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Animal Farm Chapter 9 Questions

1. Why were there many more mouths to feed this winter?

2. What prophecy did Moses the raven proclaim when he reappeared on Animal Farm after a
two-year leave?

3. What had created a warm, rich aroma that filled the air one late afternoon in February?

4. What was celebrated during the Spontaneous Demonstrations held each week?

5. In summary, which animals are receiving more and more, and which animals are receiving

6. What happened to Boxer late one summer evening, just before his twelfth birthday?
What was Boxer's only goal in life, now that he'd been injured? How old was Boxer and
when would he retire?

7. When Boxer is being taken away which character finally is active rather than passive?

8. Three days after Boxer was taken away, what did Squealer announce to the animals? Was his
announcement accurate?

9. After Boxer’s passing, what item did Mr. Whymper send Napoleon?  What can you infer about
Napoleon’s gift?

10. What happened on the day set aside for a banquet in honor of Boxer's life?

11. When Animal Farm was declared a republic in April, who was elected president?  Was this a
legitimate election?  Are elections similar at Clark?

12. Which commandments had not been altered in the end?

13. Based on chapter 9, what will society look like in the future?

14. Why did the society become a Republic after Boxer died?  Was Boxer becoming a threat to
Napoleon?  What was Orwell showing the reader by killing Boxer?

15. Why did the government almost endorse religion? Marx--”Opiate of the masses.”

16. Which animals are left and what is Orwell saying about the longevity of certain individuals?

17. In 1984, the novel written after Animal Farm, Orwell states, “If there is hope, it lies in the
Proles.” Do people/animals (especially the middle class--bourgeois) realize their power?

Animal Farm Chapter 10 Questions

1. What is the trajectory of the farm with current population trends?  What problem(s) might the
farm encounter in the future because of these trends?

2. When the animals are still able to hum “Beasts of England” what does this show about them?
Is this good?

3. Who was invited to tour Animal Farm in Chapter 10?  What is ironic about this fact?

4. What new name did Napoleon give Animal Farm?

5. List four of the original animals who are still alive at the beginning of chapter ten.

6. What changes are made on the farm now that it is a Republic and the name has changed?

7. What is buried in this chapter? In your opinion, why is this item buried?

8. What word is eliminated in this chapter? Why?

9.  Why did Squealer lead all the sheep aside to the other end of the farm one day? What is he
preparing for?

10.  Are animals working beyond their retirement?  Will retirement ever occur?  What is
“retirement” a euphemism for?

11. What did the animals observe, by watching the pigs through the farmhouse window? Which
animal was first shocked by the view from the window?

12. The Commandments on the barn wall were reduced to one single Commandment--What
did it read? Which character doubts his/her vision of what is seen on the barn?

13. Even though the farm is different from Old Major’s vision, what do the animals take pride in on
Animal Farm (that is different from every other English farm)? What two compliments are
bestowed upon Animal Farm on the tour?

14.  What does the final card game show about the countries and leaders involved?  Why did
 the leaders both produce the ace of spades?  What does this act show?

15. Although Orwell died in 1950 after writing 1984, what historically does the end of this book

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