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Parts of the Speech Review

a. Sara speaks English.

b. Sara is an excellent student.
c. She lives in Casablanca. Wow! That’s super easy!
d. Yesterday, Sara had dinner quickly.
e. She was hungry and tired.

Noun Pronoun Verb Adjective Adverb Preposition Conjunction Interjection

Parts of the Speech Review

Sara is an excellent student

Noun Verb Article Adjective Noun

She lives in Casablanca

Pronoun Verb Preposition Noun

Yesterday Sara had dinner quickly

Adverb Noun Verb Noun Adverb

Wow! That’s super easy!

Parts of the Speech Review
Parts of the Speech Review
Parts of the Speech Review
Parts of the Speech Review
Parts of the Speech Review
Parts of the Speech Review
Parts of the Speech Review
Parts of the Speech Review
Parts of the Speech Review
Complete the chart with the correct part of the speech.

Verb Noun
play player
Parts of the Speech Review
Verb Noun
play player
speak speaker / speaking
sing singer
act actor / actress / action
read reader
drive driver
edit editor / edition
make maker
translate translator / translation
direct director / direction
Parts of the Speech Review
Verbs & Jobs
Parts of the Speech Review
Complete the chart with the correct part of the speech.
she - listen - in - and - journalist - wow - be - teacher- slowly - but - he - on -
oh - so - helpful - talk - at - they - oops - yesterday - smart - send - weekend -
talkative - however - make - already - under - because - trip - polite -
tomorrow - her - hey - doctor - between - ouch -finally - rude - him
Verb Noun Adjective Adverb Pronoun Preposition Conjunction Interjection
Parts of the Speech Review


Verb Noun Adjective Adverb Pronoun Preposition Conjunction Interjection

listen journalist helpful yesterday she in and wow

be teacher smart already he on but oh
talk weekend talkative tomorrow her at so oops
send trip polite slowly they under however hey
make doctor rude finally him between because ouch
Parts of the Speech Review
Unscramble the sentences
1. languages- friend - three - my - speaks - Amine.
2. big - in - works - a - Salma - company.
3. piano - the - plays - he - and - guitar - the.
4. movie - watched - a - I - last night - great.
5. last Sunday - you - home - were - at?
6. didn’t - Alex - was - because - yesterday - school - come - he - sick - to.
7. yet - haven’t - their - they - finished - homework.
8. London - visited - you - ever - have?
Parts of the Speech Review
1. My friend Amine speaks three languages.
2. Salma works in a big company.
3. He plays the piano and the guitar.
4. Last night I watched a great movie.
5. Were you at home last Sunday?
6. Alex didn’t come to school yesterday because he was sick.
7. They haven’t finished their homework yet.
8. Have you ever visited London?

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