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The provided chart illustrates the percentage of people in a British town attending different
leisure activities based on their level of educational achievement. The activities include Arts,
Cinema and Sport.
Overall, it is evident that people with university-level education tend to engage the most in
Cinema and Arts activities since they have the highest percentages. The situation differs
when it comes to sports activities as it drastically decreases than the other two activities and
because according to the chart, individuals with a secondary education level exhibit the
highest level of participation in sports.
As seen on the chart, the highest attendance, in Arts and Cinema activities is associated
with individuals who have university-level education. Additionally, the chart illustrates a
significant level of attendance in these activities both from individuals with secondary
education until age 16 and secondary education until age 18.
In contrast, for sport activities, the percentages experience a significant decrease
compared to the other two leisure activities. Sport activities have the highest participation
among individuals with secondary education until age 18, differing from Arts and Cinema
activities where university-level education individuals show the highest attendance
percentages. Nevertheless, it's important to note that sport activities still maintain the
lowest attendance percentage rate overall, making Arts and Cinema the most attended
activities in this British town.

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