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Name: Babelyn B.

Year and Section: BSED-Math 1
Subject: Science, Technology, and Society
Instructor : Maria Jennifer Cubillo
Guide Question:
1. Differentiate between society and science.
Answer : Society differ from science in which society is a community, nation or broad
group of people having common tradition, institution, collective ideas and interest while
science is only a social unit functioning in a larger social system and being affected by
the development of its social surrounding. Society differ from science but they are
related from each other. Society plays a big role in providing and illustrating a way of
observing the world and perform experiments to understand its structure and behavior
continuously overtime.
2. List 5 examples of science and technology contribution towards society.
Answer: Societies have changed overtime and it acquires science to create new
knowledge, utilized that knowledge to boost the prosperity of human lives. Science
provides reasonable exploiting of the earth’s resources, developed new processes of
products and services and lastly science also solved some various issues society facing.

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