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If you wanna be a sheep, at least be the black one.

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Table Of Contents

Section 1 - Understanding Manifestation

Manifestation Is Simple!
The Victim Mentality
Mental Diet & Revision Of Thoughts
Cleansing Your Mind From Bullshits
Debunking Methods and Techniques

Section 2 - You & The World

Self-Concept: The way you see yourself
Everyone & Everything Is You Pushed Out: The way you see
Changing States: Yours and People's
The Placebo Effect: What It Is & How It Works
How Tarot Readings, Subliminals & Witchcraft Spells Work

Section 3 - The Multiverse

Alternate Universes & Reality Shift
Quantum Jumping
Existential Crisis

Success Stories
Dear dreamers (people who unconditionally support us) & people in general
(they're annoying but this is a negative assumption🤫),

This book is written to get rid of societal, religious & spiritual bullshits 😍 We've been
programmed very badly (not the authors though cuz they're making a good use out of
it 😘) and to escape this shitty reality, you've got to do some work; that is to change
the way you see yourself and things.

If you're reading this right now, you're most probably trying to manifest your dream
life or just trying to improve your current situation, (or you might have just stumbled
onto this book by accident-) either ways, you've come at the right place and you're
about to take your life to a whole new level. Rest assured, this isn't your typical self-
help book that feeds you with knowledge and information, this is the type of book that
you'll have to evaluate yourself. We don't claim that you'll see immense progress or
whatsoever, because frankly, it's all up to you and what you choose to do.

We don't talk about science here because we haven't yet personally experimented it
but we are aware that there are logical scientific reasons behind manifestations so
do your own research before judging our magical witchy book 🧚‍♀️but otherwise this is
not a place filled with only knowledge and information, we're talking from personal
experiences and the experiences of others who implemented these knowledge in
their life. Wherever you're right now, whatever situation you're stuck in right now, and
whoever you're right now, it can all change and turn into your favor if you just decide
to do so💫👻 (please say hii to our magical signature)

If you don't understand what we've just said, that's totally fine, we intend that you do
after reading ❤️
This book isn't meant to change your belief system but rather your mindset
about your belief system. If you're highly devoted to your beliefs, this book
might not be the best for you. Proceed on your own accord. This was entirely
written based on the way we view things personally, we are aware and respect that we
are all different people with different opinions.

To the 7 bitches out there who proved our beliefs to be true
(Including us, the duo you'll need forever 😏) &
To everyone who has ever struggled with manifestation before,
this book marks the end of your struggles.

Book written & edited by:

aka ACY
Section 1: Understanding
What if I told you that…

Manifestation Is Simple!
People who think manifestation is evil, well, hold up- What even is manifestation to you? Do
you picture some kind of cult going around a fire while chanting some spells? Well, you
wouldn't be wrong. But you wouldn't be entirely right either. Truth is, manifestation is
whatever you make it. Most people got it misconstrued.

Manifesting = Thinking

Yes, that's it. That’s all you need to know. You can close this book now. (Nah jk, but that’s
literally all there is to be understood.)

When you repeatedly think about something, you're affirming it, either the inner voice is
talking in your head or there's a visual created in your mind. You can't stop that right? So how
do you stop manifestation? You can't unless you stop thinking or you find ways to manifest it
to stop. So I don't get it how people think manifestation is a witchy stuff when they're always
doing so either by praying, writing, speaking, believing and mostly from simply thinking. In
other words, you’re always manifesting. So the main issue is not that you struggle with
manifestation, it is that you struggle keeping your thoughts in check and thus you're
constantly manifesting things you don’t really want.

Each time you repeat any kind of thoughts over and over again, they start showing up in your
reality. You then start seeing subtle signs that trigger more of these thoughts, so eventually
you manifest more of it. The cycle repeats until these thoughts which turned into
assumptions ultimately turned into what you’d now consider as “facts”.

Put in fewer words, your dominant thoughts create your reality. You can consider your
thoughts to be your assumptions and beliefs. If this is confusing, the following page shows a
diagram that illustrates the manifestation process.
There are also occurrences where we built up assumptions without constantly
thinking about them, for e.g. as kids, we were told a lot of things and we just
accepted them as facts. These became our innate assumptions and
materialized in our current reality. (This is further elaborated on in the
following chapters)

To conclude, everything that had happened in our lives, was ultimately based
on our assumptions. Whether it was a direct assumption or an indirect one,
your thoughts manifested your reality. Here’s the good news though, all it
takes to manifest your dream life is to change your dominant thoughts, aka
your assumptions. Now how to change these assumptions you might ask.
Simply by affirming new ones.
For example, let's say you want to manifest money but you’re used to
lacking money. Your dominant thought would most likely be “I don’t have
enough money” or “I’m struggling financially”, anything along
those lines. You might even develop a negative view about money like
“Money is not good” or “Money is evil” along the way (We’ll discuss more
about this in Section 2), so in this case scenario, what you gotta do is reaffirm, even if
you don’t believe your own affirmations at first, persist. Whatever persists in your
mind, will eventually AND definitely become real in your 3D reality, aka your current

Persisting Affirmations = New Assumptions

Taking Accountability
One of the most common questions people ask when they get to know about
manifestation is "Did I manifest all those harmful things that have happened?" Yes,
but not entirely.
We do believe that we're responsible for our own assumptions, but we weren't at
fault because we weren't consciously aware about what we were doing. Kids mess
up a lot in their childhood, that doesn't mean they had cruel intentions behind it.
They just weren't aware of what was considered as right and wrong. Some of our
assumptions also built up unconsciously when we were kids, as we'd learn to
accept some things as "facts".

The same thing with death, rape, murder, illnesses and triggering things. We didn't
purposely think about those events. I bet most of us never even imagined about
them but how did our assumptions lead to those things? That's because we've
continuously believed "The world is cruel", "you're never safe if you walk out
alone", "we're mentally disturbed" that never came from us but people around us.
But the thing is, now that we're aware that we're responsible for our
assumptions, that doesn't mean we should sit down and dwell on those
things. None of us deserved all the trauma we’ve put up with, and this
is part of the reason why we’re writing this, to make you realize you can
manifest healing yourself too. This is not to invalidate your feelings or
to make you feel at fault but to make you realize you can now manifest healing and
getting better. It might take a little time to digest all these things, it can be a hard pill
to swallow (that's because of our assumptions, you can affirm it's easy and it'll be) and
acceptance can take some time. We’d like to let you know that we’re proud of you, for
being this strong in your current situation, but now it’s time for change, and change
requires accountability. Thank you for coming this far, we promise it gets easier with
time ❤‍🩹

Takeaway Note:
We don't blame ourselves and this is not to make you blame yourself for the events
that has happened in your life, but to make you realize that you can take your power
back by taking accountability and doing something for yourself now 🌸
Taking accountability can be your first step to manifesting whatever you desire.

Our Belief System

Some people like thinking there's a God or Universe or Higher Being above us, some
people believe there's no God, some are still questioning themselves until now and
some people like thinking they're the God of their own reality, that's totally okay
because honestly, we can all decide by ourselves. We all have the right to have
different opinions and points of views. Let's mind our own businesses and respect
each other’s beliefs.
Though, what's not okay is that while believing there's a higher
consciousness out there, most people put their desires on a pedestal
and give their power away by letting whoever you believe is out there
decide what’s best for them. To be honest, you have the right to decide
what’s best for you. You have the right to manifest whatever you desire.

This is why manifestation is easier for people who believe that they're the God of
their own reality. They put themselves on a pedestal instead of their desires. The
moment you put yourself on a pedestal and your desires off a pedestal, that's where
the magic begins 🧙‍♀️You're welcome to have different beliefs but you’ll sometimes
notice people who keep saying "I’ll let it on the Universe" later get disappointed by
life scenarios and then blame that higher consciousness. This happens because
deep down they are doubting themselves and might have a negative self-concept
(This will be further discussed in Section 2) so what ends up happening is the
inverse of what they truly want. Then they end up blaming this higher
consciousness for the mishaps. The Universe or God or anything you want to believe
has your back 100% and can be considered your best friend. You decide your
relationship with this higher consciousness. And you also have the right to choose
you're the God or author of yourYour paragraph
reality. textwasn’t written and your fate
Your destiny
isn’t set in stone, you have the ability and the means to write it yourself. Now if you
believe it was, which isn’t wrong, remember you still have the power to rewrite it.

Takeaway Note:
Whatever your beliefs are, you're allowed to choose your God (either it's you, your
imaginary friend, a supernatural force, energy or a higher consciousness) that's
okay. There's nothing wrong with that but stop putting your desires on a pedestal.

Let’s get rid of…

Victim Mentality
Victim mentality is a state of mind where you keep blaming yourself,
things and people around each time your 3D reality goes wrong. You
dwell on the things that's happening in your reality, not realizing that the
more you focus on these negative things, the more likely you are to manifest more
of these. Remember “Whatever you focus on, grows.” That of course includes both
negative and positive thoughts.

It's okay if your current reality is not like you want right now, that’s literally what
we are about to alter throughout this book. Your current reality is based on your old
assumptions (aka your old negative thoughts) that's why your current
circumstances are negative too. But it’s gonna be fine. Those things and people
might be shitty to you right now but this will not determine your entire life.

However, you have to decide that you will no longer live a shitty life and change
your old assumptions. The world doesn't want to tear you down. Your surroundings
aren't praying for your downfall. Your life doesn't suck. You might feel like it but
these are merely assumptions that can be shifted. By just correcting these thoughts
to “My life is wonderful” and “I am surrounded with people who want me to be
happy”, you’ll begin to see changes appear in your life.

At some point during your journey, you might stop and feel like you can't manifest
what you want. That's normal, because if you've spent your whole life holding
opposing beliefs, changing your dominant thoughts might take a while, but it's all
going to be worth it. One thing you gotta keep in mind is that just because
something didn't work doesn't mean everything sucks. It doesn't mean that
"Manifestation ain't for you" or "Manifestation is hard" or "Manifestation just
doesn't work for you" because as we've covered in the first chapter, everybody
manifests, at any given time. You're no exception.

Those negative assumptions are actually what's going to be holding

you from getting what you want. You gotta keep persisting by affirming
what you want and catch those opposing thoughts and change them.
And that's why you need a mental diet and have to learn how to revise
your thoughts.
Well, now what the hell is a…

Mental Diet & Revision Of

Mental diet = Canceling negative thoughts by replacing them with positive ones

Mental diet is where you consciously catch those thoughts, interrupt them from
repeating in your mind and replace them with your desired affirmations.

For example, let's say you’re manifesting your soulmate. You may use affirmations
like “I’m in a happy relationship with my soulmate” or “My soulmate and I are so
happy together”
It’s quite normal to have opposing thoughts that interrupt you, like “honey you
haven’t even met them yet.” or “But why’s it taking so long?” or “I’ve been
affirming for so long now, where the hell are they?”
Well in this case scenario, what you gotta do is replace those thoughts by
reaffirming, “I already found my soulmate.” and “My manifestations always work.”

You just gotta catch those intrusive thoughts and reaffirm them. A mental diet is
forever. Once you get into it, there's no going back unless you want to but then it
wouldn't be considered a mental diet. It might sound difficult and burdening said
like this, but once you get into it, your mind will automatically do it on its own
without you having to constantly and consciously do it. It will become almost like a
natural instinct.

If at first it seems a little hard to constantly keep your thoughts in

check, what you can do is affirm that your negative assumptions do not
manifest. Your mind knows what you consider negative and positive,
use that to your advantage. You can state “My mind automatically
rejects negative assumptions.” or if you’d prefer, “I always only
manifest positive things.”
Quick Overview:

Dominant Thoughts = Repeated Affirmations

Affirming = Constantly Thinking About Something
3D Reality = Your Current Reality
4D Reality = Your Imagination = Your Mind
Dominant Thoughts = Constant Affirmations = Assumptions = 3D Reality

Dominant thoughts (Inner dialogues) = Constant Affirmations (Saying you already

have your desires constantly ) = Assumptions (Affirmations that show up which then
turn into beliefs) = 3D Reality (your current life, which can turn into your desired life
if you have the right dominant thoughts)

Now, a question you might have in mind if you’ve been in the law of attraction
community, “do you need to act as if in order to manifest?” Yes but no. You don't
have to act as if you already have your desires in your 3D reality, especially if your
current circumstances aren’t that great. But, what we mean is that you have to keep
acting as if in your mind, aka your 4D Reality. 4D Reality (Your mind) manifests 3D
reality (Your life).

"But how do we act as if in our mind when the opposite of what we want is currently
happening in real life?" Well, that’s when revision of thoughts come in 🤭 and no,
don't worry, we don't revision as in how you revise for school 😌 when we say
revision, we mean, catching your current opposing thoughts/doubtful thoughts and
reaffirming them, similar to a mental diet, but here the thing you don’t want is
already happening/has already happened, which is creating more negative
thoughts in your mind.

For example, you already sat for the exam and feel like you worked
badly, in that case scenario, you have to ignore your 3D reality and act
as if in 4D, aka your imagination/your mind. You're gonna tell yourself
"I did so well.", "I aced this" or "I scored the highest mark."
No, you won't be lying to yourself, although you might feel like that at first,
because soon enough, it'll be your actual reality and your final result will
show exactly that. Your assumptions make up your reality, no
matter the situation.

Now let's say, even after affirming, you get caught up in the 3D reality where you feel
frustrated/drained and you start reacting emotionally because you might have gotten
triggered. Don't worry, that's totally okay. Let's say you've cried or told your friend "i
don't think i did well for the exams", you just gotta revise your thoughts "nahh, that's
not what happened, I fucking aced my exams".

Well, you might be wondering "But I cried, I was frustrated, I let my emotions out, I
spiraled, won't those emotions affect my manifestation process?" It wouldn't.
Because emotions don't manifest. The only reason why your reactions to the 3D
might cause your manifestation any delays, is because after having a mental
breakdown, you didn't revise your thoughts, meaning that you didn't replace your
dominant thoughts with your desired affirmations.

Emotions ≠ Manifestation

In fact, emotions are a manifestation of your thoughts. Your thoughts trigger your
emotions. So rest assured, you’re allowed to express yourself, do not bottled up
frustrations or other negative emotions.

Now how about we start…

Cleansing Your Mind From Bullshits

Throughout all these years, some manifestation coaches have been influencing
people in a bad way. While selling their courses, some tend to make people feel
"powerless" and hence create a perspective where people get desperate for their
desires. There have been so many limitations from both the religious and
manifestation communities. Society also brainwashed us by telling us that some
things are just impossible and the households we grow up in rarely help us change
those beliefs either, since they were also perhaps brainwashed. We’ve listed some
assumptions below to give you an idea of how our daily lives might be surrounded
by cycles of negativity. But don’t worry, you’re about to break them.
The "Facts" about Life
E.g. “life sucks”, “life is unfair”, “life is shitty”
Your life sucks because you assume it does and remember, whatever
you repeatedly think becomes your assumptions and thus, your reality.
Instead, try affirming “Life is great” or “My life is wonderful”,
and watch how quickly things start shifting.

Praying is necessary to get the life that you want

Really? Because we've seen non religious people become very successful people.
What about atheists? They can totally get the life they want. Don’t get us wrong, we’re
not saying you shouldn’t pray (if you like to do so), we’re just saying it’s not a
necessity, although it is a good practice.

You have to marry at a certain age

This one is mostly common in asian families and is mainly considered “tradition” but
when you exceed that age, there’s an assumption that states it is “bad luck” (there’s
no such thing as bad luck, unless you assume so). To back this up, most European
countries’ average marriage age is above 30 (which is the age limit of what asian
households would consider as bad luck) and we don’t see them get striked by bad
luck, now do we? Marry when AND if you want to.

You should always be grateful

So let’s take someone who went broke, should they be saying to themselves "I'm so
grateful that i got broke 😳". Instead they can assume they are attracting money, but
the point here is, even though gratitude is important and helpful, forced gratitude isn’t.
State gratitude for things you are genuinely grateful for. This is often also followed by
the assumption that you’ll lose the things you already have if you don’t state how
grateful you’re for them, this is not true at all, unless you assume so. Yes be grateful
for the roof above your head, yes be grateful for having a device to read this ebook, but
don’t force gratitude out of you for things you don’t genuinely want.
You need to take actions to see results
What about the people who get money without even working for it?! If your
brain went “Ah but they must’ve been born with a silver spoon up
their mouth.” then section 2 on Self-Concept is made for you. You can
see results without taking actions. You don’t have to start a business to
start earning an income, you don’t have to work your ass off at a job you
don’t like to earn a salary, all you have to do is assume and let that thought persist.
If that sounds too good to be true, you’re free to test it out for yourself. You could
be working day and night but still not have a positive bank balance or you could be
going to the gym everyday but still not see any changes, that’s because
the right actions are insignificant with the wrong mindset. (unless you assume

Letting go is necessary to get what you want

Oh really? Once you let go of your desires, you're not going to get them, because you’re
literally telling them to go away. You have to let go of the need, not the desires
themselves. Remember, whatever you focus on grows and whatever you let go of, goes
Let's say you are craving chocolate and are getting the opportunity to have some, do
you give it away to some stranger passing by on the street? (Too bad the chocolate
doesn’t actually grow though-)

You can only manifest in a high positive vibration.

Do emotions trigger thoughts or thoughts trigger emotions? You've got your answer
(we're assuming you're a smartas-) Naturally, thoughts come first, then an emotion
gets triggered. This is why your thoughts manifest and not your feelings. To
conclude, you can feel like shit but still manifest something great.

You need to heal yourself first before manifesting

You manifest healing. You don't heal to manifest. The same way you
manifest feeling good. You don't have to feel good to manifest.

You need techniques to manifest

So before that person ghosted you, did you journal 55 times they ghosted
you? 😒 Or did your thoughts just persist?
You have to develop healthy habits in order to get your desired life
Someone can go to the gym even for more than a year and still not
get their dream body or find inner peace. This is not to demotivate
you and tell you to not develop good habits, this is to let you know that
having a good mindset is better than having tons of good habits.

Waiting for a divine timing to receive your desires

Omg? What if there's an urgent case? Should you sit on your couch and say “I trust
the divine timing, come whenever you’re ready.”?

Manifesting is a sin
Manifesting = thinking? So is thinking a sin then?!

Taking people's free will leads to karma

Ohh you didn't think twice before manifesting that person to hate you?!
This is also sometimes followed by the assumption “you can’t manifest specific
people, it’s against their free will”, well, newsflash, they don't have free will. Why
would they have free will in your reality? (Again, this is further discussed in Section

Your destiny has already been written

So all the bad shits were already written, the writer is cruel then 💔 (aka you, jk-)

You'll be severely punished if you're a non believer.

For them, neither hell nor heaven exists. Whatever their assumptions are, they’re
true in their reality.

Atheist people aren't spiritual

Acy aren't spiritual then 🤔 (*poor authors sobbing 😭*)

God put us through hard times to test us

Why would he do that? Why would God let us suffer if he loves us
that much? The problem is not God here, it's about those people who
have badly portrayed God's image and their own too. (Again, this will
be further discussed in Section 2)
Universe knows what's best for us, let things on universe
Hmm yes sure, but don’t come complaining you didn’t get things
you expected to get. Basically you gave someone a bag of sweets and
expected them to feed you with your favorite ones. (Literally, you gave
away your power then expected great things to happen.)

Changing people is manipulation

Influencing people in a good way for self improvement is manipulative omg 😣
School must be the biggest scam ever for teaching us rules & regulations +
discipline. *shocked pikachu face*

You have to list all the specific details while manifesting

Your brain already knows what you want - your subconscious mind does 🥰 Think
about one of your favorite food, you've got a visual right in your head? Or a text or
an inner dialogue about your fav food, that's what affirmations are 🙌 You might not
have a single idea what your dream life is, but your subconscious mind does, you
can affirm “I have my ideal life” and you will.

It’s high time we finally start…

Cleansing Your Mind From Bullshits

We're so sick of people asking us "What are the right steps/techniques/methods
to manifest?” Chill, you already know how to manifest. Manifesting is on autopilot
for each and everyone of us but the way we've been programmed makes us think
otherwise. We've been designed to think mostly negative thoughts which then
turn into negative assumptions throughout our whole life until now.

For example, let’s say someone starts thinking repeatedly they are not good
enough for we don't know what reason, maybe they've been influenced by
someone else's assumptions or maybe they tend to self sabotage, maybe
they've saturated their brain with social media stuffs, what's gonna happen
in that person's 3D reality (current situation)? They'll go through repeated
events that make them assume (believe) and (since assumptions generate
emotions) they'll feel that they're not good enough. It's not that we always
manifest bad things in our lives by just thinking about things directly &
consciously, it might be indirect and on autopilot because it's always our
dominant thoughts (repeated inner dialogues) that manifest.
And now, in order for that person to believe & feel the opposite, what should
they do, you may ask? Reverse engineering - you go backwards, understand
the process, remind yourself what specific affirmations led to your
current assumptions, replace them with your desired affirmations in order for
you to change your current 3D reality - and for your reality to change, you
need to saturate your brain with your desired assumptions, that is you keep on persisting on
your desired thoughts until they start showing up in your reality which then become your
definite beliefs 🥳

For this example, the person has to keep affirming "I am good enough" each time they think,
believe & feel the totally opposite neg assumptions "they're not good enough". That's how their
reality will change.

This follows the next common question, “do we have to keep affirming for your reality to
remain the way we want it to?”, well not anymore, because we only affirmed to change our
dominant thoughts into what we want it to be. Now if we already turned our dominant thoughts
into healthy ones that manifest what we want, we no longer have to persist with affirmations,
as these will repeat in your subconscious on autopilot, just like those negative stuffs we’ve
saturated our brain with since we were kids.

Now if you're someone who believes that using methods will work, you do you! Go ahead and
try them (whatever you assume is true) they'll definitely work out for you 😘 Some people like
us (the authors) like using methods as hobbies, guidances & therapy and not just for
manifestation 🥰

We listed some methods below but we wouldn't go in depth with that because personally we
do not practice them to manifest, we're most likely to do them for fun 🌸 so if you would like to
know more about these methods, Mr Google is always here for free, even YouTube would help
you but
Note: Beware of those communities out there who contradict themselves by sharing their
limiting beliefs to their audience 🥱

Vision boards
Repeating your affirmations out loud
Listening to subliminals
369 Method
Pillow/O/Mirror method
You're also welcome to create your own methods too because why not 😏
We’ve personally created our own methods as well, which includes
implementing our hobbies with manifesting (for e.g, for an artist, draw or
paint what they want to happen), recording affirmations and playing them
everyday, visualizing while vibing to music and group manifestation
(manifesting the same thing with other people). Make it fun and enjoyable,
manifesting is not a chore.

Section 2: You & The World

Let's talk about…

Self-Concept: The Way You See Yourself

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