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Milo Steamed Sponge

the first Materials


2 eggs

2 sachets of milo (using chocolatos is also delicious)

2-3 sachets of SKM chocolate (brewed with 6 tablespoons of warm water)

6-7 tablespoons of sugar

7 tbsp flour (sifted)

6 tbsp cooking oil

1/2 tsp baking soda

How to make

Step 1

Beat the eggs and sugar using a whisk or fork until frothy.

Step 2

Add the sifted flour, baking soda, milo powder, and the brewed cocoa sugar and cooking oil, then stir.

Step 3
Pour the dough into a tin that has been smeared with oil/margarine.

Step 4

Steam in a boiling pot for 30 minutes. Don't forget to cover the pot with a clean cloth/napkin so that the
water doesn't fall into the mixture.

Step 5

After 30 minutes, try to check the cake using a skewer, if no dough rises, it means the cake is ready.

Step 6

After the cake is cooked, remove, then give the topping according to taste. Steamed milo cake is ready
to be served

Dana indah (XII-IPS 2/09)

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