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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 950–960

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Critical review and methodological approach to evaluate the differences MARK

among international green building rating tools

B. Mattonia, C. Guattarib, L. Evangelistib,c, F. Bisegnaa, P. Gorib, F. Asdrubalib,
Department of Astronautical, Electrical and Energy Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Via Eudossiana, 18, 00184 Rome, Italy
Department of Engineering, Roma TRE University, Via Vito Volterra, 62, 00146 Rome, Italy
Department of Engineering, Niccolò Cusano University, Via Don Carlo Gnocchi, 3, 00166 Rome, Italy


Keywords: Building performances play a fundamental role in the worldwide energy scenario. In the last years, many
Sustainability countries have developed certification procedures in order to rate the environmental sustainability of buildings,
Green buildings aiming at reducing energy consumptions and environmental impacts during the construction, management and
Rating tools operational phases of a building.
Methodological approach
This study firstly provides an overview of the different certification procedures employed in several countries
all over the world, considering also which Green Building Rating System (GBRS) is only applied in its own
country and which one is developed in other countries by means of proper adaptations. Five widespread and well
known green building rating systems (CASBEE, Green Star, BREEAM, LEED and ITACA) are then analyzed in
detail and differences and similarities among them are highlighted. To this aim, six new macro-areas (site, water,
energy, comfort and safety, materials and outdoor quality) are defined and a normalization procedure is im-
plemented, in order to provide significant information about the sustainability aspects taken into account in the
different rating tools and aiming at comparing them. This comparison allows to identify the main features of the
five tools and to highlight qualitative and quantitative differences. The analysis shows that the certification tools
are not homogeneous from both points of view.
The aim of this work is to understand which issues have more influence on the final performance rate of each
system and to give to final users a deeper knowledge of the aspects included in these tools.

1. Introduction fundamental to evaluate competing alternatives when a selection of

materials, energy resources, production processes design choices, lo-
The world global energy consumption has been continuously cations for building placement has to be performed [14]. In this fra-
growing in the last years and it seems that this growth will continue at mework, the concept of green building has come to light and many
least in the near future [1]. It is well known that in developed countries definitions can be found in literature. For instance, Kibert defined a
the building sector is responsible of about 40% of the total energy use green building as: “… healthy facilities, designed and built in a re-
[2]. As a result, increasing buildings energy efficiency is a primary goal source-efficient manner, using ecologically based principles” (p. 9)
[3–5] and many solutions have been studied and suggested in order to [15]. According to Robichaud and Anantamula, there are four pillars of
improve this aspect [6–8]. Indeed, energy-labelling procedures were green buildings: the minimization of environmental impact, the en-
developed by various countries in order to assess buildings energy hancement of health conditions of building users, the economical re-
performance [9–12]. Besides the fact that increasing energy efficiency turns to investors and local community, the life cycle impacts on the
is one of the most important issues for governments, there is the need to planning, development and operational phases [16].
assess building performance from a broader perspective, taking into In this context, in order to estimate buildings sustainability level,
account also the environmental, social, and economic impacts of con- the so-called green rating systems were developed in the last years.
structions. The concept of sustainable development, which dates back While energy efficiency labelling is generally mandatory, sustainability
to the ’70 s [13], has become increasingly important in recent years, labelling is still mostly made on a voluntary basis.
embracing several different fields and being applied to widely different They consist in methodological approaches able to evaluate the
territorial scales. As a matter of fact, a measure of sustainability is environmental sustainability of buildings by analyzing their energy

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (F. Asdrubali).
Received 29 April 2017; Received in revised form 20 July 2017; Accepted 26 September 2017
Available online 07 October 2017
1364-0321/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Mattoni et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 950–960

Fig. 1. A global map of Green Building labelling systems.

consumptions, the characteristics of the site, the indoor well-being and very different from each other [32,33]. It is also worthy to notice that
the effects on human health. In these tools, energy efficiency is actually the green building rating tools are defined according to local climatic
one of the main ingredients [17] but energy efficiency and sustain- and geographic conditions [2] and these differences are the con-
ability may be also conflicting [18,19]. sequence of the adaptation of sustainability concept at a local level. In
Starting from the different characteristics, objectives and standards fact, as stated in [34] and [35], the weights of well-known green
requirements of each country worldwide, several green rating systems building assessment tools cannot be globally applied since they may not
were accordingly developed. be suitable for each specific country. But, in the globalized world, the
Two kinds of approaches have been followed for implementing the buildings sustainability level should be hopefully comparable among
rating systems [20]. The first one is based on a multi-criteria credit different countries in spite of their distinctive features. The energy ef-
system: a certain amount of credits within a prescribed range is as- ficiency concept is applied at a local level with different strategies ac-
signed to each issue/topic in a set of specific categories that are con- cording to climatic, cultural and geographical conditions, but the pillars
sidered to have an impact on the overall building sustainability. The and targets on which this topic is based should be worldwide shared.
second approach is based on synthetic environmental indicators quan- Similarly, the sustainability concept is declined in each country as
tified by means of a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) procedure. The latter needed, but it is also necessary to define the boundaries of the eva-
procedure is a scientific method to assess the environmental impact of luation of this “local” sustainability [36]. At present, common topics
buildings, but it is more complex and onerous than the criteria-based have not been yet defined at a global level and huge differences do exist
system. The most widespread Green Building Rating systems are among the green protocols, so that a building which is assessed as
therefore based on the multi-criteria approach. “green” in one country can achieve a low sustainability score in another
Both international and national rating tools have been developed country.
worldwide (Fig. 1). The most famous and widespread international tool As highlighted in [37–39], most of these labelling tools lack im-
is LEED (USA) [21], which has been also declined into many national portant indicators which can be used to assess the sustainable perfor-
versions; Green Star (Australia) [22] is also quite famous and it has mance of building envelopes such as material efficiency, economic ef-
been customized with national versions in New Zealand and South ficiency and indicators based on life time parameters (life cycle cost,
Africa; other examples are BREEAM [23], Arge TQ [24], Minergie [25], embodied energy etc.). Thus, there is the need to identify the most
Green Globes [26]. Example of national tools also provided with an appropriate sustainability indicators which can incorporate the most
English version are CASBEE in Japan [27], DGNB in Germany [28], relevant sustainable issues and make them adaptable for different local
Green Pyramid in Egypt [29]; finally national tools only available in the situations in terms of specific credits and weights. This would allow to
language of the original country are for example ITACA Protocol in define the pillars of the “global” sustainability concept, which should be
Italy [30] and Haute Qualité Environmentale, HQE, in France [31]. worldwide recognized, and, at the same time, to adjust them to each
Alternative systems to the most famous protocols often coexist in var- country, in order to assess sustainability performance at a “local” level.
ious countries (as in USA, Canada, Germany). In [38] a questionnaire survey was carried out with public and pro-
Building sustainability can be assessed by means of several labelling fessional experts for identifying common sustainable energy perfor-
tools, which are characterized by different calculation methods, credits, mance indicators for residential building envelope. These results cor-
weights and issues taken into account in each of these protocols. These roborate findings from the reviewed literature indicating that
differences can highly impact on the final scores, which result to be sustainable performance has to be appraised by integrating a huge

B. Mattoni et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 950–960

number of different sustainability factors which have to be general availability, applicability, user-friendliness etc.) in order to identify the
enough to cover all the topics but also suitable to be adapted to local best one(s). The authors affirmed that BREEAM and LEED achieved the
situations. best score, followed by CASBEE, HK-BEAM and finally GREEN STAR.
In this paper, the same global approach is used to compare in- Green Star resulted to be the worst in the ranking: in particular, it
dicators included in existing green building protocols, to point out from obtained the lowest scores in “Popularity and influence”, “Accuracy and
them the most and less common sustainability issues and to identify the verification” and “Results Presentation” criteria. Aotake et al. [47]
most relevant factors which should be added in all the protocols being applied CASBEE, BREEAM and LEED to analyze an office building re-
the baseline of a global sustainability language. Differently from pre- built after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, occurred in 1995. The
vious studies, in this paper the analysis of the rating tools will be per- results revealed that the trends of each assessment results are com-
formed by applying a methodological approach which allows to over- parable among the three rating systems. The similarities and the dif-
come the differences in terms of weight and distribution of the credits ferences of several assessment methods have been also analyzed by
in the protocols and consequently to make these tools comparable. Kawazu et al. [48]: the authors compared BREEAM, LEED, GBTOOL
Differences and similarities among the following well-known rating and CASBEE applying them to three high-performance buildings and
systems will be investigated: Istituto per l'innovazione e Trasparenza one low-performance building, in order to point out the characteristics
degli Appalti e la Compatibilità Ambientale (ITACA, in English: of each assessment method. The authors concluded that the calculation
Institute for Transparency of Contracts and Environmental results of a high-performance building are characterized by a compar-
Compatibility, Italy) protocol [30], the Leadership in Energy and En- able trend. Moreover, the authors stated that higher scores have been
vironmental Design (LEED, US) [21], Building Research Establishment achieved using BREEAM and CASBEE compared to LEED and GBTool.
Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM, United Kingdom) [23], In their study, Roderick et al. [49] compared three rating systems
Green Star (Australia) [22] and Comprehensive Assessment System for (LEED, BREEAM and Green star) with regards to the energy perfor-
Building Environmental Efficiency (CASBEE, Japan) [27]. The original mance assessment, by applying the different evaluation tools to a ty-
and latest editions of these rating systems were taken into account and pical office building. It was found that the case study received a high-
only residential buildings were considered. In particular, these five energy rating score by using Green Star and a low score by applying
rating systems were chosen because they are internationally applied BREEAM; on the contrary, the certification rate using the LEED scheme
and recognized as reliable, or because they are representative of im- was not achieved. This analysis revealed that the building performance
portant countries. These labelling systems can be considered as the can significantly change depending on the assessment tool. In [50],
most spread and well known around the world and they were analyzed Illankoon et al. have critically compared LEED, BREEAM, CASBEE and
in order to highlight the fundamental issues for the sustainability Green Star for identifying which are the most widely applied key credit
analysis. This would allow to understand which factors most influence criteria providing useful suggestions to improve the existing tools. Wei
the final performance rate of each system and to provide useful sug- et al. [51] reviewed 55 green building rating systems in order to define
gestions for improving the existing tools. how and to what extent Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is taken into account
This review aims at: in these protocols. IAQ is included in all the green building certifica-
tions as a fundamental factor for assessing the health risk for indoor
• comparing five-widespread green building rating systems by means occupants and the contribution of IAQ in green building certification is
of a methodological approach based on the definition of macro-ag- almost the same in all the analyzed certification tools. The authors also
gregation areas, in order to highlight how the sustainability concept suggested that more transparency should be guaranteed to allow the
is adopted by different countries; identifying and selecting the main comparison and normalization of green building schemes, in order to
aspects which should be included in all the protocols as the baseline harmonize the different approaches used worldwide. In [52] a review of
of a global sustainability concept. These suggestions aim at under- the various passive design strategies adopted by five green protocols
standing how to reduce the dissimilarities among the rating systems, (BREEAM, LEED, CASBEE, BEAM plus and GBL-ASGB) was performed.
in order to define a common “sustainability language”, which would It was stated that passive design strategies are not granted the same
offer a useful guidance for practitioners to identify the significant importance as a traditional whole building energy simulation approach
factors for a more complete and integrated assessment of the sus- for most of the tools analyzed and LEED even penalizes the passive
tainability performance of buildings, and for regulatory authorities design by reducing the available credits. Furthermore, the passive
to continuously improve the rating systems. strategies are not accurately defined; finally, the different weightings
given by each protocol to the strategies are not based on their relative
The structure of this paper is as follows. Section 2 shows the state of influence on environmental quality or energy use. As a consequence,
the art of the international research and applications of GBRSs. The five more appropriate weighting systems to enable comparison of different
analyzed GBRSs are briefly described in Section 3. Section 4 provides passive strategies among the different systems should be incorporated
the comparison among the tools and their own characteristics. In in green building rating tools.
Section 5, the proposed methodological approach is described. This Many sustainable rating systems also allow to assess the perfor-
section is followed by a concluding paragraph to summarize the main mance of neighborhood and cities. Haapio [53] analyzed three well-
findings from the critical review and the methodological approach. known tools: BREEAM Communities, CASBEE for Urban Development
and LEED for Neighborhood Development. Haapio identified 7 cate-
2. State of the art gories in which the criteria of the urban assessment tools have been
divided in order to make a comparison among them. The author
In literature, many studies have been developed comparing and highlighted that the most important category within CASBEE for Urban
analyzing various green building rating tools, in order to identify dif- Development and LEED for Neighborhood Development is “Infra-
ferences and similarities among them [40–44]. The significant number structure”, while in BREEAM Communities the most stressed categories
of recent studies proves that the topic is relevant for researchers from are “Infrastructure” and “Transportation”. Taking into account all these
all over the world [45]. In this Section, only the researches related to tools, “Infrastructure” category is the most significant (35%), followed
LEED, CASBEE, ITACA, GREEN STAR and BREEAM are described and by “Ecology” (20%), “Resources and energy” (16%), and “Transporta-
analyzed. In their study, Nguyen and Altan [46] made a comparative tion” (14%). “Well-being” category was not considered as a relevant
review of five sustainable rating systems, taking into account BREEAM, aspect within the tools: in fact, only CASBEE for Urban Development
LEED, CASBEE, GREEN STAR and HK-BEAM. The main goal of this has few criteria in this category. In [54] the similarities, differences,
study was to analyze these tools according to 9 criteria (popularity, strengths, and weaknesses of four green building tools were analyzed on

B. Mattoni et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 950–960

the basis of the research manuals. The detailed characteristics of each 3.1. LEED
tool were studied to assess the main tendencies of the green building
rating systems. In [55] the best practices and main principles of LEED This protocol, developed by the U.S. Green Building Council is one
and BREEAM are discussed for defining a sustainable procedure to be of the most famous programs for assessing sustainability for different
applied in Latvia and Baltics. In [56] green sustainability issues in building phases: the design, construction, maintenance and operation.
several protocols were investigated for proposing a new set of factors The last version of LEED (2013) was built on the basis of the previous
for assessing green buildings performance of offices in Iran. According one (LEED 2009). The number of criteria was increased and the tools
to the results of previous studies, GBRSs are actually quite different in for performance calculation were standardized, in order to make the
terms of assessment schemes, criteria and weights, methods for per- protocol suitable for different contexts around the world.
formance evaluations and for the achievement of the final scores The protocol is divided into nine basic areas that address key aspects
[55,57]. of green buildings. These areas are the same for all the project types and
Also Reed et al. [58] highlighted that, when assessing the sustain- are made up of credits/points. The maximum number of achievable
ability level of a building using different green tools, there are high point is 100 but 10 extra points can be obtained in the “Innovation” and
variations in the final scores due to the different calculation methods “Regional priority” categories. Based on the number of points achieved,
and credits. In the era of globalization, it should be possible to directly it is possible to earn one of the LEED rating levels: LEED Platinum (80+
compare the buildings sustainability level in different countries despite points), LEED Gold (from 60 to 79 points), LEED Silver (from 50 to 59
their specific characteristics. According to this, a global set of “bench- points) and LEED Certified (from 40 to 49 points).
mark” parameters, recognized as effective and useful for the highest
number of countries, should be defined. 3.2. ITACA
In [59] a methodology for developing a comparative analysis of
waste management requirements among five building rating tools was In Italy, the Sustainable Building Council (SBC) association devel-
carried out. This approach is based on the relative significance index oped the ITACA protocol, a national labelling system for buildings en-
(RSI) and allowed to pinpoint which system treats construction waste vironmental sustainability. This procedure allows to assess buildings of
problem most significantly, while, at the other extreme, which is the different intended uses in all their life cycle phases. Many Italian re-
system that lays least emphasis to this topic. gions have customized the national system version, adapting it to the
Differently from [59], in order to identify common macro-areas local features. The latest version of the national protocol is still under
among different labelling tools, Asdrubali et al. [60] developed a model development. Nowadays, the most recent available version of ITACA for
based on the definition of new five common categories (site, water, residential building is the regional one called “ITACA – Lazio 2014” and
energy, materials, and indoor environmental quality) in which the this is the one studied in this paper. The maximum number of achiev-
credits of the protocols were redistributed and normalized. In their able point is 100. The system can be applied to building construction,
work, ITACA and LEED were compared. These rating systems were refurbishment and operation phases. The tool is divided into 5 macro-
applied to two residential green buildings located in central Italy. On areas. The building evaluation range is composed of 7 levels, from the
the basis of this approach, Bisegna et al. [17], deepened and im- value −1 (performance lower than the standard) to 5 (advanced per-
plemented this method. ITACA and LEED were applied to an Italian formance). In this evaluation range, the value 0 corresponds to the
sustainable residential building and the impacts of different insulating “current practice”, which can be explained as the minimum acceptable
materials on the certification results were compared on the basis of the performance defined by the laws. The value 3 corresponds to the “best
five macro-areas. The analysis suggested that ITACA and LEED proce- practice”, which represents a significant improvement compared to
dures could be optimized by taking into account more significantly the existing regulations and common practice.
effect of thermal and environmental properties of insulating materials.
In this framework, starting from the effectiveness of the methodo- 3.3. Green Star
logical approach used in the previous works [17,60] and considering
the significant differences discovered between ITACA and LEED pro- Green Star is one of the most followed voluntary building en-
cedures, the additional aim of this review is to test the possibility of vironmental assessment tools, developed by the Green Building Council
extending the use of the five categories also to other international of Australia GBCA. The latest version was launched in 2016. The system
certification systems. According to this, it is also possible to identify evaluates the environmental design and achievements of buildings,
similarities and differences among the labelling tools, in order to considering a broad range of issues. The system can be applied to
highlight the most common and least widespread criteria for green building construction, refurbishment and operation phases. The scheme
assessment and to evaluate how the sustainability concept is expressed. is based on a rating system of collecting credits and it is applicable to a
In particular, in this paper residential buildings were analyzed and only wide range of building types, both new buildings and existing buildings.
the versions of each protocol related to this type of building were For each credit, which is allocated into its specific category, a maximum
considered and compared. The latest editions of each rating tool are number of points can be achieved. The maximum number of achievable
customized according to the different life cycle stages (such as design point is 100, distributed among 8 macro-areas. The certification is ex-
stage, construction stage, post-construction stage) and for different pressed as a number of stars: 1–3 Stars (from 10 to 44 points) corre-
building uses. This distinction is useful since it allows to properly take spond respectively to Minimum Practice, Average Practice and Good
into account the specific characteristics of each kind of building. Such a Practice; 4 Stars (from 45 to 59 points) correspond to the Best practice
wide applicative context, however, makes it difficult to compare dif- score achievement; 5 Stars (from 60 to 75) is the Australian Excellence
ferent rating systems. For this reason, in this work the focus has been Level and finally more than 75 points allows to obtain the 6 stars rating,
made on residential buildings new construction, for which the pertinent that is the World leadership grade.
credits included in each GBRS have been collected and distributed into
new macro-areas. 3.4. BREEAM

Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment

3. Sustainability rating system description Method for buildings (BREEAM) is the oldest protocol. The most recent
version was developed in 2016. Initially, it was based on the con-
In this Section, the five green building rating systems analyzed in struction phase of individual new buildings, now it covers the entire life
detail are shortly described. cycle of buildings, starting from the design stage, to in-use and

B. Mattoni et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 950–960

retrofitting. This protocol takes into account and analyzes 9 different in BREEAM. As mentioned before, CASBEE is based on the “Building
macro-areas, reaching a maximum achievable score dependent on the Environmental Quality & Performance” (Q) and the “Building Environ-
building uses. Each macro-area is composed by various credits. mental Loadings” (L), whose ratio allows to obtain the BEE indicator. Q
Furthermore, an additional 1% up to 10% for each “innovation credit” and L are composed by subcategories which are in turn made up of
can be added to the final BREEAM score. Starting from the final score credits. Each of these subsystems has a different weight. The maximum
achieved, it is possible to earn one of the following rating levels: achievable score of Q and L is 5 points for each of the two. In order to
Unclassified (< 30 points), Pass (≥ 30 points), Good (≥ 45 points), make a comparison among the GBRSs, Q and L (composed in turn by
Very good (≥ 55 points), Excellent (≥ 70 points) and Outstanding (≥ their sub-categories) were considered as two macro-areas, whose points
85 points). can be summed such as for the other rating systems. Due to this, C-
ASBEE is characterized by 10 total points and the heaviest categories
3.5. CASBEE are “Indoor Environment” (Q1) and “Energy” (LR1), as shown in Fig. 3.

Japan grounds its sustainability assessment on CASBEE rating 5. Macro-aggregation approach

system. The latest version was developed in 2014 and it can be applied
to construction, refurbishment and operational phases of the buildings. Starting from previous studies, [17,60] in which ITACA and the
It is based on the “Building Environmental Quality & Performance” Italian version of LEED were compared by means of 5 macro-areas (Site,
(simply called “Quality” and specified with the letter Q) and the Water, Materials, Energy and Indoor environmental quality), in this
“Building Environmental Loadings” (just called “Loadings” and speci- work the extension to five green building rating systems evidenced the
fied with the letter L). In particular, Q takes into account the im- necessity of introducing a sixth new macro-area called “Outdoor
provement of the building indoor life conditions and L analyzes the quality”. In addition, Indoor environmental quality was modified and
environmental impacts of the building, supposing a hypothetical peri- renamed as “Comfort and safety”, since several aspects related to
meter placed around the analyzed building and its own external spaces. seismic and indoor security were added. The outdoor quality issue was
Q and L are both divided into 3 macro-areas. The CASBEE main goal is not considered in the previous works and the environmental aspects in
related to energy efficiency by means of the “Building Environmental terms of pollutants emissions and global warming were included in the
Efficiency” (BEE) indicator (calculated as the Q/L ratio). The CASBEE “Site” category of the two certification tools. On the contrary, in the five
assessment is categorized through five ratings: Superior (S), Very Good protocols analyzed in this paper, many credits focus on the outdoor
(A), Good (B+), Slightly Poor (B-) and Poor (C). environmental aspects and more attention is payed to these issues,
For each certification tool, only the version related to residential compared to ITACA and the Italian LEED version. Furthermore, two
buildings was taken into account (LEEDv4 for Homes, ITACA-Lazio different types of environmental effects can be identified: the first one
2014, Green Star-Design and as Built Residential, BREEAM-New related to the influence of the site characteristics on the building (“Site”
Construction Residential and CASBEE for Buildings-New Residential category), and the second one referred to the building impacts on the
Construction). Fig. 2 shows the original macro-areas, credits and points outdoor environment, both during the construction and operational
distribution for the studied tools. phases, (“Outdoor quality” category). For these two reasons, two se-
parated macro-areas were created. Moreover, the “Management” cate-
4. Green building rating systems comparison gory (which is included in LEED, BREEAM and Green Star) was not
taken into account because it includes bureaucratic and administrative
The comparison among the different green building rating systems aspects, which do not match with the purpose of this study. Finally, no
described in Section 3 was carried out in order to highlight similarities extra-points award related to Innovative design aspects (which are in-
and differences in the approach. In the following analysis “credit” cluded in LEED, BREEAM, Green Star and ITACA) were taken into ac-
means each issue taken into account in each macro area and char- count. Table 1 lists and describes the six proposed macro-aggregation
acterized by a certain amount of points; “weight” stands for the im- areas.
portance given to each credit; “score” represents the sum of the total Starting from the original categories, all credits of the examined
credit points, which have been previously multiplied for their specific rating tools were analyzed and assigned to the six new macro-areas.
weights. As mentioned, each tool is characterized by credits achievable Fig. 4 shows the new distribution of the credits. In order to qualitatively
on the basis of the building characteristics in specific areas and each compare the rating tools, in Table 2 the main features of each macro-
rating system allows to obtain a building labelling, according to the area are listed, together with the information on their inclusion in each
reached total score. It is worthy to notice that each certification system of the considered protocols.
is characterized by a specific points’ total amount and is distinguished It is possible to observe that “Site” area takes into account several
by a precise number of reachable credits. Fig. 3 shows the rating sys- aspects related to preservation and conservation of biological species
tems categories and in this methodological analysis only the credits and local environmental features, natural hazards and risks associated
related to the new residential buildings were considered. LEED and to the site characteristics, site amenities and the influence of the urban
Green Star allow to calculate the credits of each category by means of design on the building. The five labelling systems take into account all
two alternative methods: the prescriptive path and the performance path. these aspects, except for the natural hazard and risks, which are con-
Only the credits achievable by using the performance path were con- sidered only in BREEAM and Green Star. “Water” area includes the
sidered since it permits to obtain the maximum score. Furthermore, the water uses and monitoring, rain and grey water recycling systems.
credits included in the Innovation category of each protocol, which These aspects are included in all the rating tools. “Energy” area pro-
allow to get up to 10 extra points, were not considered in the analysis. vides aspects related to the heating and cooling loads control, energy
Regarding the maximum achievable total score, ITACA is characterized monitoring, renewable energy production and storage systems. As for
by percentage points, with a total equal to 100%. “Resource con- the Energy category, these aspects are included in all the rating tools
sumption” is the heaviest assessment area, characterized by a weight and the five calculation methods are practically in agreement. This is
equal to 60%. LEED provides 100 total points. Its heaviest category is due to the common final goal related to the energy saving and conse-
“Energy and Atmosphere”. Green Star also gives the possibility to quently the significance of this issue in terms of sustainable develop-
achieve 100 total points. Fig. 3 points out the importance given to its ment. “Comfort and safety” area takes into account thermal, visual and
different categories, highlighting that “Energy” is the heaviest one. acoustic comfort, air quality, ventilation and indoor pollutants, which
BREEAM has 134 total points, obtained excluding the non-residential are all related to the indoor quality. Only LEED does not assess the
building items [23]. Fig. 3 shows that “Energy” is the heaviest category visual and acoustic aspects. In addition, in CASBEE, BREEAM and

B. Mattoni et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 950–960

Fig. 2. Original macro-areas, credits and points distribution of the five green building rating systems.

ITACA the building amenities, flexibility and functional adaptability are Regarding the other rating systems, as mentioned in Section 4, the
included in this area. In particular, BREEAM awards the possibility of original “Management” category provided by BREEAM, LEED and
providing residence with spaces and services to make people able to Green Star was not taken into account. According to this, the new scores
work at home. This aspect is strongly related to sustainability since of these tools need to be normalized on the basis of 100. ITACA does not
allows reducing work-related travels. Furthermore, in CASBEE, due to need any normalization since its score is already distributed over 100
Japan’s geological characteristics, the seismic and security aspects are points. Table 3 shows both the original and the normalized scores on
evaluated. The eco-friendly materials use, recycled materials and low the basis of 100 of each green rating tool.
carbon emission materials are analyzed in “Materials” area. Moreover, Fig. 6 qualitatively represents and analyzes the importance of each
Green Star, BREEAM and LEED take into account the construction and category. It is worthy to highlight that the number of credits is not the
demolition waste management. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as- only parameter that influences the significance of each category. In fact,
pects are considered only by Green Star and BREEAM. Regarding the also the weight given to the credits greatly impacts on the macro-area
“Outdoor quality” category only the sustainable transport and mobility final significance. Fig. 6 shows that the final score of ITACA is mostly
aspects are common to the five rating systems. This macro-area also influenced by “Energy” and “Comfort and safety” categories, which
includes the building influences on global warming, heat island effect, include both the highest number of credits and the heaviest ones. Si-
light and noise pollution, NOx and CO2 emissions, but only CASBEE milarly, LEED gives the highest importance to “Energy” although this
takes into account all of these aspects. Finally, the operational waste category includes a lower number of credits compared to the others
management is considered only by BREEAM, CASBEE and Green Star. macro-areas. BREEAM gives the highest importance to “Energy” cate-
On the other hand, in order to quantitatively compare the green gory, followed by “Site”. In CASBEE “Comfort and safety” category is
building rating systems among each other, it was necessary to nor- the one that mostly influences the final score, being the heaviest in
malize all the scores. Differently from the others, CASBEE is char- terms of credits weight and having the highest number of credits.
acterized by a total amount of 10 points, deriving from the sum of the Moreover, this protocol takes much more into consideration “Outdoor
original Q and L areas, which are made up of maximum 5 points each. Quality” category compared to the other four rating systems. All the
In particular, both of them are divided into three subcategories, which macro-areas in Green star are homogeneously weighted, except for
are in turn characterized by different credits weighted by means of “Site”, which has the lowest impact on the final score, and for “Energy”
specific coefficients (see Fig. 2). The normalization procedure also in which is the most significant. The “Water” macro-area is the less con-
this case allows to convert the 10 points into 100, by multiplying all the sidered by the five analyzed rating systems, followed by “Materials”
scores by a coefficient equal to 10, as it can be seen in Fig. 5. and “Outdoor quality”.

B. Mattoni et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 950–960

Fig. 3. Green building rating tools original areas and points.

Table 1 The analysis shows that there are both qualitative and quantitative
Description of the new six macro-areas. differences among the five rating systems. It is noticeable that the
protocols cannot be considered homogeneous from neither points of
Site Influence of the site characteristics and location on the
view and therefore, in order to define a common “sustainability lan-
Water Total water use guage”, the qualitative differences should be reduced. Indeed, in each
Materials Use and impacts of building materials from cradle to grave green building rating tool, it is appropriate to assign different weights
Energy Energy use, monitoring and renewable energy production to the credits depending on the country needs and characteristics.
Comfort and Indoor human well-being and functional characteristics of
However, the most significant sustainability aspects (in terms of credits)
safety interior spaces and safety (seismic behavior, fire resistance,
etc.) should be hopefully included in all the rating systems. Summarizing the
Outdoor quality Impacts on the outdoor environment results shown in Table 2, it appears that the following sustainability
issues, which are now included only in few protocols, should be con-
sidered in all the rating tools, in order to provide a proper and thorough
The non-homogenous distribution of credit weights in the macro- sustainability certification:
areas can affect the final rate since the high performance of a building
in the heaviest area can balance possible lacks in other categories.
• Environmental hazards and seismic risks;
In particular, it can be noticed that the most balanced protocol is
• LCA aspects;
Green Star, immediately followed by BREEAM, while the less homo-
• Recycle and reuse of construction and operational waste;
geneous ones are CASBEE and ITACA, in which very high importance is
• Visual and thermal indoor comfort;
given to Comfort and Safety and Energy macro-areas respectively.
• Heat island effect;
According to this, a building assessed by using Green Star needs to have
• Global warming;
good performance in each macro-area in order to achieve a high final
rate. On the other hand, although the global sustainability concept
• Noise and light pollution in outdoor environment.
should lead to include in every tool the same fundamental credits, the In line with the concept of Smart development [61], it appears
non-homogenous distribution of weights is a natural consequence of the crucial to assess the level and typology of environmental risks, in order
local sustainability criteria. to make buildings safer and occupants able to face these kinds of issues.

B. Mattoni et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 950–960

Fig. 4. Credits distribution in the new six macro-areas.

The considered hazards could be different in each certification system sustainability rate and environmental impact of a building, but they are
according to country needs and characteristics (e.g., in Japan and in not considered in any of the analyzed certification tools. The liveability
Italy the seismic risk should be taken into considerations, while in other of outdoor places and, consequently, the amount and intensity of
countries flooding or tornado should be considered). Furthermore, as human activities in external spaces, is strongly associated to the climate
discussed by [17], green rating systems should involve in their eva- conditions in terms of wind speed, air temperature, solar radiation and
luation procedure the LCA of materials which allows assessing the relative humidity [65–67]. A correct design of a building outdoor space
materials sustainable features during their whole life cycle (from cradle would allow to improve the thermal comfort of the occupants and it
to grave). In fact, the insulation materials are significantly different could be a further useful sustainability indicator. From the energy point
among each other in terms of embodied energy and consequently in of view, evaluating the mutual impacts of a network of buildings on
terms of environmental impact [62]. their energy dynamics by means of the Inter Building Effect (IBE)
Furthermore, as highlighted in the introduction section, the two parameter, would allow to carry out more accurate energy simulations
approaches used for developing the sustainability tools are the criteria- and to assess building performance from a broader perspective, parti-
based systems and the LCA method. In the first one a lower environ- cularly in dense urbanized areas [68]. Both these topics strongly de-
mental performance obtained in a category can be compensated by a pend on the climate, local and site features of each country. Due to this,
higher performance in another category. On the contrary, the LCA- as previously stated, the quantitative value and the weight of these
based approach allows quantifying the environmental impact at all le- aspects could be differently assigned by each protocol depending on the
vels, providing also the possibility of easy comparisons of the final re- country needs and characteristics.
sults in terms of the effective reduction of the overall impact. These
considerations explain why the integration of these two approaches is
needed in the development of upgraded versions of Green Building 6. Conclusions
Rating tools [17,63,64].
On the other hand, also the impact of buildings on climate, both in Nowadays, green building rating systems are applied on new
terms of global (global warming) and localized effects (urban heat is- buildings, refurbished and existing buildings around the world. Starting
land), and the outdoor pollution, should be carefully considered and from the overview of the certification procedures developed in many
evaluated in each sustainability procedure, since these environmental countries, this review highlights the different sustainability concepts
problems are equally diffused and considerable in urban areas all over adopted worldwide in order to rate the environmental sustainability of
the world. Finally, the issues related to indoor comfort (both visual and buildings and aiming at reducing energy consumptions and environ-
thermal), which are now evaluated only by few of the analyzed rating mental impacts during the construction, management and operational
tools, should be included in each of them, since one of the main targets phases of a building. As a matter of fact, two GBRS categories exist: the
of sustainability is to guarantee a good quality of life of the users. first one, based on the local version of a worldwide recognized tool; the
In addition to this, the rating tools should also take into account second one, represented by tools developed and employed only in the
aspects related to the Outdoor Comfort and to the effects on the energy individual local situations. Considering the distinction between a
performance of a single building caused by the interaction with nearby “global” sustainability and a “local” one, it is worthy to notice that this
buildings. These two topics would, indeed, greatly affect the difference can lead to lacks in terms of analyzed sustainability issues
that should be hopefully included, although with different proper

B. Mattoni et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 950–960

Table 2 weights, regardless of home country.

Main features of each category considered by the five protocols. Furthermore, five widespread and well known green building rating
systems (CASBEE, Green Star, BREEAM, LEED and ITACA) were ana-
Ecological Aspects X X X X lyzed and compared in order to better understand the fundamental
Local Characteristics X X X X X aspects related to sustainability assessment, by means of a methodo-
Hazards X X logical approach based on the macro-aggregation areas definition. The
Water comparison among the labelling systems was carried out defining six
Water Uses and Monitoring X X X X X
Water Recycling Systems X X X X X
new macro-aggregation areas (site, water, energy, comfort and safety,
Energy materials and outdoor quality) in which the credits of each tool were
Thermal Loads Control X X X X X distributed after a normalization procedure. Qualitative and quantita-
Energy Monitoring X X X X X tive differences were highlighted. From the quantitative point of view,
Renewable Energy X X X X X
“Energy” area is always the heaviest, except for CASBEE, in which the
Comfort and safety highest importance is given to “Comfort and safety” area. Overall,
Thermal Comfort X X X X “Water” has the lowest impact on the final scores, followed by
Visual and Acoustic Comfort X X X X “Materials” and “Outdoor quality”. On the other hand, taking into ac-
Air Quality and Ventilation X X X X X count the qualitative aspects, the sustainability principles and features
Indoor Pollutants X X X X
Building Amenities X X X
related to the “Energy” and “Water” areas are common to all GBRSs.
Flexibility and Functional X X X Regarding the other macro-areas, the most significant dissimilarities
Adaptability can be observed in “Comfort and safety” and “Outdoor quality”.
Home Office X In general, CASBEE considers the highest number of sustainability
Seismic and Security X
issues, unlike ITACA: the latter rating system results to be the less
Materials complete since only a few sustainability aspects are included. The en-
Eco-Friendly Materials Use X X X X X vironmental hazards and seismic risks, LCA aspects, recycle and reuse
Life Cycle Assessment X X of construction and operational waste, visual and thermal indoor
Construction and X X X comfort, heat island effect, global warming and noise and light pollu-
Demolition Waste
tion in outdoor environment were selected as the main sustainability
Outdoor quality aspects which are now considered only by few rating tools among the
Global Warming X X analyzed ones. In the opinion of the authors, the green building rating
Heat Island Effect X X X systems should take into account all the mentioned aspects in order to
Pollutant Emissions X X X X
provide a proper environmental sustainability certification. The rating
Noise Pollution X X
Light Pollution X X tools should also take into account aspects related to the Outdoor
Operational Waste X X X Comfort and to the effects of a neighboring network of buildings on the
Management energy performance of a single building. These topics appear to be
Sustainable Transport and X X X X X additional useful sustainability indicators but, currently, they are not
considered in any of the five analyzed green building rating systems. In
addition, also the operator’s discretion during the sustainability

Fig. 5. CASBEE score normalization on the basis of 100.

B. Mattoni et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 950–960

Table 3
New macro-areas and scores for each green rating tool.

Site Water Energy Comfort and Safety Materials Outdoor Quality Total

CASBEE Original 1.05 0.30 2 3.50 1.20 1.95 10

Normalized 10.50 3.00 20.00 35.00 12.00 19.50 100
Green Star Original 9 12 22 17 14 15 89
Normalized 10.11 13.48 24.72 19.10 15.73 16.85 100
BREEAM Original 25 11 27 19 17 14 113
Normalized 22.12 9.73 23.89 16.81 15.04 12.39 100
LEED Original 14 12 37 18 9 8 98
Normalized 14.29 12.24 37.76 18.37 9.18 8.16 100
ITACA Original 5 6 42 30 12 5 100
Normalized 5.00 6.00 42.00 30.00 12.00 5.00 100

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