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3:01 | a short film

January 3, 2022. In a classroom, Nea is seen answering their exam sheets. While doing so
she sees her friends talking as they are done with the exam. After she was done answering,
her friends gathered around her and asked if she wanted to hang out with them to celebrate
finishing the exam. They all suggested that they do it at Nea’s housing unit, which was still
under renovation, and tell scary stories in the dark. Nea was skeptical as she wasn’t open to
the idea, for she was not a fan of scary stuff. After pleading and convincing her, she finally
agreed. They decided they would do it as soon as possible and all decided to do it within that
day. As they all went home and asked their parents for permission they all went to the housing
unit at around 5 pm. They met up near the Venue, as they were greeting each other they
asked Nea where the housing unit was located and Nea then proceeded to show them where
it was, as they went in they felt an oddly eerie and creepy atmosphere. Adian noticed that the
lights weren’t turning on, and he asked Nea why; She answers that the construction workers
turned them off to ensure that nothing short circuits. They looked around the house to
familiarize themselves, and after a while, Rayne gathered the group. They started playing
games like truth or dare and shared scary stories. They didn’t realize that it was already so
late, Sena pointed out that it was already 3:01 in the morning, and Rayne asked everyone to
slowly clean up so that they could get some rest. Sena went to the bathroom along with some
of the girls, She brushed her teeth, and she noticed that she spat out blood, panicked and
confused Sena abruptly was stuffing her mouth with her hands and also rinsing her mouth
off, She looked at her hands and she was holding a razor, She harshly threw it away and
went back into panicking, she screamed and shouted and then She sees herself with her
friends around her, Sena snaps back to reality and starts holding her mouth seeing where
she might’ve hurt herself with the razor, her friends, alarmed tries to stop her, and then Sena
snaps and shouts at her friends. They asked why was she acting weird and then she
proceeded to tell them about the incident in the bathroom, her friends look at each other and
then back at Sena confused. Rayne tells Sena that they never went to the bathroom, Sena
gets irritated and started furiously telling them off, her friends then explained that they never
went to the bathroom and that what happened was Sena abruptly stood up went to the stairs,
and took a razor and tried cutting herself, Sena was stunned at the information and madly
asks them to stop joking around with her, Nea then cuts her off by saying that what happened
to her could never actually happen because the bathroom was a wreck, and the door was
locked. The silence was loud but it was interrupted by a loud noise coming from the bathroom,
the doorknob was shaking uncontrollably, Everyone was then alarmed by what was
happening and they all rushed to the main entrance. Unfortunately for them, the most cliche
thing happened the door was locked, but this was not because of a ghost but because of
Aiden, He then confesses that he locked the door on purpose to give everyone a “scare”
everyone was mad but they wanted to get out the house as soon as possible so they all
looked everywhere for the key. Sena decided to go to the second floor, as she goes up in a
hurry she suddenly trips and falls on her hands, lifting her head she saw a silhouette, letting
out a scream this scared her but it turns out it was her friend Olivia, Sena then asks Olivia to
join her up and Olivia says she would in a minute, Sena looks everywhere around the second
floor, leading her to the first and second room, she didn’t find anything so the last room was
her only hope left, as she was searching the last room she heard a person going up the stairs
assuming it was Olivia she tells her to hurry up. The footsteps stopped, making Sena
confused, she then sees Olivia standing still by the edge of the stairs, irritated she goes to
her and grabs her hands, and pulls her towards the third room, but something caught Sena
off guard, Olivia’s hand felt cold: concerned she asks if she was okay and looks back at her,
Sena lets out a scream as she sees herself, with a forehead wound with pitch black eyes,
Sena fell weak on her knees and falls on the floor, while her doppelganger crawls towards
her, she screams again but louder making everyone downstairs hear her, they all rush
upstairs to check on her but then sees Olivia on the floor crying trying to stop Sena from
banging her head on the wall, they all stopped her and they Sena fell unconscious, they hear
Rayne from downstairs saying she opened the door and so the boys carry Sena’s
unconscious body downstairs, finally everyone got to escape the housing unit. Everyone
walked uphill in silence, but soon after this silence was broken by a laugh, they all look behind
them and see Nea crying and laughing, they bunch got furious and then concluded that she
lost her mind. Olivia pushes Nea and Nea finally confessed that she was behind everything
that has happened thus far to them. Explaining that she had planned everything from the
start, from them wanting to go to the housing unit to them experiencing creepy things. She
tells them that she used witch craft against them because she felt unfair from the way they
treated her, only using her for their gain Nea had enough. She was an outcast, by the people
she thought were her friends. They only used her because it was beneficial to them. She
starts going berserker but then Sena pushed her hard which made her lose her balance and
fall down the steep road. Everyone was shocked by what happened then they tried gaslighting
Sena into not thinking it was her fault, they go near Nea’s body checking if she was okay,
they turn her body around and then sees her lifeless. Everyone ran off as far as they could to
not get involved with any crime that might’ve happened. Everyone manages to go home. As
Sena was done cleaning herself up and getting ready for bed. She charger her phone by her
bed, then her phone opens revealing that it was still 3:01 Sena throws her phone in fear but
then bumps into something, looking back she saw Nea, wounded and covered in blood.


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