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Quarter1 -Week 1

English 6
Assignment 1
Name_________________________________ Grade & Section____________________ Date________

Directions: Analyze the scenario in each number. Identify whether it is real or make believe. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

___________________1. The soup is very hot. After I taste it, I can blow fire out of my mouth.

___________________2. Tina is very strong. She can hit a tennis ball across the court.

___________________3. I went to the zoo and saw a giraffe fly.

___________________4. Tim is riding in a hot balloon. He is high up in the sky.

___________________5. I can eat ten ice cream cones in one second.

___________________6. The naughty kid was taken by the flying elephant.

___________________7. We entered the most fabulous room in the mansion.

___________________8. The seemingly giant enemy was defeated by David with a sling and stone.

___________________9. The dog is driving a car.

___________________10. Some flowers bloom during summer.

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