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REVIEW: Writing 1–2


Can write descriptions of past events, activities, or personal experiences

Sample Response
Your teacher has asked you to write a description of a recycling challenge that you were involved in.

In your description you should write about

 what it was
 how you felt about it before you did it
 what happened during the event
 how you felt after the event

Write your description in 130–150 words.

Recycling competition
Last month I entered a recycling competition. We had to recycle an object and make it into something different. It was
held in the school hall and we didn’t know what we had to recycle until we got there. I was excited, but also quite
anxious at the beginning because sometimes it’s quite difficult to think of interesting things to make from an object.
When I do it at home, I have lots of time to think of ideas, but in the competition we only had half an hour.
When I arrived and saw my object, I was disappointed because it wasn’t very interesting. It was an old pair of jeans.
However by the end of the day I had made a handbag and used the pockets to make holders for pens and pencils.
Although I didn’t win a prize, I was very happy with the results and enjoyed the challenge.

151 words

Marking Grid
The marking is based on the following criteria: content; task achievement; organisation and structure; range;
accuracy. These headings above are each marked out of 4. The ‘average’ student would get 3; a very good
student would get 4; a weak student would get 2; a very poor student 0–1.
The descriptors at 2–3 are ‘at level’; the descriptors at 4 are ‘above level’ and the descriptors at 0–1 are ‘below

Marks Content Task Organisation and Range Accuracy

achievement structure
0 Award 0 marks only if there is no written response to assess or if what is written is unintelligible or
is an obviously rehearsed response bearing little or no relation to the task.
1 One or two Lexical and Little or no text Uses only basic Many lexical and
content points grammatical organisation vocabulary and grammatical
may be omitted inaccuracies according to grammar errors, even in
completely, or impede task genre. structures with a basic language,
covered in achievement. Text organised lot of errors which severely
insufficient depth Control may be largely at phrase evident. impede
and/or scope. sufficient for very level with some communication
Content would simple tasks, but complete of ideas.
have a negative not more sentences
effect on the complex ones. evident. Little or
intended reader Stretches of text no linking
due to lexical may require a lot between phrases
and/or of effort by the or sentences.
grammatical reader to decode.
and/or poor
control of

© 2017 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

REVIEW: Writing 1–2

2 May not cover all Lexical and Some text Has sufficient Can use some
the content grammatical organisation vocabulary and simple structures
points, or in inaccuracies may according to grammar correctly, but still
insufficient depth impede task genre. structures to systematically
and/or scope. achievement in Uses a series of cope with makes basic
Content would some areas. simple phrases familiar everyday mistakes. Limited
have a negative Control may be and basic topics although control of short
effect on the sufficient for very sentences with errors may simple sentence
intended reader simple tasks, but simple impede the structures.
due to lexical generally not connectors. message. However it is
and/or more complex Attempts at clear what the
grammatical ones. complex or message is trying
inaccuracies compound to say.
and/or poor sentences are
control of likely to be
register. unsuccessful.
3 All points may Control is Text organised at Has sufficient Good control of
have been sufficient to sentence level. vocabulary and elementary
covered, but respond to all Can link a series range of language, but
some in tasks and to of shorter, grammar major errors still
insufficient complete some discrete simple structures to occur when
depth. more complex elements into a express expressing more
Sections of the ones. The linear sequence themselves complex
content would message of points. reasonably thoughts. Uses a
probably have a understood and There is evidence clearly with some range of
positive effect on the task achieved of paragraphing. errors. frequently used
the intended despite some Some successful patterns
reader. errors. attempts at reasonably
complex or accurately.
4 All content points Control of Text organised Uses a good Communicates
covered with language is and sequenced range of level- with reasonable
sufficient depth clearly sufficient throughout with appropriate accuracy in
and scope. to respond to good linking. vocabulary and familiar contexts.
The text would simple and more Paragraphs used grammar Generally good
have a positive complex tasks. appropriately for structures, control, though
effect on the All parts of the the purpose and generally used with some errors
intended reader task are fully genre of the accurately. which do not
due to good achieved. writing. With some impede the
lexical and/or successful overall message.
grammatical complex and/or
accuracy and/or compound
sufficient control sentences.
of register.

© 2017 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

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