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Ezekiel T. Mostiero, JD
Module 2

The Structure of

Lesson 1:

Global Economy

Lesson 2:

Market Integration

Lesson 3:
Global Interstate and Global
Module 2

The Structure of


Lesson 3:

Global Interstate
and Global Governance
In this lesson, you will know the role of
government as a nation-state in forming
interconnections, and HOW international politics
influence the decision making of world leaders.
Global InterState System

Modern politics is governed through nation-states.


defined as people, or aggregation of community of persons, more or

men, existing in the form of an less numerous, occupying a defined
organized society, usually inhabiting territory, possessing an organized
a distinct portion of the earth. government, and enjoying
independence from external
Global Interstate System

Why is the world organized the way it is?

What are the historical antecedents of
contemporary world politics?

To further understand HOW international

politics influence world leaders, let us
discuss the historical antecedents that led
to the contemporary world politics…
Global Interstate System
30 Years War of the Holy Roman Empire (1618-1648)

80 Years War between Spain and the Dutch


The Peace of Westphalia


1914-1918 1939-1945


In this lesson, you will know the role of
government as a nation-state in forming
interconnections, and HOW international politics
influence the decision making of world leaders.
30 Years War of the 80 Years War between
Holy Roman Empire (1618-1648) Spain and the Dutch Republic

Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand Dutch Revolt.

II, tried to impose religious
The followers of John Calvin
uniformity and forcing his domains
protested against the imposition of
to accept Roman Catholicism.
the Holy Roman Empire that
fear and anger among Northern Catholicism must be the sole and
Protestant states only religion to follow.
30 Years War of the 80 Years War between
Holy Roman Empire (1618-1648) Spain and the Dutch Republic

The Thirty Years War and Eighty Years War did not end the conflicts in Europe but it was able to establish the precedent
of peace reached by diplomatic congress and a new system of the political order in Europe that is now based upon the
concept of co-existing sovereign countries or known as the

Peace of Westphalia
The Peace of Westphalia
helps us to understand and
quantify the power of nation-
states. The treaty
established new political
norms and concepts of
international political
affairs and dominance such
as the legal equality of
states, non-intervention, and
a repudiation of the principle
of supra-nationalism.

Supranationalism is defined
as the voluntary association
of three or more independent
states willing to yield some
measure of sovereignty for
mutual benefit.
The rise of power of Napoleon Bonaparte
(1769-1821) French emperor who sought to
spread the principles of the French Revolution
across Europe (Napoleonic Wars, 1803-1815) key
was the formation of:

Napoleonic code
Forbade birth privileges, freedom of religion,
meritocracy in government services and this event
resulted to, a brief hegemony in Europe.

Britain, Prussia, Russia, and Austria opposed French

Empire and saw the collapsed of Napoleon Bonaparte
in 1814, they started planning the postwar world.
The Concert of Europe also known as the Congress of Vienna was the first of
a series of international meetings in which the purpose was to restore the
balance of power in Europe peacefully. This later become the model of the
first-formed international organizations such as:

the: League of Nations in 1919 and the United Nations in 1945.

World War I
World War I, known as the "war to end all wars," occurred between
July 1914 and November 11, 1918.
World War I
World War I, known as the "war to end all wars," occurred between July 1914
and November 11, 1918.
World War I
World War I, known as the "war to end all wars," occurred between July 1914
and November 11, 1918.
World War I
World War I
What are the effects of World War I?
What are the effects of
World War I?
World War II
World War II was the biggest and deadliest war in history, involving more than 30
countries. Sparked by the 1939 Nazi invasion of Poland, the war dragged on for six
bloody years until the Allies defeated Nazi Germany and Japan in 1945.

The war in Europe began in September 1939 when Nazi Germany, under Adolf Hitler, invaded Poland. France
responded by declaring War; Germany defeated Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Netherlands, France. Britain was
attacked by Germany; Hitler invaded Russia (1941); Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor joining USA;
World War II
World War II
World War II
World War II
World War II
What are the effects of World War II?
What are the effects of World War II?
Cold War
What are the effects of Cold War?
What are the Ideas that Shaped the

“For states in their relation to each other, there

cannot be any reasonable way out of the lawless
condition which entails only war except that they, like
individual men, should give up their savage [lawless]
freedom, adjust themselves to the constraints of
public law, and thus establish a continuously growing
state consisting of various nations which will
ultimately include all the nations of the

Immanuel Kant
What are the Ideas that Shaped the World?

International law is a law between states

“The end that a disinterested legislator upon
international law would propose to himself
would ... be the greatest happiness of all
nations takes together.” He advocated the
creation of international law that would
govern inter-state relations. Bentham
believed that objective global legislators
should aim the propose legislation that would
create the greatest happiness of all nations
taken together.

Jeremy Bentham (1748 – 1832) – coined the term “international” in 1780

What are the Ideas that Shaped the World?

Mazzini’s Nationalist Internationalism

Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872) – an architect of Italian

unification, ardent nationalist, and major critique of the
Metternich system. He is the first one to reconcile
nationalism with universal internationalism. He also
believed in a Republican government without kings,
queens and hereditary succession and proposed a
system of free nations that cooperated with each other
to create an international system. For him, free and
independent states would be the basis of an equally
free, cooperative international system.
What are the Ideas that Shaped the World?

Wilsonian Internationalism US President Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)

Nations were subject to the universal laws of God, which could be discovered
through reason Principles include self-determination, democratic government,
collective security, international law, and a league of nations. “I am proposing, as
it were, that the nations should with one accord adopt the doctrine of President
Monroe as the doctrine of the world: that no nation should seek to extend
its polity over any other nation or people, but that every people should be left free
to determine its polity, its way of development—unhindered, unthreatened,
unafraid, the little along with the great and powerful.”
The ideas of Wilson, Kant, and Mazzini

became the foundation in the formation of League of Nations which

was founded in the 1919 Paris Peace conference after WW1. The role of
this organization is to maintain world peace through international
arbitration, eventually, this leads to the birth of task-specific international
organizations like the WHO and the ILO (international civil service).

was challenged by the ideology of Socialist internationalism ,

like socialism, is an ideology that sees workers of the government should own and control
the means of wealth for the benefit of all the people not just for a few (Zaide and Zaide,
2015) Karl Marx (1818-1883) believed that “Workers of the world should unite” and that
“The proletariat has no nation”
The major challenge to internationalism: Fascism
The rise of Hitler’s supreme power in Germany resulted in a new global order. The government
controls the resources which are vital in the economic and political process. This lead to
colonization of different parts of the world with Japan and Italy as their ally. He advocated the
primacy of ethnic majorities and a regional sphere of influence.

The Formation of the. United Nations

aims to preserve peace after the war, reinforced principles of
sovereignty and non-intervention, it reflected the postwar balance of

Security Council – to maintain peace and security Permanent 5 has

veto (vestiges of the Concert). UN took over the duties of the League,
grew larger than the league because of decolonization.
In this lesson, you should have known the role of
government as a nation-state in forming
interconnections, and HOW international politics
influence the decision making of world leaders.

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