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AC - A1 – Danyir Flores

Words, idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs.

1. All weet: it means to be completely wrong.

For example: Actually, you are all wet about it.

2. Blunt: it refers to that kind of behavior of saying things withouth being


For example: You shouldn’t have said that, you were very blunt.

3. Carry out: it means to do something that needs to be organized.

For example: You should carry out your idea to save money.

4. Chauvinist: it is the belief that men are superior to women.

For example: I have no voice in this chauvinist society just because I’m a girl.

5. Cut the mustard: it means to meet the standard or expectations.

For example: I cut the mustard in my dance perfomance.

6. Disrobe: it means to take off your clothes.

For example: I saw him when he was disrobing.

7. Frowned upon: it is used to express that something is banned or


For example: Kissing in public places is frowned upon in South Korea.

8. Fob (someone) off: it means to trick someone.

For example: My mom fobbed me off with a fake $100 bill.

9. Get someone’s goat: it means to get someone angry or to irritate


For example: When he starts talking about feminism, it gets my goat.

10. Good egg: it is used to refer to someone that is nice or peculiar.

For example: That new boy at school seems to be a good egg.

11. Inquire: it means to ask about something.

For example: I’m going to inquire about my passport.

12. Look (something) up: it means to search or to find something in a book,

dictionary, etc.

For example: Look it up in a Spanish-English dictionary.

13. Let the cat out of the bag: it means to reveal a secret or private fact.

For example: Be honest, you let the cat out of the bag about your wedding.

14. Left out in the cold: it means to be ignored and forgotten.

For example: They left me out in the cold when I tried to participate.

15. Mind-boggling: it means that something is very surprinsing or


For example: I would never have imagined that I would receive this mind-
boggling gift.

16. Obnoxious: it refers to a bad or rude behavior.

For example: You’re being so obnoxious. Stop jumping on the bed!

17. Put on: it refers when you cover your body with clothes, makeup,
jelwery, etc

For example: I put on these red boots last night.

18. Stingy: it is used to refer to someone that doesn’t like to give money.

For example: You have a lot of money now… and are you still stingy?

19. Self-pity: it means to be sad about yourself and your problems.

For example: I cut my veins without self-pity.

20. Seance: it is a meeting where people try to communicate with spirits.

For example: Medium people often hold seances.

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