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13 MAY 2022

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I would like to thank ALLAH SWT for HIS blessings that I was able to finish this assignment.
I would also like to thank my lecturer, Puan Normala Binti Ismail for the guidance and
lectures that have given to me a clear view on how to document my business activity

In preparing this business activity, I have also come across several individuals and
interviewed them for information gathering. I would like to extend my gratitude to them
particularly ………………. (name these individuals clearly) because their willingness to
spend their time in answering my questions regarding the business.

Last but not least, I would also like to thank my classmates who have helped and keep
motivating me in to complete this business activity assignment successfully. Their thought,
generosity and assistance are greatly appreciated.

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Acknowledgement ii
Table of Contents iii
Executive Summary iv
MyENT Registration Certificate v

1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Project Description 1
3.0 Business Model Canvas (BMC)
4.0 Experiential Learning
5.0 Conclusion


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The purpose of this business activity assignment is for students to experience what it is like
to be an entrepreneur. This activity is a free exploration and learning for students venturing
into business. Thus, the writer has decided to venture into ……. (name of the product OR
service) with a capital of Ringgit Malaysia (RM) ………. (state the initial capital). The duration
of the project lasted for one week, starting from ………. (date started) until ………. (date
ended). Before the business starts, like any other businesses, the writer came up with own
business strategies like identifying the target market, product OR service design and the
application of four Ps concepts, namely product, price, place (distribution channels) and
promotion (advertising, media usage, public relations, web OR social media presence etc).
The writer took one week to mould, prepare and organize the business strategies. Because
the writer is the owner of the business, the writer has the privilege to decide what strategies
work best for his OR her business. Thus, after venturing into the business for one week, the
writer earned RM ………. Subsequently, the writer has obtained ………. (state profit OR
loss) of RM ………. (state amount of profit OR loss). Most of the customers consist of
………. (state who are the customers). Overall, this business activity assignment has made
the writer to do things beyond imagination. The writer learned to challenge himself OR
herself by making fast, on the spot decision and act based on logic. The writer has no doubt
that he OR she can be successful, no matter what the future would be like.

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What is learned in theory is different from what is learned in reality. This project was
a good thing as it gave students the exposure of pleasures and difficulties in doing

Thus, this project discusses the preparation the writer did before starting the
business, the impact he OR she experienced after doing the business and the
experiences the writer went through after a week of running the business.


2.1 Before Activity

Describe step by step your preparation in running the business, what product OR
service sold, why you choose the product OR service (how the idea comes about),
the uniqueness of the product OR service you sold compared to other similar
products OR services in the market, what is the business location, business
address, how the product OR service is obtained (self made, buy ready made OR
others), who is the supplier (discuss briefly but clearly the supplier’s name,
business location, business address, agreement made with the supplier (if any) and
why choose the supplier), how you run the business (online, offline OR hybrid) and
reasons you choose such platform, initial capital, from where it is obtained, state
clearly your selling price and purchase cost (more accurately show purchase cost
in tabular form), who are your target markets (customers), what are the 4Ps
strategies and approaches that you take? Price (what price tactics used like mark
up price), product OR service (logo, design, branding, packaging etc), place
(distribution channels) and promotion (advertising, media usage, public relations,
web OR social media presence (WhatsApp, TikTok, Twitter etc) AND other relevant
discussions you deem appropriate.

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Table 1: Purchase Cost (SAMPLE)
Items Purchased Quantity (units) Purchase Cost (RM)
1 Wheat Flour 1 kg 1 kg x RM3.20 = RM3.20
2 Paper bag 1 pack (consists of 100 pieces) 1 pack x RM3.80 = RM3.80
3 Potatoes 1 kg 1 kg x RM4.00 = RM4.00
4 ………. ………. ……….
5 ………. ………. ……….
6 ………. ………. ……….

Total purchase cost RM11.00 can produce 15 potato pies

Cost of producing 1 potato pies = RM11.00 ÷ 15 = RM0.733
Mark up price from cost of producing 1 potato pies = 175%
= RM0.733 x 175%
= RM1.283

Therefore, selling price = RM0.733 + RM1.283 = RM2.016 (≈ RM2.00) for 1 potato


2.2 After Activity

Explain the journey you went through running the business from the first day to the
last day, the challenges OR problems faced, how the challenges OR problems
solved, how many customers per day, total customers, who are they, items sold
per day, total items sold, what strategy used to sell, what about the remaining
unsold items (what strategy used to sell the unsold items), customer’s feedback,
revenue per day, total revenue, cost per day, total cost bared (purchasing raw
materials, packaging cost, utility cost, delivery cost etc), profit OR loss made (show in
form of table a simple financial statement consists of detail receipt, payment and
profit OR loss of the business) AND other relevant discussions you deem

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Table 2: Simple Cash Flow Record (SAMPLE)
Day Number of Number of Cost Revenue Other Profit OR
Units Units Sold Incurred Received Revenue Loss (RM)
Prepared (RM) (RM) Streams
(Price x (RM)
(a) (b) (c) ([b + c] – a)
1 15 15 10.995 30.00 10.00 29.005
2 15 13 9.529 26.00 8.00 24.471
3 15 13 9.529 26.00 8.00 24.471
4 ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ……….
5 ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ……….
6 ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ……….
7 ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. ……….
TOTAL 45 41 30.053 82.00 26.00 77.947

Cost incurred = RM0.733/unit x 15 units = RM10.995

Revenue Received = RM2.00/unit x 15 units = RM30.00
Other revenue streams = RM2.00/customer x 5 times/day = RM10.00
(delivery charge etc)

Therefore, total profit OR total loss = Total Revenue – Total Cost

= (RM82.00 + RM26.00) – RM30.053
= RM108.00 – RM30.053
= RM77.947 (profit)

3.0 Business Model Canvas (BMC)

Refer to the project description as discussed above, then the business activity is
summarized in the Business Model Canvas (BMC) as shown below.

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Table 3: Business Model Canvas (BMC)
(8) Key (6) Key (2) Value (4) Customer (1) Customer
Partners Activities Propositions Relationships Segments
Who are our key What key What value do we What type of For whom are we
partners? Who activities do our deliver to the relationship does creating value?
are our key value propositions customer? Which each of our Who are our most
suppliers? Which require? Our one of our customer segments important
key resources are distribution customer’s expect us to customers? Is our
we acquiring from channels? problems are we establish and customer base a
partners? Which Customer helping to solve? maintain with mass market,
key activities do relationships? What bundles of them? Which ones niche market,
partners perform? Revenue streams? products and have we segmented,
MOTIVATIONS CATEGORIES? services are we established? How diversified, multi
FOR Production, offering to each are they sided platform?
PARTNERSHIPS: problem solving, customer segment? integrated with
Optimization and platform Which customer the rest of our
economy, (network) needs are we business model?
reduction of risk satisfying? How costly are
and uncertainty, CHARACTERISTICS? they?
acquisition of (7) Key Newness, (3) Channels
particular performance,
resources and Resources customization, Through which
activities getting the job channels do our
What key customer segments
resources do our done, design,
brand (status), want to be
value propositions reached? How are
require? Our price, cost
reduction, risk we reaching them
distribution now? How are our
channels? reduction,
accessibility, channels
Customer integrated? Which
relationships convenience
(usability) ones work best?
revenue streams? Which ones are
TYPES OF most cost
RESOURCES? efficient? How are
Physical, we integrating
intellectual (brand them with
patents, customer routines?
copyrights, data),
human, financial
(9) Cost Structure (5) Resource Streams
What are the most important costs inherent in our For what value are our customers really willing to
business model? Which key resources are most pay? For what do they currently pay? How are
expensive? Which key activities are most they currently paying? How would they prefer to
expensive? pay? How much does each revenue stream
IS YOUR BUSINESS MORE? Cost driven (leanest contribute to overall revenues?
cost structure, low price value proposition, TYPES? Asset sale, usage fee, subscription fees,
maximum automation, extensive outsourcing), lending (renting, leasing), licensing, brokerage
value driven (focused on value creation, premium fees, advertising
value proposition) FIXED PRICING? List price, product feature
SAMPLE CHARACTERISTICS? Fixed Costs (salaries, dependent, customer segment dependent, volume
rents, utilities), variable costs, economies of scale,
economies of scope DYNAMIC PRICING? Negotiation (bargaining),
yield management, real time market
Designed by: The Business Model Foundry ( PowerPoint
implementation by: Neos Chronos Limited ( License by: CC BY – SA 3.0

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4.0 Experiential Learning

What do you learn through running the business? Describe your learning curve OR
experience you had during the seven days of running the business. For example,
previously the writer is impatient, but running this business educates him OR
her to be a patient person especially in dealing with picky customers (elaborate
further what strategy you used to overcome this picky customer). Describe FIVE
experiential learning you gain through running the business.

5.0 Conclusion

Make a summary of the important contents that have been discussed in the project
description and experiential learning. Did you manage to achieve the objectives
as desired? What is your hope with regards to such business activity in the future?
Also discuss briefly yet clearly TWO suggestions that you can think off in improving
the business activity in the future.


Evidences such as photos of product OR service, customers’ testimonial (if any),

promotional activities using social media such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
and other relevant evidences. Attached SIX relevant and importance photos OR
pictures only.

Minimum 5 pages and maximum 10 pages only EXCLUDE Cover Page,

Executive Summary, Table of Contents, MyENT Registration and Appendices

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