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Name :Bintang Fajar Saefi

Class :Accounting C
Npm :120040066

1.Summarize from Youtube about the lesson session 2?

1. For example,if apartment,youre renting has a ‘not pets’ clause and you
discover that your tenant.
2. If your tenant has simply not paid rent in a certain month(or several
3. But if your tenant knocks out a wall or ryns their car through agarape.
4. If youre planning on evicthing a tenant,make sure you create a paper trail.
2.Make 3 samples of if conditional from each type?
1. You can evict tenant if they violate the applicable provisions procedures.
2. If I didn’t it I would have become a tenant.
3. If you are planning evict the tenant,suppose you make sure to carry out and
investigation into whether he is guility or not.

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