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The hiring system has become one of the most prominent topic in today’s current situation of
the ociety which is the increasing rate in unemployment. Padrino System is the most common system
that is very rampant in various place, wherein the person gets the job because he/she has relative in
the company being applied to.

The Filipino value system that is seen in the situation is Padrino System wherein padrino
system in simpler words is when it comes to work or job referral, it is known in our local dialect as
“Palakasan” is one of the most common, most corrupt, unfair and dirtiest way of getting a job in the
government and/or other private industry without the hassle which is similar to Chiqui’s case, wherein
she talked and asked her father which is a politician to help her to get a job immediately without doing
the right process to enter a job.
Numerous negative effects can arise because of the application of Chiqui. One is the most
common problem of the society right now, increasing rate in unemployment. Unemployment of qualified
and employment of unfitted due to padrino system are constantly growing. The thing is with padrino
system who abuses it is that they disregard the qualifications of deserving individuals just to please
their connections. Individuals with padrino are given preferential treatment over those who are
deserving. People who engage in or misuse the padrino system have the confidence to turn to
corruption because they have their padrino to help or defend them because of their connections which
can lead to corruption in the society. Thus, Creating a more unemployed society because of the padrino
system is the same as increasing sufferings of deprivation, isolation, and alienation of the
If I am Chiqui, I would not ask my dad’s help to land a job because it’ll be very incompetent
move on my part. If I was fired from my work then so be it, I should take responsibility on my actions to
why I was fired from my work. I shouldn’t ask for my dad’s help to land a job in the first place because I
should be responsible on establishing my own career. There is nothing wrong for asking for someone’s
help but in Chiqui’s case his father shouldn’t be the one who is looking for a solution to what happened
to her. I may ask for my dad’s help but I will only ask for advices and suggestions from him, and I
wouldn’t ask him to call his friend who own a business and apply for a position in his business
immediately. If I am Chiqui. I should use my own skills and knowledge to apply new job and to be in a
job that compliments my skills and to be in a job deserve because of the hard-work I made to get

All in all, the Padrino System brings no good to our society and we should not romanticize the
Padrino System.

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