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5 Flinders Rd

15 April, 2015

Dear Jenny,

How are you doing? It seems it has been ages since we last wrote to each other. I just
hope everything is fine with you.  Let me tell you about a terrible experience I had trying
to buy a camera via an auction site.

You remember how fond I am of old cameras, right? Well, I spotted this one on a
website. This was no ordinary camera; this was the camera I had long wanted to
complete my collection. So, without hesitation, I bid for it until it was mine. I was in
seventh heaven. I sent a juicy cheque to the seller and was confident to receive the
valuable item.

But days passed and you know what? I didn't receive it. And the worst thing is that my
cheque had been cashed already. There’s no doubt I had been duped.

I immediately decided to write to the owner without success. At this point I was losing
my cool that I took it upon myself to complain to the website which in return said that
they couldn’t control sellers and that bidders should watch their backs. Needless to
say, they weren’t sympathetic or helpful at all!

I really blame myself for having been so naive. Believe me, I’ve learnt a lesson from
it. If you decide to buy in an auction site, don't trust anyone. It is better to contact the
owner via the web and then make the money transaction face to face.

Have you ever bid on an auction website? Drop me a line and tell me how it was. I’m
sure you can give me a few tips.

With love,



* Please note that the length does not correspond to English B requirements. You
must write between 450 – 600 words.

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