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Spring 2023

Your Donations Make A Difference!

By Cheryl Hayn much they appreciate your support,
Board Secretary and how the band has positively
contributed to many aspects of
The Board and I appreciate each their lives.
and every one you for your consid-
eration of Ryan’s Fund. For over 12 We want to continue to help march-
years the Fund has been support- ing band students develop lifelong
ing music students by purchasing skills that will help them grow and
instruments and equipment that develop into happy, successful, and
wouldn’t have been possible without productive adults. Should you be
the Fund. Nearly 40 new and used moved again to help more youth in
instruments have been purchased, their musical education, develop-
with your help, including a used ment and formation, please donate
trumpet and tuba over the last few at http://rahmemorialfund.weebly.
months. All your contributions go com/ or make checks payable to the
directly toward the band program. Ryan A. Hayn Memorial Fund, P.O.
There are no administrative costs; Box 655, Murrayville, GA 30564
these are all provided as in-kind and return the enclosed envelope.
services by Ryan’s family and Thank you again, for your
friends. generosity!

These stories from the band’s (Photo) Ryan having fun practicing
current student leaders show how his trombone at home.

Thank You for Your Support

By Ren Grimsley have some of the best resources of
Senior Band President any band in our area. This includes
the very instruments that we play. I
There are many things we have to know that myself and many others
be grateful for here at George Wal- are very grateful that we have access
ton Academy, as someone who has to these instruments and the stu-
been a part of the band for the past dents who enter the band after us
eight years, it’s always been obvious will still have a quality instrument
that one of the things that makes to play. Thank you to the Ryan
our program so great is how we Hayn Fund for your support of us,
the students, it really does mean a
(Photo) Ren Grimsley leads warm lot.
-up before taking the field
Message from the George Walton Academy Band Director
By Christian Smith, Fund Administrator and GWA Director of Bands, Monroe, Ga.

Hello to Everyone and Happy New Year to all!

I would like to take a moment and thank all of you for the tremendous support you have given to the Ryan Hayn
Fund and to the GWA Bands over the years. It has become a vital part of our success and my students are so for-
tunate to have you all in their corner! They get to play on outstanding quality instruments every year and discover
a musical path that so many of them would never have the chance to experience otherwise, because of the Hayn
family and all the financial support that everyone has given to our GWA Band Family.
Instruments are hard to come by, especially big instruments, like Tubas, Euphoniums and French Horns, because
they are so expensive, but they are vital to every band program. We are all very grateful for your support and please
know it’s going towards a fantastic group of young people!
Thank you all so very much, Y’all Rock!!!
Please check out our 2022 Marching Band show from November 5th. A third of the instruments being used by the
students during the show are because
of the Ryan Hayn Fund and all of
Here is a YouTube link to paste
in your search bar and then scroll
forward to about 2 minutes and 25
seconds to where the show starts to
skip the set up. Please enjoy and
leave happy comments if you have
some please.

(Photo) Christian Smith enthusiasti-

cally directing the GWA Marching
Bulldog Band

Fund Donations Allowed Me Opportunities

By Blakeney Sewell I had an instrument to practice on
GWA Band Co-Vice President and perform with.
and Co-Leader Horn Section
I have been in marching band for
five years now and have attended
Greetings to everyone!
several district and Allstate festi-
My name is Blakeney Sewell, and
vals after completing auditions. I
I am a junior at George Walton.
was even a part of the Governor’s
Having a mellophone and a French
Honors Program this past summer
horn provided for me, has al-
on French horn. None of this would
lowed me so many opportunities
have been possible if I didn’t have
to advance my music career. Not
my instruments from the Ryan
only am I able to be a leader in my
Hayn Fund! Thank you so very
marching band as vice president,
much for everything the fund has
(Photo) Blakeney Sewell, GWA but other honor band events be-
Band Co-Vice President came accessible to me all because
Joining Band Helped Me Develop Many Skills
By Nicole Volk This year, I became the Drum
Drum Major and Head Major of the marching band, and
it’s been quite the change of routine.
Woodwind Section Leader
Instead of standing on the field and
watching as someone else leads
Band has been a massive staple in breathing, warmups, and rehears-
my life since elementary school. als, I am on the podium as the
Since my best friend’s parents run head of the band and taking on all
the program, and my sister talked of these new responsibilities. This
my ear off about it when she joined, position has been, and continues to
I’ve been surrounded by band, be, a learning experience filled with
band, band. Joining the program stress as well as overwhelming ex-
myself in 5th grade has got to be citement, joy, and pride! The band
one of the best decisions I’ve ever means the world to me, and I’m so
made. It’s made me into an All- proud to be leading it and watching
State clarinet player, while also the members grow and develop
helped me develop skills like time alongside me.
management, leadership, team-
work, self-motivation, and how to (Photo) Nicole Volk prepares for a
effectively mentor others. great game and performance

Passion, Love and Appreciation for Music Aided by Fund

By Michael Mealor
Junior Tuba Section Leader
and Co-Vice President

To me, the George Walton Acade-

my Band has been one of the most
influential things in my life, and
simultaneously, as a tuba player, so
has the Ryan Hayn Fund.

For my entire career in the band, I

have had access to instruments and
equipment that I am ever grateful
for, and that a normal high school
band would never be able to ac-
quire. Because of this access I have
developed a lifelong passion, love,
and appreciation for music that
never would have been possible

(Photo) Michael Mealor marching with the GWA Band at half-time Thank you all so very much!
Fund Started My Musical Career
By Philip Mashburn play on now, the marching horn I
Top Dawg Band Sergeant and use is still a Hayn Fund instrument.
These instruments have helped us
Co-Low Brass Section Leader
become the well-known musical
machine that we are today!
The Hayn Fund essentially start-
ed my musical career. I’ve always
Thank you so much for everything
played on a Hayn Fund instrument,
all those out there have done for me
all the way from when I began in
and our program!
5th grade band up to now in my
senior year. Without these instru-
Photo (below): Philip Mashburn
ments, I don’t think it would have
playing with the GWA Band
been possible for me to begin and
continue music throughout middle
Photo (right): Philip Mashburn in
and high school. Even though I
the GWA stands
own my concert instrument that I

UGA VS GT means
Band Meetup! The Ryan A. Hayn Memorial Fund
(Photo) Former GWA color guard is pleased to offer our supporters
members Lydia Akin (left) and an easy way to help our charity.
Julia Cato (right) meet at the With every purchase you make at
University of Georgia vs. Georgia, a portion of the pro-
Institute of Technology rivalry ceeds can support Ryan’s Fund.
football matchup Nov. 26, 2022. Every time you make a purchase
Akin was also a GWA Drum Major, on Amazon (including Amazon
as well as a clarinet player in the Prime), Amazon will donate 0.5%
symphonic winds band; she is now of your eligible Amazon purchase
a senior at UGA and a member of cost to Ryan’s Fund. The prices
the UGA flag line. Cato is a former you’ll pay are exactly the same.
flute player in the GWA symphonic Please remember to designate the
winds band and is now a sopho- Ryan A. Hayn Memorial Fund as
more at Georgia Tech, and a mem- your favorite charity on Amazon
ber of the flag line. Smile and help us raise more funds
through your purchases!

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