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GY 2023
Common known causes of skin disorders include:
◼ • bacteria trapped in skin pores and hair follicles
◼ • fungus, parasites, or microorganisms living on the skin
◼ • viruses
◼ • a weakened immune system
◼ • contact with allergens, irritants, or another person’s infected skin
◼ • genetic factors
◼ • illnesses affecting the thyroid, immune system, kidneys, and other body systems
◼ Numerous health conditions and lifestyle factors can also lead to the development of certain skin
disorders. Some skin conditions have no known cause.

◼ is a term for a group of intestinal disorders that cause prolonged inflammation of the digestive tract.
These bowel-related disorders often cause skin problems. The drugs used to treat these diseases can
cause certain skin conditions, such as:
◼ • skin tags
◼ • anal fissures
◼ • stomatitis
◼ • vasculitis
◼ • vitiligo
◼ • allergic eczema
◼ Many people with diabetes experience a skin problem as a result of their condition at some
point. Some of these skin disorders only affect people with diabetes. Others occur more
frequently in people with diabetes because the disease increases the risk for infection and
blood circulation problems. Diabetes-related skin conditions include:
◼ •bacterial infections, such as boils, styes, and folliculitis (caused by an infection of hair
follicles with Staphylococcus aureus (staph) bacteria)
◼ •fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot, ringworm, and yeast infections
◼ •acanthosis nigricans ; Visit
◼ •diabetic blisters diabetes and experience the spontaneous eruption of blisters on your skin,
they may well be diabetic blisters. These are also called bullosis diabeticorum or diabetic
◼ •diabetic dermopathy
◼ •digital sclerosis

◼ Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease that can damage the skin, joints, or organs inside the body.
Common skin problems that occur from lupus include:
◼ • round lesions on the face and head
◼ • thick, red, scaly lesions
◼ • red, ring-shaped lesions on body parts exposed to sunlight
◼ • flat rash on the face and body that looks like a sunburn
◼ • red, purple, or black spots on fingers and toes
◼ • sores inside the mouth and nose
◼ • tiny red spots on the legs

◼ Pregnancy causes significant changes in hormone levels that may lead to skin problems. Preexisting skin
problems may change or get worse during pregnancy. Most skin conditions that arise during pregnancy go
away after the baby is born. Others require medical attention during pregnancy.
Common skin conditions caused by pregnancy include:
◼ • stretch marks
◼ • melasma
◼ • pemphigoid
◼ • pruritic urticarial papules and plaques
◼ • eczema
◼ • eczema
◼ • psoriasis
◼ • acne
◼ • rosacea
◼ • ichthyosis Ichthyosis is a family of genetic skin disorders characterized by dry, thickened, scaly skin. The
re are other types of ichthyosis range in severity of symptoms, outward appearance, underlying genetic
cause and mode of inheritance
◼ Vitiligo (vit-ih-LIE-go) is a disease that causes loss of skin color in patches. The discolored areas usually
get bigger with time. The condition can affect the skin on any part of the body. It can also affect hair and
the inside of the mouth.
◼ Hives
◼ Alopecia areta
◼ The sun can cause many different skin disorders. Some are common and harmless, while others are rare
or life-threatening. Knowing if the sun causes or worsens your skin disorder is important for treating it
◼ Sunlight exposure may cause or aggravate the following conditions:
◼ • moles
◼ • wrinkles
◼ • sunburn
◼ • actinic keratosis
◼ • skin cancer, including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma
◼ • photosensitivity
◼ Many skin disorders are treatable. Common treatment methods for skin conditions include:
◼ • antihistamines
◼ • medicated creams and ointments
◼ • antibiotics
◼ • vitamin or steroid injections
◼ • laser therapy
◼ • targeted prescription medications
◼ Not all skin disorders respond to treatment. Some conditions go away without treatment. People with
permanent skin conditions often go through periods of severe symptoms. Sometimes people are able to
force incurable conditions into remission. However, most skin conditions reappear due to certain triggers,
such as stress or illness.
You can often treat skin disorders that are temporary and cosmetic with:
◼ • medicated makeup
◼ • over-the-counter skin care products
◼ • good hygiene practices
◼ • small lifestyle adjustments, such as making certain dietary changes

◼ Certain skin disorders aren’t preventable, including genetic conditions and some skin problems due to other illnesses.
However, it’s possible to prevent some skin disorders.
◼ Follow these tips to prevent infectious skin disorders:
◼ • Wash your hands with soap and warm water frequently.
◼ • Avoid sharing eating utensils and drinking glasses with other people.
◼ • Avoid direct contact with the skin of other people who have an infection.
◼ • Clean things in public spaces, such as gym equipment, before using them.
◼ • Don’t share personal items, such as blankets, hairbrushes, or swimsuits.
◼ • Sleep for at least seven hours each night.
◼ • Drink plenty of water.
◼ • Avoid excessive physical or emotional stress.
◼ • Eat a nutritious diet.
◼ • Get vaccinated for infectious skin conditions, such as chickenpox.
◼ Noninfectious skin disorders, such as acne and atopic dermatitis, are sometimes preventable. Prevention
techniques vary depending on the condition. Here are some tips for preventing some noninfectious skin
◼ • Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and water every day.
◼ • Use moisturizer.
◼ • Avoid environmental and dietary allergens.
◼ • Avoid contact with harsh chemicals or other irritants.
◼ • Sleep for at least seven hours each night.
◼ • Drink plenty of water.
◼ • Eat a healthy diet.
◼ • Protect your skin from excessive cold, heat, and wind.
◼ Learning about proper skin care and treatment for skin disorders can be very important for skin health.
Some conditions require the attention of a doctor, while you can address others safely at home. You
should learn about your symptoms or condition and talk with your doctor to determine the best treatment

◼ Online sources

◼ Contact dermatitis
◼ Contact dermatitis is one of the most common occupational illnesses.
The condition is often the result of contact with chemicals or other
irritating materials. These substances can trigger a reaction that
causes the skin to become itchy, red, and inflamed. Most cases of
contact dermatitis aren’t severe, but they can be rather itchy. Topical
creams and avoiding the irritant are typical treatments.
• Appears hours to days after contact with an allergen
• Rash has visible borders and appears where your skin touched the irritating substance
• Skin is itchy, red, scaly, or raw
• Blisters that weep, ooze, or become crusty

◼ is a minor condition that causes small, rough bumps on

the skin. These bumps usually form on the upper arms,
thighs, or cheeks. They’re typically red or white and
don’t hurt or itch. Treatment isn’t necessary, but
medicated creams can improve skin appearance.
• Common skin condition most often seen on the arms and legs, but might also occur on the face, buttocks, and
• Often clears up on its own by age 30
• Patches of skin that appear bumpy, slightly red, and feel rough
• May get worse in dry weather

◼ Some chronic skin conditions are present from birth, while others
appear suddenly later in life.
◼ The cause of these disorders isn’t always known. Many permanent
skin disorders have effective treatments that enable extended periods
of remission. However, they’re incurable, and symptoms can reappear
at any time. Examples of chronic skin conditions:

◼ • Chronic skin disease that goes through cycles of fading and relapse
◼ •Relapses may be triggered by spicy foods, alcoholic beverages, sunlight,
stress, and the intestinal bacteria Helicobacter pylori
◼ •Common symptoms include facial flushing, raised, red bumps, facial
redness, skin dryness, and skin sensitivity
PinterestBy M. Sand, D. Sand, C. Thrandorf, V. Paech, P. Altmeyer, F. G. Bechara [CC BY 2.0
(], via Wikimedia Commons
◼ •Scaly, silvery, sharply
defined skin patches
◼ •Commonly located on
the scalp, elbows, knees,
and lower back
◼ •May be itchy or

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◼ • Loss of pigment in the skin due to

autoimmune destruction of the cells that give
skin its color
◼ • Focal pattern: loss of skin color in only a few
small areas that may merge together
◼ • Segmental pattern: depigmentation on one
side of the body
◼ • Premature graying of scalp and/or facial hair
◼ Skin disorders are common in children. Children can experience many of
the same skin conditions as adults. Infants and toddlers are also at risk for
diaper-related skin problems. Since children have more frequent exposure
to other children and germs, they may also develop skin disorders that
rarely occur in adults. Many childhood skin problems disappear with age,
but children can also inherit permanent skin disorders. In most cases,
doctors can treat childhood skin disorders with topical creams, medicated
lotions, or condition-specific drugs

◼ • Fifth disease is a viral disease that often results in a red

◼ • eczema rash on the arms, legs, and cheeks. For this reason, it’s also
known as “slapped cheek disease.”
◼ • diaper rash
• It’s fairly common and mild in most children. It can be
◼ • seborrheic dermatitis more severe for pregnant women or anyone with a
compromised immune system.
◼ • chickenpox ◼ • hives

◼ • measles ◼ • ringworm (tinea)

◼ • rashes from bacterial or fungal infections
◼ • warts
◼ • rashes from allergic reactions
◼ • acne
◼ Skin conditions have a wide range of symptoms. Symptoms on your skin that appear due to common problems aren’t
always the result of a skin disorder. Such symptoms can include blisters from new shoes or chafing from tight pants.
However, skin problems that have no obvious cause may indicate the presence of an actual skin condition that
requires treatment.
Skin irregularities that are typically symptoms of a skin disorder include:
◼ • raised bumps that are red or white
◼ • a rash, which might be painful or itchy
◼ • scaly or rough skin
◼ • peeling skin
◼ • ulcers
◼ • open sores or lesions
◼ • dry, cracked skin
◼ • discolored patches of skin
◼ • fleshy bumps, warts, or other skin growths
◼ • changes in mole color or size
◼ • a loss of skin pigment
◼ • excessive flushing

◼ •Commonly located on the face, neck, shoulders,

chest, and upper back
◼ • Breakouts on the skin composed of blackheads,
whiteheads, pimples, or deep, painful cysts and
◼ • May leave scars or darken the skin if untreated
TX: Antibiotics. For moderate to severe acne, you may need oral
antibiotics to reduce bacteria.
Usually the first choice for treating acne is a tetracycline
(minocycline, doxycycline) or a macrolide (erythromycin,
Salicylic acid may help prevent plugged hair follicles.
◼ •Characterized by watery, clear, fluid-filled area on the
◼ •May be smaller than 1 cm (vesicle) or larger than 1 cm
(bulla) and occur alone or in groups
◼ •Can be found anywhere on the body

◼ They're bubbles that pop up when fluid collects in

pockets under the top layer of your skin. They can be
filled with pus, blood, or the clear, watery part of your
blood called serum. Most are shaped like circles.
Depending on the cause, your blister could itch or
hurt a lot or a little. They can appear as a single
bubble or in clusters.
◼ • Red, painful, fluid-filled blister that appears near the mouth
and lips
◼ • Affected area will often tingle or burn before the sore is visible
◼ • Outbreaks may also be accompanied by mild, flu-like
symptoms such as low fever, body aches, and swollen lymph
◼ are a common viral infection. They are tiny, fluid-filled blisters on
and around your lips. These blisters are often grouped together
in patches. After the blisters break, a scab forms that can last
several days. Cold sores usually heal in two to three weeks
without leaving a scar.
◼ Cold sores spread from person to person by close contact, such
as kissing. They're usually caused by herpes simplex virus type 1
(HSV-1), and less commonly herpes simplex virus type 2
(HSV-2). Both of these viruses can affect your mouth or genitals
and can be spread by oral sex. Cold sores are contagious even if
you don't see the sores.
◼ •Itchy, raised welts that occur after exposure to
an allergen
◼ •Can be small, round, and ring-shaped or large
and randomly shaped
◼ •Hives (urticaria) are red, mildly painful to the
touch. itchy welts that result from a skin
reaction. The welts vary in size and appear and
fade repeatedly as the reaction runs its course.
◼ The condition is considered chronic hives if the
welts appear for more than six weeks and
recur frequently over months or years. Often,
the cause of chronic hives is not clear.
◼ TX: Antihistamines is given; Virilix, Celestamine,
◼ • Typically less than 2 cm, or about the size of a pencil eraser
ACTINIC KERATOSIS ◼ • Thick, scaly, or crusty skin patch

◼ • Appears on parts of the body that receive a lot of sun exposure

(hands, arms, face, scalp, and neck)
◼ • Usually pink in color but can have a brown, tan, or gray base

◼ • Actinic keratosis is a precancerous growth on the skin caused

by long-term exposure to ultraviolet light. It is also known as
solar keratosis. Actinic keratosis often appears in groups of
several growths. The condition surfaces most often on areas of
the body that are exposed to sunlight regularly.
◼ TX: Application of medicated cream or gel to remove them, such as
fluorouracil (Carac, Efudex others), imiquimod (Aldara, Zyclara) or
◼ Freezing (cryotherapy). Actinic keratoses can be removed by
freezing them with liquid nitrogen.
◼ Scraping (curettage). In this procedure, your health care provider
uses a device called a curet to scrape off damaged cells.
CARBUNCLE ◼ • May be accompanied by fever, body aches, and
◼ • Can cause skin crustiness or oozing
A carbuncle is a red, swollen, and painful cluster of
boils that are connected to each other under the skin. A
boil (or furuncle) is an infection of a hair follicle that
has a small collection of pus (called an abscess) under
the skin. Usually single, a carbuncle is most likely to
occur on a hairy area of the body such as the back or
nape of the neck. But a carbuncle also can develop in
other areas of the body such as the buttocks, thighs,
groin, and armpits.
Tx: incision and drainage & antibiotics.

◼ • Yellow or white scaly patches that flake off

◼ • Affected areas may be red, itchy, greasy, or oily
◼ • Hair loss may occur in the area with the rash

◼ •Caused by bacteria or fungi entering

through a crack or cut in the skin
◼ •Red, painful, swollen skin with or
without oozing that spreads quickly
◼ •Hot and tender to the touch
◼ •Fever, chills, and red streaking from
the rash might be a sign of serious
infection requiring medical attention
◼ •Symptoms include fever, sore throat,
MEASLES red, watery eyes, loss of appetite, cough,
and runny nose
◼ •Red rash spreads from the face down
the body three to five days after first
symptoms appear
◼ •Tiny red spots (Koplic’s sign)with
blue-white centers appear inside the
mouth 2-3 days after symptoms begins
◼ Measles isn’t just a little rash. Measles can be
dangerous, especially for babies and young
children. Measles typically begins with high
fever (may spike to more than 104°), cough,
runny nose (coryza), and red, watery eyes
◼ Measles can be dangerous, especially for
babies and young children.
PinterestContent Providers(s): CDC/Dr. Heinz F. Eichenwald
[Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
∙ Raised, firm, and pale areas that
may resemble a scar
∙ Dome-like, pink or red, shiny, and
pearly areas that may have a
sunk-in center, like a crater
∙ Visible blood vessels on the
∙ Easy bleeding or oozing wound
that doesn’t seem to heal, or heals
and then reappears
∙ Often occurs in areas exposed to
UV radiation, such as the face,
ears, and back of the hands
∙ Scaly, reddish patch of skin
progresses to a raised bump that
continues to grow
∙ Growth that bleeds easily and
doesn’t heal, or heals and then
◼ • The most serious form of skin
cancer, more common in
fair-skinned people
◼ • Mole anywhere on the body that
has irregularly shaped edges,
asymmetrical shape, and multiple
◼ • Mole that has changed color or
gotten bigger over time
◼ • Usually larger than a pencil eraser
∙ A disease that occurs when your body's immune system attacks your own tissues
and organs (autoimmune disease). Inflammation caused by lupus can affect many
LUPUS different body systems — including your joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, brain,
heart and lungs.
∙ Symptoms include fatigue, headaches, fever, and swollen or painful joints
∙ Scaly, disc-shaped rash that doesn’t itch or hurt
∙ Scaly red patches or ring shapes most commonly located on the shoulders,
forearms, neck, and upper torso that worsen with exposure to sunlight
∙ Warm, red rash that spreads across the cheeks and bridge of the nose like
butterfly wings and worsens in the sun
∙ TX: Immunosuppressants. Drugs that suppress the immune
system may be helpful in serious cases of lupus. Examples
include azathioprine (Imuran, Azasan), mycophenolate (Cellcept),
methotrexate (Trexall, Xatmep, others), cyclosporine
(Sandimmune, Neoral, Gengraf) and leflunomide (Arava).
◼ Biologics. A different type of medication, belimumab (Benlysta)
administered intravenously, also reduces lupus symptoms in some people.
◼ Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Over-the-counter
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as naproxen sodium
(Aleve) and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others), may be used to treat pain,
PinterestBy swelling and fever associated with lupus.

Doktorinternet (Own
work) [CC BY-SA 4.0
via Wikimedia Commons
∙ Caused by many different types of a
virus called human papillomavirus
∙ May be found on the skin or mucous
∙ May occur singly or in groups
∙ Contagious and may be passed to
∙ Tx: application of salicylic acid.
CHICKENPOX ∙ Chickenpox, or chicken pox, also known as varicella, is a
highly contagious, vaccine-preventable disease caused by
the initial infection with varicella zoster virus (VZV), a
member of the herpesvirus family.
∙ Clusters of itchy, red, fluid-filled blisters in various stages
of healing all over the body
∙ Rash is accompanied by fever, body aches, sore throat, and
loss of appetite
∙ Remains contagious until all blisters have crusted over
∙ The disease results in a characteristic skin rash that forms
small, itchy blisters, which eventually scab over
∙ Tx : antihistamine to ease itchiness.
∙ . If at high risk of complications, a doctor may
suggest antiviral medicine to fight the virus, such as
acyclovir (Zovirax, Sitavig). This medicine may lessen
the symptoms of chickenpox.

∙ Theinexact
oil cause
the skin or of seborrheic
a problem dermatitis
in the immuneisn't clear. It may be due to the yeast Malassezia, excess
∙ Yellow or white scaly patches that flake off
∙ Affected areas may be red, itchy, greasy, or oily
∙ Hair loss may occur in the area with the rash
∙ Ringworm of the body (tinea corporis) is a rash
RINGWORM caused by a fungal infection. It's usually an itchy,
circular rash with clearer skin in the middle.
Ringworm gets its name because of its appearance.
No worm is involved.
∙ Circular-shaped scaly rashes with raised border
∙ Skin in the middle of the ring appears clear and
healthy, and the edges of the ring may spread outward
∙ Itchy
◼ Ringworm of the body is related to athlete's foot
(tinea pedis), jock itch (tinea cruris) and ringworm
of the scalp (tinea capitis). Ringworm often
spreads by direct skin-to-skin contact with an
infected person or animal.
◼ TX: Apply an over-the-counter antifungal
lotion, cream or ointment such as clotrimazole
(Lotrimin AF) or terbinafine (Lamisil AT) as
directed on the packaging.

PinterestJames Heilman/Wikimedia Commons

∙ Common skin condition that causes dark patches
to appear on the face and, rarely, the neck, chest, or
∙ More common in pregnant women (chloasma) and
individuals with darker skin color and heavy sun
∙ No other symptoms beyond skin discoloration
∙ May go away on its own within a year or may
become permanent
∙ TX: Hydroquinone: This is a common treatment
for melasma. It is applied to the skin and works to
even out the skin tone.
∙ Tretinoin and a mild corticosteroid: This
combination contains a retinoid and an
anti-inflammatory, which can even out skin tone.
◼ Impetigo (im-puh-TIE-go) is a common and highly
contagious skin infection that mainly affects infants
and young children.
◼ It usually appears as reddish sores on the face,
especially around the nose and mouth and on the hands
and feet.
◼ Over about a week, Irritating rash and fluid-filled
blisters that pop easily and form a honey-colored crust.
◼ • Rash is often located in the area around the
mouth, chin, and nose
◼ TX: Antibiotics can limit the spread of impetigo
to others. Stay home

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