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COVID 19 Virus: What Is It?

The severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), the Middle East respiratory syndrome,
and the common cold are all diseases that can be brought on by the coronavirus family
of viruses (MERS). A disease epidemic that began in China was linked to a novel
coronavirus in 2019.

The infection is referred to as coronavirus 2 severe acute respiratory syndrome

(SARS-CoV-2). It creates a condition known as coronavirus illness (COVID-19). The
World Health Organization (WHO) classified the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic in
March 2020.

organizations involved in public health, including the U.S. The WHO and the Centers for
Disease Control (CDC) are keeping an eye on the COVID-19 pandemic and providing
information on their websites. These organizations have also provided suggestions for
managing and avoiding the virus that causes COVID 19.
Two to fourteen days following exposure, COVID-19 symptoms and signs may manifest.
The incubation period is the interval between exposure and the onset of symptoms.
Even if you don't yet have symptoms, COVID-19 can still spread (presymptomatic
transmission). Typical warning signs and symptoms include:
A loss of taste or smell may be one of the first signs of COVID-19.
Additional signs can include:
respiratory issues or shortness of breath
muscle pain
unwell throat
clogged nose
chest discomfort
Red eye (conjunctivitis)
This is not an exhaustive list. Children typically have minor illnesses and have adult-like
From from mild to severe, COVID-19 symptoms can range in intensity. Only a few
symptoms may be present in some persons.

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