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NAME: Anmol deep Singh DATE: DECEMBER, 9, 2022



Q 1. Before you begin working in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, you should be

familiar with the primary user interface. Cite one other statement with a

significant word that can briefly interpret what this statement is about…?

ANS1 when we start the power point software, a start screen will appear then user have to click black
page or esc, after clicking it a normal view page will appear where all sets of tabs, commands and
groups that a user should be familiar with because that’s the page where the user do most of the work

Q 2. The steps for starting PowerPoint depend on which version of Windows you

have on your PC. Very briefly discuss using a significant example what this

statement is about?

ANS 2 power point 2016 is compatible to windows 7 service pack 1, windows 8 windows 8.1 and
windows 10 but in windows 8 the start screen appears by default but in windows 10 it doesn’t.

Q 3. In the Normal view, additional contextual tabs appear when you select

certain types of content, such as graphics or tables Briefly explain with an

example what the highlighted phrase is about…

ANS 3 In a normal view, the ribbon on the top contains 12 set of tabs but when a user select a table a
different tab will appear called table design and layout and if user click a picture a “ picture format
will appear
Q 4. Referring to using the ribbon, what is a dialog box launcher—?

ANS 4 in the ribbon of the Microsoft power point, certain type of groups of commands have a little
arrow on the bottom right side which is referred as dialog box launcher, which provide more tools and
options to edit

Q 5. Please describe how you can make more space on your screen:?

ANS 5 if the user needs more space on screen, the user have to minimize the ribbon by clicking the
active tab twice

Q 6. Describe how to restore the Ribbon:?

ANS 6 to restore the ribbon, the user need to click the active tab twice again.

Q 7. Discuss briefly using a significant word, why the File tab in PPT is not a?

regular tab:

ANS 7 the file tab of ribbon of the powerpoint is not like other tabs because other tabs shows
different groups and editing commands , where as when user click file tab, it opens the backstage view
rather than groups and its editing commands

Q 8. What is the function of each one of the 2 placeholders in the single slide that

appears automatically when you open PowerPoint

ANS 8 when a user open PowerPoint, a single slide appears, where there are two placeholders. the first
placeholder is for adding the title and the second placeholder is to add subtitle

Q 1. Identify a command on the menu in Backstage view that offers options for creating

Handouts Export…?

ANS1 the export command is the command where the user can create handouts. Other options like
create a video, package presentation and change file type are also available in export command.

Q 2. You should always save and close any open presentations before you exit PowerPoint or

shut down your computer. Why is this significant?

ANS2 saving and closing it crucial for the user to avoid any new edits, changes and information to
vanish and user can easy find the saved work in recent option in powerpoint. It became easy to open
the presentation overtime. If the user cant finish any slideshow just save it and close so that It can be
opened easily for further editing.

Q 3. What is Microsoft OneDrive?? Please discuss briefly why it ‘s advantages and


ANS 3 microsoft onedrive is private cloud storage platform that Microsoft provide without any cost.


1 the advantages of one drive by Microsoft in this 21st century where everything is bought by money,
Microsoft gave us free cloud storage to store your work

2 Another advantage is that it can be accessed no matter that computer we are trying to access it.


1 Unlike the presentation that is saved in local disk or usb but the presentation stored in one drive
cannot be accessed without internet because it’s a cloud storage and we cannot have access to internet

2 another disadvantage of one drive is that it have limited space, which is 15 GB, once the 15 GB is full
the user have no choice but to use local disk or portable storages.
Q 4. PowerPoint’s various views enable you to see your presentation in a variety of ways:

Identify the PowerPoint view that displays all the slides in a presentation on a single

screen. What other 2 activities can be performed this view?

ANS 4 PowerPoint have normal view, outline view, slide sorter view, notes page view, reading view and
slide show view. Slide sorter view allows the user to view all the slides in a presentation on a single
screen. The user can duplicate and delete slide in this view and can drag slides to different position.

Q 5. There is no button for Notes Page view on the Views toolbar at the bottom of the

PowerPoint window; then where will you access it??

ANS 5 since there is no button for note page view on view toolbar the user must access it via the

Q 6. What are the major functions of the 3 views that make up the Normal View of a

PowerPoint Presentation?

ANS6 side pane is where the user edit current slide

Note pane, this pane is used to edit and add notes to the current slide

Slide tab is used to slide the thumbnail images from one slide to another

Q 7. What is Grayscale? And when does it come in handy?

ANS 7 grayscale is a visualizing mode where there are only shades of gray. If the user want to print the
slides in black and white inked printer here using grayscale, the user can look for any potential problem
by converting the slides in black and white using grayscale before printing in a black and white printer.

Since fax machines only transfer black and white color, The user can see how the recipient will see the

Q 8. How is Text typed onto a slide in PowerPoint?,

ANS 8 text can be placed by two methods. The first is , it can be directly typed into the placeholder and
second is it can be typed in the outline pane of the normal view.
Q 9. What is another name for placeholders?

ANS 9 placeholders are also called text containers

Q 10. Identify the view where you can add text without using placeholders…?

ANS 10 outline view. When the slides are in outline view the PowerPoint illustrated outline pane where
user can add text without any placeholders.

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