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 Asteroids are small, rocky objects that orbit the Sun. Although asteroids orbit the Sun like
planets, they are much smaller than planets. Asteroids are small, rocky objects that orbit the
sun. Although asteroids orbit the sun like planets, they are much smaller than planets.
 Asteroids produces its light by reflecting the light from the sun
 Asteroids orbit the sun in an elliptical way
 Asteroids lasts 20 million- 50million-2billion year
 Asteroids originated from the asteroid belt//location
 Asteroids are left overs from the formation of our solar system.


 Comets are made of dust and ice wrapping themselves around a small rocky core
 Scientist believes comets are left overs from the beginning of our solar system
 Comets don’t produce their own light//They reflect light from the sun//reflectors of light
 When comet travels around the sun radiation and heat cause solar winds which blow the gas
and dust of comet and therefore it appears as if the tail is behind to comet and when comet
travels away from the sun the tail is formed in front of the comet
 Comets orbit around the sun mostly, but they spend billion of years in the kuiper belt or the oort
 Comets go around the sun in a highly elliptical orbit
 The kuiper is found beyond the orbit of the neptune
 The oort cloud are found in the outermost reaches of the sky
 And comets live in oort cloud/kuiper belt because its cold there
 They don’t live long when they enter the warmer part of the solar system, travelling through the
inner solar system eventually kills them, and after several thousand years they melt
 Short-period comets take less than 200 years, and long-period comets take over 200 years, with
some taking 100,000 to 1 million years to orbit the Sun. The short-period comets are found near
the ecliptic, which means they are orbiting the Sun in same plane as the planets.


 Shooting stars are meteors

 Some meteors burn brigther than the rest often known as fire balls
 Some fireballs appear even brighter than planet venus
 Theres a small percentage of meteoroids that follow a particular path to the earth’s
atmosphere and then back out again//called grazing fireballs
 About 25million meteors enter the earth’s atmosphere everyday//most of them often burn
up, giving out 1 million kilograms of dust per day that settles on earth’s surface


 Found in the asterioud belt between mars and jupiter

 Often known as solar junkyard
 When the molecules around the meteoroids rub against them, they start burning
 When a burning meteoroid passes through the earths atmosphere it is called a meteor
 And when a meteor survives through the earths atmosphere and collides with the earth’s
surface it is called a meteorite


 They consist mainly of iron-nickel metal with small amounts of sulphide and carbide
minerals. During the decay of radioactive elements in the early history of the solar system,
many asteroids melted and the iron they contained, being dense, sank to the centre to form
a metallic core.
 Meteorites are classified into three types// the stony ones, the ones that have iron in them,
and the magnetic ones

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