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Fodasana + It is also named as Palm Tree pose: | —___—__| Fotichakrasana: ae }+-—~“Asana Common Asanas And their procedure igure ee abl Procedure In this asana, person stands on toes, slowly raises both hands as much as possible while coming on toes. Arms by side of ears are raised over the head whereas hands holding each! other at top. Maintain balance along-with deep breathing. In this asana, person stands on toes while arms are raised to} side at shoulder level. Slowly twist trunk (abdomen) along with arms rolled over body. At the same time look back. Maintain balance along-with deep breathing. Pavanmuktasana: It is also named‘as Air Release pose. Tt releases waste gases from abdomen (stomach and intestine). In this asana, lie down on your back with your’ feet together and arms beside your body. Bring your knees| towards your chest and press the thigh on your abdomen| with clasped hands. Lift your head and chest off the floor and touch your chin to your knees. Deep and long breathing is done, Matsayasana : This asana is known as fish pose From the Vajrasana, bend backward and lie on your back. Your feet are together and hands relaxed ‘alongside the body. Keeping the chest elevated, lower the head backward| and touch the top of the head to the floor. Lift your chest up from in-between the shoulder blades. Press the thighs and legs to the floor. Halasana: It is also named as Plow pose. ‘Ardha-Matsyendr asana : It is also named as Half Fish Spinal Twist Pose. Tn this asana, the person lies down in supine lying position. ‘The legs are slowly raises upward and backward over the head while breathing out. Hands remain at the same position| on the floor towards the opposite side while supine is lifted. Body weight is shifted over neck and shoulders. Tt is king of all asanas. In this we sit in crossed leg, one leg] is placed over the other so that the foot touches the opposite hip joint. The opposite hand (of raised leg) presses the leg inward whereas other hand supports the spine while looking back..‘The spine is twisted at same time erect. Paschimottanasana: The other name is West Salute Pose or forward bending in sitting. In this asana, sit up with legs stretched out straight in front of you on the floor. Keep the spine erect and toes flexed! towards you. Touch the thumb of the feet with your hands, slowly breathe out and try to place the head on the knees. Then slowly raise the head and come back to initial position. Dhanurasana : This asana is also named as Stretched Bow. Tn this the person lies down in pro-lying position. From this position the upper and lower body is raised up with the support of hands whereas hands hold the ankles. The whole body balances on the abdomen. Asana Ushtrasana : Itis also named as Camel Back pose. Bhujangasana : It is also named as Cobra pose. Tin this asana, the person sits in Vajrasana and holds the| Procedure isi body (chest ankles by hands. Person starts raising the upper | the shoulders are faised up and back. Head is bent back| while looking back. The preparatory asana is Vajrasana. | From pro-lying position start raising the upper part of the| body without the support of your hands while looking up.| ‘The preparatory asana is standing backward bending. The| advanced form is Shalabh-asana, Dhamur-asana. Mandukasana Th this asana, we firstly sit with flexed legs in Vajra asana. Hands are over abdomen with fist. Slowly bend forward] while exhaling. Hold this position for some time and try| to touch chin on the floor. Also, feel the pressuire over the| abdomen during breathing. | Tris a backward bending yoga asana. Lie down in supine line| position on the floor while looking upward. Fold your legs| and keep it down below your hips. Make sure that your feet sole touches the floor. Bring both of your hands and keep them beneath the shoulders. Then slowly raise your hip, shoulder and the head from the floor. Raise the abdomen| part with the strength of shoulder and legs while holding the| breath. Then keep your neck-loase and bend your back as much as possible. Preparatory asana is Ushatr-asana. Vakrasana : It is also named as, Twisted pose. Tn this person sits with one leg is crossed and bent over the other leg. The opposite leg is kept straight. Hand opposite to bent leg is kept close to bent leg and it pushes the leg inward] whereas other hand is at back and waist is also turned. Deep| breathing is performed. ‘Gomukhasana: It is also named as Cow face as this pose the face of cow. The thighs and calves are placed in such a way that the knees overlap or tapering each other and widen at ankles. One arm is overhead and other is under the shoulder. The| hands holds each other at back. Uttan-padasana Shalbhasana : It is also named as Locust} pose. _| position start raising the lower part (legs) about one feet, It is also named as Raised Leg pose. From supine-lying| whereas hands remain by the side of the legs. Head and| Spine should remain in contact with the floor while breathing] * should be normal after attaining the pose. From prolying position start raising the lower part of your| body, hands should be by the side of the legs and chin touching the floor, while breathing is normal after attaining] the pose. : i Tn this asana, we firstly sit with flexed legs in Vajra asana. Hands are placed at back i.e., behind the spine. Slowly| bend forward While exhaling. Hold this position for some| time and try to touch forehead on the floor. Also, feel the| pressure over the abdomen during breathing. —— Tt is a hand stretched up posture. From standing position| the arms are raised up by side of ears. Slowly body is bent to sideward without jerks while exhaling. Arms remains by side of head while looking forward whereas whole feet sole is on the surface along with balance. It is similar to Hasto asana, Makarasana : It js also named as Crocodile pose. -| In this asana, we lie down in pro-lying position whereas| ~ | relax with deep breathing. hands remain under the head. Neck is turned to side while feet apart comfortably. Hold this position for some time and| ‘Shavasana : It is also named as Dead Pose. your head to your feet. This means you are consciously’ relaxing your each part of the body. Don’t move ahead| without relaxing particular part of the body. On each| Lie flat on your back (Supine line position). Legs should be! separated approximately one feet. Keep your arms at your’ side and your palms facing up. Start concentrating from| inhaling and exhaling (breathing) assume that your body| is totally relaxed. Let your tension, stress, depression and worry run away on each exhaling. Sukhasana : Also named as Dead pose. Itis simple sitting with cross legs while hand over the knees. Padmasana : It is also named as Lotus pose. Vajrasana : Itis named as Rock pose. Itis sitting with crossed legs in such a way that feet should touch the opposite hip while hands are on knees and the back is straight. In this asana, we sit with flexed legs while hands are over knees and back straight. Body is Testing over the ankles, It is balancing on one foot while the other leg is fj resting on other leg. Hands are kept in front. tine balanced position, one leg is rolled over the while hands are also rolled one over the other in front It is also named as Triangular Pose. Feet apart, try to opposite hand to foot while other hand is raised up a look upward. Hold this position. The preparatory a: Virbhadra-asana whereas the relaxed by Tadasana.

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