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DATE: 30/ 10/ 2022

1. There are three sections in the Question paper (SECTION A, SECTION B and
2. Section A consists of 17 questions. The questions carry 1 mark each and are Multiple
Choice Questions. One is to attempt the question by providing the right option along with
the answer as mentioned in the question.
3. Section B consists of 5 questions. The questions carry 2 marks each and should be
answered within 30- 50 words.
4. Section C consists of 11 questions. The questions carry 3 marks each and should be
answered within 80-100 words.
5. Section D consists of 2 questions. The questions carry 5 marks each and should be
answered within 150-200 words.
6. There are a total of 35 questions and all questions are compulsory.


1. a) Introvert, Extrovert and Ambivert

2. d) Bench Lift
3. b) Interval Training
4. a) Fartlek Training
5. d) All of these
6. d) Swami Vivekananda
7. a) Flexion
8. d) Sagittal Axis
9. d) Both (a) and (b)
10. d) None of these
11. c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
12. c) 16 x 10 feet
13. a) Dr Herald M
14. d) Both (a) and (b)
15. c) Round Shoulders
16. b) Dysmenorrhoea
17. b) ASD


18. Scoliosis: It is a postural deformity of spinal curvature in which there is one large lateral
curve extending through the whole length of the spine, or there may be two curves.
4 physical activities for correcting round shoulders:
Stand in correct posture.
Keep the fingertips on your shoulders and encircle your elbows in clockwise and
anticlockwise direction.
Perform Chakrasana and Dhanurasana.
Hold the horizontal bar for some time.
(Or any other relevant answer)
1. d) Liquid Friction
2. a) 3
3. a) True
4. d) Both (a) and (c)

1. a) Change in bone density
2. a) Direct Injury
3. a) Usage of Splints and bandages
4. c) Nine

21. (i) (a) Roller Foam Exercise

(ii) Causes for Kyphosis:
Malnutrition, Rickets, Poorly shaped furniture, Ageing
(Or any other relevant answer)

22. (i) Ageing is a natural and inevitable process with degenerative changes in most of the
physical, physiological and psychological functions.
(Or any other relevant answer)
(ii) Change in Muscle size and strength: As an individual gets older, there is a decline in
muscle size. It is believed that this decline is due, in part, to a reduced amount of protein as well
as a decline in the number and size of muscle fibers.
Change in Bone Density: Bones become more brittle and may break more easily. Overall
height decreases, mainly because the trunk and spine shorten. Breakdown of the joints may lead
to inflammation, pain, stiffness, and deformity. Joint changes affect almost all older people.
(Or any other relevant answer)


(i) Ardha Matsyendrasana: Half Spinal Twist Pose


1. This is done in a sitting posture.

2. Sit with legs straight and stretched in front of you.
3. Bend the right leg, lift it and place it on the left side of the stretched left foot.
4. Bend the left leg and bring it close to the body. Place it under the right buttocks.
5. Take the left arm around the right leg and grab the toes of the right leg with the left hand.
6. Now turn towards the right and simultaneously move the right hand behind the back.
Twist the back and the neck as far right as possible. Exhale while twisting the back and
7. Breathe normally and slowly in this position.
8. Repeat with the other leg.


1. It is one of the best poses to improve the flexibility of the spine.

2. It stimulates the liver and kidneys.
3. It stretches the shoulders, hips and neck.
4. It energizes the spine.
5. It stimulates the digestive fire in the belly.
6. It relieves menstrual discomfort, fatigue, sciatica and backache.
7. It is therapeutic for asthma and infertility.


1. Avoid during pregnancy and menstruation due to the strong twist in the abdomen.
2. People with heart, abdominal or brain surgeries should avoid this asana.
3. Avoid those who are having peptic ulcer or hernia.
4. Those with severe spinal problems should avoid it.
(ii) Bhujangasana: Cobra Pose


1. This is done in lying posture.

2. Lie on the stomach and rest forehead on the floor.
3. Keep the feet and toes together and touch the ground. Place the hands at shoulder level
and palms on the floor.
4. Inhale and lift the head, chest, abdomen and keep the navel on the floor and take five
breaths at least.
5. Exhale slowly comes down to rest with hands below the head slowly.


1. It improves the blood circulation and energizes the heart.

2. It decreases menstrual irregularities in females.
3. It strengthens the muscles of the chest, shoulders, arms and abdomen.
4. It is effective in uterine disorder.
5. It improves the function of the reproductive organ.
6. It improves the function of liver, kidney, pancreas and gallbladder.


1. Pregnant women should avoid this asana.

2. Avoid those who are suffering from slip disc or sciatica problems and asthma.
3. Ulcer patients also avoid this asana.

(iii) Gomukhasana- Cow Face Pose


1. This is a sitting asana.

2. Sit erect and stretch both legs together in front, hands by the side, palm resting on the
ground, fingers of the hands together.
3. Fold right leg at the knee and place it on the ground by the side of the left buttock.
4. Bringing the left leg from above the right leg, place it on the ground by the side of the
right buttock.
5. Now place the palms on the knee one above the other and sit erect.
6. After some time return to the original position.
7. Change the position of the legs i.e. by placing the right knee above and the left knee
down and repeat this as much as you can.


1. It helps to stretch and strengthen the muscles of the ankles, hips and thighs, shoulders,
triceps, inner armpits and chest.
2. It is helpful in the treatment of sciatica.
3. It enhances the workings of the kidneys by stimulating it, thus helping those suffering
from diabetes.
4. Regular practice can reduce stress and anxiety.


1. Those who are suffering from shoulder, knee or back pain should avoid this.
2. People suffering from any kind of knee injury/problem avoid this.

24. Extramural is the activity performed outside the walls of the institution or school. It means
two or more schools organize a competition where their students participate.

1. To improve the standard of sports: It is one of the objectives of inter-school or intramural
competitions to improve the standard of sports. By participating in extramural activities the
students become technically and tactically efficient in their respective sport. They become
skillful. They become able to perform well in competitions. In this way, extramural improves the
standard of sports.
2. To provide experience for students: Extramural has its own value in any field. Extramural
provide experience to students who participate in such competitions. Due to experience, students
exhibit good performance in competition.
3. To develop sportsmanship and fraternity: To develop sportsmanship and fraternity in students
is another important objective of extramural competitions. Extramural competitions tent to
develop the traits of sportsmanship and fraternity in students.
4. To broaden the base of sports is another vital objective of the Extramural: Many students from
various schools participate in extramural. Other schools, who do not participate in extramural,
get motivated, such motivation broadens the base of sports.
5. To provide the knowledge of new rules and advanced techniques: To provide the knowledge of
new rules, regulations, advanced techniques and tactics of sports and games to the students in
other important objectives of extramural. Students come to know about new rules and regulations
of the games and sports. They learn new techniques as well as tactics which enable them to
improve their performance.
25. The term intellectual disability refers to the level of cognitive functioning that is
demonstrated by particular children. It is the circumstance in which a child's cognitive
functioning is impeded to the point of causing a significant disability in receiving information
from his or her environment, then effectively processing, problem solving and adapting to this
information. Intellectual disability is characterized by significant limitations in intellectual
functioning and adaptive behavior, the latter expressed as conceptual, social and practical
adaptive skills. An intellectual disability is defined as an IQ below 70 and deficits in adaptive
behavior or daily living skills (eating, dressing, communication, participation in group activity).
People with intellectual disability learn slowly and have difficulty with conceptual skills, social
and practical skills.

26. Flat foot:

Flat Foot is a deformity of the feet. In this deformity, there is no arc in the foot and the foot is
completely flat, which may cause pain in the foot during running and walking.

Causes of flat foot are:

1. Heaviness of the body

2. Standing for a long time
3. Not doing physical exercises
4. Use of poor quality footwear not having an arch.

Corrective Measures for flat foot are:

1. Walk on sand
2. Walking on wooden staircase
3. Walking with weight on heels and toes

27. General Motor Fitness:

General motor fitness is an athlete’s general ability to perform different motor skills without
getting too fatigued. General motor ability consists of three items designed to test the motor
ability of school and college boys and girls.

Test 1-
Standing Broad Jump:
This test measures the explosive leg power. In this test, the student stands behind the restraining
line, with feet several inches apart and the toes pointed straight ahead. The student should swing
the arms forward, extend the knee and jump forward as far as possible.

Test 2-
Zig – Zag Run:
The materials required are a stop-watch, five traffic cones, floor measuring tape and floor area of
30 feet by 50 feet. Cones are placed on the floor in a zig – zag manner. The objective is to
measure agility. The examiner or the student stands at the starting point. On the signal ‘go’,
he/she runs the course without touching the cones. The student continues to run the course three
times and each time, the time is recorded with the help of a stopwatch. The score is the time
recorded to the nearest tenth of a second. If the cones are moved during the run, then the trial is

Test 3-
Medicine Ball Put:
The material required is a medicine ball. The objective is to measure arm and shoulders girdle
explosive strength. The student is required to put a 6 pound medicine ball as far as possible.
Three trials are taken and the best score of the three is recorded. For boys the explosive strength
throw test is for 3 kg medicine ball and for girls it is 1 kg.

28. Contusion:
It is a muscle injury. A direct hit with or without any sports equipment can be the main cause of
contusion. Contusion can also be due to minor accidents to the skin such as falling, bumping into
something or being hit or kicked. In contusion blood vessels in muscles are broken and
sometimes bleeding may occur in the muscles which may cause bruise. Stiffness and swelling
are common features at the site of contusion.

It is a key injury generally occurs due to friction with certain equipment or a fall over the area
where bone is very close to skin. It may be caused by a fall on a hard surface. As someone falls
or slides on the ground, friction causes layers of the skin to rub off.

It is a ligament injury. It may occur due to overstretching or tearing of ligaments. Many things
can cause sprain. Falling, twisting, or getting hit can force a point out of its normal position. This
can cause ligaments around the joints to tear.Generally, Sprain occurs at wrist and ankle joints.

29. Sliding friction- The opposing force that comes into play when one body is actually sliding
over the surface of the other body. For example-Ice skating.
Rolling friction- The opposing force that comes into play when one body is actually rolling over
the surface of another body. For example, a hockey / cricket ball is hit.
Fluid Friction- The force of friction exerted when an object moves in air or water or other gasses
or liquids is called fluid friction. For example, swimming.
30. (i) Byes can be applied equally to single person competitions and team sports as well as to
single-game eliminations and best of series eliminations. If the number of competitors or
competing teams are not a multiple of 2 then some teams may get ‘bye.’
(ii) Seeding is a procedure by which good teams are placed in fixtures in such a way that
stronger teams do not meet each other at the very start of a tournament. In seeding, the strong
teams are selected to keep them at appropriate places in the fixtures so that they should not meet
in the earlier rounds.

31. Strength is the ability of a muscle to exert force in single muscle contraction or it is the
ability to overcome resistance. Strength is an essential component of physical fitness.

a) Maximum Strength:- It is the ability to overcome or to act against resistance. It is the

maximum force which is applied by the muscles to perform any certain activity. For developing
maximum strength intensity is high and repetitions are less.

b) Explosive Strength: It is a combination of strength and speed abilities. It is the ability to

overcome resistance with high speed. For developing explosive strength, intensity is sub
maximum and repetitions are performed as fast as possible.

c) Strength Endurance: It is the ability to overcome resistance or to act against resistance under
conditions of fatigue.


Isometric exercises are those exercises, which are not visible. In fact there are no direct
movements, hence they can‘t be observed. In these exercises, work is performed but is not seen
directly. In these exercises, a group of muscles carry out tension against the other group of
muscles. For example, pushing against a sturdy wall.

The literal meaning of the word isotonic is constant tension i.e., iso means constant ant tonic
means tension. In this exercise the length of muscles changes (shortens or lengthens) during
action along with tension in them. Isotonic exercise is a form of active exercise in which muscles
contract and cause movement. There is no significant change in resistance throughout the
movement, so the force of contraction remains constant. Such exercise greatly enhances joint
mobility and helps improve muscle strength and tone.

32. Big 5 Theory is the culmination of decades of exploration and the subject of personality.

The ‘big five’ are the broad categories of five personality traits that are universal. They are as

Extraversion: It is characterized by excitability, sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness and high

amounts of emotional expressiveness. People high in extraversion are extroverts and low in
extraversion are introverts.
Agreeableness: This includes attributes like trust, kindness, affection and other social behaviors.
People high in agreeableness are more cooperative and people low in this trait are more
competitive and manipulative.
Conscientiousness: Characteristics include high level of thoughtfulness, good impulse control
and goal-directed behaviors. People high on this trait are organized and mindful of details.
Neuroticism: Characteristics are sadness, moodiness and emotional instability. People high in
this trait experience mood swings, anxiety, irritability and sadness. People low in this trait are
more stable and emotionally resilient.
Openness: Characteristics are imagination and insight. People high in this trait are creative,
adventurous and have a broad range of interests. People low in this trait are more traditional and
less in abstract thinking.

33. Origin: The Harvard Step Test was developed by Brouha et al. (1943) in the Harvard Fatigue
Laboratories during WWII.

Equipment required: A gym bench or box of 20 inches high for men and 16 inches for women,
stopwatch and cadence tape.

Procedure: The athlete stands in the front of the bench or box. On the command “GO” the athlete
steps up and down on the bench or box at a rate of 30 steps per minute. Stopwatch is also started
at the start of the stepping.

Calculation of the scores: Calculate with the help of following formula

“fitness index score = (100 × test duration in seconds)/ (2 × sums of heartbeat in recovery

1.It keeps the heart rate up allowing an athlete to get good cardiovascular endurance.
2.It is good for aerobic and anaerobic fitness.
3.It is not rigid but flexible in nature.
4.In this training method no equipment is required.

Disadvantage: Biomechanical characteristics vary between individuals. For example, considering

that the step height is standard, taller people are at an advantage as it will take less energy to step
up onto the step.


34. Disability Etiquettes:

Disability etiquettes is a set of guidelines to deal with the people facing physical or mental
disabilities. It was started as a clinical play on existing rule sheets, written for non-disabled
audiences that were seen as demeaning by civil rights activists in the 1970s. The term serves to
communicate people with disabilities more respectfully in all types of situations. It refers to
educate people regarding disabilities. It involves treating people with disabilities with respect
and care, and try to bring them into a normal life.

Disability Etiquettes in General

Always respect the dignity of a disabled person, individuality and desire for independence.
Treat a person with disability in the same manner and with the same respect and courtesy as with
Speak directly to the person rather than through the friend, attendant or sign-language interpreter
who may also be present.
Never speak about the person as if they are invisible, can’t understand what is being said. .
Don’t put people with a disability on a pedestal or talk to them in demeaning terms.
Disability Etiquette Guidelines

[i] Persons with Speech Difficulties

1. Give attention to the person who has difficulty

2. in speaking.
3. Keep manners to encourage rather than correcting.
4. Give extra time for the conversation and be patient.
5. If you have difficulty in understanding, don’t pretend that you do. Repeat as much as you
do understand.
[ii] Person with Hearing Loss

1. Get the person’s attention with a wave of the hand, or a tap on the shoulder.
2. Speak clearly and slowly, but without exaggerating your lip movements or shouting.
3. Many people with hearing loss read lips. Place yourself facing the light source and keep
hands, cigarettes and food away from your mouth when talking in order to provide a clear
view of your face.
4. When an interpreter accompanies a person, direct your remarks to the person rather than
to the interpreter.
5. Look directly at the person and speak expressively.
6. Use sign language if you and the person are both familiar with it.

[iii] Persons with Vision Loss

1. When entering the room, indicate who is there. Let the person know when leaving the
2. When talking to a person with a visual impairment, begin to identify yourself by name
and that you are speaking to them.
3. When offering your assistance, do not grab the person’s cane or arm.
4. If you are walking with a person who is blind, offer your arm for him/her to hold.
5. Walk at the normal pace. It is helpful to speak casually and naturally about the
environment, objects and buildings you are passing as you walk.
6. Not all visually impaired people read Braille. Ask the person what alternative format they

(iv) Persons with Cognitive / Language Impairments

1. Use a calm voice and be comfortable. Use simple and short sentences.
2. Do not argue with the person.
3. Treat each person as an individual with talents and abilities deserving of respect and
4. Give extra time for the person to process what: you are saying and to respond. Look for
signs of stress and/ or confusion.

The rules of etiquette and good manners to deal with people with disabilities are generally the
same as the rules for good etiquette in society. These guidelines address.specific issues which
frequently arise for people with disabilities; Since everyone is different, these guidelines only
hold true for most individuals most of the time.

A disorder is referred to as a disturbance in physical or mental health or functions that causes

dysfunction. Some types of disorder are discussed below:

[Attention Deficit’ Hyperactivity Disorder]
The nature of this disorder is related to . behavioral changes or disorders. About 10% of school
going kids suffer from ADHD,
Boys are more susceptible to this disorder than girls. The common symptoms of this disorder are
hyperactivity, trouble focusing on a task, a very short span of attention and missing details. .
Children with ADHD may understand what’s expected of them but have trouble following the
instructions required to complete the task. ‘ Young children mostly act in this way when they are
excited or anxious but the difference with ADHD is that these symptoms are present over a
longer period of time and take place in different settings. The ADHD disorder affects a child’s
academic performance as well as social behavior. Causes of ADHD are .

1. Genes and Heredity Genetic inheritance and abnormalities in genes may cause this
2. Brain Injury and Epilepsy Children who have had traumatic brain injuries or who have
epilepsy can often have ADHD-like symptoms.
3. Environmental Causes Prenatal exposure to smoke, exposure to high levels of lead as a
toddler and preschooler is a possible contributor.

SPD [Sensory Processing Disorder]

This is a condition in which the brain has trouble in receiving and responding to information that
comes in through the senses. The SPD is related to mental nature. There the sensory inputs are
not organized by the brain in an appropriate manner.
The common symptoms are showing heightened reactivity to sound, touch or movement.
Under-reactive in certain situations example not noticing when name is called, lethargic,
disinterested, poor motor skills, lack of attention, impulsive behaviors etc. The SPD interferes
with the children’s normal everyday functioning. They also have delayed communication and
social skills. SPD also impacts on a person’s ability to interact with different environments.

Causes of SPD are as follows

1. Genetic or hereditary factors such as having a family history of autism, SPD.

2. Have been understimulated during critical periods of neurological development.
3. Have been exposed to a variety of environmental toxins.
4. Have food allergies.
5. Having developmental delays and other neurological disorders.

ASD [Autism Spectrum Disorder]

The nature of this disorder is related to mental illness which then changes the behavior. It is a
complex developmental disorder that affects normal brain development. The symptoms of ASD
are difficulty in communication and interaction with people. They also have repetitive behavior
patterns like flicking a light switch repeatedly, smelling everything, flipping objects etc.

Children with ASD also have sensory sensitivities such as not using eye contact, confused by
language, repeating a word etc. Here the brain does not function in the typical way due to which
they face developmental challenges.. Children and adults with ASD do not acquire good social
skills and face many behavioral problems. They often stare at a particular person or object, like a
few foods, get over excited by certain sounds etc.

Causes of ASD are as follows

1. ASD can be the result of heredity factors, genetic differences and genetic mutations.
2. It can also be caused through abnormal mechanisms of brain development and other
neurobiological factors.
3. Environmental factors related to exposure to drugs, toxins like lead, insecticides,
hydrocarbons and dietary factors may cause ASD.

ODD [Oppositional Defiant Disorder]

The nature of this disorder is related to social behaviors. This behavior disorder usually takes
place in early teens. Apart from teens, ODD also affects young children especially boys. In
children it begins from the age of 8 years. About 2-16% of children are affected by ODD. The
main symptoms of ODD are similar patterns of anger, irritable mood, saying hateful things,
flaring up at trivial matters, seeking revenge etc.

Here children in their early teens try to defy authority every now and then, they express their
defiance by arguing, disobeying, talking back to parents, teachers and other adults. Though this
type of behavior is normally seen among all the teenagers, the difference in ODD is that the
behavior lasts more than 6 months and is excessive in comparison to other children of the same
age. This kind of behavior often disrupts the child’s normal daily activities and hampers
academic performance.

Causes of ODD are as follows

1. Genetics A child’s natural disposition or temperament and possible neurobiological

differences in the way nerves and the brain function may cause ODD.
2. Environment Problems with parenting that may involve a lack of supervision,
inconsistent or harsh discipline, or abuse or neglect also cause ODD.

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder]

The nature of this disorder is related to mental illness. This usually takes place in people of
middle ages. Males and females both are equally affected by OCD. About 15-20% of the people
experience OCD in mild forms. The symptoms of this disorder are people doing repetitive
behaviors, performing routine tasks over and over again or having certain thoughts repeatedly.

Some examples of this type of disorder are frequent or excessive hand washing, counting to
things repeatedly, checking if a door is locked again and again. These activities occur to such a
degree that it affects a person’s life negatively. The OCD can become serious and may cause
other problems related to mental illness.

Causes of OCD are as follows

1. Familial Disorder The disorder may run in the family, therefore close relatives of people
with OCD are likely to develop it.
2. Behavioral Causes The behavioral theory suggests that people with OCD associate
certain objects or situations with fear and learn to avoid those things or learn to perform
rituals in order to help reduce the fear or the stress related to that situation.
3. Cognitive Causes This happens when people misinterpret their thoughts like the feeling
of dirty hands even when they are cleaned many times.
4. Environmental Causes This means stressful situations present in the environment such as
within the family or society that triggers OCD in people.
35. Type of Tournament: Knockout Tournament

2 disadvantages of Knockout Tournament:

1. There may be many chances of elimination of good teams in the 1st or 2nd round. So
good teams may not reach the final round.
2. There are maximum chances of weak teams to enter into the final round. Spectators may
not have enough interest in the final match.

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