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Review article:

The Identification of Covid-19 Impact to Pneumonia Sufferers

Faizal Nugraha, Haevia Nafisah, Levina Hadi, Sakila Maharani, Via Nurhidayah

Pharmacy Study Program, Tasikmalaya Health Polytechnic, West Java, Indonesia

Abstract: This study aims to determine the impact of Covid-19 on pneumonia

sufferers at this time and this type of research is a type of research that uses the
literature review method, where the results of this study show that the impact of
Covid-19 on pneumonia sufferers in Indonesia is very significant. A person who
suffers from Covid-19 after having pneumonia is at a very high risk for
complications if he has severe pneumonia but for ordinary pneumonia it can be
cured immediately if handled properly and appropriately. Corona virus (Covid-19) is
a new virus that spreads in 2020, this virus is a new type of virus (SARS-CoV-2),
the disease is called Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The spread of this virus
is so fast that it causes various problems in almost all over the world, including
Indonesia. The Corona virus can infect anyone, but the effect will be more
dangerous or even fatal if it occurs in elderly people, pregnant women, smokers,
people whose immune systems are weak, for example in cancer sufferers, and
people who have certain diseases such as pneumonia.

Keywords: Corona disease; COVID-19; Pneumonia disease.


The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) calls the virus Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV-2) or we know Corona
virus Disease 2019 (COVID 2019). SARS-CoV-2 or COVID 2 is a virus from the
beta type of coronavirus that can cause mild to severe respiratory problems. The
COVID-19 virus has a higher transmission rate than SAR-CoV or MERS.
Coronavirus (COV) is a single-chain RNA virus with a diameter of 80-120 nm.
SARS-CoV-2 is the seventh member of the coronavirus family to infect humans.
Meanwhile, pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs caused by infection with
symptoms of high fever accompanied by cough with phlegm, rapid breathing
(frequency of breath> 50 times / minute), shortness of breath, and other symptoms
(headache, restlessness and decreased appetite). Pneumonia is a health problem in
the world because of the high mortality rate, not only in developing countries, but
also in developed countries such as the United States, Canada and other European


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the newly

discovered corona virus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will
experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special
treatment. For the elderly, and those with medical problems such as pneumonia or
cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. Pneumonia is an inflammatory
condition of the lungs that attacks the small air sacs or alveoli. Symptoms include a
combination of a productive or dry cough, chest pain, fever, and difficulty breathing.
The severity of the condition varies. Pneumonia is usually caused by a viral or
bacterial infection, and less often by other microorganisms. Identifying the pathogen
responsible can be difficult. Diagnosis is often based on symptoms and a physical
examination. Chest x-rays, blood tests, and sputum culture can help confirm the

2.1 Spread and Symptoms of COVID-19

The existence of the corona virus is very disturbing because it raises public concern,
with this virus a quarantine is held for residents who have traveled to infected areas.
So that people no longer underestimate this virus. The government officially
announced the first COVID-19 cases in Indonesia on March 2, 2020. Two positive
Indonesians said that they had direct contact with Japanese citizens who were
visiting Indonesia. March 11, 2020, for the first time there was a case of death due to
the corona virus. The victim who died was a 59-year-old male citizen of solo origin.
It is known that he contracted it after attending a seminar in Bogor in February.
COVID-19 is now a pandemic that attacks all countries in the world. The COVID-
19 virus can cause various symptoms in people with it. Most of the corona viruses
spread like other viruses, namely through the droplet of a person with saliva
(coughing and sneezing), touching the hands or face of an infected person, touching
the eyes, nose, or mouth after handling items that have been splashed with the saliva
of a person with the corona virus, feces or feces ( rarely happening). Especially for
COVID-19, the incubation period is not certain. However, the average symptoms
appear after 2-14 days after the first virus enters the body. In addition, the method of
transmission of COVID-19 is also not known with certainty. Initially, the corona
virus type COVID-19 was thought to have originated from animals. COVID-19 is a
virus that circulates in several animals, including camels, cats and bats. In fact, this
virus rarely evolves and infects humans and spreads to other individuals. However,
cases in China are now clear evidence that this virus can spread from animals to
humans. In fact, now the transmission can be from human to human. What needs to
be emphasized is that some coronaviruses can cause severe symptoms. The infection
can turn into bronchitis and pneumonia caused by COVID-19, resulting in
symptoms such as:
1) Fever which may be quite high if the patient has pneumonia.

2) Cough gently.

3) shortness of breath.

4) Chest pain or tightness when breathing and coughing.

The following are mild symptoms caused by the COVID-19 virus:

1) Runny nose.

2) Headache.

3) Cough.

4) Sore throat.

5) Fever

6) Not feeling well

2.2.Etiology and Symptoms of Pneumonia

Pneumonia is caused by infection with bacteria or viruses and is rarely caused by

fungi and parasites. Generally, pneumonia occurs when germs that enter the
respiratory tract overpower the immune system and eventually cause an infection.
Pneumonia can also be triggered by the entry of certain substances or substances
into the lungs (pulmonary aspiration) which in turn triggers inflammation and
infection. This condition is also known as aspiration pneumonia. In addition,
pneumonia can also be triggered by airway obstruction due to tumors or chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This condition can cause bacteria to
develop in the lungs. Pneumonia caused by bacteria usually only occurs in one part
of the lung. There are several bacteria that can cause pneumonia, one of which is
Streptococcus pneumonia. Meanwhile, viral pneumonia is adenovirus, influenza
virus, hantavirus, and coronavirus that causes SARS, MERS, and COVID 19. Viral
pneumonia can worsen quickly, for example Corona virus infection (SARS-CoV-2).
Patients with infectious pneumonia usually have symptoms of a productive cough,
fever accompanied by shaking chills, difficulty breathing, sharp or stabbing chest
pain during deep breaths, and increased respiratory rate.

2.3 The Impact of COVID-19 on People with Pneumonia

For those who catch COVID-19, pneumonia is a common complication.

"Pneumonia is basically an infection of the lungs," says Nikita Desai, MD, a
pulmonary and critical care doctor at the Cleveland Clinic. Even though COVID-19
is a virus, people with severe pneumonia will most likely be given antibiotics in the
event of a secondary bacterial infection, according to experts. So far it's not clear
how often people with COVID-19 develop secondary bacterial pneumonia, says
Charles Dela Cruz, MD, Ph.D., director of the Center for Pulmonary Infection
Research and Treatment at Yale University. But during the H1N1 influenza
pandemic in 2009, secondary bacterial infections were common. However, beyond
that, another big difference with COVID-19 is that no treatment has been shown to
be effective against the virus. Those who are hospitalized for COVID-19 will
receive supportive care, such as oxygen. Some people have also received antiviral
drugs, but none have been shown to be effective against the virus in clinical trials.
Apart from that, there is no effective treatment against the virus yet. Those who are
hospitalized for COVID-19 will receive supportive care, such as oxygen insertion.
The clinical manifestations of COVID-19 patients have a wide spectrum, ranging
from asymptomatic, mild symptoms, pneumonia, severe pneumonia, ARDS, sepsis,
to septic shock. Based on the severity of the case, COVID-19 can be divided into
several groups, namely: 1) without symptoms; 2) mild or uncomplicated; 3)
moderate or moderate; 4) severe or severe pneumonia; and 5) critical. In the
symptom-free group if the patient had no symptoms. Where the moderate or
moderate group is adolescent or adult sufferers with pneumonia but it is not severe
and does not require oxygen supplementation, or children sufferers with severe
pneumonia, coughing, difficulty breathing, and rapid breathing. Severe group or
severe pneumonia are adolescent or adult sufferers with fever or fever or
surveillance of respiratory tract infection or pneumonia plus any of the symptoms;
breath rate ≥ 30 bpm, severe respiratory distress, or oxygen saturation (SpO2) <93%
in room air or in pediatric patients with cough or difficulty breathing, plus at least
one of these; central cyanosis or SpO2 <90%, severe respiratory distress (such as
snoring, heavy chest wall traction), signs of severe pneumonia (inability to
breastfeed or drink, loss of consciousness, or seizures), other signs of pneumonia.
The critical group is patients with respiratory failure, acute respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS), septic shock, and / or multiple organ failure. Someone who has
pneumonia and is infected with COVID-19, can make the heart work harder because
the lungs are increasingly difficult to oxygenate the blood and this can lead to death.
In addition, pneumonia sufferers who have contracted COVID-19 even though they
have been declared cured of COVID-19 and the PCR results are negative will leave
residues called fibrosis or inflammation in the lung tissue after COVID-19, this is
what is called a long Covid. The course of the COVID-19 disease is shown in Figure
4, while Figure 5 shows the course of the disease in severe COVID-19 patients and
the onset of symptoms from several reports.
Figure 4. Schematic of the course of the COVID-19 disease

Figure 5. The course of illness in COVID-19 is severe

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the corona virus. Most
people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory
illness. Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition of the lungs that attacks the small air sacs
or alveoli. Symptoms include a combination of a productive or dry cough, chest pain, fever,
and difficulty breathing. Most coronaviruses are spread like other viruses, namely through a
person's saliva splash (coughing and sneezing), touching the hands or face of an infected
person, touching the eyes, nose, or mouth after handling items that have been splashed with
the saliva of a person with the coronavirus, feces or feces rarely happening).

Generally, pneumonia occurs when germs that enter the respiratory tract overpower the
immune system and eventually cause an infection. Pneumonia can also be triggered by the
entry of certain substances or substances into the lungs (pulmonary aspiration) which in turn
triggers inflammation and infection. A person who has pneumonia and is infected with
COVID-19, can cause the heart to work hard because the lungs are increasingly difficult to
oxygenate the blood and this can lead to death.


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