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We have lived with them ever since the first homo sapiens opened their eyes in

the prehistoric world. We are talking about the animals. Even though many of us
humans would refuse to acknowledge the living, breathing beings that walk
among us and have as much right on this world as we do, it is a fact that without
animals, the world would be a very different place indeed.
Good morning respected teachers and my dear friends. I take this opportunity to
present my views in favour of “animals should have equal rights like human
For one, our lives would be infinitely more difficult if we did not have animals at
hand at assist us at almost every step. From being food to bringing infinite joy,
animals have to been standing by our side since time immemorial. It is time that
we stop to make an assessment of how these wonderful creatures help us in our
everyday lives.
Oh, the word ‘animal rights. It has always kept me wondering why animals
shouldn’t have equal human rights?! You tell me. Animals do not deserve to be
killed by our hands or made to be suffered. It is wrong to view animals as our
commodities. It is wrong to view animals as our resources.
Are animals not living creatures? Don’t animals feel the same pain as we do! Yet,
today, when we think about animal rights, thousands of animals are kept in farms
and slaughter houses. Some animals are taken to farms, and people do different
experiments on them. Sometimes, they are even killed.
Humans torture animals in lakhs. They burn them, they cut them open in the
name of research. But the point is, people should never believe that animals are
useless, dumb creatures. They too have a soul and can feel.
Hurting animals is as bad as hurting humans! What did they do to us? They only
want love. They are living things too. They would like to be treated the same way
we do! It’s a sad fact that animals cannot advocate for themselves. Such poor
living creatures! Only if they got basic rights just like us …
APJ Abdul Kalam once said, “you cannot change your future, but you can change
your habits and your habits can surely change your future”. I strongly feel that
animals should be given equal human rights.

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