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Writing exam-Danyir Flores-Bas2

My favorite time of the year is Christmas. I love Christmas! In

this time of the year my foreign friends and family come to
Venezuela. My aunt and my cousin are American. They always
come to Venezuela at Christmas. They bring us gifts and American
food. I also have some foreign friends, one Korean friend and two
Aussie friends. They usually come to Venezuela at Christmas to visit
me, they say “We love to go to Venezuela to visit Danyir because
the food is too good”. These guys are the best and beautiful people I
have known. At Christmas, we have many food. My mom cooks
Hallacas, chicken salad, pork, ham bread, soft drinks, etc. We don’t
have beers and wines, we don’t like it but my Korean friend, Jisoo,
she loves to drink beer especially “Soju”, it’s a Korean beer. We all
have fun at Christmas.

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