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Week 18: What's wrong?

Instructions: Watch the short clip below titled "Balance professional and personal life" by Monster and
answer the following questions afterward.

1. What game are the characters playing in the clip?

 Based on the presented clip, the characters are playing guess the word game. From the
word itself, each player needs to guess the word with the help of given clues or
hints. Some named it “Surmise the word”. A player needs to give activity to the word
that he/she picked, and the others need to git it

2. What is odd in the response of the guy who is wearing glasses?

 His response is odd in the light of the fact that he is conversing with his chief and he is
zeroing in on his expert life rather than investing energy with his companions. What’s
more the outcome, his response is approach too far and not proper to the game

3. What is the message of the clip?

 The message of the clip is you need to balance your activities. If you have work, make
sure to finish it first before going out having bonding with your friends. Your work must
be balanced and organized at the right time.

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