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Quiz 8 Electrical Properties

Current reaches a constant value the instant that a field is applied, indicating that there exist what might be termed

-frictional forces
It relates the current I or time rate of charge passage to the applied voltage V.

-ohm’s law

The energy corresponding to the highest filled state at 0 K is called:

-Fermi energy

Materials with intermediate conductivities.


These are the electrons that participate in the conduction process, which are termed

-free electrons

This influence is such that each distinct atomic state may split into a series of closely spaced electron states in the
solid to form what is termed

-electron energy band

Within most solid materials a current arises from the flow of electrons, which is termed as

-electronic conduction

A net motion of charged ions is possible that produces a current.

-ionic conduction

Another charged electronic entity that is found in semiconductors and insulators are called

They exhibit an amazing range of electrical conductivities, extending over 27 orders of magnitude; probably no other
physical property exhibits this breadth of variation.

-solid materials

It is said to exist when there is a net spatial separation of positively and negatively charged entities on an atomic or
molecular level.


It is independent of specimen geometry.

-Electrical resistivity
It is used to specify the electrical character of a material.

-Electrical conductivity

Materials with very low conductivities.

It is the average electron velocity in the direction of the force imposed by the applied field.

-drift velocity

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