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The Filipino value system, often known as Filipino values, refers to a collection of

principles that have traditionally been essential in the lives of the majority of Filipinos. This
Philippine values system consists of its own set of beliefs, moral standards, ethical practices,
etiquette, and personal and cultural values, all of which are promoted by their society. These
values also influence our practices such as in business.

One of the Filipino value systems that commonly influence business practices is
Cronyism which is a type of the Padrino System. Padrino System or patronage in Philippine
culture and politics, is the system of respect in which one receives popularity, advancement,
or political position by family association (nepotism) or friendship (cronyism), as opposed to
one'smerit. Cronyism in particular is the appointment of friends and associates to positions of
authority, without proper regard to their qualifications. An example of this Filipino system
value is the situation given where Chiqui went to ask for help from his father after being fired
from his previous work. In which his father immediately called his friend who is a business
owner.and his father’s friend responded that Chiqui can apply for a position in his business

Cronyism is indeed an advantage for those who have connections within a business
as it makes them land a job easily however, it poses many negative effects to the business.
One of which is that it can bring dissatisfaction and disappointment to the current
employees. Cronyism can be viewed like favoritism, when current employees see that
someone is being treated differently this will make them disappointed. And disappointment
can lead to job dissatisfaction, deviant workplace behavior, low organizational commitment,
and employee disengagement with their work. Moreover, cronyism in business can seriously
affect the overall condition of the business. Hiring people that do not have the qualifications
fitted for a job can hinder the flow of work within the business.

Hence, it is not really good for a business to practice cronyism, so if I were Chiqui I
would not ask my dad for some help to land a job. I personally believe that getting a job
without using some connections is a great satisfaction because it means that you truly are
qualified for that job. Moreover, I do not want to rob those people who really are qualified to
get the job. Most importantly, I do not want to become a problem in the business that I am
applying to if I don’t really have the skills or knowledge to positively contribute to the

Fairness should be observed in a workplace, whether in the hiring process,

information dissemination, etc. This is because everyone deserves to have a fair chance of
getting hired or getting this information. Furthermore, unfairness in business can also cause
plummets in the morale and productivity of the employees.

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