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Quick Check - DNA Replication

1. DNA helicase- Enzyme that unwinds DNA

2. Okazaki Fragments-Sections of copied DNA created on the lagging strand
3. Leading strand-The strand that is copied in a continuous way 3, from the 3’ to 5’ direction
4. ligase- Binds Okazaki fragments
5. DNA polymearse-Builds a new DNA strand by adding complementary bases
6. SIngle strand DNA- Stabilizes the DNA molecule during replication
7. DNA primase-Strand that is copied discontinuously because it is traveling away from helicase
8. Replication fork-Where the two sides of DNA are open
9. Double stranded- Refers to the concept that one side of the original DNA is always saved
10. In the nucleus in eukrayotic cells and the nucleoid region in prokrayotic- The specific structure of the
of the cell where replication takes place.

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