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US History
Back Home (module 7, lesson 3, pg 336-345)

1. How did the American economy need to change during WW1?

2. What two things did Congress give President Wilson the power to do to accomplish this?

3. What were the roles of the War Industries Board, the Railroad Administration, the Fuel Administration, and the
Food Administration?

4. Explain why there was a boom in union membership during WW1? Which reason for US entry into the war does
this reinforce?

5. What responsibility did the National War Labor Board have?

6. How did the US government finance (raise money to pay for) the war effort?

7. How did the Committee on Public Information popularize the war effort?
8. How were German and Austro-Hungarian immigrants negatively affected in the US?

9. List several examples of how the daily life of Americans was changed by the war effort.

10. How did African Americans view the war? How were they affected by it?

11. Overall, what was the effect of the war on the size and power of America’s government? Was this necessary
and appropriate? Explain why or why not.

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