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The bar chart outlines the percentage of 6800 adults in Scotland who took part in

various cultural activities last year.

Overall, the participation rate was the highest among the youngest age group in
almost all activities, while older people were less active.
Out of the 6800 Scottish subjects who were over 16 it is evident that the age
group between 16 and 24 had the highest participation rate in these activities,
and these ranged from 10% in computer based programs to 35% in performances.
The second most interesting area of this group was visual arts (30%), which was
almost two times more than writing (17%). Regarding undertaking any crafts as
well as any purchases, they had significantly lower percentage (11%) compared to
the older age groups.
On the other hand, people aged 25-44 and 45-74 participated more in crafts and
cultural purchases, 17% for younger adults and 18% for older population.
Performance along with visual arts were more preferable among people aged 25-
44 (22% and 16%, respectively), whereas 17% and 11% of senior citizens
participated in these activities. Fewer people were active in writing and computer
based events (less than 10%).

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