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The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ

În a doua zi de Crăciun se sărbătorește Sinaxa Maicii Domnului (Soborul
Maicii Domnului). Biserica îmbină imnurile Nașterii Domnului cu cele care o
prăznuiesc pe Maica Domnului. Această sărbătoare, adunarea în cinstea Sfintei
Fecioare, este probabil cea mai veche sărbătoare a Mariei din tradiția creștină,
începutul cinstirii ei de către Biserică. Primele icoane ale Nașterii lui
Dumnezeu, sau Theotokos, au fost pictate chiar și în timpul vieții ei de către
Sfântul Apostol și Evanghelist Luca. Când a văzut aceste icoane, a spus că
Harul lui Dumnezeu va fi cu ele. Termenul Theotokos este tradus ca Nașterea
lui Dumnezeu. A fost dat ca termen de onoare Fecioarei și în sprijinul
adevăratei Întrupări în trupul lui Isus Hristos.

The Feast of the Nativity of the Lord (popularly called Christmas),
celebrated every year on December 25, brings us the news of the coming into
the world of the Son of God made man, for our salvation.
The birth of the Savior took place nine months after His Incarnation from
the Holy Spirit, into the Annunciation, when God sent Archangel Gabriel to
announce to the Virgin Mary: “Rejoice, you who are full of grace, the Lord is
with you! ”.
And she received the angel's voice, and said, Behold the handmaid of the
Lord; Be it unto me according to thy word. And after nine months, Caesar
Augustus was ordered to enroll everyone. And Joseph, the betrothed and
guardian of the Mother of God, went up with her to Bethlehem to join.
And since the virgin was about to give birth, having no place to live
because of the multitude of people, she entered a poor cave, which was also a
shelter for the flocks, and there she gave birth without corruption and pain to
our Lord Jesus Christ, He wrapped him like a baby and put him in the manger,
the Builder of all, the One who came to save us all from sin.
Thus was fulfilled the prophecy spoken by Micah, which was over 400
years before the coming of Christ into the world: "And you Bethlehem, in the
land of Judah, art not the least among the princes of Judah: for out of thee shall
come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel" (Matthew 2: 6; Micah 5: 5).

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