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So, I was late getting to work today. I was running late getting to work today.

And there's a particular reason

why. I was one of four people who took part in a piece of research that focussed on the role of photography on
social interaction. I was told I was exaggerating when I said I didn't like my photograph taken. I was told I was
exaggerating when one of the interviewers said that their life depended on their photos being good. I was told I
was exaggerating when the interviewer told me stories of those who had actually died from running into the
road after a failed photograph. They've got me there, I didn't die. Yet. I said I was tired because I hadn't slept
the previous night. They assumed I was lying. I have an excuse that I don't mind sharing with you friends. I was
in my first year studying psychology, and I was working on this project that required me to get up early and stay
up late, but it was a Friday, so I was up all night on Thursday. I wound up being up until 2 o'clock in the
morning, and I hadn't even thought about reading for the day. The next day was Saturday, so I filled the hours
waiting for my alarm to go off. I was up before. And I was up late. That made all of this worth it. I will have
you know that I'm not a big fan of my big round face. I would have given anything to have been able to use a
razor on that week and shave myself a bit thinner. The study had been endless. I didn't think it would be, but the
subjects I had spoke to seemed so detached from the whole experience that it seemed to drag on. I had spoken to
people who tried to throw themselves off buildings for the perfect blackmail photo, people who burned them all
for being too small, and people who lose them in the sea for being too large. I knew some people wouldn't like
it, and it turned out I was one of them. I was thirty five and my photo—just about the most important thing I
would ever have—said that I was forty five. I don't want to tell you that I am relieved I'm not forty five, yet I
am. It's not because I'm that young, it's because I'm that young to have my photo and know what I'm doing with
my life. One of the reasons I was running late was that I was debating whether I was going to pursue the
professional photography route, or the hobby photography route. As a hobby, a point and shoot can be enough
of a device. As a professional, a digital SLR is what you need.

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