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Greenply Industries Limited

Registered Office: Makum Road, Tinsukia, Assam - 786 125

Corporate Office: 'Madgul Lounge', 6th Floor, 23 Chetla Central Road, Kolkata - 700 027
Corporate Identity Number: L20211AS1990PLC003484
Phone: +91333051 5000 Fax: +91333051 5010
Website: E-mail:
(? in Lakhs)
Statement of Assets and Liabilities Consolidated
Sr. Particulars 31.03.2022 31.03 .2021
(Audited) (Audited)
1. Non-current assets
(a) Property, plant and equipment 30,855.64 27,923.48
(b) Capital work-in-progress 10,962.98 624.35
(c) Right of use assets 3,343.82 2,771.91
( d) Intangible assets 1,051.44 149.86
( e) Investments accounted for using the equity method 2,198.28 1,938.01
(f) Financial assets
(i) Investments 381.84 313.92
(ii) Loans 44.57 5120
(iii) Other financial assets 766.19 368.02
(g) Non-current tax assets (net) 1,257.44 1, 167.90
(h) Deferred tax assets (net) 726.71 638.72
(i) Other non-current assets 9,372.12 1,374.90
Total non-current assets 60,961.03 37,322.27

2. Current assets
(a) Inventories 22,563.31 17,919.80
(b) Financial assets
(i) Trade receivables 18,643.46 19,390.00
(ii) Cash and cash equivalents 6,295.93 1,813 .30
(iii) Bank balances other than cash and cash equivalents 961.96 10,984.89
(iv) Loans 74.12 39.97
(v) Other financial assets 916.37 1,464.06
(c) Other current assets 5,462.95 2,578.74
Total current assets 54,918.10 54, 190.76

TOTAL ASSETS 1,15,879.13 91 ,513 .03


1. Equity
(a) Equity share capital 1,226.27 1,226.27
(b) Other equity 52,590.23 42,444.83
Total equity 53,816.50 43,671.l0

2. Non-current liabilities
(a) Financial liabilities
i) Borrowings 14,308.16 7,208.43
ii) Lease liabilities 1,305.29 858.28
iii) Other financial liabilities 9.00 1.00
(b) Provisions 563.88 545.67
Total non-current liabilities 16,186.33 8,613.38

3. Current Liabilities
(a) Financial liabilities
(i) Borrowings 14,878.33 11 ,963 .08
(ii) Lease liabilities 456.22 263 . 19
(iii) Trade payables
Total outstanding dues of micro enterprises and small enterprises 158.76 49.89
Total outstanding dues of creditors other than micro enterprises and small enterprises 21,479.08 20,380.61
(iv) Derivatives 13.64 32.05
(v) Other financial liabilities 4,359.84 2,497.49
(b) Other current Iiabil ities 2,842.76 2,463 .24
(c) Provisions 1,687.67 1,579.00
Total current liabilities 45,876.30 39,228.55
Total liabilities 62,062.63 47,841.93
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 1,15,879.13 91 ,513.03
Greenply Industries Limited
Registered Office: Makum Road, Tinsukia, Assam - 786 125
Corpora te Office: 'Madgul Lounge', 6th Floor, 23 Chetla Central Road, Kolkata - 700 027
Corporate Identity Numbe r: L20211AS1990PLC003484
Phone: +91333051 5000 Fax: +91333051 5010
Website: E-mai l: m
(? in Lakhs)
Statement of Consolidated Cash flows Year ended
Particulars 31.03.2022 31.03 .2021
(Audited) (Audited)
A. Cash flows from operating activities
Profit before Tax 12,498.89 8, 138 .35
Adj ustments for:
Depreciation and amortisation expense 2,584.60 2,307.89
Finance costs 1,193.15 1,664.97
(Gain) on fair valuation of investments (51.91) (19.68)
Loss allowance on trade receivables (net) 235.16 (127.31)
(Gain)/Loss on sale/discard of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (43.19) 76.99
Liability no longer required written back (118.87) (28.49)
Commission on guarantee given to joint venture (22.28) (22. 16)
Interest income (506.79) (321.42)
Unrealised foreign exchange fluctuations (net) 105.58 (66.28)
Share of(profit)/loss from a joint venture (260.27) 236.53
Share based payment expense 1,205.41 46 .74
Cash generated from operation before working capital changes 4,320.59 3,747.78
Operating cash flows before working capita l changes 16,819.48 11 ,886.13
Working capital adjustments:
Decrease in trade receivables 510.68 16,387.36
Decrease/(Increase) in other non- c urrent financia l assets 150.50 (306.58)
(lncrease)/Decrease in other non current assets and loans (329.28) 103.64
Decrease/(lncrease) in other current financial assets 547.89 (3 1.12)
(Increase) in other current assets and loans (2,915.70) (423.47)
(Increase) in inventories (4,643.51) (209.72)
Increase/(Decrease) in trade payables 1,346.63 (2,689.63)
Increase in other non current financial liabilities 8.00 -
Increase in other current financial liabilities 333.67 455.60
Increase in other current liabilities 379.52 671.48
Increase/(Decrease) in provisions 166.98 (I ,557.26)
(4,444.62) 12,400.30
Cash generated from operations 12,374.86 24,286.43
Income tax paid (net) (3,213.94) (1,507.52)
Net cash generated from operating activities 9,160.92 22,778.91

B. Cash flows from investing activities

Acquisition of property, plant and equipment (22,243.60) (2,262.73)
Acquisition of intangible assets (955.63) (0.80)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment and cap ital work in progress 269.96 495.43
Acquisition of investments (16.00) (85.00)
Proceeds/(investrnent) in fixed deposits with banks (having maturity of more than 3 months) 9,512.44 (10,954.24)
Commission received on guarantee given to joint venture 22.08 22.41
Interest received 466.12 317.72
Net cash used in investing activities (12,944.63) (12,467.2 1)

C. Cash flows from financing activities

Receipt of Share application money pending allotment 104.09 -
Proceeds fro m non-current borrowings 10,098.47 5,098.58
Proceeds/(repayment) from current borrowings 2,382.07 (8,945 .76)
(Repayment) of non current borrowings (2,759.25) (3 ,272.97)
Interest paid (1,126.21) (1 ,441.55)
Repayment towards lease liabi lities including interest (165.76) (163 .96)
Dividend paid (490.51) (490.51)
Net cash e:enerated/(used) in financine: activities 8,042.90 (9,216.17)
Net increase in cash and cash eauivalents (A+B+C) 4,259.19 1,095.53
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year (refer note below) (391.22) (1 ,569.04)
Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held (66.54) 82.29
Cash and cash eauivalents as at end of the yea r (refer note below) 3,801.43 (391.22)
Note: Cash and cash equivalents considered as -
Cash and cash equivalents in consolidated balance sheet 6,295.93 1,813 .30
Bank overdrafts (2,494.50) (2,204.52)
Cash and cash equivalents in the consolidated statement of cash flows 3,801.43 (39 1.22)
Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements


for the year ended March 31, 2022
(All Amount in ` Lakhs, unless otherwise stated)
Note Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2022 March 31, 2021
I. Revenue from operations 27 1,56,280.38 1,16,534.44
II. Other income 28 990.20 676.92
III. Total income (I+II) 1,57,270.58 1,17,211.36
IV. Expenses
Cost of materials consumed 29 56,001.96 42,891.74
Purchase of stock in trade 30 39,635.49 26,041.44
Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and stock in trade 31 (2,106.75) (524.55)
Employees benefits expense 32 19,329.75 14,946.44
Finance costs 33 1,193.15 1,664.97
Depreciation and amortisation expense 34 2,584.60 2,307.89
Other expenses 35 28,393.76 21,508.55
Total expenses (IV) 1,45,031.96 1,08,836.48
V. Share of profit/(loss) of a joint venture 260.27 (236.53)
VI. Profit before exceptional items and tax (III-IV+V) 12,498.89 8,138.35
VII. Exceptional items - -
VIII. Profit before tax (VI-VII) 12,498.89 8,138.35
Tax expense 36
Current tax [including taxes pertaining to earlier years ` 15.35 lakhs (3,124.40) (1,647.39)
(Previous Year: ` 41.46 lakhs)]
Deferred tax (charge)/credit 98.08 (399.74)
IX. Tax expense (3,026.32) (2,047.13)
X. Profit for the year (VIII+IX) 9,472.57 6,091.22
XI. Other comprehensive income
Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
Remeasurements of defined benefit (asset) 40.10 39.03
Income tax relating to items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss (10.09) (9.82)
Other comprehensive income not to be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 30.01 29.21
(net of tax)
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
Exchange differences in translating financial statements of foreign operations - -
reclassified to profit or loss
Exchange differences in translating financial statements of foreign operations (176.17) 203.10
Net other comprehensive income to be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss (176.17) 203.10
Other comprehensive income for the year (net of tax) (146.16) 232.31
XII. Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to owners of the company 9,326.41 6,323.53
XIII. Earnings per equity share 38
[Face value of equity share ` 1 each (previous year ` 1 each)]
- Basic (`) 7.72 4.97
- Diluted (`) 7.72 4.97
Significant accounting policies 3
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the consolidated financial statements

As per our report of even date attached

For B S R & Co. LLP For and on behalf of Board of Directors of
Chartered Accountants Greenply Industries Limited
Firm Registration No. 101248W/W-100022 CIN: L20211AS1990PLC003484
Jayanta Mukhopadhyay Rajesh Mittal Manoj Tulsian
Partner Chairman cum Managing Director Joint Managing Director & CEO
Membership No. 055757 DIN No. 00240900 DIN No. 05117060
Nitin Kalani Kaushal Kumar Agarwal
Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary & Sr. VP-Legal
Place : Kolkata Place : Kolkata
Dated : 16th May 2022 Dated : 16th May 2022


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