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República Bolivariana De Venezuela

Ministerio Del Poder Popular Para La Defensa

Universidad Nacional Experimental de Las Fuerzas Armadas
Facultad Ingeniería De Telecomunicaciones
Núcleo Puerto Píritu - Estado Anzoátegui

3ra actividad.
comparativas de

Profesor: Bachiller
Lic. Natali Gamarra
Gabriel Alejandro Bacallado Blak
C.I 30.084.923
Inglés ll

Ingeniería de Telecomunicaciones
2do Semestre

Mayo, 2022

1.) My car is twice as fast as it is My sister’s.

2.) My twin brother is half as sociable as me.

3.) Our last exam was three times as difficult as the first one we did.

4.) The Nile is the longgest river in the world.

5.) He got Richer and Richer.

6.) The less exercises, the fatter she grows.

7.) The more money he earns, the happier he feels.

8.) Madrid is the bigget city in Spain.

9.) Barcelona is twice as Big as Clarines.

10.) My family is three times as Big as yours.


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