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15 Non Verbal Clues

Name : Diva Rachma Sumirat

Class : SI-R41/21
NPM : 21402082

1.In friendship who Is listening to his friend tell stories and laugh together

2.Two people having discussion shaking hand and smiling signifies agreement

3. two people chatting but one of them looks away because it’s uncomfortable
4. A mother who is scolding her child and the child is also upset with his mother

5. Mother and child watching movie together

6. A woman is in badmood because problem in her work

7. A family applauds because they are proud of one family member

8. A teacher watching students study

9. she is sad because the problem

10. he crossed his arms in disapproval

11. she smiled and formed an ok sign for agreeing

12. a man hugs a woman because he loves her

13. a man who was surprised and opened his mouth in surprise

14. a woman waves goodbye to goodbye

15. The staff and manager has bend down to respect each other

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