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Supporting lecturers: Nur Fatmawati M.pd

Arranged by:
Amanda Devia Septiana
English language education

Institut agama Islam hamzanwadi

Nw Lombok timur
School year
1. Find a short text from newspaper, textbook, article, etc, and identify the
part of speech, phrases, clauses, and sentences in the text.
2. Make three simple sentences with compound sebjects and compound verbs.
3. Make three sentences with verbs in various tenses and voices

1).The role of nature in human life
Nature play an important role in human life. Nature provides everything that
human need. Nature needs to be protected and preserved. On of them,
namely by protecting and conserving forests.
Firs, by preseving the forest means helping to preserve the various other
living things in it. In addition. Foresets are also a source of oxygen for human
Then, good forest management with selective logging and reforestation is
also very necessary. In addition, the existence of regulations and lawas is also
an important part that must be improved for the sake of preseving the forest.
That way, the reciprocal relationship between humans and nature will be
well established. Nature provides human needs while humans protect and
preserve nature.
2). # verb dan subject
1. The women danced
2. Opened the window
# compound subject
- Atlek and i got the opprection for our recent research
# compound verb
- The babies laughed and clled simultaneously
3). # simple present tense
- my sister is a kindergarden student
- i go to school every day
# active voice
- I bathe my cat in the bath up every weekend
# active
- people one using sosial media
- Many tourists have visited that visited
- tian is kicking the ball
# Passive
- that beach has been visited by many tourists
- the ball is being kicked by tian
- social media is being used nowaydays

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