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 Text
A simple and flexible format of presenting information or conveying ideas whether hand-written, printed or displayed on-
Any “human-readable sequence of characters” that can form intelligible words.
 How test used in the following Media
Inverted T-shirt.
Warning using billboards. (Capital letters is “SHOUTING” in social media and netiquette)
Text that is meant to advertise and to attract.
Text that contradicts can leads to confusion.

 Type of text and common file format


Hypertext Serve to link different electronic document and enable
users to jump from one to another in a nonlinear way.
Plaintext or Unformatted text Fixed size characters having essentially the same type
of appearance
Formatted Text Appearance can be changed using font parameter
(Bold, Underline, Italic, Font Size, Color, etc.)

Hypertext – YouTube / Click here


 What is a Typeface
Also called font type.
Refers to the representation or style of a text in the digital format.

 Types of Typefaces
FONTS – Conveys a message depending on usage and the purpose of the text.
(Courier New is for research and Tahoma is for letters.)
 Common File Formats
TXT – Unformatted text document by an editor as notepad on windows platform.
DOC/DOCX – Native format for storing documents created by MS package. (Can be edited)
PDF – Portable Documented Format. (Cannot be edited, but can be converted)


1. Emphasis
To make a point or highlighting a message, you can make text:
 Bold
 Italicized  Darken and lighten the text
2. Appropriateness
Refers to how fitting or suitable the test is used for a specific audience, purpose, or event
As for the choice----
Font choice matters
Font: Tahoma
Message: You will always be mine

Font: Edwardian Script

Message: You will always be mine


Font: Chiller

Message: You will always be mine


3. Proximity
Refers to how near or how far the text elements from each other
When two things are closely related, we bring them close together.

Legal, Ethical, and SOCIETAL ISSUES

Copyright & Plagiarism

Juan’s Graphic
23 Lawhill Drive
Happyville, NB
4. Alignment
Refers to how the text is positioned in the page

5. Organization
Ayos-ayos (Kabilis kabilis mag next page)
6. Repetition Concerns consistency of elements and the unity of the entire design chuchu

7. Contrast
Creates visual interest to text elements.
Achieved when two elements are different from each other
Can be achieved in various things ways by joining the ff:
What do you feel whenever you look at your throwback pictures?
Do you feel nostalgic?
Can you re-image the scene from which the picture has been taken?

Indeed, a picture speaks a thousand words.

Visual Media
Symbols, pictures, icon, signs, and others that communicate with one’s sense of sight.

Example of Visual Media

Ideogram – these are graphical symbols that represents ideas, Examples are signs, logos and symbols.

Statistical Visualization – This refers it the study and creation of data using visual representation.
Examples of these are charts and graphs.

Pictures – it is used widely by people to express their ideas, opinions, and sentiments. Examples of these are poster
making and cartooning.

Graphic Design - This refers to the art of combining text and pictures to communicate information.

Video – is the combination of motion picture or of motion and audio.

3D Image – a three-dimensional visual medium can be a sculpture, architecture, a real-life object or a person.
Human Person in Society
- An organized group of people whose members interact frequently and have a common territory and culture.
Social Contact Theory
Thomas Hobbes
Social Contract – an agreement where individuals sacrifice an amount of their freedom and submit to a higher authority.
John Locke
Considered persons in their natural state as more cooperative and reasonable, and that society is formed through the
consent individuals that organized it, consent of the governed. (Communities in which there is a leader/president)
Jean Jacques Roussean
General Will – even if the people are the ones who organized the society, in extreme cases, the government is able to
impose its will on the people. (Democracy)
David Gauthier
Described people’s self-interest as an important factor in building and maintaining societies. (Democratic country,
Elections that include the people’s choice)
- Legislative
- Judiciary
- Executive
Common Good
When more than one person desires and work to achieve the same good then it can be said that the common good exist
among them.
Refers to the social condition which enables person and groups to fulfill their goals and achieve well-being.
Different Forms of Society
Hunting and Gathering Society
- Earliest and simplest form of society
- Small sized and composed mainly of families
- Are nomadic
- Members are treated equally and decisions usually arrived through a consensus, because of this, roles of its members and
division is not very clearly defined.
Pastoral Society
- Domestication of animals for a more stable food supply.
- Often produce surplus food and resources, which they trade with other societies.
Horticultural Society
- Primarily engages in the small-scale cultivation of plants, fruits, and vegetables and the domestication of animals.
- Semi Nomadic
- Roles and responsibilities are more clearly defined with many tasks assigned according to gender.
Agrarian/Agricultural Society
- A further evolution of the pastoral and horticultural societies.
- Involves large-scale and long-term cultivation of crops and domestication of animals.
- Improve farming technology and the use of tools to aid in farming.
- Giving rise to a growing population in agricultural societies.
Feudal Society
- Based on the ownership of land.
- Rules grant their followers or vassals the right to manage parcels of land.
- Members of society are organized based on status.
Industrial Society
- Used of specialized machinery in the production of goods and services.
- Resulted in the Industrial Revolution, which in turn give in rise to new production and industrial methods, as well as
innovations in transportation and communication.
Post-Industrial Society
- Marked by the establishment of societies based on knowledge, information, and the sales of services.
- Members have higher education, better training and specialized roles.
- Virtual Society – where people organized themselves through communication technology and internet, is a product of

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