ph. C. (Eng.), M.P.S. (Lond'), F'L'q' (Lbnd'), D'\'t'A'
'"" Fhurn-,"ucerrtical CtremisiTniiarmacist;'boin April ro, Ig3.l in Sandoway.

'U"ir;irylJniversity of Rangoon,
Iiducatioz.-B.Sc., 1955; Ph.Cl., I\'I:P.q., University of London, 1959;
il.ii{:A., oi n^n!oo", rq63; F.L.S], Linuean Society of L.ndon, 1969.
of pharmaceu-
Trai,ning.-.Evans Nlledical Supplies Pharmaceutical Industry, in the manufacture
, ticals, ,gSS-SC.
Emptoymenf.-Assistant Nlanager, Galenicall Department,-Burma Pharmaceutical Industry,
;:.;i;6t; o.p,rty--M-di;fi;ri. Galenicals Depaitrnent, Burma Pharmaceutical
t6tar-.frli tUuiugir, ^n4gr7 Department, Biurma Pharmaceutical Industry, 1963-'
Society of Lorrdon'
l\[embership of Societies.-Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; Linnean
i. lllen$rrrhip of Comntittees.-Member, Burma Research Council, . Ph-armaceutical
. and Chemical Science Research Division; \l[ernber, Indigenous Nledicine
Promotion Comrnittee I
" Mernber, Pharmaceutical Industries Expansior,,-* ,."i l)evelopments Projects Member,
Para-Medical Sciencesl
\tffi;;, iv"rti"g i"i-irr" s"rr.or of Phar'macy, In^stitute ofPlanning
Raw N{at".ir6"utical) Self-sufficienry, Scheme Comrnittee.

: Conferencesistudy Tours.-Altended ECAFE Seminar on the cle'r'elooment

of basic chemicals
and allied industries in Asia and the Fu,. nuli i9o, i iirit4 School of ?harmacy., chulalongkorn
. University a.rd Gove."*."t Pharmaceuti.ui lJUorur"ry, Bangkok, :Sqi il{::!-.^t""fand manu-
t; Germany and Expo to study modern methods of research
Mis*io" \,Vest Japan 7o
i;ir,. of pharmaceuticais, r97o'-
cuyrent yesearch worh.-on cinnamon barks of N4[inbu district for use in B.P. Balm and other
medicinal pr.pururiu... uro.uao-oii; loturical and chemical investigations on local
froit. to b" ,sed as substitutes for Ellateria cardanomunt N'Iaton'
' "urJo.o., ('?91): .Rauwolfia
Publications.'-r. N{ve TneuNG, SoE HluNG, Po- Krie 1"1 U. THarN utrlrze lnorgenous
r.rp""iit,r. Burma med. J. S, $l-1.1r' z' Po K1e (1963)t olanto
.-i -A
Ranloon' 1'. Po Kva (1969)'
medicinal plants of Burmi, D.NJ:A. ai.."t'tuiio", U"ii"*iiy"tjf
pharmacogno.ti.uf .Luiu"t"rs of Senna t.ui lCuttiu uYguttifoliu, Vahl), cultivatecl-in Burma'
f. nL fto ancl New CerIsTe \hN (i97o)'
F.L.S. dissertation, 1i""""" S".*,V "f L;;i;. 1g7--2o4' Po
Studies on some l;J|i;;;".rr.','.p""i.r. in;oi oJ Burnru l. Life Sci' 3' 5'
. KvA, Hre Mew ,"a rur^t ruurN (r'97r)i- Chara" of local"ly arzilable barks of Holarrhena
iritiyiritulrrz, Wall. Union of Buriia J' f ife Sci' 4, 467-+7r'
. Address.- No. 3, Bungatela', B.P.I' Estate, Gyogon, Ratrgoon'
Lecturer' Department of
1(4. po Po, Daw, M.B,B.S. (Cal.), D.C.H. (Bom.). Paediatrician ;
""' Child Hcalth, Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon'
?((. Po Toke, U (a) Thant Zin,lJ, \{'B',8'S' (Rgn'), D'L'O' (Rgn')''Oto-rhinolaryngologist;
""" bor., August 3, 1933 in \Iergui'
Education.-\[atriculated: Mergui r95z; M.8.,B.S., university
of Rangoon, I959; D'L'O"
Institute of \{eclicine r, Rangoon, r97a'
Hospital, Bassein' Ig72-'
Entploymezf.-Assistant Surgeon (E.N.T'. Specialist), Divisional
" Infectiogq
e<6. pu, Daw, Ntl.B.,B.s. (Rgn.), D.G.O. (Cal.). obstetrician and Gynaecologist;
""' ni.Lu*..'Cospital, Rangion'

gg7. Sai Seng tlyne, ili.B.,B.S., (Rgn.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist,

358. Sain Za Kham, U, M.8.,8.5. (Rg.r.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaestherisi; born june r, 1933 ia
. Tonzang, Chiir Hills.
Education.-Matriculatet{: St. Paul's High School, Mandalay, rySz-S3; \{.8.,8.S., University
of Rangoon, 196r; D.A., Institute of A,Iedicine r, Rangoon, 1967.

.. Entployment. -Civil Assistant Surgeon, Civil Hospital, Falam, ry62-.

XI e mb er s hitrt of S o c i eti e s. ]\ Ieclical Association.
Publications.--SerN. Ze Kllavl (1969). Utility of atinospherie air in anaesthesia by Gomeo-
Boyle's rnachine technique. Barrna rned. J. t7, r39.

3S9. San Baw, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rg.r.), N{.S. (Orth.), (Penn.). Orthopaedic Surgeon; Lecturer,
Departrnent of Orthopaedica, Institute of Medicine, Mandalay.

36o.San poke,-Julius, M.B.rE.S. (Rg..). Hospital Adrninistrator: born October ro, r9r9 in
Paganbo village, Bassein West township.

Education,-Matriculation: Sgaw Ikren A.-V. High School, Bassein, 1937; I.Sc., Judson
College, r939; NI.B.,B.S., University of Rangoon, 1949.
Employnrcnt.-Civil _Assistant Surgeon, Vlyaungmya Civil Hospita,l, Bassein Civil Hospital,
$qgo_o_n Geqelll Hospital, 1959-S6; Civil Surgeon, I\{aubin Civil Hospital, Myaungmya
Civil Hospital, Yamethin Civil Flospital, 1956-6r; Civil Surgeon eum Chief Xzledical Oflficer,
Pa-an Civil Hospital, ry6t-64; Chief \{edical Officer, Pa-an, ry64-65; Divisional Assistant
Director of Health Services, South Iiast DiviSion, Moulmein, 1965-72; Flealth Officer, Kaw-
thoolei Uzi Office, Pa-an, r97z--.

36r. San Min, ft_e-ne, M.B.,B.S. (Rg..), D.P.M. (Mysore). Psychiatrist; born January 9, rgzS
in Pwintbyu, N{inbu Township.
Educatioa.-Matriculated: Governrnent High.School, Myitkyina, tg46; M.B.,B.S.,.University
of Rangoon, r955 ; D.P.M., All India'Institute of Mental Health, Bangalore, Ml,sore University,
Enxplojmeil.t.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Psychiatric flospital, r g 57 S, Consultant Psychiatrist,
Psychiatric Flospital, ry6 S-. -6
M entbaship of S ocieties.-Burma Medical Association ; Medico-Psychological Association.
C urr ent y g g 9 ar ch r.uorA.-. Alcoholism.

(csGo)rr qfqf[f Edt.Se.?:{$.f<1c,5o)-e9o1oa@,6, .7"o":,.ffi96,,r

!"!r*r:r:: .r;"43'::,o'e3s
$gjeo:io[9go:{,5c; ocB5c5gr1r1o'5r ug-?-9oor z, SeN MrN, Inanu (r97o). A caie of
" Yaung-dat-tai. Burnta med. J. 18, zr.

362: San San Aye, "_Dryt M.BjlB.S. (, D.Bact. (Manchester). Bacteriologist; 6orn
September 28, t136 in Nyaung-U
Educati.on,-Matriculated: S! Joseph's Convent, lVlandalay, 1954; 1\{.B.,8.S., Faculty of

lrairying. _ lacteriology Departlnent, Royal _lnfirmary, Manchester in Laboratory rvork, r966 ;

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in medical mycologv, ry67 and pultic


rii r
Employment.*i]emonstrator, bepartment of Phvsioiogy, institute of Medicin" ,, Rurgoon,
tg6z-63; Demonstrator,lMicrobiology Department, Institute of Medicine, Mandalay, r963-68;
Assistant Lecturer, Miciobiology Departrnent, Institute of Nledicine, i\{andalay, 1968-.
Il[ e mb er s hip of S o ci etie s.-B urina M edical Association.
Publications,-SeN SeN Avr (r967). Classification of Diphtheroids isolated froru urine specimens.
D. Bact. dissertation, University of Manchester.
Address*r8r, 8oth Street, Mandalay.

363. San San Myint, Major Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.I'}. (Rgn.). Pathologist; born October 3,
1935 in Mawchi Mines, Kayah State.

Education State High School, Taunggyi, 1953; M.8.,8.S., University of

Rangoon, 196r; D.P., Institute of N{edicine r, Rangoon, 1969.
Employm.ent.-House Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, ry&-62; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
Sao San Htun Hospital, Taunggyi, ry62-64; General duty N{edical'Officer, Base \{ilitary
Hospital, I[aymyo, rg6q-66; General duty Nledical Officer, Nzledical Battalion, \4yitkyina,
1965-66; General duty'Medical Oflicer, Defence Services General Hospital, lVlingaladon,
tg00-0g; Pathologist, Central taboratory, Nledical Corps Centre, iMingaladon, 1969-.

364. San Tun Aung, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgr.), D.I\,I.R.T. (Lond.). Radiotherapist; born May r8,
1934 in Htugyi, Heuzada District.
Education.--Matriculated: Central State High School, Rangoon, r95o; M.8.,8.S., University
of Rangoon, 1957; D;M,R.T., University of London, 1965.
Truining.--Atomic Research Institute, Harwell in the use of isotope in medicine, 1964.
Entploynrcnt.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, 1958-. Part-time Assistant Lecturer, Institute of
Medicine, \tlandalay, rgTo-.
Mentbership of Societies.*Burma Medical Association.

j6'5. San Win Min, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgt.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist; trorn,in Hsum Sai, Nawng'
- - Hkio '.fownship, Kyaukme district, Northern Shan States.
'Educatirtn-Matriculation: St, Albert's High School, N{aymyo, rg57; 1\{.B.,8.S., Institute of
Medicine r, Rangoon 1964; D.A., Institute of N{edicine r, Rangoon, 1969.
Entployntent.*Civil Assistant Surgeon, Divisional Hospital, I.ashio, 19_67-68; Civil Assistant
Suigeon (Anaesthetist), Civil Hospital, Loilem, ry7o--72;CivilAssistantSurgeon(Anaesthetist),
Rangoon General Flospital, rgTz*.
Address.*32-A, Suburban Road, Ahlone, Rangoon.

366. San Yi, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Mdy.), Ph.D. (Dublin)" Physiologist; born June 7, 1936 in
Ertucation,-Matriculated: No. t, State High School, Mandalay, 1952;.M.B.,B.S., Institute
of N{edicine, Mandalay, ry62;Ph.D. Trinity College, University of Dublin, 1972.
-of Physiology, Surgeon, Mandalay General Flospital, tg6z-63; Qemonstrator,_Depart'
muirt I"nstitute of Medicine, Mandalay,_'tgfi-6g:' Assistant Lecturer,
Department 6f ff,yiiotogy, Institute of Medicine, Mandalay, ry6g*,
M enfi er hip o/ S o c i et ie s,'*Physiological S ociety, U. IC

,Conferenceslstudy Tours.*Attended Physiological Society, Royal Academy o! _Physiological

Scidnces rneetin[s during t96g-72; zlth P[ysiological Sciences Cougress in Munich, r97r.
Fublications.-SeN Yr (rgZz)" Effect of fenfluramtne on heat production in rats" Ph.D, Thesist
University of Dublin.
Addr e s s;*87/83 rd Street, Mandalay.

ak ,o Mva Mav. Daw. M.B.,B.S. (Ren.), D.M.C.W. (Cal.). H<.rspitai AdministratorTPublic
"-' U""ttt Speciali'si (Maternity and Child i{ealth); born December 7, rg2t in Pwehla.
Education.--Matriculated: Huddah Mix Girls High School , rg3g M.B.,B.S', University of
n"rrgoo.,, rg5o; D.M.C.w., Alt India Institute of ?ublic Health and_Hygiene, calcutta, 1953;
D.P:H., iloy"al Institute of Public Health and Hygiene, London, 196o'
Training.-TJniversity of Nerv South Wales, Sydney in hospital administratiot, t966.
Membership of Societies.-Burma N{edical Association; Burma Red Cross Society.

IVlembershi7t of Cornmiyees.*.Bunna i\,iedical Association (Obstetric and Gynaecology Section)

and Public Health Section.

Conlerenceslstudy Tours,-Yisitecl difierent Cities and Health Department,,underTdueetion

Exc'hange Progrimme in the U.S.A.t l{i56i Attended World Health Assernbly, 1957.

.4ddress.-36, Theinbyu Street, Rangoon.

Paediatrician; Private Practitioner.

368. Sarin, 8., M.B.,B.S. (Bom.), D.C.H. (Bom.).

369. Saw, Norma, M.B.,B.S. (RS".). Anatomist; Lecturer, Department of Anatomy, Institute
of Medicine l, Rangoon.

37o. Saw Aung, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.T.C.D.

(Wales). Tuberculosis Specialist; born May 29,
r934 in Bogale.
Education,-Matriculated: Bogale State High School, r95r; M.B,,B.S., University of Rangoon,
1958; D.T.C.D., University of Cardiff, t969.
Employment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Anti-VD Team, Greater Rangoon, r'9-58^59; Team
Leader, Anti-VD Team, Taunggyifrg 5r2J.; Civil Assisiant Surgeon, piu pap Htun Hos*tal,
Taungfyi, ry62-63; Township-MediCil Oflicer, Natogyi Township Hospital, 1963'64; Civtl
Assist-alnt Surgeon, Union Tuberculosis Institute, 196+-'

!\[ e ntb er ship of S o ci etie s,-B urma Medical Association.

Current research woyh,-Chemotherapy of tuberculosis in coopet'ation with the International
Union against Tuberculosis.
lddress-No. 5o, 6th Street, Rangoou.
born March 5, r9r4 in Moulmein'
37r. Saw Ba Heng, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rg".). Bacteriologist ;
Education.-Matriculated : Government High School, Moulmein, 193'4 ; M'B',8'S', University
of Rangoon, 1937.
I'raining.-lJniversity of Manchester in lacteriology, r952-53.i \Vriglit.Flemming lnstitute of
fl,ii.i"f?"fgv, io"a6" in the study of diphtheria, iox6id and,antibiotic assay and sensitivity
;;;t-"rg, ;95i'; Da"iJ Biuce Labor"to.y, Glu*o Laboratory and Lister Instituteof Hygiene in
, it *'"""?i!trrr. of T.A.B. vaccine, peitussis vaccus and anti-seta for dip-thheria and tetanus,
" ;- C.;tral Retearch Institute,'Iiasauli, India in the manufacture of anti-rabic vaccine'
uiiiriru for tetanus, diphtheria and snake venoms and antibiotic-assay, 1953--54.;.Pasteur
Institute, Coo.ror, i"ali i" virus laboratory techniques, 1958 I Moscorv, in the laboratory
diagnosis of rabies, 1964.
Employnwt.-Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, tg+7-+g i-Assi{,1n1-SqSeon'
Pasie,i, Institute, tgig-S+ iAr*i*tantbirector, Pasteur Institute,.r954-65 ;Assistant Direc-
i"iilrt"rr,"iAJl, ii'OS "6j ; D"poty Director (Laboratories) (Director of National Health
Laboratory), tg67*.
trtanbership of Societies,'B,rrma iliedical Association ; Britisfu Me.licui Associatiofi.
l\Iembetship of Com'mittees.-Board of Post-graduate Medical
Studies, Institute vr
vluurvo' of :Ireu
l\rledicine r,

Publicationi.-HeAr, DAw, NI. MoNrrm El-ZeweuHv, selv Be Ifu.Nc, oux

SriN D.wr, TneN Seix ,"aLir,v ir,""Jiqzrl.
Kvr, RoNero
lome epidemiological features of human rabies
Address.-48, Attia Road, Rangoon.

372' saw Ba.Tun Kyi, u, M'8.,8.s. (Rgr.). orthopaedic surgeon sao san Htun Hospitar,
Taunggyi. ;

373' SawHla-ing, Major, Daw, M.B.,B.s. (Rgr.), D.A. (Eng.).

\ o /. Anaesthetist;
---- born December rg,
tgzT it Minbu.
Education'-Matriculated: Governme,t,_Minbu, 1946_; M.B.,B.S.,
of Rangoon,-1954 ; D.A., conjoint Board oT the noyar c;rQ; 6f sirrg.""l."j p-hysicians,
England, r96o.
Training'-Post-graduate School of Medicine, Harnmersrnith Elospital in.anaesthesiology,
Employntent.-General ol1!y Medical officer,'Defencb Seivices General Hospital,
1954-59; Anaesthetist, Defence Services deneral yoqpiill, 196o-6r ariaestfieti-stiNo.
Base Mititarv Hospitar, Maymyo, 196r-69; Anaesthetilix".;, Milit;ryii;;i-t"r"
. ry69-.
974. .Saw.Mra Aung, U, \I.8.,8.S. (Bom.), D.C.H. (Lont{.), M.R.C.'. (Glas.). physician ;
born April 23, r9r8 in l{yohaung.
Education.-Matriculaled : cushing lrigh Schoor, r%1j y1%B.s., Grant N{ecrical
rys{i; ci;;;;;-r;;;:"""' "
Bombay, 1947 ; D.C.H., Universitf of iondon,

Tfqi,:t,w..-99",I Mead.Hospital, Bris-tol, Ch-ildren Hospital, Bristol and Great ormond Street,
C_hildren's Tlospital and North'Middlesex }lospital in'paediatri*, i95o--!i;
Hospital, [rgy."l I1fi1mary,,. Edinburgh, children_ Hlrpit"i, rii"#rgfi; iv..i.i"
Hospital, Edinburgh in paediatrics and general rnedicine,'rg5i-5"; Mid?lesboior*1, 6"r,"rrr
Hospital, East Riding General Hospitai, Royal Infirmuiy.,'irrifii,-;il;;;#Ii[ d.n.rut
medicine, rySz-S3. ]..,.r"r
Employmcnt..--Assistant to physician,_RrlgoglSeneral
Maubin civil Hospital, 1954 ; Senior .Flospital, ry47_qg; Civil Surgeon,
vtsgI", pory"lfri", nu"igL"':, ,isilii;"If"ud of
Depallqgn^t of Phirmacofo"gy, Facurty or rteaicine, u;ir;;rir';; Rangoon, r
ss4- s ( : physician
and civil Surge_on, .\{andalay Generar Hospital and Mand"alay u.riir"t, ;;i:_.,r?
Department of Medicine, Faculty of Mediiine,_Mandalay Uriiversity, 195i1oi-;'r^tysr";an "r
and Medic4.Superinte,dent, Mandalay. Gen_eral'Hos pital,i956--o:; dr]v.i"'ii", bluJ
i"ri n,""
llospital, Taunggyi, 1963-67; Part-iime'Lecturei in M6dicin"]'I.rriit,rt" of"ir," ,,
Rangoon, i969 to date; Physician, people's Hospital, East Rangoon, 1969-.

Study Tours.-Study tour of well known hospitals and medicalcollegesintheU.S.A.

and [T.K., 1958.
Address.-t 35/S, Windermere Road, Rangoon.

375. Saw Mya Yee, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.p. (Rgn.). pathologist'; born February 15, r94o in
Education.-Matriculated: Union christian High schoor, Ran-goon, r95-5; M.B.,B.s., Institute
Medicine r, Rangoon, r96r ; D.P., Institute oi ,, fi.u.,goo.r, ,97r.

Employmgnt.-Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital and Central Women's Hospital,
Rangoon,_rgfu-62; Assista_nt Surgeon, Yamethin,. ry62-63; Assistant Surgeon, Children's
Hospital, Rangoon, rgQ-66; Assiitant Surgeon, La6oratdry, Mandalay Gineral Hospital,
ry66-67 ; D.P. course, 1969-7r ; Assistint Pathologist,- N{andalay" General Hosiritat,
M emb er ship of S o c i e t i e s. NI edical Association.
Current research zt_oyk.
.Ditrelential proteinuria in nephrotic syndrome ; survey of haematolo-
gical disorders in Mandalay General Hospital.
Publications.-Saw i\{ve Yrr (r97r). Differential proteinemia and its relation to plasma protein
and G.F.R. in nephrotic syndrbrii.' D.P.'dissertation. Institute of Medicine ,] n"ogo'on.

376. saw T.iog, u, M.B.,B.S. (Rgrr.), D.P. & T.M. (Rgn.). public Health specialist ; born
December 23, 1943 in Hlegu.'
Education.-\{atriculated : St. Paul's Institute, 1958 ; M.B.,B.S., Institute of Medicine r,
Rangoon, 1967 ; D.P. & T.N{., Institute of Mediiine r, Rangoon, rg7z.

lmploym.ent.-Hous9 Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, ry67-68; Civil Assistant Surgeon,

Psychiatric Flospital, Rangoon, ry68-72; Tou,nshipHealth dfficer, Bassein, rg72-.
ItI emb er ship of S o ci et i e s.-Burma Medical A ssociation.
Membershi\ of committee.r.-Member, Bassein Municipal Health Ct-rmrnittee
Publications.-Sew NeINc (rgZz)- Alcoholism. in Burma. D.P. & T.M. dissertation, Institute
of Medicine r, Rangoon.
Address.-No. 73, Cheape Road, Dagon P.O., Rangoon.

377. SawNyun,UrM.B.,B.S.(Rgn.),M.D.(Penn.). Neurosurgeon;bornApilzr,igzrinMogok.

Education.-Matriculated : Government High school, Rar:rgoon, r94o ; M.8.,8.S., university
of Rangoon, r95r ; NI.D., Llniversity of Pennsylvania, r96rl
Training.-Western General and Royal Irrfirmary Hospitals, Edinburgh in neurosurgery,
Employryent record.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, N{aymyo Civil
Hospital and BCG Campaign, r95r-6r ; Neurosurgeon, Rangoon GenirirlHospiiali rg6t-.
Membership of Societies.-Burma Medical Association.
Current researclt worh.-Clinical research in cranio cerebral trauma ; intracranial space occupy-
ing lesions ; spinal cord compressiorr I Congenital paediatric neurcsurgical disorders.
Publications.-r. slwNvur.l (196r). N{anagementofheadinjuries. Burmamed.-l.g,6z-73.
2. S.Aw NvuN (1963). Symposiu- on c".e6.ovascular accidints. Surgical mariag,-ement'6f
cerebrovascular accidents. Burma med. l. rr, 33-38. 3. Sew NvuN (1964). Iitracranial
tumours. Burma ryed. J. r2, r5r--r5.5." 4. b-i;, fi"r*'(r9O9y. Repoit'or,'the survey of
neurosurgical disorders seen at the Neurosurgical Senices,'Rangoon General Hospital during
the years ry6*-65. Union of Burma J. Life Sci, zr ro5-r13.
Addr cs s. 46, Bound,ary Road, Rangtron.
378. Saw Tha, Daw, N{.8.,8.S. (Rgrr.), D. Path (Erg.). Pathologist ; born lune zq, r93r in
Education.-Matriculated : Mrs. Hla Oung's Buddhist Memorial School, Rangoon, 1947 ;
M.8.,8.S., University of Rangoon, 1955 ; D. Path., Conjoint Board of the Roya"l Coiteg.;s'of
Physicians and Surgeons, Enghnd, 196z-.
I,.aboratory, Kingston--on:Thamest 1959 ; Clinical T,aboratory, University
lra1..ning,'- Group
College Hospital, 196o ; London Hoipital, Bernhard Bevdn, Institute of Patfrology, r96v6z'

Centre in
Department of Pathology, Chelsea Women's Hospital, lrentwood Blood Transfusion
of antisera, ry62_; Copenhagen and Calbourg, I)enmark in
I;tffi;iltrmainly'eiecti ophoretic techniquesiexfoliative cyt6logy 'of the female genital tract'
EntDloyment.--House Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, 1955-56 ; Qivil-Aslistant
fr;"ffi;;"il;r..i" norpit?I, Pasteui Institute, Materirity and-C6ild Health Centre, Rangoon
a;;?;;i'H;.pti;i iubtruto.y, 1956-59 ; iirit Assisiant Surgeon, ,{-abolatorl' }lngoon
Civil Asiistalt Surgeon, Biochemistrv D:9*,11."1 -f1lCoo"
D,rtfetin Hospital, ry62-63;jPaihologist
6;;;;i'H;pil1,'tg6z-.O| ; CentralVomen's Hospital, 1966-72; Pathologist,
Blood Bank, Rangoon, 1972-.
M emb er ship of S ocietie s'-Burma Medical Association'
Aildres s.-zz, LloY d Road, Rangoon'

& T.N{. (Rgn.). Public Health Specialist ; born

zeo. Sdw Tha Wa, U, M.B.,B.S' (Rg..'.), D.P.
"" April 23, tg35 in Bawgaligyi, Thandaung'

Education.-Matriculated : St. Luke's H'igh School, 1-99"q99, 1955 ; M'B',B'S" Institute of

Mrii"i"" r, Rangoon, 1965 ; D.P. & T.M; I.stitute of Medicine r, Rango-on, r97r.
Irrarvaddy Division,
Employment.---Tnwnship Hea!1h 9.ffir* Divisional Health. Department,
n"S'$i'.r, isoO-oZ ; f.*''.,.rrip H"urtr. officer, Smallpox Eradicati-on Programme 0ficer, tg67*'
Pablication.-sew Tne We (rgzr). Epidewiology of vnallpox in Burm.a. D.P. & T.M. disserta-
tion. Institute of'Medicine r, Rangoon'
Add.ress.-zg, David Shrve Nu Road, Thamaing'

u, N.{.8.,8.S. (Rgr.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist ; born Februaty 2t, tg35

3go. saw Seia Hla,
in Ahlone.
fiducatioz;-N{atriaulated : Rangoon Unique Karen High School , ryS+ ;
M'B',8'S', University
of Ru.rgoott, r96r ; D.A., Institute of N{edicine r, Rangoon, r97o'

Employntent.-civilAssistant surgeon, Kawkareik civil-Hospital, p!7@ ;

Township Nledical
Officer II, papu., ii,r-Jff"-ei!l[ ,S.6:-6S ; Township Mqucal gfficgr_II,
,ai"il-H;.'pitui ,qOi-bS-;,C!r_il e..pLr1^Slrgeon, Pi.-an Civilllospit3l,.:998 ;.Torvnship
, M-"Ji.ut dm".., t'uiu*cirif Hospital, ry68-6g";-Civil Assistant, Pa-an Gvil Hospital
D.A. Ciuil A.* Pa-an Civil Hospital,
o.r-J"p,rt"tion to atierxl iOf!g-7.i 9-t"gqorr.,
;rl, la* A..i.tu.rt Surgeon "orri*.,
(Anaesthesia), Rangoot General Hospital, r()7o-.

M em.bership of S ocieties.-Burma Medical Association'

Ad.dreis.-R.oom 4, c.A.s. Qr. West, R.G.H. Compound, canal street,

rgr. sav Lwai, Naw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.T.N{. & H. (Lond.). Physician ; born larruaty 27,
'-- ,g3t in Thikukone village, Myaungmya District'
Education.-Matriculated : Union Christian-,High Schoolt ry52; M.B',B.S., University of
il;;;;o", D.T.M. & H., Universitv of London, 1966'
1959 ;

Trai.ning.-Whittington_Hospital London in General \{edicine,

i965; London. School of
in tropical meCicine, 1966 Brompton Chest Hospital in chest
Hveiene u,a fropiE*iM;ai;i;", ;
;;l;;..., r966 ; Institute of Cardiology in cardiology, r967'

Civil Assistaf,t S,urgeon'

Emblovment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Pa-an Civil-H9lryta1, ry59:6+;
H";;i Civil Assistart surg"on, Pa-an civil Hospita!,
iilK;;#"6;".;;i ri , rs61765 ;' ry68-7rj
Member ship of Societies.-Burma Medical Association'

38a. Sebastian, Anthony A., B.Sc. (Mdy.). Entomologist; born August 18, r93z at Maymyo.
Eilucation-Matriculated: St. Alberts' I{igh School, 1953; B.Sc., University of Mandalay,
Eruployment.-Demonstrator in Biology, University of Mandalay, 1959; Lntuling Demonstrator
anci Head, Department of Biology, Inlermediate College, Magrve, rg5g-.6t;-Ler:turing Denron-
strator and ilead, Department of Biology, Intermediate College, 'I'aunggyi, to6t-6a_i
Entomologist, Nlalaria Institute, Prangoon,-i962; Entomologist, WHQ Filariasis Research
Lrnit, Raigoon, 196z-69; Entomologist, F'ilaria{s (lontrol Project, Ran-goon,.r97o; Senior
Research [), Medicai Entomology Research Division, Department of Medical Research,
Current Research Work.-Biology and ecology of Rangoon Aedes Aegypti, Susceptibility of
aedes aegypti to insecticides.
Publications.-ANTHoNy Srsasuex and llorn.c or MutlroN (rrl6il. Experiruents on the
rnating of Culex pipiens fatigans in the laboratory. B_all, lVld. I{ltlL Arg. 19, 47- 52.
z. Boirm or \{allloN, AN'rrloxy SneasrraN and Z.II. KueN (t962), The duration of 9gB,
larval and pupal stages of Culex pipiens fatigans in Rangoon, B_,urma. Bull. ll/ld. Fllth. Org.^
26. t-t+.'l. So'rHA ua Mut.rot'liANru<-rfv SLsesrreN and Z..FI. KHAN (rrl6il. Time of
irii*t of giavid Culex pipiens fatigans at an oviposition site, the 9yip99!t!on_ cycle and the
relationshipbetrveentime-offeedingandtimeof oviposition. Bull.I4tld.I-llth.Org.3613^9- -!6.
e. Bo::ne MrtLLoN, ANrscNr'SremrraN and Z.II. KneN (.tg6fl. Cane sugar feding
in Culex pipiens fatigans. Bull. I.AH. Hlth. Org.36,_53 _ 65. .5. Bor-rla or: \llulloN, Mvo
Perwt;, .Ar:rirbxv Su,BAsrraN andZ.H: I(HaN (1967). OutCoor resting oJ Culex pipiens fatigans
in Rangoon, Buuna. l)ull. I4tld. Hlth. Org. 36;92-12.. 6. Eorrre DE I\{BILLoN, ANrruoNv
Sramtirx,(:967). Qualitative and quantitative characteristics o.f tdrrlt_CuJex.oipiens fatigans
populations i.cordirg to tirne, site and place of capture. Bull. ILtld. Hlth. Org, 361 75-8o.
i.'Bo.rrre ou \{rrrr6N, Surcro Hevssir and ANrsoxv SEel,srrax (.ly6Z). Infection and
ieinfection of Culex pipiens fatigans with Wuchereria bancrofti and the loss"of mature larvae in
blood-feeding. Bufi. Wld. Hlih. Org. 36, 8r--9o. 8. Borue or Mrtr-roiy, B. GRee and
ANrnoNy SrlesrreN (\)62). Evaluation of Wuchereria bancrofti infection in Culex pipiens
fatigans i1 Rangoon, Bunna. Bull. IVld. lllth. Org.3-61 9r-roo... 9. BolHa ur.\'Ierar-oN,
ANinoNv Saeesi'leN ard Z. [I. KrlaN (rq6Z). Exodus from a breeding place and the time of
emergence frorn the pupa of Culex pipiens fatigans. Bull. ll'ltl. FJlth, Qrg. 36, r63:r6V.
ro. Btrue un \{snloN and ANrsoxy SI,:I}AST'IAN (rU6Z). }r-xamination of the stomach contents
of Cglex pipiens in Rangoon, Burnta, to determine the origin of the blood-rnea!. Bull. Wld.
Hlth. Or[.,j6, 168-169. rr. Borna lE Murr-roN and ANluoNY SLBASITTAN 69f-r7). The
biting cltle- of Culex pipleng fatigans on man in Bln_g_oon, Burma, and the rnicrofilaria
perio-dicitv.|lld.Hlth.Org.i6,ry4-ry6. rz.W.W.MecooNet.n,ANuroNv SiinestteN
ind N{eui.rr; l\{.quxi; 'llus (1968). A mark-release-recapture experiment with Culex piqiens
fatigans in the i,illage of Okpo, B_u1ya.. -Annals trop. wetl. €d lar.6zrz.oo-2o9. r3. L. S. Snrr
Stresrmrv-(r97r).- A high iircidence of green coloration in newly-emerged adult
".tdA. of Culex pipiens fatigans in Rangoon, Burma. J. ll[ed. ht.8r3gr-393. r4' L. S.
bieir, N{.H.M. AttrJr.t'aortt, H.L..\{elurs anrl A. Sssesrt.qN (rq:r). An increase in the
propontion of par,:us fel'rales of Culex piyie_ns f3t-ig3n1 aftet tu'o years of larval c.ontro
i., Rr.tgoott, Burrna. Cah. ORS'lOll[ Set. Iint. Med. Parasitol. g, r.)7-2o2.
Arldress.-8, U Aung Bwint Street, "Ihamaing P.O., Rangoon.

Gideon, M.B.,B.S. (Rg..), N,I. Phil. (I-ond.). Pharmacologist; Pharmacology Institute

- - ofSein,
\{edicine, \{andalaY.

a8a. Sein Dwe, Rorrald, VI.B.,B.S. (Rg,r.), D. Bact. (Rgrr.) OgZz). Bacteriologist; Ass.istant
- ' Lecturer, Departtnent of Microbiology, Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon.

Sein May Chit, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.P.H. (E"g.). Public Health Specialist'; born
- May
-3g5. 2c', tgSo in Pakokku'

Education.-Matriculated: RangoonrJniversity,^1946;M.8.,B.s., university of Rangoon, 1957;
D.P'H', Conjoint Board of the Royal Colleges-of Physicians'and Surgeons, iinglandi96o.
Tr:aining.-,Ro1'al Institute of Public llealth anil Hygiene in public Health,
bnployment.-Assistant District Health OS9"I, Mingaladon Airport, 196z-63; I.Iealth Officer,
l\{ingaladon Airport, r963; }Ialariologist, Malaria Inltitute, Ran'goon, i94-(ta; Malariologisti
Malaria Eradication Organization,_ Pegu Division, ry64-7r; D.p"iy Assistant Directof of
Health, Rangoon, tgTt to date; Nutrition Officer, Uutiit;on Project,"Dcpartment of Health,
X/Iembersltip of Societies.-Burma Medical Association, Royal Institute of Public Health and
Publications.-SstN Mev CuI'r (196o). Ilealth Education in Burma. .D.P.H. dissertation.
Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene, London.
Address.-97/2, Nawarat Yeiktha, U lVisara Road, Rarrgoon.
386..seintlyint, u, \'{.8.,8.s....(Rgn,),_rr"R.c.!. (Eg.), F.R.c.s. (E"g.). General surgeon;
born February 23, rgz3 in Thabyu \rilhge, Pegu District.
Ytional Sigh School, PegL,
F.R.c.1s.. Rgva! collefe of surgeons"of Edinburgh, ig6o; n.n.c.s., tioyal
_rgloi M.8.,8.S., tlniversity of
College of^r9iz;
Surgeons of England, 196o.
EmploymenL-FYtg.93, Insein H_ospital, 196z-65; Surgeon and \{edical Superintendent,
Moulmein Divisional I{ospital, r965-7o; Surgeon, Medicat
lup.erintendent, Norih Okkalapa
General Hospital, ry7t-; Clinical Professor of Surgery, Insiitute of Medicine z, Rangoon,
l[ emb er s hip of ;S o ci eti e s.
urma Medical Association.
C uw nt R e s e ar ch T4/ o r k.- etanus, iliary stone.
-T b

387. qe:T o..o: u, l'{.Bj,B.s. (}gg.), (u.K.). physician;Assistant Lecturer, Department

of \lleclicine, Institute of Medicine z, Rangoon.

388..sein sein (z), Daw, M,B.,B,s. (Rgn.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist; born February 5, r935
in Pegu.
Educution.--Matriculated: Teachers' Training College School, r95z; 1\4.8.,B.S., University of
Rangoon, r958; D.A., Institute of Medicine r, Rangoorr, r965.-
EmployntenL-Civil Assistant.Surgeon, Maubin Civil Hospital, 196o-62; Civil Assistant
Surgeon, Thaton_Civil Hospital, 196z-64.; Civil Assistanf Surgeon (Ai-raesthesia), Central
Women's Hospital, ry65-67; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Meiktila tivil ilospitol, ;1167-.
Membersltipof Societies.-Burma \iedical Association; Anaesthetic Branch (B.M.A.).
Memberslip^of Comnitteeg.;S9c-rg1aiy, Hospital Advisory Committee, Meiktila; Member,
Executive Committee, ts.M.A., lMeihtila.

389. Sein S:t,..P1y, l{.8r8.9. (RS.^.):

!,9:H. (l-Ta.). Paediatrician, Demonstrator, Depart-
ment of Child Health, Institute of Meclicine r, Rangoon.
39o. Sein Seil Khin, p3w,.l{..8*,8.S. (Rgn.), D.A. (Eng.). Anaesthetist; Consultant Anaesthetist,
Central Wonien's Flospital, Rangoon.

39r. _9-ei1, Yi,,U., M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.P. & T.M. (Rgn.). Malariologist ; born April 29, rc133 in
Wunbye Village.
Eclucation.-1\{atriculatetl_: state IIigh school No.-r, J\lanclalay, rg5o; M.8.,8.s., Universitv
of Rangoon, 1953-58 ; D.P. & T.M., Institute of Medicine i, Riigo,rn, ,967, . ' -----!/

f'aining''\ialaria Eraciication Tiraining centre, [,iur,iir, piriiippines
i, -riu.ioiog y, 1969,
Employntent'-House Surg,:ctt, R.rflgron.General
I{ospital, rg5g-59 ; Assistant District Health
officer, Auns San DemJnst,.atio.'"i.rr,r, a'.;;r;;"r!;s';
Pvapon, ,q;q--6, ; ci"il A;;;;;,i'su.g.or,, t3$.i;',i District- H;;i;h officer,
Bogale, r.i6i-05 j 'ru'rr.i;1r'rii;i.r:'ijm;;"Li;
t,. u1,oi iiluitirlrp;r"r, r96z_63;. t{edical ofricer,
Hearth oflfijcr, 6assein, r;67:68 I"g"r.,""r'qos _67; Assistant Divisional
;-il;jar.iologisr, s;",hi;; Iiiuirion, Bassein, r968- .
oJ sacieties.-B,,na \redical Association
!1;';!::r':', ; Itoyal society of rropicat ,r,{"di.i.," u,r,l,

Tours.--\risited flyderaba<l, I.clra pradesh, lTerv

ffi;;'^tttudy Delhi o, a malariology
Publications'-srtN Yt (1968). Filariasis in
Medicine r, Rangoon.
Burrna. D.P. & T.M. dissertation. Institute of

Address.-No. 38, Ta-Wa_Tain-Tha Road, Bassein.

392' sein Yi, Major, Daw, M.B.,B.s. (Rgn.)- D.C.FI. paediatrician; part-time
ment of Child Heahh, Insrirute of y&l;c;n" Lecturer, Depart-
,, R;"g;;;.'-"'""
3e3' soen^GuPt+,il'r[*:?l;*si,:'r, D.M.A. (Rg'.). Arlministrator ; Senior Medical officer r,
39+ l\'{'B''B's' (Rg"'), T'D.D., D.T.M.H. T,berculosis
Sharm?"T;tili speciatist, Rangoon

res';stu D.A' (Iing.), F.F.A.R.c.s. (Lond.). Anaesthetistl

Education.-Matriculated :. Rangoon, 1947 M.B.,B.S.,
; Univers
:i",r"f :fl1?,r,"
R"y"r c;iiE;. Liii,;.i.;.", ffi
Training.-Post-graduate N{eaicar schoor, L,ncron
in anaesthetics, 1958.
Employrucnt'-chief Anaesthetist, Defe,ce. services
Part-time lecturer in Anacsthesiuiogj-i"*tit;; General lJospital, r{ir:galadon, 196r
;i M#;iiJr,'tr,goon, r965*.
Menfi er slip of S ocieties._B urrna Medical Association.
conferences'-Attended 4th \vorll congress of Anaesthesiology in tondon
and Ireland, 1968.

396' shwe Ban, u, M.B.,B.s. (Rgrr.), D.c.p. (sydney). pathorogist; born

Apr, ro, -,\kyab.
t ry16 ; l'{'8.,8.s., Universitv of R-angoon, 1956,
'r{g?;!::;:#ratriculated University
Employment.-Demonstrator i. pathorogy,
i, of Medicine, Ma,daray, 1956_5g ;
Assistanr r,ecturer r;r;ii;;;;'.r^Institute
M;;i;;"";'ni;';;;iry, rs5r_7r ; Lecrurer
il:1lf'srl'il;:'t:x:i#;H1li,:'.1;,T 1e!'r., in
i'i,,"'t'tu"t p"ilt"g;'i'
:""' ''ii'""L;'
' fulenabership of societies.-Burrna Meclicar Association.
C uyr ent resear ch work,-Liver diseases.

Address.-34r, prome Roacl, Myenigon, Rangoon.

Srwcr'rm'rJ,l,H;3i;l;? ,$?i')i,li,t;i,,t?,uli,fl;1...
r (Ed.), r\r.R.c.o.G. (Lond.).

fr&rc,ation.*ffiatric,riated Baptistiingl[h High Schooi, RangP?i :939-; M'B',b'S, t]ttiuosity
F.n', ct*go*, re57' M'R'c'o'G''
;f 's\i;'F'n"c's',"Edinburgh'
London, 1965.
of Obstetrics and Gynae-
ll'rainins.-Mitl Road \'Iaternity Flospital, Liverqool and D.epartment
of Liverpooi in Obstetrics and Gynaecology' r9o+-o5'
Ernt>loytrcnt..-Civil Assistant
'Ci;ii Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospitaf r95o-5-3 ; Civilassistant
';,:,ri;","'#;-;;;; Fi";;;;i-isiz-t8j surgeon, Mandalav Generalr.958-59 Hospital, Reader in
iu.aiErt ioll"g., Mindalav, ; Obstetrician
Surserv and Lecturer,;h;;;'.ic1'r"iiJiti*,
;#"8+,;;"b;iJ; ffis'*" D;fi";i"-Corp;trr and Lectrlrer
Le-cturer in
and Gvnaecologv,
i", issl'l7 ';ryi
Fac*ltv of Nledicine, University of Rangoon, -66 of obstetrics and Gvnaecologv' Institute
ir"rt,,i,;;iirili;i;";;'R;;il fi,'
oi M"" a, Rangoglr, ry67-'
Mentbership of societies.-Burma Medical
Association ; Asian Federation of obstetrics and
Membership of cornntittees.-President,
obstetrics and Gynaecology.section, Burr'na Medical
Associatiorr ; Ad*i'i.trlli"" ""a l.ra.r"i"
sudy, r*titutt of \iled'icinc, i, Rangoon ; Post-
;r;J;;;; B;;rd of studies, Di:ug Advisorv council'
Conferenceslstudy Touts.*W[{O sponsored study
tour of under-graduate and post-graduate
trriiing in U.K.-and India, 1969'
and severe pre-eclampsia with " Heminevrin'"
Current reseaych work.*Management of eclampsia
i"1f'" tieatment of prolapse of
8-ro. z. SHwr rrN irq6el.r.4,'^V"si'rrirt;i"?;t"*y;;i;;p'ii
the rrterus. Rurnm nrcd. J.
Aildress.-l8r-r89, 5 rst Street, Rangoon"
N{'R'C'P' (Lond')' Car-
.'ro& Shwe Tin, U,M.B',8'S' (Rgn'),11'R'C'P' (Glas')' M'R'C'P' (Ed')'
'- Jiotogi.iluot" Nove,rbci zi, t935 in Rangoon'

E tlac at ion.*Matriculated
UniversitY of Rangoon'
\{.R.C.P:, London, r966'
cardiology,;963-'64.; Institute of Neurology'
iroining.:*National Heart Hospital, London^in t'o,,don. in chest disea'ses ry63-64i
London, in Neurology, ;A:6;i;;lir"i" "i-in"-illi*.*EJ, ientral Middlesex' Hospital
Hosoital for Nervous;J:'i'-'"*,'Gd';.',;l;;;;;lG;'ea3-64;
+:.i','I,lj%h:1ru';;i?,hi1i#;;#1ffi ir[*',']-]Tl,4lgi;*.H:ff in congenital heart
tal. Edinburgh i. cli'icaifffiilff;';r6;Gl
ai"gnortic cardiolog|' r965-66; Post-graduate
diseases. rq6s_66 ;
i,i';il sih;"]; Lotxlon, in cardiologv, ry6 5-66'

on"deputationto the U'K'

,o<o--62 : Civil Assistant Surgeo-n, Sy.iiam -ardi6logist'-Cardliac Medical Unit' Rangoon
oi-u .trt. scholarship]';;;;:-.66; hssistant Unit, Rangoon General
General Hospitat, ,9oo-O[".iqrrirfu"girrlia;;";i"r.i; d;iacMecli-?l
r968'to date; Demonstrator
G"n"tri Hospital,
Ilospital and Coronary irri Unit, R-an-gqon
il"nuneiri, ,1OOJ-181 Lecturer in Cardiology
in Cardiology lf urrt6l"l]i,i.ri"l":"iM""ai"i""1968-'
or i\{edicine r, Rangoon'
stenosis ; cardiac cirrhosis'
Current research work,*luvetile nritral
Conferenceslstudy Tour.-Study tour of cardiac units in U'S'4" r97r'

t,{' :

Puhlications.-r. Suwe TrN (r969). Iritfalls in the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases.
Bunna med. J. ry,7g--84. z.-Siiu,i.. 'I'ru (r97o). llrJatment of acute nyocarclial infarction'
Burmantrd. j. 18, r4!-ra8. 3. KurxNIadNC'l'naw,P.R.\,IoneN,SHwLTrN,B.uruM,rut'lc,
AuNc Kve#TuN, ifeuNi l{r'"aw and TrN l\ (rS6Z). 'I'he first case of A.S.D. repaired
urrder heart lung by pass (A case report)' Burma med. J. 15, 3--8.
Address.-46 Sandrvith Road, Rangoon.

3gg. Singh, R. 8.,

N,I.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.P.[I. (Cal). Public Health Specialist ; boru August 28,
rgr3 in Nlaymyo.
Etlucation.-Matriculatecl : Governrnent A. V. School, l'hayetrnvo, r93r ; M.8.,B.S., \'{edical
College, Rangoon, r938 ; D.P.H., All India Institute of I'ublic Health, 1951.
Employnunt.-kssistant District Health Officer, Bassein, rg4o-+2; Medical-Supetintenden-
u"a' SLg Surgeon, Bassein Civil Hospital, ry+z-+3 ; Assistant l-Icalth Officer, Bassein \{unicit
r,alirv. rulrja< : I-Iealth Oflrcer aird l\'Ieiical'hrhc"r, llcnzatla, ry4.5-46; ABRO (CASII)
hrriutrrt'Ol.trici Health Officer, Bassein, ttlq6'.*q9 Health O{1iccr, Rangoon Airport, ry+g-53;
Assistant District Ilealth Officer, Rangoorr Scaport Port Health Department, Rangoon, 1953 ;
District llealth Officer, Hanthaivadriy, ,gS:;-'Ieam Leader, Aung San Demonstration arrd
;Iraining Centre ancl District Ilealth Olliccr, i"s,:in, r953-58_;.t\ssistant l]irector_(9uarantine),
i"it g&ttn Deparrment, li:rngoon, r95ti--7r ; -Assiiiani Director (O.S.D.), Directorate of
I-Iealth Services, t()7r--.
I[entbersltip of Societies.-Brrrrna \{edical -{ssociation ; Divisional Organizer, Red Cross, No. r r
Region, Rangoon.
Conferencef Stud:\i Tours._,Attenrlecl WIIO trl.ural tlealth Cont'erence, Neu' Delhi,. 1"955.; \VFIO
nurlt U.oitt iorrference, Nerv I)cliri, r957; \VHO Seminar on Trachoma at Aligarh,_U.P.,
InJia, r957 ; Visiterl Singapore, flongkori{,'.India, Iigypt, .Italy, and U.K. to stutly port health
ancl cluaiantirte rvorkin sea arrd airports uf the countries visited.
Address.-16-8, Pyidaungsu Yeiktha, Rangootl.

4oo. Soe Lu Gyaw, U, M.Pharin. (Shizuoka), Pharmacist ; born JtIy z, r94r in Namsar,
S. Sharr States.
Education.-Matriculatecl : St. John's I)iocesan Boys' I{igh School, Rangoon, 196o ; B. Pharm',
Chiba Llniversitv, Japarr, r968 ; \{. Pharm., Shizuoka, flollege of Pharmacy, Japan, r97o.
Training.-Research Pharmacologist, Riological Research Centre, Niss<-, Company Ltd., Oiso
Citv, Tapan, ry69-7o.
Ilnt1.tlo.ynent.--Industrial Oi'Lcer (under training), B_u111 Pharrnaceutical Industry,- Ilargoon,
rsir i'Research Oflicer, Pharrnacology Research Division, I)epartrnent of Meclical Research,
Current research sorrli.-Toricity of indigenous rlrugs.
Adtlress.-26, Ady R<-rad, Rangcon.

4or. Soe Maung, I"T, M.B.,R.S. (Rg".), D.l4.I{.D. Racliologist ; Rangoon General Llospital.

Soe Myint, U, N,{.11.,8.S. (Rgrr.), D. Obst. Ii..C.O.G., \'{.R.C.O.G. Obstet:ician/Gynaecolo-

- gist
; born April 5, tL)27 in

Educaticn.-\'{atriculated: Governtnent IIiqh School,'favoy, 1946;M.B',B.S., University of

Rangoon, r953 ; D. Obst. R.C.O.G', Lorrdr]n, r96r ; l{'R.C'O'G', London, rc162'
Training--University of LonCon, Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecologl', University of Liver-
pool and Broa<i Hospitat in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, rg('r-62,

Entploymelt.-Ilouse Surgeorr, Rangoon Dufferin Hosirital, 1953 ; Civil Assislant Surgeon,
(It), Anti-nralaria
\{andalay General Flospital, r953
-55 ; Assistant N{alariolosist, No. z
C'ampaign, Magi,.,e Division, ,gSi:SS ; Assistant Surg,,-on and;{'utor, I)cparlrnctit of Surgery,
Faculty of i\lleCicinc, University of Rangocn, r956-.58 ; -\ssistant Surgeon and'futor, Depart-
ment of Obstetrics and Gyrraecology, Faculty of l\{edicine, Univr:rsiiy of Rangoort, r9.58-5o ;
Assistant SurgeoriL and 'I'utor, Department of Obstetrics and G'ynaecology, Institutc of X'Iedicine
r, Rangoon, 196z -6.q;l)rofessor and lfead of Departrnent of Ohstetrics ancl Gynaecology,
Institute of Medicine, Mandalay, ry6+-.
n[embersltip of Societies.--.Burma Medical Association.
l.[embership af Committees.-Academic Committee, Burmir \'{edical Associatiot.
Conferenccf Stu.dy Tou,rs.--Study tour of United Kirrgdom, Yugoslavia and In.lia on post-graduate
medical education, r969.
I)ecorations and azoards.- (ro5-i,o6 o:f t.r::a*:5)
C u.r r ent r e se o r J t zoorlr.-Epidemiology of ca;:ci no ma cervi:t.
tsublicutions.-Son N{yrxr' (r968). Locaiisation <.rf placcnta hi' ,Jirer:t pl;rcentograpiry.
of Burrnu J. Life Sci. r, ?27--233,
4o3. Mehm Soe Myint, U, M.B.,B.S.(Rgn.), D.C.P. (Loncl.), If. Path (11ng.). lathologist ;
born July to, rg2g in Rangoon.
Education.--N{atriculation : State High School, l\{oulmcin, r948 ; }'[.8.,8.S., University of
Rang,:on, 1955 ; D.C.P., London, 1954 ; D. Path. Conjoint }Joard of thc Royal Colleges of
Physicians and Surgeorrs.
Trairing.-St. Stephan's Group l-Iospital and Post-grlduate rnetlical sr:hool, Lorrclon, t96r-64
in Pathology. "
Entployntent.-I{ouse Surgeon, Rangoon Gencral Hospital, r955-56 ; Assistant District
Health Officer, Aulg San Nllyo, Demons'Lration I{ealth Centre, ry56-57 ; Asdistant Distlict
Heal h Olficer, Pegu, tg;T-sg; Assistant Surgeorr, Cilil Flospital, I'eggu, April-October
1959 ; Assistzrnt Path.rlogist, Rangoon General Ilospital, u15g-6r ; Jrint'-August, 196,1 ;
Path logist, Sao San Htun Flospital, Taunggvi, rt16q-{o6 ; Paiholo3i:rf , \{arrrlalay General
Hospital, *166-.
- Mentbership of Societies.--Burma Medical Association ; British f,{edical Association.
AdtJress,-4, Yarde ltoad, Kaba Aye P.O., Rangoon.

4o4. Soe Myint, U, M.B,,B.S. (Rg.r.), D.S. (Rgn.). Nuclear N{edicine Specialist ; born April 5,
r93r in Tavoy.
Education.--Matriculated : Teachers' Training College School, 1948 ; M.R.,Ii.S., University
of Rangoon, 1955 ; D.S., Institute of Econornics, Ra.ngoon, r9'7r.
Training.-schocl of Radioisotope, Flarivell, U.K. in the meclical application of radioisotopes,
r959-6o ; \/lontreal Gcneral Hospital in medical apirlicalion of radioisotopc, r968.
.Amplo.wnent.-Clivil Assistant Surgeon, r955-66 ; Flead, Radioisotope I)cpartttterrt, Rangoon
General I losirital, r.t166- -
Membership of Societies.-Burma Medical Association ; Fccleration of \,\/orld Nuclcar \fedicine.
Current researclt zuorh.-Assays of Ta by Sephedex gel filteration technitlte.
Publications. --r. Sot MyrN'r (rg6S). LIse of radioactive iodinc in th1'r'otosici,si:',. Eitlm nted.
J. r.'r z. Sor l\,Ivnrr uria n. Hoscrrr (1968). Iiaclioiodlnc Irilr i- treetnrcnt of
thvrotoxicosis. Bw'm,a nnd. J. 16, 8r-88. 3. I{oscur, R. and Sor ["Ivrnr (r9{i8). Ilariioio-
dine Lrptalie tcsts ir tlryroid disorCers. Burma med. J. fir 68 8o. a. Flosctll., I{. and Sor
MvrNr'(r968). BJood volunre in cardiac patients and cardiothoracic surgcry, ELtruqa rued. J.

irr amoebiasis.
16, ro[J. .5. Floscnr-, and SoB \ I,iver scanning
ror tr{.
cierinisrn cltre 1o tlre
ned. J.16, roe' ,,;.'";,: ii;"';rr'. R' and'il; l\'i;;ti;
('vnq)' e
o4 e"'i'i"l"i'';1' 7' Sou \[rrxr antl R'
in-born cnz"ratiorl ;.i".i.'"r ''')'' -especially
in the Rangoon
Host--ur (rq6C). 1.i.,i'r.l'.f iu.tior"iir-. ioaiJ" i,,'';fiid
C"".Lt ir,ltfitrt. Ltnion of Btu'na J' L'f' Sci' z' 9r'-97'
,4rlr/ress.-No. 99, Yada'na Road, Kyaukkone' Kantre'
'fuberculosis specialist;born Jrtrre rJr
4o5. Soe My-int,IJ, NI.B.B'S fU{1'-): P^;T'C'D' (\Vales)'
i939 i" Kya"kliyee, 'Ioungoo District'
Pegu' r955
Educatiorr.---Matricuiated : Natioilal I'Iigh S-chool'
universitv of Wales' r97o'
M;;;;i;l;i1 re61 ; D.T.C.D',
nt d. Assistant Surgeon' Ilnion Tuberculosis Institute, 1965-68 ; Civil
E inhloynw r ec or
-'eivil A*t'g san NIvo' re68-6e ; Civil Assistant
i:J;;;;;;'s;g""", r"u"'"'i"-i't()iii"-pit'i'
Union'Iuberiulosis Institute,
British Nledical Asscciation; British
l[eilfiership o.f Societies,--IJurtlra \,Ierlical Association;
Tho.rui" ancL'1'ubercuiosis'\ssociation'
A ckl.r es s.-t6 4| 3, 19th Strect, Rangoon'
Pubiic Heaith Specialist ; born
lo6. Myint, Capt', VI'B',B'S' (Rgn')' D'P' & T'l\{' (Rgn')'
' Jrly rfi, rg+o in Rangoc'rr'
paui's Fligh school, Rangoon, 1956;\4'I]',tr]'s'' university of
Educatiorl--N,Iatriculated: st.
Rangoon, rgO3 ;oI' i C'L{', Institute"of
Mtditi"" r' Rangoon' r968'
ard social welfare
Edinburgh in neurt.'logy-.rehabilitation
Training.-YesterD General I{ospital,'N.;;';y';i;,ty,1"r.,B1ii'ation and social welfare' rgTo'
i97o ; Unive..i,r^c:I"i"l'iii"""i i"
jinn"a;"'i s""iccs' ieo*-/i'; Hvgirnc antl
staff i-rtt.,"-,, (r r"I'11: ;:'i'i;1;;i;,
\{alaria Lirrit, Hmarr,lli, t97z--'
of anti-malaria clrugs in prevention ol
Current rcscarclt tt,orl...-Comparative stucly
ttf sntallpox in Bttrnru' D'P' & T"NI'
Pu.hlications.-sot J\'lyrNt'(r968J. Eradication
iiot-t. Institute of Meclicine r, Rangoon'
}'{'R'C:'P' (U'K')' Pacdiatrician'
g o7. Soe Soe Aye, Daw, \{'B',8'S' (Rgn')'

Jttitt"ai"it'" r' Rangoon' ry66'
Uiliversity of RangUon, r958 ; D'A'' L"tii"i"

Proiect'Pegu Division'
(Anaeithesia), n"'!oon Duffcrin H;l'i'"I'"';i;:il;ru;L"t'1!''"nCc
Hos,ital, r9 6z-62 t('ivil '\ssistarrt Surgeon
ts6o--62; Ci, il ;;.i;;;* Srig"o,-,,'o','d'.n"ral - le"ave for Dipl'mr
in Anae-
(Anacsrtresia)" sr;;;;'ij;,,,'ir,'1-itrr.
i;";;s;i, ,;6, -bf ;-sri'au i'e'al Huspital'
sthesiology, r9b5-66 ;
('ivil Assistant SuriEbt., (Aiaesthesia)' R'"gnour96r; to datc; Anae-
4'i,;"i"- Dl'"u*t' ' tlosf iial' Kemmctrdinc'
r96(r-69; r'iult'nl-.iitr,,, i,,.g.or, f.f,rrir,f,".irl,Yr-.i,
stl.rcrist. RcconsrrLrc,ive Surgcry L,.;i;;''"
"17'- \{edical Association'
ll er t$erslti p o.f Societ ies'=Bunra
i ttr c h tuorli' anaesthesia'
C urr etfi r es
Pago<la Roacl' Shrvegon<line P'O'' Rangoon'
Address.-t7, Kaba A)'e
*"'' D'L'o' (E"q'), F'It'c's' (Ld')'
f,H f,ll#;rlt,i;i i; Jrt?;?t oto-rhinoraryngorogist;

Educttriort.-Matricuratecr: Nte.rgu-i state,High scho'r, r95z_; \{.B.,8.s., Uriversity.f Rangoon,

the Rovir c"iilgl. Jilrr'1,.i.i-. l,a'b;;;:,#: e,,*i,,,a;
I3e3; i]ol3;.311ffii,i;^itrz',.
Ihnployncnt'--Assistant Districrt Hearth
officer, llagrve, 196z -66; t'r*nrL;f g$"_!r, Trrarrawaddy , i96o-62; Township Medical
v"ailrr^om*r, "xi"ukyi
Assisrant Suigeon,'n.n.N.r. uurpi,ui,' rjnn_]-' ""'""''r" r.orvnsrri1,, r966; civit
ll[e t ilter sltil> of s ocieties.* r{cdicar

o"',i"rfffi3;J'G', M'B',B'S' (Rgn.), F.R.c.s. (Eclin.). General surgeon;

bor, i\4ay 5, r933
Eiucation.--\{atric,rated: soromon's Tutoriar Crasscs,
of Rangoon, 1957; F.R.C.S., Royai coti.g" or rtango.u, r95o; M.B.,8.s., .university
su.g"u,.u, ilE;irrrrgt,, ,9ar.
Enryloymett'-Assistant Lecturer, Dcpartrnent of
.sgrg9r.rr, Institute oJ Medicine r, Ra,goor,
ry62--66; olficiating Surgeon, Divi'sion,rr riorpitrr,"l,rrg".l"rgoo-07;
Hospital, Rangoon, ieZ*l surgeon, \vorkers,
I I e nber s ltip of S o ci eties.*_Burn ra ]\Iedical Associaticn.
Currettt l?asearch ll/orh'-Yagotoml rrnd drainag.c
uleer perforarion;c,mpararive study
in pcptic
jf;:*t forgu.t".i. rni J,,J"rrt ,ir"..r.l
:i "perations afrer acute appcndic-
Address.- r49, Br.ooking Strcet, Rangoon.

4rr. Su Su Myint, Daw, NI.B ,RS. (Rgn.), M.R.C.P.

(!{ ), D,f.U. & H. (Liverpool). physician
Diseases; born' Oct,rbe? /i,' ,9i, in Okk;;,
-Tr<,pical i;.";n O;rt.;.t
Eductttion'-ulatriculated: st. John's cunvenr,
r94R; M.B.,B.s., urriversitv of Rangoon,
t955; D.T.M. & I-I., M.R.C.P., Ildinburgh.
Employntent'-House Surgeon, Rangoon p93c1
al.Hos,irar, r955-5rr; Civil Assistant surgeon,
Rangoon Generar Hospitrr, ,ssrr-B-r;--civil
Assistani s"ir.iri.]_rn;rd"r;y ii.pit"t, d;;";
in LvfJaicini,'r,,,,ii"," ,i'ffi"ii;,$'i,'R",,so;;,,,e;;_:;;;
,?,il,;*:?i:,:?lJ;:,."i' LI",u,",
l,[ en tb e r ship of ,g o ci t i
t e s. Med ica I Association.
i: {"y;i:;!:i#"{:r?::-Atte,ded c,nference on community medicine for mecrical teachers
,ldrJress.- ro3, Windernrere Roacl, Ilangoon.

4'"'f#ii?f,:i:,fi,1iJ'+1,1i,tihi,ib[]f-: ), D.P. & r.\{. (Rgn.). pubric rrearth speciarist;

'*f:;^:'J;;[];,,1,i,;J;;:'*" or N{edicine t, Ransoon, re67; D.P. & r.M., rnstitute or

Employment'-Torvnship \Iedical officer, Kanpetlet
Surgeon, f Iindar Civil H,rspital, ,9oS-oi;':t,.,;,1.,
c'ivil Hospital, ry67-6g; civil Assista.t
f r"al.,,i'Oli..I,.1rr;6^,g"Jp;iri,,fli"rrng.,
,.16t1-7o, To'.vnshi1, ,earrtr officci, offit; ;ii:hi;"s;; r";i'h''irffi""r,"Haka,
lI[ e mh er s lti p of s o c i ti e s.-_u urma NI edrcar Associat
Cuyrent Research lVorle._TJse of hospital beds .:
in lialar, Civil Hospital.

Paediatrician, Private Practitic,ner.
4r.1. Tan Eng Gwan, l,I.B.,B.S. (Hon*k^orrg), D.C.H. (Bonr.).

4r4. Teal cung Ling, H., h,I.B.,B.S.(Rg".). ophtliahnologist; born Juli

r, t9zul in l{aka, chin
Etlucation.-\{atricplated: Colgate lIigh School, \1[a1,myo, rt;48; M.R.,iJ'S., Univcrsitv ol
Rangoon, r956.
Training.- Humboldt Universitv, Berlirr, German Detnocratic lleptLblic in oplrthalmology,
r96,tr- 68.
Employntent.'-To-wnship Nlcdical Officer r, Yenangyitong, 1972--'

4r5. Tha Aung, U, \'I.B.,Il.S. (\Sn.), D.C-P. (London),

D' Path (Eng'), I'h' D' (Lond')' Patho-
logist; born \latch 25, 1938 in Bassein.
Education.-Nlatricul;rted: St. Peter's High School, ,\trandalar', 1955; M'B-.'B.S', IJriversitl'
of Rur-,gnor-,, r96z; D.O.P. University of Londurr,--r.S67-; P.. Path', Conjoint Boar-d of the Royal
Collegcl of'P(ysicians ar,d Surgeons, Englarrd, Ph. I)., Ro1,-ai Pcst-gracltiate I'Iedicai Scho<-,I.
Lrniversity of l,ondon, r97o.
lfrtrblayltc;t!. Flolse Surgeon, Rangoon General I-Iospital.. :ty'tz-l1.; I)eittot,stiator, Pathologr'
i)"pu.i-.r1t, Institute oi lVledicine r, Rariqoon, ylQ-65; As:ristant Leciurer', Pathologv
i-l"pu.t*."t, Institute of Medicine z, Rangoorr, ry65-7r; Lecturer, Pathol,rgv Departrnent
Institute <.rf Ll[edicine, Mandalay, 197:r--.
lle1$ership of Societies.--Royal Society of MeCicine; Bune and To,rth Societ-Y; B'r,:ma \{edicai
Ct,f rm:f T.tws.-Visitel _Deprrtm:nt of Pathology Un:venity of .Z'xic'l,^.r97o.
Voir"a Teaching holpitals in U.S. \., tg7z, attendeJ International Symposium on Clinical
AupJr of NIeta-bolic bone disease held a[ the l{enry Ford Hospital Dctroit, Michigan.
C'urrent research work.-The study of clirrico-pathological changes in renal.bit,psies in valiotrs
renaL clisorders; epidemioiogical sludy r.rf lvmph atlenopathy; ellet.t of
vetto,rn and ar-rti-
,;;;- in expeiiniental animals u,ith-special reference to haematc,logical and iristt,patl'rological
changes including the ultrastructure ; epidemiology of bone trtmollrs.
publications.-(lanRoi-r-, R. N. l'., T. .Auirrc, E. D. Wlu,raus and R. ljnat:tirt,rtl (r-gfr9). Osteociy-
;;";hy ancl renal substitution. Proceeding_s of the Europeart Dialysi:rturst;
anC Trans],lant -4ssocitition.
i;ofl d. E.tited by D.N.S. Ken. I.onclon: Pitrnan. z.''fe:ence to (r97o). Qttontitatioe
clinical ltio,:lrcnical,
histotratholoaical stidirs in metabolic hone d.iseases zoith special
iia;ibgirot"rntl linetic studies. Ph. D. Thesis. University of Ir,ndon. 3. Dovr,r:, F.,
'1ro e'r1.., R. N. P. CenRoe , C. D. WrrlrAMS, R. Suect<naeN (rg7z) Bone rcsorption in.
chronic renal failure Brit. med. Bull z8rzz5.
Address.-YE, AclY Road, Rangoon'
a16. 1'ha Hla, U, M.B.,R.S. (Rgn.), D.V.D. (Madras). Leprologist/\'eneieologist/Dermatologist;
' botn \IaY r. r9z5 in \linhl'r'
Education.-Matriculation: Anqlo-vernacular High -- Schoo-I, . Ilinhla, I9.t5; 1\'t'8.,8.S.
Urrir'"t.ity of Railgoon, 1954;-D'V'D', Medical Collcge, Madras, r957'
Trtining.-At the A11 lndia Institute of Venereolog,v, Governrnent Gener:rl Ilospital, I\{adras
in vene"re<rlogy arrd dermatoklgy, r956-57'
Em.ploynrcnt._-Team" Leader, Anti-vD Team, Mandalay District, 1955-.-65;_ Part-tiine
f""t'"ri, in Venereol:gy, Iustitute of Medicine, N4landalay,
-lii""t"rrt. rlrsj -65; _,ltttached to the
of Ileal'h Slrvices for Civil Surgeorr tra"ining, Rangoon Ge.neral Hospital, r965-66;
f)"r,rrtv Assis'"ant Dilector, South-\\'est Divisic,n, Bassein, 1966-69; YD and Sliin Specialist,
R;;il;,, Ccncr.ll llospital, r969; l'}art-tirne Lecturer in Yeneri:ologv anci I)errnatoiogy,
Institutc of \{edicine t, Rangoott, r969-'
. ll,len$ership of ,societnrs.-Burma h{edical Association; Medical Society
for the stud',' of ven':real
diseases, LondoIr,

Confereru:es. Attendecl Intercountry Yalr,s Disease Corrtrol Confcrerrce, Kuala Lrlrnpur,.
N'Ialaysia, r959; Iniercountry Yarvs Diseasie Control Conference, Bandung, Indonesia, i96z
D ecorations and awar ds.-11,' un na K), azo Htin,

Current researclt zo,;r/t.-Epidemioiogy of venereal diseases.

-Tlt.q Hra (196o). The proposed National Programme on the ct-rntrol of

Puhlictttiotts. Yarvs
in Burma. Burma urcd. J.8r 96-t17.

Address,---85, Ilumc Roacl, Kemrrrendinc, Ir.O., Rangoon.

4r7. Tha flia Shwe, LI, h1.8.,B.S. (, D.P. & T.M. (Rgn.), D.C.ft,f.T. (Lont{.). Public
I"leaith Spe;ialist ; born October rr, r94o in Rangoon.
llducation.-\,{atriculated : St. Paul's }Iigh School, rg57; },{.8.,B.S., Itstituteof \fedicine r,
Rangorn, r96.i; D.P. & T.\,L, Institute of \Iedicine r, RanpcLir, rg6tt ; D.C.1"4.'tr'., Schocl
of H.ygiene and Tropical l{e"licine University of Londcn, r969.
lltnplty,ntnt.--De;n:trstrator, Departmetit of Preventive and Sucial [{cdicine, Irrstitute of
h{erlicine z, I{arrgocn, ry(:6-7r; Assistant I-,ecturer, Depar:lrnrLrt r.if Prcventi.;e arrd Socii.l
i\{edicine, lnstitute of Vlc,licine z, Rangoon, rgTr-.
J'I e :, tlrer shi p C,L in nil t ees.-Brr rtra lledical Association.
Cttrrent researclt ucrk.-\[adtal status in a rural population.
Pultli:ations.-Tn,r l{re Snwr (1968) . tlistory o.f Me,}ical Scroices irt. Burnr,t urder Rritislt
flule.D.P. & Dissertation, Instituteof lleclicine r, Rangocn. z. nlu,\ I{la, Ssu'; j96g).
Intestinal lactase deficiertca causittg diaryltoea in udults. D.C.M.T. disscrtation. Universit], of

4rB. Tha Khin, Lt.-Col., M.B.,B.S. (Rgrr.), D.T-.N{. & H. (Eng.), D.O. (l,-ng). Opthalniologist/
-A'",iation Medicine Specialist; born August tz, tt)\g in Shwedaung.
Ilducttim.-\Eatriculated: St. Paul's llish School, tr{anguon, r935; \,I.8.,8.S., VIeJical
College, I{angoon, 1919 ; D.T.}-{. & F1., Corij,rint Board of the Roi,'al Colleges of Phi'sicians
and Surgeons, England, i958 ; D.O., Conjoint Boarci of the Ro1-al Colleges of Phvsicians ancl
Surgecns, Englanrl, i959.
Training.--Attendetl Aviation \,Iedicine Course n,ith Ro-yal Air Force, U.K., rg.5o-5r ; Scnio
X,Iedical Oftrccr Cottrse lvith Royal .\rmy 1\Iedical Corp-s, 11.K. with special ernphasis on trop;r:1
medicine, r958 ; Institute of Ophthahnologv in Ophthalmology, r959.
limplo),ment.-Senior \{edical Of}icei, Burina Air Force, Nlinga.lad"on, r9,19-58 ; Ophthalmo-
logist, Defence Services General l{ospital, \{ingaladon, rg59--(16 ; StalT Officer, Gi'ade I,
Aviation \l[edicine, Departnrent of \rice-Chief of Staff, Defence Serviccs (,\ir), ilIinistr,v of
Dcfencc, r96{t -,
Publications.-Tul Ktx (iq6B). Intra-ocular gnathostomiasis. Britislt Joornal of Oplttltahnology.
Address.-rt5, Br-rgyoke Street, Rangoon.

4rq. Tha Moe, U, \i.ts..11.S. (I{gn.), D. Phys. }4ed. (Enr:.). Phvsical\'Igdicine Specialist; \{edical
' - 0fficer, l)epartrnent of Sgoris and Phi'sical Educati,rn, \'Iinistrv of I-Iealth.

4zo. Tha M5za., U, NI.B. (Cal.). Adrninistrator ; born l\'Iarch 9, 1893 in Akyab.
. Lilttca.t.ioa.-\llatriculated : Government High School, Ahvab, r9o9 ; M.8., Calcutta llniversitlr,
lil,tplot,tttcnl.--Clivil Ass!stant Srrrgeori, I{rngc,t-rrr General }'Iospital, ,gzo---22; Civil -,\ssistalrt
Surgeorr, Civil Hospital, i\Iyaungmya, rt)21 ; Civil Assista.nt Surgeon, Eye Departrnent, Rangoon
Gelerai Hospital, r9z4 ; {{ealth Officer, Akvab, t9?"5-26 ; Assistant District l{calth Ofiieer,

lr,,nte, )'Ioulrnein, rie{l-z7; Cilil Assistant Surgeon, \{andalay arrd \[ay,myo, r9z8-3r ;
Assistarrt l)rini:iJ,al aird Assistant Superintendent, N{edicrl College,l{arigoon and l,'Iedical Scl.rool,
Itangoon, tg3z-3+; l\Iedical Ofiicer, Pyinrnana, r934; 1\leciical O{iicer, llogo};, r935-36;
Civil Surgcon, Tharal-addy, Insein, Pegu, Henzada anrl Nloulmein, rg37-4;7 ; Insprector-
General of Clivil Fl<;spitals, tg+7-18; I)irector, \Iedical and Health Serr,ices, r94ti-5r ;
l)irectur, Directorate of Child Health Services, r95r-53 ; Superintendent, tr{angoon General
Hospital, r953- 55.
\{ emb er slzip of S c ciet ie s. -*Bu rma N{edical Associatiorr.
l' isi t I Stu,ly Taurs.--Atfended \\IHO Conference, Geneva, r 9-5c.

i)ttr't',t ! iotts. -,Sit/,;i.

",7 d d r e s s. -- 5r,, I-o.ris lload, Slrwegondine P. O., Rangoor.r..

4er. Tlia Tun, IJ, M.B.,B.S. (Lucknow). Verrereologist ; born September t5, rgzr in f-,ewe,
Ysrnethin district"
[itluculion. ]\'airiculated : St. Luke's IIigh School, T'oungoo, r939 ;\'LB.,B.S., King George's
L'Iedi,::al Cr:llegc, Lucknorv, r947.
'!'raining.- trnstiiatr.. of \tcrrcreoloq.y anci Irrstitirte of D,:rnratolcg,v, London in vcnereal and
derrnarological Jiseases, 19\r- iz.
Iimhlot,nent.--(livil Assistant Surgeon, Rar.isoon General Flospital, ;t147 ; {)ivil Assistant
Srrrgeon, Clivil l{ospital, Akyab ; r948--5o ; Civil Assisiant Surgeon, I{angoon Gencial FIos-, i951--53 ; Civil Surgeon, Civil Ftrospital, Iiengtung, tgsq ; Civil Surgeot,
Minbu, r95+-55 ; Civil Surgec,n, Civil l{ospital, Yamethin, r955-55 ; O{Iicer on Special Duty,
I)irectorale of Ftrcal:h Services, ILangoor, r957-58 ; Civil Surgcon, Civil Flosirital, Sandorvay,
ii;5g--6i ; Civil Surgeon, Civil trIilspital, Toungoo, ry62-5q;Assistant Dirr:ctor of Health
Scrvices, South Yy'esl Division, Bassein ry65-69 ; Tolvnship \{edical Officer r, Civil Hospital,
Pegu, r97o.
lfetnbership of Socit:ties.-Burmir Medical Association.

qza. TL\^t\ Aung, U, l,'x.B.,R.S. (RS!.), F.R.C.S. (Dd.). Surger-,n,_Clinical Tutor, I)cpartment of
- Suigery, Institutcof Mediciner,Rarrgoon;AssistantSrirgeon,'l'horacicUnit,RangoonGener'a1

423. Ttlan lltay, Daw, \,X.8.,8.S. (Rgr.), D.C.H. (Glas.). Paediatrician ; born ,\pril 24, rgzs iA
Eclucatiort.--Matriculatecl : Go'rcrnmetrt tligh School, l,Iinbir, i9.1o ; N{.8.,8.S., University
of Rangoon, r95r ; D.C.H., Gl;rsgorv, r964'
|'raini,t.t1.-\\/est irliddlc:ser Ilospital, l,ondon anil Institirie of Cirild Flcalth, London, Paedia-
trie Dcpartrncnt, St. Peter's I{ospital, Chertsey, Surre,v- in child health, ryQ-61.
Ernplo.ynett.-tlouse Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, ru)St-Sz; Civil Assistant Surgeon.
Rarrgoon Generzrl l{ospitai, 1952-53 ; Civil Assistant Surseorr, Ilangoorr DulTerin Hospital
r9.5:i-5,t; (.livil Assistant Surgeon, Polvclinic, Rangoon 195,1---6o; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
Anti-\'Il l)epartmcnt, Rangoon, rt16o-(tz; Civil Assistant Srrrgeon, Children Departmerrt,
IlanEoorr Cr:nelal Hoslrital, ry62-61 ; orr study lcave, r963-'65 ; T'cam Lcader, Plimary I{calth
(lentre, 'l'lral<eta, r95j ; Civil -{ssisl.ant Surgeon, Ircople's I{ospital, liast Ilnngoon, r9(r-5 i
Civil As:sis:arrt Surqeon, \Vornert and Chitrdren's Hospiial, Sorrth ()kl,.aiaPa, 1965-66; Paediatri.
cian, l\/onen an,1 []hildren's lIosirital, SotrtLr Okktrlapa, rtlLt$-.
I I e mb c rsh ip oJ,S oc ie ti t r;.-B urrtta Nledical Asscciat ion.
l[enthttrsltilt of Comnitttt:s.-P'rediatric Association ; I]urma Ntedital Association.
A,ldrcss.-c.t5/6, Naivarat Yeihtha, U \Yisara Road, Rangoon.

4zl' Than Khi,r Maung, i-T, B.D.S.,_ D.D.P.H. Dental Public Healttr Specialist; Heacl of Depart-
ment of Preventive. Co.llege of Dental l,ledicine and AJsisiant Director (Dental),
I)epartment of Health, N{inistr_v of Hialth,
,{ag.'Than Myint, Da"x, I',{.B..B.s. (Itgn.), D.c.p. (Lond.). pathologist ; born
July 19, r93o in

Education.-Matriculatecl-:_ Post Prin'raly school, Rangoon, r946 ; M.8.,B.S., University of

Rangoon, lq54 ; D.C.P., University of London, r958.
Truinirut,.-llammersmith. Po-st-graduate Me.dical !ichool, London and University Collegc
- Hosirital, London irr Clinical Pathology, rgST-Sg.

lmplo1t;nen-i.-Civil^.{ssistant Surgeon, Ilangoon General Ilospital, rySl-56; Civil Assistant

Surgeon, L4ergui Civ-il Hcrcpital, ig56 ; Civil Assistant Surgeorr, of Clinical
Pathologl', Rangoon G-eneral I{ospital, r9.56-57 ; Assistant Pathologist, Dlpartment of Clinical
Pathology, Rangoon Gene_ral_Hospital, r96o-63 ; Pathologist, I)ufferir,-Flospital, Rargoon,
r953-6q,; Patholoeist, N{ouLnein Divisiorral Hos.r,iral, ry6q--7o ; pathologist, \,\roiker,s
I.Iospital, r97o -.
l[unbership o-f Societies.-Rurma \{edical Association ; Assc;ciation of Clinical Pathologists.

4e5. Than Naung, U, \{.B.,R.S. (Rgt.), D.\'.I). (\rienna). I)errnatologii;t/\renereologist; b6rn

October 27, rg33 in Airtaung village in l(yonpyarv Torvnship, Bassein clistrict.
Educatirin. \'Iatriculat,:d: St. Johrr's f)i.-,cesan Boy's Hiuh Schoc,l, Rangoon, r95r; l{.8.,B.S.,
LLiiversity of Rangoon, rg5!l; D.V.D., Universitv of Yienna, r969.
Iintfloynent.--(livil Assistant Surgeor:., Pakokl<u Civil Hr.;spital, ,9-q9; Civil Assistant Surgegn,
Gangau,_ Civ,il t:Iospitai, y5g-fz_;-(livil Assistant Surgeon, I)epaitinett of I)cimatt,iogy u,-rd
Vr:neret,loq,,, Itangcon Ge.ncral. IJospital, ry62-54; Assistant Nlcdical SLrpcriirtendr:nt II,
I{angoor.General Llostita't, rtl6q-67;I-ownship }Iedical Officer II, Pyawbrve, 11167-69;
Civil Assistant Surgec.r, D:partment of Dcrrnatology arrd Venereologr,, Rangoon-Cieneril
Hospital, rr;6tS--.
ll,Ietfiersltip of ,Societies. -Iiurtla Medical Association; Arncrican l{edicai Socicty, I/ienna.
Dec*oti,ttts and au,ard:. l)resident's r9(rr Independence Award,
C ur r e nt r cse ar cl t'zui;r/t. - -Ep idenriologv of sk in diseases.

Addrass -6, Thirizeya Street, P,yithlva Qr., Bauktarv, R-anqoon.

427, Thldi*r IJ, -r{.8.,B.S. (i,uckno*'), D.i). (}irrg.). Oplrthalmolcgist; tronr Atrgust zg\ r1)r9
in )igar hair'g Gl aung, Brs ,ein Iiislr ict.
Eduru.tittn. - -1,{atr:ic'rlntr:d: \,{ethotlist Boys' Hieh School, Rangoon, i936; \'I.1}.,1}.S., Luclilorv
{Jnizersity, D.O., ()oljrint Board of the Royal Colleees of l'hysicians:ind Surgcons, IJnglan4,
'[rai.ttitty.---ltloorfie1d ]'.1!'e Hoslrital, London and Institrrte of Ophtlralmolog',', Lo.clon in
oph ihal,riokrgy, r956 -18.

Emplo.ltiircnl . --l ,ieuten:rnt, A.B.Ii..O., Metlic:rl, Brrrin:r Gcneral lJotirital (Burnra Armv),
Hoshaiipur. India, r9,:.-5-45; I'Iedical Oliicer (CtA.S.IJ.), Kalem,.,o, l\'tat,laik anC Flomalin,
ry+S-16; Civil Alqistar:t- S,.rrgeon,-.\'Ieiktila and \{yitkyina, 1945; Oliiciatirrg Civil Surgeon,
Mvitk-vina {)ivi! Hlspitrl, t:l!?.: _ Civil:\ssistatit Surgeon, },Ivitkvirra, Nlarrdalay and I(yaukse
Civ 1I{ rspi.als, rt)17'--l();_Civil Surgeon,.Yarrrethin, and Pyapon, rg.19 -56; Ophthalrrrologists,
Mandal rv {.eneral }{os,,ital,_rq5_8-59; Assistatrt IJirector of Ilcrilih S,rrr'ices, Northerrr I)iviiion,
Mancla!.ry-, tti39-69; Opirthalnologist, Nlandalay General lJos;rital, r,ft-,- -7t; N{eilical Superil-
tenclcnt, IILNT', H,rspiral, \Iandalay, rgTt-.
l[ nb er ::Itip of S o r: i e tie s. \ ledrcal Association.
' Than Than Hla, Daw, \{.8.,8.S" (Rgn.), D.T.\I & H. (Eng.). Public lJea}1h- -Sp.ecialist;
' Assistant Lecturei, Department of Pr&eirtilc aud Social Medicine, Inspitute tif Nledicine I,

born \{ay zr.

4a9. Than Than Oo, Daw, 1\/t.8.,8.S. (Rgn.), D,\LR.T. (Toronto). Racliotherapist;
r937 in Rangoon.
Edztcation,*-Ilatriculated: St, Philomena's Couvent LIigh School, 1953i X{.8.,8.S., Llniversitv
of Rangoon, r95r; D.M.R.T., University of '.|-oronto, 1968.
Enployment.*Civil Assistant Surgeon, Civil Surg;eon's OfEce (\Vest), ?,angocr' ry62-63i
Ciiii lssistant Surgeon, Departmeirt oi Rad.iotherapl , I{angoon General-I{ospital, r953- 66;
On deputation to C"anacla on-a state scholarship,'r96ri --68: Assistartt Rad.iothera^oist, Rangoou
General Hospital, r968-,
!l[ ember slil> o! Societies.-Burma N{edical Association.
' Address.*44, Ohnbin Streel, I(emmen<1ine, Rangoon.

43o, Than Tin, Daw, I,I.TJ.,B.S. (Rgr.), B.Sc. (Bacteriology) (Glas.). Bncteriologist;
bonr June 24,
tq27 in Rangoor,,
Efl6cetion.-},Iatriculated r l)iocesan Girl's fligh School, llangoot, i9.1r; N{.ts',8.S., tlniversity
of Rangoor', 1953; B.Sc. (Bacteriologv), Liniver,sir.,t' of Glasqo''r'' rgtir'
Traiting.-Madras Tuberculosis Chemotherapv Trainirrg aud Dcmonstration Centre and
Bangalire National T'uberctrlosis Institutc in irrbcrcuiosis bacteriology, rc165.
Ernployruent.-Dernonstratoi:, Department of Physiolo_gv, Faculty of l,{edicine, University.of
Ruigdo,r, r953--54; Civil Assistarit Surgeon, DuH^'erin Hospital, ry54-55i Assistant toBacterio-
logisi, T.'8.'iiirri",'ltungooo, r955*-6i; Bacieriolog;.sl . IJnlorr Tuhercrrlosis Institrtte, RarLgoon,
IrI entber ship of S o cietie s.*Burma \'Iedical Associat ior r'

Ptfilicailons.--Ko Gvl, Tuex TrN, l\Iav YIN and Sarv Ausu (-r97r). An,epiclemplgsical
(Tnion of Bunrta
study 9f nerv attendants at the L'nion'fu!-rerculosis Institute, Ilarlgoorr.
J. I-ife Sci. 4,563--568.
Adtlress.-2.34, I.' \,\'iscrr Road, Rangoon.
1938 in
43r. Than Swe, U, \{.8.,8.S. (Rgr.), I). Ilact. (Rgn.). Bacteriologist; born .\',Iarch 3o,
\\raw, Pegu District,
Etlucation,-*-N'Iatriculated: Myoma High School, 1955; \{.8.,8.S., llniversity of llangoon,
Dr Bact., Institute of l\{edicine r, Ranqoon, 1972.
X'raining.--Pasteur Institute, Coonoor and Central iVleclicai Researcl Institute, Kasauli in
immunofiuorescerrt techniq.," i" rabies, 1969; \renereal l)iseases Reference Centre, Madras
N{erlical College in inmuntf}uorescent teclinique in T. pallidurrz infection (FTA-AtsS), t969.
Employw.ent.-House, Rangoon General Hospjtal, ]9-63-tit; Clivil-Assistant Surgeon,
HeirzaAa Civil Hospitat. ri63-04; T&vnship \{edieal O-flicer, \('akerna Civil Hospital, ry6-4-67;.
'Iorvnship N{edical'Officei, i<olliro Civil Hospital, 1967-$$; Cilil Assistant Surgeou, National
Ilealth l-aborr,tori', r963-.
n'I m b er sldp oJ,S o i t i s. --Buriaa l{ edical :\ ssc,ciat icn'
e t: e e

Cztyyent researdt n'orft.--Fi:;atives for tissues for iclentification cf P' pestis hy fluorescent
Ptfilications.-Ts.qN Su.u (rglt). Fixatwes for tissue smear_s frtr.identi.fcation of P' pestis zuitlt
fiu.orescent antibotllt. Il. Bal'i. tlissertation,'Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon'.
Adtircts.*i5, Steu'art Road, Rangoon, r.

+32' Than \{in, U, M.B.,B.S, (Rgn.), (Toronto). Public Health Specialist bom Jarruary
rz, rg34 in Moulmein.
Education.-Matricuiatcrl: litate Po-'t-lrrimary School, Nloulmein, r95o; L{.8.,8.S,, University
of Rangoon, 1958; p.P.ll., fJniversit,v of Tbronto, 1964.
Eruploynent.Record.-Assistarrt District Flealth Ofiicer, l'Iandalay, *S59-64; District Health
. C)fficer, Akyab, 196465; Deputy Assistant I)irector, Ofice of the Deputy Assistant Director
oJ Health Services, Central Division, Akyab, ry65-67; Malariologist, Oflicc of the Assistant
f)irector of Health Services, South East l)ivision, ,\{oulmein, 1967-68; Divisional Health
()fficer, Office of the Assistarrt IJirector of Health Services, South Iiast Division, NIouli:rein,
,\[ e m h er slt i 1> o.f S o c ic t i e s. --B urui'a Med ical -{ssociat ion.
Cttrreri research zoorh.*Preliminar-\,suney crf worm ini'estations in Muclon anct Chaungzone

433. Than ZinrMajor, \{.8.,8.S. (Rgr.). Orthopaedic Surgeon; born June 23, rg33 in Rangoon,
. Education-N{atriculatecl: G<.rvenunerit State Fligh School, \Vakema, rg5o; L'{.8.,8.S.,
IJniversity of Raneoon, 196o.
Training.-{Jrthopaedic Surgery trainirrg, Ilangoorr General Hospital, 1966_59.
fmplotment.-lVledical Oflficer, Field Ambulance, Nlal'nr1,o, tg6c-6t; Uledical Officer, ]{edical
Battalion, )\l[oulmein, ry6t*6q; \Iedical Officer, f)efence Services General Hospital,
\'fingaladon, ry6q-69; Surgical Specialist; Orthopaeclics l)epartment, Defenr:e Services
Gencral l{ospital, IIirigaladon, $69
" -.
X{embership o!
-Burma i\'Iedicrrl Association.
Socie ties.

434. Thanda HpVo, Daw, NLB.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.A. Anaesthetist, \llandalay Gerreral Flospital.

435. Thane Aung, U, II.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.A. 1lfgn.). Anaesthetist.

,136. Thane-Gi-Nwe, Daw,IVI.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.T.\t. & FL (Eng.), \,I.R.C.P. (Ed.). Physician-
General Medicine ; born August 4, 1933 irr Rangoon.
Education.--Nlatriculated : rg48 ; l{.8.,B.S., tiniversitv of Rangoon, 1956 ; D.T.N'I. & H.,
Conjoint Board of the Royal Collegcs of I'hysicians and Surgeons, Eugland, t959 ; \.{.R.C.P.
Iidinbureh, r96o.
Ilmplrytmeut.-House Surgeon, Rangoon General llospital, ry56-Sl; on deputation to the U.K.
on a states scholarship, r9S8-._5o ; Assistant Lecturer in N'Iedicine, Institute of Medicine r,
196o-67; Lecturer in Tropical N'Iedicine, School of Preventive and 'Iropical Medicine,
Institute of Medicine, r()67 ; Physician. Magrve l)ivisional Hospital, lti67-.
Membersltil> of Societies..-Burma Medical Assouiation, British \{edical Association, Itoyal
Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
Publications.*Tn,rxr-Gt-Nrvr (r97o). A study of in-patient medical morbidity in the l\ilagwe
Division. Union oJ' Burtm .1. I"ife Sri. 3, r6.l-168.
Adtlress.-351, Proure Road, Rangoon. .

437. Thane Htay Pe, U, M.B,,B.S. (Rgn.), D.P.\{. (Eng.). Ps,vchiatrist ; born i\llarch e6, rg38
in htyittha.
Education.--A{atriculatecl : Pwegon Matriculation School, Mandalav, r955 ;
University of Rangoon, 196z ; D.P.M., Universitl.of London, rr,168.
Trairung.-llstitute of Psychiatrr,, [Jniversity of London in psvchiatrl', 1966-68"
Eruployrucnt.-Oivil Assistant Surgeon, State Merrtal Hospital, Rangoon, rq63 to clate,

h4 embership o/ societies.*jiuirna,lredicai Associatioii.
l.Iambersltip oJ Cownittees.-Sccrcrary, l,Iedico.psychological
tion. Section, Bufga Medical Associa-

Pttblicatiotts'-Trtexu I-Ir'lr Pl (ry7o). Drugs usetl in rhe treatrnent cf psychi*tric disti*lers.

Buynm med. J. rg, z7_.4t,
Lddress.*No. z, Dubern Roatl,
Ttlr )lile, Iiaba A1 c I).()., Rangr,e11.
4j8' -Thane'Toe, u, I.I.B;,B.S. (Rgn.), I)ip., Nutr. (Lontl.), prr.D. (Lond.). Huma*
born July 5, tt)37 in Rangooir." nutritio,isr ;
Eclucation.*M.8.,8.s., universityof Rangoon,
Tropical l[edicinc, uni'crsitr, ir L"ra;r, tgtf !953-6o-; Dip. Nutr., schoor of Flysienc a*d
i ph. D., sct,oot of l{ygiene nn4'irrpical
Nledicine, University of Li.,nrlorr. ,g7;.
't'raining'-Atten<lecl UNIuEir
sponsored ApplierJ Nutrition course at University of Lagos,
Accra, Ghana, 1967.
EnQloyrnent'-Senior Rescarch olficer, Department
of Ilacmatr-rlogy, Burma jqedical Rcscarch
Institutc, r96+-.
llemhershipof Societies.*Burrra lledical Association ; Nutrition society of
Citrent tesearch ztt.rh.-Two'1 car nutritional antt dictary
stur.lies on prcgnant.lro*.n.
Puhlicutions.-r. Kvrve-Turrs,_.'rxl:,ru-Tor, Trx-Trx-oo
A studv of int'antire beriberi in'Rir,.gror. uniun oi nur,,,i arrd.xrrrrr-Krr*-Fl,5r,ay (r96s).
Tser-b,r'u, r",t*-iou,-ii;; p;'?;',f*;)iiill["ilrl{j.",so,*e {'},17, sci. r, 6z- 6;. z. Auxr;-
l)regnancy in Burnra. f'nion ol' Eurmu t,ti s.; ..i,'lli_335 aspects of a,aernia of
Dietury and nutritiotrar stutries oj ,nott,r:ii tr iarry prog,,i,iry .3..-fu.qxu_-fii-'1rs7r1.
Plr'D.thesis'UniversityofI,dncl.,rr.-.-J."..."*,"Jr. rJi,,r*;.)., )ririrrtii ),iri_)"nr,*.

439. Thant, U, \,L8.,8.S.(Rgn.), D.A. (Rgn.). :\naesthetist; born

January zz, rg3+ir Ranrree
Ilducatiun.-*\Iatriculatcd : srnte-post prirlary schootr,
Kvaukliyu, r95o ; ivi.B.,it.d., ,r"r;"r.r,,
uf Itaugoon, r9(r3 ; I).A., Institute of f,i..f-;cii,.-;,'il;r*};;"r"#
liuploytttcnt'- civil Asli-stant srrrgeon, illyr!5r clivil Ilospital, r965-66 'J.oq.,s1ip [4edical
orficer II, 'ra,ai
isoi:iT' , cjvl Assistar" ii,g.L"1d*;_.:",; G;;;fdorpit.r, ;
o ; civi I Assis ";;+.
k "ft;;];fi
r s67 an t's urgeon (A,i,!s ;[":'i ;i; R;il;;;' tilijr;,,
' Ilentber-rltip of Societies.-IJurnra
Nledical Association.
-,1 d d r e s s. Sh rvebontha trect, Ra
-z7z/27_1, S n goo n,

44o. Thant Zin, V, \,I.8.,8.S. (XIdy.). Orthopaeciic Surgco' ; born

June l, r()39 in Shuebo.
Iidutati'm,*llatricurated: statc tligh schoor No. r, rirrrvcbo,
--o-- '-- 1956;)r.ts.,r).s., Institute of
lledicine, $Iandala1., 1954.
'L'rai nin;;.-Rangoon
General l{ospitul in r.,rthopaedics, r
Enpbynent.-\{edical Ofltcer. ('enrral Iail, Ak-vab. 1966-6g
; T,or,,nship-flcdica_l Officer Il,
Hospital, re68 ; .\ssistr;ao;h;pil;;s;G;;r,,
i"" r-rturi r{ospitar; Tau'ggyi, ;;
llcmherslip of soeieties.*Burrna i\Iedical Association Burrna-orthopaedie
; Association.
44r' Thar Hlaing, u' rr.,.,ts.s., I).L.o. (Eng.), F.R.c.s, (rid.). ot,-rhinoJaryngologisr
born November rr, r9a6 in Nyaunghla. ;
Etlucalion.-Matriculatetl : St. Jol,r,'s Hich S.chool, r9.l r
-1.I.8.,p.S,, L,niversity of Rangc,on,
a'e n'o1''f iotLsJ-';t'_i i;;il"i#';;'b',Ii*i",t1ii,,a,
iSii i R*a1g.,"**i1,",-'di'$d:

Trainilg.-Institute'of Laryngology and Otology, Lonclon in Oto-rhino.iaryngology, r95g-6r.
EnQloytnent.--Team Leacler, II.C.G. Tearu, Shwebo, 1953-5+; Assistant Surgeon, Insein
Civil l-Iospital, 1955-56 ; Assistant Surgeon, Ofllce of the Civil Surgeon (West), Rangoon,
tg;6-57 ; Assistant Surgeon, \{andalay General Hospital, rg57*6+ ; ENT Sulgeon, EEN'I'
Fluspital, I{angooh, r965-.
X'Ieru*ersltip of Societies.-Burma l\Iedical Association, Burrna Red Cross Society.

Conferencesf Study T'ours.-Attended British Oto-laryngology Cr:nference in Oxford, 1967.

Curre ttt rrsture lt'tr,,t'h, - (lanecr ol thc lirrr n-x.
Address.-67, Po Sein Road, Rangoon.
tl'haung, U, 1\'LB.,ll.S. (I{.en.'), l).P.H. (Cal.). Iipiderniologist born in
{,{2. ; July zg, r93e Kun-

lirlucation..-'\Iatriculateci ; l\{ethodist l{igh Schoul , r9l9 i \I.8.,8.S., University of Rangoon,

rgS5 ; D.P.H., All-India Institute of Hygiene and Public l{ealt}r, Calcutta, r959.
'I'ruiniltg.-.\ttended WI{O Epiderniology (lourse corrclucted in Edinburgh, Prague, Zagreb,
tselgrade and Neiv Dclhi, r965-6r'.
Employment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Anti-VD Carirpaign, I{angoon, t956* 58 ; Assistant
District Health Officer, Flantharvaddy, 1958*62 ; District Health Oflicer, Inseit and Team
[,eader, Aung San Deruonstration Health Unit ald Training L]entre, rt16z--6q; Assistar:.t
Directc,r (Epidemiology), I)epartnrent of l{ealth, \'linistry of Flcaltir, rt16l-,
Mentltershilt of Soieties.-Burma l,{etlical Association ; Burma Red Cross Societv,
M enlt er ship of C onu t tit t e e.s. "*I{aemorhag ic Fe ver Comruittee.
WHO Regional Serninar on Smallpox Ei'adication in New
Conferewesf Stu.il_y Toiu's.-.Attended
f)elhi, 1956 ; WHO Inter-llegional Semilar on Smailpox Eradication, Bangkok, tg67 ; Inter
country Seminar on Plague Iipiderniology ancl Control, N{andalay, t959 ; WI'IO Inter-regional
Seminar on Organization of Cholera Corrtrol Programtrre, \{aniia, r97o.
('urrent researclt zoork.-l7.ealth and urorl.;idity surveys ; Cholera carrier stud",v.
Publications.--r. 'trlu.tuNc, U (1964). Econorny method of vaccination. IJurma urcd. J. rz,
ro7-rro. z. Ko I(o, U 'f'rreuNc, 'l't,N IVIts, Mvo MvIN'r and .AuNc Nlver (t967). Plague
epidemic in Mandala_v. Burnra med. J. 15, r85--r9r. ?. T\+eusc, U (t968). Role-of
econom]' method of vaccination in Smallpox Iiradication Prograrnme. Burma mt'd. ll. t6,
r3r-.r34,. 4. THAUNG, MRU:rr; (rg6S). A brief epiderniulogical report for 1968. Btrma
med. J. t7,33-31.
.lrlrJrcss,*No. 96, 5th Street, Rrugoorr.

443. Thein Aung, U, Administrator ; born Januarl, z, tgrg in Shwebo.

Ed.ucation.-Matriculatecl Weseley High School, Mandalay, r937 ; L.1VI.P., I)urtla Governrnent
Mec{ical School, 1942.
7'raining.*Attended Senior Medical Officer's Coutse, Royal Army Medical Corps, London,
1952-53' '
lJualtlayrnent.*ldedieal Officer, Burma Independence Army, Burma Defence Army, Burmese
Arnry, Patriotic Burmese Forces, !g+z_-+5-' Medical Officern_Burma Army Medical Corp
till i964 ; Secretary, Nlinistry of Health, Government of the Union of Burma, rg64--tg7oi
f)eputy Minister of Health, Government of the Union of Burma, rg?o-,
l,Ienfiersihip oJ Societies.*Burma Nledical Association ; Burma Socialist Programme Party.
Decoralions atd auarils,*Ordcr of thc star of indepenclence (First class).

iuierenceslstudy iours.-At',ended W,ii,O, G"oeo"i Assembh, Geneva 1965, 1966,
Ig6i,. rgZo^;. W:H.O, Genera I Assembly, Boston, ry6g ; z5th W.H.O.,
S.E.A', Regional
Meeting, Colombo, 1972.
Address.-No. r, Tank Road, Rangoon.

4$(a), Thein Aung, U, ryI.B.,B.S, (Rgn.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist ; born October 20, i935
in Ywa Thit, Chaung Oo.
. Edutation-1\'{atriculated : State l{igh School, Chaung Oo, r95a ; M'B.,B.S., University of
Rangoon, ry6z ; D.A., Institute of Nledicine r, Rangoon, 1968.
Employnrcnt.-Assistant Leprosy Officer, Leprosy Campaign, Monyrva and- Sagaing _District
ry63-66; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Mandalay General I{ospital, t966-68 ;_ Civil_Assistant
Surleon, Mandalay General Hospital, ry68 -7o ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Nlyitkyina Divisional
H<rJpital, ry7a-?t; Clivil Assistant Surgeon, EENT l{ospritsl, N'Iandalay, tgTt-,
III e nfier shilt of So ciet i e s.-Burma Med ical Association.
Address.*No. 357, 84th Street (between 37 and 38th Street), Kun'cliun Qr,, Nlandalay.

444. Thein Dan, U, M.P.,R.q. (RS".). Public Health Specialist (Trachoma Control); born
February rz, rg34t in Pyawbwc.
Etlucation.-State High School, Pyawbwe, r95r; M.8.,8.S., University of Rangoon, 1959.
Training.-Faculty of l{edicine, Charite, Humboldt University, Berlin, G.D.B., in social aud
preventive medicine specialising in epidemiology,_1964-65; National Institute of Corumunicable
i)iseares, Delhi and Gandhi Eye llospital, Aligaba National 'frachoma Control Project, India
in general epiderniology, specializing-in the epidemiology and control of trabhoiira, 1966.
Employnrcttt.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, N{aubin Civil Hospital, 196o4z; Civit Assistant
Suigeon, Thaton Civil llospital, ry62-6q; on deputatior, to the German Democratic Republic
on a states scholarship, ry65-65; Tor.vnship Health 0fiicer, Aung San Demonstr"ati<.rn Health
Centre, Aung San Myo, 1966-67;Dye Surgeon, Trachoma Control Project, Meiktlla, 1967-.
i\I entb er shilt of S ociet ie s.-B urma 1\{ed ical Associaticn.
Ad dr e s s.-*T rachom a Control Proj ect, Meiktila.

- -- Thein Hlaing,
445, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.P. & T.M. (Rgn.), Public Health Specialist; born
March r7, 1938 in Thaton.
Educati.on.-St. Patrick's High Sohool, Moulmein, 1955; M.B.,B.S., University of Rangoon,
ry62; D.P. & T.i\'{., Institute of l\'Iedicine r, Rangoon, r97o.
Training.-Burma }'Iedical Association course in Industrial Health, rc17r,

Ernptoyrttent,-Assistant f)istrict Health Officer, District Health Offi99, CivilHospitdl, lfhayet,

ry6j-66; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Yamethin Civil Hospital, rg66-67;-Township Medical
Omier II, Tatkon Civil Hospital, ry67-6g; on deputation for !.P. &I.M. course, rg6g-7oi
i\Iedical Inspector of Factories, ,F-actories and Geleral Latorrr Laws-Inspg.ctorate-, Rangoon,
rgTo-?r; Research Qficer, Department of Epidemiology, Burma Medical Research Institute,
bI e n r.b e r s h ip of S o cictic s.-B urma \tedical Associat ion.
Curuent research work.-lncidence of cancer in Burrna.
Publications.-TurrN Hrerxc (rgZo). of sutike hites in Burtna. D.P. & T.NX.
Dissertation, lnstitute of Nledicine r, Rangoon.
Address'.*zz, Attia Road, Rangoon.

446. Thein i{t"o,t,-M.Il.,B.S. (kgn.), D.'f.iu. & H. 1i-o"d.1. iieaith Acirninistrator; Lorri
lIu.r' r3, 1r1zt irr ]Jassein.
Ilducation.-\'Ii,triculated: Dioccsan Boy's High Sch':ol, Raugoon, 1939; \I.B.,B.S., University
of f{angoon, rqsa; D.'I.L'I. & H., [Jniversity of London, rt15,S.
Trahting.*Ddinburgh Unir.ersity in tropical diseases, 1959*6r'
Ihnploltrnent.-CivllAssistant Surgeon, B.C.G. Team, Rangoon, r95;; 'l'eanr Leatlt-'r, IJ.C.G.
T'earn' II, llantlalay zrnd Sagaing f)ivision, rg52-.i4; Civil Assistaut Surgeotr, l'Iaudalay
Geueral Hosl:ital, r95.1-56; Civil Assistant Surgeon, OlIce of Civil Surgeon, Central, Rangoou,
t956-57; Civil .Assistant Surgeon, Sao Sar Hturr l{ospital,'['aunggyr, 196z; Civil Surgeon,
Fniiarnti Civil I'Iospital, tg6z*64; Civii Surgeon, 'f .,\,I.O. I, \:'arnethin Civii Hcspital , ry64-65;_
Torvnship Medicil Ofl[cLr r; Meiktila Civil Hospitar,, ryr:t5-66; Deputy Assis:ant Director of
Llealth Services, Northrvest Division, Nlandaiay, ry66'-7o; Assistant f)irector of Ilealth
Services, So'-rth \\rcst Division, Bassein, rgTt-.
)l le,tbersltip oJ Societies.-iBurtrta \Ieclical -\ssociation ; Recl Cross Socicty.
Conferenceslstudy '|'ours.-Attcnderl a3rd South Ezrst Asiatr
Wl{O Regional Canfcrerrce, New
Delhi rgTo; z4tir South Dirst Asia WIIO I{egional Confercnce, Itarrgoon, r97r.

447. Thein I'Itur, U, l,LB.,ll.S. (Rgr,.), (U.[.), Physician**Gastroenterology; born

Jurre z, rg39 in Rrugocn.
Ilducation.--.l,Iatriculated: St. I'auis' IIigh Sctrool, r954i ['{.1}.,1].S., University of Rangoon,
r96r; lI.R.('.P., England, rt;7r.
T'raining.--Royal Infirmary, Ilristol in Internal l,{edicine and Gastro-enterology, rg6g--7t,
Emplu-yurcnt.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Central Jail, Nlandalay,_1962; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
Frontier A1eas, I\Togmurrg, Ilast Putao Frontier I)ivision and Hoi;,ang and I(unlong Frontier
Division, ry62-65; Assistant Lecturer, Departmcnt of Medicine,_ Irrstitute of Nledicine r,
Rangoon, ri05-08; Civil Assistant Surgeon and Part-tinrc Clinical'futor, ILangoon General
I-lospital ancl Institute of l\'Iedicine t, Itirngoon, 1L)71*.
l,Ienfiership of Llucieties.---Burma \'ledicul Association; Iiol'al Sociel-y of 'Iropical l,Icdicile
and FI5,gicnc.
l,lem.bership o.f C'tttrulittee.s. *'iVembcr, Executire Committee, Burma N{ctlicai .Associatiol.
Pubiicatirttts.-Hr-.1 1},[vrxr, Pr Tuau Mylxr, Avl Avtt Yl, 'fur,tN Hltrl and Atrlt.tu A. l{-..11r:
(r968). Incidence ofjaundice in hepatic atroet'iasis atd. the sttrdy of clinical features. Burna
ued. J. 16, zo5-'-ztc.
.4tldrtss.*5t, Pyitlaungsrt Yeiktlu I{oird, I)agon P.O., I{angoon"

++8. Thein l(yi, Daw, A'LIJ.,B.,S. (Itgn'), D.['1.C.\\'. (Cal')' D.C.I{. (Glas,). Paediatrician;
Deputy Iiedicai Superintcndent,. Childrcn's [-lospital, Rangoorr.

+aq. Thein Lwin, U, \,I.8.,8.S. (Rgr.), D.I']. & 'l.N'I. (Rgn.). Public I{ealth Specialist; born
-{i,ril 28, r938 in 'sinnlizrrc in Pronrr: "Distlict.
Erlucation.*N{atricrilated: Central State High .ghggl', Rangtron, 195.5; &I.8.,B.S., firriversity
of Ratrgoon, 196z; D,I). &'I"M., Institute of l{edicine r, Rangoon, r97r.
.llnployurcnt..--Assistant District Healtli Officer, Pyapon, r963-65; Lectttrcr, I{ealth Assistant
'.friirring Schoo!, .{ung Sau M1'o, r965*.
X,Ieutbership of ,Sacietie.s.-Burma Nledical Association, Pubiic l-Iealth :\ssociation.
Cut,rettt restarch s{,orlt..--fjommunity N{edicinc I'rojcct as Irart of fre,ld training progranririe fot
health assistant students,

Publications..--Tuurs Lrvru (r97r). Iraininq oJ tlealth Assislant in, Burnta. D.P, & T.I{.
Dissertation. Institute of Medicine t, Rangoon.

1;o. Thein Maung, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn'), D.L'O. (Lond.), F'R.C'S' (lidin.), !"R'C'S' (t'oncl')'
Otorhinolarl'rrgologist; born Julv t, r()72 in Rangoon.
illucation.--Nlatricula.tecl: Teacher's Training College School, Ilangoon, r94i1,^ \J,li-',R.S"'
l.lnivcrsit.v of ll;rngoon, r956; D.1,.O., L-ontloir, r9(;rl F"R.t:.S., Etlinhrrruh, r968; t''.1{,
Lonclon, r968.
Training.*Tnstitute of Laryngology and Otology, Universitl, of London in laryngology and
otologyl r96o-6r ; Royal Io6irn-ary, Edinburgh irr-E.N.T. Surgery.and- general surgery, ,S9l-9\;
Institrite 6f Lury.rgology and Otologv, Un"iversity of Lond-on in L'.N'T'- surgery, 1967-68;
f)epartment of Suigervl Guy's Hosfiial, London in general surgery, ry67-68'
Emplo;yrnent.-House Surgeon, Rangoon General Hosp-ital, ry56-.57; Assistarrt Srrgeon, B.C.().
Projei;, Directorate of lIedth Ser"vices, r95?-59; A..l.r:i- l3rt-q.o"' I.f,T' Departtnent,
Ro,igoo.rGeneralFlospital,r959-65;Asi;stiiiSJigeon,E.ll.N.T.Hospital,Ritttgoott, t965-66;
Otorhinolarl'ngologist, E.ItZ.i.T. Hospitai, Rangoorr, ry66*.
M emher slti2 of S oci eties.*Burrua Nleclica I Association.
!,,Iemhership of Committee.r. -Member, Executive Committee,'f" Sectiott, Rurtna Nledical
Associaticn: 1\{ember, Post-graduate Bonrd of Sttrclies t,t 1'l.L'{).
.kl tl r t s s.-zo- C, P,v id a un gs tr Yeihth a, Ra n goo rr'

45r. Thein Maung, u, N,I.B.,B.S. (Rg..), L.R.(1.P. (llng.), \Lll..(1.s. (Iing.). \'enercologist;
born February 16, 19o6 in l'{oulmein.
Edutation.-[,{atriculated: Governrnent High School, Moulmein, r9z3; \{.R.;B.S', 1-lniver'sity
of Rangoon, r93o; L.R.C.P., I\'LR.C.S., Conjoint Board of Iinglarrd, ro1r.
fraining.-Ouy's Hospital [.ondon in venereal diseases and Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh in
general medicine.
Empl,nurcnt.-Foreign Service Temporary Commission, India \ledical Scrvice, ry36-12:
Civil Assistant SurgIon, Burma \{edical Service, 1936-4,.1i Assistant I)irector, Btrrma ltedical
Service, r943-+;i Captain, ABRO, CAS (B), i,)+S-+6; \-'enereolo-gist, Rangoon Gcncral
I{ospital,; I)irector of llealth Services, r9-59-6o; 1\{e clical Dire:ctorr Rurma.
Pharmaceutical Industry, ry6o-62.
Dcmro!ions anil atcords.-'t'hiripyanchi, r9(tr.
A cl d r e s s.-g, (ilr in Tsor I g Aven ue, Shvr egonclain g P.O., Ran gor..,n.

-1g2. Thein.Maung, U, ]1.ts,,8.*q. (Rgrr.). Forensic f'ledical Spccialist; horn Iichruarv 3, t9z9
in MonYrT'a.

Eilutation.--l\Iatricrrlated: Teachers'Tlaining ('ollege Sclrool, r9-16;1I.8.,It.S., Unit-ersity

of Rarrgoon, r955.
Training.-lLrstitute,oI Forensic \'Iedicine, I{unrbulclt lTniversitr', Rerlin (German Democratic
Reptrblic), in forensic medicine, 1965-6(t.
EntploT,ntettt.-IJouse Surgeon, Rirngoon Gene'r'ril Flosl,ital, r95.5-56;-Civil Assistant-Srugeon,
enii-Vll Campaign, Rangoon General Hospital, tgs6-57) "I'ean, Leader', Anti-\/I) Team,
Bassein, ,q57-i8;"Ci,,il Alssistant Surgeon, Maymyo Civil Hospital. r958; Civil-_Assistant
Surgeon, Y"am6thin Civil Hospital, r958-6o; Civil ,Assis_tant Surgeon, Bassein I)ivisional
Hospitat, 196o*52; Civil Assisiant Surgeon, Paungde Qivil_Ilospital, ry62-65; on deputation
to G.D.R.,-r96g-66; Civil Assistant Suigeon, National Health Laboratory, Rangoon, rc166'6i;
Civil Surgeon,-National Health Laboratory, Rangoon, 196?*'
Manbership of Societies,*Burma Medical Association.
Addres;,-r37, Botataung Pagoda Road, Rangoon.

453. -Thein Maung-{Iyint, U, l{.8,,8.S. (toIdy.), D.P. & T.}I. (RSn,), Epidemiologist ; born
May 6, r936 in Nlyitnge.
Education.'--i\{atricu]ated : N{andalay State High School, Pre-rnedical Course, 1955; M.8.,8.S.,
Mandalay Medical College, 196z ; D.P. & T.M., Institute of L{edicine r, Rang6tin, 1967.

[mploynent.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Mandalay General Hospital, ry62-63; Civil Assistant

f,urgeo1, District Hos_qital, My_itkyina, 1963 ; 1\{cdical Officer, Satlon, Kachin State, 1963-65 ;
t-ory1sliq Yledical Officer f I, Township Hospital, Mogaung, Kachin State, 1965-66; fownsliip
Nledical Officer II, Tanai, IGchin State, 1966 ; Township Iiealth Officer, Myit[yina, tg67-68-;
Senior Research Officer, Department of Epidemiology, Burma Medical Research Insiitute,
ll[ emb er slip of S o cietie s. --Burma Medical Association.
Current research work.-Ircidence of cancer in Burma ; investigation of roadt raffic acciclents
in Rangoon.
Publications.-r. TnnrN MeuNc Mvmr (tr)61), Epidemiology and control of intestinal amoe-
-of -lVledicine
biasis. D.P.&T.N. dissertation, Institute r,_Rlngoon. Tnuri MeucN MvrNT,
MIN Nvo and I(urN \{euNc Lwm (rg7o). Epidemiological studies of death due to accidents,
poisoning fland other violence in'Rangoon. (]nion-of Buyma J. Life Sci. 3, 3zg-335,
Adfuess,-Building 12, Room r, Weluwun Quarters, Sanchaung, Rangoon"

4g{. Thef llSint, Major, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D,A. (Lond.), Anaestherist ; born April 14,
1933 in Rangoon.
Education,-Matriculated : St. Philomena's Convent, Rangoon, 1949 ; N{.8.,8.S., Unir,-ersity
of Rangoon, 1956 ; D.A. Post-graduate N{edical School, London, ii6e.
Tlqining. _ D.epartment of Ansesthesia, Hammersrnith Hospital, Lont{on, tg6r5z; Department
of Anaesthesia, Liverpool United Hospitals (Liverpool Urriversity), 196z-64.

Fyploynrcnt.-General Duty N{edical Officer (Family Wing and O,P.D.), Base Military Hospital,
Maymyo, 1956-57; General Duty Nledical OIficer (Anaesthesia), Base Military Hospital,
.' Maymyo, 1957-6o ; General Duty Medical Officer (Anaesthesia), Defence Services General
Hospital, 1\{ingaladon, r 96o ; Post-graduate Studies in England, 196o--65 ; Anaesthetist, Defence
Services G.eneral Flospital, l{ingaladon, ry65- .

4 55. Jheiu Myin! Htun, U, M.B.,B.S. (8g".). Orthopaedic Surgeon ; born August r, r94r in
Education.-N,Iatriculated : State High School, Taungdwingyi, 1956 ; VI.B.,B.S,, University
of Rangoorr, r963.
7'taining.*Rangoon General Hospital in orthopaedic and traumatic surgery, 1968--7o. i
Employntent.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Mohnyin, 1965-66; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Pakokku, I
r9(r5-58 ; Township Health Officer, Il.angoon, tg6\1o; .{ssistant Orthopaedic Surgeon, I
Rangoon Gerreral Hospital, rgTo
lllemberskipof Societies,-Burma Medical Association. I
Current research vtoyk.--Colles fracture I fracture on forearm bones.

.4dr1ress.-No, r8, encl Thompson Avenue, Rangoon,

456. Thein Nyunt, U, \,{.8.,8.S. (Rgn.), D.T.D. (Delhi), D.P.H. (Lond.). Tuberculosis Specialist,
Public l{ealth Specialist ; born August 3r, r9z5 in Ii.angoon.
Edtrcation.-l\{atriculated : Teachels' Trainirig College School, Rangoon, I946 ; \{.8.,8.S.,
Llniversity of Rangoon, r95r ; D.T.D., Univirsity ':'f Delhi, 19.55 ; O.f.U., University of
L<lndon, 196r. d

Trafuing.-\ttended International Training Course in Epidemiology anrl -Contrcil of Tuber-

culosis Prague, Czechoslovakia and Dan-ish Tuberculoiis Index, Copenhagen, Denmark in
epiclemiology c<introl of tuberculosis, 1954 ; National Tuberculosis Institutc, Bangalore
and Central Chest Clinic, Banghok in Direct tsCG vaccination, r965.
Em.ployncnt.-Ci-;il Assistant Surgeon, T'ts Training and Dem_onstration Center, Theinbyu
Streetl Rangoon, r95r-58 ; BCGbfficer, Directorate nf Ilealth Services, Rangr:on, ry58-62 i
BCG Crfficei/.LssisiJnt D"irector, Directorate of Health Services, Rangoon., ry62-65 ; -{ssistant
Director 1Tn), Clflice of the Assistant Director (1'B), Union Tuberculosis Institute, Rangoon,
1965- .
ll[ember ship af S ocietie s.-Burma \{eclical Association.

Il[emherskip of Comrittee.r.-Expert Committee on Cherrrotherapy of Tuberculosis.

ConferenceslStuil-v Tours.-Stucly tour of Central Chest Clinic, Ban-gkok and National Tuber-
culosis Institute,-Bangalore, r96i ; Attended Rcgir-rna1 'Iu!rerculosis Confe,-ence, I(uala Lumpur,
:.964 ; zoth International Tubeicuiosis Ccurference, New York, r969.

Current research work,-Baritosis arnong barvtes rvorkets in Anisakan, Izla.ymyo.

Puhlieations.-r. 'ItrErN l.IyuNr (196r). BCG aaccination in tke control.of _tuberculosi: in Burma.
D.P.H. Thesis, University of I.ondon. z. Turrx NvuNr (r968). The National Tuberculosis
Control Programme, Btuina mert. J. 16,2,--r2. 3. l'uutu Nvuxl and SurN IIra AuNc (1968)'
A study of d"irect BCG vaccinatio"n in ihe rte*bo?r, . Burma med. J. t6, z7-3o'
Address.-Room 7, No. 3521366, Barr Street, Rangoon.

457. Thein Nyunr, U, M.B.,B.S. (trtgr.), Pli.D. (Moscow), I'{axillo-facial and Plastic
Surgeon ;
born March t2, rg3z in Tarmgdwingyi.
Education,-Matriculatecl: State l{igh Schor:l, Katha, r9.19; M.B',8.S', Universitv of Rangoon,
_r959; Institute for Advanced Medical Studies, \1[oscow, USSR, r97o.
Training.-Institute for Aclo-ancecl Medical Studies, Nlloscorv and Central Scientific Research
Instituie of StomatologV in theoretical and practical training in rese-arch techniques in
stomatology, maxillo-fafial and plastic surgerlr, r966-7o; Institute of Cosmetic Surgery,
Nloscolv, cosrnetic surgical techniqucs, r97o.
Em.ployrnent,-.Civil Assistant Surgeon, Polyclinics, Kcnrmendine, tg6o-6r ; Civil Assistant
Suige"on, Sao San I{tun Hospital, iaunggyi ," 196r--66 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon (Stomatolo-
gist), Sao San Iftun Hospital, Taunggyi tgTo-.
M cmbership of S ocieties.-Burma Medical Association.
Il[enfiership oJ'Comtittee.s.-sports Secretary, Burma Nledical .{ssociation, Taunggyi Branch,
r97r ; Generirl Secr.etary, Ilurura ]Vfeclicai -\ssociation, Taunggyi Brarich, tg7z.
C ur r ent r e s ear ch ;c,rrrlc.-Neurofi br<rmas of the parotici region,
Publicatiotts.-Tnnrx NyuNr (rq6S). Simple tumours oI the neck. J. Stonntolo,gy^. .5, 8r-82-
2. THErN NyuN.r (rS6q). Difieieft of swellings-on.thc lateral surface of the neck.
Nlaterials of the 5tL Scie'ntific Conl"erencJin Stomatology, 1\{r..,^ldavian S.S.R. Kishineo, r04-r95.
3. TurrN NvuNi (tglo). Clirrico-morphologicnl fcatures of simple tumours and cysts of the
ieck arrd their surliJa'l /reatrnen't. (Synopis 6f for Ph. D' degree Liloscow).

458. Thein Nyunt, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rg..), F.R,C,S. Siirgcon ; f)ivisional Hospital, Moulmein.
459.llhein Than, U, i\{.Sc. (Nervcastle-Upon-Tyne). Biochernist ; borrr Muy 7, rg4z in
Educotion.-Nfatriculated : St. John's Diocesan Boy's I'Iigh School, Rangoon, r958
LIniversity of Rangoon, r9rt3 ; l{.Sc., University Lf Nelvcastle-Upon-'I'1 ne, r97o. ; B.Sc.,

Etnplo.yntent.-Technician, Grade l, Rurrna Ntleiical lLesearch lnstitute, r9fu-fu; li.esearch

oflicer, Department of Haematology, Il*rma \{edical Research Institute, ti6+-:.
C'onfer-ences.-Third International tin Endocrinolrgv, London, rg7r; Attended
workshop on radio iurnruno.assay of^Symposium
paraihyroicl horinone, l'Iecliffl'lleseu."t, irrJtltrie, f.onclon,
t97t ; Eighth lnternational congreis on clinical chernistrl., coperrhagen, r972.
Publicalions.*-r. AuNc-TuAN-BAru, TuerqE-Tou, U Il-a-Fe and TuarN-'I'llas. (r968).
Some aspects of anaemia of.pregnancy in B*urma.' LInion of rlrnna y. t;Ji sci. i,
z' U FLe-Ps and Junrx:Tyl* (1968). i:r-::.s.
Filter Paper *"thoa of f,eteJting .r*ui.a fo"tif
haernoglotin from_fingcr-tip blood. - BLrma ntetr. j. t,
37-39. 3. U Hr.r Fu, au^t-r"o*-
rnrrx-TsaN.-1rios;. \ticrotechniqu. io. po6puro'tion 'or haenroil,sate ior electro-
Be't'ti and
phoresis. Burma nted. J. j, r49 4. IGiiN-I{vi-Niunrr, TurrN-Tnax, u Fire-pr. and
Atrrqc-Tur,N-Baru (ry69). "'An'iemia- in tivr, Bumrese villagers. Llriiott of Buytna j. f;f, Sr;.
z, zo9-216.
.5. .'Iutrx-THaN, Auxc-TueN-Baru and U Firn-Pl $969\. The asiessment of
rron stores. anion of Burmcy J. !.iJ, sci. z, rq3--rq1. 6.'TnpiN-Tnex, U Hla-pr,
KutN-Kvl-Nvux'r and Ausc-TrieN-Baru (1969). litestlnai absorption in tile- Burmese.
Union of Burny J. Ltfc ,Sci. z, 365-37r. eJNi:'-rrieN-B.r.r'u, U Flr.q-pr ancl '-fsrrr.r-TrraN
llgl-,). Iron balance"ig Eu.^,.. women. tJuion of Buynm J. Li[e sci. 4, szz-3ss.
i{ra-Fn and TnlrN-THaN (r97r). " \ralidity-of a'+
8. AuNc-T'naN-Barr;, U 1,_oung oUJurpii,i"
testasanindexof.intestinalabsorption. clin.chern.Arii.3zrr45-rq6. "yfo.-"
9. AuNr;-il'Hau-dar.rr,
U Hl,a-Pe and Turtir-TnaN (r97o). I)rug induce<l hae"r6lysiJ"in G-6-IiD tleficient Burrnese.
Proc' Royl. Sac. Trop. llled. ilii. io. Meistral Bloocl Loss"in Burmese\\/omen. Iiresented at
5th Burma Research-.Congress-Nlled. Sci., Div. Abstracts. rr. 1-uriri* Tuen' 1i97ol .--Anr4,r,l,
of rat liver cluomatinJ'ar pr\tein-bolnl RNA.
rz. AuNc-"fuaN-Baru,'_u.I{r.a-pr, 'rsuN-THarr-\!S..Thesis, University of w"i.l."ttiJ-iipu,r-'f1rn".
ciency in Burmese populati<;n groups. Am. \ / t -/' iiu" .i.R-
and Kurx-I(r,r-N**r,N.r (trlzz).
J. clin. nutri. 25, zto-zig.
46o.'Thein Thein win, Daw, M.B,,B.s. (Rgr.), M.R.c.p. (tiI{). prrlsic-ian
; Assistant surget;n,
Raugoori General Hospitui.

+6...JI:i" Z3n,.M.aio1,-l{.P.rB.S. (!Sn.), D.O. (L.irg.). Oiihthalmotrogisr ; I_,ecturer in Ophthat-

lnology, .lnstitute o[ Merlicine z, Rangoon.

462' Thet Gyi, K., N't.8.,8.S. (Rg,-,.), D.A. Anaesthetist, \Vornen ancl Chiliiren's I{<.,spital, 1'aunggyi.

463' -Thet Hta Way, U, I\'LR.,B.S. (Rgr.), R.D.S. f)ental anrl Plastic Surgcon ; Rangoon General

464' Thet.t'9,. y, M.q.,B.S. (8g".)r. D.P.H. (Cal.). Public Hcalth Specialist ; bom December ro,
r9o9 in Sitkuin, ThararvidJy ili*r.ict.
Dducatioil.-Matriculated : A.-\r. Governrnent High schoor, Letiracian, r9z4
l\{edical College, Rarrgoon, rg33 ; D.p.H., Calcutta,'r9?5. ; M.8.,8.S.,
Training.-Lll-India Institute of I-Iygiene anrl public llealth, c.lcutta,.r9j5-3(r.
{mployment--Chief Health ()fiicer,_Rangoon L{unicipal Corporation, r.t157-.6q; Professor,
I)epartrnent of Pleventive and Social \,Ieiicine, Institr-ite of \fc.licine;, f,;;g;;; tgtt5-7,
Dean, Fost-graduate Nleclical Studies, l96g_7i.
Mentbership r{,9ocieties.,-Burma Medical Association (li. C. r g53).
X[unber.slip of Comnittec.r.-I{angoon General Hospital, Management Advisory Committee,
1957-6+; Ramakrishna ManagEment Advisory io*tritt.*, ig57-.6a; N{eital Hospitai
lManagenrent Aclvisory Comrnittee, ry57*fu; Rangoon f)ivision Sterilization Committee,
ry62-64; School for Health Assistants Advisory Cornmittee, tg6g-7t.
Corferenccsf Stutly Tout,s.--Visited Singapore, Kuala I.,unpur and Bangkok to study municipal
w-ork in the South East Asian Region, 1959 ; attended " Seminar on teaching of Preventive and
Sociai Medicine" sponsored by \\iHO ; study tour of U.K., Yugoslavia and India to study
modern methocls of under-graduate and post-gradute medical education, 1969.
Puhlications."-r. Tnrr Po (196r). Alcohol as a public: healtir problem. Burma mcd. J. g,
t57-fi2. z. ":c,Se.(cgGo) Rubelia. "oflcfc3eego1 " -B{d oe?'JcsDr oceso:3r Qgr o83:crr
3. Tnrr Pr, Z. Srsiex, Lev MauNc arrd KrirN N'[eu,.'ic Lu,rN (1969). Srnoking habits of
school children in Rangoor, (Jnion of Burma J.
Lile Sci. z, 353-357. .tr.. Tnrir Pr, Z. Sestax,
Lav MeuNc and l(lrrN i\{aunr; Lrvru (r97r). lJtilization survey of t]re Hlegu Hospital.
Union of llurtua J.'e Sci. 4, rz7-136.
Adtlress.-5r (B), Lorvis R.oad, Rangoon.

465. Thet Thet Nwe, Daw, NI.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.C.H. (Glas.). Paediatrician; Assistant Lecturer,
Department of Chilcl }jlealth, Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon.

466. Thin Thin Aye, Daw, B.Sc. (tr{gr.), M.B.,B.S" (Rgr.), D.M.R.D. (E"S.). Radiologist; born
NIav 24, i936 in Rangoon.
Utiversity of Rangoon, 1957 ; M.8.,8.S.,
Tr aining.-Bristol, England in Radiolo qy, r 968-.7 o,
Entploy171sn7.-f)emonstrator in Botany, IJniversit-v of Rangot.rn, r957-58 ; House Surgeonr
Rangoon General Hospital, ry64-65 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Nfandalay General Hospital,
tt165*67 ; Civii Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, ry67-68 ; rgTr-.
11[ e mb er sh ip oJ' S o c ie t i c s "-Burma Medical Association.
Ad.dres;.--to3, \\/indermere Road, Rangoon.

467. Thin Thin Hlaing, Daw, B.Sc. (Rgn.), M.S. (Iowa). Biochemist; born July 24, 1936 ifl
Education.*St. Philomena's Convent, 1953 ; M.S.,
State University of Iovia, li.S,A., r96r.
Training'.-State Universitv of Iorva in biochemistry, r95g-6t.
Employnrcnt..--Demonstrator, Department of Zoology, University of Rangoon, tgST-Sg i
Demonstrator, Departrnent of Physiology, Iiaculty of Medicine, Llniversity of l{angoon,
tgSr-6q.; Assistant Lecturer, Department of Physiology, Institute of L{edicine l, Rangoon,
Publications.-r. Hr-ArNG, T.T., J. I). Hurm,ru:l and R. MoNrcoirrEnv (196r), Some studies of
glucose oxidases. ,Lrch. Biocitcm. Biophys. 93, 3zr-327. z. N{ve-'fri, \l[., VIlv ]Iev' Yi,
Turs TstN Hr-etxc and I(rN (1968). A comparative study of the venticular escape
phenomenorr frorn riagal stimulation. Union of Burnta J. Life Sci. r, zrz-zrq. 3. T'HIN TutN
FLerrrc and lI. l\[va-'lr (1968). Glycogen content of various parts of the dog heart using
deoxyribonucieic acid as a refcrence standard. Union of Burma J. Life Sci. r, y7-3rv.
,1. TruN-Tr.rrN-I{ratxc and G. G. \'r-tlLa (r968). Catalase of blood of some common animals.
Union of Burnm J. f,f, Sci. rr 34r-3q2. 5. 1\Ave-'fu, \1[., Mev Mev Yr and T'HIN'IaIN HrarNc
(t968). Blood gror-rps of the Inthas and Tavoyans. Union of Burma J. Life Sci. r, 353-357.
6. Mva-Tu, M., Vlav-\{ay-Yr and THrx-THrN-I{r,elNc (r97i). Blood groups of the Burrnese
poirulation. Hunmn Ileredity. zr, 4zo-43o.
Address.-4o, Inva Road, Rangoon.

Training.-lnstitutc of Ophthaimoiogy, BritisL Post-graduate N'tedical Fecieration, L,rndon,
Em.ltloyment.-\'Iedical Officer, Burma Oil Co., 1947-6+; Ophthalmologist, Workers' Hospital,
Rangoon, 1961--
Jl,Ie ntber sltip of Societies.-Burma Medical Association.
ConferenceslStudy Tours.-Attended Industrial ophthalmology in rg59 ; Attended International
Congress of Ophthalmology in 1962.
Publications.--\tN ftrrerNc, I(rN \{euNc NvuNr and Prtr PecaNsn (rqZo). Glass
blower's cataract in Rangoon factories. Occupational Health Study. Bunna med. J.
r8, rrr-r18.
Ad.dress.-53, Attia/Roacl, Kamayttt, Rangoon.

az-s. Tin Htun, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgr.), D.I.H. (Lond.), D;P.H. (E"g.). Industrial Health Specialist/
Malariologist/Public Health Specialist ; born January 4, 1933 in \tlyingyan
Educati.on,-Matriculated: State High School No. r, N{andalay, rg5o ; M.B.,B.S., University
of Rangoon, 1959; D.LH., Royal Institute of I{ygiene and Public Health, London 1969; D.P.FI.,
Loudon Conj6int Board of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, Elgland, r97o.
Training.--Gr"ry's Huspital, London in dental surgery, 1966 ; British Railways and London
Trairsport in Industrial Health, 1969-7o ; Royal Institute of Hygiene and Public Ilealth in
public health, 1970.
Entployntent.-Medical Officcr, Burma Railways, 1959-6+; ^senior l\Ieclical Oflicer, Burma
Raih,viys, rq64-7r ; Malariologist, Central Division of Health, Assistant Director's Office ,
Rangoon, t97t--
Il[embership of Societies.-Bunna Nleclical Association ; F'ellorv of the Royal Institute of Public
Health and Hygieue, ry69.
Publication,--TrN HtuN (rS69). National Health Planning in Deueloping Countries. D:I.H.
dissertation. Royal Institute of Hygiene and Public I{ealth, London.
Address.-2t5, Ahlone Road, Rangoon.

az6. Tin Htut, U, M.B.,B.S. (Itgn.), D.P. & T.N{. (Rgn.). Public Health Specialist; born August r r,
1938 in Kamaba, Pegu TownshiP.
Education.-Matriculated: Union Christian High School, ry56; X{.B.,B.S., Unive.rsity of
Rangooh, 1963;D.P. & T.M., Institute of N{edieine t, Rangoon, 1967.
Training.-Lurig San Demonstration Health Centre, Insein in Assistant District llealth Officer
Training, 1965 ; Virus Research Institute, Kyoto Universitlr, Kyoto in virological techniques,
Em0loym.ent.-Assistant District I{ealth Officer, Henzada, 1965-66 ; Township Health Officer,
Nloulmein, 1966 ; Torvnship Medical Officer, Za:lr,;rg|rt, Pegu Yoma, 1965 ; Township Health
Office; 1966 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, \r.D-. Campaign, Shw-ebo, rgttQ-67 t Township Health
Officer, Divisional Health Department, Mandalay, ry67-68; Research Officer, Department of
Virology, Burnra Medical Research Institute, tg68-7t ; Research Officer, I)epartment of
Experimental Medicine, Bufrr'ra Medical Research Institutg, r97r-

M erub er s oI S o cie tecs.-Burma N{ edical Association.

Conferencelstudy Tours..-National Institute of Health, Tokyo, to study techniques in arbovirus
studies and Nihon University, study technique in myxovirus studies.

Cewent research aorfr.-Studies on the epiderniology of Australian antigens in blood donors and
recipients, cord blood antl chronic liver diseases.
Publications.-r. Ausc Mve'r' and TrN Hrur (1963). Field assessment of smallpox vaccination
$'ork inJ(harnpa*t a+{'Tarhan B,H.C. areas and N{awlaik District. Bunna tiretl, J. l.6, zz5.
z. TUN \{nt and Ttrq l-Irur (.g6S). Predisposing conditious leailing to sterilizatiorrYi,. wom.n.
Ilurmu tned. J. r7t 9r-g4.
Address.--94/z-A,,Budd Road, Rangoon.

477. Tin Latr lJ, m.n.,B.s. (Rgr.), D.P. (Rgn.). Pathologist; Rangoon General Hospital.

478. Tin Ma.!ng, U, I,I.B.,B.S. (Rgr.), Ph. D. (St. Andrews). Anatomist ; born july 1, r9z3
in Nleiktila.
Education--Matriculated^: National lligh-School, Meiktila, r94o; Nr.B.,B.S., University of
Rangoon, 1949; Ph. D., St. Andrews, 1956.

laryloyruent.-Demonstrator, Anatomy Departme.nt, Faculty of Medicine, University of

R-a1g_oo_1,r9+g-5r I Asslstant
],.r949-5r; Lecturer, Anatomy Departmeirt,
Assistant Lectur_er, L)epartmeiri, }aculty
Faculty of Medicine, Institute
rf Medicine
of r. Kangoon,
rvrealcrne-r, tgsr-jz;- J-ecturer,-Anatomy
Ransoon. 1g5r:52,*
Rangoon, f,er:trrrer Anatomy
l-ecturer, Anetomv T)cnarfnrcnf E'an',lr-, of
Department, .t'aculty ^f it,l^,1:^;-^
Univeisity of Rangoon, 1956-68; Professor of Arratomy, Inititute of i\{edicine r, Rangoon,
ll[erubership of Societies.-Burma Vledicat Association; Burma Research Society.
Membership of _Comruittees.-Acadernic Board, Institute of Meclicine r, Rangoon; Board of
Post-graduate Studies Chairman (M.Sc., Anatomy) Board of Studies.
C-onferenceslstudy Tours.-Visited University of Sydney, University of I\4elbourne, Monash
Universitl, (\{elbourne), Uuiversity of-Otago and University of Singapore on a study tour of
developrnental anatomy, neurological anatornv, histological nietEods incfuding- electron
microscopy and teaching methods.
Current research stork.-Neurology and. genetics.
: .

Publications.-TrN Nl[euNc (lgS6). Nutrition of cartilage and the formation oJ bone. ph.D.
Thesis, University of St. Andrer,vs.

479..T11.ryayng, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgr,.), D.A. (Lond.). Anaesthetist; born Septernber r3, r93o
in Hlaingbrve.
Education.-Matriculated: St. Patrick's Institution, Moulmein 1946; N{.8.,B.S., University
sf {anggon,_19551 D.A., Conjoint Bord of the Royal Colleges oi Physicians ald,Surgeons,
Dngland, r96o.
Training.-Melbourne General Hospital, Australia, in cardiothoracic anaesthesia and use of
heart lung machine, ry63-64; Chulalongkorn Hospital and Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand
in cardiac surgery, 1964.
Employ nrcnt.-ilnaesthetist, Rangoon General Hospital, r 955 -
Il[ emb er ship of s.-B urma N{edical Associat ion.
S o cietie

Conferencesfstudy Tours.-Attended Cardiac Conference, Sydney, Australia in 1968.

Pubiications--r. TrNMeuNc.(196+).- cardiacarrest. Rur'named.J. 12, rr5-rr9. z.TrN
Meusc (.r10-+). The gas- fight_and choke company. Burma med. j. ,2,' ,56-r5j. 3. TrN
Meunc (tS6S): Set'ere hype_rkalemia' during surgery leading to lardiac -arrest- and"death
(A case legojt). .Burma *t(. 1^. 13, r49-r5o. 4. TrN N{euxc and rnrN I(vu (r97o). A
revierv of " Respirator cate ' ot.lost-operative cardiothoracic patients. Bwnta ied. f. fi,
t37^ r4.3_.- 5.. TrN MAUNG, HI-e TuN and Enrc Poo Nvo (tg66).' Closed chest extra-co.ior.ui
qooling (I(annine perfusion). Bunna rued. J. rlr 27-34. 6. Knin MauNc Tsew, p. R. MbuaN,

Sarvr Ti:1, KHIN M.ruNt;, AuNG Kvew TuN, Vleuxc Kyaw and Ttn l{,rusc (196Z). The
fi:st t'ase of A.S.r'}. rt'paired under heart lung hy pass (a case report). Rurun med. J. r5,3-8.
7. KrttN ltl-cuNc'I'H.lw, 1'rN \l[.1u,'rc, MauNc l{vaw, Yn MvrNr', Be Yr antl, Ara Avr N{yrNr
(tgZo). Left atrial :mvxoma mascluerading mitral stenosis. Burma rted. J. 18, r,19-r5r.
8. Tts l4.LtiNc (;97r). Problems of organizing electronic f;rcilities for a surgical unit in an
isolatr:d r:redical -qociety. Digest of 9th International Conference on Riomedical Iingineering,

48o. Tin Maung Aye, Major, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.C.P. (Lond.). Pathologist; born February 23,
rtl3r irr I'yu, Toungoo district.
Education.-N{atricul:rted: Pakokku State High Schor.rl, r948; M.8.,8.S., tlniversity of Rangoon,
r955; D.{).I')., University of London, r964.
Training.-Royal Post-graduate Medical School in Pathology, rt163.

X,Ienrbership o{ Comnittees.-N{ember, D.P. Board, I ,

. Emplaymenf.-Pathologist, Pathology Department, Defence Services General Hospital,

Mingaladon, ry65- . ll
48r. Tin Marrng Htwe, U, n{.8.,8.S. (Rg.,.), F.R.C.S. (C). Chest surgeon; born June 3, r935
in N{andalav.
Education"-Matricul;rted: A.B.M. High School, Mandalay; \{.8",8.S., University of Rangoon,
1958; Diploniate, Anrerican Board of Sr.rrgery, ry68; Diplomate, American Board of Thoracic
Surgery, r969; F.R.C.S., Canada, 1969.
Training.--Washingt,rn Hospital Center, \\rashington D.C., Surgical Internship, tg6r-62; State
University of Nerv )lc,rk, Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse, N.Y., Surgical Residency, tg6z-
66; Universityof North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N.C, and Nerv Ilngland Deaconess Hospital,
Boston, in Thoracic-cardiovascular -curgery, ry66-68; Research Institute of Tubereulosis,
Kiyose, Tokyo in thoracic surgery, tgTo-7l.

Employnnnt.-House Surgeon, Mandalay General f{ospital, 1958-59; Assistant Surgeon,

Thoracic Surgery Unit, Rangoon General Hospital, 1969-,

Mentber sltip o-{ S ocieti*.-Burma Medical A ssociation.

C urr e n t r e s e ar ch u, or k. arcinurna of oesophagus.

Prfilimtions.-Pnlsns. Rtcsanp M., Flenv A. Wmroxs and TtN \{euNc Hrivt (1969). Total
conrpliance arrd rvork of breathing after thoracotomv. J.'l'horac. cardiotasc. Surg, 57 Q).

482. Tin Matrng Maung, U, NLB.,B.S. (Ilgn.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist; Workers' Hospital,

483. Tin Maung Than. U, N{.8., B.S. (Rgr.), D. P. (Rgn). Pathologist; Assistant Surgeon,
Department of Ciinical Pathology, Rangoon General Hospital.

484. Tin Ma;y Than, f,aw, B.-Qc. (Rgn.), B.L" (Rgn.), \{.Sc. (Lond.). Nutritionist; born
Septeniber z(t, 1936 in '
Etlucalion-\'Iatricul:teel: St. John's Convent Grrls'High School. r955;B.Sc,, University of
Rangr.on, rg59; I).L.. Rangoon Arts and Science Unii'ersity, 1967; \'l.Sc., Queen Elizabeth
Colle:1 e, l.lniversi:y cf London, r97r.
'I'.ointng.--()ueen llli zabc'th College, t.lniversity of London in nutrition, ry6t1-7r; Loughbo-
rough Co legc of Tet hnclogy in somatotyping and rvork physiology, Glasgow l.lniversity and
Surr1., U:riversity in work physiology, r97r.

, ilIenfierslrip of Societies.-Bunna Medical Asscciation.
Current research zpork.-Arfii-hypertensive and anti-diabetic indigenous; medicinal drugs;
Industrial health and industrial accidents.
Adtlress.--.zj-5, Court Road, Insein

49o. Tin Shwe, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rg.,.), D.P. & T.M. (Rgn.), D.C.n{.T. (Lond.), Ph.D. (l,ond.).
I-eprologist ; born .August 13, 1936 in Moulrnein.
Educatiott.-.'rlatricrilated : St. Patrick's High School, \{oulnrein, r953 ;M.B.,I}.S., Lrriversity
, ofRangoon, 196o; D.P. & T.I{., lnstitute of Medicine r, Rangoon, rq68; D.C.M.T.,
. School of Hygiene and lropical \{edicine, University of Loadon, 1969 ; Ph.D., School of
Hygiene and Tropical Nledicine, University of London, 1972.

Employm.ent.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Leprosy Hospital, L4andalay, ry66-67 ; Tearn Leader,

Leprosy Carnpaign, Tavoy, tg67-72.; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Leprnsy llospital, Iltaukkyant,
. of Soieties.-Burrna Medical Association.
Publications.-r. TtN SuwB (rq68). Role of leprosy hospitals in Burma. D.P. & T.M.
. dissertation. Instituteof Medicine r, Rangoon. z. Trrrr Suwl (1969). A study on dif{'erent
methods of staining leprosy bacilli. D.C.\,{.T. dissertation. University of London. 3. TIN
Sswn (rgZo). Leprosy in Burma. Leprosy Reoiezo. 4r, Lzr. . 4. TrN Snwu (r97o). Irield
method oi staining leprosy bacilli. Burnm med. J. r8, rr9. 5. TrN Suwo (r97r1. lmrnune
Ccrmplexes in Glomeruli of patients with leprosy. Leprost Retiezo. 6. Trs Suwr and R. E.
Perrv (r97r). Activation of Cornplernent in patients rvith leprosy. Leprosy Ritiew.
7. Vorrrn A., DRaeoR C. C., TrN Suwn, Hutt, \'I. S. R. (r97r). Nephrotic syndrome in
a monkey infected s.ith humarr quartan rnalaria. British X/led. J. 4, zo8. 8. TtN Suwa
(rgZr). Clinical significance of autoimurune antibodies in leprosy. T'rans. l?oy. Soc. Tro2.
ll'Iud. k, IIlg. g. TrN SHwr and A. J. ZucrennraN (r97r). Australia antigen and antibody
in British trlatients with leprosy. J. clin. Path. ro. TrN Suu,r (1972). Serurn complernent in
leprosy. Leproyt Rez;iew. rr. TIN SHwn (rg7r). Renal involvement in leprosy. 'l'rans.
Iloy. 5or. Tropical Medicine and Hygiene-

49r. Tin Soe, Daw, Ui.B.,B.S. (Rg..), D.M.S"A. (Ed.). Adrninistrator ;born December 13, tg?o
Educaliou.-Matriculated : St. Vincent's Convent, Rangoorr, rg3g-4o; M.8.,8,S., University
uf Rangoon r9q9 ; D.M.S.A., Edinburgh.
Etlt\lq)nrcnt.-,House Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, rg4g-io; Civil Assistant Surgeon,
. Rangoon Dgfl91i1 Hospital, r9-5o-5r ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, l{andalay General Flospital,
t()Sr-Sz ; Civil Surgeon, Rangoon f)ufferin Hospital, rg12-53; Civil Assistant Surgeorr,
N'latcrnitv Chilcl t{ealth and School Flealth Services, },Aanclalari, 1953-54 ; Assistant Medical
SLrperintendent r, Rangoon I)ufferin Hospital, r954-58;Senior \'Iedical OfEcer, l\4aternity,
Child Health and School Flealth Services, Rangoon, 1958-59 ; Obstetrician and Gvnaecologist,
r959-6o ; Medical Superintendert, Central Wornen's l{ospital, 196o.-.
lll enther slip of Societies.-Burma Nledical Association.
Conferencesf Study Tot,ts.-Three-month study tour of Sireden, Denhrark, Paris and Israel on administration.

gc. (Prague). Paecliatric Surgeon ; born August r

4gz. Tin Soe, IJ, N{.D. (Prague), Cand. of Med. 5,
r93-l in Ycnanqyadng.

; . Education.-Matriculated: Union Christian High School , rg;2; M.f)., Faculty of Paediatrics,

Charles University,_Prague, 1963 ; Candidate of Medical Science, Faculty of Paediatrics,
' Charles University, Prague, tg66,

Training.-Clinic of paediatric Surger.y,.Charles {Jniversity, prague, L9(I._46.
Employment.-Civil Assistarri.s,rrg"orr,..Surgical Unit, Children,s Hospital,
Rangoon, rgb6.67 ;
Assistant Medical superintendent,-crriidreni H".pia1i, nI"g".", ,gos';
children Surgical ward, Maternity and childernrs-Horpit;i;M;rf-"iir, lgod_. "-'^" "'
Merubership of Sccieties.-Burma \{edical Association.
con{ T0urs.-\'-isitcd Gt. orrnond st. children's Hospitaland
Institute of child
Health, Universitv of London, under the sponsorship oitfr" sritiri, d."""ii, ,;6;'lSirly
of paediatric surgical clinics in Czechosloviakia, Uniiersit-vof Children Hospiial, ,o,rr.
vienna, r963;
University childrens Hospitals in- B-erlin, Leipzig aJ-dl*st 1964-65; 'crritar"r,r-i:io.pitrt,
Rotterdam, r964. At'tended Amrual \{eeting of 't}rJcr""t orlo"ui;fr"Aili"'Sr"gri".lrye-os
and Annual Conferences of the British AssJciation of the Paediat.i" s".g"""rlftort"iai"i, ;
Current researclt zttork.-Incidence of neonatal tetanus Problems and patterns
under one year ; social and economic problems in paediatiic case in Burmal - -----
of feeding
Publications'-r. TrNSot' (1966). 'of- Rgqno.1se. ^of. the plasma {ree_ fatty acid to "prug,r".
trauma in children. Candidate Medicat Science^thesis,. Charles^^t"i".^iry,
2. .,33, (cgG2) r-,i.or'rp5"!d:rioq, a3..:f l-"-;{r:,^ (.;Gil -';.r,fr"r,;r;i;;;::ii?'EJ;:
- -4.'
-,1f,"r..1,,,' -ir", q"gd";,i1"red) (1g.2"),,rrrfl,"f,L3rrf,l " s. :1jq, (;Q)11lr.Jg,*.gs,,
49?. Tin Than Myinl_U,: (Rgn.), T.N,t (Rgn.). public Health' Specialist
tg37 in *.1hB.S. .P.p. ry
pa-don-hmyaringvillage, -r -- ;
born August \, Lewe To*;.hip.
Education.-Nlatriculated.:.r95+;. N[.8.,B.s., Institute of xtledicine, Man4aray, 1965
& T.M., Institute of I\{edicine"r, Runguorr, ,9'69. ; D.p.

EmploT'ntent record.-senior Assistant Tcacher, Stat_e High School, Lewe,

' r956-;7 ; I)emonstra-
tor, Departmentof preventive and sucial ru"aiun.,ir,.ti'*t" .iuiai"ir;, ililJ;iy:;,;;;::-
I{uifiership^qf Societie.r.-Ceneral Secretp-ry, Medical College S_tyder.rts, Union,- Rangoon,
r96o-6r ; General Secretary, \{edical Collige- Stuclentsi U;B;, Mandalay \lleclioal
t96t6z ; Secretary, Buddhist Association, -n{andclay ; Secreiary, Fine " Arts esrociation,
Institute of Medicine,
.Mandala-v ; Secretary, Magazine co**iti"., Institute oi-nfil"irr",
Mandalay ; Burma Medical Association, Mandah! Branch.
Currcnt research zoorh--Review of family planning in Burma ; analysis of admissions into
Isolatit-rn ward of the Mandalay Generar liospital wiihin the last ten years.

Publications.'-TrN-TuaN Nlyr-y
T.M. dissertation. [nstitute of Medicine " ofJ Diphtheria
.(:gog). Epidemiotogy
,, Rangoon.
r in Rangoon D.p. &

4g4..'tinT-hein Lwin,,gt^r:--yf ,8.S. (Rgn.), D.p. & T.M. (Rgn.). public Heatth Specialist ;
li{ay 24, rg4z in

Educ,t'tion.--N{atriculated st: p_rq'r*I{igh_school, Rangoon, 1959 M.8.,8.S.,

; I,stitute of
Medicine r,-Rangoon, 1965t ; D.p. & T.M:, Institute of [,{-edicinei]'nr"goo";rgio:--".",a-- '-'
En'ploymtint.-Staff Officer (Grade 3), Army I'Iealth, Direcrorate of Medical Services,
of Defence, tgTr-.
Publications.-1-rN TuurN LwN (r97o). Epidemiology of potionryelitis in Burrna. D.p &
T.M. dissertation- Institute of ttzlediiine ,, ilurrgoorl-
Ad d r e s s.--N o. 82, r z 4tlt Street, Kandawgalay, Ran goon.

495. Tin Tin Aye, Daw, 1\{.B.,8.S. (Rer.), D.L.O. (Rg".). Otorhinolaryng<_rlogist.

496. Tin Tirr Hmun, Daw, M.B.,B.S: (Sl.),.D.obst. R.c.o.G. obstetrician Maternity
Child llealth Officer, Rangoon [Iealth Diuision. ; and

4g7. Tirn Tin Oo, Eaw, M.S. (Berkeley).: Biochemist; born Decerriber S, rg32 in Rangoon.
Education.-Matriculated: Teachers' Training College School; B.Sc., University of Itangoon,
1954; M.S., University of California at Berkeley, 1959.
1'raining.-All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Calcutta and Nutrition Research
Laboratories, Coonoor Laboratory techniques in'nutrition and biochemistry, 1955-56; German
Democratic Republic in advanccs in nuirition and biochemistry, 1968.
Employment.-Assistant Chemist, Chemical Examiner's Office, 1954--56;Biochemist, Nutrition
Proiect, Directorate of Health Services, ry56-64; Senior Research Officer, Burma Medical
Research Institute, tg6+-.
Confereneeslstudy Toars.-Attended 8th Interriational Nutrition Conference, Prague, August
Current research work.-Protein calorie malnutrition; goitre; growth studies.
Publi.cati.ons.-r. CHITRE, R. G., TtN-TrN-Oo and Hm-Pr (rSS8). Nutritive value of some
Burmese diets. J. Bu.rnta Science Association.3r-4o. 2. CIrrlRE,R.G., TrN-TrN-Oo and
U Hu Pu (1959). T'hiamine metabolism in nursing mothers and its probable relationship
rvith thc problem of beriberi. Proi:eeclings of Ninth Pacifiq Congress. t$ 30--37. 3. Hr-e Pe,
A. M. \l[onsnv, Kvwr-THrtiv and TIr.l-TrN-Oo (196r). Species diflerence in caroteroids
contents of Bananas. Burmamed. J. 9, 163-165. 4. I{u Pn, TrN-TrN-Oo, Kvwr-TnrrN
and A. M. Nlosssv (196z). Paper electrophoresis study of serum proteins of hgalthy Burmese
adults. Burma med. J. ro, 93-99. 5. Ifua Pr, Tm-Trn-Oo, Kvwn-TunrN, and A. M. Mosssv
(196z). Carotene and ascorbic acid content in various types of mango. Proc. Bunna med. Res.
Soc. 41 4?-S\. 6. I(vwu-TnEIN, THANE-ToE, TrN-TrN-Oo aud KHrN-KnrN-Twev (1968).
' A study of infantile beriberi in Rangoon. Union of Burma J. Life Sce'. r, 6z-68. 7. Kvwr-
Tunrx, KnrN-KurN-Twev, TrN-TrN-Oo aND KHrN-MAUNG-NATNG (1968). Studies on the
thiamine leyel of breast milk of some Burmese mothers. Union of Bu,rnta 1. Lrfe Sci. t,za4-2o8.
8. Kywu-TnEIN, TrN-'lIx-Oo and KniN-Knrrr-Twev (1968). Urinary thiamine excretion
in pregnant mothers. Union of Burrna J. Life Sci. rr 337-3+0. g. Kywr-Tsnrw, KurN-KurN-
Tw.rv, 'ftN-TrN-Oo and KutN-MeuNc-NarNc (rS6S). Effect of thiamine supplementatinn on
thiamine content of human milk. Union of Burnta J. l,ife Sci. z, zo:.,-2o8. ro. Kvwr-TurrN,
TIN-TiN-Oo and KuIN-\{euNc-NRrnc {it17o). t'hiamine nutritu;e of the Burmese. (Jnion
of Burzna J. Life Sci. 3, rsr-rs4. rr, Ky'wB-THErN, TrN-LT, Tw-TrN-Oo and KHrn-Kyr-
NvuNr (tgZr). An epidemiological study of protein calorie malnutrition in R.angoon. . Union
ol Burnm J. Life Sci. 4, 569-SZS.
Address.-Children Hospital, Compound No. z, Halpin l{oad, Rangoon.

498. Tin Tin Saw, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.C.H. (Rg".). .Paediatrician; Demonstrator in Child
Health, Institute of Medicine z, Rangoon.

49. Tin Tin Toe, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.Bact. (Manch.). Bacteriologist; born Jrly 3,
tgzT in Bassein.
Education.-Matriculated : Henzada High School , ry+8; NI.B.,B.S., University of Rangoon,
Diploma in Bacteriology, Victoria College, University of Manchestet, 1964.
Training.-Public Health Laboratory, Queen's College, University of St. Andrews, Dunclee in
diagnosis of bacterial, viral ancl fungal diseases, bacteriological examination of milk, water and
frrod; teaching methods to 3rd \I.B.,8.S. studentd of Queen's College, Dundee, tg6z-53.
Employment.-House Surgeon, 1955-56 ; Civil Assistant Surgeon, r956--6o: Demonstrator,
Institute of Medicine, Mandalay, ry6o-64; Assistant Lecturer in Bacteriology, Institute of
il{edicine, Mandalay, 1964 -.
Ilublications.-'TtN TtN Tot (1964). Productian of slime bjt entero-bacteriaceae under dffirent
enviranmental eonditions. D. Bact. dissertation, University of ' Nlanchester.
Adfu ess.-64th Street, M ahamyaing Quarter, Mandalay.

S*.I, Tu1 !, M.P.,!.p. Gg".) D.A. (Eng.), F.F.R.R.c.S. (Dubiin). Anaesthesioiogist
Lecturer in Anaestheslglo$y, Institute of l{ecliiiue t, Rangoon, iorrsultant r\naesthesiolog"ist,
Rangoon General Hospital.

5or. Tin Tun Taw, u, M.B.,B.S. (Rgrr.), D.T.l\{. & H. Physician; Rangoon General Hospital.

5oz. Tin-u-, u, l{.B.,B.s. (Rsn.), F.R.C.P. (Ed.), D.c.H. (Loncl.). Paediatrician; professor of
Child Health, Institute of Medicine t, Rangoon, X{edical Sunerintendent, Children's Hospital,

5o3.'rin u (z), u, \4.8.,B.s. (Rgn.), D.T.NI. & H. (Eng.). Atlministrator,/Physician-lnfectious

Diseases; born April tz, rg3,o in Bassein.
Education.-n4atriculated: B.M.A. Post-Primary School, Rangoon, 1946;\{.B.,8.s., University
of Rangoon, _1954; D.T.M. & H., Conjoint Board of'the [oyai ioileges of Fhysicians un[-,
Surgeons, r96r.

\rai1ing.-Institute of Neurology, London in neurology, 196r Institute of Chest Diseases and

Cardiology, London, in chest diseases and cardiolo91,,' ry62; Post-graduate Medical Institute,
Edinburgh in Internal \{edicine, 196z;-Erskine tlosliitat, Ilrskirie ii geiiatric medicine, 1963 j
!t. James'H-o_spital,_Kings l)ynn, Norfolk in geriatiic medicine, ry6,"4-65; lVest Norfolk arici
Kings I. ynn paediatrics and chest diseases, 1965-66; In?ectioirs Diseases Hospital,
Nonthaburi, Thailancl ,in the management of Infectious'Diseases Hospital, 1968-.
Emplwnent.--SchoollVlecliqal Officer, \{atetnity, Chilcl }Iealth and SchoolHealth Services,
Rarrgoon, r955-56; School Medical Officer, \,Iateinity, Child Health and School Health Services,
Bassein, ry56'37is_c1991-X4gdical-OfEcer, Maternity, Child Health and School Health Services,
1957-58;-Jail MedicalOfficer, Central Jail, Rangoon, ry5g-6o Civil Assistant Surgeon,
Rangoon G-eneial Hospital, 196o;_Civif Assistarlt Surge-on,_Ran-foon General Hospital, i9O6 j
Part-time Assistan-t Lecturer in Preventive and Social \,Iedici-ne, Institute of meaicin'e z,
R'angoon, r966; Medicll_S_upetirrtendent, lnfectious Diseases l{ospital,
ry66 to date; Lecturer
in Pre,ventive and social Nledicine, Institute of Medicine z, Rarigoon, ig66---.
h[embership of Societies.-Burrna Medical Association; British Nledical Associatibn.
I[ember.sltip of Conunittees.-Secretary-G_eneral, Burma Medical Association, 1968; Member,
Amoebiasis Study Gr-oup; Membei, Haemorrhagic Fever Cornmittee; (t.rirb.i, Clinicat
Research Cominittee, Indigenous N{edicine; 1\,[em6er, Scientific Advisory Commitiee of thc
Burma N{edical Research council, on Research in Preventive Medicine.-
Current research work.-Amoebiasis; cholera and acute diarrhoeal diseases.
Acldress.-5g(D), Windsor Roacl, Rangoon.

5o4. Iin. 9, M.r.gI, .1V.I.8.,8-,p. .(RgQ, D.T.M. & H. (Erg.), D.p.H. (Eng;).
AdminisjratoriPhi, Diseases/Public Health S"pecialist;
bori }f,o'l,"mbi, ,4,
rgz8 in Htawgarv, i\,lyitkyina District.
Efuuation.-Matriculated: Emergency university classes, 1945;,M.B.,B.s., university cf
Rangoon; D.T.M._&-H- Conioint Board of the- R_oval Colleges"of Physicians and Suigeons,
England, r95o; D."P.H., Conjoirrt Boaid of the Royal Colleges o:f Physiciins and Surgeo.r,' ,SSZ.
1'raining.-\ttended Senior Medical Officers' Course, Royal Arrny \{edicai College, Londol,
lp46;.Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene, Lonion in public health, ,9i7i Xutionri
Hospital, Queens Square, Irondon in neurolog_y, 1957; Edinburgh U.riversity ii"dlinical ar:,J
interna-l_rnedicine, r9i8; Whittington Hospita[; Lon-dbn, in cliniial medicine, rg5g; National
Heart Hospital, London, in diseases of the heart, 1959; Brompton Chest Ho*pit6i,'LonJon i,,
chest diseases, r959.
Employm.ent.--General Duty MerlicalOfficer, Base Military,Hospital, I\tlingaladon ancl Maymyo,
1953; Ambulance company comrnander, No. i, Filld Amburance] ,gs+-ii; Cln"rur

buty Medicai Officer{Surgery), Br*",Miiitrry Hospital,.Nlingaladon, 1955-56; Ofrcer,'eorl.
manding, No. 5, C.R.S., Kengtung, 1956; Medical Specialiqt, Base N{ilitary Hospital, \{aymyol
ry6o--62; Oflrcer Commanding, No. r, Military Hospital, Pr<lme' ry65-67; S.O. Il,Health
\{edical Directorate, ry67-.
.l[en$ersldp of.Conunittee.-\'ice-president, ,Public Medicine Sub-committee,
.Burma Medical Association.

Decorat ions und awards.- Zey akyawhr in

Curr ent r esear clt zo or k.-Malaria.
Address.-24-B, Pyidaungsu Yeiktha, Rangoon. . ,

5oS. Tint Lwin, U, \{.8.,8.S. (Rgn.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist ; born July 8, r93r in Prome.

Education.-\tatriculated : Bharno State High School, rgir ; NI.B.,B.S., University of Rangoon,

tg6z;D.A,., Institute.of Medicine r, Rangoon, 1967.
Enpl,rymcnt.--Team Ireader, Anti-\rD 'I'eanr, \Iyitkyina, rg63-6t;,Clvil Assistant Sttrgeon,
,l{-vitk-vina Civil t{ospital, i,161-66; 'Iorvnship- \{edical Otff ,}'t,,Putao Clivil }Iospital,
,v-OZ-Og.; Civil Assisiant Sulgeon (Apaesthetist), Myilkylga Dii,,isional Hospital, r968-7o ;
Civil Assistant Surgeon, \{andalay General Hospital, r97o,
Nlertficrship qi Sorietit;. -Burma Nledical Association, Overseas meutber of the Assosiation of
Anaesthetitt of Creat Britain and lrcland.

Tu, Margaret, N{:8.,8.S. (Rg..), D.'f.\{. & II; (Eng.); D.A.P.

- gist/l'}arasitologist
596. & E' (Lond.)' Bacteriolo-
; born Januar-v 3r, rg3r ln Rangoon.

Edacaiion.--Matriculated : University of
IJniversity of Rangoon, rgs-q ; D.'I.\{. &
Universitl, of Londort; rg6c.

.llrinpl,rryment- ,House Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, r955-561; f)emonstrator, Department

of.liathologyand:Bacteriolbgy;Facultyof Medicine, Universityof'Ra-4goon, r956-5p ; Assistant
Lecturer,-f)epartrnent qf Microtiolog.-v,:Institute of Nledicine r, RAngoon; x16o-67; Cbnsul-
tant, Division of \{icrobiolog'y, Burrna \'Iedical Research lrtstitute, u165-67 ; .[recturer,
I)epartrnent of \'Iicrobiology,-Institute of N{edicine r,. Itangocm, .!V67 1o date-. -Headof
Deirartment of Bacteriology and Parasitology (Part.time), Burnra $Iedical Research Institutc,
llentherstrip of'societies.-Burma Vledical Research Society (1958;65);--Ro.yal -Society. of
'I ropi'cal Medicine and I{yrgiene, yg6r-.67;Burlna Reseatch Society, Burma N{edical Association.

Il[en$ership of Contmittees.--Executive Committee, Burma l\{edical_RbsearchSociety, M,emAer,

ry62--65 i S""t"trry, rg63-6.t; Editorial Committee, Burtna \'ledical Research lgcigty,
Editpr o? I,roceedin[s of tLe Bur4ra \{edical Research Suciety, ry61-!5.; _Burma N{.edical
Research Council Tichnical Committee for the stuclv of intestinal helminthic infections in
BrrrmC ; Committee for the Investigation of chloroquine resistance in mahria parasites it Burma
(N{eruber lronr r959).

Colfereactsl.stu,l.v Tcurs.-WHO sponsored study tour of -medical school in-\ladras, Vellore,

Bombay, New Dehi, and Colombo and Peradeniya for rnedical education, ry6z.

Currenl research zcorla.--Bacteriuria in .the, Burnrese : prevalence and immunologic Stuclies ;

Intestinal hehninthiases ivith particular reference to ascariasis i eflect of indigenous plants on
pathogenic bacteria and irarasites

Puhlicutions.-r.I{t'ev, f)a$,, KHIN Kyt Kvt ahd \1[,rncanr:r ''Ilr. (rgSy). Prelirninarv studies
of filariasis in Burma. Proc. Burma med. Res, Soc. r, 4-'-.-3o. z.-'fu,l{:rni;anrr.'and l)ew
Hrav (1962). -Survival of rnammalian stages of microfilariae ht zitro. Lancet. t, {t6.3. T'u,
Vl.tnr;.rrrirr-(r963). Observations on the development of flaernanrcehu (Plavnocliuin) gallituceue
in Aedes-(stegomyia) aegybti and .4. (Finla.ya) togoi. ['roc. ]]urnn ied.Il's. s.rr. !,33-+3.
.+.Tu, \4enr;attet and llriuN-S.+rv-l-wrx (rq6S). 'fhe action of Desmodiurn triquetrum
(lauk-thay-yt'et) on theder.eloprnent of l4usca dotnesticct. l:irst Rurma ned. Res. ('orif. ,4hst.
1r. {r. 5. 1'r;, 1\'laHt;errrl (r.166). Parasitisrns in f'alons and [{talus. lt the ll'an.,ns in Rurmu.
!)urma nted. Res. Coun. sp!. Re2. Ser. r, pp. r3.5-r38. 6.jt{xr-rN-Sa1rf .1",,1N and Nlartr:lnrr Tu,
(, v68). q.rie9! 9f l)esrtu,,lium !rique! run (lauk-thav-r,wet) <-rri sorue pathogenic bactelia. L'nioit of
Burnn f . f,ifo Sii. r, 66..-7o. 7. 'lt:, \,Iencanl,r and llr<uN-S.r.rv-LrvrN (rq[g;. lntestinal
parasitisnrs in the Ir.rthas. Uniort oJ Bwrtm J. IilL,S,:i. r, 255-256.8. 'I'r_,, \{ancent,r' and
Hxr;N-Salv-I-u,riv (r9(rX). Nasal carriageof Staphl,lococ(us aureus^ in llurmese ivith zr note on
antibiotic serrsitivities. Ltnion oJ Burxm J. LiJe Sci. r, 3o9-3r6. 9. Tu, \llenc-lnrr., HruN-
Saw-Lrr,'rN and Avt-i\{euNu (rti69). 'Ihe bacteriology of diarrhoea in childrerr. IIrion of
Burtnu J. I.ifc Sci. z,22\-23r. ro. 'Iti, Mencenrr, Sar,,rirtu lh.e-Gvarv, II. (Jnnn, I(verv-
MvrNrandKltrirBnN SaNN-VIvtsr(r969). Thebacteriologvofthe water suppliesof Rangoon,
1. l\{onsoon and post-ilonsoon seasons. f.lnion of BurnruJ. l.if" Sci.zrz3t,-z.rr. ir.-Trr,
MAacanpl and .\v-r:-\Iauxt; (r969). The bacteriology of the water supplies ol il{andalav
Torvn. [.lnion ,f Bitrina J. LiJe S,:i. 2,38;-Srr.s. ri. SeNN-\{vrN.l, I(iinr.lrN, }{en<;aRrL
Tu and I-I. CHIN (r97o a). -fhe bactcrioioqv of the rvater supirlies of llangoon. II. Cool,
!r.v and hot seasons. Union of Burtut:1. l-iJ',,,S.'li. r, rllr -r9o. r3. 'T'rr, Meitcaurir', Sarol4s
Hla-Gyln,, I{. C'neN, Kyrr',,r-N{yrNT, Kerulet,x SalN-\{yriv,i', At,ivr;-'I-u.uqx and Kyr-Kyr-
1!u1r (t9i9). Bacter:iological findings in the chiorinatcd water srrpiilies of r96tt in Ilangoon.
(.rnion oJ'lJitrina
J. i.l, scr. :, 59.- 7o. 14. Hu-clvair', seroler, I(arsr.erx sariN-Mirur.,
Arrxr;-THaNN, Kvalr.-MvtN'l', H. CurN and \{aRt,-.c.}*.r''liu (rg7o). Bacteriological findings in
lalie, and. lvell ivater srrpplies o_f llangoorr . fiftl l)uryr,r R*. Curyr . ,lhtt. p. Zg. r 5. "T u,
MencaHu't , ,\YE-\llAUNc and \{av-KrtIN-Hl ivil ( r gZo). Leptuspiral airtibodiei irr- fanners at
n,Iva,rngdagar_\tllage in Ins4rr Torvnship. Fifth Runnu Rrs. L'ongr.,.ll'srr". p.39. r6,'Iu,
MARc;enrt, lI. \l[orirru I'.-1-Zawanrv, l),r.w OnN Kvr, KHrN-HrRrxt;, Snroi,t-ilr-a-Gvaw,
Kvll-\1[vrst, KRt'rtLnuN SeNN-NIvrNr, AuNc-TueuN, I(vr-Kvr-KHrN and Lrr-Lrir-Wrr
(r,.;7o). Iipi,-lerniological features ul: intestinal parasitoses in the inhabitants of Okpo \riliage irr
Ilrrrrua. l.'iJ'th Burna Res. Congr. Ahst. p.26. r7. Tr,, Manr:anr..r', KurN-OnN-[,tvrN "and
Avn-N4.tuxc (rq;o). Intestinal parasitisms in \{adala.y' tornnd;vellers. Fi/th l3trnm Re,^.
C'ongr. .,41':tr. t). 38. r8. Hrav, Daw, Menr;ARr.r Tr;, Krirx-Kyr-Iivl, Seronrn Hre-Gyeu,,
R. SarN l)we, \r. Pnax,rsn, I(vr-WrN and IJ. N. N.uH (rr17l). l,aborator., finclinss in 1oc
faecal specirnens-froiir suspected choleia patients of the Cr-rntagious Diseases triospital] Idangoon.
IJunna ned. J. t8.
-,ldilress.-5, Za{ar Shah Road, Rangoon.

5o7.'Tun Auog Kyaw, u, M.B.,B.S.(Rgn.), D.o. (Eng). ophthalnologist; born A;rril _5, r93g in
\ [ah lairrg.
f)ducalio't.-\llatriculated: St. John's f)iocesan Boys, I{igh School, rr1l.1 ; \I.B.,B.S., Univer-
pil,sicians and S,,,, g"o.,r,
:ity 9f Rangoon, r963 ; D.O., Conjt-rint Board of the lLo;'al Colleges of
lingland, r9zr.
Training.-_Institute- of Ophth-a_hnologv, British Post-.qraduate \{edical Iiederalion, I-ondon,
rgTo'7t;Heb1et1 Univer"sity, I-Iadassah l\'Iedical School,Jemsalern,lsrael in Virolog),, Tr.acho-
nratolog.v and Oph'uhalirrologv, u168-6,;.
li;ttploSt;ai111.-:\ssista-nt I{egional Oflicer, Trachonra Control Project, Cl.raul<, r96r-(r.5 ; District
Trachorna Oflicer, 'f'rachorna Control Project, \{eiktila, r96<-65 ; I'Iead Qrrarters Assisrant,
'l'rachorrra ('oltrol I'rolect, Directorate of Health Scrviccs. t,16(,-.
ll[e;nhership of Societi,'s.-l]ulrna \{edical i\ssociation.
I'uhlitrttirtns.-Ko K<l and 'IuN .Auxr; I(v.qrv (r96ll), Socio-econornic factors iu tlachonra.
Union o! {lur;na J. Lil', Sci. t, 365-25g.
Addrcss.-49, Sandrvith Road, Rangoon.

5o8. Tun Hla Frtr, Major, \i|.8.,3.S. (Rg",). General Surqeon ; born Iauuary ti, tgz6 in Ali.vab.
Education.-llatriculateC: Governrnent I.ligh School,Aliyab, r946 ; 14.8.,B.S., Llniver_"itv of
Rltngr,'.-rrr, .t e^5 t.
Iraining-'-Royal Cullege of Surgeons of flngland for Primary I-r.R.C.S. er:aininations ; Putney
Hospital, London in Gen,::ral Sureery anrl Urologv.
Emytloyment.-Compan.v Comrnarrder, No. r, Field Ambulancc, Hn-rarlbi, lrlq4-.52; Com-
rnanding,OfEcer, No. r, (lorrrbiired Nlohile Surgical and X-ray [-rnit, Vlayirrryo, i957-59 ;
General Surgeon, No. r, Base Military l{ospital, Maymyo, 1963 : Geneial Duty; Mediial
OfEcer, f)etcnce Services Generel Ftrospital, \{ingaladon, 1959-65 ; Oeneral Drrt! Medicat
Oflfcer, No. r, Ilase lzlilitrrry I{os1,ital, \'I;i\/rn},o, ry67-68; Corninanding O{1icer, No. r, \{obile
Srrrgii:al Urrit ancl L)ivisional Oiiicer', No. 88, Light Infantry l)ivision, X{agwe, tg68-io;
Conxnanding OfEcer, No" r, Advanced Ilase Military l-Iosirital, Ba IItoo 1VIyo, r,;7o-.
5o9. Tun Min, U, \{.8.,8.S. (Itgn.). Ad;rinistrator, Rector, Institute <lf \,Iedicine r, Rrngor.,n.

5ro.,Tun Min, U, N{.R.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.P.H. (Cal.). Administrator and Public Health Spccialist;
born Februar-y rgor in Ftrenzada.
Ddueatiort.-llatriculated: Ra,ngoori, tg2,o; i\{.8.,8.S., Rangoon Medical College, rL)zg;
D.P.H., Calcutta, r93r.
Training.-Special Tuberculosis trainirrg at Tropical School of X{eclicine, Calcutta, r935.
Erup.loyntent.-Assistant Health OItrcer, r93o-33; Assistant Port Health Officer, 1933-35;
Ilealth Officer, Corporation of Rangoorr, r94r--45; Assistarrt Health Officer, Corporation,
1945-_18; Health Officer, Corporation of Rangoon, 1918-59; Senior Medical Oflficer
(Polyclinics), rg59-62.
Membership of Societies.-Burnra Medical Association.
Mission l{ospital ; Pasteur Institute ; Mental Hospital ;
Mernber_ship-of C'onzmittees.-Ramakrishna
I{ome for Incurables and Lepros.y; Board of Medical Council, Adult Ilclucation Board; Eoard
of Advisors for Charitable Hospitals; Board of Examiners, Medical College.
D ec or ati on s an d azl ar d s. hir ipy anchi, rg5r.
Address.-zo, Shan Road, Rangoon,

5rr. Tun Ne, Zeralda, \'I.B.,8.S. (Rgn.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthesiologist; Tutor, Departrnent
of Anaesthesiologr,, Institute of N{edicine r, Rangoon; Anaesthesiologist, Rarrgoon-General

5rz. Tun Oo, U, M.Il.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.P. (Rgn.), Patholo3ist, Rangoon General Hospital.

5r3. Ign San Maung, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgr.), II.R.C.S. (E"S.). Surgeon, ; born
FebruaryrL)35 irr 9, Rangoon.
Education.--Matriculated: St. John's Diocesan Boys'High School, Rangoon, r95r;\{.8.,8.S.,
University of Rangoon, 1958; F.R.C.S., Ildinburgh, 1966.
'lramin-?.-_-Oklham Generai }lospital, Lalcashire, in general sllrgery, ro65; General Hospital,
Burton-on-Trent, Derbyshire, in genelal surgery, 1965-66; Wigarir Infirmary, \\,igam,
Lancashire, in orthopaedic surgery, r967.
Emplovment.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, 1\ aymyo Civil Hospital, 19s9-6o; "fownship l{edical
Officer (z), Arnar:rpura C,l,rl i{ospital, rti6o*62; Township }4edical Oflicer z, Dedayc Civil, plz-fu; Civil .\ssi:,tani Surgeiin, Ratrgoon General l{ospital, rg68-7i; Toi.vnshilr
l'Iedical Officer, I, Kengtung, rgTr-
Metnbership oJ' Societies,-Burma Medical Association.

gt4. Tun Shein, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), \t.S. (iowa). Surgeon, born in Nrmsan.
Education.-Matriculated: Government A.-V. High School , r94oi M.8.,8.S., University ol
Rangoon, r95r; \{.S., State University of Iou,a Hospitals, Iowa City, 1957.
Training.-State University of Iowa Hospitals, Iowa City irr surgery.
Employnent.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, rySt-Szi on a stat€ scholar-
ship to the U.S.A., ry52-57; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, 1957;
Civil Assistant Surgeon, Minbu Civil Hospital, 1957-58; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Rangoon
General Hospital, 1958; Civil Surgeon, Sandoway Civil Hospital, 1958-6o; Officer on Special
Duty, Directorate of Medical and Health Services, Rangoon, r95o; Medical Superintcndent,
Rangoon, Dufferin Hospital, i96o-6r;Civil Surgeon, Bassein Civil llospital, r96r-64; Cir-il
Surgeon, Moulmein Civil Hospital, ry64; Civil Surgeon, Henzada Civil Hospital, 1964-68;
Township \{edical Officer, Pegu, 1968-7o; Township \{edical Officer, Tavoy, tgTa-,
Decoralions and awards.-Wunna l(1aw Htin, rg5z.
Addr ess.-T orvnship Medical Officer, Tavoy.

5r5. Tun Si, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.P. & T.M. (Rgn.). Public Health Specialist; Central Epide.
miology Unit, Departmerrt of Health.

5r6. Tun Thin, U, NI.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), nt.R.C.P. (Ed.), D.T.M. & H. (E"U.). Physician, General
Medical and Tropical diseases; born Jurre 7, r93o in Rangoon.
Education.-Matriculated: l\Irs. M. [,{. ^4]g- 4y€. B-uddhist School, ry47;
\I.8.,R.S., University of Rangoon, r954; D.T.\{. & }I., -n{emorial
University of London, r96r ; NI.R.C.P.,
Edinburgh, r964.
Employntent.-Civil Assistant_Surgeon, Mate_rnity, Chil<l l]ealth and School Health Services,
Rangoon and Moulmein; l\{oulmeinand InseinCivil Hospitals, 1955-66; Physician and
Part-time Lecturer, Mandalay General Hospital antl Institute of Medicine, Mandalay,
r 966-.
L[en$ership of Societies,--Burma Medical Association.

Ad dr ess. -- r r 3, 7 4th Street, Mandalay.

5r7.'Iun Yee, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.O. Ophthalmologist; Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Hospital,

518..Tun Ii, U, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.M.R.D. (Liverpool). Radiologist; born Nlarch 1933
in Wakeme. "5,
Education.- Iatricullted:_Post-Primary. School . Myaungmya, r949i VI.B.,B.S., University
of Rangoon, 1956; D.M.R.D., IJniversity of Liverpool, 196z.
Training.-Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto in Paediatric Radiology, r964.
Etnployment.-House Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, ry56-57; Team Leader, Anti-V.D.
Team, Yenangyaung,_ r957-5I. Team T,eader, Anti-V.D. Team, Taunggyi, 1958.-6o; Civil
Assistant Surgeon, \Iaymyo Civil Hospital, 196o; on study leave, 196o-62; eivil Assistant
Surgeon (Radiologist), I{ingoon Gencral llospital, ry62--65; Racliologist, Sao San Htun
Hospital, tg6;-.
n/I etrrber ship of S ocietie s.-Burma N{edical Association.
Il[emberirip of Comnittee.s.-Secretary, Drug Advisory Committee, Taunggyi.

1r9. -Way_Linn, U, M.8.,- B.S_. -(Rgn.)iD.P.H. (E.g.), D.T.M. & FI. (Liverpool). Malarioiogist ;
born February zt, r93r at Moulmeiugyun.
Education.-1\Iatriculate!! : Private, 1948 ; 1\I.B., B.S., University of Rangoon, 1956 ; D.P.H.,
Conjoint Board of the.Royal Colleges'of Physicians and Surgeons, England,-r{163 j
& H., Liverpool School of Tropical-Ntedicine and Hygiene, t964.
Truining.-Short term course in Public Health Administration, Directorate of Flealth Services,
Burma, June-September, ry57 ; Senior Officials Course of malaria eradication, Malaria
Eradication Training Centre,. Kingston, Jamaica, 196z ; Royal Institute of Public Health,
London in Public Health, 1963.
Etnployment.-House Surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, ry56-57 ; Assistant District Health
Officer, Prome, June i957-August r9S9 ; Assistant Malariologist, Regional Antimalarial
Organization, 'l'aunggyi, August r959-july tg6z,; Malariologist,.Regional Anti-malarial Or-
ganization, Taunggyi, July r96z-February 1963 ; Malariologist, Regional Anti-malarial
Organization, _Sagaing., _ February r963-June ry64 ; Malariologist, Regional Anti.malarial
Organization, Taunggyi, June 1964--.
Menrbership of _societies.-Burma Medical Association ; Roy-al Society of Tropical Medicine
and Hygiene ; Liverpool School Association ; Royal. Institute of Public Health and Hygiene.
C-onfererygl tour, Malaria Institute of India, Delhi and West Bengal,
Study Toars.-Study
4ugust-N9yemle1 1958 ; study tour,..Mexico^and Flonduras, September-December, ,gdz ;
Burma,India and Pakistan Malaria Eradicatiorr Co-ordination Bordei Conference in Chandifahr,
. Punjab, [ndia, December ry6q ; and in Calcutta, West Bengal, India, lantary, tg7o.
Publications.-Wtv LINN (1963). The anti-malaria programme in Rurma. D.p.H.
dissertatiorr. Royal Institute of Public Health.
Address.-I{yathidar, No. 243, N{ount View Road, Taunggyi.

Szo; .IYln Kyi, Capt., M.B., B.S. (Rg.r.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetist ; born September 29, rg37
in Rangoon.
Education.-st. Paul's High school_Rangoon, 1956; M.8.,_ 8.s., Institute of Medicine i,
Rangoon, 1966 ; f).A., Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon, 1969.

ltlploymey1.-ln-aesthetist, No. r, N{ilitary Hospital, Meiktila, ry6g-7r ; Anaesthetist, Base

N{ilitary_Hospital, N{aymyo, rgTr-72 l Anaesthetist, No. z, Combined Mobilesurgical and
X-ray Unit, Mingaladon, tgTz-
gar. win Kyi, u, M.8., B.s. (Rgn.), D.A. (Rg".). Anaesthetist ; born october 6, rg37 in Bassein.
Education.-Matriculated :_st".Joseph'9-convent, Darjeeling, 1954. ; N{.B., B.s., University
of Rangoon, 196z ; D.4., Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon, 1969.'
Employment.-Civil. Asslsjant. Surg_eon, Civrl Hospital Kawthoolei, 1963-68 ; Assistant
Anaesthetist, Divisional Flospital, Moulrnein, 1969--
fltember;hip oJ Societies.--Burma Medical Association. \j

J{jn Kyi, Y,J/I.B., B.s. (Rgn.), D.T.M. & H.'.(Ed.). Physician-Tropical Diseases ; born
J,rly 7, r!'3o in Rangoon.
lmploymal!.-civil Assist-ant sg1geon, 51rpo1. civil Hospital, r955-5g ;civilAssistant
surgeon, Rangoon General Hospital, r9s8-5g-;
'P. civil Assistani s"rg.1,"o;, tenereal Dir.rr.,
Leprasium. rc62-62; Medical \\Iarden.
Control, ry6t.62; Civil Assistant Surgeon, Htaukyant
i.'g""i, fi"i'.'-t;rli*fij'j,'::r,"rllrl';?ff;','txl'rlti::'-ffij:il:'
AssrstanE r-'u
Bassein, ry66-7r ; Deputy
\{in Lwin Nyun, U' M'B',jB'S'.(Rgn')' D'P' & T'M' (Rgn')' Public l{ealth Specialist ;
- bo.., Decenrber 5, r94r in "Bassetn'
Hrgt Rangoon, 1958; M'8" B's"
Eilucation.-Matriculated: Methodist English Institute of Medicine r' r97t'
rnstitute of M.di.iiJ;, ilsil;;671
Institute of
Departnrent of Preventive and social Medicine'
M.laiJi"" r, Rangoon, 1968-'
Institute of Medicine r, Rangoon'
Aildress.- z8, Manawhari Road' Dagon
P'O'' Rangoon'
(Eng')' Anaesthesiologist;
Sritlf'tf;I ,i ill;1;?;?'c:;-;ii;";ilu'*tr"'iJr8e;'tl
il;g;"" General HosPital'
Obst' R'C'O'G'' M'R'C'O'G'
<z<. WinMay,Daw, N{'B',8'S'-(RC1')'P'
'-'' i.i;lor""J"ty ,g, 1939 in Mouhnein'
. r/r D * s of Rangoon' , 196r;
Convent'-r95+ ; M'B"B'S" UniversitY
Education.-Matriculated: St' Jol-rn's London' r97z''
D. Obst. n.C.O'di^i""io"' 'gZ' ; \I'R'C'O'G''
Employment.-civil Assistant-Surgeon,
civil Hospital, MYaunEmYa';?:1-, 3t.i.r"#11 fr:U1?li
Lashio, t972-.
Merubership of Societies'-Burma Medical Association'
(E'g')' Paediatrician ; Women and Chilclren's
<26. Win Myint, U, M'B',B'S' (Rgt')' D'C'H'
" Hospital, TaunggYi'
& T'M' (Rgn')' Public Health specialist ; born
rzz. Win Naing, U, M.B',B'S' (Rgt')' D'P'
'-'' Augrrst r93j in PrvintbYumYo'

r"ttit"it Rangoon' r 967'
of Rangoon,, goo' ; ff'P]&'i'nr'' "it'l'rtaitiie'
Su-r-g9o1, Rangoon General Hqpital' ls6:;6i;Xi.i;:,"ilXt-""?3fi[ll1ffiXi
L;6;;;,#,,eo,lii;c1iil-'i"'-"ii#ffi tfi::l**ll'l1J'a::n:':;;l;Deputv
i.a'* L"ud"r, Aung San Dernonstratto'
Mcrubership of Societies'-Burma \{edical Association'

Municipat p"br;'ri.;ith s..."i; ; Irp,d:Ai;ilst;i

i."i"", ni'i';"t 'r dbDayControl'
SludvTours.-Children'sHospital'Banekok'PublicHealth'Laboratory'Bangkok'Bangkok Bangkok
nursery centres'
poona i" D;il; H";;"riq"qi"3.Ier control'
and virus R.r.u*h C.rrtre, riospitat tritlt Research
and Primarv n."ii-tt Ct"t'es at Bangkokliffi"',?;il;"""i:"-'" "ta
Pooll Civil Water
Shi*"'g;,'Mi;re in tf,e .tud'i,,f Ky-asaner-Fo"J-Oit"uJtt'and Primarv Health
Ol.t.ict iiJutr, O?n"li, Shi*";:Mt;;t;
works in ,r.Uu,, or#, supply ;
Centre, Dehu, Maharashitra state'
smallpox vaccination results' T'M'
Cwrertt researchzrror'&'-Neonatal
of tuberculosis in Burma' D'P' &
publications.*r. wrN N1ryq.(ro6z1.'corrtrot "l "*,: }Iii'*t-'"a wrs NerNc (r97t)'
Dissertation,t.,*tit,rt"of \{ediiine
i,^ilil;; a;uttJfi"-tf*a Pressure among malc
A study.of between skin-f"'il'i"#;ilt'J'"tJ
"orr-.lrtio., o[ Bwma J' Lifelsci' 4r 335-33e'
t*' (Rgn.), D'P. & T.M.(Rgn.). Public Health specialist;
born January
Education'-Matriculated : state High school rwante,
196o ; M.B.,B.s, Institute of Medicine
r, Rangoon, ry67 ;D.p. & T.M. l,i.tiiri. .intffiil'i,'ilnloon,
Emptoyment.--Team Lercrer. Anti-\rD Tgrm, Mgnyrvr,
Thabeikkyin, r97o I if.wnship H.atth om..l, ci", ry6g*-7o; Torvrship \,Ieclicar officer,
il;i;;i, (yaung Oo, ry7r_.
current research ruork.-operatiorral research on the
feasibility of introducing ,, Integrated
Heatth Svstem " in Taungzin/popa pir;i;;;; ;'xv^,ri,
?iqtJyuuLprau,ng Torvnship.
Pablication'-wrN NerNc (tg7r). The effect of urbaniztttioa
-& and industrialization on the health of
the people oJ Rurnta. D.p. f.u. aiJJ.rtation; t.r.tlt.rtl-oi-ltedicine r, Rangoon.
529' win shwin, u, \{.8.,8.s.. (Rg^.), D.L.o. (Eng). otorhinolaryngologist
193+in Kyaukme ; born July 25,

Education'-\{atriculated: Mandalay, r95r

; -M.8.,B.S., university of Rangoon , tg6o
D.L.o., conjoint Board of the Royar'to[-"[.r'of ;
Fhy;i;i;;'. *J'srrgJ""o r""a"%, ,qoo.
Training'-Royal rhroat, Nose and Ear Hospital, Lonclon
in ott-rrhinolaryngology, 1965-66.
Employnunt;--civil Assistant Surgeon, Kentung^civil-Flospital,
Sao san Htun Hi,spitar, Tnungg-vi, ,'9il'-r4;ii";r
r96r ; civil Assistant surgeon
r963 ; civil Assistant "Mt*.ir.^i'si1gg!{';;ft;"'i:;:i ril*pitnt
s_urgeon, ci"ir h;;p;;"r,";;;:_q","8.x..r.. speciarist ; Divisional
Hospital, Lashio, tg67J- . .

ll[embership of societies,-Burma Medicial


rq55 \{.B.,B.S', \Iedical College,
Education.-.Nllatriculated : St. Paul,s I-Iigh School, Rango<ln, r97o';
i"i.,rtr^, r,rnn ; t-l.C H,, Institute of Ctrita Health' Calcutta'
Trtiitritil. f It,,lical colltgtr I.k s1,it:rls, calcttilrr in clrcst clisenses, ry67-(tg'
Etnplo_ynent.---ciril Assisiant surgeon, Pacdiatlic Department, \'Iandala-v General flospital'
rtlj |
llcnherihiP o.i S ctL:ieties.-Rurma \{edical Association'
-f J,1r.-.,. - \o. 'i8, zTth Street, Raugoon.

F.R.C.S' (Ed')' Surgeon-Generall born

April r8' r938 itt
53r. Ye Myint, U, N{.B.,8.S. (Rgr.),
rr;-56; \{.B.,B.S., UniversitY of
Etlucati,,ti.-flatriculatcd: St. Peter's Sch99l' \'{andalay'
R;6;;, ,9Oi; f'.tr.c'S., Universitv of l-dinburgh'
surqery' r97o'
Trainin4.- -rt Jlark's l{ospital, London in Anorectal
N{edicine' Mandalay'
Department of Pharrlacology, Institute of
Iinth!,.tt.,;i.ttt.-l)emonstrator, \{edicirre' 1\llanclalay' r965-66;
rgtrr-5-;; -{ssistarit il,**'"', ]lt1"urr'.,,c'''t.oft;;;;';t;iuie.f Ila't Rangoon Ilospital' tg7o-7ti
on ,Jeputati.n to the L).K., ry69-_7o;.('ivil;ff:S;;1'S.;r,:."n,
LL-cturer i,'t-Su'g"iy,'Ii'siitute of N'Icdicinc
l' RangoUn' tt)7'--'
)Ieiitt,, r.l:i?''l Societies,-Burura \Iedical Association'
Ci,rrt ti! rr ;torclt zcrlrft. -'lhyroid disease ; perianal disease'
,I,/,/r.,,., Crisp Stleet, Rangoon'
(Rg'-''), Ir'R'C'S' (Ed')' Cardiac Surgeon;
botn May r' 1935 in
532. Ye \I1 int, U, l'I.8.,8.S.
Rangoon, .I9.53; M'B',8'S'' University of
E./rr;,rii,i[.-Jlatriculate<1 : St. Paul's High school,
Rans,rcn. 196"; FR:C.i., R"!"i Corltg' ;i Sr'rrgeons"Edinburgh'
surgery' ry68'69;
?rrrir;ir;.-sceham Ha1l Hospital, Seaham, Sunderland -in cardiothoracic
Bron r:,,n Hospital, strrgery \tay-July' 1969'

Assistant Surgeon' Ye-LI'

Enrt'.,.,,;.irl.-Civil Assistant Sttrgeon, l'Iarmvo, ryfi-62;-Civil b"g"on' '1'harrarvaddy' ry62-(t6.'
Slr,rcr . Dis:riei. .\,qust. \ovenrher, ,,rOr',t;t ii',f.(i*i'nt a,vil .tsJisrant Surgcon, ('ardiothoracic
pos:-:r:j:;:c .:udies in Urrited I(ingclornl',Orti,'- O;.-
Lnii. R:r,g,>-r (1,' Hospital, r959 tu a#; p"t]'i*e de'nonstrator in-iurgery' Inslitute of;ir:r :. Rangotln' r969-.
trItnri,:tiiI u.l Sri'ir1it'.t. -Bttnna l'{edical Association'
Puh!i::;:i,ri.r.-KHI\ -\[rl'Nt; Tinerv,'-ftt'T l'{auxc' KYIY'
Yr Mvtrt, Bl Yr and
mitral stenosis. Burma med. J. r8,
-\r'e -\''':, JIYrsr 1r97o). i\trial rnyxorna mas(lueracling
--1,!.1 r,,'. - -t Jr . I'rottle Roacl, f{angoon'

533. Yi Yi IIta, Dar", \l.R.,l).S. (Rgn'), I)'(l'lt' (Rgn')' Paediatrician'

53{. Yi Yi \Iviat, Daw, ll.ll.,Ii.S. (Rgrr'), 1)'l''O' (lfgn')' Otorhinolaryngologist'

F'R'C'S' (Edin')' F'R'C'P'
Yin ltav, Darv, \1.ts.,8.S. (Cal')'^t"R'C'l'', \'t'lL'C'S'.-(Eng')'
535. trorn llep:ernber rgoo in Rangoon.
1rai,r.,.tln-tlt-1.G. d;.;.,ri;;itly.o..ologi.t; R1ng:l]91 r^917; l'Sc'' Rangoo[ College'
Edut,zii,,u.-\l:triculation: Good Shepherd Convent, England, r9z7;F'R'C'S',
r9r9: \I.8..B.>.. e ut.uiiu f i"Aical Coiiege, ,qri; i,.i.C,p.,'nt,n,C.S.,

Pdinburgh (Special jg!j9"tr Gynaecology), ,gz7; M.R.C.P., Erlinburgh, r9z9; Ir.R.C.p.,
Edinburgh, ; F.R.Lr.O.G., r9-57.

Training.-PosG.graduate study in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, London,

- ancl Edinburgh,
rgzT-zg; Dublin, r9z9; Vienna, rg3o; r94g.
lmployinent.-Assistant,. Rangoon General llospital, ry25-26; -S;ir;;i,'
Assistant \{edical
Superintendent, Rangoon, r93o1o; fui"ai.rl' rjm..r, nr.rgoo'
_D1g."lir, llo'spital,^
and Superintendent of Health Visitor Training'Sc66ol, f,angoor,, 1936
4o; to".iiitirig nru"ti"",
$3ngool,^r936-+o; Head of Obstetrics and Glynaecology, Siation ryLp;ir1, R;il;;;;?94r_45;
L{edical-Superintendent and Obstetrician and Gynaec_ologis!, Rangoon Duferin Uospiiil,
1946-48; Professor of Obstetrics and Gynae-c_ology,_Mectlcal'ColQe; Rr"g"*-rSag-SS,
Nfedical Superintendent, Rangoon Dufl,eiin Hosp1lal,
Decorations and azoards.-Gold medal in Pathology (Calcutra Medical College); Thiripyanchi.
Membership of Societies.-Burma Medical Association; Burma Research Society (Executive
Committee member).
Publications"-YrN \{ev, D',ri' (1937). Anroebic infectir:ns <if the female genital tract (amoebic
vaginitis). Indian mcd. Gaz.
Address.- 5r, Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road, Rangoon.

536. _Yin May, Daw, M.B.,B.s.^(Rgn.), -\zI.R.c.o.G. obstetrician and Gynaecologist; part-time
Lccturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Institute of Meclicine z, Rarigoo" u11-a Obstet i"iul
and Gynaecologist, Workers' Hospital,'-Rangoon.

Mya, Darv,
-Yin Y.P',Ftl..(Rgn.):_p.P_.H. N{edical Statistician; Chief \{edical Statistician,
Department of Health, Ministry of l{ealth.

538. Yin Nwe, Daw, M.B.,B.S. (Rgn.), D.A. (Rgn.). Anaesthetisr.



\ Z,

!!g. zar Hkaung, u, \{.B.,B.s. (Rg,r.), D.o. (l-ng.), D.L.O. (E"s.). Ophthalmologist; borrr
October r934 in I{utkai.
Erlucation.--:Matriculated: Cushing High School, r9.5ri M.P.,B.S', University of ^Rangoon,
rg58; D.O. and D.L.O., ConioiniBoaid c,f the Royal Colleges of Physicians aod Surgeons,
Englatd, r968.
Training.-I1lnivet'sitv of l-trnilon in ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology.
Etnploltmcnt.-.Civil \ssistant Surge'ou,. Nlandrrla.y Gcnerai Hospital,-r-958---6o; liv]l Assistant
5"i!-"6,1, i"tao (-irii Hospital, ,"g1o4t; Civil 4ssistant Srrrgion, Myithyina Civil Hospital,
ro6i-6+; uiril -\ssistant'Surgeon, E.E.N.T., Hospital, Rarigoorr, rg58-69; Clivil Assistant
S'u.g.o.,' (Ophthairtrologist), Divisional I lospital, L{yitkyina. ry69-'
ll[ember ship of S o t ieti e s.-R urma Niedical Association.

5+o. zaw win, u, fI.B.,B.s. (Rgr.), F.R.C.S. (Ed.). surgeon (Plastic and Burns);borrr August
Io, r93o.
Eclucation.-Jlatriculated: Irrivate student, 19,+6; i\I.8.,8.S., tTrriversitl' of Rangoon, 1953;
F.R.C.S., Edinbtirgh, r969.
Training.-\Iount Vcrnon Flospital, Middlesex and Bangour Hospital, Edinburgh in burns
and plastic surgerl', r959.
Entployrrrcnt.-Civil Assistant Surgeon, r953 -_59; Deputy Chief Medical Officer, People's
Sr;rai"i" Inclustry, Namtu, ,r15g-.dg Surgeon, li.angoon General Flospital, x16g-7t; Surgeon,
Nlandalay General Flospital, ry7 r-.
Menfiership of Societies.-International Society of Burn Injuries; Burma \'{eclical Association.
Mcmbership of Societies.-National Representatives, International Society of Burn Injuries.
born Aptil zz,
54r. Zaw Win, U, M.B.,Il.S. (Rgr.), F.R.C.S. (Ed.). Surgeon-Gastroenterology;
r936 in MandalaY.

E1ucation.-Matriculated: l\io. t, State High School, Mandalay, r95z; \{.B.,8.S,, University

of Rangoon, 1959;, Eclinburgh, x169.

iii"" fforpitoT, Io.,nggli , tg6z.-63; -\ssistant Lecturer, Departi'rent of Surgery, Instjtute of

It"Ji.,i""'r, Ii.rrgootii'ryOi-.O7i Fir:st -\ssistant to Slrrgerin,.Rangoon General I{ospital,
ry()7-7o; Lectur-r, Departn'rent of Surgerr-, Institute of ilIeciicine t, Rangoon, r97o-,
M enthe.r ship of S o ci et i s.-Burma l'Iedical Associat ion.

Llembership of Conunittee.i.-Secretarr',. Post-graduate Board for Surgery; Joint Sectetaty,

Surgical Section, Burma \{edical Association.

C urr en t r es ear ch wor k. function tests; selective vagotomy; surgical aspects <lf primary

Address.-Clo Daui Tin Tin IIla, No. r, l)eicncc Industr-v, Officers' Quarter, Kaba-Ayc P.O.n
Rangoon. I


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