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1 Choose the correct answers:

a) There is / there are / Are there four cars in the car park.
b) There isn’t / there aren’t / there are any apples in the fridge.
c) How much / any / How many books do we need for the history lesson?
d) There were some / any / much new students at school today.
e) Doughnuts are fried and they have got a lot of / some / much calories.
f) there are any / some / much vitamins in my doughnut.

2 Complete the sentences with the words below:

a • an • any • how many • how much • some

a) Is there …………………… apple in the bag?

b) ……………………………… days are there in a year?
c) Darren hasn’t got …………………… friends.
d) ……………………………… sugar is there in the tea?
e) Jon wants to buy …………………… mobile phone.
f) Peter is bringing …………………… fizzy drinks.

3 Choose the right word from those underlined below.

a) There isn’t many / much food in the fridge, I’m afraid.
b) Have you read many / much books in German?
c) There isn’t many / much rain in the summer.
d) There isn’t many / much coffee in the coffee pot.
e) You haven’t made many / much mistakes.


5 Present simple of verb to BE (ser/estar), to HAVE (tener) and to DO (hacer)



6. Present Simple (affirmative). Complete the sentences with the correct form of verbs.
be - listen to - read - speak - work get up - walk - learn - play - study
My sister _____________ a book every month. James _____________ to the gym every day.
He _____________ Italian and French. The boys _____________ football on Saturdays.
These men _____________ in the factory. My brother _____________ at University.
Lucy _____________ music in her room. Peter _____________ at seven o’clock every day.
They _____________ the new players. We _____________ English at school.
7. Present Simple (negative). Complete the sentences with the correct form of verbs in brackets.
not be not go not play not study not watch
a) I ………………………………………………… volleyball on Sundays.
b) The children ……………………………………… to bed late.
c) Martina ……………………………….............. TV every evening.
d) John ……………………………………………. very much.
e) His girlfriend ……………………………………… from England.

8. Present Simple (interrogative). Order the words to make questions and answer them.
a) brother / tennis / play / your?
……………………………………………………………………….. No, he ……………
b) going to / like / you / the cinema?
……………………………………………………………………….. Yes, I ……………
c) Lucy and Jim / school at / eat?
……………………………………………………………………….. No, they …………
d) give / the / a / homework / of / teacher / lot?
……………………………………………………………………….. Yes, she …………

9 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple:

a) Lisa and Mary …………play……………… (play) tennis on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

b) My father …………rides……………… (ride) a bike to work every day.
c) I ………don’t go………………… (not go) to parties on week nights.
d) ……do……………… you ………take…………… (take) a lot of photos with your mobile phone?
e) ………does…………… Maxine usually ………wash…………… (wash) the dishes after dinner?
f) Mark ……doesn’t practise…………………… (not practise) the piano on Saturdays.
g) Miss Williams ……teaches…………………… (teach) English.

10 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple:

a) Betty never …………………… (wash) the dishes.

b) …………………… you …………………… (buy) bread at this bakery?
c) We often …………………… (have) beef for dinner.
d) Chris …………………………… (not drink) tea.
e) People …………………… (watch) TV at night.
f) I …………………………… (not want) to eat fish now.


11 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the Present Continuous.
not go not shop make put read
1 She ………is reading…………………………… a magazine.
2 I ……………am not going………………………… to the library.
3 We ……………are making……………………… some coffee.
4 They ……are………reading/putting………….…… the books on the table.
5 David ………isn’t shopping………………………… in the supermarket.

12. Complete the questions

1 (you / have) ………………………………………… lunch now?
2 (Anne / do) …………………………………………… her homework?
3 (the boys / wear) ……………………………………….. jeans today

13 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Continuous:

a) we / put / dinner / on the table / now / .


b) at the moment / Dan / order / ice cream / .


c) she / eat / a healthy snack / ?


d) I / not drink / orange juice / now / .


e) the children / bake / biscuits / right now / ?


14 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Continuous:

a) I / feed / the animals / at the moment / .


b) the baby / smile / at you / .


c) Allison and Jane / study / for a test / at the moment / .


d) you / wait / for a train / right now / ?


e) they / buy / orange juice / ?


f) Angela / not swim / in the lake / now / .


15 Use the correct tense. (Simple Present / Present Continuous). MEZCLA DE LOS DOS.

1. Normally I _____start_____ (start) work at eight o'clock but I ____am starting______ (start) at 7 this

week. We are busy just now.

2. We ____go______ (go) camping every year. It's a good cheap holiday. Hotels

_____cost_____ (cost) too much.

3. What's that smell? Something __is burning________ (burn) in the kitchen now.

4. I ___am working__________ (work) overtime this month because I ____am saving up______ (save up)
to buy a car.

5. He __smokes________ (smoke) thirty cigarettes a day but at the moment he ___is trying_______ (try)

very hard to cut down.


16. Complete these sentences with these REGULAR verbs in PAST SIMPLE.

1) Jenny ________________ her watch using a screwdriver. (MEND)

2) The car passed by the corner and ___________________ right. (TURN)
3) The public ______________________ their hands after the performance. (CLAP)
4) I ____________________ at the picture in the museum for hours. (LOOK)
5) My friend ____________________ me all her new CDs. (SHOW)
6) Peter and Mary ____________________ when they were twenty-nine. (MARRY)
7) Susie _____________________ a hair-drier to dry her clothes. (USE)
8) When I was at school, I ______________________ about my studies. (WORRY)
9) The gangsters ____________________ a lot of money in a shop near my house. (ROB)
10) The architect ____________________ a lot of workers in the building works. (EMPLOY)

17. Complete and translate all these sentences with these IRREGULAR verbs.
1) The girl _____sold_______________ her school books to a friend. (SELL)
2) The new group _______sang___________ all their great hits. (SING)
3) Jenny ______lent_____________ me her bicycle for the summer holidays. (LEND)
4) I was in a hurry, but finally I ________caught___________ the train on time. (CATCH)
5) Last autumn John _____took____________ a lot of photos in Greece. (TAKE)
6) Those gold earrings _______cost_______________ me fifty pounds. (COST)
7) The wind ______blew____________ powerfully and the dead leaves fluttered in the air. (BLOW)
8) The Watson family _______ate_____________ some tasteful seafruit in the restaurant. (EAT)
9) Johnny was studying in his room when the phone ______rang_____________. (RING)
10)My mother _______sent________________ a letter to a TV contest yesterday. (SEND)

18 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple:

a) Yesterday, I ………waited………………… (wait) in a queue for two hours for concert tickets.
b) We …………stayed……………… (stay) at home last night because it was snowy.
c) The fight began because Tom ………pushed………………… (push) Fred.
d) ………did…………… you …………buy………… (buy) those jeans at the department store?
e) Marco Polo …didn’t discover……………………… (not discover) America. Columbus did!
f) I’m sad. Alex ………didn’t call………………… (not call) me last night.

19 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple:
a) Pam …………………… (dance) with Ashton at the party.
b) I …………………… (study) for the test at the weekend.
c) Last night, we …………………… (have) beef for dinner.
d) Yesterday, Mum …………………… (buy) flowers and she …………………… (plant) them in the
garden this morning.
e) Janis …………………… (put) the bottles in a carton and her dad …………………… (carry) them to
the recycling bin.

20. Use the correct tense. (Simple Past / Past Continuous) MEZCLA

1. The dentist's waiting room was full of people. Some __________ (read) magazines,

others __________ (just / turn) over the pages. A woman __________ (knit), a child

__________ (play) with a toy car. Suddenly the door __________ (open) and the nurse

__________ (say) "Next, please."

2. What __________ (you / do) between 9.00 and 10.00 yesterday?

3. Yesterday Luis __________ (cross) a street when a truck __________ (turn) the corner very fast and
almost __________ (hit) him.

4. Last Saturday while Sally __________ (clean) out the attic, she __________ (find) her grandmother's
wedding dress.

21 Complete the sentences with: am / is / are.

More chocolate ………is…………. eaten in the USA than in any other country.
Not very much ………is…………. known about Shakespeare’s childhood.
We ……are…………. woken by the birds every morning.
I ……am…………. paid on the first of every month.
………are…………. you seen by the same doctor every week?
Spanish ……is………… spoken in many American countries.

22 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Simple Passive, affirmative or

a) English / speak / in Australia ……English is

b) trees / use / to make glass ……trees are used
c) landmarks / visited / by tourists ……landmarks are
d) a car / not make / of cloth …………a car isn’t made

23 A friend from another city wants to hear about your school. Write his / her questions
with the words below. Use the Present Simple Passive.

a) the school / situate / in the city centre


b) mobile phones / permit / in the school


c) homework / give / every day


d) school uniforms / wear


e) students / allow / to eat in lessons


f) students / expect / to stand / when the teacher comes in


24. Put the verbs in the simple present passive.

A lot of olive oil ………is used………………….…………. in Mediterranean cooking. (use)
Arabic …………is written……………………………………. from right to left. (write)
Jaguar cars ………aren’t made………………………………….. in America. (not make)
Our classrooms ………are cleaned……………………….……. every day. (clean)
These programmes …………are watched………………………. by millions of people every week. (watch)
Spanish ………isn’t spoken……………………………………... in Brazil. (not speak)

25. Complete the sentences with: was / were.
Most of the matches ……were…………… won by Spanish teams.
These keys ………were…………… found in the changing room – are they yours?
I ……was……………… stopped by a policeman in the city centre last night.
We couldn’t find the station, but we …………were………… helped by a very kind woman.
Yesterday a man ……was……………… caught trying to steal a parked car.
The lost soldiers ……were……………… found in a ruined house.
26 Put the verbs in the simple past passive.
Our passports ………were taken…………………………………. by a tall man in a uniform. (take)
These books ……were left………………………………………. in the classroom yesterday. (leave)
My money …wasn’t accepted……………………. because they wanted to invite me. (not accept)
I don’t think this room ……was cleaned…………………………... yesterday. (clean)
My father ……wasn’t waken…………………………………………. by the noise in the outside. (not wake)

27 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple Passive:
a) The light bulb …was invented…………………………… (invent) by Thomas Edison.
b) The Twilight books …………were written…………………… (write) by Stephenie Meyer.
c) Penicillin ………was discovered……………………… (discover) by Sir Alexander Fleming.
d) The first Levi jeans …were made…………………………… (make) by Levi Strauss.
e) The Mona Lisa …was painted…………………………… (paint) by Leonardo da Vinci.


28 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive or
Past Simple Passive:

a) Many aeroplanes ………are flown……………………… (fly) every day. The first

aeroplane ……was invented………………………… (invent) in 1903.

b) Work on the Tower of Pisa ………was begun……………………… (begin) in 1173. The Tower
………is visited……………………… (visit) by many tourists every year.
c) Jeans ……are worn………………………… (wear) all over the world. They ………were
created……………………… (create) by Levi Strauss in 1873.
d) Tea ……was discovered………………………… (discover) in China in 2737 BC. It
……is drunk………………………… (drink) in many countries around the world.

29 How much do you know about the USA? Complete the questions with the Present Simple
Passive or Past Simple Passive:

a) Which president ……………………………………………… (elect) in 2008?

b) When ……… Independence Day ……………………………… (celebrate)?
c) What ………………………………………… (take) from France to New York in 1886?
d) What food ……………………………………… (consider) traditional American food?


30 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Perfect:

a) The nurse ………has worked…………… (work) in that hospital for two years.
b) The cleaners …haven’t washed………………… (not wash) the windows yet.
c) You ……haven’t played……………… (not pay) the cashier for those shoes.
d) She …has played………………… (play) football for years but she ………hasn’t scored……………
(not score) any goals.
e) I ……have visited……………… (visit) Paris four times but I ………haven’t been…………… (not be)
to London.

31 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Perfect:

a) I / never / eat / raw / fish / .


b) we / not see / this film / for many years / .

c) Jill / be / a pilot / for three years / ?

d) the cook / not leave / the kitchen / yet / .


e) the judge / already / make / a decision / .


f) they / throw out / the rubbish / yet / ?



32 Choose the correct answers:

a) Dr Griffin was / has been a surgeon since 1997.
b) I went / have gone to the hairdresser’s last week.
c) The bus driver didn’t take / hasn’t taken the children to school in the morning.
d) Did you see / Have you seen Cowboys and Aliens yet?
e) We didn’t have / haven’t had crisps for two months.

33 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past
Simple affirmative, negative or interrogative:
a) I ……have seen……………………… (see) Tony for a month.
b) ……have…………… you ever ……been…………… (be) to a hairdresser?
c) I was at the shopping centre yesterday, but I ……didn’t buy……………………… (not buy)
d) We ……have …… already ……heard…………… (hear) this story.
e) What ……did…………… he ……say…………… (say) to you last night?

34 Complete the interview with a film producer. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past
Q: When 1…………………… you …………………… (become) a film producer?

A: I 2……………………………… (get) my first job in 1996. I 3……………………………… (be) a film

producer for more than 15 years.

Q: Why 4…………………… you …………………… (decide) to become a film producer?

A: Well, I 5……………………………… (always love) films. I’m good with money and schedules. So
one day, I 6……………………………… (decide) to try producing.

Q: How many films 7…………………… you …………………… (produce)?

A: I 8……………………………… (just complete) my eighth film.

Q: 9
…………………… you …………………… (meet) a lot of famous film stars?

A: Yes, I 10……………………………… . I 11……………………………… (work) with some very famous


35. Present Perfect – Past Simple. Write the correct form in the blanks.
1 I …………………………….….. to my brother yesterday. (write)
2 I …………………..…………….. to my sister. (write)
3 The lessons …………………..….…….. last week. (begin)
4 You …………………….……….. three cups today. (break)
5 Why ………..…………...……… so late tonight? (you, be)
6 I don’t know who …………………….……….. my ring. (steal)
7 We …………………….……….. too much last night. (eat)
8 John …………………………….. off his bike yesterday. (fall)
9 I’m sorry, I…….…………………....…. your name! (forget)
10 I …………………………….… her my photo, now she knows me. (send)
11 We …………………………….. what they wanted. (know)
12 Oh, dear!! Someone ……….…………….…… my umbrella! (steal)



36. Form conditional sentences 1 conditional.

1 if you (be) late / you (not see) the film.
2 if they (buy) the new house / the bank (give) them the money.
4if we (not clean) the garden / it (be) too hot outside.
5 if I (stay) at home / you (not phone) me to go out tonight.


1. If I ___go_______________ (go) out tonight, I _____will go_____________ (go) to the cinema.

2. If you _______get___________ (get) back late, I ________will be__________ (be)angry.

3. If we _____don’t see_____________ (not / see) each other tomorrow, we_______will see___________ (see)
each other next week.

4. If he _____comes_____________ (come), I ______will be____________ (be) surprised.

5. If we ___wait_______________ (wait) here, we ______will be____________ (be) late.

6. If we ______go____________ (go) on holiday this summer, we_____will go_____________ (go) to Spain.

7. If the weather _____doesnt improve_____________ (not / improve), we____wont have______________ (not

/ have) a picnic.

8. If I ____don’t go______________ (not / go) to bed early, I _____will be_____________ (be)tired tomorrow.

9. If we ________eat__________ (eat) all this cake, we ________will feel__________(feel) sick.

10. If you ____dont want______________ (not / want) to go out, I ____will cook______________(cook) dinner
at home.

11. I __________________ (come) early if you __________________ (want).

12. They __________________ (go) to the party if they __________________(be) invited.

13. She __________________ (stay) in London if she __________________ (get)a job.

14. He __________________ (not / get) a better job if he __________________(not / pass) that exam.

15. I __________________ (buy) a new dress if I __________________ (have)enough money.

16. She __________________ (cook) dinner if you __________________ (go) to the supermarket.

17. They __________________ (go) on holiday if they __________________(have) time.

18. We __________________ (be) late if we __________________ (not / hurry).

19. She __________________ (take) a taxi if it __________________ (rain).

20. I __________________ (not / go) if you __________________ (not / come)with me.


38 Complete with second conditional

1. If I __were_______________ (be) you, I _________________ (get) a new job.

2. If he _________________ (be) younger, he _________________ (travel) more.

3. If we _________________ (not / be) friends, I _________________ (be) angry with you.

4. If I _________________ (have) enough money, I _________________ (buy) a big house.

5. If she _________________ (not / be) always so late, she _________________ (be) promoted.

6. If we _________________ (win) the lottery, we _________________ (travel) the world.

7. If you _________________ (have) a better job, we _________________ (be) able to buy a new car

8. If I _________________ (speak) perfect English, I _________________ (have) a good job.

9. If we _________________ (live) in Mexico, I _________________ (speak) Spanish.

10. If she _________________ (pass) the exam, she _________________ (be) able to enter university.

11. She _________________ (be) happier if she _________________ (have)more friends.

12. We _________________ (buy) a house if we _________________ (decide) tostay here.

13. They _________________ (have) more money if they _________________(not / buy) so many clothes

14. We _________________ (come) to dinner if we _________________ (have)time.

15. She _________________ (call) him if she _________________ (know) hisnumber.

16. They _________________ (go) to Spain on holiday if they _______________(like) hot weather.

17. She _________________ (pass) the exam if she _________________ (study)more.

18. I _________________ (marry) someone famous if I _________________ (be)a movie star.

19. We never _________________ (be) late again if we _________________(buy) a new car.

20. You _________________ (lose) weight if you _________________ (eat) less.


39 Put in the correct third conditional verb form:

1. If you ______________ (not / be) late, we ______________ (not / miss) thebus.

2. If she ______________ (study), she ______________ (pass) the exam.

3. If we ______________ (arrive) earlier, we ______________ (see) John.

4. If they ______________ (go) to bed early, they ______________ (not / wake)up late.
5. If he ______________ (become) a musician, he ______________ (record) aCD.

6. If she ______________ (go) to art school, she ______________ (become) apainter.

7. If I ______________ (be) born in a different country, I ______________(learn) to speak a different


8. If she ______________ (go) to university, she ______________ (study)French.

9. If we ______________ (not / go) to the party, we ______________ (not /meet) them.

10. If he ______________ (take) the job, he ______________ (not / go) travelling.

11. He ______________ (be) happier if he ______________ (stay) at home.

12. She ______________ (pass) the exam if she ______________ (study) harder.

13. We ______________ (not / get) married if we ______________ (not / go) tothe same university.

14. They ______________ (be) late if they ______________ (not / take) a taxi.

15. She ______________ (not / meet) him if she ______________ (not / come) toLondon.

16. He ______________ (take) a taxi if he ______________ (have) enoughmoney.

17. I ______________ (call) you if I ______________ (not / forget) my phone.

18. We ______________ (come) if we ______________ (be) invited.

19. She ______________ (not / do) it if she ______________ (know) you were ill.

20. He ______________ (be) on time if he ______________ (leave) earlier.


40 Write the words in the correct order to make predictions for the year 2500. Use the
Simple Future (will or won’t):

a) to school / students / not go


b) be / planet / hot / too / the / for people


c) in space / there / residential neighbourhoods / be


d) in their ears / communicate / people / with telephones


e) doctors / solutions / medical problems / discover / to


41 Complete with will

a) Lisa and Tom / play tennis

b) Lisa / stay home / in the afternoon

c) Tom / drive / to the office


d) Lisa / have dinner / at home


e) Tom and Debby / go shopping / before dinner



42 Put the verbs into the correct form (future I). Use going to.

1. It (rain)  .

2. They (eat)   stew.

3. I (wear)   blue shoes tonight.

4. We (not / help)   you.

5. Jack (not / walk)   home.

6. (cook / you)   dinner?

7. Sue (share / not)   her biscuits.

8. (leave / they)   the house?

9. (take part / she)   in the contest?

10. I (not / spend)   my holiday abroad this year.

43 Use the correct form of going to and the verbs in brackets.

1. I (take) some photos at the weekend.

2. They (order) a pizza for dinner.

3. We (not play) football tomorrow.

4. Paul (get) a summer job.

5. (you / phone) me tonight?

6. Molly (not buy) a new skirt for the party.

7. (Greg / start) university next year?

8. I (study) tonight.


44 Put the verbs into the correct form (will, going to, simple present or present continuous).

1. The train   at 11:45. ( leave)

2. We   dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday, but we have't booked a table

yet. (to have)

3. My ski instructor believes it   in the mountains tomorrow evening. (to snow)

4. On Sunday at 8 o'clock I   my friend. (to meet)

5. They   to London on Friday evening at 8:15. (to fly)

6. Wait! I   you to the station. (to drive)

7. The English lesson   at 8:45. (to start)

8. I   my sister in April. (to see)

9. Look at the clouds - it   in a few minutes. (to rain)

10. Listen! There's someone at the door. I   the door for you. (to open)

45Put the verbs into the correct form (will, going to, simple present or present continuous).

1. I love London. I (probably / go)   there next year.

2. Our train (leave)   at 4:47.

3. What (wear / you)   at the party tonight?

4. I haven't made up my mind yet. But I think I (find)   something nice in my mum's

5. This is my last day here. I (go)   back to England tomorrow.

6. Hurry up! The conference (begin)   in 20 minutes.

7. My horoscope says that I (meet)   an old friend this week.

8. Look at these big black clouds! It (rain)  .

9. Here is the weather forecast. Tomorrow (be)   dry and sunny.

10. What does a blonde say when she sees a banana skin lying just a few metres in front of her? - Oh

dear! I (slip)  !
46 Fill in the correct future tense - will future, going to or present continuous.

1. They   (drive) to New York tomorrow morning.

2. I hope the weather   (be) nice.

3. I offered him this job. I think he   (take) it.

4. I promise I   (not tell) your secret to anyone.

5. Take your umbrella with you. It   (rain).

6. They   (play) cards this evening.

7. I   (go) to the cinema tomorrow.

8. They   (fly) to Seattle next summer holidays.

9. I   (invite) 50 people to the party, and I hope everyone   (come).


47 Conjuga los verbos entre paréntesis en future continuous.

1. At this time tomorrow we (fly)  to New York.

2. At 9 o’clock, the baby (sleep) .
3. Lilly and Neil are on their way to California. They (surf)  this time tomorrow.
4. I (give)  a speech at my friend’s wedding on Friday at seven.
5. You (watch)  TV when I get home.

48 Conjuga los verbos entre paréntesis en future continuous.

1. They (dance/not)  all night.
2. We are late, he (wait/not)  for us anymore.
3. She (study/not)  until midnight.
4. I (prepare/not)  everything for you any longer.
5. With your bad work ethic, you (work/not/probably)  for this company anymore next year.

49 Formula oraciones interrogativas en future continuous.

1. (What/you/do)  tomorrow evening?
2. (How many people/drink)  beer at the party?
3. (Jane/play)  the piano at the performance?
4. (Who/deal)  with the press release?
5. (Where/you/stay)  when you’re in Dublin?


50 Complete the sentences with expressions in brackets.

He couldn't go skiing, because he ........had fallen............................. ill the night before. (fall)

.....had you switched........................................... off the lights before you left home? (you - switch)

The plane crashed because the engines .......had caught.................................. fire. (catch)

After Sam ....had left....................... the bank, he got into his car. (leave)

When he arrived at the office, everyone ........had been......................... gone. (be)

.......had the dog had........................................... anything to eat before you fed him? (the dog - have)

By the time Joseph returned home Sarah ......had tried.................... to get in touch with him several
times. (try)

Why .........had you called................................. me before you refused their offer? (you - call)

I was so sad because Jill ...........had disappeared........................................ somewhere in Spain. (disappear)

What ......had you done............................................. with the computer before you called the technician?
(you - do)

51Choose the past perfect, or the past simple:

1. We had already eaten when John ______came__________________________(come) home.

2. Last year Juan ______passed__________________________ (pass) all his exams.

3. When I _____got___________________________ (get) to the airport I discovered I had forgotten my


4. I went to the library, then I ________________________________ (buy) some milk and went home.

5. I opened my handbag to find that I _________had forgotten_______________________ (forgot) my credit


6. When we __________arrived______________________ (arrive) at the station, the train had already left.

7. We got home to find that someone ________had broken________________________ (break) into the house.

8. I opened the fridge to find someone_________had eaten_______________________ (eat) all my chocolate.

9. I had known my husband for three years when we_______got_________________________ (get) married.

10. Julie was very pleased to see that John______________had cleaned__________________ (clean) the

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