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Life teaches us the most important lessons that are there to learn, thus
life’s experiences have become the greatest teacher of all. Most wisdom is
gained by experiencing different things. Our experience serves as a basis for
reflection. From reflections, we develop ideas about the world. We then test the
ideas to see if they are true, and in the end, we have a new experience.
When I experienced dealing with rough situations and learned to pause for
a while in order to reflect, there I learned also to remain calm and composed
about the whole situation. I have more time to reflect during this time of
pandemic compared to the previous years. My daily experiences as a teacher
have taught me about everyday realities of working life and most importantly
equipped me with the soft skills needed to succeed at any organization where I
belong. It’s just like saying that chances have given me access to a huge network
of people along the way.
These are the few things I learned in addition to the other: Effortful
learning combined with real life on the job experience is a winning formula for
success. Choices plus experiences help create the kind of person I want to be. I
must quit complaining and never think of changing things which I can not
change. I am responsible of creating my own opportunities. I should never let the
noise of other’s opinion drown my own inner voice. Most importantly, I must
have the courage to follow my heart and intuition, they somehow already know
what I truly want to become.

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