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1. There are three sections in the Question paper (SECTION A, SECTION B and
2. Section A consists of 17 questions. The questions carry 1 mark each and are Multiple
Choice Questions. One is to attempt the question by providing the right option along with
the answer as mentioned in the question.
3. Section B consists of 5 questions. The questions carry 2 marks each and should be
answered within 30- 50 words.
4. Section C consists of 11 questions. The questions carry 3 marks each and should be
answered within 80-100 words.
5. Section D consists of 2 questions. The questions carry 5 marks each and should be
answered within 150-200 words.
6. There are a total of 35 questions and all questions are compulsory.


1. Carl Jung gave the classification of personality into three types namely ______, ______
and ______.
a) Introvert, Extrovert and Ambivert
b) Ectomorphy, Mesomorph and Endomorph with Viscerotonia
c) Cardinal, Central and Secondary
d) Both (a) and (b).

2. Which of these components of circuit training is meant to strengthen the upper body?
a) Bench Squats b) Skipping c) Pull- ups d) Bench Lift

3. Nandita is preparing for an upcoming marathon by running on a 400m track 14 times with
the aim of increasing her heart-rate to 175 and is asked to walk or jog until the pulse rate comes

down to 134 and then is asked to run on the track with 80% of her speed. Which method is being
used here?

a) Fartlek Training b) Interval Training

c) Acceleration Run d) Continuous Training

4. Which training method is accountable for both aerobic and anaerobic systems of the body?
a) Fartlek Training b) Interval Training c) Pace Run d) Continuous Training

5. Aggressive behavior of a sportsperson is influenced by ____________.

a) Emotional identification with the team b) Tactical Ability
c) Goal Orientation d) All of these

6. Who once said that people will understand God better in a football ground rather than in a
a) REM Wheeler b) Sachin Tendulkar
c) Gautama Buddha d) Swami Vivekananda

7. _______ is a movement that decreases the angle between two body parts.
a) Flexion b) Abduction
c) Adduction d) Stretching

8. Which of the following is not a plane through which does pass through the human body?
a) Sagittal Plane b) Transversal Plane
c) Coronal Plane d) Sagittal Axis

9. In PRICE, which of the following is not ‘P’?

a) Promotion b) Prevent
c) Protection d) Both (a) and (b)

10. Sports Injuries can be classified into ______ depending on their causes.
a) 2 b) 4
c) 5 d) None of these

11. Given below are the two statements labeled Assertion (A) and Reason (R).
Assertion (A): Amenorrhoea is a case of delayed menarche or a case of absence of menstrual
period for 6 months or more, after the last period.

Reason (R): This can be due to various reasons such as eating disorders, high stress levels and
blood pressure, low body weight, heavy bleeding, intensive exercise, etc.

In the context of the above 2 statements, which one of the following is correct?
a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
b) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

12. Picture Analysis

For measuring general motor fitness, the three-item test battery of Barrow is used. In this test, a
battery of three items such as standing broad jump, zig-zag run and medicine ball throw is used
to measure the general motor ability of an individual.

The Zig Zag Run Test is a fitness test of agility and speed. This test requires the athlete to run a
course around cones in the shortest possible time. Equipment required: marker cones, stopwatch,
non-slippery surface measuring __ x __ feet.

Now, fill in the blank with using the picture as the reference
a) 15 x 10 feet b) 16 x 20 feet
c) 16 x 10 feet d) 10 x 10 feet

13. Barrow Three Item Test for Motor ability was developed by ________.
a) Dr Herald M b) AAPHERD
c) Lucien Brouha d) Rikli and Jones

14. How can physical disabilities be diagnosed?
a) Through observation of child’s development
b) Behavior and physical performance
c) Understanding of the mental status
d) Both (a) and (b)

15. Which postural deformity is this?

a) Lordosis b) Kyphosis c) Round Shoulders d) Scoliosis

16. Which Menstrual dysfunction is this?

a) Amenorrhoea b) Dysmenorrhoea c) Polymenorrhea d) Oligomenorrhea

17. Which of the following disorders is this?

a) SPD b) ASD c) ADHD d) ODD


18. What do you mean by Scoliosis? Suggest any 4 physical activities for correcting round


On the basis of the chart given above, answer the following questions: (4 x ½= 2)

1. What sort of friction will be experienced by the people who prefer rafting?
a) Static Friction b) Sliding Friction c) Rolling Friction d) Liquid Friction

2. How many types of Dynamic Friction are there?

a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6

3. ‘Friction is a necessary evil’- Is this statement true?

a) True b) False c) Both of them d) Neither of them

4. Which of the following sports have been equally liked?

a) Cycling and Trekking
b) Cycling and Ice Skating
c) Skiing and Ice Skating
d) Both (a) and (c)

20. A 48- year old athlete has had a bone injury and has been declared to have retired hurt. The
athlete has broken a bone in a single part of the body in the absence of a wound.

On the basis of the case given, answer the following questions (4 x ½= 2)

1. Which of the following changes could have led to the injury?
a) Change in bone density b) Change in vision
c) Change in vision d) Change in body composition

2. What type of injury is this (depending on their cause)?

a) Direct Injury
b) Indirect Injury
c) Overuse Injury
d) None of these

3. What can be the treatment for the bone injury?

a) Usage of Splints and bandages
b) Immobilizing bandages
c) Cold Compression
d) Application of Antiseptic Lotion

4. How many types of fractures are classified under bone injuries?

a) Six b) Seven c) Nine d) Ten

21. (i) Using the picture as your reference, which of these exercises is used to treat Kyphosis?

a) Roller Foam Exercise b) Stability ball exercise
c) Walking on a spiky rubber ball d) Halasana

(ii) Give any 4 causes for Kyphosis.

22. (i) What is ageing?

(ii) Give any 2 changes due to ageing with explaining them in brief.


23. Discuss the procedure, benefits and contradictions of:

(i) Ardha Matsyendrasana
(ii) Bhujangasana
(iii) Gomukhasana

24. Describe any 5 objectives of Extramurals.

25. Elaborate the nature and characteristics of intellectual disability.

26. Briefly explain Flat Foot, its causes and preventive and remedial measures.

27. How are the following tests carried out?

(a) Standing Broad Jump (b) Zigzag Run (c) Medicine Ball Put

28. Write about any 3 Soft Tissue Injuries.

29. Discuss the types of Dynamic Friction in detail.

30. (i) Explain procedure for giving bye. (2)
(ii) What is seeding? (1)

31. Explain the types of strength in detail.

Differentiate between Isotonic and Isometric exercises.

32. ‘This was a culmination of decades of exploration on the subject of personality’. Identify the
concept and write a short note about it.

33. Discuss the origin, procedure, advantages and disadvantages of Harvard Step Test.


34. ‘Disability etiquette are manners that one should follow while interacting with a person with
disability. Various types of disabilities alter the definition of what is normal for the affected
person.’ Mention the various ways in which we implement Disability Etiquettes.

Write briefly on:

(a) ADHD (b) SPD (c) ASD (d) ODD (e) OCD

35. In this type of tournament a team which is once defeated automatically gets eliminated from
the tournament. Only the winning teams continue in the tournament. It means that a second
opportunity is not given to the defeated team. Identify this type of tournament and construct a
fixture for 11 football teams. Mention any 2 disadvantages for this type of tournament. (1+ 4 +1)

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