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Refers to an ordered list of numbers

A “sequence” is an ordered list of numbers; the numbers in this ordered list are called “elements” or
“terms”. A “series” is the value you get when you add up all the terms of a sequence; this value is called
the “sum”. › question

Which one of the following is called as a ordered list of numbers?


About featured snippets › question

it is an ordered list of numbers called terms

2 answers

It is an ordered list of numbers called terms – 3155381.

9 votes

Answer:I think the answer is sequence… More

1 vote

Answer:The Answer is Sequences and Series. More › question

it is an ordered list of numbers,called terms,that may have repeated …

Feb 16, 2021 · 1 answer

It is an ordered list of numbers,called terms,that may have repeated values.The arrangement of this set
is through definite rule …
Byjus › question-answer

An ordered list of numbers is called a .

1 answer

An ordered list of numbers is called a –

Top answer · 0 votes

Before coming to sequence, let’s find out what does it mean by a pattern. Nbsp; A pattern within any list
of numbers is a type of structure that is used … More › html3 › seqlists

OL (Ordered List)

An ordered list typically is a numbered list of items. HTML 3.0 gives you the ability to control the
sequence number – to continue where the previous list …

Course Hero › file

It is an ordered list of numbers called terms that may have repeated values

It is an ordered list of numbers called terms that may have repeated values.Select one:a.Sequenceb.
Patternsc. Exponential Growth Model.

SlidePlayer › slide

Sequences A sequence is an ordered list of numbers that often …

Sequences A sequence is an ordered list of numbers that often form a pattern. Each number in the list is
called a term of the sequence.

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An ordered list of numbers is called

An ordered list of numbers that may have repeated values

A sequence is an ordered list of numbers called

The domain of a sequence is the set of _________ numbers.

It is an ordered list

The member in the list of numbers separated by comma

Toppr › question

A list of numbers or objects in a specific order is called

1 answer

A list of numbers or objects in a specific order is called

Top answer · 7 votes

A list of numbers or objects in a specific order is called sequence.Example: 1, 2, 3, 4… Here the numbers
are arranged in increasing order. It … More › …PDF


A sequence is an ordered list of elements. These elements are often numbers (but not always numbers).
A sequence can either be finite or infinite.

2 pages·93 KB

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A sequence is an ordered list of numbers. … Each number in a sequence is a term of a sequence. … An

explicit formula describes the nth term of a sequence using …

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