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Let us check your comprehension about what you had read. Submit and comply all the required
activity after two weeks of distribution for you to be aware and prepared for the upcoming
PRACBA1 deployment.

1) What do you think is your role in Work Integration Program?

 I think my role in Work Integration Program is to discover the unknown in any forms of
work experience, and hands on experience. Participating in the world of work requires
both employability skills and specific skills relevant to an occupation. By applying what I
had learned at the school to a real work situation, it can be more relevant to my future
career. To showcase my knowledge, skills, and work experience during the Work
Integration Program to be able to develop and enhance my capability at work.

2) Do you think that if the student is not interested or indifferent to the PRACBA 1 could still
learn and acquire skills and develop good attitude? Why or why not? Support your answer
 Definitely no. the student that is not interested to learn in PRACBA 1 could not acquire
any knowledge, skills and develop good attitude. The student who has no knowledge
might be in trouble, commit some mistake in work, and can be violate the company
rules and regulation because he / she is not mentally focused. It will result a negative
feedback to the school and the program and his or her grades n PRACBA 1.

3) What are the violation that could led you to failure of PRACBA 1 course?
 Misbehavior upon evaluation
 Absence of more than two weeks
 Work Integration Program duration is not completed
 Payment of absences by extending the OJT WORKING HOURS which is beyond the time
frame of the WIP/OJT is not allowed or invalid

4) What are the documents to prepare before the WORK INTEGRATION PROGRAM?
 Certification from the registrar, that the student already completed his/her three-year
 Certificate of completed first semester field study signed by the Field Study Supervisor
 Medical Certification from the doctor that the student physically, mentally, and
emotionally fit.
 Submission of Parent’s consent, Notarized Memorandum of Agreement.
 Certificate of attendance to the Work Integration Orientation seminar
 Copy of Registration or Enrollment form with the enrolled course Work Integration
 Certification from the parents/guardians that the student is not engaging in sensual
relations that could hamper the completion of the Work Integration Program.
 Medical Insurance, Phil health number, and SSS Number
 Letter of application to the partner agency
o Resume with passport picture
o Acceptance form with signatories
o Endorsement letter from the school
o Eligibility for Deployment

5) What are the documents to prepare after the WORK INTEGRATION PROGRAM?
 Duly accomplished Related Learning Experience (RLE) Journal with signature of the
Supervisor of the Partner Agency
 Original and Photocopy of Certificate of Completion of training hours from the company.
 Duly accomplished Student Trainee’s Performance Evaluation with blue pen signatories
and without erasures
 Copy of the Technical Report/ Narrative Report.

6) What is the COLOR OF THE PEN to use for signature in Performance Evaluation, Employee
Assessment, Training Guidelines, MOA, Related Learning Experience Journal, and all
documents with signatories?
 Blue Ball Pen

7) What could be the effect of the documents cited above if other color is used?
 It will not be accepted and deemed to be not a valid document.

8) What could be the effect of the document if there is no signature?

 It will not be accepted and deemed to be not a valid document.

9) Cite an example of violations of the WORK INTEGRATION PROGRAM?

 Absences of more than two weeks from the WORK INTEGRATION PROGRAM
 Grave offense committed by the student. (Example: physical violations, immoral act, and
all stipulated in the student handbook.)
 Not following the requirement.
 Not following the instructions.

10) Do you think the policy, guidelines are not student friendly? Why or why not? Support your
answer comprehensively.
 I think the policy; guidelines are not student-friendly. It is because our level is not for
students anymore. It needs to be prepared for the work setting. If the policy is for
students, how can we learn and develop ourselves? because the work environment is
different from the school setting. It focuses more on the application of knowledge, skills,
and experience. We have to develop our sense of interest, willingness to learn,
responsibility, and commitment.  We must learn how to adapt to a new environment
and deal with a complex situation wherein we can utilize our learning from the first year
up until now.

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