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TIME: 8.00AM – 11.00AM


ADM NO: 18j03dmba012



Question One

This class expected us to describe corporate and personal ethics. We noted that Warren

Buffett’s (chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway) wise hiring advice for companies

seeking good leaders. They look for three things when his company hires people. In several

well-developed sentences, apply this to your work situation: “And if they don't have the

latter, the first two will kill you, because if you're going to get someone without integrity,

you want them lazy and dumb.”

Warren Buffett's hiring advice for companies seeking good leaders is based on three essential

traits that he looks for in potential hires: integrity, intelligence, and energy. According to Buffett,

integrity is the most important trait of the three, as it forms the foundation for a company's

ethical culture.

In my work situation, I believe that these three traits are equally important for anyone who wants

to be successful in their job. Integrity means being honest and ethical in all aspects of one's work,

including dealing with colleagues, customers, and stakeholders. It means doing the right thing,

even if it may not be the easiest or most profitable decision in the short term.

Intelligence is also crucial, as it enables individuals to think critically and make sound decisions

based on available data and information. This includes not only intellectual intelligence but also

emotional intelligence, which allows individuals to understand and empathize with others'

perspectives and needs.

Finally, energy refers to an individual's drive, passion, and work ethic. It is the willingness to put

in the time and effort required to achieve one's goals and contribute to the success of the

company. Without energy, even the most intelligent and ethical employees may not be able to

deliver their best work or meet the demands of the job.

Buffett's statement that if you're going to get someone without integrity, you want them lazy and

dumb is a powerful reminder of the importance of integrity in the workplace. An unethical

employee who is also intelligent and energetic can be dangerous for a company, as they may use

their skills and drive to pursue their own interests at the expense of the company's values and

goals. In contrast, an employee who lacks intelligence or energy may be less effective at causing

harm, but they will still be a liability for the company if they are unethical.

For example, imagine a salesperson who is highly intelligent and energetic but lacks integrity.

They may be able to close deals quickly and bring in a lot of revenue for the company, but they

may also engage in unethical practices such as misleading customers or overpromising on

products. In the long run, such behavior will damage the company's reputation and undermine its

relationship with customers.

Alack of integrity can also lead to negative consequences such as legal and financial problems.

For instance, an employee who engages in fraudulent behavior may expose the company to legal

liability and financial losses.

Intelligence is important as it enables employees to solve problems and make informed decisions

that benefit the company. However, intelligence alone is not sufficient. Ethical decision-making
requires critical thinking, moral reasoning, and consideration of the impact of decisions on all

stakeholders, including customers, employees, and the community.

Energy is essential for success in the workplace, as it drives motivation and productivity.

However, it is also important to ensure that this energy is directed towards achieving ethical

goals and serving the best interests of the company and its stakeholders. Without integrity, an

energetic employee may pursue personal gain at the expense of the company's values and


Warren Buffett's hiring advice emphasizes the importance of integrity, intelligence, and energy

in the workplace. These three traits are critical for building a strong ethical culture and ensuring

the long-term success of the company. Hiring employees who embody these traits will not only

benefit the company but also create a positive work environment that attracts and retains top


In conclusion, Warren Buffett's advice on hiring leaders with integrity, intelligence, and energy

applies to any work situation. These three traits are essential for building a strong ethical culture

and ensuring the long-term success of the company.


Question Three (20 Points)

This class expected us to justify the need to increase awareness of the moral choices that

are implicit in virtually every aspect of managerial and organizational life. To help meet

this outcome, each student gave a one-hour leadership presentation. In several well-
developed paragraphs defend how you accomplished this. Be sure to reference any

guidance provided to you from your peer via the evaluation form.

Increasing awareness of the moral choices that are implicit in managerial and organizational life

is crucial to ensuring ethical decision-making in the workplace. As a student in this class, I had

the opportunity to give a one-hour leadership presentation, which helped me to fulfill this


During my presentation, I emphasized the importance of ethical decision-making in the

workplace and highlighted the various moral choices that managers and employees encounter on

a daily basis. I discussed real-life examples of ethical dilemmas, such as conflicts of interest,

insider trading, and workplace harassment, to help illustrate the complexity of these issues and

the need for ethical leadership.

I also referred to the guidance provided by my peer via the evaluation form. My peer provided

constructive feedback on my presentation, which I used to further develop my arguments and

ensure that my message was clear and effective. They noted that my presentation was well-

organized and engaging, and that I effectively communicated the importance of ethical decision-

making in the workplace.

To help meet the objective of increasing awareness of moral choices in managerial and

organizational life, I also provided practical guidance on how to make ethical decisions. I

discussed the importance of creating a culture of ethics in the workplace, which involves

establishing clear ethical standards, promoting ethical behavior, and holding individuals

accountable for unethical conduct.

I also emphasized the need for ethical decision-making frameworks, such as the Utilitarian and

Kantian approaches, to help guide decision-making in complex situations. I provided examples

of how these frameworks can be applied in different scenarios, such as balancing the interests of

stakeholders, and how they can help managers make ethical decisions.

In conclusion, my leadership presentation helped to increase awareness of the moral choices that

are implicit in managerial and organizational life. By discussing real-life examples of ethical

dilemmas, providing practical guidance on ethical decision-making, and incorporating feedback

from my peer, I was able to effectively communicate the importance of ethical leadership and

promote a culture of ethics in the workplace.

Question Five (20 Points)

Among the expected learning outcomes of this class is to be able to discuss the dangers of

ignoring the impact of business decisions on the full range of stakeholders. Among the

things we noted are 6 workplace distinctives at our Nazarene Global Ministry Center:

Community, Humility, Respect, Integrity, Service, and Trust. In several well-developed

paragraphs, critique some ways your work place is practicing these in management of its

personnel and clients.

The six workplace distinctives at the Nazarene Global Ministry Center (NGMC) – community,

humility, respect, integrity, service, and trust – are essential for creating a positive work

environment that values and supports all stakeholders. When practiced effectively, these values

can promote a culture of inclusivity, accountability, and ethical decision-making.

In terms of community, NGMC has fostered a sense of belonging and togetherness among its

employees. The organization promotes team-building activities and encourages employees to

collaborate and support each other. For example, the annual staff retreat provides an opportunity

for employees to connect and share their experiences and ideas. Moreover, the organization

values diversity and inclusivity, which has contributed to a sense of community that is

welcoming to all.

Humility is also an important value at NGMC. Leaders and managers are expected to lead by

example and prioritize the needs of others above their own. This value is reflected in the

organization's servant leadership philosophy, which emphasizes the importance of humility and

selflessness. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, NGMC took steps to ensure the

safety and well-being of its employees by implementing remote work policies and providing

resources to support mental and physical health.

Respect is another distinctive that is emphasized at NGMC. The organization expects its

employees to treat others with dignity and respect, regardless of their background or position.

This value is reflected in the organization's policies and practices, such as the anti-harassment

and anti-discrimination policies. NGMC also encourages open communication and dialogue,

which allows employees to express their opinions and concerns in a safe and respectful


Integrity is perhaps the most crucial distinctive in promoting ethical decision-making and

responsible business practices. NGMC emphasizes the importance of honesty, transparency, and

ethical behavior in all aspects of its operations. For example, the organization has implemented

policies to prevent conflicts of interest, bribery, and corruption. Moreover, NGMC has

established an independent ethics and compliance committee, which provides guidance and

support to employees and ensures compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Service is another important value that guides NGMC's operations. The organization is

committed to serving its clients and stakeholders with excellence and professionalism. This value

is reflected in the organization's customer service policies and practices, which prioritize the

needs of clients and ensure that their expectations are met or exceeded. NGMC also encourages

its employees to participate in community service and volunteer activities, which supports its

mission of serving the greater good.

Finally, trust is a fundamental value that underpins all of NGMC's operations. The organization

expects its employees to be trustworthy and reliable in their interactions with clients and

stakeholders. This value is reflected in the organization's policies and practices, such as the

confidentiality and data protection policies. NGMC also values feedback and accountability,

which allows the organization to continuously improve and earn the trust of its stakeholders.

In conclusion, NGMC's workplace distinctives provide a strong foundation for promoting ethical

decision-making, responsible business practices, and positive work culture. By fostering

community, humility, respect, integrity, service, and trust, NGMC has created a workplace that

values and supports all stakeholders, promotes inclusivity and accountability, and contributes to

the organization's mission of serving the greater good.

Question Six (20 Points)

One of the expected learning outcomes of this class is to practice a positive attitude toward

incorporating ethical values and stakeholders analysis throughout business decision-

making. To help us accomplish this we considered 12 questions regarding the desired ANU

graduate skills, capabilities and dispositions. In several well-developed paragraphs,

interact with any 5 of these questions to show that you have attained this expected learning


How aware are you of how you fit into our wider world?

How is your understanding of your discipline broadening?

How are you developing in the area of character?

How good are you at utilizing technology to address global challenges?

Are you able to receive and transmit information effectively?

How well are you doing at influencing others through your leadership?

How well do you work collaboratively with others?

Are you able to form images in your mind, and turn them into real, visible creations?

How good are your reasoning skills? Can you see different perspectives, problem solve and

make judgements?

What is the level of your confidence in your abilities?

How good are you at collecting and analyzing information, solving problems and making


Are you able to determine the source of problems and find effective solutions?

One of the questions that can help individuals achieve this outcome is "How well do you work

collaboratively with others?" Collaboration is essential for incorporating ethical values and

stakeholders analysis in business decision-making. By working with others, individuals can gain
different perspectives and insights, which can help them identify ethical considerations and

ensure that all stakeholders are taken into account. For example, a team of employees from

different departments working collaboratively to design a new product can ensure that the

product meets ethical standards and addresses the needs of all stakeholders, including customers,

employees, and the community.

Another question that can contribute to this outcome is "How good are your reasoning skills?

Can you see different perspectives, problem solve and make judgments?" Ethical decision-

making requires individuals to think critically, weigh different perspectives, and make informed

judgments. By developing reasoning skills, individuals can identify ethical considerations,

understand the impact of decisions on stakeholders, and make ethical decisions that benefit the

company and society as a whole.

The question "How well are you doing at influencing others through your leadership?" can also

help individuals attain this outcome. Effective leadership involves setting a positive example,

promoting ethical values, and encouraging stakeholders to consider ethical considerations in

decision-making. By influencing others through ethical leadership, individuals can foster a

culture of ethics and accountability in the workplace.

The question "Are you able to receive and transmit information effectively?" is also relevant to

achieving this outcome. Effective communication is essential for incorporating ethical values and

stakeholders analysis in decision-making. By receiving and transmitting information effectively,

individuals can ensure that all stakeholders are informed and that ethical considerations are taken

into account.
Lastly, the question "Are you able to determine the source of problems and find effective

solutions?" can help individuals attain this outcome. Ethical decision-making requires

individuals to identify and address problems that may arise in the workplace. By developing

problem-solving skills, individuals can identify ethical issues and find effective solutions that

benefit all stakeholders.

In conclusion, interacting with the ANU graduate skills, capabilities, and dispositions can help

individuals attain the expected learning outcome of practicing a positive attitude toward

incorporating ethical values and stakeholders analysis throughout business decision-making. By

developing collaborative skills, reasoning skills, ethical leadership, effective communication, and

problem-solving skills, individuals can ensure that ethical considerations are taken into account

in decision-making and that all stakeholders are considered.

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